Yolo County








            Major Arthur C. Huston, Jr., attorney-at-law, is a member of the firm of Huston, Huston & Huston, practicing at Woodland and at Sacramento, but maintains his office in Woodland, where he was born, May 28, 1897.  He is indebted to the public school system for his early educational opportunities, passing through consecutive grades to the high school, after which he attended Pomona College, and also spent a year as a student in the University of California.  The United States then became involved in the World War and he enlisted as a private in the Tank Corps at Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  He was also on duty at Angel Island and became a second lieutenant in the Tank Corps.  Following the war he was stationed at Camp Dix, New Jersey, until he received his discharge, when he returned to California.  He has never ceased to feel an interest in military affairs, however, and is active in the California National Guard.  He held the rank of second lieutenant in the Tank Reserve Corps until 1924, when he was transferred to the Three Hundred and Sixty-first Infantry of the Organized Reserves as a first lieutenant, and in July, 1927, assumed command of Company E, of the One Hundred and Eighty-fourth Infantry, and was promoted to captain.  In 1929 he was transferred to the staff of the One Hundred and Eight-fourth, assigned as the plans and training officer, and in April, 1930, he was commissioned major and assigned to the staff of the Seventy-ninth Brigade as executive officer.  Step by step he has advanced in military circles and has long been a prominent and active factor in the State and National Guard.

            Major Huston studied law in his father’s office in Woodland and was admitted to the bar in September, 1921.  Since that time he has continuously engaged in practice and is now a partner in the firm of Huston, Huston & Huston, attorneys for the Bank of Italy and the Woodland Clinic Hospital.  In addition to his legal interests Major Huston is a director of the T. J. Cummins Ranch Company and the Cummins Land & Stock Company.

            In 1921 Major Huston was married to Miss Loraine West, a native of California and a graduate of Stanford University.  They now have two daughters, Margaret and Carolyn.

            Major Huston has always been deeply interested in community affairs and in April, 1930, was elected a councilman, in which connection he gives thoughtful and earnest consideration to all vital questions relative to municipal progress.  He belongs to the Lions Club, the Yolo Fliers Club, and Lucerne Country Club, Reserve Officers Association, United States Infantry Association, in 1930 was commander of the American Legion post at Woodland and in 1931 became a member of the committee on foreign relations of the state department of the American Legion.  Fraternally he is a Mason, affiliated with Woodland Lodge, No. 156, F. & A. M.; Woodland Chapter, No. 46, R. A. M.; Woodland Commandery, No. 21, K. T., of which he is a past eminent commander; and Ben Ali Temple of the Mystic Shrine.  He loyally follows the teachings of Masonry and is a worthy exemplar of the order.


Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 293-294. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.








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