Yolo County









      Leo Hofmann is numbered among the successful dairy farmers of Yolo county, for by persistent and intelligent efforts he has achieved a measure of prosperity that stamps him as a man of sagacity and judgment.  He was born in central Switzerland, November 6, 1885, and was there reared to the age of nineteen years, receiving a grammar school education.  In 1905 he arrived in San Francisco, and was in that city at the time of the great earthquake and fire of 1906.  He was obliged to leave there to secure work, and was successful in finding employment on Johnson & Brown’s bean ranch, on an island in the Sacramento River.  Later he returned to San Francisco and soon afterward went to work on a dairy ranch south of that city.

      In 1906 Mr. Hofmann came to Yolo county and worked in the dairy on the Asa Morris ranch.  Subsequently he went to Siskiyou county, where he worked in a dairy, and from there went to Alberta, Canada, and Portland, Oregon.  After a time spent in traveling around the country, he went to Sacramento, but soon returned to Yolo county, and, about fifteen years ago, started in business for himself, renting ranches at Madison, Winters, Blocks, and Zamora.  Seven years ago he came to his present ranch, which he rents.  Seventy acres of his land is a part of the Martha Washington ranch, near Woodland, in the Fillmore district.  Here he has seventeen cows, raises fine crops of Soudan grass for cow feed, and has forty-five acres in barley for hog feed, which produced one thousand sacks in 1930.

      Mr. Hofmann was united in marriage to Miss Annie Waldis, a native of Switzerland, in which country their marriage occurred.  They have three children, Joe, aged twenty-five years, and Annie, aged twenty-four years, both living at Knights Landing, and Leo, Jr., aged thirteen years.  Mr. Hofmann has devoted the active years of his life to worthwhile work and the progress he has made attests his dependable judgment in practical affairs.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 247-248. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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