Yolo County









      Clinton C. Hatcher, an enterprising citizen of Yolo County, is rendering excellent service as manager of the Yolo Fliers Club of Woodland.  He was born on the Cook ranch, near Yolo, on the 19th of August, 1884, and is a son of George P. and Hattie R. (Cook) Hatcher, the former a native of Yolo County, and the latter of Nova Scotia.  The paternal grandfather, William Hatcher, who was numbered among the pioneers of the Sacramento valley, was born in Sevier County, Tennessee, February 6, 1828, and when he was six years of accompanied his parents on their removal to Missouri, where he was reared and educated and at eighteen years of age taught school.  In the following year he served in the Mexican War.  In 1852, with his wife and son Columbus W., he started across the plains with an ox team and covered wagon for California.  He located in Yolo County September 5, 1853, and bought a part of the Knight land grant, on which he established his permanent home, farming there for many years.  On March 27, 1849, in Linn County, Missouri, Mr. Hatcher was united in marriage to Miss Sarah F. Mullins, who was born in Howard County, Missouri, in 1833.  Mr. Hatcher died in 1913 and his wife passed away in 1927.

      George P. Hatcher attended the district schools of his home neighborhood and then took a commercial course in the Woodland Business College.  He engaged in the grocery business in Woodland and later opened a general merchandise store in Yolo.  He is now farming on the old home ranch.  On his home ranch he has developed a fine water system, one of the best in the valley.  He has two eight-inch wells, seventy-five feet deep, with a capacity of two thousand gallons a minute, the pumps being operated by a three hundred horse-power motor.  To George P. and Hattie R. Hatcher were born three children, Clinton C., Earl K. and Mrs. E. L. Pockman.  Clinton C. Hatcher received his education in the district school and Pierce’s Business College, at Woodland, after which he went to work on his father’s farm.  In 1927 he was appointed manager of the Yolo Fliers Club, which position he is still filling in a very capable and satisfactory manner.  This organization, which had its inception eleven years ago, has one hundred and twenty-five members.  It bought one hundred and ninety acres of well situated land, on which there is an eighteen hole golf course and an up-to-date flying field.  This place was dedicated as a memorial to the World War soldiers who went out from Yolo County and were killed in the service.

      On November 5, 1906, Mr. Hatcher was united in marriage to Miss Catherine B. Ogden, who was born in Colusa County, this state.  To them have been born four children, namely:  Mrs. Roma Moe; Daryl, who is serving in the United States Navy; Pierce, who is a plumber; and Junior, who is in school.  Mr. Hatcher is well adapted to the responsible position which he is filling and is not only held in high regard by the members of the Fliers Club, but commands the respect of all who know him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 446-447. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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