Yolo County











            The assessor of Yolo county is a man of great personal worth, his chief characteristics an unswerving integrity, a loyalty to duty, a steadfastness in friendship, and these have won him a personal regard as well as a recognition of ability which has placed him among the officials of the county.  He was elected to his present position in 1903, as a candidate on the Democratic ticket, to succeed J. K. Smith, and during his incumbency of the office he has fulfilled the expectations of his friends and added to the esteem and confidence in which he was already held.

            Born in Allegany county, N. Y., August 16, 1852, he is the son of Jerome Bonaparte and Sarah (Stowell) Harrison.  In 1863 he removed with his parents to Wisconsin and finished his education at Friendship, Adams county, that state.  As he grew in manhood he began his business life as a clerk in a mercantile house in Friendship, where he remained until 1877.  Strongly attracted by the manifest opportunities in the states of the Pacific slope he came to California in the last named year and located at Knights Landing, Yolo county, where he entered into a clerkship.  This was later succeeded by the position of bookkeeper, and subsequently he entered into a mercantile business for himself, which he followed successfully until 1903.  During these years he had also carried on an insurance business which gave him an extensive acquaintance throughout the county, and through his personal characteristics he won many friends whose voice and vote were given for him in the election which made him assessor of Yolo county.  He had previously sold his mercantile business and now devotes his time entirely to the duties of his office.

            The marriage of Mr. Harrison united him with Louisa Belle Masters, a native of California, and the daughter of Emmett Masters, now deceased.  Mr. Harrison is a member of several fraternal organizations, belonging to the Woodmen of the World, and is a charter member of the Foresters of America of Knights Landing, and acted as trustee of the lodge from the time of its organization until he came to Woodland.





Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Page 534.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Joyce Rugeroni.







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