Yolo County






T. H. DIXON, M. D.



      For the past thirty years Dr. T. H. Dixon has ministered to the physical ills of the people of Knights Landing, Yolo County, and during this period has not only been more than ordinarily successful professionally, but also has prospered, being numbered among the well-to-do citizens of this locality.  Dr. Dixon was born in Sackville, New Brunswick, on the 14th of September, 1873.  After completing the course of the common schools, he attended Mt. Allison University, at Sackville, followed by one year at Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, Maine.  During the ensuing two years he served in the Boston City Hospital, at Boston, Massachusetts, after which he completed his medical studies in the University of Vermont, at Burlington, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1899.  The Doctor’s brother owned a gold claim in Atlin City, British Columbia, and the Doctor left Burlington to visit the claim on an inspection trip.  He made the journey to the claim, thence in succession to Skagway, Seattle and San Francisco in twenty-seven days, a record time for that trip in those days and which was never beaten.  Arriving in San Francisco in the summer of 1899, he was connected with the German Hospital, until the fall of that year, when he went to Sacramento and opened an office.  Soon afterward he went to Madison, and then to Davis, Yolo County, and in August, 1900, he established himself permanently in Knights Landing, where he has been actively engaged in practice to the present time.  He is a careful, painstaking and conscientious physician, has been notably successful and is held in grateful regard by hundreds who have been benefited by his services.

      During the years of his residence here Dr. Dixon has been a large factor in the improvement and development of Knights Landing, having built the grain warehouse, the auto camp, a machine shop and service station, the theater building and a number of residences.  He bought twenty acres of the old Edson ranch and erected houses on it, and he now owns thirty-three buildings in this place.  His theater has recently been wired for the talking pictures, and he has installed a private water system, supplying his own home and those of five of his neighbors.   On November 1, 1900, in Knights Landing, Dr. Dixon was united in marriage to Miss Persis Kimball, of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and they are the parents of two sons, J. K., and Harry S., who is taking the civil engineering course in Leland Stanford University.  Dr. Dixon was one of the organizers of the Lions Club, of which he is the president.  He has shown a splendid public spirit and the community in which he lives is greatly indebted to him for his initiative and his business ability, whereby he has contributed materially to the welfare of the town.

      Knights Landing, which is located on the Sacramento River, in Yolo County, had its inception in 1843 when William Knight built on the Indian mound which marked the ancient meeting of Cache Creek and the Sacramento River.  Its importance and value as a steamboat landing and point of communication between the people east and those west of the central river was early recognized.  When the town was laid out in 1849 it was called Baltimore.  Mr. Knight established a ferry across the river at this point, but this later passed to the ownership of J. W. Snowball.  At that time the ferry toll for a man and horse was one dollar, while for a team and wagon five dollars was charged.  In 1850 S. R. Smith kept the first hotel here and in 1853 Charles F. Reed surveyed and laid off a town site, which was officially given the name of Knights Landing.  In the same year J. W. Snowball and J. J. Perkins opened a large general store on the Indian mound.  On January 1, 1854, Capt. J. H. Updengraff opened his hotel making it a festive occasion, with a New Year’s party.  A steamer was run from Sacramento for the accommodation of guests and the tickets for the opening sold at ten dollars each.  This was called the Yolo House.  In 1860 D. N. Hershey and George Glascock erected a brick hotel.  On March 25, 1890, the Knights Landing branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad was completed, and later a bridge across the river was built at this point.  The town has a population of five hundred and is the main grain shipping point on the river.  It has a modern bank building, a good theater, paved streets, a number of brick store buildings, a church, modern school building, Masonic lodge, Lions Club and many comfortable and attractive homes.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 270-273. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.








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