Yolo County








      Among the younger farmers and stock raisers of Yolo County Richard M. Dinsdale holds a prominent place because of his enterprising and progressive methods and the outstanding success which has crowned his efforts.  He was born on his father’s ranch near Woodland, Yolo County, on the 3rd of June, 1899, and is a son of John and Sophronia (Wallace) Dinsdale, the latter a native of Indiana.  The father was born in Utah in 1854 and in 1860, when but six years of age, was brought to California, the journey being made with the typical outfit of that period.  The family settled in Yolo County and here he was reared and educated.  Later he purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land on River Road, east of Woodland, and there he resided to the time of his death, November 6, 1927.  To him and his wife were born six children:  Ralph, Lawrence, Nina, Nora, Sophia and Richard M., all of whom are living.

      Richard M. Dinsdale attended the grammar and high schools at Woodland and, the United States having become involved in the World War, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifteenth Field Signal Battalion, which was attached to the Fortieth Division.  He went into training at Camp Kearney, California, and in July, 1918, was sent overseas.  There he was transferred to the headquarters of the Second Army Corps and saw much active service on the western front, particularly in the Toul sector.  After the close of the war he returned to this country and was honorably discharged in July, 1919.  Several years ago he enlisted as a private in the headquarters company of the One Hundred and Eight-fourth Regiment Infantry, California National Guard, at Sacramento, and he now holds a commission as first lieutenant.

      After his military service overseas, Mr. Dinsdale at once returned to the home ranch and has since devoted his attention to farming.  He raises large crops of grain and has many hogs, which he raises for market.  He is progressive in his methods, maintains the farm at a high standard of improvement and is meeting with well merited success.  Mr. Dinsdale is a member of the Yolo County Farm Bureau.  He has a wide acquaintance throughout this section of the county and is popular among those who know him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 458-459. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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