Yolo County











            The position accorded John Stephens Craig in the financial life of Woodland, Yolo county, is not given him because of the rich inheritance of mental power bequeathed to him from a line of honored ancestors, but for the use and development which he has made of his native ability.  Taking up the business with which nearly every member of this well-known family has been identified, Mr. Craig has risen to an influential place among the representative citizens of Woodland, passing step by step from a subordinate position in the Bank of Woodland to that of its cashier, which office he has held since the resignation of C. F. Thomas, its former incumbent.  He has distinguished himself in this work and has justified the universal opinion of his many friends and of all who have known him in the past.

            A native son of the state, John Stephens Craig was born in San Francisco March 15, 1875, his parents being Joseph and Kate (Stephens) Craig, both representatives of old and honored families among the pioneer citizens of California.  When three years of age he was taken by his parents to Woodland, in which city he has since made his home.  His preliminary education was received in the public schools of this city, after which he attended a private school of Oakland under Professor Sackett.  Later he entered Prof. George Bates’ Military School in Berkeley, which he attended until he became a student in the Lakeport Academy, from which he was graduated at the age of nineteen years.  Immediately following he secured the position of bookkeeper in the Bank of Woodland, faithfully performing the duties devolving upon him until September 7, 1898, when he was elected a director of the bank.  Until December, 1901, he served as assistant cashier, when the resignation of C. F. Thomas from the position of cashier gave to Mr. Craig that position.  Since that time he has filled the office with singular tact and ability, becoming an important factor in the management and upbuilding of the interests of the bank.  Besides his position in the financial life of the city he is also a leader in social circles, being a popular and prominent figure in all social movements.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and is officiating as a steward and trustee.  Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, belonging to the lodge, chapter and commandery.

            March 29, 1896, at the age of twenty-one years, Mr. Craig was united in marriage with Mary F. Allen, a native of the state having been born in Placer county.  Her parents, David and Martha Allen, were natives respectively of Kentucky and Missouri, the father of the latter being Dr. Appleton Allen, of Missouri.  David Allen was a son of James Allen, of Kentucky, who removed to Missouri in an early day, where David Allen was reared to manhood.  He came to California in 1849 and was engaged in mining for many years, being located in Nevada and Placer counties.  Later he removed to Virginia City, Nev., where in partnership with his brother, William S. (who was afterward shot by the Indians while captain of a company sent to punish the Redskins for their depredations), he was part owner of the Comstock mine.  He was very successful as a miner and made several trips to Missouri, on his return to California bringing with him a herd of horses and mules.  In 1861 he bought out the heirs of the old homestead in Missouri, where he remained until 1864, marrying in 1862.  Becoming dissatisfied with the conditions of Missouri he located permanently in California in 1864, settling first in Sacramento, where he engaged as a miner for eight years.  He later removed to Grass Valley and afterward to Woodland, Yolo county, where he made his home for sixteen years.  After suffering a paralytic stroke he made his home with his only surviving daughter, Mrs. J. S. Craig.  Mr. and Mrs. Craig have one son, Joseph Allen Craig, who is five years old.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Pages 600-601.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Joyce Rugeroni.







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