Yolo County








      Captain Roy Clover, an officer of the California National Guard and an enterprising merchant of Woodland, was born on a farm in Mitchell County, Kansas, June 9, 1888, and was but three years of age when the family came to California, settling in Santa Ana, Orange County.  Two years later a removal was made to Yolo County and for a time the father cultivated leased land in the Willow Slough district.  Afterward he engaged in farming in the Willow Oak district and in 1914 became a resident of Woodland.

      Captain Clover acquired his early education in country schools and continued his studies in the public schools of Woodland.  In 1915, in partnership with his brothers, Irvin and Bert Clover, he embarked in business on Main Street, handling men’s shoes and apparel.  Having limited funds, they started with a small stock, to which they have added year by year, doubling the original floor space, and theirs is now the largest and best equipped store of the kind in the valley.  They carry everything in the line of men’s furnishings, maintaining a high-class establishment, and draw their patronage from a wide area.  The men who control the business are recognized leaders in mercantile circles of Woodland and take a helpful interest in community affairs, manifesting that progressive spirit which makes for public growth and prosperity as well as for individual success.

      Captain Clover’s connection with military affairs constitutes an important chapter in the record of his life.  Several years ago he became associated with the California National Guard as a member of the Second California Infantry, serving from 1910 until 1916.  On the 21st of April, 1926, he joined the One Hundred and Eight-fourth Infantry of the State National Guard as a private and is now holding the rank of captain, winning his promotions through ability and merit.  During the World War period he enlisted in the United States Navy and was stationed on North Island in San Diego Harbor.  He is a charter member of Woodland Post, No. 77, of the American Legion, and his fraternal affiliations are with the Foresters of America and Woodland Lodge, No. 1299, B. P. O. E.  It is well known that he has always been loyal to any cause which he has espoused and faithful to every duty, and his strength of character and high principles have won for him a secure place in the esteem of Woodland’s citizens, among whom practically his entire life has been spent.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 363-364. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.






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