Yolo County










      Armand L. Carrere, proprietor of the Davis Steam Laundry, at Davis, Yolo County, has a fine business record, being progressive and up-to-date in his ideas and methods, so that his persistent and well directed efforts have been rewarded with success.  He was born in the Basque Province, in the Basses Pyrenees Mountains of southern France, on the 24th of July, 1894, was reared on a farm and attended school in his home community.  The climate in that section of France is very similar to the part of California in which he now lives.  In 1911, at the age of sixteen years, in company with eight friends, boys and girls, he emigrated to the United States, with California as his objective.  For many years the Basques have been coming to this state, where the most of them have engaged in sheep raising.  Mr. Carrere and his party arrived in Sacramento on May 12, 1911, and there joined his brother, Bernard L., who had preceded him to this country.

      Five days later Mr. Carrere went to San Francisco, where he started to learn the laundry business in the French Laundry.  While there he also attended night school in order to more quickly acquire knowledge of the English language.  On September 28, 1914, he came to Woodland, Yolo County, and, in partnership with his brother, bought a small laundry on Main Street, for which he paid six hundred and fifty dollars for a half interest.  This was a small concern, located in a store room, and employed but four hands.  In 1916 the Carrere brothers erected a new building across the street and established the French Laundry.  The business increased rapidly, modern machinery was installed, and in 1920 the plant was enlarged and more machinery added.  On November 1, 1925, Mr. Carrere sold his interest in the business, but still owns the building.  The trade at that time had increased to a point that necessitated the employment of fourteen persons.  Mr. Carrere took a vacation of two years and then, on October 10, 1927, came to Davis and built and equipped the Davis Steam Laundry, one of the most up-to-date and modern laundries in the state.  This also has proven a good investment, for the business has had a steady and substantial growth.  Mr. Carrere still gives it his personal attention, but retains his home at Woodland, where he owns a very attractive and comfortable residence. On November 18, 1914, in Woodland, California, Mr. Carrere was united in marriage to Miss Jeanne Paraleiu, who was one of his companions on the voyage to this country in 1911.  They are the parents of two children, Henriette, aged fourteen years, and George, who is four years old.  On December 9, 1920, Mr. Carrere was admitted to American citizenship, and in every respect he has shown his loyalty to his adopted country.  During the World War he took an active part in various loan drives and did all he could to uphold the government in its war activities.  He is cordial and friendly in manner and where known is held in high esteem for his sterling qualities and his business ability.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 352-353. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.






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