Yolo County









      One of the successful and progressive farmers of Yolo County is Silvio G. Cadenasso, whose ranch, one of the show places of this section of the county, is located on the Winters Road, near Madison.  He was born in the Capay Valley, Yolo County, on the 24th of October, 1877, and is a son of Nicola and Antonetta (Denari) Cadenasso, both of whom were natives of Italy and are now deceased.  The father, who was born in Genoa, served in the Italian Army and at the close of the war in which he was fighting he set sail for the United States.  He worked his way on a sailing vessel direct to San Francisco, by way of Cape Horn, and on his arrival in that city obtained work in a livery stable.  Later he located on land south of San Francisco and there engaged in vegetable gardening.  In 1870 he came to Yolo County and rented a ranch in Capay Valley, being associated in its operation with his brother.  They planted a vineyard and orchard, and made wine, in addition to which they engaged in grain farming.  Later he and his brother bought a section of land in the Capay valley, which they operated until the first railroad came through here, when they sold out.  Mr. Cadenasso traveled over the state, looking for a favorable place in which to locate, but eventually decided that the Capay valley offered as fine advantages as any other section.  He bought thirty-five acres of the ranch which he had recently sold and made that his home until his death, which occurred in 1891.  He planted vineyards and orchards and made other substantial improvements on the place.  He was married in San Francisco to Miss Antonetta Denari and they became the parents of six children, Silvio G., Clelia, Attilio, Aurelio, Ieda and Momlio.

      Silvio G. Cadenasso received his educational training in the district school and at the age of seventeen years went to work on the home ranch.  When twenty-seven years of age he rented a part of the home farm near Madison, and three years later bought seventy-five acres of land, comprising his present place.  To its operation he has given thoughtful and care attention, developing one of the best ranches in Yolo County, a place which has contracted considerable attention.  He has erected an attractive and comfortable home, and the land is planted to vineyards, almonds, and prunes.  He also owns other ranches, one of two hundred and ten acres and the other of two hundred and thirty-five acres, and is managing all in a manner that has reflected very creditably on his judgment and industry.  He is also a member of the advisory board of the branch Bank of America at Woodland.

      Mr. Cadenasso was united in marriage to Miss Clara E. Jacobs, whose father, Ed Jacobs, was one of the pioneer settlers of Yolo County, well known throughout this section of the state.  Mr. and Mrs. Cadenasso are the parents of a son, Nicholas Edward, now twenty years of age, who attended Santa Clara College and graduated from Heald’s Business College in Sacramento.  He is now a valuable assistant of his father in the operation of the ranch.  Mr. Cadenasso is a member of Landmarks Lodge, F. & A. M., at Esparto; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.  He is a director of the Prune and Apricot Growers Association and the Rice Growers Association.  He has manifested helpful insight in matters affecting the general welfare of his community, has been true and loyal in every relation of life and is in every way worthy of the high place which he holds in public esteem. 



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 231-232. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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