Yolo County







            High on the list of the certified public accountants of the Sacramento Valley is the name of Bruce Brubaker, of Woodland, who has earned an enviable reputation in his special field of labor. He was born in Somerset, Wabash county, Indiana, January 27, 1889, and is a son of Abraham and Ida R. (Ogan) Brubaker, who are natives of the Hoosier state and since 1911 have resided at Azusa, California. Bruce Brubaker attended the public schools of Marion, Indiana, graduating from high school in 1907; he also attended the Marion Normal School and upon examination was granted a license to teach. At high school he was president of his class and was a member and president of the Beta Phi Sigma high school fraternity. Instead of teaching Mr. Brubaker went to work for the Marion Light and Heating Company, with which organization he remained until August, 1909, when he entered Phillips Academy, at Andover, Massachusetts, from which he was graduated in June, 1911. For one year he attended Stanford University at Palo Alto, California, where he became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. He was then connected with the traffic department of the Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company in Los Angeles and Santa Ana, following that line of work until August, 1914, when he resigned and became identified with the Guaranty Trust and Savings Bank of Los Angeles. He remained there one and a half years and then entered the general offices of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, serving as valuation accountant in the review of the cost of the railroad for the revaluation report to the interstate commerce commission. During that period he also attended night school of the Young Men’s Christian Association, studying law and accountancy. On July 1, 1918, Mr. Brubaker came to Woodland, taking charge of the books in the office of the Conaway ranch of twenty-three thousand acres, located east of Woodland. He remained there until February 1, 1920, when, having audited the books and established a system of accounting, he resigned and engaged in the practice of accountancy in Woodland. He was successful in this and in November, 1925, he established a branch office in Sacramento in the California State Life building. In 1927, after examination by the state board of accountancy, Mr. Brubaker received a certificate entitling him to practice as a certified public accountant. He has built up a large practice, both in Woodland and Sacramento, and is regarded as an exceptionally capable and trustworthy man in this very exacting profession.

            Mr. Brubaker was united in marriage, May 21, 1913, to Miss Grace Edith Brown, who was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her parents were George William Brown and Mary J. (Coble) Brown. She graduated from the Shortridge high school in that city. At high school she was a member of the champion basketball team and was one of the champion girl swimmers at Lake Winona, Indiana. She continued her education in the Western College for Women, at Oxford, Ohio, Butler University, Indianapolis, and at Occidental College, Los Angeles, from which institution she was graduated in 1912. At Butler University she became a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker are the parents of five children, namely: William, born in 1914; Janet, in 1916; Philip, in 1918; Robert, in 1923, and Richard, in 1925. Mr. Brubaker is a member of the Woodland Rotary Club, is superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School and has been a member of the board of directors of the Young Men’s Christian Association for the last eleven years and gives cheerfully of his time and effort to worthy community enterprises.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 31 May 2010.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2, Pages 129-130. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010 Marie Hassard..





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