Yolo County









            C. E. Berry, county agricultural commissioner of Yolo county, is in every way well qualified for this exacting position.  Years of experience and close study of the problems which confront and annoy farmers and fruit raisers have gained for him a practical knowledge and understanding which have enabled him to be of great practical usefulness, and since coming to Yolo county he has won the respect of all who have come in contact with him.  Mr. Berry was born in Newark, Knox county, Missouri, on the fourth of May, 1888, and when about two years of age, was brought to California by his parents.  He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Santa Clara, after which he assisted his father, who was engaged in ranching, giving special attention to fruit and livestock.  Later Mr. Berry engaged in farming on his own account, raising grain and grapes, near Dos Palos, and was afterwards for eight and a half years  superintendent of the of the Sonnisken ranch of two hundred forty acres, the greater part of which was dedicated to fruits and vines.  Going to Santa Barbara county he was associated with the county agricultural commission for two years as field man.  During the three years following he served as deputy inspector, having charge of all the work of that department outside the city of Santa Barbara, with headquarters at Santa Maria.  At that time Santa Barbara county was infested with ground squirrels, which were destroying crops.  Mr. Berry was one of the first men in California to use thallium sulphate as a poison for squirrels, and he has probably used more of that poison than any other man in the United States.  Having a force of one hundred and thirty-eight men under him, he succeeded in eradicating the pest from Santa Barbara county, to the relief and joy of the ranchers of that locality.  In May, 1930, he was appointed to his present position, in which he is doing very effective work.  He has under him a force of three agricultural inspectors and one bee inspector.  He is thorough and painstaking in everything does and the results which he has attained testify to his ability and conscientious work.

            Mr. Berry was united in marriage to Miss Erma Pearce, a native of Texas, and they are the parents of a son, Philip, aged six years.  Mr. Berry is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, in which he is affiliated with the lodges in Santa Maria.  He is fond of hunting and fishing, in which he frequently indulges in his spare time.  In August and September, 1930, Mr. Berry was in charge of the exhibit for Yolo county at the California State Fair, held in Sacramento.  He is a wide-awake, progressive man in his special field of labor and his ability and accomplishments have gained for him a well merited reputation throughout this section of the country.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 156-157. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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