Yolo County









      Harvey E. Bender, an alert business man who is proprietor of the Woodland Steam Laundry, was born in Longford, Clay County, Kansas, December 23, 1891, and was a lad of nine years when his parents removed with their family to Oklahoma, where he spent his time upon the home ranch to the age of sixteen.  He then journeyed to the northwest, with the Willamette Valley of Oregon as his destination, and settled near Salem.  He attended the district school at Silverton and afterward again went to Oklahoma, becoming a student in the high school at Stillwater.  For a time he worked as a delivery boy and later turned his attention to the laundry business, which he followed in Boise, Idaho, in Idaho Falls, Pocatello and other cities of that state at different periods.  He thus gained an intimate and accurate working knowledge of the business in all of its phases.  In the fall of 1918 he went to Pendleton, Oregon, where he conducted a laundry, and in 1923 he arrived in Woodland, purchasing the Woodland Steam Laundry, then in a run-down condition.  He at once began the task of building it up, installed new machinery throughout the plant, and today has one of the best equipped and most modern laundries in the valley.  The plant is supplied with all modern appliances necessary for turning out excellent work, and something of the increase in the business is indicated in the fact that when Mr. Bender took charge there were only nine employees, while today there are forty-five, and he utilizes six delivery trucks.  His trade extends throughout Yolo County and he also has many customers in Solano, Colusa and Glenn counties.

      Mr. Bender was married to Miss Grace Waggoner, a native of Oklahoma, and they now have two children, Stanley and Beverly Jean, both born in Woodland.  Mr. Bender finds recreation in the game of golf and he belongs to the Yolo Fliers Club, the Lions Club, the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.  He is a progressive citizen, supporting all movements that tend to advance the welfare of community and commonwealth; while as a business man he has ever been dependable and reliable, thus gaining the trust and confidence of those with whom he has had dealings.  He belongs to the California State and National Laundrymen’s Associations and he deserves much credit for what he has accomplished and for the success which he has attained.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 45-46. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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