





Page 570-571


Ackerman, Mrs. Charles L. 1555 Cypress.

Ackerman, Mrs. Irving C., 1555 Cypress.

Adkins, Mrs. M. H., 1433 Floribunda Avenue, 665.

Aubury, Mrs. Lewis E., 1145 Laguna, 57,110.

Baker, Mrs. W. G., 815 Walnut, 328-1st A.

Barron, Mrs. Ward, 1428 Cabrillo, 552.

Bastian, Mrs. W. P., 1331 Costello Avenue, 665.

Bauer, Mrs. Herbert F., 1555 Cypress, 663.

Baynes, Mrs. Charles G., 800 Fairfield Avenue, 665.

Bee, Mrs. Hamilton P., 1411 Chapin, 665.

Bergstrom, Mrs. Gottfried, Parkside, 512.

Berringer, Mrs. Charles B.

Biber, Mrs. Ella, 1308 Edgehill Road, 579-A.

Bigler, Mrs. George, 1509 Oak Grove Avenue, 579-A. 

Blood, Mrs. Harry E., 1421 Cortez Avenue, 415-A.

Bourgeault, Mrs. Nadeau L., Parkside.

Bradbury, Mrs. Thomas, 1601 Broadway, 205.

Bredwell, Mrs. Richard, 128 Primrose Road, 665.

Brewer, Mrs. William A., 728 Fairfield Road, 485.

Brewer, Miss Amy, 728 Fairfield Road, 328-A.

Bromfield, Mrs. Davenport, 1137 El Camino.

Cameron, Mrs. George T., Eucalyptus, 40,188.

Campe, Mrs. George, Hillside Drive.

Carolan, Mrs. Emily, Carolands, 48.

Carolan, Mrs. Francis, Carolands, 48, 188, 414, 485.

Castle, Mrs. L. H., 717 Walnut Avenue, 665.

Chase, Mrs. Horace Blanchard, 1859 Broadway.

Chase, Miss Isabel, 1859 Broadway.

Chesebrough, Miss Edith, Brewer's Road.

Chesebrough, Miss Helen, Brewer's Lane, 665.

Christenson, Miss Edna, Burlingame Hills, 552.

Christensen, Mrs. Edwin A., Burlingame Hills, 552.

Chubbuck, Mrs. E. J., 432 Occidental Avenue, 665.

Claussen, Mrs. John R., 1513 Forest View.

Clayes, Mrs. W. I., Cor. El Camino Real & Willow Avenue, 15, 80, 105.

Cloman, Mrs. Sydney, Bellevue, 48, 399, 485.

Colby, Mrs. F., 1106 Peninsula, 58.

Cooper, Mrs. A. T., 716 Farrondon Lane, 665.

Crocker, Miss Helen, New Place.

Crocker, Mrs. William H., New Place, 188, 485,552.

Curran, Mrs. Ross Ambler, 188.

Davis, Mrs. John F., 1701 Broadway, 665.

De Guigne, Mrs. Elkins, 552.

de Pas, Mrs. Charles, 1103 Laguna, 110.

Dittman, Mrs. Margaret H., 1104 Paloma Avenue.  665.

Donahue, Mrs. J. F., 1129 Cortez Avenue, 665.

Douglas, Mrs. George, 830 Acacia Avenue, 665.

Drum, Mrs. John S., Floribunda, 188.

Duncan, Mrs. William C., Brewer.

Dutton, Mrs. Henry Foster, Burlingame Country Club, 48, 188.

Earl, Mrs. Sumner, F., 127 Griffith.

Eastland, Mrs. Thomas Butler, 1210 Bellevue, 48,188.

Fair, Mrs. A. J., 1537 Cypress Avenue, 665.

Farrell, Mrs. George, 1425 Chapin Avenue, 665.

Filer, Miss Lawton, Forest View.

Filer, Mrs. Walter J., Forest View, 48,188.

Forderer, Mrs. Jors.  F. Jr., 1548 Howard.

Fuller, Mrs. W. P., Jr., Brewer, 188, 552.

Fyfe, Mrs. Joseph C., 515 Almer.

Gignec, Mrs. L. K., 1340 Cabrillo Avenue, 665.

Gilliam, Mrs. L. M., 552.

Gray, Mrs. Percy, 1816 Barriolhet.

Gunst, Mrs. M. A., 900 Burlingame Avenue, 36, 363.

Hager, Miss Alice, 537 Almer Avenue, 48.

Haig, Mrs. Neil, 1213 Cabrillo, 110.

Hamilton, Mrs. Jack, 118 Clarendon Road, 58.

Harriman, Mrs. J. C., 1416 Floribunda Avenue, 665.

Hawkes, Mrs. F. W., 25 Clarendon Road, 58.

Hayss, Mrs. W. J., 1033 Laguna Avenue, 139.

Hayne, Mrs. S. J. Burlingame, 48, 552.

Hays, Mrs. W., 1033 Laguna Avenue, 58.

Haywood, Mrs. Joseph T., 1697 Broadway, 665.

Henderson, Mrs., Chapin Avenue, 58.

Hitchcock, Mrs. William Greer, 188.

Hollings, Mrs. H. J., 1548 Newlands, 552.

Hooker, Mrs. C. Osgood, Eucalyptus Avenue, 485.

Howard, Mrs. Charles S., Crescent Avenue.

Hutton, Dorothy, W. Bellevue, 328-A.

James, Mrs. Henry E., Hillside Avenue.

Johnson, Mrs. Ellsworth E., 333 Occidental.

Jones, Mrs. Emmett, 705 Walnut Avenue, 58.

Judge, Mrs. J. Frank, Cor. Ralston & Sharon, 48, 188,552.

Kiersted, Henry S., 48, 188.

Kimball, Mrs. Rufus H., Hillside.

Knight, Mrs. Samuel K., Forest View Road, 188, 216.

Kreft, Mrs. A. B., Capuchino Avenue, 665.

Kuhn, Mrs. William S., Burlingame, 48.

Landfield, Mrs. Jerome B., Brewer's, 493.

Leach, Mrs. Edward E., 305 Chapin, 159.

Levy, Mrs. Robert, 1329 El Camino Real, 57.

Lilienthal, Mrs. Philip N. Jr., Hillside Avenue, 123, 170, 171,328-A.

Loomis, Mrs. Francis B., 321 Chapin Avenue, 188.

Loomis, Miss Florence, 325 Chapin Avenue.

Lyman, Mrs. Edmuonds, Ralston Avenue, 48.

Lynch, Mrs. James, Cannon Road.            

Lyon, Mrs. George Frederick, Parkside.

Macomber, Mrs. A. King, Burlingame, 48, 188,552.

MacRorie, Mrs. Daniel, Palmer & 14th.

Marshall, Mrs. L. W., 804 Peninsula Avenue, 58.

Martin, Miss Eleanor, Bellevue Avenue.

Martin, Miss Mary, Bellevue Avenue.

Martin, Mrs. Walter S., Bellevue Avenue, 40, 188,216.

McCabe, Mrs. Alex, 2013 Easton.

McCreery, Miss Grey, Forest View.

McCreery, Miss Isabelle, Forest View.

McCreery, Mrs. Richard, Forest View.

McKinney, Mrs. J. R., 1460 Cortez Avenue, 665.

McLeish, Mrs. Archbald L., 90-E Santa Inez.

McLelland, Mrs. Edgar W., 1 Burlingame.

McNear, Mrs. Emma B., 328-A.

McNear, Mrs. F. W., 188.

McNutt, Miss Aileen, 1218 Bellevue.

McNutt, Mrs. Maxwell, 1218 Bellevue.

Miller, Mrs. G. B., 1418 Bellevue Avenue, 114, 331, 386.

Moore, Mrs. Edna D., 48.

Murphy, Mrs. Daniel T., Bellevue & Pepper.

Murphy, Mrs. Eugene De Besson, 1300 Burlingame Avenue, 48, 188.

Murphy, Miss Gertrude, 1300 Burlingame Avenue.

Neville, Mrs. John F., 568 El Camino Real, 188.

Newhall, Mrs. George Akmer, Sharon, 188.

Norberg, Mrs. N. P., 600 Howard Avenue, 512.

Owens, Miss Ruth, 45 Middlefield Road, 328-A.

Pardow, Mrs. J. V., Brewer, 552.

Park, Mrs. Howard Gray, 1460 to Chapin, 48, 552.

Penoyer, Mrs. Chauncey W., W. L. view, 48, 48, 188,216,552.

Peterson, Mrs. F., 1201 Broadway, 665.

Pierce, Mrs. Lyman L., 1136 Bellevue.

Pope, Mrs. George A., Eucalyptus.

Prager, Mrs. I., 625 Burlingham, 123.

Prey, Mrs. Milton, 1272 Cabrillo, 360 328-A, 552.

Quinn, Mrs. Joseph F., 1551 Cypress Avenue, 665.

Ramsay, Miss K., 216.

Rathbone, Mrs. G. O., Brewer Track, 48, 665.

Reid, Mrs. Whitelaw, Millbrea.

Reighley, Mrs. L., 1144 Palm Avenue, 579-A.

Riggins, Mrs. Ed.  S., 1420 Benito Avenue.

Riggins, Miss Jean, 1420 Benito Avenue.

Riley, Mrs. Allice, 1547 Cypress Avenue, 665.

Roos, Mrs. Robert A., 316 Brewer' s, 36, 170, 552.

Rose, Mrs. L., 316 El Camino, 216.

Rothschild, Mrs. Max, El Camino Real, 48, 188.

Rowe, Mrs. Charles V., 925 Chula Vista Avenue.

Rowe, Miss Ethel, 925 Chula Vista Avenue.

Rowe, Miss Frances, 925 Chula Vista Avenue.

Rushton, Mrs. Norman, Hillside Drive, 58.

Saeger, Mrs. D. H., 1212 Cabrillo, 665.

Samuels, Mrs. Sidney M., 1315 El Camino Real, 665.

Schlesinger, Mrs. Leroy, 141 El Camino Real, 123,252.

Schneider, Mrs. Helen, 1109 Bayswater Avenue, 665.

Scott, Mrs. Henry T., Forest View, 188,216,328-A.

Scott, Mrs. Laurence Irving, Forest View, 40, 188,216.

Smith, Miss Effie, 1436 Chapin, 416.

Sigler, Mrs. Charles T., 153 Highland Avenue, 665.

Smith, Mrs. James B., Forest View, 216.

Sparrow, Mrs. Pauline, 1133 Douglas Avenue.

Staschen, Mrs. Fred G., 1201 Howard.

Stead, Mrs. Katherine, 900 San Mateo Drive, 665.

Stetson, Mrs. Harry N., Forest View, 188,485.

Strassburger, Mrs. Lawrence, Hillsborough Drive.

Stumpf, Mrs. P. B., 1404 Floribunda Avenue, 665.

Sweney, Mrs. Bruce Tucker, 27 El Camino Real, 665.

Tobin, Mrs. Cyril R., Ralston & Pepper, 188, 165.

Tobin, Mrs. Joseph S., 485.

Treat, Mrs. Hugh P., 1216 Cortez, 552.

Van Antwerp, Mrs. W. C., Easton, 48.

Wales, Margaret, 1412 Cabrillo Avenue, 328-A.

Weatherwax, Mrs. Cliff M., Bellevue.

Weeks, Miss Lillian, 1409 Cortez, 416, 445.

Weeks, Mrs. Samuel F., 1409 Cortez Avenue. 

White, Mrs. Stewart E., Hillsboro Boulevard, 485.

Whitman, Mrs. Malcolm, Barriolhet.

Wilkes, Mrs. Alfred G., Roehampton.

Wilkinson, Mrs. F. S., 409 Prinrose Road, 665.

Williamson, Mrs. Gerald, 224 W. Santa Inez, 485,552.

Wilson, Mrs. Ethel, Dwight Road & Howard Avenue, 58.

Wilson, Mrs. Mountford S., Forest View, 188.

Wilson, Mrs. Russell J., Forest View Road.

Witt, Mrs. Anna Skitt, 1547 Cypress Avenue, 665.

Woodmansee, Mrs. Charles F., 750 El Camino.

Woods, Mrs. W., 11 Burlingame Avenue, 58.

Zeck, Mrs. Frederick, 1244 Cabrillo.


Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.

Proofread by Karen Pratt.




© 2005 Nancy Pratt Melton

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