




Pg 399



Aageson, Mrs. Blanche M., 420 Palm Drive,58.

Adams, Mrs. E. L., 1255 S. Maryland, 58.

Aichholz, Mrs. Lillie, 240 N. Adams, 58.

Alexander, Mrs. W. B., 1101 E. Palmer Ave., 58.

Anderson, Mrs. Andy, 358 W. Harvard, 375.

Appenfelder, Mrs. C. R., 106 W. Elk.

Armstrong, Mrs. Geo. N., 457 Patterson.

Ayers, Mrs. Alice M., 138 N. Belmont.

Babb, Mrs. W. A., 1010 E. Acacia.

Bacon, Emma V., 1335 S. San Fernando, 495.

Baldwin, Miss Alberta, 409 N. Kenwood.

Baldwin, Miss Ida M., 624 N. Orange.

Ballagh, Mrs. Roy Acer, 202 W. Doran.

Bancroft, Mrs. A. L., 125 W. Laurel.

Banning, Miss M. A., Briggs.

Barker, Miss Charles A., 1415 S. Glendale Ave.

Barnes, Mrs. Al G., 1224 S. San Fernando.

Barnett, Mrs. E. Z., 704 E. Windsor Road.

Bartlett, Mrs. H. E., 347 N. Brand Blvd., 196.

Bartlett, Miss Myra M., 347 N. Brand Blvd., 196.

Bates, Mrs. E. N., 638 N. Kenwood.

Bayard, Mrs. Frances, 206 S. Orange.

Beauchamp, Mrs. Mary C., 1210 S. Glendale.

Becker, Mrs. M., 1124 Melrose.

Belew, Mrs. O. H., 315 W. Ivy.

Berg, Mrs. Alma, Altura.

Biggs, Miss Margaret I., 1508 S. Brand.

Bosserman, Mrs. Le Roy W., 614 S. Central, 158.

Boynton, Mrs. Henry H., 1008 San Rafael Ave.

Braly, Mrs. John H., 505 N. Brand Blvd., 139, 196.

Blair, Mrs. Florence, 1611 Gardena Ave., 559.

Brandstater, Mrs. C. A., 102-A E. Broadway, 759.

Brandt, Mrs. D. W., 217 N. Kenwood, 58.

Brennan, Mrs. Michael J., 519 N. Central Ave., 74.

Brittan, Miss O. Jean, 103 N. Central Ave., 551.

Brown, Mrs. A. H., 1909 Vassar, 58.

Brown, Mrs. H. V., 144 N. Orange, 58.

Brown, Mrs. S. E., 1239 S. Maryland, 495.

Butterfield, Mrs. S. H., Burbank, 139.

Campbell, Mrs. D., Ard Evin, 196.

Campbell, Mrs. K. B., 1412 S. Brand Blvd., 196.

Campbell, Mrs. W. A., 1420 Lorraine, 58.

Carter, Mrs. Jessie B., Box 131, 609.

Chandler, Mrs. Charles, Canada Blvd., 58.

Chandler, Miss Helen L., 809 E. Harvard, 551, 753.

Clark, Mrs. Townsend, 818 E. Acacia, 58.

Cline, Mrs. B. L., 134 N. Orange, 58.

Colby, Mrs. Arthur W., 318 W. Doran, 196.

Cornwell, Miss May, 135 N. Kenwood, 58.

Cowlin, Mrs. J. McC., 346 Hawthorne, 559.

Crawford, Mrs. C. H., 1319 N. Central.

Crawford, Mrs. Winona M., 800 S. Central, 58.

Currier, Miss Elizabeth L., 103 N. Central, 551.

Curtis, Mrs. A. H., 134 E. Ave. 32, 539.

Daniels, Miss Eva, 420 W. Colorado, 58.

Diederich, Mrs. Peter, 327 N. Belmont, 58.

Dotson, Mrs. W. H., 333 W. Harvard, 58.

Everts, Mrs. Mary E., 445 S. Central Ave., 196.

Farmer, Mrs. Chas. E., Box 222, 609.

Gale, Mrs. Margaret M., 122 N. Cedar, 196.

Gibson, Mrs. Wm. A., 518 E. Windsor Road, 559.

Glover, Mrs. Charles, 414 W. Myrtle, Glendale, 559.

Godfrey, Mrs. V. G., 131 N. Adams, 58.

Goldsten, Mrs. Jos., 901 Stocker, 122.

Goss, Elizabeth L., 321 Riverdale Drive, 753.

Greenwalt, Mrs. Harry, 408 W. Oak, 58.

Hanning, Mrs. Pierson, 235 N. Orange, 58.

Harris, Mrs. Hugo, 1144 N. Brand Pl., 122, 559.

Hayward, Mrs. E. W., 307 N. Kenwood, 559.

Healey, Mrs. Maurice, 1202 E. Colorado Blvd.

Hester, Mrs. Frank, 203 E. Maple, 559.

Hifle, Miss Anna, 701 N. Louise, 551.

Hifle, Miss Lucy A., 701 N. Louise, 551.

Hifle, Miss Mary, 704 N. Louise, 74.

Hinton, Mrs. Thos., 1334 N. Maryland Ave., 158.

Hitchcock, Mrs. Earl E., 1233 S. Boynton, 753.

Hoorebeke Von, Mrs. L. H., 1121 Viola Ave., 58.

Horner, Mrs. Mabel, 240 N. Adams, 58.

Houston, Mrs. C. W., 440 W. Myrtle, 139.

Huber, Gertrude S., 637 N. Maryland Ave., 753.

Hunt, Mrs. A. M., 205 E. Acacia, 209.

Hutchinson, Mrs. C. E., 246 N. Orange, 209.

Jepson, Mrs. H. H., 420 S. Lincoln, 58.

Jones, Mrs. Mattison B., 208 So. Brand Blvd., 196, 559.

Jones, Miss Winifred, 208 S. Brand.

Kaighin, Mrs. Clarence, 125 S. Maryland, 559.

Kimball, Mrs. Willis M., 339 W. Lexington, 196.

Kinney, Mrs. E. W., 123 W. Elk Ave., 122.

Kinzy, Mrs. J. C., 303 E. Elk, 58.

Kitterman, Mrs. R. F., 311 N. Kenwood, 559.

Kuehny, Mrs. M. S., 368 W. Doran, 58.

Kulp, Mrs. W. A., 355 W. Vine, 58.

Kuntzner, Miss Zola, 809 Ross, 551.

Labadie, Mrs. Evelyn M., S.,  101 N. Cedar.



Pg 400 Glendale

Lake, Mrs. Chauncy K., 325 W. Cypress.

Land, Mrs. F. B., 605 N. Maryland.

Larkin, Mrs. Mary E., 202 Fairview.

Lauderdale, Mrs. H. M. 334 W. Doran.

Leash, Mrs. W. C., 337 W. Vine.

Leighton, Mrs. Albert, 123 W. Elk Ave., 122.

Leland, Miss Mary E., 365 Burchett.

Leppelman, Mrs. S. C., 357 W. Milford, 139.

Letts, Mrs. C. J., 109 W. Lomita.

Lewis, Mrs. Ida B., 317 W. Broadway.

Lillie, Mrs. A. M., 1821 E. Gardena.

Lindsay, Mrs. E., 1017 E. Palmer.

Lindsay, Mrs. Wm., 142 Wacapo Way.

Lively, Mrs. E. A., 334 N. Central.

Livingstone, Mrs. Addie, 602 N. Orange.

Long, Miss Edith M., 603 W. Broadway.

Lord, Mrs. Eda, 408 W. Wilson.

Lucas, Mrs. Mary E., 323 W. Palmer.

Lucas, Mrs. P. O., 358 Riverdale Drive, 58.

Lund, Mrs. Emma, 412 W. Oak.

Maranville, Mrs. Stephen, 405 W. Eulalia, 58.

McKee, Mrs. E. S., 130 W. Chestnut, 58.

McPherson, Mrs. H. A., 607 N. Central, 58.

Meeker, Mrs. Ella, 1320 E. Colorado Blvd., 196.

Metcalf, Miss Beda, 340 N. Maryland, 256.

Metcalf, Mrs. M. D., 340 N. Maryland Ave., 256.

Mitchell, Mrs. Alexander, Box 142, 209.

Moore, Mrs. E. B., 1259 S. Maryland, 58.

Moore, Mrs. George, 221 W. Elk Ave., 58.

Morgan, Miss Helena C., 124 E. Acacia Ave., 551.

Muff, Mrs. A. C., 510 N. Maryland, 539.

Myers, Miss Ida, 1607 San Fernando Road, 139.

Neil, Mrs. George G., 360 W. Colorado.

Nelmes, Mrs. Thos. H., 128 S. Maryland.

Nelson, Mrs.  G. A., 501 E. Windsor Road.

Nelson, Miss Olive I., 137 S. Adams.

Newcomb, Miss Emily H., 1120 N. Maryland.

Newcomer, Mrs. W. H., 208 W. Lomita.

Nichols, Mrs. William, 222-1/2 Hawthorne.

Normandy, Mrs. H., 221 W. Wilson.

Ocker, Mrs. Mabel F., 246 N. Central Ave., 139, 196.

Oliver, Mrs. Mary J., 1314 N. Central.

Padelford, Miss Florence L., 300 N. Kenwood.

Pahland, Mrs. M., 811 Palmer Ave.

Palmer, Mrs. B. L., 125 S. Jackson.

Parke, Mrs. E. L., 377 W. Lexington Drive.

Parker, Mrs. E. H., 426 N. Maryland Ave., 158.

Parker, Mrs. E. F., 121 W. Maple, 196.

Parkinson, Mrs. W. K., 915 Mountain, 158.

Patterson, Mrs., 440 W. Myrtle, 139.

Perkins, Mrs. C. J., 215 W. Elk, 559.

Pierce, Mrs. Geo., 207 E. Maple, 375.

Poppy, Dorothy B., 334 Salem, 753.

Priaulx,  Mrs. Percy, 128 W. Park Ave., 58.

Reichard, Mrs. De Forest, 1344 Valley View Road, 753.

Richardson, Mrs. E. W., 317 N. Brand Blvd., 196.

Ringert, Miss Clara, 552 W. Elk, 559.

Robertson, Miss Jessie T., 100 E. Windsor Road, 551.

Rosenberg, Mrs. Mae, 462 W. Riverdale Drive, 58.

Rudy, Mrs. Mabel, 437 S. Central Ave., 209.

Russell, Dr. Jessie A., 643 N. Maryland, 599.

Saxton, Miss Emma, Magnolia Ave., 58.

Searles, Mrs. James H., 465 Patterson, 58.

Selzer, Mrs. O. E., 1350 Orange, 196.

Server, Mrs. J. M., 1635 Gardena Ave., 495.

Shattuck, Mrs. Chas. E., 605 S. Central, 196.

Shaver, Mrs. W. W., 328 N. Howard.

Shearer, Mrs. Pearl, 282 W. 34th Ave.

Sherman, Mrs. Minette, 316 Ethel.

Sibley, Miss Laura E., 718 S. Brand.

Simon, Mrs. Louise B., 217-1/2 Hawthorne.

Simpson, Mrs. Nellie, 203 E. Laurel.

Sinclair, Miss Harriet, 366 W. Harvard.

Smalley, Miss Emma C., Sierra Ave.

Smith, Mrs. Arthur Dean, 315 N. Kenwood.

Smith, Mrs. D. H., 302 N. Maryland, 196.

Smith, Mrs. W. J., 305 N. Maryland, 196.

Spear, Mrs. F. H., 414 W. Palmer, 58.

Spradling, Mrs. O. H., 1300 W. 9th, 753.

Storer, Sylvia J., 1419 Garden Ave., 495.

Taylor, Mrs. Nellie M., 331 Salem.

Teasdale, Mrs. Everett P., 306 N. Jackson.

Tennant, Miss Margaret J., 317 E. Elk.

Teskey, Miss Myrtle E., 1271 S. Boynton.

Thom, Mrs. Cameron De Hart, 303 N. Isabel.

Thomas, Mrs. Ellen S., 615 N. Louise.

Thompson, Mrs. C. H., 348 W. Milford, 58.

Thompson, Mrs. Ella C., 121 W. Harvard.

Thompson, Mrs. W. P., N. Glendale, 158.

Tobias, Mrs. James, 210 E. Palmer Ave., 559.

Toll, Mrs. Charles, 1635 Kenneth Road, 559.

Traver, Mrs. Alice, 537 E. Colorado.

Van Grove, Mrs. F., 314 Salem.

Van Osdoll, Miss Emily, 341 W. Elk.

Veitch, Mrs. Luella, 445 Oak.

Vesper, Mrs. E. G., 321 E. Lomita.

Vickers, Mrs. J. V., 420 Stocker.

Viereck, Mrs. Carl, 917 Stocker, 122.

Vogel, Miss Dorothea, 408 N. Kenwood.

Wagner, Mrs. Joseph, 416 W. Myrtle, 559.

Walker, Mrs. E. L., 517 N. Kenwood.

Wallace, Mrs. F. H., 1100 Campbell.

Walsh, Mrs. Ethel D., 342 N. Kenwood.

Wesley, Mrs. Harry B.., 1235 S. Maryland, 609.

West, Mrs. H. S., 121 W. Park Ave., 44.

White, Mrs. John Robert, 347 N. Orange, 58.

Widmeyre, Mrs. T. G., 518 N. Jackson, 559.

Williams, Miss Ellen D., 329 E. Dryden, 196.

Wilson, Mrs. Philip D., 1330 N. Maryland, 158.

Wintergill, Mrs. Florence, 411 N. Louise, 58.

Wood, Mrs. Wayland, 701 N. Howard, 609.

Woods, Mrs. C. G., Grandview.

Woods, Mrs. Nanno, 122 W. Milford.

Woodward, Mrs. Daisy, 711 N. Kenwood.

Woodyard, Mrs. Stanley, 454 W. Vine.

Wright, Mrs. Viola B., 616 N. Orange.

Wyman, Mrs. E. B., 1326 N. Maryland, 58.

Young, Mrs. E. L., 325 W. Milford, 58.

Zerr, Mrs. Frank, 309 N. Cedar.


Transcribed by Marilyn Pankey.

Proofread by Linda McDowell.



© 2005 Nancy Pratt Melton

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