


Santa Monica





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Adamson, Mrs. M. H., 1203 Ocean Avenue, 551.

Berkley, Mrs. I. N.,1122-14th.

Berkley, Mrs. S. L., 953-5th.

Bliss, Mrs. John Dallet, 1525 Ocean Avenue.

Booth, Miss Eleanor, 426 Palisades Avenue.

Booth, Mrs. Franklin, 426 Palisades, 196.

Breen, Mrs. Peter, 431 Georgina, 74.

Browne, Mrs. J. D. H., 1238-5th.

Bundy, Mrs. F. E., 10th & Georgina.

Bundy, Mrs. G. G., 807-2nd.

Bundy, Mrs. Nathan, 11955 San Vincente Boulevard.

Bundy, Miss Sadie, 11955 San Vincente Boulevard.

Bundy, Mrs. Thomas C., 25th & Brentwood Pl.

Byers, Mrs. John, 547-7th.

Byington, Mrs. C. S., 1003-2nd, 196.

Carlson, Mrs. W. C., 1034-12th.

Carter, Mrs. C. Edgerton, 917-2nd, 609.

Case, Mrs. L. H., 858-5th Avenue.

Chaffey, Mrs. Andrew M., Brentwood Park.

Chalmers, Mrs. James H., 2934-3rd.

Conroy, Mrs. C. P., 700 San Vincente Boulevard.

Corder, Miss Charlotte F., 1415-4th, 551.

Cornett, Mrs. W. H., 1153-5th, 33.

Davie, Miss Martha, 224 San Vincente Boulevard, 551.

De Belaine, Mrs. O., 4 Kensington Terrace, 74.

Dudley, Mrs. Percy J., 821-4th.

Dudley, Mrs. T. H., 1137-3rd.

Dunn, Mrs. J. E., 320 Palisades, 551.

Ellis, Mrs. E. Prince, 1204-2nd, 196.

Emery, Mrs. L. M. F., 8th, 139.

Engelbrecht, Mrs. Henry J., 607 Georgina Avenue.

Fogel, Mrs. M. M., 915 Arizona Avenue, 753.

Fogel, Mrs. R., 721 Santa Monica Boulevard.

Francis, Mrs. C. D., 808-3rd.

Germain, Mrs. Marck L., Brentwood Terrace.

Goodall, Mrs. F. E., 717 Santa Monica Boulevard, 559.

Halliagan, Mrs. Francis F., 201 Arizona Avenue, 74.

Hedekin, Mrs. M. Cornelia, 404 Georgina Avenue, 196.

Heney, Mrs. Francis J., 807-4th, 196.

Hills, Mrs. Edwin M., 325 Georgina, 196.

Hogan, Mrs. John F., 1228-3rd, 74.

Hogan, Ora May, 1228-3rd, 74.

Holmes, Mrs. W. H., 1609 Venice Boulevard, 188.

Hudson, Mrs. Frank Russell, 423-23rd.

Hunt, Mrs. John S., 1012-3rd, 139, 196.

Hutton, Mrs. A. W., 1704 Ocean Avenue.

Hutton, Mrs. George Howard, 927-2nd.

Hutton, Mrs. Mignonette, 1704 Ocean Avenue.

Hyland, Mrs. G. H., 2617 Ocean Front, 158.

Jackson, Mrs. Arthur E. 1239-12th.

Jamison, Mrs. A. M., 1328-4th, 139.

Jamison, Miss Mary, 1328-4th.

Jarvis, Mrs. J. F., 1019-21st, 33.

Joslyn, Mrs. Mary R., 1138-3rd.

Judd, Miss Susan A., 514 Arizona, 44.

King, Mrs. M. R., 3002-4.

Laurendeau, Anna Marie, 401 Marguerite Avenue, 74.

Levinson, Mrs. E. R., 1244-4th, 122.

Lindsey, Mrs. C. M., 1033 Ocean Avenue.

Lindsley, Mrs. Leora M., 1021-5th, 551.

Lorbeer, Mrs. J. B., 527 Bay, 513.

Mac Bennett, Mrs. M. H., 404 Georgina, 196.

Malchow, Mrs. Lydia, 904-5th, 513.

Marsh, Mrs. Georgine Mary, 917 Ocean Avenue, 74.

Marsh, Mrs. Martin C., 917 Ocean Avenue, 74.

McCall, Miss Georgia, 904-2nd.

McCall, Miss Mary, 904-2nd.

Michel, Mrs. H., 3014-3rd, 74.

Morgan, Mrs. A. W., 435 Georgina Avenue.

Morphy, Miss Ellsmore, 857-3rd.

Morphy, Mrs. E. P., 857-3rd.

Morphy, Miss Gladys, 857-3rd.

Morphy, Mrs. Percival, 857-3rd.

Mosse, Miss Elfie A.,  1433-5th.

Naylor, Mrs. George E., 308, Alta Avenue, 196.

Nettleship, Mrs. Neil, 704 Georgina.

Nittinger, Mrs. Earl P., 808-2nd.

Ogden, Mrs. Claud J., 214 Wilshire Boulevard.

Parkinson, Mrs. John, 12th.

Parks, Miss Jessica, 804-5th.

Parks, Mrs. W. R., 804-5th.

Perry, Mrs. W. H., 1244-20th.

Pierson, Mrs. Wallace N., 1223-4th.

Price, Miss Gertrude, 1524 Wilshire Boulevard.

Price, Mrs. Gert M., 1524 Wilshire Boulevard.

Raymond, Mrs. Claudius, 814-5th.

Raymond, Mrs. Walter, 215 Georgina Avenue.

Rennick, Mrs. William, 1018-3rd, 74.

Rice, Mrs. Hal W., 1329 Wilshire Boulevard.

Rogers, Mrs. Emery H. S. Vincente & 7th.

Schader, Mrs. Carl F., 1138-9th, 158.

Seymour, Mrs. J. J., 201 Arizona.

Sharp, Mrs. Robert, 2027-3rd, 74.

Slater, Mrs. Harry J., 2429 Ocean Front, 74.

Smith, Mrs. Paul R., 412 Hollister Terrace, 609.

Soale, Mrs. W. H., 1210 Wilshire, 440.

Speer, Mrs.  I. C., 1008-2nd.

Stanley, Mrs. Albert, 944-6th, 33, 122.

Stanwood, Miss Grace S., 521 Arizona, 139.

Stephens, Mrs. D. G., 308 Wilshire Boulevard, 196.

Suits, Charlotte B., 1217-2nd, 753.

Sutton, Miss Florence, 543 Brooks.

Taft, Mrs. H. W., 714 Wilshire Boulevard.

Thomas, Mrs. C. P., 23rd.

Thompson, Mrs. Leslie, 1234-14th, 139.

Van Nuys, Mrs. I. N., 7th & Adelaide.

Vawter, Mrs. E. J. Jr., 3115-4th, 139.

Vawter, Mrs. J. C., 1428-4th.

Vawter, Mrs. William S., 1304-2nd.

Verge, Mrs. Arthur Charles, 236 S.Bicknell, 74.

Wagar, Mrs. M. H., 2927-4th.

Wagner, Mrs. Frank J., 614 California Avenue, 33.

Walsh, Miss Margaret J., 1204-4th,  74.

Weyse, Mrs. H. G., 409 Ocean.

Wilkinson, Miss Caroline E., 607 Palisades Avenue.

Wilkinson, Mrs. Edwin Conklin, 607 Palisades Avenue.

Winnett, Mrs. Percy G., 923 San Vicente Boulevard.


Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.

Proofread by Karen Pratt.


© 2005 Nancy Pratt Melton

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