

Los Angeles



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Abascal, Anna, 1176W 25th

Abascal, Mrs. Elizabeth, 523 Commonwealth Ave.

Abascal, Miss Mary, 523 Commonwealth Ave.

Abbe, Mrs. N., 6821 Hawthorne.

Abbot, Mrs. Edith, 3841 N. Gripn Ave., 539

Abbott, Miss Anne Emilee, 958 W. 12th, 551

Abbott, Mrs. Carry, 1206 S. Flower.

Abbott, Mrs. Cetha, 710 Imogene.

Abbott, Mrs. Clara C., 4715 Cimaron.

Abbott, Mrs. Della, 958 W. 12th.

Abbott, Miss Edna, 6732 Franklin Pl.

Abbott, Mrs. Geo., 1142 W. 107th.

Abbott, Mrs. J. H., 3232 Key West, 196.

Abbott, Mrs. L., 835 Hemlock.

Abbott, Mrs. Mabel, 4111 Ascot.

Abbott, Miss M. E., 1980 Park Grove.

Abbott, Miss Margaret Helyn, 138 N. Mariposa Ave., 375.

Abbott, Miss Mary V., Gates Hotel, 545A, 551.

Abbott, Myrtle Decker, 206 E. Palmer Ave., 117.

Abbott, Mrs. W. H., 1788 West 24th, 559.

Abdullah, Mrs. J., 777 Gladys.

Abel,  Mrs. A. M., 1635 W. 50th.

Abel,  Mrs. M. E., 4543 Melbourne.

Abel,  Miss Margaret E., 733 S. Alvarado.

Abelle, Mrs. Edith M., 1911E 4th.

Abernathy, Gertrude, 964 S. Fedora.

Abernathy, Jennie T., 1339 E. 42nd.

Abernathy, Mabel, 6625 De Longpre.

Abhold, Mrs. J. S., 221 N. Belmount.

Abrahams, Mrs. A. L., 1604 N. Hobart Blvd., 551

Abrahams, Mrs. Meyer, 269 So. Harvard, 122.

Abrams, Arline, 130 E. 63rd.

Abrams, Mrs. C. E., 1125 El Molino, 559.

Abrams, Miss Caroline S., 1428 Albany, 256.

Abrams, Mrs. E., 3961 So. Hill, 122.

Abrams, Mrs. E., 5105 4th Ave.

Abrams, Mrs. E. C., 6905 Converse.

Abrams, Mrs. Fannie, 305 N. Bonnie Brae.

Abrams, Miss H., 1653 Winfield.

Abramson, Mrs. John J., 2428 5th Ave., 196

Absalom, Mrs. D. R., 321 Gertrude.

Acer, Katherine E., 722 S. Oxford Ave., 196, 753.

Achin, Mrs. Joe, 2880 W. 14th.

Achison, Miss M., 1805 W. 38th Pl.

Acker, Mrs. C. H., 1109 W. 6th.

Acker, Miss Helen, 3310 E. 2nd.

Ackerman, Mrs. F., 539 S. Serrano, 196.

Ackerman, Mrs. Teresa, 528 E. 32nd.

Ackerson, Mrs. Katherine, 1752 Garfield Ave., 559.

Ackerson, Mrs. Mina, 198 W. 43rd Pl.

Ackles, Miss Rose, 255 N. Anderson.

Ackley, Miss Frances, 112 S. Hoover.

Adair, Mrs. F. D., 803 New Helitrope.

Adair, Mrs. Geo. M., 1632 5th Ave., 375, 551.

Adair, Mrs. S. L., 327A W. 33rd.

Adam, Mrs. Carl Frederick, 5219 Granada.

Adam, Miss Katherane Grier, 5219 Frederic.

Adams, Mrs. A., 145 N. Spring.

Adams, Mrs. A., 756 E Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Anna Mae, 24 Hudson.

Adams, Mrs. Aileen McCarthy, 400 S. Norton, 551.

Adams, Mrs. Alice, 1919 W. 20th.

Adams, Mrs. B. G., 527 S. Kingsley Drive, 551.

Adams, Mrs. Bertha, 4156 Brighton Ave., 559.

Adams, Miss Catherine, 3125 N. Broadway.

Adams, Mrs. Celia A., 1065 W. 61st, 559.

Adams, Mrs. C. B., 1655 W. 36th Place, 196.

Adams, Mrs. C. E., 1166 S. Crenshaw.

Adams, Mrs. C. E., Jr., 2404 11th Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Claude E., 5348 10th Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Charles Partridge, 3935 Dalton Ave., 196.

Adams, Mrs. C. W., 1079 Los Palos.

Adams, Miss Dorothy, 2525 Seventh Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Edith, 1199 Crenshaw.

Adams, Mrs. E. H., 1008 Grand View, 196.

Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth, 3920 Denker, 122.

Adams, Mrs. Emily A., 5826 Gregory.

Adams, Mrs. E. S., 4506 Kingswell.

Adams, Mrs. Eva, 1817 W. 38th.

Adams, Miss Fannie M., 1050 Magnolia, 158.

Adams, Mrs. Flora, 146 S. Hicks.

Adams, Miss Florence Elizabeth, 665 S. Hobart Blvd., 158.

Adams, Mrs. Geo. W., 665 S. Hobart Blvd., 158, 559.

Adams, Mrs. G. P., 1199 Crenshaw Blvd., 196.

Adams, Miss Grace, 1025 N. Vine.

Adams, Mrs. Harry W., 1928 S. Harvard Blvd, 158.

Adams, Mrs. Helen, 272 E. 42nd.

Adams, Mrs. Henerietta, 2309 22nd, 539.

Adams, Miss H. F., 2425 St. Andrews Place, 196.

Adams, Mrs. H. L., 1551 E. 49th.

Adams, Miss Ida, 760 E. 17th.

Adams, Miss Ida M., 2695 Orchard.

Adams, Mrs. Isabella, 679 E. 39th.

Adams, Mrs. J. B., 1510 W. 7th.

Adams, Mrs. James, 2121 Gramercy Pl., 158.

Adams, Mrs. James H., Hotel Darby, 158

Adams, Mrs. Jas. H., 21 Chester Pl., 158

Adams, Mrs. James P., 2245 9th Ave., 158

Adams, Mrs. J. Lester, 2525 Seventh Ave., 158

Adams, Miss Jane Louise, 1928 S. Harvard Blvd., 158

Adams, Laura, 1129 E. 52nd.

Adams, Mrs. Laura J., 605 E. 39th.

Adams, Miss Lilly B., 1345 Ingraham.

Adams, Mrs. L. L., 515 ½ S. Bixel.

Adams, Mrs. Louise, 490 Casanova.

Adams, Mrs. M. E., 618 S. Spring, 549.

Adams, Mrs. Mabel C., 1423 Lakeshore Ave.

Adams, Miss Mae, 1044 W. 77th.

Adams, Mrs. Marion E., 657 S. Burlington.

Adams, Mary A., 2825 Francis.

Adams, Mary A., 3535 E. 4th.

Adams, Mary R., 804 Emily Watts.

Adams, Miss Mattie, 822 Linden.

Adams, Mrs. M. A., 1300 E. 41st.

Adams, Mrs. M. Q., 2032 W. 42nd Place.

Adams, Mrs. Morgan, 400 S. Norton Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Owen J., 1546 S. Wilton Place, 158.

Adams, Mrs. Pearl Campbell, 3845 Denker, 158.

Adams, Miss Phyllis, 408 E. 20th.

Adams, Mrs. Rocina E., 1028 E. Vernon.

Adams, Mrs. R. Z., 1539 W. 7th.

Adams, Mrs. S. M., 1000 Beacon.

Adams, Mrs. Sue, 15 S. New Hampshire.

Adams, Mrs. Teresa A., 2160 N. Alexandria.

Adams, Mrs. T. H., 219 S. Union.

Adams, Virginia, 222 Rosemont.

Adkins, Mrs. Ada, 1911 S. Grand.

Adkins, Mrs. Ellis, 1421 E. 15th.

Adkins, Mrs. Lilly, 1408 ½  S. Albany.

Adkisson, Mrs. Arthur P., Merchants Nat. Bank.

Adland, Miss Carrie, 1056 W. 51st.

Adler, Miss Emma, 731 W. Ave.

Adler, Miss Marion A., 1701 So. Figueroa.

Adler, Mrs. Melville, 1701 S. Figueroa, 122, 196.

Adson, Mrs. F. T., 1855 W. Adams.

Adson, Mrs. Mart, 1855 ½  W. Adams.

Aerick, Mrs. Henry E., 5445 Victoria Ave., 177.

Aggeler, Mrs. Edward A., 2105 Crenshaw Blvd. 74.

Agnew, Mrs. Mary C. Y., 2712 La Salle.

Agoure, Mrs. Kate, 3955 Western.

Aguirre, Mrs. H., 1740 E. 21st.

Aguirre, Mrs. Lena, 529 N. St. Louis.

Ahlers, Mrs. W. A., 6365 Adelaide.

Ahrens, Mrs. Clara L., 806 S. Oxford.

Aigner, Mrs. Jos. L., 3426 Eagle.

Aiken, Mrs. Friend M., 435 Plymouth Blvd.

Aiken, Nanette, 2960 W. 8th, 753.

Aikin, Mrs. Eva B.,  801 6th.

Ainsworth, Mrs. Gertrude Haines, 2042 Alpha, 559.

Aker, Mrs. Al. J., 1635 S. Flower.

Aker, Mrs. W. A., 598 Berendo.

Akey, Mary B., 1046 E. 43rd.

Akin, Miss Emma White, 601 S. Serrano Ave.

Akin, Mrs. John Jay, 521 S. Manhattan Place, 158.

Akin, Mrs. William Henry, 601 S. Serrano Ave.

Akins, Mrs. Sadie E., 124 ½ W. 26th.

Akita, Mary Y., 513 N. Virgil.

Albee, Mrs. Harriet, 1241 W. 4th Pl.

Albee, Mrs. Jennie, 4769 Academy.

Albee, Mrs. Morris, 2506 Juliet, 196, 551.

Albert, Mrs. C. M., 1004 N. Hoover.

Albert, Mrs. D. E., 344 N. Vermont.

Albert, Mrs. E., 5728 Carlton Way.

Albert, Isabel, 1845 N. Wilton Place, 74.

Albert, Mrs. R.,  231 N. Hope.

Albert, Walter, 2306 W. Blvd, 375.

Alberti, Mrs. Robert A., 1270 ½ 3rd Ave., 196.

Albertson, Mrs. H., 4025 S. Normandy.

Albrecht, Miss A., 236 N. Dillon.

Albrecht, Mrs. F., 2317 Budlong.

Albrecht, Mary J., 1117 S. Normandy.

Albright, Mrs. H., 618 Benton Blvd., 158.

Albright, Mrs. M. J., 1709 S. Flower.

Alburtis, Miss Mary, 736 S. Rampart, 158.

Alchin, Miss Carolyn A., 1227 S.  Hoover, 196.

Alcombrack, Mrs. B. C., 1462 Mahantonga Way, 539

Alcorn, Mrs. Myra, 1614 Franklin.

Alden, Miss A. W., 624 S. Norton Av., 196.

Alden, Mrs. C. H., 624 S. Norton.

Alden, Mrs. Elliott, 624 S. Norton Ave., 196

Alden, Mrs. P. B., 209 W. 46th.

Alden, Mrs. May, 1826 S. Figueroa.

Alderman, Elizabeth B., Haas Bldg.

Alderman, Mrs. J. M., 2457 Pomeroy.

Alderman, Josephine, 2701 Wilshire Blvd.

Alderman, Mrs. K. P., 5554 Harold Way.

Alderman, Laura A., 331 ½ Gertrude.

Alderman, Mrs. R. L., The Bryson, 158.

Alderman, Mrs. Rupert Lewis, 2701 Wilshire Blvd.

Alderson, Elise, 748 Ottowa.

Alderson, Mary E., 1213 Hoover.

Alderson, Mrs. Maude W., 1226F W. 5th.


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Aldrich, Bertha L., Fay Bldg.

Aldrich, Mrs. Cora M., 3031 University.

Aldrich, Mrs. H. P., 957 Valencia, 196.

Aldridge, Miss Emma M., 1027 Garfield.

Aldritt, Mrs. Mabel G., 1412 Detroit.

Aleidis, Mrs. Gerda, 919 Valencia.

Alen, Mrs. Wm., 3610 University.

Alexander, Mrs. A., 125 S. Beaudry.

Alexander, Ada A., 1528 ½ Ramona.

Alexander, Amelia H., 1149 E. 28th.

Alexander, Mrs. D. Basil W., 1123 W. 40th Pl.

Alexander, Miss Dorothy Betty, 2701 Wilshire Bvd.

Alexander, Mrs. Emily W., 2119 Estrella.

Alexander, Miss Frances, 2701 Wilshire Blvd.

Alexander, Mrs. Frank Baird, 845 S. Kenmore Ave.

Alexander, Mrs. Gertrude Kirby, 1413 12th Ave., 196.

Alexander, Miss Gertrude K., 1413 12th Ave.

Alexander, Miss Hattie, 370 Patton.

Alexander, Mrs. H. W., 6303 San Pedro.

Alexander, Mrs. J. B., Hershey Arms, 158.

Alexander, Mrs. J. H., 1648 Girard.

Alexander, Mrs. J. Newton, 946 Grand View, 74.

Alexander, Miss K., 1130 W. 20th.

Alexander, Mrs. M. E., 2214 ½ Toberman.

Alexander, Mrs. Mary E., 722 S. Bixel St., 559.

Alexander, Mrs. M. C., 550 Serrano, 158.

Alexander, Mrs. Wm. Montrose, 547 S. St. Andrews Place, 158.

Alfonso, Mrs. Clara, 317 West Ave., 559.

Alford, Mrs. Wm. H., 1424 ½ S. Vermont.

Alfred, Miss Helene Mae, The Alvarado Apts., 158.

Algay, Mrs. M. Y., 646 ½ La Mar.

Alkire, Miss Lydia, 1060 W. Lake.

Allan, Mrs. Robert M., 967 N. Mariposa Ave., 158.

Allee, Mrs. Alice, 1413A W. Temple.

Allee, Mrs. F. L., 1252 Westlake Ave., 196.

Allen, Adle, 3017 Orchard.

Allen, Mrs. Alice, 532 S. Johnson.

Allen, Anna, 1349 W. 35th.

Allen, Mrs. Anna, 463 ½ E. 37th.

Allen, Anna M., 727 E. 12th.

Allen, Mrs. A. T., 1240 Orange.

Allen, Mrs. A. A., 614 S. Gramercy, 196.

Allen, Mrs. Bertha D., 354 S. Benton Way.

Allen, Miss Bess, 404 E. 60th.

Allen, Mrs. C. B., 1026 W. 8th.

Allen, Mrs. C. C., 817 Bixel.

Allen, Mrs. Chas W., 943 Grattan, 158.

Allen, Mrs. Clara, 7012 Makee.

Allen, Mrs. Clyde, 1018 S. Manhattan Place, 539.

Allen, Mrs. Constance, 1024 S. Magnolia.

Allen, Mrs. C. W., 1039 E. 46th.

Allen, Mrs. E. E., 129 East Ave., 559.

Allen, Mrs. E. G., 1033 S. Gramercy Place, 196.

Allen, Miss E. Maude, 1050 Arapahoe, 196.

Allen, Mrs. Edgar, 1806 W. 42nd Pl.

Allen, Mrs. E. M., 221 W. 9th Ave.

Allen, Mrs. E. M., 1015 Arapahoe.

Allen, Miss Emily N., 6403 Primrose.

Allen, Mrs. Eulah, 4931 Lyon.

Allen, Mrs. Eva M., 3206 Castro.

Allen, Mrs. Evelyn, 690 ½ S. Alvarado.

Allen, Mrs. F., 1218 E. 8th.

Allen, Mrs. F. A., 616 N. Coranoda.

Allen, Mrs. F. H., 923 E. 10th.

Allen, Mrs. F. T., Regent Apts., 196.

Allen, Mrs. Frank E., 1033 S. Gramercy Pl., 158.

Allen, Miss Garnet, 2165 W. 28th, 559.

Allen, Mrs. George, 733 N. Alexandria, 559.

Allen, Miss Gladys L., 348 W. 66th.

Allen, Mrs. G. E., 206 E. 23rd.

Allen, Mrs. Henry, 5244 Virginia.

Allen, Mrs. L. W., 6033 Barton.

Allen, Mrs. James, 257 S. Vermont, 375.

Allen, Janet, 1136 S. Alvarado.

Allen, Mrs. J. F., 504 Wesley.

Allen, Mrs. John, 3934 Walton.

Allen, Mrs. Josephine, 346 S. Normandie.

Allen, Miss Josie, 4524 Wadsworth.

Allen, Mrs. K., 1377 E. 15th.

Allen, Miss Laura, 1552 N. Serrano.

Allen, Mrs. L. C., 3821 Denker.

 Allen, Mrs. Lizzie F., 650 S. Spring.

Allen, Mabel H., 127 Bloom

Allen, Martha, 1255 N. Dower.

Allen, Miss Mary, 1318 Wall.

Allen, Mrs. Mary L., 522 S. Garondelet.

Allen, Mrs. M. M., 1232 W. 9th.

Allen, Miss Minnie, 945 S. Figueroa, 559.

Allen, Myrtle, 637 Hartford.

Allen, Mrs. Nellie M., 2127 City View.

Allen, Mrs. Olive A., 949 N. Normandie.

Allen, Phoebe, 1613 S. Vermont.

Allen, Mrs. Robert T., 3125 Bronsallo Ave.

Allen Rose E., 2319 E. 7th.

Allen, Mrs. Stanley P., 6666 Yucca, 559.

Allen, Teresa, 2017 N. Argle.

Allen, Mrs. W. H., Jr., 829 S. Bonnie Brae, 196.

Allen, Mrs. W. P., 1308 N. Gower, 74.

Allert, Miss Clara, 1617 Mohawk.

Allex, Mrs. Chas., 1651 W. 37th Pl.

Alley, Mrs. L. M., 437 –66th.

Alley, Sara, 3311 Masco.

Allin, Mrs. L. B., 1315 Penn.

Alliot, Mrs. Hector, 910 Catalina.

Allison, Mrs. A. E., 123 E. 55th.

Allison, Cora, 1121 S. Hobart.

Allison, Mrs. L. B., 546 S. Serrano Ave., 158.

Allman, Mrs. Grace, 611 Casanova.

Allman, Teresa, 1331 S. Olive.

Allmon, Mrs. M. E., 3681 –4th Ave.

Alloway, Miss Mary C., 732 S. St. Louis.

Allyn, Mrs. Mary E., 678 S. Ardmore.

Alms, Mrs. Chas., 5758 Victoria.

Alms Marie D., 1311 N. New Hampshire.

Alspaugh, Mrs. Laura E., 4409 Berenice.

Alten, Mrs. N. C., Bryson Apts., 375.

Althen, Mildred M., 2180 W. 30th.

Althouse, Miss Lillian, 235 Figueroa, 117.

Altmann, Augusta, 607 N. St. Andrews.

Altman, Mrs. H. W., 1043 Union, 122.

Altoon, Mrs. K. H., 2405 S. Hoover.

Altwine, Mrs. C. L., 4055 Denker.

Alvarez, Claudina de Garfias, 1419 S. Grand Ave., 74.

Alvarez, Miss Vera, 1407 E. 71st.

Alverez, Mrs. Clara, 500 Court.

Alvey, Miss Lucille, 2730-26th Ave.

Alvidres, Mary, 1021 W. 24th.

Ambos, Miss Mary L., 1326 Orange Dr.

Ambroise, Mrs. Louis M., 1524 Putney.

Ambrose, Mrs. Irene A., 440 N. Westlake.

Ambross, Mrs. E. J., 1814 Penn.

Ames, Dr. Ada, 1322-5th Ave.

Ames, Miss E., 465 S. Pacific Height Pk.

Ames, Miss Florence, 2820 W. 9th.

Ames, Mrs. Geo., 403 W. 45th.

Ames, Mrs. John C., 1197 E. 47th Pl.

Amesbury, Louise, 5300 Pasadena Ave., 753.

Amestoy, Mrs. Joseph, 1724 N. Heliotrope, 375.

Amestoy, Mrs. Michael, 314 S. Serrano, 375.

Amey, Mrs. W. J., 3236 E. 3rd.

Amiek, Mrs. E. E., 920 W. 36th Pl.

Amick, Myrtle Elizabeth, 219 S. Mariposa Ave., 753.

Amidon, Mrs. C. F., 1056 W. Florence Ave., 196.

Amille, Mrs. C., 2120 Virginia Rd.

Amiti, Elena, 525 E. 32nd.

Ammann, Mrs. F. X., Jr., 141 W. 14th.

Ammerman, Mrs. A., 620 Berendo, 158.

Amos, Mrs. Amanda, 770 E. 54th.

Anawalt, Ethel, 1233 E. 50th.

Ancker, Mrs. Albert, 117 S. St. Andrews Pl., 122, 196.

Anderson, Mrs. A. T., 1626 Shatto, 158.

Anderson, Mrs. Alfa Wood, 2000 Miramar, 551.

Anderson, Mrs. Anderson, 2244 Western Ave.

Anderson, Mrs. A., 1141 E. 43rd.

Anderson, Ada, 1914 Adair.

Anderson, Dr. Alice G. H., 960 Francisco.

Anderson, Mrs. Alice T., 1642 Shatto.

Anderson, Alleen, 333 W. 23rd.

Anderson, Mrs. Anna, 952 W. 30th.

Anderson, Mrs. Annie, 521 W. 1st.

Anderson, Mrs. Anna, 1946 Tropico.

Anderson, Mrs. C., 3537 N. Griffin.

Anderson, Carrie, 828 ½ Wall.

Anderson, Mrs. Catherine, 113 E. Ave.

Anderson, Mrs. Chas. A., 1921 Rodney Dr.

Anderson, Mrs. Charles E., 1571 W. Adams, 74.

Anderson, Christine, 808 ½ W. 40th Pl.

Anderson, Clara B., 633 N. Gower.

Anderson, Mrs. Crampton, Bryson Apts., 551.

Anderson, Miss Eleanor Calhoun, 1640 W. 11th.

Anderson, Mrs. E., 1432 Morningside.

Anderson, Miss Emma, 2006 W. 12th.

Anderson, Emma C., 419 W. 76th.

Anderson, Estella A., 1817 N. Berendo.

Anderson, Mrs. Etta, 1432 Morningside.

Anderson, Mrs. Etta, 619 Loomis.

Anderson, Eunice D., 1217 S. Berendo.

Anderson, Florence, 688 S. Alvarado.

Anderson, Mrs. F. N., 1708 Hillhurst.

Anderson, Mrs. G., 676 Westlake.

Anderson, Miss Hazel, 1827 Oak.

Anderson, Hilda E., 935 Edgeware.

Anderson, Mrs. Hulda A. T., 1608 W. 51st Pl.

Anderson, Irene S., 2201 Cambridge.

Anderson, Mrs. Jas. I., 114 W. Ave.

Anderson, Mrs. Jane, 947 Winfield.

Anderson, Jane, 833 ½ W. 9th.

Anderson, Mrs. J. Crampton, Rampart Apts.

Anderson, Mrs. J. T., 1131 Elden Ave., 196, 375, 559.

Anderson, Mrs. Jennie, 746 Kensington.

Anderson, Jessamine G., 951 S. Alvarado.



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Anderson, Mrs. John, 423 W. 41st.

Anderson, Julia, 1314 W. 29th.

Anderson, Mrs. K., 2308 W. 8th.

Anderson, Mrs. L. H., 3433-3rd Ave.

Anderson, Mrs. Lizzie, 927 Naomi.

Anderson, Lucinda M., 1607 E. 48th Pl.

Anderson, Miss Lucy, 1162 E. 57th.

Anderson, Miss Mabel I., 1129 W. Kensington.

Anderson, Mrs. Mabel, 3902 Trinity.

Anderson, Mary, 1749 N. Western.

Anderson, Mary E., 742 Edgemont.

Anderson, Mrs. M. J., Beverly Hills Hotel.

Anderson, Mrs. Marshall S., 2244 S. Western Ave., 158, 196, 375.

Anderson, Mrs. Margaret S., 5629 Pasadena Ave., 753.

Anderson, Miss Mary R., 1411 Toberman, 196.

Anderson, Miss Rachel Leone, 2244 S. Western Ave.

Anderson, Mrs. Trent, 5407 Hampton Court.

Anderson, Miss Virginia Calhoun, 1640 11th.

Anderson, Mrs. Wm., 8933 Miner.

Anderson, Mrs. William Henry, 1640 W. 11th, 139.

Andrade, Mrs. Albert Francis, 444 S. Alvarado, 551.

Andres, Mrs. Arthur, 1453 W. 46th, 74.

Andrew, Mrs. Harry Eugene, 515 S. Virgil.

Andrews, Mrs. Albert, 1017 S. Alvarado, 158.

Andrews, Mrs. A. V., 238 Lafayette Park Pl., 196.

Andrews, Mrs. Charles G., 525 Lorraine Blvd., 551.

Andrews, Miss Ellen Louise, 274 S. Lafayette Park Pl., 158.

Andrews, Gertrude, 238 Lafayette Park Pl., 753.

Andrews, Miss Harriet Eugenie, 515 S. Virgil.

Andrews, Mrs. Louis W., 274 Lafayette Park Pl., 158, 196.

Andrews, Ruth, 238 Lafayette Park Pl., 753.

Andrews, Mrs. S. C., 2769 Moneta, 375.

Andrews, Miss Violet, 274 S. Lafayette Park Pl.

Andrews, Miss Virginia, 967 S. Manhattan Pl.

Andrews, Mrs. Willedd, 967 S. Manhattan Pl.

Andrews, Mrs. W. G., Albermarie Apts., 196.

Angier, Iva J., 627 Western Mutual Life Bldg., 548.

Anspacher, Mrs. J., 659 N. St. Andrews Pl., 122.

Ansted, Miss Emeline, 477 Lake, 74.

Anthony, Miss J., 629 N. Belmont, 196.

Anthony, Mrs. Earl C., 666 S. Berendo.

Antis, Mrs. T. L., 208 W. 80th, 559.

Anton, Miss Francis Josephine, 3012 S. Figueroa.

Anton, Mrs. F. L., 3012 S. Figueroa, 74, 559.

Anweg, Sarah Arnold, 6618 Holmer.

Applegath, Miss Grace, 601 S. Rampart.

Applegath, Mrs. Jess, 601 S. Rampart.

Archibald, Mrs. Cecil, 2361 Scarff.

Arena, Mrs. Antonio, 4705 Budlong Ave., 74.

Arey, Mrs. Ralph, 441 S. Cummings, 256.

Arland, Mrs. M. J., 2922 Orchard Ave., 74.

Armentrant, Mrs. Jeanette, 632 W. 51st, 559.

Armer, Mrs. A. M., 733 S. Berendo, 196, 375.

Armer, Mrs. J. E., 815 S. Kingsley, 122, 196.

Armstron, Mrs. Maurice M., 1432 Malvern Ave.

Armstrong, Mrs. A. E., 624 S. Kenmore Ave., 196.

Armstrong, Mrs. Clarence, 37 Westmoreland Pl., 158.

Armstrong, Mrs. H. Howard, 1011 4th Ave.

Armstrong, Mrs. H. L., 1815 Roosevelt Ave., 158.

Armstrong, Mrs. H. W., 721 Serrano Ave.

Armstrong, Mrs. James, 1811 N. Western Ave., 117.

Armstrong, Mrs. J. Douglas, 308 Cons. Realty Bldg., 551.

Armstrong, Mrs. J. F., 1341A S. Union, 539.

Armstrong, Miss Mary, 721 Serrano Ave.

Armstrong, Miss Mary, 1681 S. Harvard Blvd., 551.

Armstrong, Mrs. William D., 1119 Coronado Terrace, 786.

Armstrong, Mrs. William Metcalf, 504 S. Plymouth Blvd.

Arnold, Mrs. A., 672 S. Rampart, 158.

Arnold, Mrs. H. L., 534 S. Oxford Blvd., 158, 551.

Arnold, Mrs. J. W., 2623 N. Broadway, 539.

Arnold, Mrs. L. E., 1978 Estrella Ave., 158.

Arnold, Mrs. Mona, 1st and Soto, 256.

Arnold, Miss Sarah A., Box 188, Lamanda Park, 551.

Arnott, Mrs. Willard, 640 S. New Hampshire Ave.

Aronson, Mrs. S., 3325 Wilshire Blvd., 196.

Arrants, Miss Elizabeth, 2221 W. 21st, 158.

Arthur, Mrs. B. J., 745 W. 28th, 196.

Arthur Mrs. Samuel Clyde, 532 S. Harvard Blvd.

Arzner, Miss Dorothy, 617 Shatto Pl., 551.

Arzner, Mrs. Louis, 743 S. Spring, 551.

Asbury, Mrs. Irving Barrett, 1711 W. 39th, 117.

Ash, Mrs. Jenny, 1176 N. Mariposa, 122.

Ashbrook, Mrs. Jennie W., La France Apts., 196.

Ashe, Mrs. Herbert, 1330 Calumet Ave., 559.

Ashenfelter, Mrs. Florence, 845 W. 10th, 559.

Ashenfelter, Mrs. Florence C., 960 Francisco, 559.

Asher, Mrs. A., 321 Mariposa, 122, 196.

Asher, Mrs. Chas., 550 S. Manhattan Pl., 122.

Ashfelter, Mrs. Florence, Baker Apts.

Ashley, Mrs. C. C., 2706 LaSalle Ave., 158, 559.

Ashley, Miss Clementine M.,  810 W. 7th, 551.

Ashley, Miss Kathryn, 2706 LaSalle Ave.

Ashley, Miss Marian, 2706 LaSalle Ave.

Ashton, Mrs. Louise, 714 S. Ardmore Ave.

Ashton, Miss Rosetta Liddell, 714 S. Ardmore Ave.

Ashton, Mrs. R. W., 551 S. Kingsley Drive, 158.

Askew, Mrs. C. J., 5425 10th Ave., 559.

Asthalter, Mrs. J., Hotel Munn, 196.

Atchley, Mrs. Thos. J., 712 W. 42nd, 196, 559.

Atchkinson, Mrs. E. J., 259 Monterey Road.

Atchkinson, Miss Charlotte, 259 Monterey Road.

Atchkinson, Miss Winifred, 259 Monterey Road.

Atherton, Mrs. Frank S., 556 S. Gramercy Pl., 551.

Atkins, Miss Ada, 1253 W. 37th Drive, 559.

Atkins, Mrs. H. J. A., 1253 W. 37th Drive, 559.

Atkinson, May, 1621 S. Grand Ave., 753.

Atkinson, Miss May, 1196 W. 28th, 551.

Atkinson, Mrs. J. C., 925 S. Alvarado, 559.

Atkinson, Mrs. J. F., 1903 Harvard, 158.

Atkinson, Mrs. James, 734 Bruck Place, 158.

Atsatt, Mrs. J. C. F., 345 S. Serrano, 196.

Atsatt, Mary Louise, 345 S. Serrano Ave., 753.

Atsatt, Miss Sarah, 345 S. Serrano Ave.

Atsatt, Miss Marjorie, 345 S. Serrano Ave.

Aubury, Mrs. Mary, 920 Grattan, 74.

August, Mrs. A., 338 S. Western, 122.

Aurand, Mrs. A. G., 317 N. Gower, 375.

Austin, Mrs. Aubrey E., 420 S. St. Andrews Place, 196.

Austin, Mrs. Samuel, 2302 Budlong, 196.

Auw, Mrs. Walter J., 928 Valencia, 74.

Avery, Miss Florence L., 621 S. Vermont Ave., 551.

Avery, Miss Helen Christine, 349 N. Wilson Place, 559.

Avery, Mrs. Mary A., 349 N. Wilson Place, 559.

Avery, Mrs. M. N., 621 S. Vermont Ave., 158.

Avery, Mrs. Russ, 345 S. Oxford Ave., 551.

Avery, Mrs. W. H., 963 Hoover, 196.

Avery, Miss Yerva, 963 S. Hoover.

Ayers, Mrs. D. H., 316 N. Larchmont, 375.

Ayers, Mrs. F. H., 520 Wright & Callender Bldg., 559.

Aylsworth, Miss Caroline E., 220 N. Hancock, 551.

Ayres, Mrs. Kate B., 1034 Crescent Ave., 196.

Ayres, Mrs. R. N., 4807 Beverly Blvd., 158.

Babb, Mrs. T. O., 627 N. Vine, 158.

Babbitt, Mrs. Charles J., 404 W. Adams, 74.

Babbitt, Miss Helen, 404 W. Adams, 74.

Babcock, Mrs. Chas. Amos, 121 S. Occidental Blvd., 196.

Babcock, Mrs. David T., 1244 S. Van Ness Ave., 753.

Babcock, Mrs. F. C., 1601 W. 25th, 196.

Babcock, Mrs. Frank W., 1820 Winona Blvd., 551.

Babcock, Mrs. Wm. D., 1225 4th Ave., 196.

Baber, Mrs. Kennith P., 520 W. 49th, 196.

Babson, Helen, Y. W. C. A. 10637, 753.

Babson, Mrs. S. E., 1645 Westmoreland Blvd., 196.

Bachelder, Mrs. I. C., 2815 Manitou Ave., 539.

Backberg, Mrs. Wm., 183 Live Oak, 375.

Backstrand, Miss Lillian J., 3201 Figueroa, 551.

Backus, Mrs. C. J., 1953 Scheremoya Ave., 196.

Backus, Una, 1953 Cheremoya Ave., 753.

Bacon, Mrs. A. M., 1339 Fifth Ave., 559.

Bacon, Mrs. Chas. E., 730 S. Kingsley, 158.

Bacon, Mrs. E. E., 1134 Magnolia Ave., 158.

Bacon, Mrs. Francis E., 24 Berkeley Square.

Bacon, Mrs. Fred, 344 S. Occidental, 196.

Bacon, Mrs. Fred Persing, 455 S. Berendo.

Bacon, Miss Mary Louise, 455 S. Berendo.

Bacon, Miss Rose Ott, 455 S. Berendo.

Badgley, Mrs. Jerry B., 2163 W. 24th, 158.

Baer, Mrs. Henry, 671 Coronado, 117, 122.

Baer, Mrs. Ida R., 2019 Montana, 122.

Baer, Mrs. Oscar, 626 S. Kenmore Ave., 196.

Bagg, Mrs. C. P., 1024 Arapahoe, 122, 551.

Bagley, Mrs. Charles W., 4422 Finley Ave., 74.

Bagley, Mrs. G. K., 2534 7th Ave., 196, 559.

Bagnall, Mrs. Albert Lawrence, 951 S. Western Ave., 158, 196.

Bailey, Mrs. Cora C., 3422 8th Ave., 559.

Bailey, Mrs. Dilla M., 813 Kensington Road, 559.

Bailey, Miss E. M., 1752 Crenshaw Blvd, 158.

Bailey, Mrs. Ella V., 794 E. Kensington Road, 559.

Bailey, Mrs. Fannie H., 1671 S. Harvard Blvd., 158.

Bailey, Miss Florence S., 1875 W. 25th, 551.

Bailey, Mrs. George, 521 S. Union Ave., 559.

Bailey, Mrs. H. Paige, 1582 Hillendale Drive, 196.

Bailey, Mrs. H. W., 2625 N. Griffin Ave., 539.

Bailey, Mrs. Harold, 942 N. Western Ave., 539.

Bailey, Mrs. James, 2156 Hobart, 122.

Bailey, Miss Maza M., 4301 ½ S. Grand Ave., 551.

Bailey, Mrs.. Nathan P., 5510 Melrose, 158.

Bailey, Mrs. R. K., 4800 Huntington Drive.

Bailey, Mrs. S. Berthine, 918 S. Manhattan Pl., 158.


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Bailey, Mrs. W. C., 2828 Idell, 539, 559.

Bailie, Mrs. Norman, 1649 Buckingham Road, 158, 375.

Baird, Anne, 251 S. Hill, 753.

Baird, Mrs. Eugene, 730 N. Hobart Blvd., 559.

Baird, Mrs. J. R., 2921 Budlong Ave., 196.

Baird, Mrs. Milton I., 3436 Glendale Blvd., 196.

Baird, Mrs. Milton T., 3304 Glendale Blvd., 559.

Bake, Mrs. Henrietta L., 426 N. Broadway.

Baker, Abbie G., 1122 W. 54th, 559.

Baker, Miss Belle, 426 N. Broadway.

Baker, Miss Carolyn A., 229 ½ N. Western Ave., 196.

Baker, Mrs. Chas. Harris, 1080 Arden Road, 196, 559.

Baker, Mrs. Chas. Wm.,  2432 S. Figueroa, 158.

Baker, Mrs. Danford M., 400 Rossmore Ave., 551.

Baker, Mrs. Danford M., Jr., Ansonia Apts.

Baker, Miss Emma, 940 W. 20th, 551.

Baker, Mrs. E. A., 480 Custer, 196.

Baker, Mrs. Fred L., The Bryson, 158.

Baker, Mrs. James Blain, 2137 W. 21st.

Baker, Mrs. James F., The Murray Apts., 158.

Baker, Mrs. Josephine L., 2137 W. 21st, 196.

Baker, Miss Julia, 618 S. Burlington Ave., 256, 559.

Baker Miss Katherine, 618 S. Burlington Ave., 256.

Baker Mrs. Lawrence Todd, 527 S. Wilton Place.

Baker, Mrs. Maud Davis, 1616 Vine, 196.

Baker, Mrs. Milo, 9045 Sunset Blvd., 158.

Baker, Mrs. Minnie, 460 Grand View, 559.

Baker, Olivia M., 1382 W. 23rd, 74.

Baker, Miss Rhoda M., 602 Brack Shops, 196, 551.

Baker, Mrs. W. E., 102 S. Wilton Place, 117.

Balch, Mrs. A. C., Alexandria Hotel, 196.

Baldwin, Mrs. Andrew, 2213 W. 20th.

Baldwin, Mrs. James V., 726 Garland Ave.

Baldwin, Mrs. Maud L., 2213 W. 20th, 288-A, 551.

Baldwin, Mrs. M. L., 2213 W. 20th, 158.

Baldwin, Mrs. Melville N., 2005 4th Ave., 158.

Baldwin, Nancy Jane, 2213 W. 20th.

Baldwin, Mrs. Walter J., 212 S. Reno, 550.

Balfour, Mrs. Constance, 2701 Wilshire Blvd., 551.

Balfour, Mrs. Helen, 310 Mt. Washington Drive, 196.

Balinger, Mrs. Ellen, 1220 ½ W. 27th.

Ball, Mrs. Adele May, 1806 W. 6th.

Ball, Mrs. H. B., 216 S. St. Andrews, 122.

Ball, Mrs. H. E., 258 25th Ave., 539.

Ball, Jane 1123 W. 21st, 74.

Ball, Mrs. J. T., 1123 W. 21st, 74.

Ball, Mrs. Laura E., Lakeview Hotel, 196.

Ball, Mrs. M. H., 118 N. Alex. Ave., 753.

Ball, Mrs. R. B., 5026 Lemon Grove Ave., 753.

Ballagh, Mrs. James Henry, 1617 Westmoreland, 196.

Ballard, Mrs. Arthur, 306 ½ S. Westmoreland Ave., 196.

Ballard, Mrs. Emma J., 332 West Ave., 559.

Ballard, Mrs. Emma F., 1257 La Brea., 196.

Ballard, Dr. Ida M., 204 W. Ave., 57, 539.

Ballard, Mrs. R. H., 1821 Westmoreland Blvd., 158.

Ballard, Mrs. R. H., The Ansonia Apts., 551.

Ballinger, Mrs. H. May, 1026 W. 30th, 559.

Bamberg, Mrs. Emily, 1539 E. Van Ness Ave.

Bancroft, Miss Elizabeth,711 S. Harvard Blvd.

Bancroft, Mrs. Irving Reed, 1148 Arapahoe, 196.

Bandholt, Miss Louisa J., 609 W. Pico, 551.

Bandini, Mrs. Elliot, 400 Arden Blvd.

Bandini, Mrs. Ralph, 400 Arden Blvd., 196, 551.

Banks, Miss Florence E., 832 Carillo, 551.

Banks, Mrs. Margaret E., 1750 N. Wilton Pl., 158.

Banks, Mrs. Thomas Weeks, 410 S. Van Ness Ave.

Banks, Mrs. W. A., 6927 Franklin, 158.

Banning, Mrs. H., Wilmington, 196.

Banning, Mrs. Jos. B., 945 W. Lake Ave., 196.

Banning, Miss Katharine, 945 W. Lake Ave., 196.

Banning, Miss M. A., 306 S. Van Ness Ave., 196.

Banning, Mrs. Pierson Worrall, 148 N. Wilton Pl.

Bannister, Miss Claudian, 1521 4th Ave., 551.

Bannister, Mrs. J. C., 903 N. Mariposa, 196.

Barber, Mrs. Amanda W., 916 Normandie Ave, 559.

Barber, Mrs. D. C., 683 S. Harvard Blvd., 158, 559.

Barber, Mrs. Elizabeth, 200 S. Grand Ave., 559.

Barber, Mrs. E. T., 967 Arapahoe, 158.

Barber, Mrs. R. H., 1224 W. 36th, 158.

Barbour, Mrs. Jos. L., 126 S. Gates, 539.

Barbour, Mrs. G. B., 1635 Argyle Ave., 196.

Barbrick, Mrs. H. Frazier, 747 Salvadore, 158.

Barclay, Mrs. D. E., 2933 Normandie, 196.

Barclay, Miss Ruth C., 338 S. Ardmore Ave., 158.

Bardsley, Mrs. W. C., 431 S. Kingsley Drive, 158.

Bardsley, Miss Ruth, 431 S. Kingsley Drive, 158.

Bardford, Mrs. C. H., 655 N. El Centro Ave., 158.

Barham, Mrs. Frank, 1400 S. Vermont Ave., 158.

Barham, Mrs. Guy Brinton, 1209 Arlington Ave.

Barhydt, Mrs. O., 434 Leavenworth, 196.

Barkelew, Miss Ethel R., 1121 Westlake Ave., 551.

Barker, Mrs. Bernes, 530 N. Ardmore Ave., 158.

Barker, Miss Betty 300 W. Adams.

Barker, Miss Bessie, 1647 W. 11th, 196.

Barker, Miss Minnie, 2411 W. 10th, 196.

Barker, Mrs. William A., 3300 W. Adams.

Barlow, Mrs. Allison, 341 S. Harvard Blvd. 158.

Barlow, Miss Catherine Lent, 2329 S. Figueroa.

Barlow, Miss Ella Brooks, 2329 S. Figueroa.

Barlow, Mrs. W. Jarvis, 2329 S. Figueroa.

Barman, Mrs. A., 454 S. Normandie, 196.

Barman, Mrs. Isaac, 1347 S. Burlington Ave.

Barmore, Mrs. E. H., 1027 S. Burlington Ave., 158, 196, 256.

Barnard, Mrs. E. A., 1921 S. Burlington, 529.

Barnard, Mrs. F. S., 837 S. Union Ave., 158.

Barndt, Mrs. M.A., 615 S. Virgil Ave., 196.

Barnes, Mrs. A. E., 4736 Elmwood Ave., 559.

Barnes, Mrs. A. S., 2833 Francis Ave., 196.

Barnes, Mrs. D. B., 2730 Raymond Ave., 196.

Barnes, Flavel, Ansonia Apts., 753.

Barnes, Mrs. Mary, 7278 Hollywood Blvd., 139.

Barnes, Mrs. S. D., The Bryson, 158.

Barnes, Mrs. Watson Eugene, The Weymouth, 158.

Barnett, Mrs. Fannie M.,  Bellevue Terrace Hotel, 196.

Barnett, Mrs. Ruth, 225 North Ave., 539.

Barnett, Mrs. W. T., 1018 Elden Ave., 122, 158.

Barnhart, Mrs. Fredericka U., 1627 Fuller Ave., 551.

Barnum, Mrs. Alexander M., Hershey Arms Hotel, 74.

Barnum, Miss Gertrude, 1818 W. 11th, 559.

Barnwell, Miss Sue B., 954 S. Union Ave., 196, 753.

Barr, Mrs. Wesley M., 118 N. Hobart Blvd., 196.

Barraclough, Mrs. Geo. A., 209 S. Rampart Blvd., 196.

Barrere, Mrs. G. K.,1821 N. Gower, 158.

Barret, Mrs. Alexander B., 1735 Orchid, 137.

Barrett, Mrs. Arthur, 3779 S. Harvard, 375.

Barrett, Miss Katherine E., 4409 Griffin Ave., 551.

Barrett, Miss Marcelle, 2501 S. Grand Ave., 74, 158.

Barrett, Mrs. T. V., 123 S. Bonnie Brae, 753.

Barrett, Mrs. W. E., 2957 Normandie Ave., 559.

Barrington, Mrs. Charles Jr., 2711 Orchard, 196, 559.

Barrow, Mrs. Dolores M., 1826 Cimarron, 551.

Barrow, Mrs. John W., 1826 Cimarron, 196, 753.

Barrows, Mrs. Frederick Goodsell, 680 S. Berendo.

Barrows, Mrs. T. M., 1410 S. New Hampshire Ave., 196.

Barry, Mrs. David, 115 Fremont Pl., 158, 196, 551.

Barry, Mrs. Francis, 4627 Temple, 74.

Barry, Mrs. Geo. A., 706 Higgins Bldg., 196.

Barry, Miss Louise, 4627 Temple, 74.

Barry, Mrs. Mary A., 666 S. Ardmore Ave., 74.

Barry, Mrs. Samuel, 2271 W. 23rd, 158.

Barlet, Mrs. E. E., 3501 Dayton Ave., 375.

Bartlett, Mrs. Albert Griffith, 6219 Hollywood Blvd., 158, 196.

Bartlett, Mrs. A. J., 1417 Ridge Way, 196.

Bartlett, Mrs. Alfred L., 1647 Sierra Bonita Ave., 559.

Bartlett, Miss Annie L., The Georgelle Apts., 158.

Bartlett, Miss Emily A., The Del Sol, 158.

Bartlett, Mrs. M. E., 1107 W. 41st Pl., 158.

Bartlett, Mrs. W. D., 1617 W. 12th, 559.

Bartlett, Mrs. W. S., 3200 W. Adams, 158.

Barton, Mrs. Annie, 369 Witmer, 559.

Barton, Mrs. H. P., 715 Ardmore, 158.

Barton, Mrs. John A., 727 N. Andrews Blvd., 559.

Barton, Mrs. Loren C., 993 S. Wilton Pl., 551.

Barton, Mrs. Myron, 2402 10th Ave., 158.

Barton, Mrs. Robert C., 109 E. Ave., 539.

Bartram, Mrs. Edward, 751 S. Vermont Ave., 753.

Bartruff, Mary, Hotel Trenton, 753.

Baruch, Mrs. Berthold, 1407 S. Figueroa, 196.

Baruch, Miss Elise, 2125 S. Harvard, 122, 158-196.

Baruch, Mrs. Herbert M., 2535 6th Ave., 122, 551.

Baruch, Mrs. Herman, 2125 S. Harvard, 196. 122.

Baruch, Mrs. J., 2058 S. Harvard, 122, 196.

Baruch, Mrs. Milton, 2058 Harvard Blvd., 551.

Baruh, Mrs. J. Y., 625 S. New Hampshire, 196, 551.

Bashford, Mrs. Coles Allen, 2174 W. 25th.

Bashford, Miss Katherine, 2174 W. 25th.

Bashor, Mrs. S. M., 1571 W. 30th, 559.

Baskett, Mrs. L. V., 373 N St. Andrews Pl., 158.

Bass, Mrs. William Carrol, 118 S. Kingsley Drive,  753.

Bassett, Miss Kate L., 5816 Gregory, 196.

Bassett, Mrs. N. C., 1446 S. Bonnie Brae, 559.

Bastable, Miss Delia, 725 S. Broadway, 551.

Bastheim, Mrs. Edmund, 980 Menlo Ave., 196, 551, 375.

Batchelder, Miss Ella E., 3311 N. Griffin, 539.

Batchelder, Mrs. I. O., 2815 Manitou, 539.

Batchelor, Mrs. J. A., 510 S. Kenmore Ave., 559.

Bates, Miss Della F., The Ansonia, 158.

Bates, Edith M., 1158 Fifth Ave., 551, 753.

Bates, Miss Emma M., The Ansonia, 158, 256.



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Bates, Mrs. H. B., Holton Arms Apts., 44, 158, 196.

Bates, Mrs. H. W., 2351 Echo Park Ave., 158, 169.

Bates, Mrs. Pearl 4243 S. Grand, 539

Battell, Mrs. C. W., Fulton Apts., 196.

Baty, Mrs. Gertrude, 123 S. Coronado St., 559.

Bauer, Mrs. C. J., 932 Gramercy Drive, 57, 551.

Bauer, Mrs. AF. J., 1411 Vermont Ave., 196.

Baugh, Miss Arline, Broadway at 8th, 549.

Bauber, Mrs. Harry J., 739 S. Serrano Ave., 196.

Baugh, Mrs. J. H. 1318 E. Vernon, 275.

Baughman, Miss Julia, R. F. D. No. 4, Box 245, 551.

Baum, Mrs. Ardoulph, 3214 ½ Baldwin, 122, 539.

Baum, Miss Blanche, 1469 W. 28th, 375.

Baumann, Mrs. Minnie, 1749 Roosevelt Ave., 559.

Baumgardt, Mrs. B. R. 626 W. 30th, 158.

Baumgarten, Mrs. Edgar E., 185 S. Kingsley Drive,  753.

Baurhyte, Mrs. Wm., 1033 Edgeware, 158, 196, 559.

Baxter, Mrs. W. E., 1517 Fourth Ave., 256.

Bayer, Mrs. Alfred J., 1223 S. Alvarado, 64, 551.

Bayer, Mrs. Katherine, Shoreham Hotel, 74.

Bayer, Miss Leontine, 1223 S. Alvarado.

Bayles, Mrs. B. H., The Hershey Arms, 158.

Bayles, Mrs. W. S., 93 I-5th Ave., 158.

Bayley, Mrs. Ruth T., 178 S. Oxford Ave., 551.

Bayly, Mrs. Charles, 3306 Mount Clare Ave.

Bayly, Miss Eva, 849 ½ S. Berendo.

Bayly, Mrs. George Warder, 849 ½ S. Berendo, 158.

Bayly, Miss Nancy Belle, 756 S. New Hampshire Ave.

Bayly, Mrs. Roy Dromer, 756 S. New Hampshire Ave.

Bayly, Mrs. William, Sr., 2025 W. Adams.

Beach, Mrs. E. C., 704 W. 18th, 196.

Beach, Mrs. Henrietta I., 1188 W. 28th, 196.

Beach, Mrs. Moses Yale, 1188 W. 28th, 196.

Beach, Mrs. O. C., 707 W. 18th, 196.

Beachy, Mrs. Lemma A., 947 W. 6th, 559.

Beacon, Miss Arlie, 1938 S. Western Ave, 158.

Beacon, Miss Nellie K., 1938 S. Western Ave., 158.

Beal, Mrs. John, 830 S. Norton Ave., 196.

Beal, Mrs. M. L. 544 Larchmont, 375.

Beam, Mrs. J. W., 2294 W. 21st, 158.

Beamish, Catherine Forbes, 1814 S. Gramercy Place.

Beamish, Mrs. Richard, 121 S. Manhattan Place, 196, 551.

Beamish, Mrs. William Maitland, 1814 S. Gramercy Place.

Bean, Mrs. Clarence W., 937 S. Vermont Ave., 551.

Bean, Mrs. H. E., 2116 W. 29th, 196.

Bean, Mrs. Henry E., 1050 S. Norton Ave., 196, 139.

Beans, Miss Eula D., 832 S. Coronado, 196.

Beardsley, Mrs. John, 5743 Huntington Drive, 196, 753.

Beardsley, Mrs. R. C., 301 West Ave., 63, 139.

Beardsley, Mrs. Volney S., 2520 W. Seventh.

Beasley, Mrs. Oscar Newton, 1922 Vista del Mar.

Bearman, Mrs. Wm. W., 4432 Melbourne, 122.

Beasley, Mayme, 1846 Crenshaw, 375.

Beaton, Mrs. John, 135 N. Daly, 539.

Beatson, Mrs. Flora, Hotel Gates, 158.

Beattle, Mrs. R. F., 226 S. Rita Ave., Huntington Park.

Beatty, Mrs. J. D., 2224 Crenshaw Blvd., 196.

Beau de Zart, Mrs. F. W., 643 W. 41st, 158.

Beau de Zart, Mrs. H. A. Wallace, 1789 W. Adams.

Beazley, Mrs. W. S., 2632 S. Normandie Ave., 158.

Beck, Mrs. E. V., 1647 S. Manhattan Pl., 196.

Beck, Mrs. John, 333 S. Gramercy Pl., 196.

Beck, Mrs. M. S., 1618 W. 38th, 559.

Beck, Mrs. Rena, 1715 W. 23rd, 196.

Becker, Mrs. Ida Lange, 1211 –4th Ave., 158.

Becker, Mrs. Thilo, 431 S. Alvarado.

Beckett, Mrs. W. W., 2218 Harvard Blvd, 158.

Beckley, Miss Anna McConnell, Marlborough School, 74.

Beckman, Mrs. Ben., 401 S. Van Ness, 122.

Beckwith, Mrs. H., 1532 Wilton Pl., 158.

Beckwith, Mrs. John, 1121 ½ Waterloo, 196.

Bedall, Mrs. M. J., 351 S. Hobart Blvd., 196.

Bedall, Neva S., 1111 Merchants National Bank Bldg., 548.

Beebe, Mrs. Geo., 2631 Raymond Ave., 158, 375.

Beebe, Mrs. L. A., 715 North Benton Way.

Beebe, Mrs. R. G., 500 S. Serrano Ave, 158.

Beecher, Mrs. Daniel, 119 S. Ardmore Ave., 158.

Beery, Mrs. Ben, 937 Crenshaw Blvd., 158.

Beeman, Mrs. Geo. Houtz, 435 S. Oxford Ave., 158.

Beers, Mrs. A. C., 466 Rosemont Ave., 559.

Beers, Catherine V., 1152 W. 35th, 753.

Beeson, Mrs. E. W., 727 S. Coronado, 158.

Behrendt, Mrs. Sam, 435 S. Windsor, 122, 196, 551.

Behymer, Mrs. Glen, 369 W. Ave. 53, 196, 256.

Behymer, Mrs. L. E., 623 S. Carondelet, 559.

Behymer, Miss Sylvia, 623 S. Carondelet.

Beighey, Mrs. Rose, 4222 S. Olive, 559.

Beirs, Mrs. Bertha M., 415 Ezra, 559.

Bekins, Mrs. Martin, 1341 S. Figueroa, 196, 559.

Belcher, Mrs. H. A., 200 Title Insurance Bldg., 559.

Belden, Mrs. S. W., 244 El Centro Ave., 158.

Belding, Mrs. J. C., 915 Irola, 559.

Bell, Mrs. Emilie M., 1214 Leighton Ave., 135.

Bell, Mrs. George R., 2508 ½ S. Kenmore Ave.

Bell, Mrs. Harry St. Vrain, 1405 S. Wilton Pl.

Bell, Mrs. I. T., 514 S. Ardmore Ave.

Bell, Mrs. James W., 1412 Crenshaw Blvd., 559.

Bell, Miss Katherine, Broadway at 7th, 549.

Bellah, Mrs. E. L., 1318 Winfield, 375.

Bellows, Mrs. E. C., 1422 Gramercy Pl., 158, 559.

Belrose, Miss Mary M., 852 ½ W. 40th Pl., 551.

Bemis, Miss Florence Louise, 829 S. Bonnie Brae, 196.

Benbrook, Mrs. Charles Mallard, 2640 Menlo Ave., 196.

Bender, Mrs. Harry, 1175 W. 29th, 158.

Benedict, Mrs. Charles, 335 W. 28th, 559.

Benepe, Mrs. F. L., 427 S. Ardmore Ave.

Bengel, Mrs. S. A., 600 Solano Ave., 539.

Benham, Mrs. Chas. Lincoln, 1336 S. Van Ness Ave., 196.

Benjamin, Mrs. Edwin P., 1825 High, 196.

Benjamin, Mrs. Fanny, 704 W. 30th, 122.

Benjamin, Mrs. I., 2756 W. 9th, 196.

Benjamin, Mrs. I., Bryson Apts., 122.

Benjamin, Mrs. I. B., 1136 W. 49th, 122.

Benke, Mrs. Helen, 1943 Vine, 559.

Bennett, Miss Joy, 1431 ½ W. 29th, 375, 551, 559.

Bennett, Miss Mae M., 2970 W. 15th, 196, 559.

Bennett, Miss Nell T., 2970 W. 15th, 196, 559, 375.

Bennett, Mrs. O. D., 15 Chester Pl., 196, 551.

Bennett, Miss Vivienne, 159 W. 78th, 288-A.

Benning, Mrs. O. H., 2803 N. Griffin, 539.

Benninger, Mrs. F. W., 111 S. Norton, 158.

Benninger, Miss M. R., 111 S. Norton, 288-A.

Bennison, Mrs. John T.,Weymouth Apts., 196.

Benoit, Mrs. M. H., 224 E. 28th, 196.

Bent, Mrs. Arthur S., 1714 Eagle, 196, 551.

Bent, Miss Barbara, 2205 S. Gramercy Pl.

Bent, Mrs. Chas. E., 4217 Glen Albyn, 196.

Bent, Mrs. George P., 2205 S. Gramercy Pl., 139.

Bent, Mrs. H. K. W., 116 W. Ave., 559.

Bent, Miss Harriet M., 4649 W. 18th, 196.

Bent, Mrs. H. Stanley, 4201 Glen Albyn Drive, 196.

Bent, Mrs. J. T., 3930 Wisconsin Place, 559.

Bentley, Mrs. Edna M., 1752 W. 43rd, 539.

Bentley, Mrs. H. L., 5612 Lexington Ave., 158.

Benz, Miss Catherine, 211 S. Vermont Ave., 74.

Benz, Mrs. Wm., 1011 S. Bonnie Brae, 158.

Berche, Mrs. W. S., 726 Garland Ave., 196.

Berger, Ethel, 1030 Grandview, 375.

Berger, Mrs. Mary, 5315 La Mirada, 122.

Bergeron, Miss Anna M., 1221 Haas Bldg., 551.

Bergin, Mrs. Chas. B., 347 S. Arden Blvd., 551.

Bergin, Mrs. Joseph, 3500 Wilshire Blvd., 74, 551.

Bergin, Mrs. Leo P., 464 S. Berendo, 551.

Bering, Mrs. Helen R., 809 S. Normandie, 288-A.

Berk, Mrs. M. S., 1520 S. Westmoreland, 122.

Berkeley, Mrs. Martha F., 1425 S. Hoover, 559.

Bernard, Mrs. C. E., 3925 Bernice, 559.

Bernard, Miss Rose I., 845 Lake, 74, 551.

Bernays, Mrs. P. H., 1283 W. 22nd, 158.

Berner, Mrs. J. B., 2966 Wilshire Blvd., 158.

Bernhelm, Mrs. L., 680 S. Westlake, 122.

Bernsen, Mrs. B. F., 1843 Lemoyne, 196.

Berres, Miss Dora, 1823 S. Hoover, 122.

Berrick, Mrs. John F., 308 S. Normandie Ave., 158.

Berrick, Mrs. William H. (Eleanor Gertrude Ditto), 1028 S. Wilton Pl.

Berrigan, Esther Ann, 214 Budlong Ave., 74.

Berry, Mrs. Thomas H., 329 S. Berendo.

Berry, Mrs. James E., 1813 Orange, 559.

Berry, Mrs. James E. 733 S. Bonnie Brae, 196.

Berryhill, Mrs. J. C., 1649 S. Vermont Ave., 539.

Berryman, Clara M., 2655 W. Adams Gardens, 753.

Berryman, Mrs. J. R., 2655 W. Adams Gardens, 196.

Bersbach,, Mrs. Emil., 523 N. Vine, 551.

Bertonneau, Mrs. Therese, 1316 Carroll Ave., 74.

Beruh, Mrs. J. W., 625 S. New Hampshire, 122.

Bessler, Mrs. John, 1704 Roosevelt, 74.

Bessler, Olive, 2637 Romeo, 74.

Beseman, Mrs. Edward J., 2723 Harvard Blvd., 74.

Besthelm, Mrs. E., 980 Menlo, 122.

Bethell, Mrs. W. A., 201 S. Grand Ave., 551.

Bethune, Miss Elizabeth, 426 S. Berendo.

Bethune, Miss Isabel, 1023 N. Bonnie Brae, 551.

Bethune, Mrs. James N., 1022 N. Bonnie Brae.

Bettersworth, Mrs. A. J., 2707 Raymond Ave.

Bettinger, Mrs. M. C., 3506 S. Flower, 557.

Betts, Miss Katherine, 1401 S. St. Andrews Pl.

Betts, Mrs. Fred, 1401 St. Andrews Pl., 158.

Betts, Mrs. George H., 3952 Budlong Ave., 559.

Betts, Miss Josephine, 1401 St. Andrews Pl.

Betts, Miss Katherine H. 1401 S. St. Andrews Pl., 158.

Betts, Mrs. M. V., 1322 Westmoreland Ave., 559.

Bettys, Clemence, 1247 E. 38th.

Betz, Cecil P., 1222 Stock Exchange Bldg.



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Betzold, Mrs. S. E., 8 Chester Pl., 551.

Bevans, Mrs. Leslie V., 427 S. New Hampshire, 158.

Bevins, Mrs. H., 2307 W. 31st, 196.

Bewley, Dr. Marietta H., 919 Hollingsworth Bldg., 551.

Biby, Mrs. J. E., 333 S. Manhattan Pl., 158.

Bickham, Mrs. K. F., 740 W. 7th, 196.

Bicknell, Mrs. F. T., 319 S. Normandie Ave., 559.

Bicknell, Mrs. John D., 1115 W. 7th, 551.

Bicksler, Mrs. W. S., 1269 5th Ave., 158.

Biddle, Miss C. J., 900 Wildwood Trail, 559.

Bieber, Mrs. E. M.,  839 S. Catalina, 122.

Bien, Mrs. Louis, 678 Wilshire, 80.

Bigelow, Emma L., 717 W. 51st, 753.

Bigelow, Miss K., 1722 Whitley Ave., 196.

Biggar, Miss Margaret May, 612 S. Norton Ave., 551.

Biggs, Mrs. Elmer L., 663 Westmoreland Ave., 158.

Biggs, Mrs. G. R., 1631 La Brea, 139.

Bigham, Miss Beulah,  646 N. Gower St., 551.

Bigley, Mrs. Edward A., 320 ½ S. Hoover, 158.

Biles, Myrtle Emily, c/o U. S. C., 753.

Bilick, Mrs. Gladys, 825 W. Adams, 551.

Bilieke, Mrs. Albert C., 825 W. Adams, 75, 288-A.

Bilicke, Miss Constant, 825 W. Adams.

Bilicke, Miss Nancy, 825 W. Adams.

Billiet, Josie Ann, 1360 W. 30th Pl., 74.

Binford, Mrs. H. M., 1819 Van Ness, 158.

Binford, Mrs. J. B., 518 S. Westmoreland, 158.

Binswanger, Mrs. Helen C., Wesley Terrace Hotel, 122.

Biorkman, Mrs. Gustav, 467 Shattoo Pl., 196.

Biorkman, Miss H. M., 467 Shatto Pl., 196.

Birchard, Mrs. C. E., 3953 Denker Ave., 559.

Birdzell, Miss Mary, 942 S. Westlake Ave., 551.

Birkel, Miss Florence Sommers, 2306 S. Figueroa.

Birnbaum, Mrs. I., 1635 S. Wilton Pl., 122.

Bisbee, Bessie H., 806 Grand View, 559.

Bisbee, Mrs. S. N., 806 Grand View, 559.

Bischoff, Florence M., 4653 West Temple, 551, 559.

Bischoff, Miss Louise W., 4653 Beverly Blvd., 551.

Bishop, Mrs. G. H., 606 S. Manhattan, 158.

Bishop, Mrs. H. M., 1805 N. Bronson, 375.

Bishop, Mrs. Jas. S., 1211 W. 37th Pl., 196.

Bishop, Miss Rowena, 606 S. Manhattan Pl.

Bishop, Miss Virgini, 1342 W. Adams.

Bishop, Mrs. William T., Jr., 1342 W. Adams, 551.

Bissell, Mrs. Eudora V., 1008 Waterloo, 559.

Bissell, Mrs. K. M., 7248 Hillsdale Ave., 158.

Bittleston, Miss Marie, 3945 S. Broadway, 551.

Bixby, Mrs. James E., 4507 Rosewood Ave., 559.

Black, Mrs. A. B., 3046 Severance, 375.

Black, Mrs. Frank Willis, 209 S. Norton Ave.

Black, Mrs. John E., 338 S. Hobart Blvd.

Black, Miss Martha Harrell, 338 S. Hobart Blvd.

Black, Mrs. Phoebe E., 1643 W. 39th Pl., 559.

Blackburn, Mrs. Paul P., 236 N. Vendome, 752.

Blackford, Mrs. Francis Webster, 999 Gramercy Pl., 158.

Blackshear, Mrs. C. J., 5016 Melrose Ave., 196.

Blackwell, Miss Betty, Hayward Hotel, 551.

Blagge, Mrs. James H., Occidental Hotel, 74.

Blain, Miss Pearl, 1300 Genessee, 559.

Blair, Mrs. A. C., 1120 Grand View Ave., 158.

Blair, Mrs. Cassius D., 1225 W. 41st Pl., 539.

Blair, Mrs. Frederic H., 2315 – 4th Ave., 158.

Blair, Mrs. M. C., 4070 Walton Ave., 539.

Blair, Mrs. Meda, 515 S. Westlake Ave., 559.

Blake, Miss Anne E., 960 Francisco, 551.

Blake, Mrs. C. H., 2122 Thompson, 158.

Blake, Mrs. Eugene, 1807 S. Manhattan Pl., 74.

Blakely, Mrs. Jennie H., 2013 Florence Ave., 559.

Blakeslee, Miss Helen Murdoch, 935 Grattan, 158.

Blakeslee, Mrs. L. C., 935 Grattan, 158.

Blakslee, Mrs. Charles Fairman, Jr., 429 S. Virgil Ave., 196.

Blakslee, Mrs. Charles Fairman, 530 S. Virgil Ave.

Blalack, Miss Ellen H., The Huntley Apts., 158.

Blanchard, Miss Alice A., 715 S. Bonnie Brae, 196.

Blanchard, Miss J. M., 1545 Winona Blvd., 158.

Bland, Mrs. F. E., 5620 Baltimore, 559.

Blanford, Miss Mary E., 217 W. 30th, 551.

Blasier, Mrs. M. E., 641 St. Paul Ave., 74.

Blatz, Miss Anna G., 4418 Van Ness Ave., 74.

Bledsoe, Mrs. Benjamin F., 501 S. Alexander Ave., 196, 753.

Bledsoe, Mss Barbara Shepler, 501 S. Alexander Ave.

Bledsoe, Miss Frances Priscilla, 501 S. Alexander Ave.

Bletso, Mrs. A. J., 2186 Cambridge, 158.

Blewett, Mrs. George A., 3960 S. Vermont Ave., 74.

Blewett, Mrs. V. A., The Wellington Apts., 158.

Blight, Mrs. R. E., 1615 S. Van Ness Ave., 158.

Bliss, Mrs. C. H. J., 862 Gramercy Pl., 196, 753.

Bliss, Mrs. E. F., 3622 N. Griffin Ave., 559.

Bliss, Mrs. H. L., 3006 Wilshire Blvd., 375.

Bliss, Mrs. R. L., 3006 Wilshire Blvd., 196, 551.

Bloeser, Mrs. J. C., 1733 Roosevelt Ave., 158.

Bloeser, Mrs. John, 2261 W. 24th, 196, 256.

Blood, Mrs. Lena C., 147 N. Roosevelt Ave., 196.

Bloom, Mrs. Geo. C., 1019 St. Andrews Pl., 158.

Bloom, Mrs. Jos., 2815-2nd Ave., 122.

Bloomberg, Mrs. Leon, 1650 Reid, 122.

Bluett, Miss Alice M., The Bryson, 158, 551, 288-A.

Blumenberg, Mrs. Henry, Lankersheim Hotel, 551.

Blumenthall, Mrs. Herman, 1850 Wilton Pl., 196.

Blumenthal, Mrs. Julia, Ambassador Hotel, 122, 196.

Blumenthal, Mrs. Ray H., 768 S. New Hampshire Ave., 158, 551.

Blunk, Mrs. Sallie H., 916 Park View, 559.

Bloag, Mrs. F. R., 2730 W. 15th, 158.

Boardman, Mrs. Queen W., 8880 Sunset Blvd, 551

Bobey, Mrs. Harry G., 1040 Georgia, 196.

Bobrick, Mrs. G. A., 923 Burlington Ave.

Bobyshell, Mrs. W. F., 1332-4th Ave., 196.

Boccasini, Madame Mabelle, 1400 West Ave., 559.

Bock, Mrs. H. O., Frontenac Apts., 196.

Bock, Miss Mae C., Frontenac Apts., 196, 559.

Bockhelm, Mrs. Bernard, 452 Dalton Ave., 74.

Bodie, Mrs. Ed. C., 932 E. 21st, 74.

Boheme, Mrs. Henry Martin, 3605 E. 6th, 139.

Boerstler, Mrs. Horace Greeley, Huntley Apts., 551.

Boesche, Mrs. H. F., 1206 N. Normandie Ave., 158.

Bogardus, Mrs. Emory S., 1107 W. 41st, 158, 753.

Bohn, Miss Eleanor, 1245 W. Adams.

Bohn, Mrs. Joseph H., 1245 W. Adams.

Bohn, Miss Mary Adam, 1245 W. Adams.

Bohn, Miss Henryetta, 1245 W. Adams.

Bohn, Miss Margaret, 345 S. Arden Blvd.

Bohning, Mrs. J., 903 Edgemont, 559.

Boice, Mrs. D. H., Hotel Ambassador.

Boicourt, Miss E., 301 S. Van Ness Ave., 196.

Boicourt, Mrs. I. N., 301 S. Van Ness, 196.

Bolgiano, Ruth Ault, 343 S. Berendo, 753.

Boliu, Mrs. John, 414 S. Serrano Ave., 74, 196.

Bolton, Mrs. Pricie, 390 E. 3rd, 256.

Bond, Mrs. Carolyn B., 224 West Ave., 559.

Bond, Mrs. Elizabeth N., 542 N. Manhattan  Pl., 539.

Bond, Mrs. I. Myrtle, 3950 Marathon, 559.

Bonhaus, Mrs. Jos. B., 1057 W. 40th Pl., 375.

Bonner, Mrs. Clark, 142 El Centro.

Bond, Mrs. E. N., 542 N. Manhattan, 375.

Bonsall, Mrs. Albert M., 1128-5th Ave., 551.

Bonsall, Mrs. Elizabeth D., 506 S. Harvard Blvd., 559.

Bonsall, Mrs. Howard Curtiss, 506 S. Harvard Blvd.

Bontjes, Miss Minnie, 1705 S. Ardmore Ave., 196.

Bonynge, Mrs. Charles W., 624 S. Berendo, 196.

Bonynge, Mrs. Walter A., Jr., 1329 Crenshaw Blvd.

Bonynge, Mrs. Walter A., Sr., 1101 Magnolia Ave., 196.

Boock, Mrs. Milo Francis, 6700 National Blvd., 74.

Booker, Mrs. James, 4231 ½ Woodlawn Ave., 559.

Boor, Miss Edith R., 533 S. Virgil Ave., 551.

Boone, Mrs. Howard, 306 S. Bendome, 196.

Booth, Mrs. J. W., 532 S. Fremont Ave., 196.

Booth, Miss M., 1026 S. Figueroa, 158.

Booth, Mrs. Percy H., 960 Elden Ave.

Booth, Mrs. Willis H., 1010 Magnolia, 196.

Boothe, Mrs. L. M., 1200 Magnolia Ave., 196.

Boothe, Mrs. R. M., 1515 Crenshaw Blvd., 196.

Borden, Mrs. J. W., 344 S. Grand, 539.

Borden, Mrs. Roland Lee, 341 N. Dillion.

Borden, Mrs. Sadie Grey, 116 Roselawn Pl., 196.

Border, Mrs. Ellen P., 511 S. Cummings, 158.

Bordwell, Mrs. Walter, 2023 W. 24th.

Borelli, Mrs. Jean A., 1926 ½ Bonsallo Ave., 158.

Boren, Mrs. Samuel Hampson, 1881 Buckingham Road.

Borgia, Mrs. Marion, 5174 S. Gramercy Pl., 375.

Borthwick, Margaret G., 343 W. 33rd, 753.

Bordwell, Miss Helen, 2023 W. 24th.

Borton, Mrs. C. F., 1047 S. Vermont Ave., 158.

Bosybyshell, Mrs. Edward Christian, 1901 4th Ave.

Bosbyshell, Miss Huston, 1101 4th Ave. 551.

Boss, Mrs. George, 1014 S. Beacon, 117.

Boss, Mrs. Nellie G., 2574 W. 16th, 196.

Bosserman, Mrs. Chas., Hotel Savoy, 158.

Bostwick, Mrs. M. A., 422 W. Adams, 196.

Boswell, Mrs. A. B., 239 N. Manhattan, 375.

Boswell, Mrs. F., 457 Kenmore Ave., 196.

Bosworth, Mrs. Ella, 569 S. Fremont Ave., 559.

Bosworth, Mrs. J. C., 4216 Halldale Ave., 196.

Bothwell, Mrs. S. F., 212 S. Ardmore, 196.

Botiller, Miss Cecillia, 1631 W. 9th.

Botiller, Mrs. D., 1531 W. 9th.

Botsford, Miss Dorothy, 801 Edgware Road, 551.

Botsford, Mrs. H. S., 1829 N. Vine, 196.

Botsford, Miss Velma, 801 E. Edgware Road.

Botsford, Mrs. William S., 801 E. Edgeware Road.

Bottomley, Mrs. Elizabeth G., 1124 W. 7th, 551.

Bouchard, Miss Helen, 307 S. Seville Ave., 551.


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Bottomley, Mrs. John T., Ozmun Apts., 158.

Boucher, Mrs. Joseph, 1217 W. 10th, 137.

Bouck, Mrs. Thos. L., Alvarado Apts., 196.

Bouden, Mrs. Lina, 3818 S. Broadway, 559.

Bouelle, Mrs. F. A., 2367 W. 22nd, 158.

Bourdieu, Miss Aimee, 1455 W. 41st Pl., 551.

Bourn, Mrs. Mary T., 840 S. Hope, 559.

Bovard, Mrs. Geo. F., 801 W. 34th, 58, 196, 158.

Bowden, Mrs. Junius A., 741 S. Catalina, 158.

Bowdie, Mrs. A. M., 1912 W. 21st, 158, 139.

Bowe, Mrs. E. A., 2766 W. 8th, 375.

Bowen, Mrs. Edward J., 908 S. Ardmore Ave., 117.

Bowen, Mrs. Fred P., 2911 S. Hope, 158.

Bowen, Mrs. J. F., 1320 Arapahoe, 158.

Bowen, Mrs. J. S., 1557 Strickland.

Bowen, Mrs. Lillian, 2024 Magnolia.

Bowen, Mrs. Olive M., 1521 W. 47th, 539.

Bowen, Mrs. W. M., 1145 W. 35th, 196.

Bower, Beatrice, 5435-2nd Ave.

Bower, Mrs. E. C., 1121 S. Hope, 158.

Bower, Miss Florence, 1705 S. Hoover.

Bower, Mrs. Forest,  1230 Crenshaw Blvd.

Bower, Mrs. Frederick B., 2020-8th, 158.

Bower, Mrs. G. M., 3521 W. 17th, 375.

Bower, Mrs. L. S., 2411 West Blvd., 158.

Bowers, Mrs. J. C., 539 West Ave., 559.

Bowes, Mrs. Chas, 446 S. Grand View, 196.

Bowker, Mrs. Walter K., 5112 ½ Clinton, 196, 559.

Bowler, Mrs. C. M., 1928 Franklin Circle, 375.

Bowler, Mrs. Cora M., 1221 W. 49th, 539.

Bowler, Marion June, 1928 Franklin Circle, 375.

Bowler, Phoebe Ara,  1928 Franklin Circle, 375.

Bowman, Miss Amanda, 5617 LaMirada.

Bowman, Mrs. Anna, 1419 W. 11th.

Bowman, Anna V., 2704 Michigan.

Bowman, Bertha, 3287 Arroyo Seco.

Bowman, Mrs. E. R., 343 S. Vermont.

Bowman, Mrs. E. W., 1006-4th Ave.

Bowman, Mrs. M. J., 1587 W. 48th.

Bowman, Mrs. Mary, 1350 E. 33rd.

Bowman, Mrs. Mary, 1521 W. 20th.

Bowman, Mrs. Mary M., 1136 W. Edgeware, 196.

Bowman, Mrs. May, 939 S. Lorena.

Bowns, Mrs. C. L., 1161 N. Mariposa.

Bowser, Mrs. M. LaVinnie, 1204 S. Figueroa, 559.

Bowser, Mrs. Nettie, 2728 S. Vermont.

Boxall, Miss E. N., 618 N. Bonnie Brae.

Boyce, Ada H., 1063 E. Colo Blvd.

Boyce Miss Cora, 1023 S. Bonnie Brae.

Boyce, Jennie M., 1018 S. Grand View.

Boyd, Mrs. A., 4208 Harriman Ave., 539.

Boyd, Miss B. H., 1726 W. 1st.

Boyd, Mrs. F. H., 2029 W. 24th, 375.

Boyd, Mrs. George Homer, 512 N. Milton Ave.

Boyd, Miss Helen, 1014 W. 70th.

Boyd, Miss Lucy, 727 W. 46th.

Boyd, Mrs. Mary, 840 E. 25th.

Boyd, Mary A., 2110 W. 30th.

Boyd, Miss Nora, 742 S. Grand.

Boyd, Mrs. Thomas, Hotel Ingraham, 559.

Boyd, Mrs. Walter H., 244 S. Kingsley, 551.

Boyde, Mrs. H. W., 717 E. 54th.

Boyde, Jessie, 208 W. 52nd.

Boyde, Mrs. J. R.,  1418 W. 11th.

Boyde, Minnie,  2186 W. 29th.

Boyden, Mrs. Royland G., 182 N. Mariposa, 74, 196.

Boyer, Mrs. A., 1323 Girard.

Boyer, Adalaide, 4817 Oakwood.

Boyer, Mrs. Bert, 3106 Maple.

Boyer, Edith, 1523 Cortez.

Boyer, Mrs. F., 1439 E. 6th.

Boyer, Mrs. Frank, 2271 W. 25th.

Boyer, Mrs. Grace L., 1044 Lincoln, 559.

Boyer, Miss Lulu, 5027 Stratford Road.

Boyer, Mrs. Wm. C., 1044 Lincoln.

Boylan, Mrs. James, 1738 W. 9th, 74.

Boyle, Mrs. Ella Irene, 2034 Sunset Blvd., 539.

Boyle, Mrs. F. M., 4297 Louisanna.

Boyle, Mrs. Hugh John, 324 E. Jefferson, 74.

Boyle, Mrs. John, 259 S. Wilton Pl., 158.

Boyle, Mrs. J. L., 615 S. Kenmore Ave., 158.

Boyle, Mrs. Margaret, 239 S. Van Ness Ave., 74.

Boyle, Margaret M., 324 E. Jefferson, 74.

Boyle, Mrs. P. M., 127 N. Gates, 196.

Boyle, Mrs. R. L., 1015 S. Figueroa, 74.

Boyle, Mrs. W. J., 1657 Orange, 196.

Boylson, Mrs. Joseph, 515 S. Kingsley Drive, 74.

Boynge, Mrs. C. W., 211 S. Normandie, 196.

Boynge, Mrs. W. A., 315 S. Harvard Blvd., 196.

Boynton, Mrs. Catherine, 815 Marsh Strong Bldg., 559.

Boynton, Mrs. F. W.,  1014 Gramercy, 158.

Boynton, Mrs. Guy C., 517 S. Wilton Pl.

Boynton, Mrs. H. R., 207 N. Vendome, 196.

Boynton, Miss Mary, 207 N. Vendome.

Boynton, Noreen Baker, 517 S. Wilton Pl.

Box, Mrs. John Vincent, 2412 E. 4th, 74.

Bozarth, Mrs. C. W., 2057 Harvard Blvd., 158.

Bradburn, Mrs. R., 722 S. St. Andrews Pl., 158.

Bradbury, Miss F. L., 1842 Crenshaw Blvd., 158.

Braddock, Mrs. Ralph, 2429 Commonwealth Ave., 375.

Braden, Mrs. Anna M., 140 S. Norton Ave., 559.

Braden, Mrs. Frederic B., 1626 Fontaine Ave., 158.

Braden, Isabel S., 1748 W. 23rd, 559.

Bradford, Mrs. C. Raymond, 2444 Inverness Ave.

Bradford, Mrs. Charles S., 1710 W. 6th.

Bradford, Mrs. Mary V., 2879 Sunset Pl.

Bradley, Mrs. A. C., 419 S. Kingsley Drive., 196.

Bradley, Mrs. A. I., 143 S. Ave., 52, 158.

Bradley, Mrs. C. S., 1126-4th Ave., 158.

Bradley, Mrs. Charles Francis, 716 Whittier, 551.

Bradley, Mrs. Douglas, 4610-1st Ave., 753.

Bradley, Mrs. Edw. A., 1029 S. Union Ave., 196.

Bradley, Mrs. F. A., 2814 Francis Ave., 559.

Bradley, Miss Gertrude M., 2920 Wilshire Blvd.

Bradley, Mrs. Harley S., 1637 S. Van Ness Ave., 559.

Bradley, Mrs. T. H., 1329 W. 51st Pl., 559.

Bradley, Mrs., 2202 W. Washington, 44.

Bradner, Mrs. B. J., 1195 W. 28th, 158.

Bradshaw, Mrs. Wm. A., 1732 ½ S. Bonnie Brae, 158, 559.

Brady, Mrs. DeWitt J., 1807 S. Gramercy, 196.

Brady, Miss Florence Kendall, 1426 W. 27th.

Brady, Mrs. Joseph J.,  702 W. Vernon Ave., 74.

Brady, Mrs. Mary J., 825 Golden Ave., 196.

Brady, Miss Mary L., 2633 Palm Court, 74.

Brady, Mrs. Pauline, 257 S. Vermont, 122.

Brady, Mrs. Pauline C., 1426 W. 27th, 551.

Brady, Mrs. Philip H., 1426 W. 27th, 508.

Brain, Mrs. R. T., 1440 Albany, 559.

Brain, Mrs. W. C., 615 S. Commonwealth, 158.

Brainerd, Mrs. E. R., Rampart Apts., 158, 196, 375, 551, 559.

Brainerd, Mrs. H. G., 1661 Orange, 196.

Brainerd, Miss H. M.,  1661 Orange, 196.

Braly, Miss Doris, 544 Gramercy Pl., 551.

Braly, Mrs. Harold H., 544 Gramercy Pl., 551.

Braman, Mrs. G. D., 2637 Severance, 196.

Bramson, Mrs. Theodore R., 1521 Orange, 122.

Branch, Miss Catherine, 1945 Virginia Road.

Branch, Mrs. J. H., 1945 Virginia Road.

Branch, Miss Lucretia, 1945 Virginia Road.

Branch, Mrs. Norman E., 2332 Nella Vista Ave., 158.

Branch, Miss Mary Jane, 1945 Virginia Road.

Brandes, Miss Lulu, 5th and Olive, 539.

Brandon, Mrs. J. R., 509 W. 33nd, 158.

Brandstatter, Mrs. Rose, 560 S. Hobart, 122.

Brant, Miss Elizabeth, 3131 S. Figueroa, 288-A.

Brant, Mrs. O. F.,  3131 S. Figueroa, 158.

Braschi, Mrs. Liva E., 2047 W. 30th, 158.

Bratnobler, Mrs. Ida C., 401 S. Boyleston, 559.

Brauer, Mrs. S. D., 2129 W. 21st, 158.

Brauer, Miss Irene H., 2129 W. 21st, 158.

Brauer, Miss Ruth A., 2129 W. 21st, 158.

Braun, Mrs. Frederick William, 2157 Harvard Blvd.

Breard, Mrs. Minnie M., 7018 Denver Ave., 559.

Brearley, Mrs. S. R., 1450 Genesee, 158.

Breckwedel, Mrs. Mary A., 1922 S. Oxford Ave., 158.

Bredd, Miss Emma T., 2205 W. 6th, 551.

Breeden, Mrs. Harry Clay, 1115 Lake.

Breeden, Mrs. Roscoe M., 657 N. New Hampshire, 158.

Breedlove, Mrs. F., 424 ½ E. Ave., 28, 539.

Breedon, Mrs. R. M., 657 N. New Hampshire, 139.

Breen, Mrs. James A., 2928 Francis Ave., 74.

Brockaw, Anna, 512 California Bldg., 548.

Brem, Mrs. Walter V., 932 W. Maltman Ave., 196, 559, 753.

Bremer, Miss Lyna M. C., 445 S. Broadway, 158.

Brennan, Mrs. T. F., R. D. No. 9, Bx. 505, 74, 375.

Brennan, Mrs. William, 736 Bernardo, 74.

Brent, Mrs. E. J., 20 Berkeley Square, 158, 196, 375.

Bresee, Mrs. M. A., 941 S. Bonnie Brae, 158.

Bresee, Mrs. P. W., 1712 W. Adams, 158.

Bretherton, Mrs. W. L., 824 S. New Hampshire, 158.

Brett, Mrs. H. E., 137 N. Workman, 539.

Brewer, Mrs. A. H., 615 S. Virgil Ave., 196.

Brewer, Mrs. J. M., 420 N. Cora, 196.

Brewer, Mrs. Lulu J., 4151 Western Ave., 559.

Brewer, Mrs. W. H., 1320 Crenshaw, 158.

Brewster, Mrs. Florence L., 276 S. Rampart Blvd., 559.

Brewster, Mrs. P. O., 149 N. Manhattan Pl., 196.

Brick, Mrs. Alexander, 657 Irolo, 122, 196, 375.

Brick, Florence, 1459 Norton Ave., 74.

Brick, Helen, 1459 Norton Ave., 74.

Brick, Mrs. N. William, 1459 Norton Ave., 74.

Bridge, Mrs. Norman, 718 W. Adams, 158, 196, 551.

Brier, Mrs. Wilburn, 620 S. Flower, 559.

Briesen, Mrs. E., 161 S. 21st Ave., 539.

Briggs, Mrs. M. A., 3734 W. Adams.


Transcribed by Anita Crabtree.

Proofread by Marilyn Pankey.



© 2005 Nancy Pratt Melton

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