







Pg 229


Abbay, Mrs. Mary H.,741 Filbert, 27.

Abbott, Mrs. Cyrus W., 662 Hillgirt Circle North.

Acker, Mrs. Nicholas A. 353 Euclid Ave.

Ackerman, Mrs. John D., 2733-10th Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Arthur L., 634 Oakland Ave., 159.

Adams, Mrs. Arthur M., 1376-12th.

Adams, Miss Beseie, 2901 West.

Adams, Mrs. Charles, 5841 Colby.

Adams, Mrs. Edson F., 25 Seaview Ave.

Adams, Mrs. Frank L., 2850 Telegraph Ave., 328-A.

Adams, Miss Isla E., 145 Grand.

Adams, Mrs. J. C., 26th and Harrison, 186.

Adams, Mrs. Leland, 1180 Mandana Blvd., 552.

Adams, Mrs. Lemuel P., 265 Lee.

Adams, Miss Nellie, 2850 Telegraph Ave.

Aftergut, Mrs. Sarah, 742 Grand.

Agnew, Miss Nellie, 486 Hobart.

Ahrens, Miss M., 2123 Linden.

Akins, Mrs. Emma S., 1988 Webster.

Alberger, Mrs. William R., 754 Calmar.

Alderson, Miss S., 796-10th.

Aldrich, Miss Elsie E., 622 Jones.

Alexander, Mrs. Archibald A., 3838 Brighton Ave.

Alexander, Miss Edith, 361 Warwick Ave.

Alexander, Mrs. Henry, 1502 Alice.

Alexander, Mrs. J. M., 361 Warwick.

Alexander, Mrs. L E., 30 Grand.

Alexander, Mrs. M. L., 52 Vernon.

Allardt, Mrs. Chas. R., 780 Kingston.

Allardt, Mrs. Frederick A., 1041 Ardmore Ave., 159.

Allardt, Miss Elizabeth, 1041 Ardmore Ave.

Allen, Mrs. Alexander, 116 Montecito Ave.

Allen, Mrs. A. L., 1643 Vista.

Allen, Mrs. C, 2033 Chestnut.

Allen, Miss Dorothy M., 173 Webster, 552.

Allen, Mrs. E. W., 1396-10th.

Allen, Mrs. James C., 388 Vernon.

Allen, Mrs. John J., 510 Vernon.

Allen, Miss Ira N., 3835 Randolph.

Allen, Miss Myrtle C. 1218-13th.

Allen, Mrs. R. H., 2004-10th Ave., 159.

Allen, Mrs. Warren B., 3401 Broadway, 323.

Allen, Mrs. Wm.  H., 1645-83rd Ave.

Alley, Mrs. H. M., 1278 Excelsior Blvd.

Allis, Mrs. Ethelyn, 914 Myrtle.

Allmendinger, Helene, 307-21st, 418.

Altman, Miss Carolyn G., 2121-21st.

Altmayer, Mrs. B., 2131 Webster, 123.

Alverson, Mrs. Robt. A., 3732 Grove, 159.

Alves, Miss Rose, 8123 E. 14th.

Amann, Mrs. W. E., 149 Caperton, 159.

Ambrose, Mrs. Mary, 402 Castro.

Ament, Mrs. Edward N., 2545 Benveune.

Ames, Miss Elsie, 821 Wawona Ave., 159.

Ames, Mrs. Grace, 619 E. 10th.

Ames, Mrs. J. P., 821 Wawona Ave.

Amorino, Mrs. M. S., 1326 W. 14th.

Amos, Mrs. M. J., 2119 E. 14th.

Ampuero, Mrs. B., 675-25th.

Anderson, Mrs. M. A., 246 Mather.

Anderson, Miss. B. E., 5008 Manila.

Anderson, Miss Blanche E., 446-26th.

Anderson, Mrs. Carl Edwin, 4014 Randolph Ave.

Anderson, Mrs. O. R., 559-25th.

Anderson, Mrs. R. C., 126 Rockridge Ave., 363.

Anderson, Mrs. V. A., 462-45th, 339.

Anloff, Mrs. G. J., 454 Ellita, 196.

Anthony, Mrs. R. M., 964-18th, 159.

Archibald, Mrs. Robert A., 181 Montecito Ave.

Arlett, Mrs. Arthur, 6165 Chabot Road.

Arlett, Miss Grace, 6165 Chabot Road.

Armes, Mrs. C. Wm., 1231-5th Ave., 159.

Armes, Miss Edith, 1231-5th Ave, 159.

Aronson, Mrs. D., 837 Crocker Ave., 552.

Auerbach, Mrs. R. H., 389 Bellevue Ave., 159.

Avery, Mrs. Hugh, 330 Van Buren, 159.

Avery, Miss Margaret, 29 Westall Ave., 363, 418.

Aydelotte, Mrs. Minnie W., 3800 Woodruff Ave.

Ayers, Mrs. Frank H ., 488 Stow Ave.

Aylwin, Mrs. R. N., 175 Kempton Ave., 418.

Ayres, Mrs. Rollin C., 292 Jayne Ave.

Baccus, Mrs. William J., 221 Santa Clara Ave.

Bacon, Mrs. Howard L., El Nido Apts., 363, 418.

Bacon, Miss Helen T., 243 Orange, 159, 307.

Badgley, Miss Carol, 767 Lakeshore Ave.

Badgley, Miss Dorothy M., 767 Lakeshore Ave.

Badgley, Mrs. William O., 767 Lakeshore Ave.

Bahler, Mrs. Godfrey A., 300 E. 19th.

Baird, Mrs. Frederick G., 1525 Oak.

Baker, Mrs. A. W. Jr., 453 Van Buren, 159.

Baker, Miss Betty, 714-32nd, 363.

Baker, Mrs. Olive H., 213 Mountain Ave., 328-A.

Bakewell, Miss Harriet B., 2831 Telegraph Ave.

Baldwin, Mrs. H. N., 3120 Telegraph Ave., 506.

Baldwin, Mrs. James P., 150 Kempton Ave.

Baldwin, Miss Margaret, 150 Kempton Ave.

Baldwin, Miss Martha E., 150 Kempton Ave.

Ball, Mrs. Frank M., 582 Walla Vista Ave.

Bamford, Mrs. F. I., 1428 Castro, 159.

Bancroft, Mrs. H. P., 1067 Walker Ave.

Bangs, Mrs. Franklin, 132-9th, 159.

Bangs, Miss Gertrude, 132-9th.

Bangs, Miss Katherine, 132-9th.

Barbour, Mrs. Fred. F., 509 Fairmount Ave.

Barbour, Mrs. William A., Farragut & King Aves.

Barnham, Mrs. Courtney L., 3669 Adeline.

Barndollar, Mrs. Charles K., 1543 E. 31st.

Barnes, Mrs. Fred H., 84 Yosemite.

Barnes, Miss Katherine, 84 Yosemite.

Barnes, Mrs. Paul E., 134 Moss Ave., 274.

Barnhart, Mrs. Gleen Cobb, 267 Euclid Ave., 103.

Barlett, Mrs. Emily M., 2467 Hearst Ave., 58.

Bartlett, Mrs. J. M., 33 Moss Ave., 159.

Barusch, Mrs. W., 232 E. 16th, 363.

Bassford, Mrs. J. W., 1450-2nd Ave., 6.

Bates, Mrs. Charles D. Jr., 399 Bellevue Ave.

Bauer, Mrs. Lewis F., 481 Jean, 52.

Baumgartner, Mrs. A. C., 280 Lenox Ave., 159.

Baxter, Mrs. Alfred A., 563 Oakland Ave.

Beadle, Mrs. George S., 325 Warwick Ave., 57, 67.

Beanstow, Mrs. Lillian, 4235 Howe., 58.

Beard, Anne, 2201 Harrison Blvd., 328-A.

Beck, Mrs. Edward, 281 Lee.

Beck, Mrs. William E., 125 Moss Ave.

Beckman, Mrs. John W., 7157 Chabot Road.

Beckwith, Mrs. John A., 2757 Telegraph Ave., 159.

Beckwith, Mrs. Ward M., 1529-23rd Ave.

Beer, Miss Audrey, 2925 McClure, 363, 418.

Beever, Mrs. L. K., 5133 West, 58.

Belcher, Mrs. A. N., Claremont Hotel, 506.

Belgrano, Mrs. Frank N., 1132-7th Ave.

Bell, Mrs. Harmon, Hotel Oakland, 159, 485.

Bell, Mrs. Harry D., 1654 Grand Ave.

Bell, Mrs. J., 5216 Market, 58.

Bellingall, Miss Cora V., 1821 Filbert, 57.

Bemiss, Mrs. H. J., 1465 Wellington Ave., 484.

Bendit, Miss Helen, 3612 West.

Benner, Mrs. Harry, 370-34th, 159.

Bennett, Mrs. Clarence K., 430 Vernon.

Bennett, Mrs. R., 5112 Genoa, 58.

Beretta, Mrs. I. A., 375 Van Buren, 159.

Berg, Mrs. W. H., 6225 Harwood, 103.

Berger, Mrs. Otta A., 2939 Summitt.

Bernays, Mrs. Dudley E., 304 Olive Ave.

Bernays, Miss, 304 Olive Ave.

Bertillion, Miss Maxine Lillian, 900 Excelsior.

Bertillion, Mrs. Lee, 900 Excelsior.

Bickford, Miss Carrie, 1569 Jackson.

Bieglow, Mrs. E. A., 929 Chestnut, 328-A.

Bilger, Mrs. Frank W., 407 Vernon.

Billeshach, Mrs. F. E., 182-11th.

Billis, Mrs. E. L., 721-11th.

Biondi, Mrs. A., 666-53rd, 58.

Bird, Miss Louise, 776-8th.

Birr, Mrs. H. T., 484 Crescent.

Bishop, Mrs. Edgar, 554 Oakland Ave.

Bishop, Mrs. Lewis H., 554 Oakland Ave.

Bishop, Mrs. Lester K., 687 Wesley.

Bispham, Miss Margaret, 2706 Market.

Bisson, Dr. Francis, 440-17th.

Biven, Miss Ila M., 3831 Park Blvd.

Biven, Mrs. Millie S., 3831 Park Blvd., 137.

Bixby, Mrs. Murray D., 421 Harrison Ave., 74.

Black, Mrs. Harold Spens, 275 Vernon, 103.

Black, Mrs. James Byers. 630 El Dorado Ave.

Black, Mrs. J. M., 1809-9th Ave.

Black, Mrs. Margaret, 2031-92nd Ave.

Black, Mrs. Percie C., 651 Chetwood.

Blackburn, Mrs. J. B., 877 Campbell.

Blackburn, Mrs. W. T., 644-62nd, 339.

Blackman, Mrs. A. L., 236 E. 14th.

Blackwood, Miss Alice, 330 Park View Terrace.

Blain, Mrs. J. W., 442 E. 15th.

Blair, Mrs. E. V., 136-11th.

Blair, Mrs. W. W., 660 Vernon, 159.

Blake, Miss Marguerite, 3529 Emerson.

Bland, Mrs. S., 239 E. 16th.

Blanding, Mrs. E. M., 250 Grand.

Blasdel, Mrs. H. G., 1106 E. 16th.

Blether, Mrs. Emma, 1114 Linden.

Bleuel, Miss Davida S., 322 Athol Ave.

Bleuel, Mrs. M. J., 322 Athol Ave.

Bleuel, Miss Virginia, 322 Athol Ave.

Bliss, Mrs. G. K. 240 Grand.

Bliss, Mrs. Percy L., 3904 Ruby.

Bliss, Mrs. W. W. 6443 Hillegass Ave., 418.

Block, Mrs. F., 2022 Myrtle.

Blodgett, Mrs. Frances S. C., Federal Bldg.

Blois, Mrs. Maud L., 1119 Bella Vista.


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Blondell, Mrs. Wm., 632 E. 14th.

Blood, Mrs. Delos M., 4028 Ardley Ave.

Blood, Mrs. William F., 1949 E. 29th.

Blumen, Miss Rose, 10625 E. 14th.

Blunen, Mrs. A., 205-6th,

Blunck, Mrs. Emma, 809 E. 14th.

Boardman, Mrs. C. H., 478 Jean.

Boardman, Mrs. Ida C., 4633 Edgewood.

Boas, Mrs. P., 736-10th.

Boatright, Mrs. J. P., 1119 Linden.

Bocqueraz, Mrs. Leon, 250 Perry, 188.

Bode, Mrs. E. F., 384-10th.

Boek, Mrs. C. L., 2320 Webster.

Boggs, Mrs. Edward M., 480 Thorn Road.

Bohn, Mrs. Louis, 126-7th.

Bolander, Mrs. L. P. Jr., 1947 E. 28th, 58.

Bolar, Mrs. James M., 1043-35th Ave., 58.

Bolce, Mrs. G. S., 1421 Jackson.

Bolmen, Miss Gladys, 1116-69th Ave.

Boltz, Miss Ella A., 1025-8th.

Boman, Miss Olga C., 557-24th.

Bonham, Mrs. A. M., 2009 Telegraph.

Bonham, Miss Elsa E., 1641 E. 20th.

Bonkofsky, Mrs. L., 1967-88th.

Bonne, Mrs. A., 2841 Adeline.

Booth, Mrs. Elmer, 379 Euclid, 159.

Bordenave, Mrs. A., 1575 Webster.

Borgeson, Mrs. Chas., 905 Willow.

Borland, Mrs. Archibald, 2825 Summit, 159.

Borland, Miss Florence, 1035 Fallon.

Bornemann, Mrs. Geo. C., 475 Vernon.

Borrroughs, Mrs. Joseph N., 515 Haddon Road.

Borton, Mrs. C. C., 486 Blvd., 158.

Bortree, Mrs. David E., 2335 Valdez.

Boston, Mrs. R. M., 1900 Seminary.

Boswell, Mrs. C., 2700 Market.

Bosworth, Miss Josephine, 1035 E. 11th.

Bosworth, Miss Josephine, 1939 Franklin.

Botelho, Mrs. Jos. P., 3824 Ardley Ave.

Bottini, Miss T., 1028 Linden.

Botto, Mrs. Joseph J., 5350 Lawton.

Bouldin, Miss Ethel, 547-22nd.

Bouterious, Mrs. H. B., 973-60th.

Bouton, Mrs. L., 1031 Pontiac.

Bouyer, Mrs. J. A., 1725-12th.

Bovenizer, Mrs. H. L., 1704-10th.

Bowen, Miss B. V., 3903 Park Blvd.

Bowen, Mrs. E., 69-11th.

Bowen, Mrs. Henry A., 410 E. 12th.

Bowen, Mrs. L. E., 512 Merrimac.

Bowie, Miss Vera, 1247-5th Ave.

Bowles, Mrs. Frank H., 427 Adams.

Bowles, Mrs. Philip E., Union and McAdam, 78, 188, 328-A, 552.

Bowman, Miss H. W., 1051 Walker Ave., 328-A.

Boyd, Mrs. T. F., 1319 Jefferson.

Boyer, Mrs. C. A., 381 Jayne.

Boyer, Mrs. John H., 878-59th, 114, 181.

Boyer, Mrs. L., 1708 Chestnut.

Boyer, Mrs. Robert H., 1153-10th.

Boyes, Mrs. Edwin J., 30 Grand.

Boyle, Mrs. H. A., 359 Grand.

Brace, Mrs. J. W., 188 Moss Ave., 159.

Brackens, Mrs. T. L., 1105 Kirkham.

Bradford, Miss Mary, 857 Athens.

Bradley, Mrs. M., 548 Magnolia.

Bradley, Miss Susie M., 1925 Castro.

Bradshaw, Mrs. Etta M., 100-9th.

Brady, Mrs. Mary, 706 Brush.

Brady, Mrs. M. P., 2018 Chestnut.

Brady, Miss Rose, 935 Center.

Brady, Mrs. W. T., 683 Wesley.

Bramman, Mrs. M. B., 5825 Colby.

Brand, Miss M. J., 1301-85th Ave.

Brandeman, Mrs. H., 2864-61st.

Brandenburg, Mrs. Chas. A., 5428 Thomas.

Brandenburg, Miss Corrine, 5428 Thomas.

Brandt, Mrs. P., 12th & Adeline.

Braun, Mrs. Francis A., 733 Wesley Ave., 159.

Braun, Mrs. L., 1315 Filbert.

Bray, Mrs. Edward M., 1506-29th Ave.

Bray, Mrs. Howard Watson, 5460 Carlton Ave.

Bray, Miss Julia F., 5460 Carlton Ave.

Brayton, Mrs. Edward Lacy, 111 Mountain Ave.

Brayton, Miss T., 111 Mountain Ave.

Breck, Miss Emma J., 3003 Summit.

Breden. Mrs. Laura, 1945-12th Ave.

Bredhoff, Mrs. H., 1660-14th.

Breed, Mrs. Herbert L., 865 Walker Ave.

Brelling, Miss J., 872 Grand.

Bremler, Miss Hazelle. 2317 Telegraph.

Brennan, Mrs. Michael C., 143 Kempton Ave.

Brente, Mrs. E., 1725 Chase.

Brewster, Mrs. C. U., 1940-9th Ave.

Brickel, Mrs. G. W., 447-24th.

Bridges, Mrs. R., 1139 E. 24th.

Bridges, Mrs. Thomas B., 621 E. 21st.

Bridgman, Mrs. Edward C., 330 Athol Ave.

Briggs, Miss Bertha, 1518 Grove.

Briggs, Mrs. A. M., 50 Grand.

Briggs, Miss Elizabeth, 1415 West.

Briggs, Mrs. Elizabeth W., 453 Walsworth.

Briggs, Mrs. Frank A., 581-44th.

Briggs, Miss Gertrude R., 69-7th.

Bright, Mrs. P. J., 836 Lakeshore Ave.

Briglia, Mrs. F., 880-29th.

Brinckman, Mrs. F. C., 930 E. 14th.

Brinkerhoff, Mrs. E. E., 388 Bellevue, 159.

Bringing, Miss M., 1922-13th Ave.

Britt, Mrs. Ida, 604-17th.

Britton, Mrs. W. J., 2115 Myrtle.

Broadnax, Mrs. M. B., 832 Chester.

Brobst, Mrs. Sadie, 1427 Magnolia.

Brock, Mrs. Alfred T., 630 Mariposa Ave.

Broden, Mrs. R. C., 277-26th.

Broder, Mrs. Walter, 1305 Washington.

Broderick, Mrs. John, 862-21st.

Brokhausen, Mrs. K., 275 Park View.

Bromley, Mrs. Roscoe Palmer, 336-34th.

Brooks, Mrs. Alpheus B., 417 Staten Ave.

Brooks, Mrs. E. G., 419 Walsworth.

Brooks, Mrs. Flora, 1786-10th.

Brooks, Miss M. C., 285 Van Buren.

Brooks, Miss Sarah A., 2425 Valdez.

Brooks, Mrs. William E., 620 Merrimac.

Brooms, Mrs. I. B., 1415-10th.

Brosnahan, Mrs. Annie, 1976 Franklin.

Brougher, Mrs. Henry C., 6150 Harwood Ave.

Brown, Mrs. A., 532 Merrimac.

Brown, Mrs. A. C., 1748-18th Ave.

Brown, Mrs. Adela, 1610-14th.

Brown, Mrs. Alex, 9315 Hillside Ave., 58.

Brown, Miss Anna, 513 Broadway.

Brown, Miss Anna A., 35 Nace.

Brown, Miss Annie Florence, 600-29th, 159, 485.

Brown, Mrs. C. A. L., 804-13th.

Brown, Mrs. Clyde E., 452 Haddon Road.

Brown, Mrs. Emma, 1849-5th Ave.

Brown, Miss Evelyn B., 1001 Pine.

Brown, Miss Florinne, 1889 Jackson, 103, 159, 188, 323,

Brown, Mrs. Frank L., 730 Lake Shore Ave.

Brown, Miss G., 787-20th.

Brown, Mrs. Geo. L., 333 Park View Terrace.

Brown, Mrs. Guy, 359 Grand.

Brown, Miss H., 1601 Linden.

Brown, Mrs. Harry C., 184 Moss.

Brown, Miss Jesse G., 303 Newton.

Brown, Mrs. Lille, 1324 Peralta.

Brown, Mrs. Lilly, 1730 Chase.

Brown, Mrs. L. Morris, 1457 Hopkins.

Brown, Miss M. E., 30 Grand.

Brown, Mrs. M. F., 823 Lydia.

Brown, Mrs. Mabel, 2718 Adeline.

Brown, Mrs. Mary M., 2627-13th Ave.

Brown, Miss Matilda E., 600-29th, 78, 159.

Brown, Mrs. Nettie, 229-10th.

Brown, Miss Nettie A., 2203-90th Ave.

Brown, Mrs. O. D., 2331-19th Ave.

Brown, Mrs. S., 277-12th.

Brown, Mrs. S. J., 293 Perkins.

Brown, Miss Thelma, 1211 Adeline.

Brown, Mrs. Vivian, 1932-103rd Ave.

Brown, Mrs. W. A., 809 Wood.

Brown, Mrs. W. F. D., 401 Athol Ave.

Brown, Mrs. W. H., 1071-54th, 506.

Brown, Mrs. William M., 2829 11th Ave.

Browne, Mrs. I. C., 254 E. 12th.

Browne, Mrs. Morgenia C. S., 621 Blvd. Way.

Browne, Mrs. Ross E., 234 Perry.

Browne, Mrs. Spencer C., 2225 Harrison.

Brownell, Mrs. J. R., 100-9th, 506.

Brownlee, Mrs. Richard, 960-28th.

Brownridge, Miss Lillian, 470-13th.

Broyles, Mrs. G. F., Hotel Jackson.

Brubaker, Mrs. Maud, 6347 Dana, 58.

Bruce, Mrs. Wm., 1001-3rd Ave.

Bruecker, Mrs. B., 1719 E. 24th.

Bruen, Mrs. W. G., 5699 Oak Grove Ave., 506.

Brundige, Mrs. Harley W., 1897 Lakeshore Ave.

Brune, Mrs. H. C., 1014-3rd Ave.

Brunell, Mrs. H., 1433 Adeline.

Brunjes, Miss Adele, 1528 E. 14th.

Brunker, Mrs. F. E., 1523-12th Ave.

Brunsman, Miss Norma, 786-11th.

Brust, Mrs. Ida M., 3845 Midvale Ave., 58.

Bryan, Mrs. Elijah H., 5479 Boyd Ave.

Bryan, F. C., 838-14th.

Bryan, Mrs. O. C., 610 Brooklyn.

Bryden, Mrs. J. R., 307 Perkins.

Bryn, Mrs. E. B., 30 Grand.

Buchman, Mrs. I. A., 890 Lake Shore Blvd.

Buck, Mrs. Leonard W., 500 Lake Park Ave.

Buckley, Mrs. Anna L., 1716 Webster.


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Buckley, Mrs. John, 430-28th, 121.

Budge, Mrs. Wm., 1137 Chatham Road.

Bugeia, Miss E., 360-24th.

Bullock, Mrs. Nellie, 2705-10th Ave.

Bullock, Mrs. S. R., 635-16th.

Bump, Mrs. S. L., 828 Chester.

Bunker, Mrs. W. B., 578 Excelsior Ave., 506.

Bunnell, Mrs. Geo. Woodbury, 2901 Telegraph Ave., 159.

Bunner, Miss Elizabeth, 812-3rd Ave.

Burckhalter, Mrs. L. 951 Center.

Burgk, Mrs. Louis J., 1908 E. 30th.

Burk, Mrs. E. M., 1564 Vista.

Burke, Miss Anna R. B., 716-11th.

Burke, Miss Mamie G., 669-25th.

Burkett, Miss Bertha, 1633 Market.

Burlington, Mrs. E., 265-23rd.

Burman, Mrs. Charles H., 831 Calmar.

Burmeister, Mrs. H. E., 1224-18th.

Burnett, Mrs. A., 4426 Park Blvd.

Burnham, Mrs. Geo. H., 351 Palm Ave.

Burnham, Mrs. John R., 108 Lake.

Burns, Mrs. J., 1118 Oak.

Burns, Miss M., 938 Adeline.

Burnside, Miss Lottie M., 2138 E. 27th.

Burpee, Mrs. Earle L., 740 Grand Ave.

Burpee, Mrs. L. G., 277 Park View Terrace.

Burpee, Mrs. W., 365 Perry, 328-A.

Burrell, Miss Florence C., Central Bank Bldg.

Burrell, Mrs. Irving H., 345 Palm Ave.

Burroni, Mrs. L. A., 1015 E. 24th.

Burroughs, Mrs. Willis P., 37 Moss Ave.

Burtchaell, Mrs. S. W., 272 Euclid Ave., 159.

Bush, Mrs. C. C., 3110-64th Ave., 418.

Bushby, Mrs. D. C., 1918-11th Ave., 418.

Bushell, Miss Lucretia, 726-7th.

Bussolino, Mrs. S., 1548 Harrison.

Butler, Miss Belle, 2321 Telegraph.

Butler, Mrs. Daisy G., 2421-13th Ave.

Butler, Mrs. F. M., 635 El Dorado Ave., 159.

Butler, Mrs. Lorraine, 733-17th.

Butler, Mrs. Neva B., 332 Santa Clara, 307.

Butters, Mrs. Chas., 6272 Chabot Road, 489.

Buttlar, Miss Belle, 2321 Telegraph.

Buttles, Mrs. Eugene M., 3871 Howe, 159.

Button, Mrs. Frances G., 2648 Valdez.

Button, Mrs. Fred L., 590-34th, 159.

Buttrick, Mrs. E. L., 355 Orange.

Butts, Mrs. F., 3725 Randolph.

Butzbach, Miss Alice, 1345-86th Ave.

Buzzalino, Miss D., 1332 Peralta.

Byington, Mrs. W. H., 456 Jean, 307, 386.

Byrne, Miss Anna M., 831-5th Ave.

Bytton, Mrs. Martha, 1550 Broadway.

Cable, Mrs. H. E., 78 Fairmount.

Cadrett, Mrs. M., 689 Walla Vista.

Cadman, Mrs. John O., 2327 Valdez.

Cahill, Miss Hazel, 2300 Grove.

Cahill, Mrs. M. A., 1942 Telegraph.

Cahill, Mrs. P., 1030-56th, 58.

Cain, Miss Margaret, 319 Adams.

Caitano, Miss Laura, 825 Isabella.

Calahan, Miss N. J., Lazear School, 58.

Calberg, Elwyn A., 812 E. 16th, 363.

Caldwell, Miss E. E., 3069 Richmond.

Calkins, Mrs. Ruby, 1705 Broadway.

Callaghan, Mrs. Charles W., 1808 Fruitvale Ave.

Callaghan, Miss Margaret, 2303 Filbert.

Callahan, Miss May, 1226 E. 12th.

Callahan, Mrs. Nora E., 722-21st.

Callan, Mrs. Mary, 1930 Filbert.

Callen, Mrs. J. H., 1521 Fruitvale, 339, 506.

Callwell, Mrs. Fanny S., 350 Santa Clara.

Calvin, Mrs. J. A., 739 Campbell.

Camby, Mrs. Mary, 1805 Harrison.

Cameron, Mrs. A. B., 1420 Jackson.

Cameron, Mrs. E., 1533 Cypress.

Cameron, Mrs. Lucy, 1429-7th Ave.

Cameron, Mrs. M., 1734-5th Ave.

Cameron, Mrs. W. H., 6124 Chabot Road, 328-A.

Camp, Mrs. Harry, 574 Excelsior.

Camp, Mrs. M., 428 Perkins.

Campbell, Mrs. C., 1435-3rd Ave.

Campbell, Miss C. C., 1906 Webster.

Campbell, Miss Elvira, 1614-89th Ave.

Campbell, Miss Flora, 730 E. 10th.

Campbell, Mrs. H. W., 3877 Greenwood Ave., 58.

Campbell, Miss Jessie, 436 Orchard.

Campbell, Mrs. L. A., 2638 Valdez.

Campbell, Miss Lola M., 1932-96th Ave.

Campbell, Mrs. Lue, 1109 Madison.

Campbell, Mrs. Malcolm E., 675 Vernon.

Campbell, Miss Mary M., 30 Grand.

Campbell, Miss Winifred, 710 E. 23rd, 75, 445.

Campe, Mrs. John, 930 Lakeshore Ave.

Canfield, Mrs. G. H., 1461 Alice, 159.

Cannon, Miss Mary, 854-30th.

Cantua, Mrs. A. R., 1704 E. 19th.

Canty, Mrs. Sarah, 1545-6th Ave.

Capell, Miss M., 1435-8th Ave.

Capwell, Mrs. H. C., 145 Monte Cresta Ave., 159, 552.

Carash, Mrs. M., 778-18th.

Card, Mrs. E. F., 424 Perkins, 188.

Cardwell, Miss Pearl, 2148 Broadway.

Cardwell, Mrs. T. W., 839 Union.

Carey, Miss Margaret, 2603 San Pablo.

Carey, Mrs. R. L., 2501-66th Ave.

Carhart, Mrs. Eva, 1433-2nd Ave.

Carlos, Mrs. Chas. M., 654 Oakland Ave., 159.

Carlsen, Mrs. J. A., 1225 Myrtle.

Carlson, Miss Eleanor, 427 E. 19th.

Carlson, Miss Mildred V., 1943-9th Ave.

Carlson, Miss Sophia, 427 E. 19th.

Carlston, Mrs. Joseph F., Geranium Pl. and Rosewood Road.

Carney, Mrs. Harry, 1021 Excelsior.

Carr, Mrs. Frank M., 4410 Evans.

Carrell, Mrs. W. C., 1074-24th.

Carrriker, Miss Marie K., 1081 Harvard Road.

Carrington, Mrs. A. C., 428 Haddon Road.

Carroll, Miss Alice, 1716-15th Ave.

Carroll, Mrs. E. J., 780-16th.

Carroll, Miss Hazel, 1827 E. 21st.

Carroll, Mary, 3723 Grove, 328-A.

Carroll, Mrs. Mary, 933 Myrtle.

Carroll, Miss Vera, 455-28th.

Carson, Mrs. F., 620-22nd.

Carstensen, Mrs. S. L., 1653-22nd Ave.

Carter, Mrs. Albert E., 552 Mont Clair, 159.

Carter, Mrs. Arden, 1394-9th.

Carter, Mrs. Ida, 1931 San Pablo.

Carter, Miss Mable, 2127 Telegraph.

Carter, Miss Rae, 675-6th.

Carter, Miss R. M., 1119 Union.

Carter, Miss Theda A., 1112 Myrtle.

Casalta, Mrs. M., 1638-12th Ave.

Case, Mrs. Louise W., 929 Brush.

Casey, Mrs. T. I., 54 Lake Ave., 58.

Cash, Mrs. Della, 631 Hobart.

Caspersen, Miss Margaret, 1322 E. 31st.

Castle, Miss Ira, 916 E. 21st.

Castle, Mrs. J. B., 530 Glen View, 484.

Castor, Mrs. M. G., 5981 Majestic.

Castro, Mrs. D. V., 2021 Franklin.

Caswell, Mrs. J., 250 E. 18th.

Cate, Miss Stella M., 608-22nd.

Caton, Mrs. Annie, 2216 Union.

Cavagnaro, Mrs. J., 320 Myrtle.

Cavagnaro, Mrs. Joseph F., 400 Lagunitas Ave.

Cavalier, Mrs. William, 2850 Telegraph.

Cavanagh, Mrs. E., 3016 Telegraph.

Cavanagh, Mrs. Harry F., 333 Park View Ter.

Cavarly, Mrs. Evelyn, 470 Ellita.

Cawley, Miss Gertrude, 144 Grand.

Cease, Miss Emma E., 553 Hobart.

Cella, Mrs. G., 2283 Broadway.

Cermilla, Miss Lillian I., 735-5th.

Cereseto, Mrs. M., 1745-14th.

Cerini, Mrs. W. P., 690-25th.

Ceriotti, Miss L., 963-21st.

Cerrito, Mrs. A., 905 Grand.

Cesari, Miss Isma, 704 Alice.

Cevasco, Mrs. S., 1916 E. 38th.

Chace, Miss Bertha, 3339 Broadway.

Chadwick, Mrs. Frank R., 1001 Linden.

Chaffey, Mrs. Geo. H., 1531 E. 15th.

Chalfant, Mrs. C. W., 1247-5th Ave., 339.

Chamberlain, Mrs. C. B., 1639-86th Ave.

Chamberlain, Mrs. C. S., 4501 San Pablo Ave., 139, 159, 252.

Chamberlain, Mrs. L. L., 2409 College.

Chamberlain, Mrs. Richard H., 1031 Bella Vista Ave, 159.

Chamberlain, Mrs. W. Edward, 11 San Leandro Way, 159.

Chamberlain, Mrs. W. R., 5740 Keith Ave.

Chamberlin, Miss Ruth, 170-10th.

Chambers, Mrs. George R., 171 Santa Rosa Ave.

Chambers, Marjory F., 4223 Howe, 328-A.

Champion, Miss Barbara, Fruitvale Heights.

Champion, Mrs. Charles Noble, Lincoln Ave., Fruitvale Heights.

Champion, Miss Francis, 57 Fairmont.

Champlain, Mrs. Rose L., 1605 Clay.

Chandler, Mrs. Evelyn B., 30 Grand.

Chandler, Miss Ida M., 3863 Brighton

Chanquet, Mrs. Sophie, 2412 Valdez.

Chapman, Mrs. Chas. P., 2602-11th Ave.

Chapman, Mrs. E. H., 424 Newton.

Chapman, Mrs. F. C., 840 Athens.

Chapman, Mrs. J. O., 3936 Agua Vista Ave., 159.

Chappel, Mrs. H. G., 115 Montecito Ave., 159.

Chappell, Mrs. George, 855 Mead.

Charles, Mrs. Sarah, 1622-13th Ave.


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Charpie, Mrs. J. B., 1450 Franklin.

Chase, Mrs. A. R., 1426-10th Ave.

Chase, Mrs. Geo. Q., 37 Lincoln, 485.

Chase, Miss Ilam, 88 Bayo Vista Ave., 159.

Chase, Mrs. Quincy A., 3115 Webster, 485.

Chattock, Mrs. M. C., 2103-69th Ave.

Chauche, Mrs. M. E., 2133 Webster.

Cheek, Mrs. Sarah B., 2518 Hellegass.

Chesley, Mrs. William E., 1172-10th.

Chew, Mrs. L. A., 1228 Brush.

Chick, Mrs. E., 326 Chicago.

Chick, Mrs. L., 5751 Dover.

Childs, Mrs. N., 603-27th, 114.

Chisholm, Mrs. Colin F., 538 Merrimac.

Chivree, Miss Marion, 3007 Brook.

Choice, Mrs. M. J., 1925 E. 16th.

Christensen, Mrs. Carl, 825 Cleveland.

Christensen, Mrs. E. M., 3418 Park Blvd.

Christensen, Mrs. Lizzie, 2021 Myrtle.

Christensen, Mrs. M., 936 Moor Park.

Christie, Mrs. M. T., Harrison & Grand.

Christy, Miss P. E., 1737 Euclid.

Chubb, Mrs. Chas., 1932 Linden, 159.

Chubb, Mrs. R., 1196-18th.

Chubbuck, Mrs. S. W., 461-A, 34th, 159.

Church, Mrs. Adeline M., 316 Harrison.

Church, Mrs. L. S., 56 Fairmount, 159.

Church, Mrs. Leo T., 822 Athens.

Cinnamond, Mrs. Walter, 909 Adeline.

Citron, Mrs. M., 485-27th.

Clancy, Mrs. E., 846-30th.

Clancy, Miss Gladys, 9841 Holly.

Clancy, Miss Sarah, 1086-14th.

Clarabut, Mrs. Edwin D., 627 Vernon.

Clark, Miss Anna M., 6400 Harwood Ave., 506.

Clark, Mrs. Ernest M., 556-23rd.

Clark, Mrs. Fay, 1119-30th.

Clark, Mrs. G. C., 781-14th, 512.

Clark, Mrs. Geo. M., 2397-94th.

Clark, Miss J., 824-11th.

Clark, Mrs. J. Emmet, 3038 Telegraph.

Clark, Mrs. John, 567 Jones.

Clark, Mrs. L., 3345 Broadway.

Clark, Mrs. S. McF., 333 Portland Ave., 159.

Clarke, Mrs. Mary B., 4131 Randolph.

Clarke, Mrs. Sam., 1422-8th.

Clarrage, Mrs. H. F., Maryland Apts.

Classen, Mrs. J., 332 Walsworth.

Claudius, Mrs. G., 546-24th.

Clay, Mrs. Philip T., 31 Sea View.

Clayborne, Mrs. E., 558 Magnolia.

Clayes, Miss Mary B., 2420 Dwight Way.

Clayton, Mrs. H. G., 9624 Plymouth.

Clayton, Mrs. Lucile, 1770 Goss.

Cleave, Miss B., 628 Sycamore.

Clemence, Miss Alma B., 638-29th.

Clement, Mrs. Russell Montgomery, 320 Wayne Ave.

Clifford, Miss Margaret, 1037 Willow.

Clift, Miss Charlotte, 570-16th.

Climm, Miss Jewel, 308-19th.

Climovich, Mrs. John L., 2214-9th Ave.

Clothier, Mrs. J. C., 1622 Castro.

Clough, Mrs. Fred M., 829 Ohio Ave.

Clow, Miss A. A., 605-29th, 159.

Clow, Miss Elizabeth, 605 29th, 159.

Coakley, Miss Ella P., 586-14th.

Cobbledick, Mrs. L. N., 1129-4th Ave.

Cobbledick, Miss Nell M., 514-28th.

Coburn, Mrs. John C., 981 Vermont.

Coburn, Mrs. M. A., 1025 Excelsior.

Cockroft, Mrs. Louis F., 385 Fairmont Ave, 159.

Codding, Mrs. George C., 348-34th, 139.

Coe, Mrs. Ira J., 67 Santa Clara.

Coffey, Miss E., 598-22nd.

Coffin, Mrs. Albert F., 255 Perry.

Coffin, Miss Alice W., 255 Perry.

Coffin, Mrs. Everett M., 108 Flair Ave.

Coggins, Mrs. Herman A., 918 Rose Ave.

Cohen, Mrs. Alfred H., 1440-29th Ave.

Cohen, Miss Esther, 580-29th.

Cohen, Miss L., 575 Sycamore.

Cohen, Mrs. L., Perkins & Grand.

Cohen, Mrs. M., 836 Athens.

Cohen, Mrs. Raymond, 2720 West.

Colby, Mrs. S. E., 4624 Park Blvd.

Cole, Mrs. Emily, 920 E. 22nd.

Cole, Mrs. M. E., 1114-14th.

Cole, Mrs. O. P., 626-52nd, 58.

Collins, Mrs. D. Edward, 1804 Harrison.

Collins, Miss Irene I., 1804 Harrison.

Collins, Mrs. H. C., 2643½ Channing, 311, 484.

Colombe, Mrs. Minnie R., 1388 E. 28th.

Colton, Mrs. Albert S., 3424 Webster.

Colvin, Miss Francis M., 722 E. 15th.

Comba, Elizabeth, 382-63rd, 328-A.

Dommins, Miss Mary K., 458 Walsworth.

Comstock, Mrs. J. W., 1773-90th Ave., 58.

Comstock, Mrs. L. J., 3855 Greenwood.

Coney, mrs. K., 59-10th.

Conger, Mrs. B. S., 1815-5th Ave.

Conklin, Mrs. Chas. H., 470 Staten.

Connelly, Mrs. N., 476 Wickson.

Conners, Mrs. John F. 1012 Ashmount Ave.

Conners, Miss Mollie E., 1012 Ashmount Ave.

Coogan, Mrs. T. C., 748 Oakland Ave., 159.

Cook, Mrs. Edward P., 408 Orange.

Cook, Mrs. Frank B., 1831-10th Ave. 159.

Cooper, Mrs. Edwin T., 220 Uplands.

Cooper, Mrs. Flora, 2319 Webster.

Cooper, Mrs. J. S., 827-54th, 58.

Cordano, Mrs. A., 718 Haddon.

Corder, Mrs. Arthur E., 350 Lenox Ave.

Corder, Mrs. Walter E. 363 Belmont Ave.

Corley, Miss Elizabeth, 596 Excelsior.

Cornell, Mrs. Charles E., 1020 Bella Vista, 158.

Cornell, Mrs. T. G., 1435-61st Ave.

Coryell, Mrs. John R. J., 215 Athol Ave.

Cosca, Miss Anna, 1550-13th Ave.

Cosgrove, Miss Margaret, 716 E. 22nd.

Crabb, Mrs. C. W., 1282-107th Ave., 58.

Craig, Mrs. J. Early, 6109 Harwood Ave.

Cramer, Mrs. Adolph E. H., 1055 Lakeshore Ave.

Crane, Mrs. William W., 1002 Bella Vista Ave., 159.

Crawford, Mrs. Alexander K., 226 Lake Shore Blvd., 159.

Creed, Mrs. W. H., 468 Vernon, 103, 159.

Crellin, Mrs. Thomas, 1836 Alice, 103.

Crellin, Miss Mona, 1836 Alice, 159.

Cross, Mrs. A. D. 1485 Alice, 139.

Cross, Miss Elsie, 1485 Alice, 418.

Crossley, Mrs. Nathaniel M., 868 Cleveland Ave.

Crostick, Mrs. Emmie, 1740-9th, 58.

Crowell, Mrs. Clarence, 237 Perry.

Cumming, Mrs. George G., 575 Kenmore.

Cummings, Mrs. Lawrence W., 744 Lake Shore Ave.

Cunningham, Mrs. Arthur Lee Jr., 1034 Harvard Blvd.

Curtis, Mrs. D. T., 144-9th, 159, 339.

Curtis, Mrs. Valentine, 370-63rd, 366.

Curtiss, Mrs. Gilbert L., 622 E. 17th, 159, 186.

Cushman, Miss Olive Reed, 433 Elwood Ave.

Cushman, Mrs. Seth Wilson, 433 Elwood Ave.

Cutting, Mrs. F. P., 1930 Harrison, 159.

Cutting, Mrs. L. 2337 Harrison, 339.

Dabney, Mrs. A. R., 437 Perkins Apts., 159.

de Camara, Mrs. M. B., 259 E. 12th, 328-A.

Dallam, Mrs. Frederick B., 430 Adams.

Dalton, Mrs. Ada M., 1560 Alice, 159.

Daly, Mrs. Charles H., 1640-10th Ave.

Dalziel, Mrs. Robert, 258 Wayne Ave.

Dalziel, Mrs. Robert J., 1905-5th Ave.

Daniels, Mrs. George Seth, 30 Grand.

Dargle, Mrs. Thomas Malvern, Perkins & Belmont.

Darling, Mrs. Chester F., 1637 E. 21st.

Davenport, Mrs. John E., 348-63rd.

Darling, Mrs. Chester F., 1537 E. 21st.

Davenport, Mrs. John E. 348-63rd.

Davis, Mrs. Mary, 347 Center.

Davis, Mrs. M., 567 28th.

Davis, Mrs. Wm. R., 404-29th, 159.

Davis, Mrs. R. B., 823 Kirkham.

Daw, Mrs. Georgie, 811 E. 18th.

Day, Mrs. Merritt, 1301 Jackson, 159.

Day, Mrs. Roscoe, A., 199 Montecito.

Day, Miss V. C. 236 Walsworth.

Deal, Mrs. William G., 543 Kenmore.

Dealey, Miss Edna E., 2337 Harrison.

Dean, Mrs. C. B., 391 Euclid.

Dean, Mrs. Jessie, 3520 Emerson.

Dearing, Miss H. K., 1769 Godd.

Deas, Miss Anna, 1843 E. 14th.

Docoto, Mrs. Louis, 815 Lerida Ave., 159.

de Fremery, Mrs. Leon, 6616 Chabot Road.

de Fremery, Mrs. William C. B., 77 Fairmount Ave.

de Fremery, Miss Virginia, 77 Fairmount Ave.

de Fremery, Miss Alexander, 77 Fairmount Ave.

De Golia, Mrs. E. B., 411 Fairmount, 159.

De Golia, Mrs. George E., Jr., 5277 Broadway Ter.

De Golia, Mrs. Harold G., 69 Monte Vista Ave.

De Haven, Mrs. E. G., 1315 Jackson.

De Lisle, Mrs. Frank F., 68 Fair View Ave.

De Luca, Mrs. J. M., 5500 Kales Ave., 58.

Del Valle, Mrs. J., 278 Ridgway, 363.

De Martini, Mrs. Walter J., 670 Chetwood, 521, 556.

Denison, Mrs. A. A., 332 Hobart, 159.

De Vaux, Mrs. Myrtle, 105 Sheridan Ave., 363.

Dewing, Mrs. Charles H., 351 Lester Ave.

Dick, Mrs. B. C., 1901 Franklin, 159.

Dickey, Mrs. Ernest A., 1019 Lake Shore Blvd.

Dieckmann, Mrs. John Henry, 1076-60th.

Diekmann, Miss Juanita, 1076-60th.

Diekmann, Miss Anita, 1076-60th.

Diekmann, Miss Marie, 1076-60th.


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Dieckmann, Miss Otilia, 1076-60th.

Dieckmann, Mrs. John Henry Jr., 464 Chetwood.

Diven, Mrs. Jas. L., 147 Kempton Ave., 159.

Divoll, Mrs. L., 931 Poplar, 339.

Dix, Mrs. G. F., 2851 Helen, 58.

Dixon, Mrs. Robert V., 358 Staten Ave.

Dodge, Mrs. Albert H., 2352 E. 14th.

Donahue, Mrs. William H., 2105 Park Blvd.

Dondero, Mrs. A. G., 852-59th, 521.

Dooley, Miss Margaret, 1173-19th, 416, 445.

Donovan, Mrs. John H., Claremont Crescent.

Dornin, Mrs. George W., 3121 Webster.

Dorsaz, Mrs. Fernand H., 2346 Valdez.

Dougherty, Mrs. Chas. M., Hotel Oakland, 188.

Dougherty, Mrs. Lewis Archibald, 212 Carmel.

Dow, Mrs. George A., 808 Walla Vista Ave.

Dow, Mrs. W. A., 820 Calmar Ave, 159.

Downey, Mrs. John C., 2034-10th Ave.

Drake, Mrs. C. B., 824-22nd, 58.

Dukes, Mrs. Harrison C., 450-65th.

Dunham, Mrs. James S., 268 Grand Ave.

Dunn, Mrs. James P. H., 250 Perry, 552.

Dunn, Mrs. M., 1362-86th Ave., 58.

Dunn, Miss M. C., 380 Bellevue Ave., 159.

Dunn, Mrs. William L., 4157 Terrace.

Du Val, Miss Frances Augusta, 315 Lenox Ave.

Du Val, Mrs. Wm. M., 315 Lenox Ave., 159.

Dwight, Mrs. Wilder, 160 Grand Ave., 552.

Earl, Mrs. Guy C., 2914 McClure, 159, 453.

Easterbrook, Mrs. D. E., Hotel Oakland, 103, 159.

Easton, Mrs. Giles Nelson, 1579 Jackson.

Eby, Mrs. John D., 259 Perry, 159.

Eccleston, Mrs. J. Y., 364-34th, 159.

Eccleston, Miss Mary, 364-34th.

Eccleston, Miss Ruby, 364-34th.

Edgerton, Mrs. Edwin O., 6 Prospect Drive.

Edwards, Mrs. Ambrose F., 1923 Harrison.

Edwards, Mrs. Corman O., 3989 Howe.

Edwards, Mrs. Homer C., 1130 E. 28th, 363.

Edwards, Mrs. Marion W., 382 Van Buren Ave.

Edwards, Mrs. W. H., 820-54th, 205.

Eells, Miss C. A., 830-56th, 328-A.

Ellinghouse, Mrs. Oscar W., 2133 Webster.

Elliot, Mrs. Albert H., 2901 Telegraph Ave.

Elliot, Mrs. S. R., 5715 Keith Ave., 418.

Ellis, Mrs. George C., 2303-7th Ave.

Ellis, Mrs. Norman R., 926 E. 24th.

Ellis, Ruth, 1014 Myrtle, 328-A.

Ellis, Mrs. Walter, 322 E. 16th.

Ellison, Mrs. James, 5699-41st, 114, 363.

Elsey, Mrs. Charles, 1016 Ashmont Ave.

Emerson, Mrs. Mark Lewis, 3630 Telegraph Ave.

Emery, Mrs. Joseph S., 4325 San Pablo Ave.

Emery, Mrs. S. F., 3024 Blossom, 58.

Emmert, Mrs. M. L., 2027 Webster, 159.

Endriss, Mrs. Annie S., 4429 Park Blvd.

Endriss, Miss Nellie S., 4429 Park Blvd.

Englehardt, Mrs. E. N., 429 Staten Ave., 159.

Engs, Mrs. Edward, 47 Estrella Ave., 159.

Engs, Mrs. John S., 690 Santa Ray Ave.

Erickson, Mrs. Meta J., 109 Montecito Ave., 159.

Eva, Mrs. Samuel J., 402 Lee, 307, 418.

Evans, Mrs. Amos Wallace, 68 Fairmount Ave.

Evans, Mrs. Virgil B., 522-62nd, 58.

Everts, Mrs. L. B., 1889 Jackson, 103, 188, 323.

Everson, Miss Marion R., 1533 Filbert.

Everson, Mrs. Wallace, 1533 Filbert, 159.

Ewer, Mrs. E. N., 176 Santa Rosa Ave., 159, 418.

Ewing, Mrs. J. Carroll, 506 Vernon, 159.

Fageol, Mrs. Frank R., 11 Prospect Drive.

Fair, Mrs. Harry H., 443 Lee, 485, 552.

Fake, Mrs. George, 100 Fairview Ave.

Fake, Miss Nettie F., 100 Fairview Ave.

Fake, Miss Ethel M., 100 Fairview Ave.

Fake, Miss Helen G., 100 Fairview Ave.

Farley, Miss B. L., 1806-8th Ave, 58.

Farley, Mrs. Newton S., 1705 Chestnut, 159.

Farley, Miss Ruth A., 1705 Chestnut, 159.

Farnham, Mrs. E. C., 764 Kingston Ave., 159.

Farrar, Mrs. W. A., 351 Santa Clara Ave., 328-A.

Farrier, Miss Annie T., 1505-6th Ave., 159.

Farrier, Mrs. Hiram L., 1505-6th Ave.

Farrier, Miss Emma L., 1505-6th Ave.

Fay, Mrs. Frances, Grand Ave. & Harrison, 418.

Faye, Mrs. H. P., 3122 Claremont, 428.

Faulkner, Mrs. Frederick, 6441 Benvenue.

Faulkner, Mrs.George A., 2340 Webster.

Faulkner, Miss H. P., 6441 Benvenue Ave., 328-A.

Fearn, Mrs. J. Radford, 384 Bellevue.

Feige, Mrs. Wm., 1326-95th Ave., 58.

Ferguson, Miss Mary T., 4640 Edgewood Ave.

Ferguson, Mrs. W. G., 605-29th, 159, 386.

Field, Mrs. Edward B., 275 Park View Terrace.

Fillius, Mrs. John, 629 Oakland Ave, 159.

Fillius, Miss Marion, 629 Oakland Ave.

Finley, Mrs. Arthur, 130 Rockridge Blvd.

Finley, Miss Florence, 130 Rockridge Blvd

Fish, Mrs. Lafayette, 6215 Chabot Road, 489.

Fites, Mrs. W. E., 744 Walla Vista Ave., 1, 159.

Fitzgerald, Mrs. Robert M., 464-29th.

Flint, Mrs. Edward P., 60 Santa Clara Ave.

Flint, Mrs. George B., 665 Chetwood.

Forrest, Mrs. Thomas W., 1070 Ardmore Ave.

Forrest, Miss Margaret, 1070 Ardmore Ave.

Forsterer, Miss B. A., 890 Walker Ave., 159.

Forward, Mrs. H. E., 103 Walsworth Ave., 159

Foster, Mrs. G. M., 376 Lakeshore Blvd., 328-A.

Foulkes, Mrs.Edw. T., 2610 E. 14th, 159.

Fowler, Mrs. Margaret M., 770 Kingston Ave., 551.

Franck, Miss Clara, 700 Rand Ave.

Franck, Mrs. George, 700 Rand Ave.

Fraser, Miss Julia, 2014-5th Ave., 159.

Frazer, Mrs. T. J., 1559 Oak, 159.

Frear, Miss Henrietta, 1925-10th Ave., 159.

Frear, Mrs. Walter, 1925-10th Ave.

Fredericks, Mrs. George, 386 Staten Ave., 159.

French, Mrs. J. D., Hotel Oakland, 159.

Frew, Mrs. Helen, 1506 Clay, 139.

Friedman, Mrs. A., 841 Walker, Ave., 123.

Friedman, Mrs. William L., 290 Jayne Ave.

Friend, Mrs. Wm. Nat., 335 Chicago Ave., 159, 307.

Fritsch, Mrs. Emil, 675 Santa Ray Ave.

Froboese, Mrs. R., 216 Lake Shore Blvd., 159.

Frost, Mrs. Chas. H., 2729-12th Ave., 307.

Fuller. Mrs. Arthur L., 1606 Vista Ave., 159.

Furth, Mrs. Edwin H., 336 Warwick Ave.

Gabriel, Mrs. Walter N., West Side Upper Road, Claremont Manor.

Gage, Mrs. David, 424-28th, 159.

Gaines, Mrs. M. E., 762 Arimo Ave., 307.

Gale, Mrs. Leland, 6053 Chabot Road, 506.

Gallagher, Mrs. Charles W., 344 Vernon.

Gardiner, Mrs. Thomas M., 1748-19th Ave.

Gartland, Mrs. Jas., 676 Longridge Road. 552.

Garrison, Mrs. E. F., 823 Peralta.

Garthwaite, Mrs. Edwin H., 391 Fairmount Ave.

Garthwaite, Mrs. W. W., 641 El Dorado Ave.

Gassaway, Mrs. William M., 1421 Jefferson.

Gaylord, Mrs. Robert B., 1326 Arch.

Gaytes, Mrs. Theresa H., 397 Vernon.

Gearhard, Mrs. Charles P., 3918 Greenwood.

Gelston, Mrs. J., 3925 Quigley, 58.

George, Mrs. W. H., 333 Park View Terrace, 159.

Ghirardelli, Mrs. Louis, 740 Oakland Ave., 103, 159, 323, 485.

Gibson, Mrs. C. L., 100-9th, 159.

Giese, Mrs. Wm. E., 6040 Chabot Road, 159.

Giesea, Mrs. Fred A., Claremont Manor.

Gilbert, Mrs. B. M., 5661 Ayala, 58.

Gilbert, Miss Fern, 2229-41st, 328-A.

Gilliland, Mrs. Adam, 3028 E. 15th.

Gilpin, Mrs. M. V., 2005 Webster, 159.

Gilson, Mrs. Ray E., 604 Mandana Blvd., 159.

Glasscock, Mrs. A. H., Hotel Oakland, 159.

Goebbels, Mrs. Margaret, 6428 Harmon Court, 58.

Goetter, Mrs. F. D., 1348-107th Ave., 58.

Compertz, Mrs. Chas. W., Claremont Manor, 418.

Goodall, Mrs. Charles Miner, 150  Lake, 485.

Gordon, Mrs. Frank J., 4714 Congress.

Gordon, Mrs. Geo. 5230 Foothill Blvd. 58.

Gorrill, Mrs. Charles H., 3615 Piedmont Ave., 159.

Gould, Mrs.Guy T. Jr., 344 Lenox Ave.

Gould, Mrs. J. A., 5379 Manilla Ave., 59.

Gove, Mrs. Leon M., 1023 Walker Ave.

Gowell, Mrs. K. E., 672-13th Ave., 159.

Grace, Miss Helen, 6504 Raymond, 75, 416.

Grasser, Mrs. L. C., 2158 High, 58.

Gray, Mrs. E. L., 5695 Oak Grove, 57.

Gray, Mrs. G. B. M., 598 Walsworth Ave., 159.

Gray, Mrs. Giles H., 332 Lenox Ave., 159.

Gray, Mrs. John W., 833 Linden, 159.

Gray, Miss Mary, 457 Moss Ave.

Gray, Mrs. Roscoe S., 457 Moss Ave.

Gray, Mrs. Samuel, 1116 Oak, 159.

Greeley, Mrs. Robert P. M., 3536 Telegraph Ave.

Green, Mrs. Edward Craft, 30 Croxton Ave.

Green, Hazel, 415 Walsworth, 328-A.

Greenhood, Mrs. Edward J., 515 Park Way.

Gregory, Miss Jeannie, 850 Calmar Ave., 159.

Grier, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, 1021 Sunnyhill Road, 552.

Griswold, Mrs. Eugene, 427 Wayne Ave.

Griswold, Mrs. Geneva, 427 Wayne Ave.

Gross, Mrs. Charles F., 345 Perry.

Gross, Mrs. Geo. E., 493 Bellevue Ave., 159.

Grover, Mrs. Sherwood, 558-25th, 139.

Grunsky, Mrs. C. Ewald, 1047 Ardmore Ave.

Guerin, Miss C., 305 Vernon, 328-A.

Hackett, Mrs. S. A., 202 Santa Rosa Ave., 159.

Hadden, Mrs. David, 6250 Mendocino Ave., 506.

Hadley, Mrs. M. De L., 3773 Piedmont Ave., 159.

Haglund, Mrs. C. J., 1173 Hopkins.

Hahn, Miss Evelyn Emily, 46 Randwick Ave.


Pg 236

Haight, Miss Janet, 426 Orange, 78, 159, 307.

Hale, Mrs. R. P., 1032-54th, 58.

Hall, Mrs. Chaffee E., 585 Walsworth Ave.

Hall, Mrs. Edward M., 218 E. 12th.

Hall, Mrs. Jenison C., 696 Rosal Ave., 1, 159, 307.

Hall, Miss Ntalie, 1184-14th.

Hall, Mrs. S. L., 1431 Hearst, 339.

Hall, Mrs. Samuel P., 1184-14th.

Hamilton, Mrs. C. F., 1329 Jackson, 339.

Hamilton, Mrs. Luke, 362 Euclid Ave.

Hambly, Miss A. M., 4318 Gilbert.

Hamlin, Mrs. O. D., 291 Lenox Ave., 159.

Hamlin, Mrs. Oliver D. Jr., 36 Jerome Ave.

Hampel, Mrs. Edward J., 1449-18th Ave.

Hand, Mrs. Frank, 1532-19th Ave.

Hanley, Mrs. Leona C., 100-9th.

Hansen, Miss Anna D., 1427-5th Ave.

Harmon, Mrs. Albion K. P., 2825 E. 14th.

Harmon, Mrs. A. K. P. Jr., 1842-12th Ave.

Harris, Mrs. Arthur, Hotel Oakland, 103, 159.

Harris, Mrs. Albert L., 532 Magnolia Ave.

Harris, Mrs. T. William, 265 Perry.

Harrison, Mrs. Frederick G., 3653 Patterson Ave., 64.

Harrison, Miss Gladys M., 2133 Webster.

Harrison, Mrs. G. W., 2133 Webster.

Harrold, Mrs. James H., 2555 E. 16th.

Harrold, Mrs. H. Warren, 1180 Mandana Blvd., 103, 438.

Harshbarger, Mrs. O. H., 269 Mather, 556.

Haskell, Mrs. E. C., Hotel Oakland, 159.

Hatch, Mrs. George W., 268 Park View Ter. 159.

Hathaway, Mrs. Frederick M., 445 Orchard.

Hathaway, Mrs. Helen, 445 Orchard.

Hauser, Mrs. Herbert, 4570 San Sebastian, 339.

Havens, Mrs. Wickham, 1236 Ashmont Ave.

Havens, Miss, 1236 Ashmont Ave.

Havre, Mrs. J. B., 240 Grand, 485, 489.

Hawley, Mrs. George T., 248-29th.

Hawley, Miss Jean, 248-29th.

Hawley, Stuart S., 244-29th.

Heald, Mrs. Edward P., 3207 Telegraph Ave., 67.

Heaney, Katherine, 145 E. 15th, 328-A.

Helmond, Mrs. L. F., 1516 Mira Neta Ave., 205, 339.

Henderson, Mrs. Edward, 5744 Keith Ave., 506.

Henderson, Mrs. J. W., 5744 Keith Ave., 159.

Henes, Mrs. Louis George, 749 Oakland Ave.

Henkenius, Mrs. Julius C., 81 Montell, 1.

Henley, Mrs. E. B., 715 Arimo Ave., 159.

Henshaw, Mrs. E. T., 332 Lenox. Ave., 159.

Henshaw, Miss Dorothy Cawston, 349 Vernon.

Henshaw, Mrs. Fritz Tubbs, 1443-6th Ave.

Henshaw, Mrs. Grace Tubbs, 1443-6th Ave

Henshaw, Mrs. Pearl C. Fillmore, 349 Vernon.

Henshaw, Mrs. Tyler, 349 Vernon.

Herman, Mrs. Louis, 742 Warfield Ave., 786.

Herrick, Mrs. Le Roy F., 542 Lakeshore Blvd.

Herrick, Mrs. Stephen S., 5515 Carlton, 506.

Herrin, Mrs. J. E., 648 Santa Ray Ave., 105, 556.

Hibberd, Mrs. I. Norris, 1609-28th Ave., 159.

Hickey, Mrs. Henry B., 260 Lee.

Higby, Mrs. Chas. 454-34th, 159.

Hildebrand, Mrs. C. G., 1700 Fremont Way, 58.

Hildebrand, Mrs. George D., 698-16th, 159.

Hildebrand, Mrs. George H., 202-10th Ave.

Hill, Mrs. John C., 1932-41st Ave.

Hill, Mrs. Lawrense V., 745 Arimo.

Hills, Mrs. Austin Herbert, 1047 Bella Vista Ave.

Hinch, Mrs. Joseph T., 451 Lee.

Hinds, Mrs. Emma L., 110 Bayo Vista Ave.

Hink, Mrs. F. B., 470 Ellita Ave., 159.

Hinman, Mrs. Henry, 547 Chetwood Ave., 102.

Hoag, Mrs. Chas. C., 157 Hagar Ave., 159, 418.

Hodge, Mrs. John R., 1733-16th Ave., 159.

Hodgman, Georgia, 6416 Dana, 374.

Hoesnisch, Mrs. M., 728-30th, 58.

Hoffman, Mrs. B. J., 5121 Ygnacio Ave., 58.

Hogan, Mrs. Hugh, 1420 Jackson, 159.

Hogan, Mrs. Hugh W., 332 Warwick Ave.

Hogan, Mrs. Thos. P., 562 Walla Vista, 159.

Hogue, Mrs. Charles L., 516 Vernon.

Holcomb, Mrs. Harry L., 360 Chicago.

Holland, Mrs. Arthur P., 3206 Telegraph Ave.

Holland, Mrs. S., 1138-12th, 58.

Holmes, Mrs. Harold, 2735 Elmwood Ave., 506.

Holst, Mrs. Henry, 3004 Brook.

Holub, Miss Josephine, 1098 Grand Ave., 418.

Honeychurch, Mrs. A. H., 3121 Filbert, 58.

Hook, Mrs. A. B., 464-37th, 58.

Hook, Mrs. William P., 69 Santa Clara Ave.

Hopkins, Mrs. Ensie, 5935 Keith Ave., 139.

Hopkins, Mrs. R. J., 474 Chetwood, 159, 506.

Horst, Mrs. Rudolph, 223 Walsworth Ave.

Hotchkiss, Mrs. Oliver E., 2816 Grove.

Hough, Mrs. Frank B., 2802-11th Ave.

Hough, Miss Genevieve, 2802-11th Ave.

Hough, Miss Marguerite C., 2802-11th Ave.

Houghton, Mrs. Chas., 378 Van Buren, 485.

Howard, Mrs. Cary, 232-29th.

Howard, Mrs. Edward A., 107 Kempton Ave.

Howard, Miss Elizabeth, 107 Kempton Ave.

Howard, Miss Margaret, 107 Kempton Ave.

Howard, Miss Jane, 107 Kempton Ave.

Hoyt, Miss Elizabeth, 407 Fairmount Ave., 159, 328-A.

Hoyt, Mrs. John G., 407 Fairmount Ave.

Hubbard, Mrs. B. S., 210 Santa Rosa Ave, 159.

Hubbard, Mrs. Chas.  P., 271 Lee, 159.

Hubbard, Miss Margene, 201 Santa Rosa Ave.

Hubbard, Mrs. Samuel, 244 Montecito Ave.

Hughes, Mrs. Daniel P., 1102 Myrtle.

Hubhes, Mrs. J. C., 440 Lake Shore Blvd., 159.

Hughes, Mrs. M. K., 425 Orange, 159.

Hulse, Mrs. Olive, 275 Park View Terrace, 277.

Hume, Mrs. Chas. Edw., 4320 Piedmont Ave., 552.

Hunt, Mrs. Edwin G., 260 Perkins.

Hunt, Mrs. Harriet T., 529 Hobart.

Hunter, Mrs. Vere Wendell, 882 Portal.

Huntley, Mrs. Dwight B., 1031 Bella Vista Ave., 159.

Husband, Mrs. Robert, 1755 E. 16th Ave., 114.

Hussey, Mrs. Albion C., 1218 E. 37th.

Hussey, Mrs. Wallace M., 215 San Carlos Ave.

Hutchinson, Mrs. Charles T., Hotel Oakland.

Hutchinson, Mrs. Alex., 2020-10th, 159.

Hyde, Mrs. Isaac, 4239 Terrace, 27, 159.

Ingram, Mrs. Henry C., 718 Lerida Ave.

Ish, Mrs. Frank M., 679 Fairmount Ave.

Jackson, Miss Caroline, 248 Ridgway.

Jackson, Mrs. Edwin R., 248 Ridgway.

Jackson, Mrs. Evelyn, 22260-38th Ave., 139.

Jackson, Mrs. Henry E., 1121 Mandana Blvd.

Jackson, Mrs. Robert A., 578 Montclair Ave

Jackson, Mrs. Stanley H., 5546 Carlton.

Jacobs, Miss Lucy, 437 Euclid Ave., 418.

Jacobson, Mrs. A., 2831 Atwell Ave., 58.

Jacoby, Mrs. Olin D., 418 Orchard.

James, Mrs. Edwin P., 1752-9th.

Janssen, Mrs. L. C. L., 2941 Summitt, 159, 339.

Jarvis, Mrs. C. F. H., Sequoyah Hills, 159.

Jenkins, Miss Cora W., 46 Randwick Ave.

Jenkins, Miss Neva W., 46 Randwick Ave.

Jenkins, Mrs. William, 5686 Keith Ave.

Jenkins, Mrs. William N., 390 Oakland Ave., 159.

Jenkins, Mrs. Zelpha Ruggles, 5686 Keith Ave.

Jenks, Mrs. James S., 567 Oakland Ave., 159.

Jensen, Mrs. George C., 381 Palm Ave., 485, 552.

Jensen, Miss Olga H., 3236 Ettie, 52.

Jenvey, Mrs. William R., 1089 Clarendon Crescent, 274.

Jerome, Mrs. James, 120 Fairview Ave.

John, Mrs. Philip Rees, 3820 Broadway.

Johnson, Mrs. Benjamin O., 2014 E. 30th.

Johnson, Mrs. C. B., 1805-9th Ave., 339.

Johnson, Mrs. Elliott, 732 Armino Ave., 159.

Johnson, Mrs. Isabella, Key Route Inn, 1.

Johnson, Mrs. Otto Carl, 1518-28th Ave., 417.

Johnston, Mrs. H. G., 643-66th, 58.

Johnston, Mrs. Clarence, 175 S. Clara Ave., 158.

Johnston, Miss Ida, 335 Athol Ave., 139.

Jolly, Mrs. E. Jesse, 502 Vernon.

Jonas, Mrs. Abraham, Hotel Oakland.

Jones, Mrs. Madison Ralph, Santa Rosa Ave., 485.

Jones, Mrs. Marie F., 320 Lenox Ave., 159, 418.

Jones, Mrs. Raymand D., 4720 Foothill.

Judkins, Mrs. Thomas C., 2441 Webster.

Judson, Mrs. Frederick W., 341-63rd.

Jurgens, Mrs. Wm. C., 13th & Harrison.

Kahn, Mrs. Fred, 673 Walsworth Ave., 123.

Keefe, Miss Anna, 5702 Keith, 75.

Keefer, Mrs. K. H., 367 Newton, 58.

Keeler, Mrs. Chas. M., 6038 Monroe, 506.

Keeney, Mrs. Charles Clarke, 38 Crocker Ave.

Kelley, Mrs. Geo. W., 95 Bayo Vista, 159.

Kelley, Mrs. Joseph M., 1911 Webster.

Kellogg, Mrs. S. G., 5888 Chabot, 188.

Kelly, Ida May, 3454 Laguna Ave., 58.

Kendall, Mrs. Alpheus, 3045 Telegraph Ave., 159.

Kendall, Mrs. Harry G., 323 Lenox Ave., 158.

Kendall, Mrs. Mortimer C., 4358 Townsend Ave., 418.

Kendall, Mrs. Noah C., 1410 Jackson.

Kenna, Mrs. Jas. R., 175 Santa Rosa.

Kennison, Miss Vina, 1531 Brush, 328-A.

Kent, Mrs. Thos. J., 929 Lake Shore Ave, 159.

Kergan, Mrs. William W., 216 Lake Shore Blvd.

Kergen, Mrs. H. S., Euclid & Van Buren, 159.

Kerr, Mrs. Kenneth A., 676 Haddon Road.

Kessler, Mrs. R. H., 250 Grand Ave., 159.

King, Mrs. C.  H., 1043-6th Ave., 159.

King, Mrs. George Lyman, 562 Walsworth Ave.

Kinsell, Mrs. Dudley, 83 Monte Vista.

Kinsey, Mrs. C. W., 649 Mariposa Ave., 159.

Kirk, Miss L., 1126-4th Ave., 328-A.

Kirkland, Mrs. A. W., 454 Ellita Ave., 159.


Pg 237

Knowles, Mrs. Harry J., 245 Lee., 485.

Knowles, Mrs. Jesse B., Perkins & Grand.

Koenig, Mrs. Max W., 830 Fallon.

Korts, Mrs. William F., 1844-8th Ave.

Kramer, Mrs. Peter J., 576-63rd, 58.

Kretsinger, Mrs. Geo. A., 5970 Telegraph Ave., 159.

Kummer, Miss Grace, 18 Monte Ave., 159.

Kuntze, Mrs. Henrietts, 817 Adeline, 159.

Lacey, Mrs. F. A., 1035 Fallon, 159.

Lackey, Mrs. Howard J., 715 Wesley.

Lackey, Mrs. Ida M., 578-34th, 159.

Laidlaw, Mrs. Frank, 540 Blvd. Way.

Laidlaw, Miss Frances, 540 Blvd. Way.

Lake, Mrs. Fred W., 815 Linden, 159.

Lambert, Miss Mary, 5161 Coronado, 64.

Lamont, Mrs. Donald Y., 1066 Ardmore.

Lamoureux, Miss Eva., 1515 Webster, 159.

Lamp, Miss L., 401 E. 21st, 328-A.

Lancaster, Mrs. Wm.  J., 3961 Greenwood, 58.

Lang, Mrs. H., Hotel St. Mark, 159.

Larkey, Mrs. Alozo S., 1017 Ashmount.

Lass, Miss Bertha, 378-63rd, 328-A.

Laufer, Mrs. Fred W., 409 E. 12th.

Lauffer, Mrs. John, 700 Longridge Road.

Lavenson, Mrs. A. S., 657 Walsworth Ave., 123.

Lawrence, Mrs. J. J., 1076-21st, 58.

Laymance, Mrs. Edward E., 433 E. 14th.

Laymance, Mrs. M. J., 467 Chetwood, 159, 186.

Leach, Miss Jennie E., 2049-10th Ave., 159.

Leach, Mrs. William, 2049-10th Ave., 159.

Leber, Mrs. Albert L., 936-7th, 159.

Leckie, Mrs. Robert S., 1634-4th Ave.

Lee, Mrs. H. M., 855 Calmar Ave., 418.

Leet, Mrs. Robert A., 145 Athol Ave.

Lehnhardt, Mrs. Emil, 2703 Telegraph, 363.

Leiter, Mrs. Edward T., 3601 West.

Leonard, Mrs. Henry Hart, 651 Blvd. Way, 159.

Leonhart, Miss Delores, 543-24th, 363.

Lesser, Mrs. J. H., 476 Blvd. Way, 123.

Levaggi, Mrs. G. B., 702-62nd, 521.

Levensaler, Mrs. Raymond L., 663 Oakland Ave., 159.

Levensaler, Mrs. William M., 265 Jayne Ave.

Lever, Mrs. W. E., 453-45th, 58.

Levinson, Mrs. Max., 5872 Chabot Road.

Lewis, Mrs. Irving C., 843-6th Ave.

L’Hommedieu, Mrs. James H., 6115 Chabot Road.

Lindemann, Miss Ida, 729 Adeline, 363.

Lindsay, Mrs. Harvey B., Claremont Manor.

Liston, Miss Mary C., 382 Jayne Ave., 328-A.

Livingston, Mrs. John S. A., 27l Jayne Ave.

Livingston, Miss Gertrude, 27l Jayne, 363.

Llewellyn, Mrs. M. H., 1900 Oakland Ave. 137.

Lobner, Miss Joyce E., 2415 Telegraph, 58.

Locke, Miss Florence, 655 Walsworth Ave., 188, 453.

Logan, Mrs. Walter E., 446 Alcatraz Ave.

Long, Mrs. Albert V., 428 Lagunitas Ave.

Long, Mrs. C. J., 681-33d, 159.

Longo, Mrs. J. A., 4349 Evans.

Lopez, Mrs. Elizabeth H., 353 Newton.

Lorber, Mrs. A. E., 819 Mandana.

Louderback, Mrs. C., 2526 11th Ave.

Lovett, Mrs. A. S., 1705 11th Ave.

Lovett, Mrs. Samuel P., 1647-4th Ave.

Low, Mrs. V., 5700 Oak Grove Ave., 27.

Lowden, Mrs. E. Kenneth, 274-19th.

Lowden Mrs. W. H., 308-19th.

Lowry, Mrs. Emma, 7103 Todd.

Lowry, Mrs. Russell, 447 Vernon, 159.

Lubectich, Mrs. L., 117-8th.

Lubibratich, Mrs.Stane, 326 Hobart.

Lucas, Mrs. W. E., 1045-14th.

Lucy, Mrs. Roscoe W., 6128 Hillegass Ave., 506.

Ludlow, Mrs. M., 522-28th.

Lues, Mrs. Glenna B., 2907 Myrtle.

Luhrs, Miss Rosamond A., 1153 E. 12th.

Luis, Mrs. Rose, 811-60th, 416.

Lukens, Miss Emma G., 1562 Jackson.

Lukens, Mrs. Edward G., 1562 Jackson, 159.

Lumgair, Mrs. John B., 5332 Thomas.

Lund, Miss L., 59 Pearl, 342.

Lundberg, Mrs. H., 2827 Linden.

Lundborg, Mrs. Irving, 643 Walsworth Ave.

Lundegaard, Mrs. Ellert J., 2831 Webster.

Lundgren, Miss Mabel Vera, 2491-62d.

Lundin, Miss Helene D., 1013 Chestnut.

Lundy, Mrs. J., 1812 E. 24th.

Luning, Mrs. Nicholas T., 2615-14th Ave.

Luning, Mrs. Oscar, 3855 Telegraph Ave., 159.

Luttrell, Mrs. A., 1225-8th Ave.

Luttrell, Mrs. C. N., 1447-1st Ave.

Lutz, Mrs. Annie, 1021-24th.

Lutz, Mrs. Ruby S., 1777 Franklin.

Lyman, Mrs. E. B., 2107 Myrtle.

Lyman, Mrs. Richard Morris, 52 Santa Clara Ave.

Lynch, Mrs. B., 828 Union.

Lynch, Mrs. C. A., 235 E. 12th.

Lynch, Miss Cecilla A., 726 Walla Vista.

Lynn, Mrs. Edward M., 167 Kempton Ave.

Lyon, Mrs. Edmund C., 804 Walla Vista.

MacDermot, Mrs. Louis M., 1407-8th.

Mackay, Mrs. W. S., 1939 Harrison, 159.

Mackay, Mrs. J. R., 5727 Keith Ave., 102.

Maclise, Mrs. James, 383 Vernon.

Magee, Mrs. Frederic E., 97 Vernon Ave., 485.

Magee, Mrs. Harry H., 1037 Hubert Rd., 552.

Magill, Mrs. Robert H., 307 Jayne.

Maguffick, Mrs. G., 6449 Regent, 506.

Maiden, Mrs. F. Bruce, 1310 Broadway.

Majors, Mrs. Ergo A., 45 Sierra Ave.

Manheim, Mrs. Paul, 370 Bellevue, 123.

Manning, Mrs. L. 138 Grand Ave, 339.

Manning, Miss Merlyn, 138 Grand Ave.

Manuel, Mrs. Walter G., 1450 Alice.

March, Mrs. A. E., 4002 Quigley, 58.

Mari, Miss Elena, 1119 E. 24th, 445.

Marks, Mrs. M., 859 Vermont, 123.

Markwart, Mrs. Arthur H., 377 Palm Ave.

Martin, Mrs. Harold L., 671 Hillgirt Circle, 159.

Martin, Mrs. Harry M., Staten and Grand, 552.

Marwedel, Mrs. Edward H., 411 Bellevue Ave.

Marwedel, Miss Elsie, 411 Bellevue Ave.

Marwedel, Mrs. George A., 141 Montecito Ave.

Marx, Mrs. Alexander H., 468 Chetwood.

Mason, Mrs. William McP., 391 Alcatraz Ave.

Masters, Mrs. Sawyer H., 386 Fairmount Ave.

Masterson, Miss Beulah, 3020 E. 17th, 307.

Mathes, Mrs. Dana H., 621 Walsworth.

Mathews, Mrs. Joseph H., 6444 Benvenue.

Mathews, Mrs. Walter J., 927 Boadway.

Mauzy, Miss M., 1000 Excelsior Ave., 186.

Mauzy, Mrs. Byron, 1000 Excelsior Ave., 186, 307.

Maxfield, Mrs. H. U., 204 Perry, 159.

Maxwell, Mrs. John P., 285 Lee.

Maxwell, Miss Kathryn, 285 Lee.

McCall, Mrs. Joseph G., 432-37th.

McClees, Miss Mary C., 57 Monte Vista, 159.

McClure, Mrs. Donald, 598 E. 20th.

McClymonds, Mrs. J. W., 83 Monte Vista, 159.

McCown, Miss Geraldine, 229-41st, 328-A.

McCutcheon, Mrs. N. S., 2525-66th Ave., 58.

McDonald, Mrs. N., 3762 Howe, 58.

McDonough, Mrs. Andrew T., 539-30th.

McElrath, Mrs. Alden, 825 Fallon.

McElrath, Mrs. John E., 554-28th.

McElrath, Miss Katherine, 554-28th.

McElrath, Miss Marian, 554-28th.

McElrath, Miss Phoebe, 554-28th.

McEwing, Mrs. John 1592 Vista.

McFarland, Mrs. Ada, 5671 Genoa, 336.

McGauley, Mrs. Minnie T., 2736 Orange, 159, 438.

McGaw, Miss Edna, 929 Chestnut, 159.

McGill, Mrs. H. G., Peralta Apts., 159.

McGovern, Mrs. John H., 2070 Oakland Ave.

McGurrin, Mrs. Frank E., Ridgewood Road.

McHenry, Mrs. F. T., 786 Calmar, 159.

McKay, Mrs. J. Reginald, 5727 Keith Ave., 418.

McKee, Mrs. 2930-35th Ave., 58.

McKenzie, Mrs. William A. G., 139 E. 11th.

McKinlay, Mrs. Duncan E., 6320 Dana, 506.

McKnight, Mrs. Andrew J., 2908 E. 15th.

McKnight, Miss Dorothy, 2908 E. 15th.

McLaughlin, Mrs. David H., 378 Belmont.

McMath, Mrs. J. F., 763 Warfield Ave., 159.

McMillan, Mrs. Anthony, 5825 Keith Ave., 159.

McMullen, Mrs. John C., 610 Mandana Blvd

McMullen, Mrs. Robert J., 610 Mandana Blvd.

McNee, Miss Claire, California Apts., 139.

Meade, Mrs. Helen, 116 E. 23rd, 58.

Mecartney, Miss P., 5421 Belgrave, 103.

Meehan, Miss Elsie, 618 E. 14th.

Meehan, Miss Grace, 1053 Armore.

Meehan, Mrs. J. P., 618 E. 14th, 552.

Meehan, Mrs. Katherine, 618 E. 14th.

Meehan, Mrs. M., 1317 Center.

Meek, Mrs. Rudolph W., Harrison and Grand.

Meek, Miss Margaret, Harrison and Grand.

Meese, Mrs. Constant, 3007 Telegraph Ave.

Mehrmann, Mrs. Henry B., 3211 Grove.

Mein, Miss Marie A., 3627-13th Ave.

Meister, Mrs. J., 736-15th.

Meister, Mrs. S., 1234 Filbert.

Melbourne, Mrs. Frank J., 559 Walsworth Ave.

Melcher, Mrs. F. S., 1330 E. 27th.

Melick, Miss Thelma, 3347 Broadway.

Mellmann, Mrs. A., 1750 Franklin.

Meltzer, Miss Beatrice, 1090 Ardmore, 363.

Mendall, Mrs. Irena, 1431 West.

Mendenhall, Mrs. Asa V., 1525 Oak.

Mendenhall, Mrs. Ernest D., 252 Euclid Ave.

Menge, Mrs. H. Jr., 6109 Hayes.

Menken, Mrs. ? (torn page) M., 3746 Emerson.

Merchant, Mrs. M. F., 292 Webster.


Pg 238

Merchant, Misses, 292 Webster.

Mercher, Mrs. Frances, 1821 Goss.

Meredith, Mrs. George S., 341 Athol Ave., 159.

Meredith, Mrs. H., 722-16th.

Merkle, Mrs. J. F., 1468-8th.

Merlino, Mrs. Matilde, 9389 B.

Merriam, Mrs. A., 3141 Webster.

Merriam, Miss Bessie B., 115 Kempton.

Merriam, Mrs. E., 611-14th.

Merrill, Mrs. Harriet, 237 Orange.

Merrill, Miss N. A., 1935 Linden.

Merriman, Mrs. Alvin F. Jr., 1002 Ashmount.

Merritt, Mrs. C. E., 821 Brooklyn Ave., 159.

Merritt, Mrs. H. P., 716 Sycamore, 159.

Merritt, Mrs. Mae, 535 Union.

Merryman, Mrs. J., 903 Alice.

Metcalf, Mrs. Victor h., 245 Perkins.

Metz, Mrs. Kate, 145 Grand.

Metzger, Miss M., 936-12th.

Meyer, Miss Catherine, 868 Wood.

Meyer, Mrs. C. P., 1205-1st Ave.

Mikel, Mrs. Mary A., 332 Lenox Ave., 159.

Milburn, Mrs. J.  J., 1147 Clarendon Crescent, 103, 552.

Miller, Dr. Anne L., 2000-8th Ave., 159.

Miller, Mrs. C. H., 2520 E. 24th, 139.

Miller, Miss Ella, 253-13th, 159.

Miller, Mrs. Fanny W., 1455-1st Ave., 159.

Miller, Mrs. Geo., 3653 Rhoda Ave., 58.

Miller, Mrs. Harry East, 305 Palm Ave., 485.

Miller, Miss Laura, 305 Palm Ave., 485.

Miller, Mrs. Montgomery K., 10616 E. 14th.

Miller, Mrs. R. S., 602 El Dorado Ave., 114.

Millican, Mrs. Kenneth A., 181 Orange, 181.

Millican, Miss Margaret M., 181 Orange.

Milwain, Mrs. Alexander, 1593 Franklin.

Milwain, Mrs. Alexander M., 607-37th.

Milwain, Miss Margaret, 607-37th.

Milwain, Miss Ruth M., 1593 Franklin.

Milwain, Mrs. Wm. E., 2121 Webster, 159.

Minney, Mrs. Ernest T., 4044 Division.

Mitchell, Mrs. C. H., 629 Sycamore, 159.

Moller, Miss Eleanor, 426-29th.

Moller, Miss Ernestine, 426-29th.

Moller, Miss Josephine, 426-29th.

Moller, Mrs. William, 426-29th, 159, 485.

Monson, Mrs. F. F., 1123 Rauleigh Way, 418.

Montgomery, Mrs. James P., 1620-8th, 64.

Montgomery, Mrs. W. E., 612 Grand Ave., 159.

Moore, Mrs. L., 1373-7th.

Moore, Miss Mary R., 1018-6th, 64.

Moore, Mrs. Stanley, 606 E. 20th, 78.

Moore, Mrs. W. H., 1918-88th Ave.

Moore, Mrs. W G., 2524 Benvenue, 159.

Moore, Mrs. Walton N., 44 Farragut Ave.

Moors, Mrs. Frank B., 2121 Webster, 57.

Moran, Mrs. T., 2205-19th Ave.

Morehouse, Mrs. Pierson W., 583 Spruce.

Morehouse, Miss Claudia, 583 Spruce.

Moreland, Mrs. F., 1824 Grove.

Morgan, Mrs. George C., 1814 Alice.

Morgan, Miss H. D., 1814 Alice.

Morgan, Miss Julia, 754-14th, 78.

Morgan, Miss Mary E., 1426 Excelsior Blvd.

Morgan, Mrs. Walter, 296 Lee, 328-A.

Moriarty, Miss Victoria, 9861 E. 14th.

Morison, Miss Helen C., 261 Lester.

Morrillio, Mrs. J. J., 2305-12th Ave.

Morris, Mrs. Henry C., 205 Perry, 159.

Morrison, Mrs. W. H., 390 Euclid Ave., 159.

Morrow, Mrs. Geo. P., 384-49th, 159.

Morse, Mrs. Frederick W., 522 Grand Ave., 159.

Morton, Mrs. George L., 737-54th, 418.

Morton, Mrs. Harry, 405 Van Buren Ave.

Mosher, Mrs. Harry A., 421 Staten Ave.

Mott, Mrs. Frank K., 276 Lee, 67, 159.

Mott, Mrs. Percy, 328 Lennox Ave., 418.

Moulton, Mrs. Alfred Ross, 368-62nd.

Moulton, Miss Edna, 822 Mead Ave., 328-A.

Mount, Mrs. Arnold J., 535 Mira Vista Ave.

Moylan, Mrs. J. H., 256 Euclid Ave., 159.

Mueller, Mrs. Chas. D., Harrison Apts., 159.

Muhrs, Mrs. Fred R., 6427 Hillegass Ave., 102.

Munson, Mrs. A. K., 3017 Summit, 159.

Murdock, Mrs. Charles Percy, 3070 Richmond Blvd.

Musser, Mrs. Francis R., 262 Vernon, 103, 159, 232.

Musser, Miss Margaret, 262 Vernon.

Mutchmor, Mrs. Arthur A., 534 Weldon Ave.

Myhre, Mrs. S. A., 2214 E. 39th, 58.

Nahl, Mrs. Porham W., 6043 Harwood Ave., 418.

Naismith, Mrs. James S., 684 Walsworth Ave., 159.

Nash, Mrs. Marion Holmes, 333 Park View Ter., 418.

Nason, Mrs. Arthur Graham, Cross and Lower Roads.

Neal, Mrs. Chas. S., 1525 Oak, 323.

Neilson, Mrs. William, 1018 Windsor.

Nejedly, Mrs. A. E., 2644-62nd Ave., 58.

Nelson, Mrs. A., 3327-65th Ave., 58.

Nelson, Mrs. Chas. R., 550 College Ave., 159.

Nelson, Mrs. Nellie, 734-9th, 58.

Newell, Mrs. C. V., 784 Lerida Ave., 159.

Newell, Mrs. Ralph A., 411 Lester Ave.

Newman, Miss Florence, 1223-5th Ave., 159.

Newson, Mrs. J. Cather, 518-28th.

Newson, Mrs. Joseph Raymond, 1070 Warfield Ave.

Nicholl, Miss May E., 1721-4th Ave., 159, 307.

Nichols, Mrs. Henry Drew, 297 Lee.

Nickerson, Mrs. A. L., 4321 Park Blvd., 159.

Nicholson, Miss Carrie, 522 Kenmore, 552.

Nicholson, Miss Florence, 1773 Franklin.

Nicholson, Mrs. H. C., 1945-9th Ave.

Neilsen, Miss Anna, 1227 Poplar.

Neilsen, Mrs. A. C., 2478 Cole.

Neilsen, Mrs. G., 1565 E. 38th.

Niles, Miss Ida V., 1143 Hollywood.

Nilsen, Mrs. A., 1027 Magnolia.

Nilson, Mrs. Rudolph, 1524-1st Ave.

Ninatt, Miss Irene, 1717-9th.

Nisbet, Miss M. S., 322 E. 16th.

Nittinger, Mrs. V. E., 810 Mandana Blvd.

Noakes, Miss Lena, 831 E. 14th.

Noak, Mrs. Harry R., 309 Perry Ave.

Nolan, Miss M., 315 E. 10th, 328-A.

Nopel, Mrs. Fred, 725 E. 23rd, 58.

Nor, Miss E. L., 1042 Bay View.

Norgan, Mrs. Kendall, 352 Jayne, 188, 418.

Norris, Mrs. Joseph H., 924-34th.

Northup, Mrs. E. A., 561-20th.

Norton, Mrs. D. F., 2831 Grove.

Nortn, Mrs. Elizabeth, 774-11th.

Norton, Mrs. James, 340 E. 16th.

Norton, Miss Madge, 112 E. 15th.

Nourse, Mrs. S. B., 444 Montclair Ave., 58.

Noyes, Mrs. B. S., 264 Lee, 418.

Noyes, Miss Emily L., 3023 Summit.

Noyes, Mrs. Wm. S., 3023 Summit.

Nushbaumer, Mrs. Elsie H., 2021-48th Ave., 159.

Nye, Mrs. A. B., 410 Peralta Apts., 159.

Nylen, Mrs. A. H., 117 Ranleigh.

O’Brien, Mrs. J. H., 2406 Telegraph, 506.

O’Connor, Mrs. Wm. J., 547 Cottage.

Ochs, Mrs. Gustava, 474-36th.

O’Farrell, Mrs. T. L., 846 E. 16th.

Oliver, Mrs. A. Leslie, 268 Vernon Ave.

Oliver, Mrs. B. A., 16 Nance Ave., 58.

Oliver, Mrs. Francis B., 685 Lerida Ave., 159.

Oliver, Mrs. William Harold, 389 Palm Ave.

Oliver, Mrs. Wm. Letts, 251 Vernon, 323, 485.

Olney, Mrs. Thomas M., 358 Vernon Ave.

Olney, Mrs. Warren, 429-29th.

Olsen, Mrs. O. F., 417 Orange, 339.

Olson, Miss C., 1933-16th, 512.

O’Neil, Miss Edna, 633-53rd, 328-A.

Ormsby, Mrs. E. L., 23 Monte Vista, 64, 159.

Orrick, Mrs. Oliver S. Jr., 357 Vernon.

Osgood, Mrs. Charles Fred, 4323 View Ave.

Osgood, Mrs. H. L., 383 Bellevue Ave., 159.

Ostrander, Mrs. J. A., 379 Orange, 339

Otero, Mrs. Lola G., 2661 Valdez.

Otey, Mrs. Geraldine, 1280 Ashmont.

Otey, Mrs. Paul E., 1280 Ashmont.

Ottomann, Mrs. R. P., 703 Jackson.

Otto, Miss B., 822-5th Ave.

Ough, Mrs. Joseph M., 1931-8th Ave., 186.

Outram, Mrs. G., 16 Vernon.

Overend, Mrs. Edmund J., 431 Hanover Ave.

Overstreet, Mrs. Wm. F., 1744 Franklin.

Owen, Mrs. Arthur J., 4243 Terrace, 552.

Owen, Mrs. Edwin W., 2938 Webster, 159.

Owen, Miss Florence, 562-27th.

Pague, Mrs. Frank C., 389 Adams.

Palamountain, Mrs. W. B., 826 Walla Vista Ave.

Palmanteer, Mrs. W. G., 669 Oakland Ave., 159.

Palmer, Mrs. Percival A., 19th and Lake Merritt, 274, 552.

Palmer, Mrs. S. N., 532-30th, 159.

Paltenghi, Miss Minnie, 6439 Colby, 11.

Parcells, Mrs. Anna L., 1923 Webster, 159.

Parcells, Mrs. Frank M., 318 Lee.

Pardee, Mrs. Geo. C., 672-11th, 159.

Pardee, Miss Madeline A., 672-11th, 159.

Parish, Mrs. Henry L., 277 Park View Ter., 159.

Parker, Mrs. E. A., 5808 Chabot Road, 418.

Parker, Mrs. Chas. T., 4536 Calaveras, 339.

Parr, Mrs. John F., 565 Boulevard Way.

Parry, Mrs. I. Millman, 283-26th Ave.

Patterson, Mrs. A., J., 1242-1st Ave., 159.

Patton, Mrs. W. R., 6421 Regent, 506.

Paul, Mrs. I. O., 461 Lagunitas.


Pg 239

Paulsmeier, Mrs. Albert C., 4 Portsmounth.

Payne, Mrs. Howard L., 1001 Ashmont Ave., 159.

Peacock, Ara L., 758 Kingston Ave., 52.

Pearson, Mrs. J. W., Bellevue and Ellita, 339.

Pease, Mrs. Joseph Loran, 819 Calmar Ave., 158.

Pease, Mrs. P. L., 485 Pedestrian Way, 58.

Peck, Mrs. James F., 652 Spruce, 103, 506.

Pennoyer, Mrs. Chester, 730 Lake Shore  Blvd.

Percy, Mrs. G. W., 169 Santa Rosa, 159.

Perine, Mrs. John H., 5690 Keith Ave., 274, 307, 386.

Perkins, Miss Alma F., Vernon and Perkins, 552.

Perkins, Mrs. George C., Vernon and Perkins.

Perry, Mrs. R. A., 6172 Chabot Road, 102, 159.

Petersen, Mrs. C. L., 2843 Georgia.

Petersen, Miss Marian A., 2843 Georgia.

Petray, Mrs. H. C., 285 Van Buren Ave., 58.

Phelan, Mrs. W. S., Hotel Oakland, 159.

Phelps, Miss Mary, 3505 Emerson, 137.

Philips, Mrs. L., 1325-88th Ave., 58.

Phillips, Miss Esther, 6459 Benvenue Ave.,328-A.

Phillips, Mrs. L. W., 2332 Ransome, 58.

Pillsbury, Mrs. Arthur C., 6440 Benvenue Ave.

Pillsbury, Mrs. A. J., 1101 Euclid, 159.

Pizzotti, Mrs. Joseph A., 561 Lake Park Ave.

Plummer, Mrs. Henry G., 6064 Chabot Road.

Pomeroy, Mrs. George T., 594-27th, 159.

Poole, Miss Myrtle, 5216 Desmond, 58.

Pope, Miss Maude Edith, 570 El Dorado Ave

Porter, Mrs. Richard V., 6035 Harwood Ave.

Posey, Mrs. A. C., 465 Vernon, 103, 159.

Potter, Mrs. Katherine, 2014-5th, 159.

Poulter, Mrs. Charles, 588-27th.

Preble, Mrs. F. C., Peralta Apts., 159.

Price, Mrs. Wallace C., 2021-24th Ave.

Probert, Mrs. Frank H., Claremont Country Club, 489.

Pruett, Mrs. Wm. C., 421 Bellevue, 159.

Ralph, Mrs. Irvins V., 4284 Piedmont.

Ranis, Mrs. L. J., 709 Derby, 58.

Ransome, Mrs. Bernard, 190 Grand Ave., 485.

Read, Mrs. Alfred C., 869 Walker Ave.

Redington, Mrs. Charles H., 468 Perkins.

Reed, Mrs. Ben W., 535 Oakland Ave., 552.

Reed, Mrs. Frederick E., 48 Rockridge Blvd., 159.

Reed, Mrs. George W., 2950 Telegraph Ave.

Reed, Mrs. Walter D., 957 Lake Shore Ave., 159.

Reid, Mrs. Alberta B., 6440 Colby Ave.

Reinhardt, Dr. A. H., Mills College, 159.

Reinhardt, Mrs. G. F., Mills College, 485.

Reinle, Mrs. George G., 280 Perkins.

Reis, Mrs. John O., 156S. Clara Ave., 159.

Rennie, Mrs. Rolland H., 5667 Ocean View Ave.

Rheem, Mrs. H.S., 478 Orchard, 103, 159.

Rice, Mrs. F. A., 6446 Regent, 58.

Richard, Miss Elizabeth, 338 Hobart, 121.

Richards, Mrs. Austin C., Hotel Oakland.

Richards, Mrs. Grace C., Hotel Oakland, 103.

Richards, Mrs. U. G., 351 S. Clara Ave., 159.

Rickard, Miss Elizabeth, 338 Hobart, 328-A.

Ring, Mrs. F. A., 568-35th, 339.

Rink, Mrs. Carl A., 2342-9th Ave., 57,

Rilliet, Mrs. C. F., 179 Kempton Ave., 159.

Rittigstein, Mrs. Frank A., 2133 Webster.

Rittigstein, Mrs. Herman, 1310 Broadway.

Rix, Mrs. Edward A., 5319 Boadway Ter.

Roach, Mrs. Maurice M., 824 E. 23rd.

Robbins, Mrs. Milton H. Jr., 1033 Ashmont.

Roberts, Mrs. OP. W., 675-11th, 67.

Robins, Mrs. Fred C. H., 937 Lakeshore Ave.

Robinson, Mrs. E. C., 552 Montclair Ave., 159.

Robinson, Mrs. Harrison S., Hotel Oakland.

Robson, Mrs. Pearl, 1643-7th Ave., 58.

Rodehaver, Mrs. H. B., 2310-38th Ave., 58.

Rodolph, Mrs.Charles T., 276 Adams.

Rodolph, Mrs. George W., 544 E. 14th.

Rodolph, Miss Helen, 544 E. 14th.

Roller, Mrs. F. A., 330 E. 12th, 159.

Root, Miss Sophie R., 1006-6th Ave.

Rosborough, Mrs. Joseph H., 149 Grand.

Rosenberg, Miss Helen, 433 Perkins, 786.

Ross, Miss Jessie, 5944 Keith Ave., 328-A.

Rothganger, Mrs. Geo., 4501 San Pablo Ave, 78, 103, 159.

Rountree, Mrs. William G., 582-61st.

Rowe, Mrs. C. H., 421 Fairmount, 159.

Rowe, Mrs. Harrison D., 4154 Piedmont Ave.

Russell, Mrs. E. H., 383-63rd, 159.

Rust, Miss E. E., 669-16th, 58.

Rutherford, Mrs. David, 1830 Harrison.

Rutherford, Mrs. M. J., 369 Clifton, 159.

Rutley, Mrs. Byron, 95 Hamilton Pl.

Sadler, Mrs. Herman J., 982-18th, 274.

Sagehorn, Mrs. Herman C., 1478 Alice.

Salinger, Mrs. Albert M., 1504 Oakland Ave.

Salway, Mrs. Wm. H., 1801-10th Ave., 159.

Samuels, Mrs. Frederick S., 237 Perry, 159, 186.

Sanborn, Mrs. E. B., 1637 Fruitvale Ave., 453.

Sanborn, Mrs. Edgar M., 2968 Telegraph Ave.

Sander, Mrs. Henry R., 193 Monticeto Ave.

Schammel, Mrs. George, 580-25th.

Scheeline, Mrs. Louis, 406-14th.

Scherikofsky, Dr. Henry, 1925-23rd Ave., 58.

Schlesinger, Mrs. Adoph C., 1417 Filbert.

Schneider, Mrs. E. J., 6426 Regent, 102.

Schrock, Mrs. Wm., 534 E. 19th, 159.

Schwaner, Mrs. W. F., 568-28th, 159.

Schotchler, Mrs. John, Hotel Oakland, 159.

Scott, Mrs. G. A., 685-23rd. 158.

Scott, Mrs. J. Walter, 330 E. 12th, 158, 556.

Scott, Mrs. John T., 553 Oakland Ave., 418.

Scott, Mrs. William R., 3 West View Dr.

Scudder, Mrs. Doremus P., 4160 Terrace.

Scupham, Mrs. John R., 303 Perry.

Scupham, Miss Isabel R., 303 Perry.

Scupham, Miss Jean, 303 Perry.

Searles, Miss Emily C., 649 Walsworth Ave.

Searles, Miss Jean C., 649 Walsworth Ave.

Searles, Mrs. Mailler, 649 Walsworth Ave.

Sedgwick, Mrs. T., 3601 Telegraph Ave., 159.

Selby, Mrs. Arthur, 41 Emerald.

Selby, Miss Florence, 165 S. Rosa Ave., 159, 485.

Selby, Mrs. P., 358 Vernon, 78.

Selby, Mrs. Prentiss, 165 S. Rosa Ave, 159, 485.

Seligman, Mrs. A., 629-29th, 123.

Sellaman, Mrs. Waters H., 274 Jayne, 418.

Shambaugh, Mrs. K. F., 1524 Hampel, 58.

Shannon, Mrs. Ada, 1580 Madison, 159.

Sharwood, Mrs. Wm., 6101 Chabot Br., 506.

Shaw, Mrs. George M., 476-29th, 159.

Shaw, Mrs. J. A., 530 Boulevard Way, 159.

Sheldon, Mrs. Tristram W., 5685 Keith Ave.

Shepard, Mrs. Samuel S., 336 Lenox Ave., 159.

Sheridan, Mrs. Robert J., 311 Hanover Ave.

Sherman, Miss Adeline M., 378 Perry.

Sherry, Mrs. J. J., 1514-11th Ave.

Shertzer, Miss Emma S., 528-25th.

Sherwood, Mrs. H. Warner, 280 Mountain, 552.

Sherwood, Miss Theresa, 917 Adeline, 307.

Shields, Mrs. Howard E., 61 Hamilton Pl.

Shields, Dr. Lillian, Oakland Bank of Savings.

Shiels, Mrs. Charles H., 585 El Dorado.

Shiman, Mrs. M. C., 1726 Chestnut.

Shinn, Miss Alice Eleanor, 638 Walsworth Ave.

Shinn, Mrs. Howard H., 638 Walsworth Ave., 159.

Shinn, Miss Lucy, 638 Walsworth Ave, 159.

Shoecraft, Mrs. Carrie, 1234-7th.

Shores, Mrs. Frank W., 818 Rosemont.

Short, Mrs. J. Geo., 1534-29th Ave., 58.

Shortt, Mrs. G. F., 1800-5th.

Shreve, Mrs. E. O., 1131 Oakland Ave., 506.

Shulman, Mrs. Louis, 743-26th.

Sill, Mrs. Edward R., 1451-11th Ave., 159.

Silva, Mrs. Clarence, 925 Fallon.

Silva, Mrs. J. F., 1208 Hampel.

Silver, Mrs. C. H., 2021 Market.

Silver, Mrs. H. H., 1126 Chester.

Silvey, Mrs. Luiza, 205 E. 12th.

Simmons, Miss Emily, 1932 E. 20th.

Simmons, Mrs. Walter, 1228 West.

Simmons, Miss Margaret, 577 17th.

Simon, Mrs. Charles B., 765-15th.

Simon, Mrs. Ernest G., 5650 Ocean View Dr., 159.

Simon, Mrs. J., 630 Longridge Rd.

Simpson, Mrs. Andrew, 461 Vernon, 159.

Slemmons, Mrs. Lillian, 721 21st, 159, 362.

Smart, Mrs. David Jr., 2736 Brookdale, 58.

Smay, Mrs. M. M., 1287-8th.

Smith, Mrs. Albert L., 266 Santa Rosa Ave., 159.

Smith, Miss Amanda, Ellita and Bellevue Ave., 159.

Smith, Mrs. Arthur M., 250 Grand Ave., 159.

Smith, Mrs. Berenice, 584-12th.

Smith, Mrs. Benjamin H., 671 Vernon.

Smith, Mrs. Charles H., 380 Euclid Ave.

Smith, Mrs. Chas. L., Peralta Apts., 159.

Smith, Mrs. Dudley, Claremont Manor.

Smith, Mrs. Ethel H., 4351 Townsend.

Smith, Mrs. Francis, 195 S. Clara Ave., 159.

Smith, Mrs. Frank M., 8th Ave. and E. 24th.

Smith, Miss Geneva, 1280-8th.

Smith, Mrs. Hart F., 486 Wesley Ave., 415A.

Smith, Mrs. Janet S., 538-58th, 27.

Smith, Mrs. Jennie A., 786 9th, 159.

Smith, Mrs. J. Jerome, 415 Staten Ave.

Smith, Mrs. Stanley J., 125 Kempton Ave.

Smith, Mrs. Louisa A., 437 Montclair Ave., 58.

Smith, Mrs. P. C., 1115 Brush, 58.

Smith, Mrs. W. P., 1101-69th Ave., 58.

Snook, Mrs. C. E., 354-34th, 159.

Snyder, Mrs. Andrew J., 67 Oakland Ave.

Soberanes, Mrs. M. E., 519-41st, 58.


Pg 240

Sohst, Mrs. William H., 585 Lake Park Ave.

Sohst, Miss Elizabeth, 585 Lake Park Ave.

Soule, Mrs. E. B., 150 Monte Vista Ave., 103.

Spade, Mrs. Clara L., 442-26th.

Sparrow, Mrs. Maud, 829 E. 19th.

Specht, Miss L., 1391-16th.

Spellman, Mrs. B. C., 1019 Elsinore Ave.

Spencer, Mrs. C. F., 628 Capell.

Spencer, Mrs. H. W., 1419 Brush, 58.

Sperry, Mrs. H. B., 1515 Harrison, 78.

Speyer, Mrs. John W., 370 Euclid Ave.

Spiganovicz, Mrs. Edgar V., 7025 Chabot Rd.

Squire, Mrs. J. E., 5678 Miles Ave., 58.

Stalder, Mrs. Joseph, 1822 12th Ave.

Stanley, Mrs. Lynne, 505 Wickson.

Stark, Mrs. Geo. W., 149 Montecito Ave., 159.

Stark, Mrs. James, 1410-8th.

Stearns, Mrs. Edwin, 3146 Lynde.

Stearns, Mrs. F. A., 731-12th Ave., 159.

Stebbins, Mrs. Elwyn, 6537 Chabot Rd., 485.

Steele, Mrs. E. M., 2327 Mitchell, 159.

Stephenson, Mrs. Robert Lee, 267 Perkins.

Stetson, Mrs. Lloyd W., 675 Montclair.

Stevenson, Mrs. Margaret, 2916 Lerena, 27.

Stewart, Mrs. Alexander, 332-21st.

Stockholm, Mrs. Chas., 3324 Webster, 140.

Stolp, Mrs. Fred, 589 Vernon, 137.

Stolp, Miss Carmen M., 589 Vernon.

Stratton, Mrs. Robt. T., 441 Fairmont Ave.

Stratton, Miss Irene, 441 Fairmont Ave

Stratton, Mrs. W. C., 142 Kempton, 339.

Street, Miss Anna, 472-41st, 418.

Street, Mrs. F. W., 280 Euclid Ave., 159.

Streitman, Mrs. W. H., 401 Lee, 159.

Stuart, Mrs. R. B., Broadmoor, 339.

Suhr, Mrs. John C., 505 Fairmount Ave.

Summers, Mrs. R. A., 629 Eldorado Ave., 159.

Sutter, Mrs. Louis, 977 Bay View Ave., 418.

Swayne, Mrs. Richard B., 232 Lake Blvd., 159.

Swift, Mrs. T. J., Claremont Country Club, 489.

Swortfiguer, Mrs. Grace E., 4333 Townsend Ave., 139.

Taft, Miss Clara M., 348 Vernon, 78, 485.

Taft, Miss Florence Elizabeth, 137 Montecito Ave., Adams Point.

Taft, Mrs. H.C., 348 Vernon, 78, 485.

Taft, Mrs. J. Maxwell, 137 Montecito Ave.

Taft, Miss Lizzie M., 348 Vernon, 103.

Taggart, Mrs. Harold H., 169 Santa Clara Ave.

Talcott, Mrs. Seth R., 4420 Foothill Blvd.

Taylor, Mrs. Charles H., 346 Athol Ave.

Taylor, Mrs. Churchill, 1975 Webster.

Taylor, Mrs. Fred Butterworth, 1022 Bella Vista, 159.

Taylor, Mrs. S. J., 465 Fairmont Ave., 159.

Taylor, Miss Margaret, 465 Fairmont Ave.

Tennis, Mrs. J. F., 121-13th, 159.

Thaten, Mrs. F., 2550 Damuth Ave., 58.

Theobold, Miss Ann, 1226 Sherman, 416.

Thomas, Mrs. Hayward G., 2949 Summit, 418

Thomas, Mrs. H. G., 2949 Summit, 158, 418.

Thomas, Mrs. Herbert N., 235 Bartlett, 484.

Thomas, Miss Kathryn, 2949 Summit.

Thomas, Mrs. Lloyd B., 525-29th, 204.

Thomas, Mrs. W. B., 6699 Telegraph Ave., 506.

Thompson, Mrs. F. W., 310 Park View Ter., 484, 556.

Thompson, Mrs. Mitchell, Paloma and Lerida Aves.

Thomson, Mr. Arthur D., 635 Winsor Ave.

Thomson, Mrs. James A., 145 Kempton Ave.

Throop, Miss Susanne, Mills College, 15.

Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude E., 4407 Piedmont Ave., 58.

Thurston, Mrs. A. E., 2717-26th Ave., 58.

Tilden, Miss Gladys, 314 Hobart, 328A.

Timerman, Mrs. E. C., 2930 Webster, 159.

Tiscornia, Mrs. G., 517-32d, 521.

Toby, Mrs. Simeon B., 331 Athol Ave.

Todd, Mrs. J. Hamilton, 43 Park Way.

Tonjes, Mrs. Henry C., 5863 Birch Court.

Touchard, Miss Lilia, 406 Lee, 159.

Touchard, Miss Marie J., 406 Lee, 159

Towne, Mrs. Geo. S., 146 Monte Vista, 552.

Traverse, Mrs. James A., 460-28th.

Treadwell, Mrs. James, 5212 Broadway.

Treanor, Mrs. John P., Upper Redwood Rd.

Trent, Mrs. Goodwin Murray, 5915 Ross.

Trevor, Miss Grace, 442-28th, 27.

Trimble, Mrs. A. E., 386 Oakland Ave., 123.

Trousdale, Mrs. H. J., 377-51st, 58.

Trowbridge, Mrs. Delger, 766 Calmar Ave.

Tully, Mrs. J. J., 389-63d. 11.

Turner, Mrs. F. C., 255 Ridgeway, 489.

Vail, Mrs. Henry R., 717 E. 23d, 159.

Valentine, Mrs. Jno. H., 246 Perry, 78, 159.

Valentine, Ruth, 246 Perry, 328A, 552.

Valentine, Miss Thel S., 246 Perry, 485.

Vallance, Mrs. John, 4021 Howe, 339.

Vance, Mrs. Walter D., 819-59th.

Vandegrift, Mrs. J. A., 74 Fairmount, 159.

Van Dyke, Mrs. H. L., 1430-92d Ave., 58.

Van Loben Sels, Mrs. Peter J., 520 Sycamore.

Van Sicklen, Mrs. John, 814 Calmar Ave.

Van Slyke, Mrs. Ira M., 2840 Summit, 159.

Vaughan, Mrs. E. P., 4602 Park Blvd., 159.

Vesper, Mrs. Oliver M., 424 Euclid Ave.

Vesper, Miss Alice G., 424 Euclid Ave.

Vinson, Mrs. Robert B., 30 Grand.

Vollmer, Mrs. F. V., 943-55th, 58.

Von Adelung, Mrs. Edward, 407-29th, 485.

Von Helms, Mrs. E. C., 2132-7th Ave., 159.

Voss, Mrs. Otto C., 593 Merrimac.

Wackler, Miss Katherine, 59 Montell Ave., 205.

Wadell, Mrs. George B., 346 Hanover.

Wadsworth, Mrs. Henry H., 5669 Ocean View Ave.

Wagner, Mrs. Leroy, 627 Santa Ray Ave.

Wakefield, Mrs. S. B., 1930 Harrison, 159.

Walker, Mrs. Herman G., 4132 Gilbert, 58.

Walker, Mrs. Jack T., 1924 Fruitvale Ave., 58.

Walker, Mrs. Percival J., 23 Highland Ave.

Walker, Mrs. Wilber, 1035 E. 12th.

Wallace, Mrs. C. L., 50 Fairview Ave., 58.

Walsh, Mrs. E. M., 98 Monte Vista Ave., 159, 552.

Walsh, Miss Harriet E., 98 Monte Vista Ave.

Walsh, Mrs. Miles W., 874-31st, 58.

Walter, Mrs. C. C. N., 544-28th, 339.

Ward, Mrs. Alma, 1291-107th Ave., 58.

Ward, Miss Catherine, 800-14th, 139.

Ward, Mrs. L. F., 14th Ave. and Hopkins, 67.

Warfel, Mrs. John W., 538 Chetwood.

Warfield, Mrs. Olivia E., 424 Pala Ave.

Warner, Mrs. Elon L., 63 Monte Vista Ave., 159.

Warner, Mrs. F. A., 375 Bellevue, 328A.

Waste, Mrs. Wm. H., 2222 Durant Ave.

Waterhouse, Mrs. C. J., 374 Jayne Ave., 159.

Watson, Mrs. Frank C., 506 Van Buren, 552.

Webster, Mrs. E. B., 431 Clifton Ave., 328A.

Webster, Mrs. Bradford, 576 Valle Vista.

Webster, Mrs. Frederick A., 985 Bay View Ave., 159.

Webster, Miss Margaret, 576 Valle Vista.

Weeks, Mrs. Anson B., 1535 E. 38th.

Welch, Mrs. Bert H., 704 E. 18th.

Wells, Mrs. F. E., 216 Montecito, 159.

Werner, Mrs. Adolph F., 2291 E. 20th.

West, Mrs. E. L., 2241 E. 16th, 58.

West, Miss Maybelle S., 3464 Piedmont Ave., 418.

West, Mrs. Mabel Speckburne, 3646 Piedmont Ave. 363, 418.

West, Mrs. William B., 2929 Webster.

Weston, Mrs. Francis F., 1540 Webster, 78.

Westphal, Mrs. George, 130 Montecito.

Westrich, Mrs. Lilburn E., 724 Wesley.

Wetherbee, Mrs. Henry, 1437 Fruitvale Ave.

Wetherbee, Mrs. Ida F., 8733 Hillside, 506.

Wetmore, Mrs. C. J., 86 Monte Vista Ave., 78, 159, 307.

Wetmore, Miss Philena C., 86 Monte Vista Ave.

Weyman, Mrs. C. M., 1039-63d, 58.

Whelan, Mrs. W. H., 439-49th, 159.

Whitaker, Mrs. E. A., 2302-17th Ave., 159.

White, Mrs. Asa L., 604 E. 17th.

White, Mrs. J. W., 2834 22st Ave., 159.

White, Mrs. Josephine, 663-11th, 366.

Whitehead, Mrs. H. L., 1075-14th, 159.

Whitehead, Mrs. R., 240 Grand Ave., 159.

Whitehouse, Mrs. L.  H., 4184 Emerald, 339.

Whitemore, Mrs. Welles, 405 Van Buren, 159.

Whitley, Mrs. Clarence B., 436 Newton Ave.

Whitney, Mrs. Geo. E., 2121 Webster, 103, 328A.

Whitney, Mrs. I. V., 2121 Webster, 328A.

Wickham, Mrs. Charles E., 3715 Leighton.

Wicks, Mrs. Jennie, 2724 School, 58.

Wiggins, Mrs. James F., 614 Mariposa Ave.

Wight, Mrs. Fred G., 302 Euclid Ave.

Wilder, Mrs. Beverly B., 676 Fairmount Ave., 159.

Wilkinson, Mrs. Albert E., 801 Lerida Ave.

Wilkinson, Miss Antoinette G., 1223 5th Ave., 159.

Wilkinson, Miss Alice M., 801 Lerida Ave.

Willard, Mrs. G. A., 590 Grand Ave., 159.

Williams, Miss C., 1935-10th Ave., 159.

Williams, Geo. R., 1930-10th Ave., 159.

Williams, Mrs. Harry G., 586-23d.

Willis, Mrs. A. D., 529-28th, 339.

Wilson, Mrs. C. E., 2305-94th Ave., 58.

Wilson, Mrs. Henry, 1403 Madison, 159.

Wilson, Mrs. Robert O., Acacia Ave., Rockridge.

Wilson, Mrs. W. J., 465 Bellevue Ave., 159.

Wilson, Mrs. Wilbur I., 590 Walsworth Ave.

Winchester, Mrs. Fred P., 354 Euclid Ave.

Winkler, Mrs. A. L., 1422-56th Ave., 58.


Pg 241

Wishart, Mrs. W. A., 476 Fairbanks, 159.

Wood, Mrs. Chas., 851-52d, 159, 186,

Wood, Mrs. Ellis E., 376 Ellwood Ave.

Wood, Mrs. Fred T., 1051 Annerley Rd.

Woodbury, Mrs. C. J., 1428 Brush, 159, 339.

Woods, Mrs. Glenn H., 277 Park View Ter., 418.

Woolsey, Mrs. Audubon, 576-66th, 489.

Woolsey, Mrs. John R., 5677 Ocean View Dr.

Worden, Mrs. William W., 464 Orchard, 159.

Wright, Mrs. J. T., 1521 Madison, 159.

Wright, Mrs. Maynard E., 149 Monte Cresta Ave., 159.

Wynne, Mrs. Sydney Mezes, 635-65th.

Yelland, Mrs. Raymond D., 1924-7th Ave.

Yore, Mrs. William J., 670-36th.

York, Mrs. Bertrand L., 757 Lerida Ave.

Youngberg, Mrs. Charles J., 251 Perry.


Transcribed by Linda McDowell.

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.



© 2005 Nancy Pratt Melton

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