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   The California Federation of School Women’s Club was organized in San Jose in 1908.  Nearly all organized clubs of women teachers in cities north of the Tehachipi, are now members of the Federation whose purposes are declared to be: To promote professional spirit among the school women of the state; to furnish a medium for co-operation and information in order that united effort may be obtained when desirable; to promote acquaintances and fellowship; to encourage democracy of aim and feeling and in all things to uplift the cause of education and educational workers.  Miss Agnes Howe, now Santa Clara County superintendent of Schools, had charge of many details for the annual conference held in San Jose, Saturday, April 22, 1922.


   Miss Florence Stahl, president, and Miss Jessie Williamson, secretary, are residents of San Jose.  Officers of this federation include:  Miss Florence Stahl, president; Alice M. Williams, vice-president, Jessie Williamson, secretary; Mary A. Bradford, treasurer.  On the executive board are:  Mrs. A. E. Campbell, Mrs. M. M. Fitzgerald, Elsie Northrup, Lilian Talbert, May McCardle, and Anna L. Barney.  The auditors are Louisa F. Bray and Ethelind Bonney.






   Our life as a people is only an expression of the effect of the schools upon society.  If our schools are a failure, then indeed is our whole social structure sadly impaired.  The kind of school we have in America exists because we as a people are determined to govern ourselves.  Our democracy is, in turn, the product of the teaching in our schools, as those schools have responded to the needs and opportunities of a new civilization in a new and better environment.


   The American School is responsible for American modes of thought.  The American spirit is born in the American School.  American boys and girls, meet together on a plane of equality, a fair field and no favor.  The road is open and free to all from the primary school through the University. American youth, going forth into the community as men and women, understand one another, for they have all been reared in American homes and taught in American Schools.  This makes for patriotism in time of peace, and in time of war.  Thus shall the schools earn their due reward in the high esteem of all true-minded citizens.


                                                                                               Wanda R. Mott


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Photo of Mrs. Emma L. Dacre







   The San Francisco Grade Teachers’ Association has sent a delegate to the annual meetings of the National Education Association for the past three years.  In 1920 the National Education Association was reorganized on a delegate basis, and at the 1921 convention the first meeting of the delegate assembly, I had the honor and privilege of representing the San Francisco Grade Teachers’ Association in Des Moines.

   The great vision of the new education was unfolded, and the delegates were to translate those ideals into achievements in the local associations.  The delegates were impressed with their responsibility of doing their share in the work of an organization which is dedicated to the supremely important task of building a better America through better schools in charge of professionally minded teachers.

   California was represented by one of the largest delegations at Des Moines, and as I was the only representative from San Francisco, I felt it my duty on my return home to impress the class room teachers with the importance of assuming the responsibility of their share in this great movement.

   San Francisco was accorded the honor of having the State Director of the N. E. A. Miss Mary Mooney, our first president was selected to hold that important position, and I am sure our members have appreciated the honor paid to our association by the California Delegation.  They have responded by enrolling in the National Education Association, and made the drive for one thousand National Education Association members in San Francisco a great success.

   Our Association is entitled to six delegates, and the following teachers were elected to go to the convention in Boston in July:  Miss Mary Mooney, State Director, Mrs. Emma Maland, Miss Carre Daly, Miss Esther Leonard, Miss Susie Le Fevre, and myself.  These delegates hope to convince the governing board of the National Education Association that San Francisco is an ideal summer convention city, and have San Francisco made the meeting place for the convention next year.  Miss Mooney and I are enlisting the aid of all civic and industrial organizations in this plan to advertise San Francisco in the East.  Business men realize the great aid that teachers can give in all publicity movements.  California headquarters will not only radiate true California hospitality, but will be a center for publicity work for Northern California.

   In order to finance the delegates, a Jinks was given on May fifth at the Girls High School. The first part of the Jinks: A Diversified Day, was a rollicking burlesque on certain phases of the daily routine; the second part was a bird phantasy written by Miss Margaret Dooley.  An intermission was interspersed by solos, a trio and the Girls’ High School Orchestra.

   All over the country the class room teachers are trying to establish higher professional standards, and at this years’ meeting, the class room department of the National Education Association, ways and means will be considered to make this one of the most worth-while sections of the whole association.  Our delegation realized public education as of fundamental concern, and the profession will never rise higher than the class room teacher.  Those in daily contact with the lives of little children must have the radiant influence of inspiration of great minds, and the desire to encompass the great ideals fostered by common action.  We can only get this inspiration by meeting with those who can impart such enthusiasm.


Emma L. Dacre

President San Francisco Grade Teachers’ Association


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Los Angeles has some reason for self-congratulations in the quality of her teaching corps.


Once upon a time, one off our esteemed exchanges—we cannot refrain from telling that it came from Boston—devoted some of its valuable space to a glowing tribute to the intellectual caliber of Los Angeles’ teaching force.


It is always pleasant to have our friends and find virtue in us that we had not suspected.  But since their attention is called to it, we are half inclined to think the tribute may be in some measure deserved.


One of the features of greatest import was the Conference of Educational Research.


Referring to an article written by Charleton A. Wheeler, regarding educational work in California, the following quote is made:


“The new year it is at our doors.  There are many important things which the Southern section should accomplish in the twelve months already beginning to slip past.


There should be a permanent office for the activities of the Section, working with the office in San Francisco and with a branch of the Placement Bureau here in Los Angeles.


A capable well-paid secretary should be in that office and should during that year cover all parts of our Section bringing teachers directly the livest managed message that the Association has to offer.  But Los Angeles members of the Council should form a definite working group with some monthly meetings and regular means of communication with their constituents.”


In closing Wheeler said: “So I’m going to believe that this year every one of you has resolved to provide material for your representatives to use in kindling the lights which are to shine as professional beacons in Southern California and in the State at large during the year 1922.”



Ida Christine Iversen




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Photo of Mrs. O. E. Chaney








Mrs. O. E. Chaney, 218 Pacific Avenue, Piedmont…………….………….………………….President

Miss Marie C. Brehm, 3121 Elliot Street, Long Beach………..……………………First Vice-President

Miss Mary Helen McLean, 3 City Hall Avenue, San Francisco……………….Second Vice – President

Miss Carol A. Renfisch, Klagscote Apartments, Palo Alto….……………………...Recording Secretary

Dr. Mary Emig, Downey, California…………………………….……….Assistant Recording Secretary

Mrs. George Wing, Banning, California……………………………….……………….……...Treasurer

Mrs. Ernest Wallace, 675 Bush Street, San Francisco….……………………..Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. C. F. Crose, 517 Bush Street, Santa Ana…………………………………………………..Auditor

Mrs. M. E. Jenkins, 401 South Olive Street, Los Angeles……………..………………………Historian


   The Woman’s Legislative Council of California was organized on December 7th, 1912 in San Francisco, California, at a conference of delegates from fifty-three leading organization of women.  It is non-partisan and non-sectarian, and its object is to secure better laws for women and children, public welfare measures and laws that make for better moral, economic and social conditions.  Its work is fundamentally educational, but its power lies in its ability to focus as well as enlighten public opinion.  The aim of the Council is intelligent public service; it endeavors to help the women of the State to realize that citizenship is an individual responsibility that cannot be delegated to others.  It believes that to educate and arouse the individual citizen to assume his or her own responsibility is to make for community action, community service and community uplift.

   The need for such an organization as the Woman’s Legislative Council was manifested when the right of suffrage was given the women of the State.  That the Council has successfully met this need for concerted action in legislative work is evidenced not only by its membership, which stretches from Eureka in the north to San Diego in the south, but also by the list of its achievements, which number among them some of the most popular and important laws enacted by recent legislatures.  To name a few of the results of the idea of co-operation in legislative work is the following list of laws enacted by the California Legislature through the work of the women of the State.

(1)   (1)    Industrial Welfare Commission; (2) State Training School for Girls; (3) Birth Registration; (4) Mothers’ Pension Law; (5) Teachers’ Pension Act; (6) Raising the age of  consent; (7) Home Teacher’s Bill; (8) Red Light Abatement Law; Registration of Trained Nurses; (9) Making Mother Equal Guardian with Father of Minor Children; (11) Requiring Wife’s signature to legalize assignment of Husband’s wages; (12) Amendment to Juvenile Court Law, separating dependents from delinquents; (13) safeguarding Education rights and Hours of Labor for Children; (14) Establishing Civic Centers in Public School Buildings; (15) Making Women eligible to Jury service; (16) Farm for Delinquent Women; (171) Moron Colony for Southern California; (18) Increase in School Funds; (Exempting Wife’s half of Community Property from Inheritance Tax; (20) Making Provision for Special Education for Crippled Children.


Mrs. O. E. Chaney



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Photo of Mrs. Frank G. Law








Mrs. Frank G. Law, 353 Athol Avenue, Oakland…………………………………………President

Mrs. J. G. Kearney………………………………………..……..……………..First Vice-President

Mrs. Ernest J. Mott, 2808 Vallejo, San Francisco…………………………...Second Vice-President

Mrs. C. B. Whittier…………………………………………..…..…………….Third Vice-President

Mrs. H. W. Whitworth, 1601 Wellington, Oakland………….…….…………..Recording Secretary

Miss M. A. Ijams……………………………………………………..……Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. F. F. Rowell, 3278 Shafter Avenue, Oakland…………….…….…………………...Treasurer

Mrs. J. L. Goodday, 64 5th Avenue, San Francisco…………………………………………Auditor


Miss Gail Laughlin                                Mrs. W. X. Clark                     Mrs. Florence I. Mead

Mrs. H. B. Tilghman                            Mrs. Dow C. Golden                         Miss Caroline Kingman


   The California Civic League was founded in 1911 in response to the demand of newly enfranchised women for guidance and technical knowledge in preparing themselves to use the ballot intelligently.

   In 1920 The National League of Women Voters was organized as an outgrowth of the American Woman’s Suffrage Association with the purpose of “developing the woman citizen into an intelligent and self-directing voter and to turn her vote toward constructive social ends.”

   On May 1921 The California Civic League became the California unit of The National League of Women Voters and this necessitated a change in organization as the California Civic League had only organized in the northern part of the state.  The California League of Women Voters has three sections – southern, central, and northern, each section retaining complete local autonomy but linked together, for State and National questions, by a State Executive Council.  Said Council is composed of a State president, secretary and treasurer, and the president of each section by virtue of her office becomes a member of the State Executive Council.

   The first State Convention will be held in October and at this time new officers will be elected and from one to five bills selected to be presented to the next Legislature.  Said proposed legislation is now being studied by the local units of the State League.

   The Pan American Conference held in conjunction with the annual convention of The National League of Women Voters in Baltimore, Maryland from April 20th to 29th, was attended by twelve official delegates from California.  There were thirty-one official delegates from twenty-two American Countries seated in The Pan American Conference.  Two thousand five hundred women from various parts of the world attended both the conference and the convention.  The soul and spirit of this gathering of intellectual womanhood of the world was – “that democracy shall be saved for the world and that there shall be no future wars.”


Mrs. Frank C. Law,



Women from South America were official representatives at the Pan-American Conference of Women in Baltimore, Maryland.  In connection with the National League of Women Voters.  They were:  Miss Marguerite Conroy of Lima; Madame Charles Dune, professor at the normal school of Port-du-Prince; Sehorite Anna Teresa Paradas, first woman lawyer of the Demonican Republic; Dona Lutz, Rio de Janeiro, chosen as a delegate because of her work for the League of Intellectual Emancipation of Women of which she is the founder and president.  Other delegates at the Pan-American conference were: Senorita Beatrice Souza de Queiroz, Senora Emma Lopez Sena de Garrido, of the El Club Ferminino de Cuba and Senora Amalia Mallea de Ostolaze, founder and president of the Partido Nacional Suffragista.  Mrs. Maud Wood Park, president of the National League of Women Voters, officially represented the United States women at the conference.



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Group Photo




Kathleen Norris, California author, discussed this question before the San Francisco Center

at a luncheon held in the colonial ballroom of the St. Francis Hotel, November 1921.


Literary folks from the bay cities were in attendance.  Mrs. Parker Maddux, president of the Center, is seated at the honor table with Kathleen Norris at her right and Charles Norris at her left.  Prominent members and relatives of the honor guests seated from left to right, at the table are:  Mrs. Ernest Wallace, Mrs. Joseph S. Thompson, Mrs. Ernest W. Cleary, Mrs. Ida Finney Mackrille,Then Kathleen Norris, Mrs. Parker Maddux, Charles Norris, Mrs. C. S. Stanton, Mr. Joseph Thompson (brother of Kathleen Norris) and Mrs. E. B. Thomas. 



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Photo of Mrs. Parker S. Maddux





California Civic League of Women Voters




Mrs. Parker S. Maddux, 2868 Valliejo……………………..……………………………………President

Mrs. Jesse H. Steinhart, 2400 Steiner………………………………………………...First Vice-President

Mrs. Alfred McLaughlin, 3375 Clay……………………………………………….Second Vice-President

Miss Elisa May Willard, 864 Francisco………………………………………….Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Andrew E. Neuenburg, 246 Cabrillo…………….……………………………..Recording Secretary

Miss Mabel Pierce, 1000 Chestnut………………………………..…………………………….Treasurer

Miss Margaret Mary Morgan, 1942A Hyde…………………………..…………………………...Auditor

Mrs. Genevieve Allen, 117 10th Avenue……………………………………………….Business Secretary



Mrs. Ludwig Frank                                                       Mrs. Ida Finney Mackerille

Mrs. Henry Harris                                                        Mrs. Willis Polk

Mrs. Franklin Harwood                                                Mrs. M. Silverberg

Mrs. Ernest Wallace                                                     Mrs. Duncan McDuffie



Mrs. Jesse H. Steinhart, City Government                Mrs. Henry Harris, Public Health

Miss Marion Delany, Public Dance Hall                   Mrs. Alfred E. Raas, Public Speaking



Miss Carol A. Renfisch, Legislative                           Mrs. Timothy Healy, Publicity

Mrs. Augusta Jones, Membership                             Mrs. William Kent, Education

Miss Eleanor H. Koppitz, Finance                             Miss Alice Burr, Headquarter


   The San Francisco Center is a non-partisan organization devoted to the establishment of equality for women in citizenship; to the study of civic problems; to the discussion of public questions; and to constructive civic work.  After ten years of existence it has a membership of over 2400 women, with four special committees doing active work, the Public Health, City Government, Public Dance Hall and Public Speakers groups, and one more, the City Planning Committee, organized, but not yet functioning.  The standing committees include a very active Legislative group working in conjunction with the Women’s Legislative Council and the California Civic League of Women Voters, with both of which state organizations the San Francisco Center is affiliated.

   In  addition to monthly membership meetings for the transaction of business, legislative endorsements and so on, the Center runs a continuous program of afternoon discussion; lectures; teas; luncheons and very rarely a dinner, with addresses from distinguished guests.  The scope of these meetings is suggested by a partial list of the past eight months, when our local subjects have included “A Better and Greater San Francisco,” “Marketing in San Francisco,” “Proposed Reduction in the Minimum Wage for Women in Industry” and, upon our tenth anniversary of the granting of suffrage to the women of California, “Is the Time Ripe for a Woman Supervisor?”  (Incidentally we would add that San Francisco voted that it was, and one of our officers became our first Woman Supervisor).  Gertrude Atherton has told us of the “Movie World at Close Range,” Dr. Wm. R. P. Emerson has stated “What’s Wrong with our Children,” and the Norris’s, Charles and Kathleen, have discussed “Woman’s Adjustment to a Career and the Home” and “Divorce.”  Julius Kahn brought us the latest word from Washington on difficult taxation matters, and while Mitre Alenandrovitch Schwaratz spoke from recent experience on “The Menace of Bolshevism.”  Washington Vanderlip told us that Lenine ranks with Lincoln.  In the juxtaposition of ten days came Arthur Brisbane and H. Wickham Steed, as well as, later, Francis W. Hirst, former editor of the London Economist.  “The Awakening of Women in the Orient,” with graduates in native costume from Oriental colleges of India, Japan and China, and a notable series of our own Disarmament Conferences gave us international points of view, capped by the most delightful good will when General Diaz came to us with his staff, for tea, and gave us a wonderfully inspirational talk.  Such an outline necessarily omits many of the topics discussed at Center meetings; however it at least suggests the cosmopolitan interest of an eager intelligent woman citizenship, the only requirement for membership.


Edith Walker Maddux,




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Photos of Three Women in the California State Legislature

Mrs. Anna Saylor, Alameda County

Miss Esto Broughton, Stanislaus County

Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes, Butte County





   In 1919 four women were elected to the State Legislature as members of the Assembly.  Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes of Oroville, registered as “housewife”:  Mrs. Anna L. Saylor of Berkeley, also housewife”; Miss Esto B. Broghton of Modesto, an attorney-at-law; and Mrs. Grace S. Dorris, a teacher of Bakersfield, Kern County.  Mrs. Dorris did not return to the State legislature at the close of her term, but the other three women, re-elected to office have served in the 1921 State legislature.

   Mrs. Hughes qualified for the office of Assemblyman by her previous record as chairman of the Education Committee.  She had served on the following committees: Agriculture; Conservation; Drainage; Swamp and Overflowed Lands; Elections; Federal Relations.  Mrs. Saylor acted as chairman of the Public Morals Committee and was a member of the Public Morals Committee and member of the following committees:  Constitutional Amendments; Education; Hospitals and Asylums; Prisons and Reformatories; Public Charities and Corrections.  Miss Broughton was a member of the following committees: Civil Service; Direct Legislation; Engrossment and Enrollment; Irrigation; Public Morals; Ways and Means.

   Mrs. Dorris was a member of the committees: County Government; Education’ Labor and Capital; Normal Schools; Oil Industries; Public Health and Quarantine.

   All four women have proved exceedingly able, and have justified, in their dignified and splendid conduct as legislators, the hopes of California women who worked for woman suffrage.





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Photo of Mrs. Anna Denniston.






   The Needlework Guild of America is one of the efficient, practical, organized groups of women who devote their skill and their time to the making of garments for distribution among the needy and the sick.  The distribution takes place every year just about Thanksgiving Day.

   Last year the San Francisco Needlework Guild distributed their gifts to sixty-one charities.   The extent of the distribution was general reaching out to hospitals, homes, and to charity centers.

   Good, warm undergarments, socks, stockings, mittens, gloves, caps, sweaters, petticoats, nightwear, and broadsoled shoes – these were among the garments distributed.  For little babes, the Needlework Guild gave some of its best and most useful garments.  These garments included: blankets, slips, little petticoats, woolen jackets, stockings, caps, and many intimate garments necessary for a babe.  Shoulder shawls, bed shoes, flannel sacks, wrappers – these were some of the many things distributed among the convalescents, able to leave hospitals.

   In order to be a member of the Needlework Guild of America, one must contribute at least two new articles of wearing apparel or household linen.  Articles may be made by hand, or they may be ready-made garments, including sheets, pillow-cases, and towels.

   Last year the San Francisco Needlework Guild collected twelve thousand, four hundred and seventy-seven garments, an advance of three thousand over the number the preceding year.  The Needlework Guild is endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce.  It is affiliated with the American Red Cross, the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs, and is a member of the National Conference of Social work, the National Council of Women of the United States, and the National Camp Fire Girls.

   The following charities receive garments distributed by the Needlework Guild of the San Francisco Branch: Associated Charities, Babies Aid, California Home for Girls, Canon Kip Day Nursery, Canon Kip Dispensary, Canon Kip Memorial Home, Cathedral Mission, Community Day Nursery, Cynthia Grey Column, Deaconess’ Home, Detention Home (Juvenile Court), Doctor’s Daughters, Emanu-El Sisterhood, Eureka Benevolent Society, Florence Crittenton Home, German Benevolent Society, Girls’ Friendly Society Lodge, Girls’ Welfare Home, Golden Gate Kindergarten Association, Helpers of the Holy Souls, Hospital for Children and Training School for Nurses, House of Friendship, Infant Shelter, Little Children’s Aid, Little Sisters of the Poor, Maria Kip Orphanage, Mary‘s Help Clinic, Mizpah Charity Club, “Mrs. Goodfellow,” Nursery for Homeless Children, Open Air School, Oriental M. E. Mission, Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Philanthropic Section of the Corona Club, Presbyterian Chinese Mission, Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies’ Home, Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, San Bruno Community House, San Francisco Fruit and Flower Mission, San Francisco Home for Incurables, San Francisco Hospital, San Francisco Protestant Orphan Asylum Society, San Francisco Tuberculosis Association, St. Barnabas’ Mission, Sisters of the Holy Family, Society of Christian Work, Stanford Clinic, Swiss Relief, Telegraph Hill Center of San Francisco, Trinity Pastoral Aid, University of California Hospital, Youths’ Directory, Boys and Girls’ Industrial Farm (Lytton), Girls’ Training Home, Alameda; Fred Finch Orphanage, Piedmont; Hill Farm, Manor; Masons’ Home, Decoto; Presbyterian Orphanage, San Anselmo; Salvation Army Rescue Home, Oakland; Sunshine Preventorium, Manor; West Oakland Home.

   Leaders of the various sections of the Needlework Guild of the San Francisco Branch include the following prominent woman: Mrs. E. G. Denniston, Mrs. Almeron Skinkle, Mrs. E. R. Lillienthal, Mrs. John Leale, Mrs. F. E. Williams, Mrs. E. E. Howell, Mrs. S. Sussman, Mrs. A. O. Dorey, Mrs. J. W. Wiggins, Mrs. George Reed, Mrs. Henry Meyer, Mrs. M. H. Esberg, Mrs. E. G. Cahill, Mrs. Edward F. Cahill, Mrs. L. T. Samuels, Mrs. E. B. Burr, Mrs. J. D. Jessup, Mrs. S. Hortop, Mrs. Robert Wallace, Mrs. L. Guggenheim, Mrs. George A. Mullin, Mrs. W. C. Morrow, Mrs. G. F. Terschuren, Mrs. McKinley Bissinger, Mrs. Edward Morgan Jones, Mrs. S. L. Reiss, Mrs. Thomas H. Judd, Mrs. E. M. Hogan, Mrs. John Doolittle, Mrs. Robert Hugh Donaldson, Mrs. Simeon Poulin, Mrs. E. Lawrence, Mrs. Hal M. Atkinson, Mrs. Arvilla Bradley, Mrs. A. L. Lengfeld, Mrs. J. H. Humphreys, Mrs. Charles Sorenson, Mrs. H. C. Worth, Mrs. Mary B. Smith, Miss Marion O’Connell, Miss Blanche Murray, Miss Virginia Gibbs, Miss Laura McKinstrey, Miss Frances V. Meeker, Miss Genevieve Sullivan.


   Needlework Guilds are active in various parts of the state as contributing parts to the National Guild.





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Photo of Mrs. John F. Merrill




San Francisco


   The Children’s Hospital is one of the oldest of the Charitable health agencies in California.  It was established as the Pacific Dispensary for women and children in 1875 at 520 Taylor Street, San Francisco, by a group of philanthropic women including Mrs. D. J. Staples, president: Mrs. A. L. Stone and Elkan Cohen, vice-presidents; Mrs. Oliver W. Easton, treasurer; and Mrs. John Hooper, Mrs. C. A. Wright, Mrs. Irving M. Scott, Mrs. Joseph Healy, Mrs. E. W. Phillips, Mrs. W. T. Wallace, Mrs. Henry Graves, Mrs. Thomas Flint, directors.

   The hospital was reincorporated in 1885 as “The Hospital for Children and Training School for Nurses,” and was located at 3700 California Street.  The staff of those early days contained the names of Mrs. M. E. Bucknell, M. D., Mrs. Charlotte Blake Brown, M. D., and Mrs. Sara E. Brown, M.D.  From this small beginning in 1875, the hospital has grown to a fine general hospital.  It is one of the largest hospitals devoted entirely to women and children patients, with a governing board of women, an administration and staff largely of women.

   The school of nursing is the pioneer organization of this class in California.  Its graduates are serving in important positions in many places throughout the State and elsewhere.

   As a charity the Children’s Hospital has held a strong appeal for the public, and is supported entirely by contributions and the income from paying patients.  At present the Children’s Hospital needs “scholarships” in nursing, endowments for beds and support for beds.  Supported and endowed beds are particularly needed for maternity patients and women ill of medical diseases.

   The assets of the hospital are substantial and there are no liabilities.  Most of the assets have been accumulated by gifts from California friends.  A large part of the hospital’s service to the sick, is for children unable to pay.  Last year over $80,000.00 of such work was given.

   One of the present institutions in the Children’s Hospital is the every-day school with close adherence to school curriculum, the instructors being teachers from the public schools of San Francisco.  This was first introduced by the Children’s Hospital board and, later, became a part of the regular school system.

   It is an appealing sight to see little bed-ridden children, some of them strapped to their supports, keen and eager for their daily lessons in school work.  These children are apt pupils and delight in their studies.  Miss Wade is the teacher.

   An auxiliary of young women connected with the work of the Children’s Hospital is a constant source of aid.  For instance, they gave X-Ray equipment this year, and the purchase of the Nurses’ Home from the University of California Hospital is one of their permanent accomplishments.  This work has been established as a memorial to the lamented auxiliary member, Mrs. George McNear.  The Nurses Home is a modern, well equipped home for eighty nurses.

   To the noble women who first saw the vision of “The Children’s Hospital” and to the present board of managers – whose part it has been to “carry on” the great work now, there is, indeed, no compensating tribute, no adequate laudation other than: “In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto Me.”

   Mrs. A. F. Morrison is president of the Children’s Hospital, Miss Mabel Piece, Mrs. Walter Martin, Mrs. Alfred McLaughlin, are vice-presidents; Miss Emily Carolan, treasurer; Mrs. L. L. Dunbar, general secretary.  The board of managers include:  Mrs. Harry S. Bates, Miss Ethel Beaver, Miss Louise Boyd, Mrs. George Cameron, Miss Emily Carolan, Mrs. Wendell Easton, Mrs. Herbert Fleishacker, Mrs. George F. Grant, Mrs. E. S. Heller, Mrs. James Watt Kerr, Mrs. Latham McMullin, Mrs. John F. Merrill, Miss Mauricia Mintzer, Mrs. Alexander F. Morrison, Miss Alicia Mosgrove, Mrs. Henry Payor, Miss Mabel Pierce, Mrs. Henry Sahlein, Mrs. Laurence I. Scott, Mrs. E. B. Stone, Miss Alice Schussler, Mrs. George F. Volkmann, Mrs. Isaac N. Walter, Miss Persis Coleman.

   The auxiliary board comprises: Mrs. Henry Kiersted, Mrs. Henry Dutton, Mrs. George Cameron, Mrs. Latham McMullin, Mrs. Horace Hill, Mrs. S. H. Boardman, Mrs. Norris K. Davis, Mrs. Walter Martin, Mrs. Charles T. Crocker, Mrs. H. W. Poett, Mrs. Augustus Taylor, Mrs. William H. Taylor, Jr., Mrs. Laurence I. Scott, Mrs. Julian Thorne, Miss Emily Carolan, Miss Marion Zeile, Mrs. J. Cheever Cowdin, Miss Louise Boyd, Mrs. H. H. Scott.

   Help us to help those whose lot it is to minister!  Our Nurses!  Help us to impress those whose call it is to watch by the bed of sickness, to smooth the troubled pillow, to solace the couch of pain, and teach them that the art of ministration is the act of love – for, their cross shall be the step to their crown, and their power to administer shall be their strength.


Mary S. Merrill





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   Debutantes and their younger sisters, the sub-debutantes, make no claim for recognition in philanthropic work, yet the value of their participation in many events for the benefit of organizations throughout the state, command acclaim.  In one of her recent articles Mrs. Jean Loughborough said of the debutante: “Be she “deb” or “sub-deb”, coed or from one of the higher girls’ schools, the young women of the period not only feels the responsibilities of her youth but those of her prospective place as a member of the state’s citizenship.

   “She may tea and dance, and even flirt a bit in a wholesome way, but the girl whose sole object in life was a date book full of men’s initials and a dance card filled from cover to cover is rapidly becoming a rarity.  In place of the gay frivolous social butterfly is the college girl, the girl of the sorority whose training has given an insight into social and civic affairs.  In college she cogitates over the doctrines of Marx and Nietzsche, evolving her theories on social problems from Dewey to Taussig

   Because popularity no longer consists of the number of engagements which she has to her credit but rather to the extent of her unselfish work and the kind of charitable work she does in her sincere, devoted way, Miss Debutante is a very important little personage.

   “Among the most successful benefits given by the Los Angeles debutantes was that of the Alumnae of the Kappa Kappa Gamma under the chairmanship of Miss Ellen Andrews, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. L. M. Andrews of Lafayette Park Place.  Although a recent graduate of Stanford University, Miss Andrews has already identified herself with the Junior Auxiliary of the Ebell Club, giving her aid, during a recent benefit, and to the Red Cross drives and to the Assistance League.  Among others was Eleanor Anderson who has given much of her time to the work of the Children’s Exposition.  Doris Fredericks, daughter of John D. Fredericks, president of the Chamber of Commerce, is another Los Angeles girl who devotes much time to serious work.  Much of her time is taken up with the Maternity Cottage.  She is the secretary of the board of directors, a member of the Chi Omega Sorority.  Miss Fredericks is one of the college girls from the University of California.  Elizabeth Kytle and Eleanor Warren, both Mills College graduates, have identified themselves with the Ebell Auxiliary work.  Other prominent your women of Los Angeles include: Camille Schneider, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. M. Schneider of Lafayette Park Place, a member of Pi Beta Phi from the University of California; Rowena Schneider, her sister, both of whom are prominent workers in the Mission of Saint Martha and St. Anthony.  They are interested, too, in the Child Welfare League.

   Katherine Long, a recent graduate from Vassar, is devoting her time to the Juvenile Protective Association.  Ruth Bolgiano, of Wellesley, is giving her time and talent to work in connection with the Pasadena Community Players.  Dorothy Botsford, member of the Kappa Alpha Theta from Stanford University, is a field investigator for the State Board of Charities and Corrections.  Mary Ellen Reed, a Delta Gamma from Stanford, and Constance Chambers and Irene Combe, both members of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, from the University of California are prominent members of the Girls Auxiliary of Hollywood.  Miss Chambers, the retiring president was largely responsible for the successful benefit at which the Auxiliary raised a substantial sum for the Children’s Hospital.  Josephine Halderman, another debutante of Hollywood, graduate of Mills College, is the new president of the Girls’ Auxiliary.”

   In practically every splendid task society women of San Francisco have essayed, they have been enthusiastically assisted by debutantes of the city.  In many of the philanthropic activities, which characterize the unselfish devotion of both matrons and debutantes, mother and daughter have worked side by side; elder sisters, in society and those not yet formally “presented” have carried to fruition successful enterprises netting handsome sums for charity.

   A group of twelve girls first formed the Auxiliary to the Children’s Hospital of San Francisco, some fourteen years ago.  Their idea in doing so was to help in the great work of the hospital.  Through all the years they have carried on their auxiliary, many of them continuing as Auxiliary members.  Many of them are married, now.  The personnel of this group comprised: Miss Genevieve Carroll, now Mrs. Harry Poett; Miss Caro Crockett, now Mrs. Lawrence Irving Scott; Miss Edith McBean, now Mrs. Henry Kersted; Miss Carrie Taylor, now George Newhall; Miss Edna Hopkins, now Mrs. Stewart Lowery; Miss Helen Hopkins, now Mrs. Augustus Taylor; Miss Cora Smedberg, now Mrs. Charles Felton; Miss Mollie Thomas, now Mrs. Latham McMullin; Miss Terese Morgan, now Mrs. Walter Martin; and Miss Emily Carolan, who is the treasurer of the Children’s Hospital.  Other young women with the board of managers are: Miss Ethel Beaaver, Miss Louise Boyd, Miss Alicia Mosgrove, Miss Mabel Pierce, Miss Alice Schussler, Miss Persis Coleman, Miss Marion Zeile, Miss Mauricia Mintzer.

   With the Children’s Hospital as the beneficiary, the Young Ladies Auxiliary started the annual ball known as the Mardi Gras, one of the most spectacular and picturesque fancy balls given in San Francisco.

   The Mardi Gras is now held on Shrove Tuesday, each year, and is one of the outstanding society charity balls in the city.  A contest in the choice of queen for the Mardi Gras usually precedes the ball, lending zest to the purpose and adding interest to the society event.

   Mrs. Richard McCreery, society leader of Burlingame was Queen of the Mardi Gras, in 1922.  Her election to the honor as Queen Scheherezade followed one of the most spirited events ever held in this particular way.  Mrs. McCreery was formerly Lady Gray-Edgerton of London. 

   The splendid assistance given to worthy projects by the young women of the Junior League stands pre-eminently part of the noble work and unselfish devotion of debutantes.  In every city the Junior League has a most progressive clientele always ready to give unselfish devotion for charity.





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Photo of Mrs. W. H. Mills.





   California women who inspire achievements of present-day women come readily to mind.  So readily do they come that it is difficult to know where to start, and certainly difficult to know when, or where, to stop. 

   In the galaxy of leaders who pioneered the plans now flourishing to creditable heights are names of Californians closely linked with the foremost women of the world.

   Many of these Californians have gained national and inter-national recognition.  Many of them brought the present prosperity by the consecrated devotion of lifework in definite projects and activities.

   Their unselfish devotion, their aims, their laudable ambitions – reach across the stretch of Time, holding high the torch of radiant hope for those who, in their turn, shall follow them.

   I like to think of these women.  I like to think of the young women, the young matrons with their little brooks about them, today, who are stepping into the ranks with high ideals before them – the same ideals which characterized our feminine life, years back, and which now actuate the work of lovely womenhood in California.

   Let’s meditate awhile, and turn the light of appreciation upon them.  Some of these California women are:

   Mrs. A. F. Morrison, of the Century Club – a natural leader is Mrs. Morrison.  Her soft, well modulated voice, her clear-thinking, her straight-forward methods of reaching high results are characteristics.  It is a joy, always, to watch that clear-thinking process in Mrs. Morrison’s mind.  She is an example for women.  As the wife of one of San Francisco’s most prominent lawyers, Mrs. Morrison’s place in the affairs of the world would naturally place her high in the estimation of our citizens.  Yet her own feminine attributes – and particularly that mental process of clear-thinking – have made her a valuable leader whether in the Century Club, the Children’s Hospital board, or, in any of the important places where she is an executive.  She is never too busy to give hope and cheer – where hope and cheer are needed most.

   Mrs. Isaac Requa – one of the remarkable women of California whose hospital work has won distinction for women in general.  For many years Mrs. Requa has been a director of the Fabiola Hospital in Oakland, a hospital which she founded.  Even at the age of eighty-four, Mrs. Requa still attends the meetings of the directors.  She has been associated with all of the charitable work of the bay cities during her entire life time.  Her home in Piedmont is the center of charitable events, and her beautiful gardens the setting for garden fetes for charity.  On occasions too many to name, Mrs. Requa has devoted her work to municipal and state enterprises.  She has a most kindly nature and a brilliant active mind.  She is a most charming hostess in one of the most attractive homes in California’s land of homes.

   Mrs. Timothy Hopkins, the niece of Mrs. Mark Hopkins, has so long been identified with good work in San Francisco and the peninsula cities, that no large charity can be named without including the name of this splendid woman.  She has been a great moving spirit for the work of the Convalescent Home at Palo Alto, one of her great achievements being for the permanent fund for the convalescent home established in the old home of Senator and Mrs. Leland Stanford.  Mrs. Hopkin’s mansion at Menlo Park was recently the scene of a beneficiary in which the children took part in a “wonderful circus” netting a substantial sum for charity.

   Mrs. John Swift, wife of the late Ambassador to Japan, is one of the foremost suffrage leaders of California.  She was one of the first suffrage workers in the state.  Associated with Susan B. Anthony, Frances Williard, and other women of prominence in pioneer suffrage.  Mrs. Swift was an outstanding personality in California’s early struggles for enfranchisement.  She was national vice-president General of the Daughters of the American Revolution for eight years.  She was one of the founders of the Century Club, president of the National Council of Women (Pacific Coast) and president of the Woman’s Congress.  She was twice elected to the presidency of the Century Club.  She was State Regent of the California Daughters of American Revolution.  Mrs. Swift was president of the Woman’s Exchange San Francisco, for many years.  She has by her distinction and her ability been leader in nearly all branches of women’s work in this state.

   Mrs. John Bidwell, of the times before these women has wielded a wide influence in the upbuilding of our great commonweath.  Socially prominent, Mrs. Bidwell has given much to charity and to those things which are of a lasting benefit to the community.  She has been a moving spirit in practically every worthy project.

   Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, wife of the President Emeritus of the University of California, has a place in the hearts and minds of all true Californians.


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   Mrs. Putnam Osgood, Miss Anne Beaver, Isabel McCracken the remarkable biologist! Of the women in the south I am recalling Mrs. J. Rose Clark, in whose memory the one million dollar Y. W. C. A.  Building was erected in Los Angeles.

   Mrs. Vernon Kellogg, Mrs. Herbert Hoover, two commanding figures in the world’s affairs.  California is proud of them.

   Kathleen Norris, “The best-loved author” whose books are a constant inspiration and spur to noble ideals – she commands our true admiration.  Mrs. Norris is a noble woman; her books will live.

   Mrs. Marriner Campbell, the woman who has done so much for the West, musically – she deserves to be in our San Francisco Hall of Fame.  Miss Sara D. Hamlin, from whose school girls have graduated with high educational ideals; Mrs. Clarence Smith, the author, Eleanor Gates Tully; Frances Willard and Susan B. Anthony were molding ideals for California’s womanhood.

   Mrs. Monroe Salisbury, Kate Salisbury, Mrs. Alexander Keyes, Mrs. Sam Boardman and Mrs. Danford Boardman, women in the social cliques whose stamp of approval were criterions.

   Mrs. Esther Birdsall Darling, author, is a remarkable woman.  Mrs. Darling has done so much good for so many people.  She is an exceptional woman.  Her stories of the dogs whose lives were given for the country’s needs during the war are as tender and convincing as the stories of many heroes.  Mrs. Darling raised these dogs, Alaskan dogs, with their rare intelligence, and then when the war came, she placed their services for the good of the country.  They did valiant service, and some of them were given military burial on account of their Red Cross aid.  Mrs. Darling, herself, is one of the rare souls it is good, indeed, to know, and one whose radiant personality one welcomes with joy.

   Mrs. A. E. Graupner – I like to think of Mrs. Graupner, one of the young matrons of today, whose life is crowded with thoughts of others.  She is prominent in the American Association of University Women, where she has been a great power for good, in the pure milk campaign, in the health campaign, in the drive for funds for the care of babies – in all manner of good things benefiting humanity.  I like to think of Mrs. Graupner and women like her – they make the coming generation better because they are here.

   Mrs. Fremont Older, one of San Francisco’s own writers deserves the appreciation of readers for the splendid things she has written.  Mrs. Older is a woman whose womanly attributes commend a nobility of California’s authors.

   Mrs. Alfred McLaughlin – there’s one of the finest women in California.  She was a great friend of my daughter’s, my Bessie’s friend.  A lovely, stalwart woman with a fine mentality and a heart of gold.  Mrs. McLaughlin was president of the San Francisco Center and when the Queen of Belgium visited our city, how proud we were of the way Mrs. McLaughlin introduced the Queen.  She is prominent in the Association of American University Women, the Century Club, and takes keen delight in every organization with which she is identified – unexcelled by any other women in the state, she is a gentlewoman of charm, grace, of kindliness, of brilliancy and of worth.

   There are so many women – I haven’t begun to name them yet, and all the space on the page is taken.  What shall I do?


Mrs. W. H. Mills.





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Fruit and Flower Mission

San Francisco


   The San Francisco Fruit and Flower Mission is an organization devoted to the work of caring for the sick, the convalescent, the “shut-in” and those in need of cheer and comfort.  During the past year the forty-second of the Mission’s service new fields of activities have been explored, the scope of work enlarged and successfully inaugurated.  In former years attention was given mainly to the aged poor, the sick, the convalescent; today, the children of the needy, particularly those children predisposed to tuberculosis have been added to these charges.  Much time and attention are being given to afflicted children, whose parents are unable to provide those added necessities, which help stave off this dread disease.  Together with the Tuberculosis Association, County Health Nurses and the Clinics, the Fruit and Flower Mission is endeavoring to restore to perfect health those children who can possibly be saved.

   Physical examination made of the pupils in the public schools revealed a very large percentage of undernourished children.  Reports of the survey made by physicians and county nurses resulted in the Tuberculosis Association and the clinics caring for these undernourished cases that were unable to get attention from any other source.  Here it is that the Fruit and Flower Mission renders necessary aid.  When, upon examination, the above-mentioned organization finds that parents of the children cannot supply the eggs and milk required for the child the case is reported to the Mission by the Visiting County Nurse.  The Mission, in turn, sends to each case reported one quart of milk daily and one dozen eggs weekly for each child.

   The Fruit and Flower Mission has not a single paid worker.  Philanthropic work is carried on among all classes, irrespective of creed, and, out of every dollar received during the year ninety-three cents was given in direct relief.

   Each Thursday morning during the year finds the Flower Mission workers assembled, busily engaged in packing and carrying baskets with nourishing food and dainties to deserving cases.  Each basket contains a generous supply of meal, vegetables, fruit (canned or fresh), eggs, butter, rice, tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar, and cereals; and, for generous measure, a custard or a pudding which is prepared in the diet kitchen each Wednesday by Mrs. B. Wolfe and her efficient co-workers.

   In addition, each visitor takes to her case a bunch of flowers, which helps greatly to brighten the home.  Year after year, these beautiful flowers have been received each week, through the generosity of Mr. John McLaren, Superintendent of Golden Gate Park.  For his kindness the San Francisco Fruit and Flower Mission gives its sincere thanks.

   Besides the thirty-six basket cases, which the Mission averages each week, it attends to an average of fifty-four milk cases each day.

  The forty-first annual report of the San Francisco Fruit and Flower Mission gives the following officers for the year 1922; Board of Directors, Mrs. Mary Bates McLellan, honorary president; Mrs. W. B. Lowenthal, president; Miss Helen E. Gibbs, first vice-president; Miss Florence Lippitt, second vice-president; Mrs. B. M. Levinger, recording secretary; Mrs. S. R. Newbauer, corresponding secretary; Mrs. L. Strassburger, treasurer; and Miss Virginia Gibbs, Mrs. Walte-Samson, Mrs. Walter Unna, Mrs. Robert Noble and Miss S. E. Johnson.  The Chairmen of Committees include:  Miss Estelle Cerf, Visiting Committee; Mrs. F. Mandelbaum, Sewing Committees; Mrs. B. Wolf, Diet Kitchen; Miss Belle Armer, Committee on Supplies; Mrs. Walter Unna, Birthday Fund.  On the Advisory Board are:  Mr. Morris Meyerfeld Jr.; Mr. Alfred C. Holman, Mr. Mortimer Fleishhacker, Mr. A. Rosenberg, Dr. Reginald Knight Smith.




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Photo of Mrs. Daniel C. Jackling





San Francisco



   San Francisco saw something new in the way of organization when the Girls’ Recreation and Home Club was opened on March 10, 1921, at 1017 Howard Street.

   This home, the grounds and the original buildings were the gifts of C. A. Spreckels, Rudolph Spreckels and Mrs. John Ferris.

   Mrs. Danaiel C. Jackling the first president of the Girls’ Recreation Home named this home, singularly appropriate for girls who work.  Mr. Jackling wrote a check of $5,000 to be dispersed according to the ideas of the original committees.

   Among the society women first interested in the club which does so much to brighten the lives of young women included:  Mesdames Roy Pike, D. C. Jackling, Water S. Martin, George T. Cameron, Athol McBean, Horace Pillsbury, Harry Scott, Robert Hayes Smith, Lawrence W. Harris, Frank King, George Cadwalader, Joseph O. Tobin, Templeton Crocker, Selah Chamberlain, Harold Elbright, George Wright, and the Misses Maud O’Connor, Marjorie Josselyn, Helen Cheseborough and Edith Treanor.

   Many other prominent women in San Francisco society who have aided the progress of the Girls’ Recreation Club, are Mesdames Ferdinand Theriot, Alfred Swinnerton, Richard Heimann, George Bowles.

   Mrs. D. C. Jackling was ably assisted by her original board:  Mrs. Lawrence W. Harris, vice-president: Mrs. Atholl McBean, secretary: Mrs. Roy Pike, treasurer; Edith Treanor, corresponding secretary.

   The club has a gymnasium, an indoor theatre, shower baths, an uptodate laundry with every modern convenience, a little Spanish court with a playing fountain, a cafeteria and a drawing room where members may receive their friends.  Musical instruments, good books and many things to delight the heart and brain of happy girls are to be found in the attractive Girls’ Recreation Club Home.

   Mrs. Atholl McBean is the new president of the club, Mrs. Daniel Jackling retains her interest as the first vice-president; Mrs. Roy Pike is treasurer; Edith Treanor is the secretary.




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   The Travelers’ Aid Society of California is recognized by, and receives the cooperation of, all organizations which deal with the traveling public.  Its functionary force is somewhat different from that of other societies, in-as-much as it has to do with the special care of unescorted women, girls and young boys in their travels.

   The travelers’ Aid Society is really just exactly what the name indicates.  It aids travelers.  It safeguards them in their travels from place to place, and safeguards them upon their arrivals.  Its work is both preventive and protective.

   Travelers who do not speak the English language are given special care and interpreters are provided them.  This part of the Travelers’ Aid Society is deemed quite the foremost concern in as much as it often proves the first steps toward citizenship.  Travelers’ Aid workers are on duty at special stations and at official desks, equipped with sufficient information to meet many emergencies.

   Here are some of the definite things which the Travelers’ Aid Society people do:  They obtain reliable lodging, give material assistance when needed and guide the inexperienced or confused traveler; they help travelers to locate their friends; they telegraph ahead and secure the cooperation of other Travelers’ Aid workers at points of transfer; they safeguard the traveler in regard to his destination; they make investigations so that distant Travelers’ Aid societies can act intelligently in caring for runaways, or others needing care.

   Between the year of 1886 and 1905 many different societies were doing Traveler’s Aid work thus causing confusion and overlapping of effort.  In the year 1905, a committee of women consisting of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant denominations organized the first non-sectarian Travelers’ Aid Society.  Last year, 56,523 people were assisted by the society with a force of fourteen workers in field and office.

   Mrs. William Marston is the president of the Travelers’ Aid Society, her election to office taking place soon after the loss of the late Mrs. Helen Sanborn.  The board of directors includes many prominent women among them being Mrs. Porter Pfingst who has done much in her quiet, but effective way; Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. Mary Prag of the board of education, whose bright outlook on life in general and her understanding of folks, is of great value to the society; Mrs. Charles Reed, Mrs. Henry Sahlein, Mrs. J. W. Stirling, Mrs. Marjorie Stuart, Mrs. A. P. Black, whose splendid record as president of the San Francisco District Federation is state history, is the faithful secretary.  Dr. Mariana Bertola, first vice-president of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs, is one of the directors.  Mrs. E. L. Baldwin, Mrs. Jerome Landfield, Dr. Cora Sutton Castle, and Mrs. A. L. Hart, president of the Y. W. C. CA. is also a director.  The executive committee comprises Mesdames A. P. Black, A. L. Hart, William Matson, Porter Pfingst and Marjorie Stuart.  I have been the treasurer for many years, and while my work brings many heart-aches in sympathy for those whom I meet it also brings me gratification for the good that I can do.


Susanne C. Gomez,





   The House of Friendship is a down-town emergency club.  Its hospitable doors are open twenty-four hours a day to any girl.  The little lamp of friendship is always burning in the window of this club.

   Where is this House of Friendship?

   It is on Derby street, off of Taylor street, between Geary and Post streets.  The number is 70 Derby street.

   Six hundred and seventy girls of all faiths have been helped in their emergencies during the past year at the House of Friendship.

   Miss Thirmuthis Brookman, well known in philanthropic circles, is the guardian of the House of Friendship.

   Dean Gresham is an honorary director.

   Mrs. Sophie Lilienthal is chairman of the executive committee.  Mrs. Alfred C. Scales is assistant treasurer.

   Other prominent citizens of the city who are directing the extensive work of this great House of Friendship include:  Mrs. Charles N. Felton, an honorary member; Mrs. William Fitzhugh and Dr. Vera Goldman.

   Mrs. James P. Langhorne is an interested member of the Board of Directors.  Mrs. Morris Meyerfeld, Jr., Mrs. Eugene P. Murphy, Miss Jean Parker McEwen, Miss Mary Phelan, Mrs. Max C. Sloss, and Mrs. Gaillard Stoney.

   Miss Minnie B. Houghton is chairman of the finance committee, which includes also Miss Sarah D. Harker, Mrs. Jacob Gottlob and Miss Jean Parker McEwen.





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Photo of Mrs. J. T. Anderson







Mrs. J. T. Anderson, 1131 Elden Avenue………………………………………………President

Mrs. George Betts, 3952 Budlong…………….……………...……………...First Vice-President

Mrs. E. R. Brainerd, Rampart Apartments………………..………………Second Vice-President

Mrs. Jules Kauffman, 692 S. Kingsley………..………...…………………..Third Vice-President

Miss Belle N. Hall, 1131 Elden Avenue………..………...………………Departmental Secretary

Mrs. David Babcock, 1244 S. Van Ness……….…………..………………..Recording Secretary

Mrs. John S. Myers, 1045 W. 35th……………...………………………………………Treasurer

Mrs. Harry L. Rhodes, 116 E. Park, Eagle Rock..……………………………Financial Secretary

Mrs. Michael J. McGarry, 2123 Estrella Avenue………………………………………….Auditor



Mrs. Chester C. Ashley            Mrs. Frederick A. Brown         Mrs. Edward C. Higgins

Mrs. Florence Schoneman        Mrs. Cassie Smith                    Mrs. L. C. Blakeslee

Miss Jane C. Humphreys          Miss Orfa Jean Shontz         Mrs. Allie Simmons Wheeler

Mrs. M. G. Cooper                  Mrs. E. H. Lauer                      Mrs Will Smith

Miss Flora D. Smith                  Mrs. S. E. Edgerton                  Mrs. A. N. Lee

Mrs. Ralph W. Stewart Mrs. W. F. Adams                   Mrs. Fred W. Fuller

Mrs. R. E. Muncy                     Mrs. Florine Wolfstein  Mrs. W. E. Bowles

Mrs. J. E. Gribble                Mrs. Harriett Willaim Myers          Mrs. D. Joseph Coyne

Mrs. Alex Hamilton                                                                  Mrs. E. L. Rawk


   The Council of Community Service of California is an organization composed of 405 Units, incorporated under the laws of the State of California.  These units include representatives from all active and progressive organizations of the city and county, thereby enabling them to act as a medium whereby organizations and persons may co-operate in humanitarian, patriotic and civic projects.

   In order to render efficient aid when needed, the Council of Community Service has established different departments in its work, namely:

   Monte Vista Lodge:  Monte Vista Lodge is a forty-five room hotel with broad verandas and two acres of playground located in the beautiful Verdugo Mountains, Sunland, at an elevation of 2,000 feet.

   Monte Vista Lodge has been furnished and equipped by the Units of the Council as a Vacation Camp for children.  A competent staff cares for emergency cases.  Convalescent and undernourished children are admitted as well as orphan or needy children.  Parents and guardians pay what they can afford.

   Community Thrift Shop:  This shop is operated by voluntary service.  The object is to supply an outlet for the activities of women; to give opportunity to women to augment their incomes.  Hand made goods, women and children’s clothing, crafts work, et cetera, are sold.

   Mary Trowbridge Foundation:  This department furnished scholarships and maintenance to students.

   Summer Vacations:  An average of 260 women and children are given vacations at the beaches each Summer free of all cost.

   Vocational Placement Bureau:  This department has found definite employment for 1502 persons during 1921 and directed many other individuals to employment.

   Other activities are featured in the annual Financial Report for the year ending February 1st, 1922, as follows:


Campaign for Disabled Veterans………………………………….$71,709.60

            Home Gardens, Seeds and Plants…..…………………………….. 14,916.60

            Monte Vista Lodge, Property and Equipment…………………….. 40,000.00

            Monte Vista Lodge-Maintenance…………………………………… 7,231.54

            Monte Vista Lodge, Annual Payment………………………………. 1,350.00

            Vacation Camps, Del Rey and other work…………………………. 2,600.76

            Community Thrift Shop and Cash………………………………….. 2,246.81

            Materials and Clothing……………………………………………….    325.00

            Pollyanna Club………………………………………………………. 2,734.00

            Christmas Distribution……………………………………………….. 4,919.65

            Clothing Bureau………………………………………………………42,000.00

            Milk and Maintenance Fund………………………………………….. 4,928.83

            Mary Trowbridge Foundation…………………..…………………… 10,371.10




   The work of the Council of Community Service is carried on by voluntary contributions and service.


Mrs. J. T. Anderson




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Photo of Mrs. Mabel D. Greer





Los Angeles




Mrs. Mabel D. Greer, 3846 Wilshire Boulevard………..……….…………………………..President

Pauline J. Colodny, 429 Rochester Boulevard, Sawtelle..………………………..First Vice-President

Mr.s Edward Opel, 1417 S. Union Avenue………………......……………….Second Vice-President

Mrs. Crichton Smith, 922 S. Kingsley Drive…………………………………….Third Vice-President

Mrs. Henry E. Aerick, 5445 Victoria Avenue, Hollywood……………………….Recording Secretary

Mrs. William Behm, 5733 Virginia Avenue, Hollywood...….……………….Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Irving Barnett Asbury, 1711 W. 39th ………………….………….…………………...Treasurer




Miss Celia Katze                      Mrs. C. W. Murray                              Mrs. William Behm


Mrs. Leiland Atherton Irish, Press                     Mrs. Hugh J. Crawford, House

Mrs. Henry E. Arrick, Departments      Mrs. William L. Clendennon, Director

Mrs. Hugh J. Crawford, Auitor             Mrs. William Behm, Auditor

                                                Mrs. C. W. Murray, Parliamentarian


   Cosmos Club craft is assuming the proportion of a Ship of State, with Mrs. Mabel D. Greer, president, at the helm.  Her executive staff consisting of Mrs. Pauline I. Colodny, vice-president; Mrs. Edward Opel, second vice-president; Mrs. Crichton Smith, third vice-president; Mrs. Henry E. Aerick, recording secretary’ Mrs. William Behm, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Irving Barrett Asbury, treasurer, Mrs. Leiland A. Irish as press chairman, and Mrs. I. W. Freeman, philanthropy chairman, are able “mates on the board,” co-operating always to weather the wind and the waves, steering slowly but surely to a Port of Permanent Success.

   The object of this club is and always shall be, the literary, philanthropic, and social development of its members.  Philanthropy is the keynote of Cosmos, it is not only a channel through which much outside help is given, but it is the means of better acquaintance and closer friendship.  The average attendance at every meeting is a thirty-three and one-third percentage of the membership.  Times are such that sincere social activities of any organization affords the woman of to-day, complete relaxation from the daily routing and daily worry.

   Cosmos gives all she can for the money.  Monthly luncheons and teas are given regularly – the latter with never a charge.  The profits on these luncheon days have only netted $43.13 in the year; this proves it is purely a social advantage without one mercenary motive.  The menus are unusual which can readily be learned from the many complimentary invitation extended to guests of honor and friends from the different clubs.

   A donation from any member is never solicited for any cause other than philanthropy for Cosmos has a gratifying sum drawing interest each quarter and is not in debt.



Mabel D. Greer







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Photo of Mrs. Lillian B. Goldsmith





Los Angeles



Mrs. Lillian B. Goldsmith, 2200 Canyon Drive, Hollywood………...…………………President

Mrs. Clarence Van Graham, 1200 E. Main, Alhambra…...….……………...First Vice-President

Mrs. J. B. Bonnaun 1057 W. 40th Place…………...…………..…………Second Vice-President

Mrs. W. Albert, 2306 West Boulevard………………..………..……………Recording Secretary

Mrs. Frank Wiggins, 49 Thornton Avenue, Venice……..……….……...Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. M. Miller, 6252 Mineral Avenue, Hyde Park……………………………Financial Secretary

Mrs. Harry M. Wier, 4509 S. Van Ness…………………………………………………Treasurer



Mrs. Chester Wallace Brown, 191 West Adams……………..Chairman of Directors

Mrs. A. W. Filson                    Mrs. A. E. Magnus                   Mrs. Charles H. Stillwell

Mrs. G. Pyle                                                                             Mrs. Charles Jacobsen

                                To work in love,

                                Love in work and work for love.


     With this as its creed, the Philanthropy and Civics Club of Los Angeles occupies a unique place among the women’s organizations of the Southland.  While it is one of the youngest, it is also one of the strongest clubs of Southern California.

   Not one member but will say that the phenomenal success of the Philanthropy and Civics Club is due largely to the fact that it was wise enough to choose for its first, second, third, and fourth president one of the most widely known and best beloved women of California, Lillian Burkhart Goldsmith, who is also well known throughout the nation in the dramatic and club world, not only on account of her personality but because of her achievements.

   Organized in June 1919, the Philanthropy and Civics membership has grown from twenty-three to six hundred and fifty.  Unlike many other clubs the majority of these are working members, literally using their heads, hands, and feet, for on the meeting day every Thursday, several dozen women meet to sew garments for the poor in the morning, keeping twelve sewing machines busy all the time.

   Its record is one of unselfish achievement, for during these less than three years of organization has not devoted its time to culture only, but has always been ready with money, sympathy, and clothing to aid the needy.  In this time, garments to the stupendous number of six thousand have been made and given away.  More than fourteen thousand dollars have been earned and spent for scholarships for students who could not otherwise have attended school and college, for hospital care, for the suffering, and milk for undernourished children.

   Meetings are held at the Elks Clubhouse, the programs being preceded by luncheons which do much to foster friendships among club members.  The programs every Thursday afternoon include such topics as civics, drama, the sciences, and music.  They compare favorably with the best programs of the state.

   The club is fortunate in having a president who is capable of entertainingly giving the program herself, if a speaker or entertainer does not arrive.

   In its membership, the Philanthropy and Civics Club numbers at least thirty women who have served with distinction in other clubs.  It has a substantial nest egg in the bank for a clubhouse which will probably be a reality in another year.


This article was officially contributed by a member of the Philanthropy and Civics Club, Los Angeles.  – Editor’s Note.




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Photo of Mrs. Max C. Sloss




   Women of heart and intellect, in their consecrated service along definite philanthropic lines, have brought to light ways and means for the alleviation of human ills.  They have awakened hope within the hearts of those with whom their labors have brought them into close fellowship.

   One of the most brilliant names in state educational work is that of Blanche Jessica Peixotto, Ph.D., member of the faculty of the University of California.  Known nationally and internationally, as a professor of social economics, Dr. Peixotto is intimately connected with many branches of social advancement for women.  For one year she served as executive secretary of the Child Welfare deparatment of the Woman’s Committee of the Council of National Defense.  In the year 1912 she was a member of the State Board of Charities.  She worked with the San Francisco City and County Federation of Women’s Clubs, during the administration of Dr. Cora Sutton Castle, as head of the Child Welfare Department.  The name of Dr. Jessica Peixotto shines with a radiance of unusual luster.  She is the author of “The French Revolution and Modern French Socialism.” Dr. Peixotto became a member of the faculty, Department of Social Economics, University of California, in 1905.  Her work among women is a work no measured in academic terms, it is governed only by the extent of the opportunity presented and the practicality of its purpose.

   Miss Ada Sweet of Santa Rosa is one of the women in California whose heart and intellect respond to the real things in life.  She knows the urge of humanity’s needs.  She is a member of the board of the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce, and is the only woman on this board.  Whenever the Boy Scouts need assistance, whenever roads need repairing, or other community needs demand quick attainment, Ada Sweet holds up the mirror of necessity.  She gets results – that is the word said of her.

   Mrs. Max C. Sloss of San Francisco with her rare intelligence, fine perceptions, keen discernment and prompt action is one of California’s dependable women.  She has directed a galaxy of workers in her official capacity of Inter-State leader, Pacific Coast, National Council of Jewish Women; also in the Red Cross divisions of work, and in the canteens, in the Neighborhood House, in the Juvenile Protective Association and in Immigration Aid.

   Mrs. J. J. Gottlob of San Francisco, quiet, unassuming in mind and mannerism, has been active in practically every great enterprise of the community lending her aid wherever women “of heart and brain” co-operate.

   Only those who have had an opportunity of taking part in child-placing realize how many child-hungry men and women there are in the world, according to Mary E. Brusie, in charge of the Child-Placing Department of the Native Sons and the Native Daughters of the Golden West.  This department has a committee of ten members representing all religions.  Five trained workers and a standing army of volunteers representing the two organizations of native born men and women from one end of California to the other investigate the homes and supervise the twenty or twenty-two children placed each month for adoption.  In the twelve years of the department work over twenty thousand homes have been opened to children and over five thousand applications for children have been received.  The Native Sons and Native Daughters are pioneer in this work and are spending between nineteen thousand and twenty thousand dollars annually without hope of personal gain or reward beyond the satisfaction of giving children what is due them, early environment of a good home and a realization that these children are to be the future citizens of California.

   Although her work differs in the manner of its procedure yet tending toward the great common citizenry of the nation, Mrs. Anne Godfrey brings her ability to the limelight in Americanization processes.  Mrs. Godfrey works directly under Raymond F. Crist of Washington, D. C., United States director of Citizenship.  Her federal position of California Education Assistant to the director of Citizenship under the Commissioner of Naturalization requires educational work throughout the entire state.

   Novel philanthropy is declared by Mrs. Henry Sahlein, chairman of the Salvage Shop under the supervision of the San Francisco City and County Federation of Women’s Clubs.  This Salvage Shop caters to the calls of humanity, selling at a low figure the things people want.  Profits from these sales are divided between the work for the Children’s Hospital and a special fund for a home for girls.

   Miss Amy Steinhart, chief agent of the Children’s Department of the State Board of Control, in a report to Governor Stephens of California, said that eleven thousand children are receiving the care of the state.  Of these children, approximately 2,000 are in orphanages; 9,000 are cared for in private homes, many of them with their mothers.



Transcribed by Pat Houser.

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.



© 2005 Nancy Pratt Melton

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