Ventura County










            Important trusts have been reposed in Carl J. Wallace, superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation of Ventura County, a position he has filled with marked ability for nearly eight years.  He was born in Chicago, Illinois, August 15, 1894, and at the age of ten years was brought to California by his parents, James Harry and Eva May (Zimmerman) Wallace, who arrived in this state on the 21st of June, 1905.  They settled in Los Angeles in 1921 and the father engaged in business in that city for a number of years.  He remained there until his death in December, 1931, and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn Cemetery.  He is survived by the mother, who now resides in Ventura, California.

            Carl J. Wallace began his education in Chicago and after his graduation from the San Mateo high school took an extension course in law with the University of California at Berkeley.  He enlisted in the United States Coast Artillery on the 10th of March, 1911, and served until June 4, 1920.  He was sent to the Philippine Islands, where he was attached to the quartermaster’s department, acting as chief clerk of the Motor Transport Corps.  During the World War he was in Siberia with the United States forces, and on November 19, 1919, was placed in the reserves.  He was made superintendent of warehouses for the Pacific Commercial Company at Manila, occupying the position for about a year.

            On his return to the United Sates Mr. Wallace engaged in ranching near Merced, California, until August, 1922, when he entered the employ of the American Beet Sugar Company at Oxnard, where he was afterward in the employ of Lehmann Brothers, a connection that was maintained until April, 1924.  Meanwhile he had become secretary of the Improved Order of Red Men and the Fraternal Order of Eagles and materially furthered their interests, many of their units having been organized through his individual efforts.  In the spring of 1924 he was chosen adjutant of American Legion Post, No. 48, and served until July, 1925, when he resigned in order to devote his attention to the duties devolving upon him as secretary of the Ventura County Fair Association, continuing on its board until 1930.  In October, 1925, he was appointed a deputy under Sherriff Robert Emmett Clark, who is still serving.  The Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation of Ventura County was opened at that time, with Mr. Wallace as its superintendent, and the fact that he has since been continued in this responsible position is indicative of the worth of his service.  A keen student of human nature, he is thoroughly familiar with the characteristics of criminals and has been very successful in their apprehension.  He is a recognized expert in his particular field of usefulness and in 1931 was honored with the presidency of the California division of the International Association of Identification.  He was secretary of the Ventura County Peace Officers Association for three years and is now a member of the board of directors in the International Footprint Association, and International Association for Identification.  He has written many articles bearing on his profession.

            In September, 1926, Mr. Wallace was married to Miss Blanche Pauline Leoni, of Los Angeles, who was formerly a featured player in the productions of the Metro-Goldwin Company of Hollywood.  She is a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Ventura and figures prominently in its social life.  Mr. Wallace belongs to the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ventura Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Improved Order of Red Men and Poinsettia Lodge, No. 633, F. & A. M.  He gives his political allegiance to the Democratic Party, and has a high conception of the duties and obligations of citizenship.  Conscientious and dependable, he has never undertaken a task until he considered it worthy of his best efforts and is esteemed for his integrity, his public spirit and force of character.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 255-257, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.