Ventura County










            A member of one of the old Spanish families of California, Jose F. Obiols is well-known in the Santa Ana valley and his industry and ability have placed him with its leading ranchers.  He was born in Ventura on the 19th of March, 1871, a son of Yisdio Obiols, who was a native of Spain and came to California during the historic gold rush of 1849.  He was a pioneer settler of Ventura, where he conducted a hotel, a saloon and a stage depot.  In his community he was a man of prominence and became the first justice of the peace at Ventura.  He acquired large holdings of land in Ventura County and ran sheep over the Santa Ana valley.  Sagacious and farsighted, he prospered in his various undertakings and also contributed to the development of the district in which he long made his home.

            Jose F. Obiols acquired his education in the schools of the Santa Ana valley and as a youth herded his father’s sheep, thus becoming familiar with the topography of the valley. He also acquired a practical knowledge of agricultural pursuits while working for his father and on starting out for himself bought a portion of the Gibson ranch in the Ojai valley, cultivating that tract for fourteen years.  On the expiration of that period he sold the property and in 1918 purchased his present ranch near Ventura in the Santa Ana valley.  His place originally embraced six hundred twenty-seven acres and he had one hundred fifty acres in hay, devoting eighty-five acres to the raising of fruit, mainly prunes, peaches and apricots.  He now has three hundred acres under cultivation and eighty-five acres of this is planted to apricots and walnuts.  He has added many improvements to the ranch and his farm and orchard are among the finest in this lovely valley.

            Mr. Obiols first married Miss Maria Rodrigues, of Ventura, who died in 1913, leaving a daughter, Florence, now living in San Francisco.  Later Mr. Obiols married Maria Lopez, a native of Spain, who passed ay in 1916.  For his third wife he chose Victoria Botiller, of Ventura, and Evelyn, their only child, is attending the local schools.  Fraternally Mr. Obiols is identified with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, belonging to Ventura Lodge, No. 1430.  He lives up to the beneficent teachings of the order and is esteemed for his genial nature, his sincerity and kindness of heart.  He stands for improvement and progress and lends the weight of his support to all movements for the benefit of his district.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 385-386, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.