Ventura County










            A worthy successor of her father, Ruth E. Meilandt has acceptably filled the office of city clerk of Ventura since 1927, and for the same period has served as secretary and treasurer of the Business Women Associates, Inc.  She is a daughter of Thomas H. Meilandt and a granddaughter of Nels P. and Lena (Thompson) Meilandt.  A native of Denmark, the grandfather left that country when a young man and immigrated to America in the hope of bettering his fortunes.  He resided for a time in New York and about the year 1874 came to California.  He spent the remainder of his life in this state, prospering as an agriculturist.

            Thomas H. Meilandt was born in Chualar, Monterey County, California, March 21, 1879, and obtained his high school education at Salinas, where he also attended a business college.  The training thus acquired qualified him for the position of a bookkeeper in the service of the F. A. Hihn Company, a large land concern of Santa Cruz and at that time owners of the Santa Cruz waterworks and the Capitola resort.  He was thus employed for five years and when the business was merged with that of the Hammond Lumber Company under the name of Hihn-Hammond Lumber Company, he was transferred to Watsonville, California, where he had charge of their office for five years.  On the expiration of that period he came to Ventura County and was a salesman for six years, afterward embarking in the grocery business.  On the 9th of April, 1923, he was elected city clerk, assessor and recorder and at the end of his four year term was selected for higher honors, becoming judge of the municipal court, over which he ably presided from 1927 until 1931.  He is an adherent of the Republican Party and a factor of importance in local politics.  At Santa Cruz, California, on the 23rd of June, 1904, he was married to Miss Eva May Cook, by whom he has three children, Ruth E., Thomas H., Jr., and Ralph.

            The daughter was graduated from the Ventura high school.  Entering her father’s office, she served as a deputy clerk under him for three years, and during that time became thoroughly conversant with the duties of city clerk, which she assumed in April, 1927.  For nearly six years she has occupied the office, proving exceptionally well qualified for public service of this nature, and her efficient work has attracted much favorable notice.  In the various organizations to which Miss Meilandt belongs she has been honored with high offices.  In 1930 she was chosen secretary of the department of clerks, auditors, assessors and treasurers of the League of California Municipalities and during 1931-32 was its president.  Elected secretary-treasurer of the Southern California Association of Clerks, Auditors and Assessors in 1929, she acted in that capacity for two years and served as vice president in 1931 and 1932.  In 1927 she became secretary-treasurer of the Business Women Associates, Inc., which office she has filled, and during 1930 and 1931 served as president of the Business & Professional Women’s Club of Ventura.  She is an honorary member of the Lions and Kiwanis Clubs of Ventura and also belongs to Kappa Delta Phi sorority of Eta Beta Chapter.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 127-128, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.