Ventura County










            A successful newspaperman, James J. Krouser exerts a potent force for progress in his part of Ventura County as head of the firm of J. J. Krouser & Sons, owners and publishers of the Oxnard Daily Courier, “established with the city in 1898.”  Mr. Krouser was born April 4, 1876, and has lived in the United States since he was nine years of age.  At Stambaugh, Michigan, he acquired a high school education, which was supplemented by a course of study in the State University at Ann Arbor, where he was graduated with the class of 1904.

            When a youth of fifteen, Mr. Krouser began his newspaper career as a printer’s devil and at the age of twenty-one he was publisher of the Iron River Reporter, and enjoyed the distinction of being the youngest publisher in Michigan to fill a post of that nature.  After four years’ attendance at the State University in Ann Arbor he went to Big Rapids, Michigan, and for eight years was manager of the Pioneer.  Yielding to the lure of the west, he came to California and in 1913 allied his interests with those of Oxnard.  He purchased the Courier from Frederick O’Brien, the famous author, and in 1917 also acquired the News.  Mr. Krouser combined the two journals, which he has since published under the name of the Oxnard Daily Courier, issued every afternoon except Sunday.  Experienced and capable, he has made this one of the leading dailies of Ventura County—a newspaper devoted to the best interests of the community and surrounding district.  At one time he was the owner of a paper at Ojai, California, and has written many articles which have been a direct stimulus to progress in his district.  He is also a prosperous agriculturist, owning six ranches in the county and growing sugar beets, lima beans and alfalfa.

            In 1902 Mr. Krouser was married to Miss Lola M. Barrows, a native of Michigan, and two children were born to them, Wenley B. and J. Caryl, who are associated with their father in the publishing business as members of the firm of J. J. Krouser & Sons.  In 1927-28 Mr. Krouser and his family made a trip around the world.

            Mr. Krouser’s fraternal affiliations are with the Masons and the Elks.  In matters of citizenship his loyalty and public spirit are expressed through his identification with the Oxnard Chamber of Commerce and the Oxnard Community Service.  He is also a member of the Oxnard Credit Bureau, Ventura County Publishers Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, California Press Association, United Press Association, National Press Association, International News Service and National Editorial Association.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 61-62, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.