Ventura County









            Steadily progressing in the field of professional service, the Hon. Edward Henderson laid aside the duties of district attorney in 1926 to assume those of superior judge of Ventura County and for two terms has acceptably filled this important office.  He was born in Ventura County, April 30, 1894, and is a son of Herbert C. and Harriett (Kinne) Henderson.  After attending the grammar and high schools of Santa Paula he enrolled as a student in Stanford University, which awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1915 and that of Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1920.  When this nation became involved in the World War he enlisted in the United States Army and saw active service as a private in France. He spent two years overseas and after his discharge located for practice in Ventura, becoming junior member of the law firm of Hollingsworth & Henderson.  In 1921 Mr. Henderson was appointed deputy district attorney and in 1922 was elected district attorney, serving for four years.  He was the successful candidate for judge of the superior court of Ventura County in 1926 and the record made during his first term won him reelection in 1932.  He is a Democrat in politics and has always shown a deep interest in those movements which make for civic advancement and betterment.

            Judge Henderson married Miss Leigh Shelton, by whom he has a son and a daughter, Mary Leigh and Robert Edward.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 193, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.