Ventura County










            Known and esteemed throughout Ventura County, Edgar D. Goodenough has spent practically his entire life within its borders, taking an important part in the work of developing and upbuilding.  He is a prosperous rancher, has long occupied a place of leadership in business circles of Fillmore, and is serving for the third term on the county board of supervisors.  He was born in Logan, Harrison County, Iowa, August 5, 1868, a son of O. J. Goodenough, who was a native of Watertown, New York, born on the 9th of February, 1836.  Leaving Watertown when a young man of twenty, he traveled westward to Galesburg, Illinois, where he engaged in the nursery business, and later taught school at Magnolia, Iowa.  In 1861 he enlisted for service in the Civil War and was a soldier in the Union Army until 1863, when he was detailed for duty as a wagonmaster, in charge of a government train of sixty wagons, utilized for hauling supplies to various western military posts.  Afterward he was engaged in the freighting business on his own account between Salt Lake City, Utah, and Virginia City, Montana.  Eventually he returned to Iowa and as a contractor was closely identified with building operations at Logan, while he also cultivated a farm which he owned near Pigeon, that state.  Coming to southern California as a pioneer of 1875, he located in Ventura, where he followed the trade of a carpenter for about six months.  At the end of that time he removed to Saticoy, buying a tract of forty-two acres, which he farmed until 1883.  He then purchased three hundred twenty acres of the Sespe grant and spent the remainder of his life on that ranch, engaging in farming and stock raising.  Thoroughly experienced in that line of work, he brought his land to a high state of development and at the same time materially aided in bringing to light the rich agricultural resources of this region.  He was also a skilled artisan and while following the trade of a carpenter constructed some of the first buildings in Fillmore.  While residing at Saticoy he filled the office of justice of the peace and was an influential factor in the life of every community in which he made his home.  His fraternal affiliations were with the Masons and the Foresters of America.  He was an elder of the Frist Presbyterian Church of Fillmore and lived up to its teachings.

            At Magnolia, Iowa, on the 6th of September, 1866, was solemnized the marriage of O. J. Goodenough and Zedora H. Tietsost, a native of Michigan.  Three sons and two daughters were born to them, namely:  Edgar D.; Mrs. R. A. Holly; Glen C., who died September 14, 1908; Mrs. Harry W. Hiller and Earl O. Goodenough.  The father of these children passed away June 11, 1895, at the age of fifty-nine years, leaving to his family the rich heritage of an honored name and to his community the record and example of an upright, well ordered life.

            As a lad of six Edgar D. Goodenough came with his parents to California and, in the public schools of Ventura County, obtained an education.  He worked on his father’s farm, thus gaining a practical knowledge of agricultural pursuits, and assisted in the subdivision of the Sespe Ranch, after which he did teaming to the stone quarry in Sespe Canyon.  He then bought and developed a lemon ranch in that canyon, as well as a bean ranch.  Turning his attention to real estate development, he put on the market the Stowe-Goodenough subdivision to Fillmore, comprising eleven acres, which was the first addition to that town.  Later he removed to Santa Paula, and in 1909 with J. G. Leavans, he purchased seven hundred fifty acres of land near Piru.  The major portion of this large and valuable ranch is under cultivation and produces citrus fruits, apricots, walnuts, hay and alfalfa.  It is now owned and operated by the Goodenough Ranch Company, consisting of Edgar D. Goodenough, his brother, Earl O. Goodenough, and Paul Goodenough, a son of the former.  In length of service Edgar D. Goodenough is one of the oldest directors of the Fillmore Irrigation Company, for he has occupied a place on its board for thirty-seven years.  He was one of the original stockholders of the Herald; the first newspaper published in Fillmore, and is always found in the van of movements for the advancement and betterment of his town.

            On February 13, 1890, Mr. Goodenough was married to Miss Mattie Akers, a native of Utah, where she was born in a covered wagon while her parents, John and Sarah Akers, were crossing the plains with an ox team in the early days.  Paul, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Goodenough, was married to Miss Rosabel Mayhew in 1913 and their children are Dwight and Donald.

            Mr. Goodenough belongs to the Woodmen of the World, and he adheres to the religious faith of his father, being an elder of the Presbyterian Church.  Appreciative of the duties and responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship, he has exerted his efforts as readily for the general good as for his own aggrandizement and his record as a public servant redounds to his credit.  He was a member of the board of trustees of Santa Paula from 1910 to 1916 and its chairman for two years of that period.  From 1903 to 1906 he acted as road overseer at Fillmore and since 1927 has been supervisor for this district, having been reelected in 1931 for another term of four years.  Following the example of his father, Mr. Goodenough has led an industrious, useful and serviceable life, steadfastly adhering to the course sanctioned by conscience, honor and sound judgment, and well merits the respect that is uniformly accorded him.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 699-701, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.