Ventura County









            A civil engineer of recognized ability, with a background of nearly thirty years of practical experience in his profession, George G. FitzGerald has played an important part in the development of Ventura County, and is also a prosperous agriculturist, owning a valuable ranch in the Camarillo district.  He was born in Calgary, Canada, July 16, 1887, a son of James Gerald and Mary (Chapman) FitzGerald, the latter a native of Hamilton, situated in the province of Ontario, Canada.  Born in County Kerry, Ireland, James Gerald FitzGerald was reared and educated in that country, which he left as a young man, and later in life became land commissioner for the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company.  After visiting other countries he was stationed at Calgary, Canada, and in 1896 crossed the border, establishing his home in Birmingham, Alabama.  He moved to Los Angeles in 1907.  His death occurred on the 8th of June, 1926, and his wife has also passed away.

            George G. FitzGerald pursued his education in Birmingham, Alabama, completing a course in civil engineering.  From 1904 to 1917 he followed his profession in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana and California, working for various railroad companies and other corporations during that period, and then enlisted for service in the World War.  He was commissioned a lieutenant in the United States Army and in December, 1917, sailed for France with the engineer corps.  He returned to this country in March, 1919, with a creditable military record, and was made captain of Company B, Four Hundred Sixty-fifth Engineers.  Before entering the army, Mr. FitzGerald has been chief engineer of the Ventura Power Company, a post which he held for four years, from 1913 to 1917.  When mustered out he resumed the work of his profession in Ventura County and has done considerable engineering in this part of the state and Mexico.  His services as a civil engineer are constantly in demand and his knowledge and experience enable him to find a ready and accurate solution for all difficult professional problems.  He is also a scientific farmer and in developing his fine ranch near Camarillo has contributed to the progress of agriculture in this district.  His professional connections are with the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Society of Military Engineers.  Fraternally he is an Elk, identified with Oxnard Lodge, No. 1443.

            Mr. FitzGerald was married December 11, 1917, to Miss Ave Camarillo and they have three children, Carmelita Marie, Geraldine Chapman and Gerald Camarillo.  Mrs. FitzGerald is a daughter of Adolfo Camarillo, a well known capitalist and rancher and a resident of the town which bears his name.  His father, Juan Camarillo, was born in Mexico City, May 27, 1812, a son of Luis and Maria (Rodriguez) Camarillo, who were also natives of Mexico.  In that country Juan Camarillo was reared and educated.  Leaving Mexico in 1834, he came to California with a colony whose destination was Monterey.  Several members of the expedition landed at San Diego and continued their journey by land.  At Santa Barbara, Juan Camarillo left the party and established his headquarters in one of the missions of that locality.  He purchased a stock of merchandise and traveled between San Francisco and San Diego, trading with the settlers in that region.  He made two thousand dollars in this manner and later opened a store in Santa Barbara, also dealing extensively in land grants.  He was a businessman of keen discernment and had the energy, resourcefulness and courageous spirit of the true pioneer.  He reached the age of sixty-eight years, passing away in December, 1880.  On April 12, 1840, he had married Miss Marina Hernandez, a native of California, and his large property holdings in Ventura were inherited by his daughters, while the ranch was bequeathed to his two sons, Adolfo and Juan, Jr.

            Born at San Buenaventura, October 29, 1864, Adolfo Camarillo attended the parochial and public schools there and the International Business College at Los Angeles.  During his father’s lifetime the ranch was devoted chiefly to the raising of cattle and sheep and fifteen hundred acres were under cultivation.  Progressing with the times, Adolfo Camarillo installed modern improvements and has greatly changed the appearance of the property.  He is the owner of a valuable herd of cattle and his fine dairy is operated by electricity.  He is a large breeder of hogs and one of the leading stockmen of this part of the state.  He has more than three thousand acres planted to beans and two thousand acres are utilized for the growing of corn, barley, alfalfa and other crops.  The ranch comprises ten thousand acres and ranks with the largest and best equipped in the state.  Mr. Camarillo became recognized as the foremost agriculturist in this region and also won prominence as a financier, serving for some time as vice president of both the First National Bank of Ventura and the Ojai State Bank.  These interests he later sold but retained his place on the directorates of the Levy Bank and the Pacific-Southwest Trust and Savings Bank of Oxnard, giving to these institutions the benefit of his wisdom and foresight.  He served for eight years on the Ventura County board of supervisors, and was active in forming the Fair Association, becoming its president.  He was also chosen president of Camarillo Parlor, No. 114, Native Sons of the Golden West.  A Roman Catholic in religious belief, he has shaped his life by the teachings of the Church.  He is a past grand knight of Oxnard Council of the Knights of Columbus and also has fraternal relations with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

            In 1888 Mr. Camarillo was married to Miss Isabella Menchaca, a daughter of Francisco Menchaca and of Spanish lineage.  The five children of this marriage are:  Mrs. Rosa Petit, Mrs. Ave FitzGerald, Isabel, Frank and Carmen Camarillo.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 299-302, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.