Ventura County










            Ventura and Oxnard have benefited materially by the enterprising spirit and constructive labors of Ernest Eastwood, a leading hotel man and one of the large property owners of both cities.  He is also a prosperous agriculturist and resides on his ranch in the Colonia district.  He was born in London, England, July 2, 1867, and was but four years old when his parents, George John and Felicita Louise (Whittling) Eastwood, made the voyage to Canada on the Hector, a sailing vessel, which bore them to Montreal.  Later they went to Toronto and afterward crossed the United States border, settling near Greeley, Colorado, in 1876.  They next journeyed to California and from San Francisco proceeded by boat to Ventura.  The father cultivated a farm in Ventura County for a short time and then engaged in the furniture business in the city of Ventura.  Subsequently he established his home in New Jerusalem, California, where he became postmaster, serving during the Democratic regime, and when the Republicans again came into power his wife was appointed to succeed him in that office.  He remained at New Jerusalem until called to his final rest at the age of sixty-seven years, and some years later his widow died at Oxnard.  They have a family of twelve children:  George, John Ernest, Herbert H., Walter, Thomas, Louise, Alice, Ruth, Grace, James and Frank.

            Ernest Eastwood acquired his education in the public schools of Colorado and California and for a time worked for his father, who was an expert cabinetmaker.  Leaving Ventura County in 1886, he located in Los Angeles, where he followed the trade of a carpenter for three years.  He traveled to that city on one of the old time stage coaches and returned to Ventura via Santa Paula on the first passenger train operated over the line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.  He was engaged in carpentering in Ventura from 1889 to 1892, when he rented a tract of land near El Rio.  In 1893 he moved to a ranch on the Ventura Road, in the vicinity of Oxnard, and since 1907 has owned the place, which is well improved.  In partnership with his brother, John Eastwood, he purchased the James Day place, a tract of nine hundred acres, situated near Conejo, and from 1900 until 1910, was active in the operation of the farm, selling his interest therein in the latter year.  Afterward he built the Oxnard Hotel at Oxnard and the Washington Hotel at Ventura and still owns and manages these hostelries, which are efficiently and profitably conducted.  Against the advice of his friends, he began buying and improving property in Ventura and his faith in its future has been amply justified, for this has become one of the most prosperous and thriving towns in the county.  He also owns much valuable real estate in Oxnard and his various investments bring to him substantial returns.  He lives on the old home ranch, which embraces about two hundred acres and has been brought to a high state of development.

            In 1892 Mr. Eastwood was married to Miss Mary McGlinchey, who was born in County Donegal, Ireland.  She is a daughter of Hugh and Hannah (O’Donnell) McGlinchey and a niece of John McGlinchey, a pioneer rancher of Ventura County.  With their daughter, Ida, Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood went abroad in 1927, visiting their native cities in England and Ireland, and also the European countries, and greatly enjoyed the trip.  The daughter is a capable young businesswoman and assists her father in the management of the Oxnard Hotel.  Mr. Eastwood is a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church and his fraternal affiliations are with the Knights of Columbus and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  The nature of his recreation is indicated in his connection with the Saticoy Golf Club and his public spirit is expressed as a member of the Rotary Club.  He is one of the most progressive men in Ventura County and owes his success to industry and fair dealing, coupled with the ability to grasp opportunities and convert them into tangible assets.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 393-395, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.