Ventura County










            Industry, perseverance and determination have ever been salient traits of Charles Jay Daily, whose career has been marked by a steady progression that has placed him with the foremost ranchers of the Camarillo district.  He was born near Rochester, New York, February 7, 1859, a son of Charles Wesley Daily, who was a native of the same locality, born August 22, 1835.  Leaving the Empire state when a young man, the father traveled westward to Kansas and was engaged in farming near Topeka for some time.  In 1860 he sold the property and returned to the east.  At the outbreak of the Civil War he organized Company L, of the Fiftieth New York Engineers, and valiantly defended the Union cause for four years, serving as sergeant of his company for three years of that period.  Mustered out he returned to New York and later went to Michigan.  He followed agricultural pursuits in the vicinity of Kalamazoo for thirteen years and afterward engaged in the insurance business in his native state.  In 1886 he came to Ventura County and made his home with his son Charles during the remainder of his life.  He attained the age of eighty-three years, passing away at Camarillo in 1918.  His wife, Ruth (Green) Daily, was born in Rochester, New York, December 1, 1837, and her death occurred at Ventura in 1927 at the venerable age of ninety-one years.

            Charles Jay Daily was seven years old when his parents left New York state, and his education was acquired in the public schools of Michigan.  In January, 1885, he came to California with John D. Patterson and took charge of the latter’s ranch of six thousand acres near the present site of Oxnard.  This large stock farm was devoted to the breeding of the finest draft horses in the state until it was sold the American Beet Sugar Company.  Mr. Daily remained on the ranch for twenty-two years, proving exceptionally well qualified for the duties of foreman, and in 1911 decided to engage in farming on his own account.  He bought a tract of sixty acres near Camarillo and as his resources permitted increased his holdings until he now owns four hundred acres of land, producing fine walnuts, oranges, lemons, avocados, grapefruit and beans.  His walnut grove covers two hundred and twenty acres and ranks with the largest of the kind in this district.  Science and system have enabled him to bring the land to a high state of development and through untiring effort he has made this one of the most beautiful places on the state highway.

            On the 14th of February, 1891, Mr. Daily was married to Miss Theresa Geisler, a native of Switzerland and a daughter of Max Geisler.  Mrs. Daily came to Ventura fifty years ago and has been a great help to her husband in all of his undertakings.  Mr. and Mrs. Daily became the parents of seven children, of whom one, Edna, is deceased.  The others are:  Thomas C., born November 24, 1891, who married Eileen Donovan and has become the father of six children; Lillian, the wife of Andrew Bouchard and the mother of two children; Mary, who is Mrs. Robert S. Livingston and has one child; Martha, who is the wife of Max M. Schreiber, associated with Young’s Market Company of Los Angeles, and has become the mother of two children; Milton F., who married Margaret Martin, and Margaret, who is the wife of Jack C. Miller, secretary of the Oxnard Chamber of Commerce, and has a son.  Mr. Daily’s sons have followed the occupation to which they were reared, becoming capable agriculturists, and his sons-in-law, Mr. Bouchard and Mr. Livingston, are also engaged in farming.  Mr. Daily is a Republican and served for one term on the board of supervisors of Ventura County.  He stands high as a citizen and is accounted one of the most progressive agriculturists in this part of the state.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 183-185, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.