Ventura County










            A public officer of high standing, Robert Emmett Clark is making an enviable record as sheriff of Ventura County, in which capacity he has served for ten years.  He was born in Fairplay, Grant County, Wisconsin, August 25, 1876, a son of Michael Hugh and Margaret (Lynch) Clark, who were married in that state.  In 1879 the father journeyed to California and as soon as he had prepared a suitable habitation sent for his family, who joined him in Ojai, Ventura County, in March, 1881.  While developing his ranch Michael H. Clark worked as a teamster and continued to follow those occupations until his death in 1902.  His widow survived him for fifteen years, passing away in 1917.

            After mastering the branches of learning taught in the public schools of Ojai, Robert E. Clark aided his father in the operation of the home place and later drove a stage coach.  In 1905 he gave up that line of work to enter the forestry department of the federal government and devoted eight years to service of that nature.  In 1913 he became a cattle raiser, leasing the Sturgis ranch for that purpose, and afterward operated the Waterhouse ranch.  Misfortune overtook him and he lost all of his stock.  Subsequently, in association with Ed Canet, he reentered the cattle business but at the end of four years was again deprived of his possessions and was obliged to discontinue riding the range because of a physical injury which he had sustained.  On a non-partisan ticket he was elected sheriff of Ventura County in 1922 and took office in 1923.  He has served continuously to the present time, his repeated reelections testifying to his promptness, fearlessness and efficiency in the apprehension of violators of the law in his county.  His office is in the court house at Ventura but he retains his home in Ojai.

            On August 23, 1905, in the San Gabriel Mission, Mr. Clark was married to Miss Alice Burnett, of Missouri, a cousin of Lieutenant Colonel Newton Morris and a descendant of General Robert E. Lee.  To Mr. and Mrs. Clark were born five sons and five daughters:  Robert Emmett, Jr., who became a cadet at the United States Naval Academy of Annapolis, Maryland, and is now a student at the University of California; William P., who was chosen president of his class while a pupil at the Ventura high school, is now employed in his father’s office, and has a wife and one son; James Edward, an alumnus of Stanford University and a petroleum engineer; George Patrick and Alice, deceased; Chester, a student at Villanova College, a Pennsylvania institution of learning; Mary Margaret; Betty Ann; Clair and Patricia, twins, the latter now deceased.  The sons are stalwart young men, well over six feet in height, and have displayed prowess in athletic sports.  William P. was one of the star players who made St. Mary’s famous football squad, James Edward aided the Stanford football team in winning many victories, and Chester is a valuable asset to the Villanova football squad.

            Mr. and Mrs. Clark take justifiable pride in their children, who are a credit to the upbringing of their parents, whose kindness of heart prompted them to take into their home, already occupied by a large family, four or five boys and help them through college.   Fraternally Mr. Clark is identified with the Knights of Columbus and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  He has a wide acquaintance in Ventura County, for he has lived within its borders from the age of about five years, and his personal qualities are such as command respect and inspire strong and enduring regard.  




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 309-310, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.