Ventura County










            Although not a native Californian, Mrs. Ina M. Case has spent the greater part of her life within the borders of the Golden state, and is a highly esteemed resident of Fillmore, a town which her husband, the late E. A. Case, did much to develop through his diversified business enterprises.

            Mr. Case was born in Meeker County, Minnesota, August 23, 1870, and in early childhood accompanied his parents on the journey to Knox County, Nebraska, where he was reared to manhood on his father’s farm, attending the schools of that locality.  He came to California in 1891 and started to work for the Union Oil Company in Ventura County.  In the same year he bought a ranch of twelve acres, for which he paid one hundred and twenty dollars down, and agreed to pay that amount each year and interest until the place was paid for.  He also took charge of ranches for others and engaged in buying and selling fruit.  He likewise bought ranches, selling them to advantage, for he was a man of clear vision and mature judgment.  In 1910 he became manager of the White Star Oil Company and from that time on was identified with the oil business, meeting with a gratifying measure of success.  Meanwhile he had turned his attention to mercantile affairs and in 1909 organized the Ventura County Cooperative Association, of which he became president, conducting a chain of stores, two of which were at Fillmore and Piru.  A prime factor in the formation of the Fillmore Citrus Fruit Association, he was elected its secretary and later occupied the office of president.  Constantly seeking new channels for the outlet of his energy, he became the owner of the Opsahl garage building at Fillmore, president of the Rand United Mining Company and a director of the Fillmore Irrigation Company.  In all he was a director in ten corporations and president of five.  His efforts were largely responsible for the building of the Fillmore Union high school and he was a trustee until his death.  A resourceful executive of marked ability and keen powers of discernment, he readily recognized the difficulties as well as the advantages of a business situation and focused his efforts in directions where fruition was certain.  On the solid foundation of integrity and honor was reared the fair fabric of his successful career and his passing on the 19th of June, 1927, was a distinct loss not only to Ventura County but to the entire state, for he was endowed with the qualities of leadership, belonging to that class of men who are essential to public growth and progress.

            On the 8th of December, 1897, Mr. Case was married to Miss Ina M. Atkinson, a native of Norton, Norton County, Kansas, and a member of a pioneer family that came to California in a covered wagon.  Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson were the parents of nine children and seven are now living.  The family took up their abode in Ventura County and the mother was the first woman whose remains were interred in Barsdale Cemetery at Fillmore.  Mrs. Case resides at 532 First Street, Fillmore, and retains the home ranch, which is operated by her sons.  She is a member of the Sespe Loyal Friends and a past president of the woman’s auxiliary of Post No. 48 of the American Legion.  A Presbyterian in religious belief, she contributes liberally to the maintenance of the church and her support can always be counted upon in the furtherance of projects for the benefit of the community which has long been her home.

            Besides his widow, Mr. Case is survived by seven children:  Ira Le Roy, aged thirty-four years, who served with the Rainbow Division in the World War and now lives in Fillmore; Carleton Leonard, thirty-one, who served in the United States Navy during the war and his wife and child resident in Southgate, California; Lowell Williams, a young man of twenty-nine, who is at home; Frank Leslie, aged twenty-seven years, who is married and lives in Fillmore; Kenneth Atkinson, twenty-five, who is in Hawaii; Clara May, twenty-one, who is Mrs. Roland S. Duncan, of Santa Paula, California; and Harold George, nineteen, who graduated from high school in February, 1933, and is at home.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 363-365, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.