Ventura County










            Belonging to that class of men whose talents find their highest expression in public service, Albert H. Call has done notable work as agricultural commissioner for Ventura County, an office which he has occupied for twelve years.  He was born in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, May 6, 1892, a son of A. H. and Louise C. (Milliman) Call, who are now deceased.  The father, a farmer by occupation, died in 1894, at which time Albert H. Call was but two years old, and at the age of four he was brought by his mother to Ventura County.

            After attending the public schools of Santa Paula, Mr. Call started to work on the Blanchard Ranch, and later was employed in the oil fields at Bakersfield, where he remained until 1913.  Obtaining a situation in the packing house of the Santa Paula Citrus Fruit Association, he maintained that connection for three years and in 1916 became an inspector under the Ventura county horticultural commissioner.  He proved so capable and dependable that his responsibilities were increased in 1921, when he was appointed county agricultural commissioner, and results have amply justified the wisdom of his selection for this important position.  As horticulture has advanced as a science Ventura has progressed with it, and was the first county in the United States to use the vacuum fumigator on nursery stock.  Mr. Call was chairman of the agricultural exhibit at the Ventura County Fair in 1924 and 1925.  This county took first prize for three years at the Riverside County Fair.  At the State Fair in 1932 the Ventura County exhibit was again successful, winning a number of cups and several cash prizes, and Mr. Call was able to return to the county board of supervisors a considerable portion of the amount which had been allotted for expenses.  This county has had an exhibit at the State Fair each year for the past seven years and is perhaps the cleanest and most prolific agricultural district in California.  The leadership of the county in the production of walnuts and citrus fruits Mr. Call attributes to the progressive spirit and close cooperation of the ranchers in this district.  He served as secretary of the state horticultural commission for five years and in 1925 was sent to Boise, Idaho, as a delegate to the quarantine conference.  His well developed powers have brought him rapidly to the fore in his chosen field of activity and service and he is known and esteemed throughout California by reason of his untiring and effective efforts to bring to a high state of efficiency the horticultural interests of the state.

            In 1916 Mr. Call was married to Miss Bertha M. Rappold, a native of West Virginia, and they have two children, Clare C. and Mary Louise.  Mr. Call has an attractive home in Santa Paula and his office is in the Agricultural Building.  Fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias and has been active in the affairs of the organization, being a past chancellor commander of Santa Paula Lodge, No. 6.  Through his own unaided exertions he has risen from a humble position to one of broad influence and usefulness and is deserving of much credit for what he has accomplished. 



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 331-332, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.