Ventura County










            Among the noted hostelries of southern California is El Roblar Hotel of Ojai, successfully conducted by Frank I. Barrington, who is also engaged in ranching.  He was born in County Wexford, Ireland, March 17, 1875, and was reared and educated in that country.  When a young man of twenty-two years, he immigrated to America, locating at Philadelphia in 1897; and entered the employ of Charles Chalk, a well known caterer, under whom he received thorough training.

            About 1906 Mr. Barrington came to California and followed his chosen line of work in Redlands, later removing to Santa Barbara.  Coming to Ojai in 1920, he purchased El Roblar Hotel, which he has since operated, and has enlarged the building, which is now twice its original size.  Substantially constructed, the hotel represents the mission style of architecture and has been improved and modernized by Mr. Barrington, whose guests dwell in the atmosphere of a refined home.  Among his clients are many eastern families, who come here each year.  El Roblar is a delight to every traveler who visits the Ojai Valley, affording everything that is most desirable in hotel accommodations and service.  It is operated on the American as well as the European plan and is noted for the excellence of its cuisine.  Mr. Barrington keeps his hotel open throughout the year and caters to the most discriminating class of patrons, yet his prices are moderate.  He formerly had charge of the New Pierpont Beach Chop House in Ventura, and reserves a portion of his time for the supervision of his valuable citrus ranch in this district.

            Mr. Barrington married Miss Jeanie McIlhatton, who was born in Belfast, Ireland, and who ably assists her husband in the management of the hotel.  Fraternally Mr. Barrington is identified with Ventura Lodge, No. 1430, B. P. O. E., and Ventura Lodge, No. 214, F. & A. M.  He belongs to the Masonic Club of Los Angeles, the Ojai Country Club, the Jake Boyd Club of Ojai and the California Hotel Men’s Association.  Of marked public spirit, he is always found in the van of movements for the benefit of the Ojai Valley and Ventura County.  He is a director in the Bank of America, a member of the school board and a director of the Chamber of Commerce at Ojai.  Mr. Barrington is a shrewd, far-sighted businessman whose economic knowledge of modern food values is supplemented by a specialized grasp of the art of hotel keeping, and in the upbuilding of his individual interests he has contributed materially to the welfare and prestige of his community.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 277-278, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.