Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History Vol. I  No. 7

Papers of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851

Edited by: Porter Garnett, Assistant Curator,

Academy of Pacific Coast History

University of California,

Berkeley, California.  

July, 1910


Academy of Pacific Coast History (Founded 1907.)

Members Of The Council.


Thomas R. Bard

William B. Bourn

William H. Crocker

Guy C. Earl

Joseph D. Grant

Mrs. Phoebe Apperson Hearst

William F. Herrin

Richard M. Hotaling

William G. Irwin

Livingstone Jenks

James K. Moffitt

Frederick W. Sharon

Leon Sloss

Sigmund Stern

Rudolph J. Taussig

Benjamin Ide Wheeler, ex officio

Henry Morse Stephens, Secretary.

Frederick J. Teggart, Curator.

Porter Garnetp, Assistant  Curator.






The papers of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 18511 in the possession of the University of California were acquired with the Bancroft Library in 1905.  They consist of the minutes of the meetings, reports, transcripts of testimony, letters, accounts, and vouchers, the total number of items being about eight hundred.  These documents are turned over to Mr. H. H. Bancroft by Mr. Isaac Bluxome who had been the secretary of the committee,2  in order to furnish materials for the history of the committee, which is included in the first volume of Mr. Bancroft's Popular Tribunals, San Francisco, 1887.  It is the purpose of the Academy of Pacific Coast History eventually to publish all these documents together with collateral material relating to the Vigilance Committee in the form of statements by Isaac Bluxome, W. T. Coleman, James Dows, J. D. Farwell, C. V. Gillespie, J. P. Manrow, Hall McAllister, James Neall, G. W. Ryckman, G. E. Shenck, T. J. Smiley, and others, which are also in the Bancroft collection.


The document here printed is the manuscript Constitution of the organization in the form in which it was adopted at the meeting held June 9, 1851, in the California Engine House on the corner of Market and Bush Streets, together with the autograph signatures and, in most cases, the addresses of seven hundred and seven members.3  About two hundred of the signatures were affixed to the constitution on the date mentioned and the others as members were added from time to time.  The manuscript consists of twenty-three pages, 7 7/8   by 11 3/4 inches, forming part of a book the remainder of which is blank.  The paper is light blue in color and has a faint rule introduced in the manufacture.  The book is bound in paper-covered boards and has on the front cover a printed label bearing the words, Committee of Vigilance.  Several pages at the front and back contained a few names carelessly written with other impertinent matter.  The text of the constitution occupies two pages and is followed by the signatures and addresses.  The columns for numbers, names, business addresses, and resident addresses are, in the original, divided by rules made with a pen.


In rendering the document into print alterations have been made only in such particulars as would not affect the accuracy of the text.  The punctuation of the constitution follows the original, but in the list of names, punctuation--almost totally lacking in the manuscript--has been supplied.  This does not apply to the apostrophe because of its orthographic character.  Misspellings and irregular abbreviations have been retained excepting cases where their retention would produce ambiguity.  Brackets [ ] have been used for corrections and for supplementary and explanatory matter.  Superior letters which occur with great frequency in the original have, in printing, been reduced to the line, except in cases where it seemed advisable or necessary to retain them.  Illegible letters and words and lacunae are marked by three dots (...) and those parts of the manuscript that have been overscored in ink are indicated by these three crosses (xxx).


A second document containing the names of members of the committee has been used for comparison and annotation to read this is a Book of Names which was used as a record-book by the sergeant-at-arms of the committee, A. J. McDuffee, and in it are entered the receipts of dues from the members together with various notes relating chiefly to their accounts.  The book is 4 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches in size and has flexible black leather covers.  The first page bears the following:




Members are requested not to write in any place in this book, or in any way deface the same.  The Sergt. at Arms will make the entry of Paid members when he receives the money.


A J. McDuffee.


Book of Names.




The list of names occupies twenty-seven pages, the others remaining blank.


The names in this document, with the exception of the few at the end, are in the handwriting of McDuffee.  Their order varies from that of the autograph list and the numbers that precede them are in some cases different.  The numbers as they appear in the Book of Names are therefore inserted in italics and with in brackets.4  There are numerous variations in the spelling of the names in the two lists, but the work of verification from contemporary and other sources has shown that in the second or transcribe document errors due to misreading of the signatures frequently occurred.  In the case of names that differ in two documents and all of which verification has been impossible, the form that appears in the transcribe list has been supplied in italics and with in brackets.  The annotations in this list relating to the receipt of dues, which consist usually of the work "Paid" accompanied by the amount, are omitted; but certain other notes that occur in it and which seem pertinent are inserted in a column set off from the first document by a rule.


An alphabetical list of the signers is appended in which the Christian names are given in full whenever possible.


P. G.








folio No. 1 J. W. S.

[Initials of Julius W. Salmon]



9th June 1851


Whereas it has become apparent to the Citizens of San Francisco that there is no security for life and property either under the regulations of Society as it at present exists or under the laws now under administered,--therefore, the Citizens whose names are here unto attached to unite themseves into an association for the maintenance of the peace and good order of Society and the preservation of the lives and property of the Citizens of San Francisco and to bind ourselves each unto the other to do and perform every lawful act for the maintenance of law and order and to sustain the laws when faithfully and properly administered that we are determined that no thief  burglar incendiary or assassin shall escape punishment, either by the quibbles of the law the insecurity of prisons the carelessness or corruption of the Police or a laxity of those who pretend to administer justice.


And to secure the objects of this association we do hereby agree; First,--that, the name and style of the association shall be the Committee of Vigilance for the protection of the lives and property of the Citizens and residence of the City of San Francisco.


Secondly,--that, there shall be a room selected for the meetings and deliberations of the Committee at which there shall be some one or more members of the Committee appointed for that purpose in constant attendance at all hours of the day and night to receive the report of any member of the association or any person or persons whosoever of any act of violence done to the person or property of any citizen of San Francisco and it is in the judgment of the member or members of the Committee present it as such an Act as justifies the interference of this Committee either in aiding in the execution of the laws [2] folio No. 2  J. W. S. or the prompt and summary punishment of the offender the Committee shall be at once assembled for the purpose of taking such actions as a majority of the Committee when assembled shall determine upon.  Thirdly--that, it shall be the duty of any member or members of the Committee on duty at the Committee room when every general assemblage of the Committee is deemed necessary to cause a call to be made by two strokes upon a bell situated…[blank] which shall be repeated with a pause of one minute before it each alarm.--The Alarm to be struck until order to stop.  Fourthly,--that, when the Committee have assembled for action the decision of the majority present shall be binding upon the whole Committee and that those members of the Committee whose names are here unto attached do pledge their honor and hereby bind themselves to defend and sustain each other in carrying out the determined action of this Committee at the hazard of their lives and their fortunes.


Fifthly,--that there shall be chosen monthly a President Secretary and Treasurer and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to detail the members required to be in daily attendance at the Committee room.  A Sergeant at Arms shall be appointed whose duty it shall be to notify such members of their detail for duty.--The Sergeant at Arms shall reside at, and be in constant attendance at the Committee room.


There shall be a standing Committee of finance and qualification consisting of five each and no person shall be admitted a member of this association unless he be a respectable citizen and approved of by the Committee on qualification before admission. xxx

[on margin] President S. E. Woodworth.    Treasurer Eug. Delessert.    Secretary Is. Bluxome.   Constitution adopted June 9, 1851.




Folio No. 3.  J. W. S.




No.          Name                                                      Place of bussiness.                                              Place of residence.


  1. [1]           S. E. Woodworth                                  Powell & Pacific Street                                        Powell & Pacific.
  2. [2]           S. Brannan                                             xxx  Sansom                                                           San Francisco
  3. [3]           E.  Gorham                                             Battery Street                                                        San Francisco
  4. [4]           Fredk. A. Woodworth                         Clay Street Wharf.                                               San Francisco
  5. [5]           Geo. J. Oakes                                        First Street                                                             San Francisco
  6. [6]           Frank S. Mahony                                 Sacramento Street                                                San Francisco
  7. [7]           Frances E. Webster                             Pine Street
  8. [8]           R. D. W. Davis                                      Washington's Street
  9. [9]           Jas. C. Ward                                          Clay Street, near Montgomery.
  10. [10]         William N. Thompson                         Battery Street, near Pine.
  11. [11]         William H. Jones                                  Sansom Street                                                       Corner Powell & Pacific
  12. [12]         R. S. Watson                                         Macondray & Co.
  13. [13]         C. Winter                                               Pine & Battery
  14. [14]         Edwd A. King                                       Pacific & Mason Street
  15. [15]         George Mellus
  16. [16]         Jan [m]es B. Huie                                 Montgomery Street                                             Auctioneer
  17. [102]       W. A. Howard                                      Near the New Jail


[101]       J. D. Stevenson                                    Mrcht., Stockton Street

  2. [103]       B. F. Hillard                                           Sacramento Street
  3. [17]         Henry Dreschfeld                                 Corn.  Montg. & Pine Street
  4. [18]         Chas. R. Bond                                       Mont [gomer] y, near Clay                                 Corner Powell & Jackson
  5. [19]         S. W. Haight                                         Dupont Street
  6. [20]         James Ryan                                           Sansun Street
  7. [21]         D. B. Arrowsmith                                 Clay, corner of Davis.
  8. [22]         Geo. H. Howard                                    Montgomery, San Francisco                              {Mission Street, W. D. M. Howard House
  9. [23]         William Browne                                    Sansome Street
  10. [24]         S. E. Teschemacher                              California Street                                                    Mission Street, at Geo. Mellus house}
  11. [25]         Caleb Hyatt                                           Oriental Hotel
  12. [26]         Robert Wells                                         Clay Street
  13. [27]         C. H. Brinley                                          at G. N. Shaw & Co's                                           Battery Street
  14. [28]         Samuel R. Curwen                                Store Ship "Byron"
  15. [29]         H. D. Evans                                           P. M. S. Co.                                                           Stockt...                  (Withdrawn)
  16. [30]         J. W. Salmon                                         Montgomery Street                                                                             (Resigned)
  17. [31]         James F. Curtis                                     Central wharf                                                        Front Street





folio No. 4.  J. W. S.


 [4]           No.         Name                                                      Place of bussiness.                                              Place of residence.


  1. [32]         John Y. Bryant                                                                                                                      Broadway              (gone Home)
  2. [33]         Benjamin Reynolds                              Clay, below Montgy.                                           Virginia Street
  3. [34]         L. Hulsemann                                        Montgy Str. between Bush & Sutter
  4. [35]         E.  Kirkus                                               California Street
  5. [36]         A. W. Macpherson                              Leidesdorff Street
  6. [37]         A. G. Randall                                         Montgomery Street                                             Virginia Street
  7. [38]         John Eagan
  8. [39]         Thomas N. Deblois
  9. [40]         J. C. L. Wadsworth                              Cal. Exchange                                                       Dupont & Union
  10. [41]         W.T. Thompson                                   Jackson Street                                                      First Street
  11. [42]         Stephen Payran                                    Mansion House
  12. [43]         William Hart                                          Cor.  Stockton & California
  13. [44]         N. Reynolds Davis                               Washington's Street, near Sansome
  14. [45]         C. Spring                                                Market Street
  15. [46]         George M. Garwood                            Pine & Battery
  16. [47]         Gabriel Winter                                      Do.                                                                                                                          (gone Home)
  17. [48]         A. Wheelwright
  18. [49]         R.  S. Lammot                                        Bush Street, next to Oriental Hotel
  19. [50]         James Shindler                                      M. G. Leonard & Co.
  20. [51]         V. J. Fourgeaud                                    Near corner of Powell & Clay Street
  21. [52]         Jesse Southan                                                                                                                                                                      (gone to China)
  22. [53]         G. W. Ryckman                                     Commercial Wharf
  23. [54]         A.  Jackson McDuffee
  24. [55]         Z. H.  Robinson                                    Pine Street
  25. [56]         W. L. Bromley                                       Howisons Pier
  26. [57]         P. G. Hedley                                          Sacramento, n. Sansome
  27. [58]         Geo. R. Ward                                        Clay Street                                                             Store Ship Bryon
  28. [59]         A.  Ottenheimer                                    Pine Street
  29. [60]         S. V. Marshall                                       found at T & P., Mont. Street
  30. [61]         C. L. Wilson
  31. [62]         G. H. Davis                                            foot of Jackson Street
  32. [63]         Hazen Haseltine                                   Store Ship Pleaides
  33. [64]         William H. Taber
  34. [65]         P. Frothingham                                     Corner Sansome & Wash.
  35. [66]         Fred.  Iken                                             Montgomery Street, between Bush & Pine




folio No. 5 J. W. S.


[5]           No.          Name                                                      Place of bussiness.                                              Place of residence.

  1. [67]         Isaac Bluxome, Jr.
  2. [68]         G. B. Schenck                                        Sansome & Sacramento
  3. [69]         Geo. G. Lambert                                    Sansome         "
  4. [70]         Lathrop L. Bullock                               San some St    "                                                                                    (gone to Mine)
  5. [71]         Geo. Austin Worn                               Sacramento Street                                                                                (gone Home)
  6. [72]         John P. Haff                                          Oriental
  7. [73]         Jno.  W. Rider                                       Sacramento Street
  8. [74]         E. Bottcher                                            between Leidesdorf & in Sacramento
  9. [75]         Jos. T. Hamm                                        Fox, Masson & Co., Sansome                            Wilson's Exchange
  10. [76]         Thos. W. Walker                                  Montgomery House, Montgomery
  11. [77]         Theo. Kuhlman                                     Montgomery


[82]         Henry S. Brown

  1.                 x x x                                                         x x x [Washington] Street                                    Howard Building


[78.          S. Marx.]

  1. [79]         J. Seligman                                            California Street
  2. [80]         Joseph E. Dall                                       Sacramento, cor. Cala. Street
  3. [81]         Danl. J. Thomas, Jr.                              Clay Street, opposite Leidesdorf
  4. x x x                x x x                                                  x x x                                                                         x x x
  5. [83]         H. F. Von Lengerke                              Montgomery, near Sutter
  6. [84]         Julius G. Schultz                                   Bush Srt., above Montgy.
  7. [85]         J. D. Farwell                                           Central Wha. & Front Street                                                              Police
  8. [86]         J. C. Derby                                             Jackson Street                                                      Virginia Street
  9. [87]         J. Pratt Stephens                                  Sacramento & Leidesdorff                                  Same
  10. [88]         Jacob P. Leese                                      Happy Vally
  11. [89]         T.J. West                                               Kearney Street
  12. [94]         Thomas McCahill                                 Montgomery Street
  13. [91]         Edgar Wakeman                                   Webb Street                                                          do.
  14. [92]         William T. Coleman                             
  15. [93]         W. P. Peake                                           foot Jackson Street
  16. [94]         A.  Wardwell                                         S. Brannans office, Howard Street
  17. [95]         J. S. Clark                                               Corner of Curny & Pine Street
  18. [96]         Jonas Minturn                                      California Street                                                    Dupont St, Mansion House.
  19. [97]         Saml A. Sloan                                       Geo. N. Shaw & Cos.                                           No. 19 Rassette House (gone Home)
  20. [98]         C. H. Clark
  21. [99]         Lloyd Minturn                                      Cala. Street                                                            Mansion House.
  22. [100]       M. B. Lucas
  23. [108]       Herman R. Haste                                  Arih wharf, foot of Sacramento Street




folio No. 6.  J. W. S.


[6]           No.          Name                                                      Place of bussiness.                                              Place of residence.

  1. [104]       F. O. Wakeman                                     J. L. Folsoms, Montgomery Street                    Webb Street
  2. [105]       H. F. Tesehemacher
  3. [106]       J. Thompson Huie                                Sansom Street                                                       At Store
  4. [107]       John W. Jackson                                  Battery Street                                                        At R. S. Dorrs
  5. [110]       W. L. Hobson
  6. [111]       William Meyer                                      Battery Street                                                        Battery Street
  7. [112]       Jos. R. Curtis                                         Comercials Street                                                 Clay Street             paid-- E. D.
  8. [113]       William H. Tillinghast                          Clay Street    (this entry was placed between 113 and 114)
  9. ------        -----------------------                                 ----------------------
  10. [114]       Jno.  G. McKaraker                              Foot of Jackson Street, at Carter & Fuller's 
  11. [115]       William H. Graham                               Mission Street
  12. [116]       J. F. Hutton                                           Mission Street.
  13. [117]       John Raynes                                         Jackson Street
  14. [118]       J. H. Fisher                                            Clay Street                                                             Clay Street
  15. [119]       Horace Morrison                                  Howisons Pier                                                      Howison Pier
  16. [120]       John H. Watson                                   Jackson Street                                                      Cor.  Of Stockton
  17. [121]       Joshua Hilton                                       Jackson Street                                                      Cor.  Of Stockton
  18. [122]       F. L. Dana                                              Pacific Wharf
  19. [123]       John Quincy Cole                                Sansom Street                                                       Pacific Street
  20. [124]       James Pratt                                            Ohio House, Kearny Street                                Kearny Street
  21. [125]       0 P. Sutton                                             Front Street                                                           Pacific Street
  22. [126]       Geo. W. Douglas                                  Sansom Street                                                       Sansom Street
  23. [127]       William G. Badger                                Jackson Street
  24. [128]       A. J. Ellis                                                x x x                                                                         Mission Street
  25. [128]       Chas. H. Vail                                         Battery Street                                                        Corner California & Dupont
  26. [130]       Samuel J. Stabler                                  Battery Street
  27. [131]       Henry M. Naglee                                  280 Montry. Street              
  28. [132]       William Forst                                        Battery Street
  29. [133]       William J. Sherwood                            Pacific Street
  30. [134]       Otis V. Sawyer                                      Boston                                                                   Clay Street
  31. [135]       A.  L. Tubbs                                          Boston                                                                   Howison Wharf
  32. [136]       E.  W. Travers                                       Web Street                                                            .  .   .
  33. [137]       W. N. Horton                                                                                                                        Pacific Hotel
  34. [138]       Nath.  D. Hill                                         Washington Street                                              Stockton Street
  35.                 [blank]




folio No. 7.  J. W. S.


[7]           No.          Name                                                      Place of bussiness.                                              Place of residence.


  1. [139]       William Langerman                              Montgomery Street                                             do.
  2. [140]       Eugene Hart                                          Mansion House, Dupont Street
  3. [141]       B. E. Babcock                                                                                                                        Kearny Street, near Cala.
  4. [142]       T. J. Battelle                                          x x x                                                                         Montgomery Street
  5. [143]       J. C. Treadwell                                      x x x
  6. [144]       Hartford Joy                                          Sansome, near Washington  at Farwell & Curtis
  7. [145]       Augustus Belknap                               Sanson Street, between Jackson & Wash.
  8. [146]       William Burling                                     Store Ship Salem                                                  Dupont, Clay & Sacramento
  9. [147]       John F. Osgood                                    Ditto                                                                       Powell St, corner Washington
  10. [148]       Doct.  Horatio S. Gates                        Mansion House, Dupon Street
  11. [149]       Thos. N. Cazneau                                 Corner of Montgomery & California                 Dupont, near California
  12. [150]       E. Kemp                                                 Corner of Montgomery & California
  13. [151]       Jeremiah Spalding                                Battery Street                                                        Battery Street
  14. [152]       William C. Graham                                Battery Street                                                        Battery Street
  15. [153]       J. Mead Huxley                                     Cazneaus office
  16. [154]       John M. Coughlin                                Sacramento, below Leidesdorff                         Main [Mission?]  Street
  17. [155]       Charles Minturn                                   Cunningham Wharf
  18. [156]       Sam.  Moss, Jr.                                     Clay Street                                                             Virginia Street
  19. [157]       Geo.  Clifford                                         Clay Street                                                             California & Kearny
  20. [158]       Howard Cunningham                          Montgomery Street                                             Dito
  21. [159]       C. O. Brewster                                       Davis Street                                                          Cala. & Sacramento
  22. [160]       Charles Soule, Jr.                                  Davis Street                                                          x x x   at place of business
  23. [161]       Charles L. Case                                     Sansom Street
  24. [162]       Charles S. Wood                                  California Street
  25. [163]       Robert H. Belden                                  Cor.  Montgomery & Clay Street
  26. [164]       Charles Moore                                      Sacrimento Street
  27. [165]       William Fell                                           Mason, near Clay
  28. [166]       Napoleon Smith                                    Corner Sanson & Washington
  29. [169]       James R. Duff                                        Sansom Street, near Comercial
  30.                 (blank) (171 was not listed--the next notation was listed above 172)
  31. [168]       James Dows                                          Washington Street, cr.  Front      

x x x

  1. [169]       John O. Earl                                           Washington Street, cr.  Front
  2. [170]       E. M. Earl                                               Washington Street, cr.  Front
  3. [171]       E.  W. Crowell                                       Sansome Street, between Jackson &Washington
  4. [172]       Randolph M. Cooley                           (Haights office), California Exchange                                               N. Y. gone home




  1. [173]       J. L. Van Bokkelen                                City Hall                                                                 "              "
  2. [174]       Adrienne H. Gildemeester                   Montgomery Street
  3. [175]       Charles H. Hill                                       California Street                                                    Kearny Street
  4. [177]       George H. Blake                                    Clay Street
  5. [178]       Samuel S. Phillips                                 Sacramento Street
  6. [176]       J. Neall, Jr.
  7. [179]       De Witt C. Brown                                 California Street Wharf                                       Oriental
  8. [180]       Charles Del Vecchio                            California Street, corner Spring
  9. [181]       F. A. Atkinson                                      Jackson, corner Front                                          x x x
  10. [182]       Edward F. Baker                                   Sagramento Street, 2 doors from Corner Sansome
  11. [183]       Chs. B.  Marvin                                    280 Montgomery
  12. [184]       Joseph A.  Post                                    "Howisons Pier" written by W. L. Bromley
  13. [185]       Charles H. [?]  Miller                            "Howisons Pier" written by W. L. Bromley
  14. [186]       James King of W.                                 Cor.  Of Mont. & Com.  Sts.                               North Beach
  15. [187]       F. Argenti                                              Montgomery Street
  16. [188]       C. V. Gillespie                                        at Central W. office
  17. [189]       Jno.  J. Boyd                                         Porthmout squar
  18. [190]       Samuel Russell Gerry                           Portsmouth Sqre                                                  Clay Street
  19. [191]       H. J. Paine                                              Portsmouth Sqre                                                  Clay Street
  20. [192]       Francis A. Ball                                      Commercial Street
  21. [193]       F. C. Bennett                                         Bush Street
  22. [194]       Andrew J. Grayson                              Broadway & Powell Streets
  23. [195]       Robert Mackintosh                              Montgomery Street
  24. [196]       John J. Vioget                                       Mission Street
  25. [197]       Sam.  L. Haven                                      Montgomery Street
  26. [198]       Luis Bode                                              Montgomery Street between Bush & Sutter
  27. [199]       Geo. H. Hossefross                              Washington Restaurant, near . . .
  28. [200]       William H. Silverthorn                         Washington restaurant, near . . .
  29. [201]       J. William Hartman                               Kearney Street between Pine & Bush
  30. [202]       D. W. Smith                                           Pacific near Battery
  31. [203]       J. B. Morse                                            Clay, between Mont. & Leidof.
  32. [204]       B. S. Buckley
  33. [205]       D. W. Hunt                                            Sansom Street, opsett Macondry
  34. [206]       Nathaniel Miller                                    Front Street, 2 door Broadway
  35. [207]       George McDougall                              Union [?]



[9]           No.          Name                                                      Residence.                                            Bussiness.

  1. [208]       William H. Crowell                               Sansome Street                                     Merchant
  2. [209]       John T. Smith                                        Kerney Street                                        Carriage Maker
  3. [210]       W. Orrick Johnson                               Kearney Street                                      Livery Stable
  4. [211]       J. B. Mitchell                                         Kurny Street                                         Livery Stable
  5. [212]       Jas. B. M. Crooks                                 No. 277 Montgomery Street               Merchant
  6.                 W. H. Parker                                          Bt.  Green & Union                              Hotel Keeper         (Expelled)
  7. [214]       Noah Ripley                                          Corner Pacific & Sansome Street
  8. [215]       George F. Reeve                                   Cla Stret.                                                Jewelry
  9. [216]       J. Hawes Davis                                     Oriental Hotel
  10. [217]       J. L. Bleakley                                         Pacific, near Montgomery                  Merchant
  11. [218]       David S. Turner                                    Sansom, near Jackson Street              Merchant
  12. [219]       George J. Robertson                            Howisons Wharf                                  Merchant
  13. [220]       William M. Hogg                                  Clay, near Washington                       Merchant
  14. [221]       Josiah Drake                                         Battery, near Washington                  Merchant
  15. [222]       A. Engels, Jr.                                         Sansom, near Pine                                Merchant
  16. [223]       x x x L. Tuffs                                          x  x  x Rassett House                            Expelled                 [name omitted]
  17. [224]       John Schmidt                                        Corner of Dupont & Jackson St        Merchant
  18. [225]       Hugh McGrath                                     at Howards                                            Carpenter
  19. [226]       Robert George                                      Union Place, 1 door from Union St    Lauenstein, Gibson & Co.

& Jackson                                             California, below Montgomery.


  1. [227]       James Lea                                              Kearney bet. Washingto .  .  .            Feed Store
  2. [228]       Cyrus Palmer                                         at Macondray's & Co.'s
  3. [229]       Jas.  C. Hasson                                     to 76 Montgomery Street
  4. [230]       Mahlon D. Eyre                                    Sacramento
  5. [231]       M. H. Van Dyke                                    foot of Pine, in Battery                        Physician
  6. [232]       Charles Precht, Dr.                               Dupont, near Washington Physician
  7. [233]       W. Reynolds                                         Montgomery Street                             Clerk                       (exempt)
  8. [234]       John W. Cartwright                             California Street                                    Merchant
  9. [235]       Thomas Gihon                                      Clay Street                                             Engraver
  10.                 Thomas Norris                                      Pine, between Montgy & Kearney   Marble Cutter       [name omitted]
  11. [237]       Charles H. Welling                               Virginia, near Broadway                      .   .   .
  12. [238]       William A. White                                 Steam Boat                                            Hotel, Long Warf (Absonded)
  13. [239]       Jacob L. Wells                                      Kearney Street, bet. Pine & Bush
  14. [240]       George H. Plum                                     Corner Davis & Clay
  15. [241]       Charles M. Warner                              Corner Davis & Clay
  16. [242]       A.C. Russell                                          Montgomery Street, near Clay
  17. [243]       E. V. Joice                                              Clay Street, near Powell, right hand side



[10]                         Name                                                      Place of Business                                                Residence

  1. [244]       J. F. Spence                                           Leidesdorff Street                                                Jackson Street
  2. [245]       F. C. Ewer                                              Clay Street                                                             Battery Street
  3. [246]       Ros [?] A. Fish                                     Sacramento Street                                                Howisen's Pier
  4. [247]       Charles R. Story                                   Montgomery Street                                             Montgomery Street
  5. [248]       J. Casaffousth                                       Washington Street                                              x x x bet. Vallejo & Green
  6. [249]       H. A. Cobb                                            Washington Street                                              Happy Valley
  7. [250]       James R. Malony                                  Bush
  8. [251]       Francis Panten                                      Montgomery Street                                             Mission
  9. [252]       Robert E.. Hunter                                 Bush Street
  10. [253]       John L. Moffat                                      Montgomery Street                                             Montgomery Street
  11. [254]       Jas. Kellogg                                          Montgomery Street                                             Montgomery Street
  12. [255]       John T. Temple                                     Montgomery Street                                             Montgomery Street
  13. [256]       H. C. V. McCullough                           Sansome                                                                California, Cor. Kearney
  14. [257]       Charles E. Bowers, Jr.                          Sansome & Pacific                                               Sansome & Pacific
  15. [258]       James Sam Ball                                                                                                                     Pine Street
  16. [259]       Galen Burdell                                        Plaza                                                                       Stockton Street
  17. [260]       James Wilber                                        Montgomery, corner Jack.                                  Mont.
  18. [261]       William Newell                                      Pacific Street, near Kearny
  19. [262]       John Gordon                                         Montgomery Street, near Pacific
  20. [263]       William Smith                                        Laws Wharf                                                          Webb Street
  21.                 David Earl                                              Jacson Above Karney                                                                                        [name omitted]
  22.                 [erased]                                                                                                                                                                                  [Blank]
  23. [266]       R. Hochkofler                                        Jackson Street                                                      California Street, bel. Kearney
  24. [267]       W. O. Smith                                           273 Montgomery                                                                                                  (Chief of Police)
  25. [268]       H. M. Gray, M.D.                                  Washington Street, 4 door below Stockton
  26. [269]       John Sullivan                                                                                                                                                                        (San Juan)
  27. [270]       Henry McCay
  28. [271]       E. Carter                                                 Howisons Pier                                                      Paige & Websters building
  29. [272]       C. J. Torbert                                          at J. B. Bidleman's                                                Montgomery Street
  30. [273]       Timothy G. Phelps                               Washington St, bet. Battery & Front St
  31. [274]       John Dows                                            Washington St, bet. Battery & Front St
  32. [275]       C. T. Huntington                                  Sansom Street
  33. [276]       John T. Ackley                                     Commercial Street
  34. [277]       George C. Potter                                   Oriental
  35. [278]       E. M. Hayes                                          Clay, near Kearny




[11]                         Name                                                      Place of Business                                                Residence


  1. [279]       L. Cohn                                                  California                                                               California
  2. [280]       Henry Hoeller                                       Corner of California & Montgom x x x  St
  3. [281]       C. B. Loomis                                          Battery Street, near Pacific
  4. [282]       B. F. Wynn                                            Mr. Myers [?], Pine Street B. .  .  .                      Mong. . .
  5. [283]       Arthur M. Ebbets                                 California Street Wharf                                                                       (gone Home)
  6. [284]       George Gibson                                      California Street Wharf                                       Union Place
  7.                 E. W. Kuster                                         Kearney Street                                                      Union Place           [E. W. Keester]
  8. [286]       R. Matheson                                         Corner of Jackson & Virginia
  9. [287]       W. D. M. Howard                                 Montgomery Street                                             Mission Street
  10. [288]       J. H. Ruddach                                       Barge Office
  11. [289]       Kingsbury Root                                   Post Office Building, No. 7 upstairs
  12. [290]       Gilbert A. Grant                                    Beach, Sleddon & Co., Jackson St Wharf
  13. [291]       H. P. Jones                                            Cobb & Co.                                                           Sutter Street
  14. [292]       Simon Haber                                         Washington Street                                              Washington
  15. [293]       Frederick R. Bunker                             at Palmer, Cook & Co., Cor. Union & Kearney St.
  16.  [294]      George W. Harris                                 Battery Street                                                        George N. Shaw & Co.
  17. [295]       Lanning [?], F. Oakley                         Clark Point, cor. Coningh [Cunningham's] Wafe [Wharf]             (gone to NY)
  18. [296]       G. W. Shults                                          act Drake & Co.'s, Battery Street
  19. [297]       R.  W. Nevins                                       "Battery Street, to Doors from Cunigham Warf
  20.                 F. R. Loomis                                          Corner San. & Pine                                              In building.
  21. [299]       Jas. S. Wethered                                                                                                                  A. M. Van Nostrand
  22. [300]       John Prendergast                                 Golden Gate Hotel                                                San Francisco
  23. [301]       Joseph Porter                                        Mission Street                                                      Mission Street
  24. [302]       Charles H. H. Cook                                                                                                              Broadway
  25. [303]       H. Gerke                                                 Mason & Eddy Street
  26. [304]       Francis Hoen                                        Corner of Pacific & Dupont Street
  27. [305]       Joseph H. Levirn [?]                            2 door from Sansom in Pine Street                    Same                       (gone to C . . .)
  28. [306]       Charles S. Simpson                              Bush, above Batery
  29. [307]       John Dennie                                          at Dr. Stouts, Wsht. Street
  30. [308]       James M. Swift                                     at Dewey & Heiser's, Cal. Street
  31.                 David F. Lans [i] ng                             On board "Hannah Sprague"                                             [309.     D. M. Lancing]
  32. [310]       A. Y. Easterby                                      Store Ship Edwin                                                  Front & Pacific Street
  33. [311]       C. C. Richmond                                     "Jackson Street"                                                  Jackson Street
  34. [312]       Peter Thompson                                   Ship Pico                                                               Pacific Worf
  35. [313]       Vi.  Turner                                             Montgomery Street                                             Merchant




[12]                         Name                                                      Place of Business                                                Residence

  1. [314]       Samuel L. Dewey                                  California Street                                                    Emma Street
  2. [315]       Andrew Roy                                         Montgry Street                                                     Mont.   do
  3. [316]       Thomas P. Everett                                Clay Street                                                             Clay Street             (Expelled)
  4.                 x x x [John P. Muldoon]                       Halleck Street, near Sansone                              Halleck Street, near Sansone
  5. [318]       P. Schuyler Hunter                               Bush Street
  6. [319]       John A. Steele                                      Calaforny Street                                                   Resident: Clay & Sampson [?]
  7. [320]       Phillip Schloss                                      Montgomery Street                                             Resident: Montg., bet. Sac. & Cal.

321.  [321]               James Paul                                                                                                                             Powell Street, next to Pacific Street

322.  [322]               C. A. Downes                                       Macondray & Co.

323.  [323]               Joseph Rassette                                   Rassette House

324.  [324]               Matthew P. Burns                                For Street

325.  [325]               Charles H. West                                   Naglee's Building                                                 Virginia Street

326.  [326]               William Blackburn                                Battery Street

327.  [327]               Jas. McKinlay                                      

328.  [328]               William H. White                                  corner Sansone & Jackson Street

329.  [329]               W. Donaldson Kinney                        at Bergoyne & Co. Office

330.  [330]               John B. Evans                                       Ebbets & Co.                                                        Cochituate house, Pine Street

331.  [331]               Edward A. Suwerkrop                         Sacramento Street                                                Pleasant Valley, opposite Capn Folsoms   

332.  [332]               M. Rudsdale                                         Sansome Street                                                     Sansom Street

333.  [333]               James Delong                                       Montgomery Street

334.  [334]               H. Matthews                                         Commercial Street                                                Post Street

335.  [335]               A. Massey                                            x x x                                                                         x  x x

336.  [336]               Edmund Smith                                      Montgomery Street

337.  [337]               Henry A. Webster                               Davis Street                                                          Davis Street

338.  [338]               William Haseltine                                 Store Ship Pleaids                                                Davis Street

339.  [339]               Joshua Norton                                      Corner of Jack. & Mont.                                     Jones Hotel

340.  [340]               Jno.  H. Gladding                                  Barge Office

341.  [341]               I. E.  Woolf                                            Corner Montgomery &  Clay

342.  [342]               M. J. Jacobs                                          Chestnut Street bet. Stockton & Powel

343.  [343]               G. Levrier                                               Corner Sacramento & Sansom Sts

344.  [344]               William P. C. Stebbins                         in Kurney Street

345.  [345]               Jas.  Murray                                          Central Whf                                                          Central Wharf, Front Street

346.  [346]               J. M. Tewksbury

347.  [347]               John P. Corrigan                                   Clay Street                                                             Clay Street





348.  [348]               James Clanny                                        Long Wharf                                                          Clay Street

349.  [349]               Samuel Fleischhacke [r]                      .   .   .   Pasifick Street

350.  [350]               Thomas J. Johnson                              M. G. Leonard & Co.

351.  [351]               P. Torquet                                             Sansom Street, Nr Pine

352.  [352]               A. Van Damme                                      id

353.  [353]               William H. Ranlett                                Corner Clay & Davis

354.  [354]               George O. Whitney                              Battery Street, near California Street                 Pacific Street

355.  [355]               B. E.  Holland                                        Morning Post                                                       .   .   .St, above Stockton xxx Valejo

356.  [356]               Lewis Reinstein                                    xxx Commercial St, at Charles Gulliver               xxx at Charles Gullivers upstairs

357.  [357]               S. A. Smith                                            Montgomery Street

358.  [358]               A.  S.  [?]  Hallett                                  Pacific Street, 2 doors above Battery Street

359.  [359]               S. R.  Throckmorton                             Corner Clay & Sansom Street

360.  [360]               R. B. Hampton                                      Powell near Sacramento, yellow Building

361.  [361]               Charles L. Wiggin                                at C. C. Richmonds, Jackson Street

362.  [362]               Andrew J. Almy                                   at Montgomery, corner Clay Street

363.  [363]               Thomas B. Parker                                 corner Montgomery & Clay Street

364.  [364]               Thomas Cunningham                          Brig Lion , G. N. Shaw & Co.

365.  [365]               Charles B. Lafitte                                  Washington Street                                              Front St, nr Pacific over Barling & McKee

366.  [366]               C. S. Kasson                                         Marysville                                                             Jones Hotel

367.  [367]               Edward Wolfsohn                                Montgomery Street                                             Geldemeester Building

368.  [368]               B.  Hinckley                                           First Street

369.  [369]               Edward C. R. Walker                            Macondray & Co.                                                Sansom Street, at M. & Co.'s

370.  [370]               J. H. Blood                                             Pacific Street Wharf                                             Belden Street, between Pine & Bush

371.  [371]               Jno.  Gavett                                           Sansom Street                                                       Bay Hotel

372.  [372]               Benjamin A. Patten                              Corner of Sansom & Pacific

373.  [373]               Charles W. Cook                                  Palmer, Cook & Co.                                              Gellespie House, North Beach

374.  [374]               Arthur B. Stout                                     Washington Street

375.  [375]               Joseph E. de la Montagnie                 California Street Wharf                                       Washington Street near Stockton

376.  [376]               Maurice A. Correa                               corner of California & Kearney

377.  [377]               N. C. Skinner, M.D.                              Merchant Street                                                   in building

378.  [378]               H. D. Graham., M.D.                             Merchant Street                                                   in building

379.  [379]               Erastus C. Lord                                     Battery Street                                                        near Pine Street

380.  [380]               Ralph H. Lord                                       Battery Street                                                        near Pine Street

381.  [381]               F. Mason, Jr.                                         Battery Street                                                        near Pine Street

382.  [382]               Alonzo Coy                                           California Wharf                                                   `California Wharf

383.  [383]               B. G. Latimer                                          Battery Street, corner Pine                                  Battery Street, corner Pine



[14]                         Name                                                      Place of Business                                                Residence

384.  [384]               William H. Mosher                               San Francisco

385.  [385]               Th. Von Rutte                                       idem.                                                                       Sansom Street

386.  [386]               Bernard Rafferty                                   Clay Street                                                             .   .   .

387.  [387]               Thomas Tucker                                    Long Wharf                                                          Long Wharf          } Boatmen

388.  [388]               Frank Lee                                               Long Wharf                                                          Long Wharf          } Boatmen

389.  [389]               George H. Grant                                    George N.  Shaw & Co.                                       Battery Street

390.  [390]               James R. Bolton                                    Montgomery Street                                             Montgomery Street

391.  [391]               William Tichnor                                    Sea Gull (Capt.)                                                     Long Wharf          (Sea Gull)

392.  [392]               Frank Baker                                           Clay Street Plaza

393.  [393]               Peter Markey                                        Central Wharf                                                       corner Front Street

394.  [394]               Thomas Courtis                                    Sansom Street                                                       Bush treat

395.  [395]               Philip Verplank, Jr.                               Pacific Street Wharf, near Sansom

396.  [396]               G. C. Bode                                             Bush Str., betw. Montg. & Kearny

397.  [397]               Charles S. Buckner                               Clay Street, below Stockton                               Same

398.  [398]               S. B. Sewall, M.D.                                 Dupont Street, "Wilsons Exchange"

399.  [399]               J. Haine & d. m.                                    Mission St, in Capt. Folsom’s House & Office in City Hall

400.  [400]               William M. Eddy                                  Mission Street, near 4th Street

401.  [401]               Pedro C. Carrillo                                   Woodworth & Morris                                         Santa Barbara

402.  [402]               T. F. Gould                                            Corner Cala. & Sansom Streets

403.  [403]               William M. Lent                                    Sansom Street                                                       Powell

404.  [404]               Rodmond Gibbons                               at M. G. Leonard's                                                Broadway,ab. Powell

405.  [405]               John H. Titcomb                                   Corner of Pacific & Powell Streets   

406.  [406]               Jno. Bluxome                                         Corner Stockton & Broadway Street

407.  [407]               Silas D. Washburn                               Ship Iowa, off Long Wharf                                                                                 (pd.)

408.  [408]               Hiram Webb                                          Over W. H. Stovalls, on Battery Street             Green Street

409.  [409]               David Jones                                          Corner Cal. &  Sanson Street                             Green Street

410.  [410]               William L. Higgins                               California Street, below Sanson                         Jackson Street

411.  [411]               A. P. Sheldon                                        California Street, below Battery Street

412.  [412]               Jno. A.  Spooner                                  Karney Street, near California Street

413.  [413]               George H. Nelson                                 Jackson Street, corner of Front

414.  [414]               J. P. Manrow                                         Montgomery Street                                             Union, near Stockton

415.  [415]               Stephen Burgein                                  Montgomery, corner Sumner Streets

416.  [416]               Theodore A. Barry                               Corner Sansome & Pacific

417.  [417]               F. W. Sampson                                     Davis Street                                                          Davis Street

418.  [418]               Daniel L. Oakley                                   Laws Wharf                                                          Bay Hotel




[15]                         Name                                                     Place of Business                                                Residence

419.  [419]               Elisha Brown                                         Columbia house                                                   Kerny Street

420.  [420]               Adolph Wapler                                    St. Marys Alley                                                    San Francisco       (Pd.)

421.  [421]               Pulaski Jacks                                         Clay Street                                                             San Francisco

422.  [422]               Meyer Ehrlich                                       Washington Street                                              San Francisco

423.  [423]               F. Schultze                                             Sansom St cor. of Sac. St xxx   xxx                      San Francisco

424.  [424]               Noyes Baldwin                                     Karney

425.  [425]               C. V. S. Gibbs                                        Sansome                                                                San Francisco

426.  [426]               George H. Tay                                      Clay Street                                                             San Francisco

427.  [427]               Otto Esche                                            St. Mary Alley                                                      San Francisco

428.  [428]               C. Conroy                                              San Rafael

429.  [429]               L. L. Batchelder                                    Washington Street                                              San Francisco

430.  [430]               .   .   .[H.] Behr, Dr.                                Kearney Street                                                      San Francisco

431.  [431]               A.  W. Snyder                                       Sansom Street                                                       San Francisco

432.  [432]               W. H. Talmage                                      Sansom Street                                                       San Francisco

433.  [433]               Florence Mahony                                Sansom Street                                                       San Francisco

434.  [434]               Chanler Welch                                      North Beach                                                          San Francisco

435.  [435]               S. M. Alford                                          California Street

436.  [436]               W. C. Annan                                         Battery Street

437.  [437]               Richard M. Jessup                               Washington Street

438.  [438]               E. S.  Custh [?].                                     Pacific Wharf                                                        Pacific Wharf

439.  [339]               Eugene Delessert                                 Next to King of William                                       Burned out 22 June, 1851

440.  [440]               John Middleton

441.  [441]               Charles C. Bowman                              Pacific Wharf

442.  [442]               G. G. Hayden

443.  [443]               P. P. Hull                                                Asst. Ed.  .  .   .Cal.  Com., Com.  Office

444.  [444]               John F. Schander                                 Woodworth & Morris                                         Clay .   .   .              (Exempt)

445.  [445]               George A. Johnson                              Cunninghams Wharf, Bay Hotel

446.  [446]               Henry S. Dexter                                    Pacific Wharf                                                        Mission Street

447.  [447]               J. R. West                                              Pacific Wharf                                                        Broadway

448.  [448]               M. R. Roberts                                       Pacific Wharf                                                        Same plase

449.  [449]               James M. Taylor                                   Store Ship Golconda, Rincon Point

450.                          Emil Kunze [?]  [E. Yonge]                  Corner of Merchant Street                                  Montgomery Street

451.  [451]               Robert Wilson                                      Ship Carpenter                                                      Rincon poi … C.  Of Sutter

452.  [452]               John H. Kent                                         Montgomery House                                            Same place

453.  [453]               James A. Baker



[16]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

454.  [454]               Robert von Carnap                              St. Marrys Alley                                                   San Francisco

455.  [455]               J. C.  Ruhling                                         Montgomery Street                                             San Francisco

456.  [456]               Samuel B. Edgerton                             Clay & Montgy                                                    San Francisco

457.  [457]               S. T. Thompson                                    Battery Street, A. L. & Co.                                  San Francisco

458.  [458]               P. J. Bayless                                          Custom House

459.  [459]               Dixey W. Thompson                           Brunswick, Stea. Wm. Robin...

460.  [460]               Appleton Oaksmith                             Steamer "Gold Hunter"                                       Steamer "Gold Hunter"

461.  [461]               J. Perry, Jr.                                             Wells & Co.                                                          Cola.  [California] Street

462.  [462]               G. W. Soule                                           Battery Street, A. L. & A.                                   Battery Street

463.  [463]               George M. Smith                                  Clay Street

464.  [464]               Alex Murray                                          California Street

465.  [465]               William  N. Shelley                               Sea Pilot, Cunninghams Wharf

466.  [466]               William Sharon                                     John Middleton                                                    Sansome Street

467.  [467]               R. R. Harris                                            Courier office                                                        Clay Between dupont & Stockton

468.  xxx [468]         W. Harris [?]                                         .   .   .                       (Discharged)                         Argenti & Co.                       (Not a member)


.   .   .                       Henry S. Brown                                    Ship Clarendon

xxx                                                                                           House on Long Wharf

469.  [469]               Stephen M. Tibbits                              George Street, between Powel & Mason

470.  [470]               J. Ferguson                                           C. Wharf

471.  [471]               William F. Martin                                 Claney [Clanny?] & Co., Long Wharf

472.  [472]               J. D. Wilson                                          Surprise [?]  Hotel, Pacific Wharf

473.  [473]               Ben Smith                                              Wells & Co.                                                          Stockton Street

474.  [474]               Edward Toby                                        Montgomery Street                                             xxx San Francisco

475.  [475]               Joseph W. Gregory                              Montgomery Street                                             cor.  Merchant

476.  [476]               Gus Fourgeaud                                     .   .   .   .agh's Wharf                                             Montgomery & Sutter

477.  [477]               James W. Goodrich                              xxx Farwell & Carter                                             San Francisco

478.  [478]               Hermann Muller                                   St. Mary' s Alley

479.  [479]               Jas. J. Gardiner                                                                                                                      Mission Street, near Fourth

480.  [480]               Titus Cronise                                        Corner Sansom & Jackson Street                      San Francisco

481.  [481]               J. A. McCrea                                         Sansom Street                                                       San Francisco

482.  [482]               George O. Ecker                                    Montgomery cor. Jackson                                  Mission Street near 4th



[17]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

483.  [483]               Paul Petrovits                                       Bolton & Baron's

484.  [484]               W. J. Silver                                            Sacramento, Webb Street

485.  [485]               E. S. Mendels                                        Corner Sacramento & Kearny Streets

486.  [486]               Den [n?]is Janvrin                                Corn.  Stockton & Sacramento Street               Inspector in the Customs

487.  [487]               Milton Nelson                                      Lagoon Pavilion

488.  [488]               Camilo Martin                                       Delessert, Ligeron & Co.'s                                  Montgomery Street

489.  [489]               Emile Grisar                                           California Street

490.  [490]               D. W. Cady                                           Surverers Office

491.  [491]               W. S. Tarbox                                         Carpenter, B. & V., near Sansom Street

492.  [492]               Michael Reese                                      Naglees Byldeng.                                                 Happy Valey

493.  [493]               James Root                                            Clay Street                                                             Clay Street

494.  [494]               Jno.  Buckler, Jr.                                   Howisons Pier                                                      Howison's Pier

495.  [495]               Frederick Franck                                   Montgomery Street                                             Same place

496.  [496]               Mathew McIntyre                                Well [Webb?]  Street                                           Sansom Street

497.  [497]               W. O. Bokee                                          Gildermeester Building                                        Mission Street

498.  [498]               William A. Darling                               Darling & Co.                                                        Corner Clay & Sansom Streets

499.  [499]               P. De Liagne                                                                                                                          Kearney Street

500.  [500]               J. S. Marston                                         San Francisco                                                       Long Wharf

501.  [501]               John A. Sutter, Jr.                                id.                                                                            Washington Street

502.  [502]               John Vandewater                                 Poel [Powell] Street                                              Poel Street

503.  [503]               Davenport Cozzens                                                                                                             Sacramento Street

504.  xxx                                                                                                                                                                   {not to be admitted [name omitted]

505.  [505]               A. T. Ladd                                             Battery                                                                   San Francisco

506.  [506]               Bela Dexter                                            Foot of California Street

507.  [507]               Sam.  Merritt                                         Montgomery Street, corner of Clay                  Montgomery Street, corner of Cal.

508.  [508]               C. Griswold                                            Brigham, Reynolds & Co.                                   Sansom Street

509.  [509]               Henry Wetherbee                                Sansom Street                                                       Kearney Street

510.  [510]               Andrew J. George                                Sacramento Street                                                Sacramento Street

511.  [511]               James H. Edwardson                           San Francisco                                                       Barling & McKee

512.  [512]               Benja G. Davis                                                                                                                      Wilsons Exchange

513.  [513]               R. A.Eddy                                              Marysville                                                             Marysville             } Marysville

514.  [514]               Morton Cheesman                               Marysville                                                             Jones Hotel           } Marysville

515.  [515]               Jno.  McKee                                          San Francisco                                                       Pacific Street, of B. & McKee            {gone

516.  [516]               Henry A. Barling                                  San Francisco                                                       Pacific Street, of B. & McKee            {Home

517.  [517]               Samuel P. Goodale                              San Francisco                                                       Mission Street      (Sandwich Is.)

518.  [518]               S. J. Lynch                                             San Francisco                                                       Dupont Street




[18]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

519.  [519]               Edward R. Anthony                            Adams & Co.'s                                                     San Francisco       (Marysv[ille])

520.  [520]               Alex.  Kirchner                                      Montgomery Street                                             San Francisco

521.  [521]               Joel Noah                                                                                                                              Battery Street

522.  [522]               A.B. Southworth                                  Battery Street, near Pacific

523.  [523]               S. W. Britton                                         Jackson Street Wharf                                          Corner Bush & Stockton

524.  [524]               Charles T. Oakes                                  Blackburn & Thompsons

525.  [525]               J. D. Nason                                            Steamer Goliah                                                      on board

526.  [526]               J. Bandman [n]                                      Montgy. Street, betw. Pine & Bush

527.  [527]               G. Reinecke                                           at Robert Rogers', Clay Street                            Clay Street

528.  [528]               John Bodfish                                        San Francisco                                                       on board brid Orleans         (at Sea)

529.                          Arthur Tarillier [?]  [A. Parrilier]         San Francisco                                                       Corner Clay & Kearney

530.  [530]               Robert A. Parker                                   Trinidad                                                                 Klameth County   (Trinidad)

531.  [531]               Edward P. Southard                                                                                                             San Francisco       (Trinidad)

532.  [532]               L. A. de Groote                                     Corner Sacramento & Kearney Street

533.  [533]               Leopold Krambach                              Corner Kearney & Sacramento Street

534.  [534]               W. Revere                                             Pacific Exchange                                                  Jackson Street, No. 13

535.  [535]               Richard Horton                                     Montgomery Street, opp. Merchant St.

536.  [536]               Jno. Lobdell                                          Clay Street, K. S. & R. [?]                                    Clay Street

537.  [537]               B. F. Hanna                                           U [?]. S. R.                                                             Clay Street

538.  [538]               Thomas Masson                                  Sacramento Street                                                Sacramento Street

539.                          W. W. McLean                                     Sansom Street, one door from pine.                  {Not to be admitted.  [Name omitted.]

540.  [540]               J. W. Stillman                                        Sacramento Street, one door from Kearney

541.  [541]               S. K. Labatt                                           32 Clay Street

542.  [542]               S. P. Woodward                                   Montgomy Street                                                 Montgomy Street

543.  [543]               W. M. Randell                                      Custom House

544.  [544]               A. G. Cage, Jr.                                       California Street, below Batery

545.  [545]               Henry Martin                                        Corner Sansom & Long Wharf

546.  [546]               A. I.  Hall                                               Corner Sansom & Long Wharf

547.  [547]               D. N. Hawley                                         Corner Sacramento & Leidsdorf

548.  [548]               J. W. Sterling                                        Corner Sacramento & Leidsdorf

549.  [549]               M. Feigenbaum                                    California Street

550.  [550]               P. J. Hickey                                            Clay Street

551.  [551]               G. H. Devoe                                           Foot Jackson Street                                             Foot of Jackson Street

552.  [552]               H. N. Squire                                           Cunningham's Wharf

553.  [553]               Michael Hellman                                  Clay Street



[19]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

554.  [554]               P. Warren VanWinkle                          J. L. Folsoms Office                                             Pleasant Valley

555.  [555]               Henry Hale                                            Sansom Street                                                       Pleasant Valley

556.  [556]               George R. Winslow                              Kearney Street                                                      Kearney Street

557.  [557]               Jno.  Walker, Jr.                                    Clay                                                                        Clay Street

558.  [558]               G. L. Dudley                                          Clay                                                                        Clay Street

559.  [559]               Joseph Burr                                           Custom House, Lower Ended California St.

560.  [560]               George B. Hitchcock                            Montgomery Street, near Clay

561.  [561]               Edward Franklin                                   Sacramento Street                                                Sacramento Street

562.  [562]               G. Elliot                                                  California Street, betw. Dupon & Kerny

563.  [563]               W. H. Clarke                                          Ship Shakspeere                                                                   (Boat Police)

564.  [564]               Charles Thompson                              x  x  x                                                                       San Francisco

565.  [565]               Edwin Hull                                             Broadway

566.  [566]               Theo.  Dimon                                        Rassette House                                                    Bush Street

567.  [567]               Eugene J. de Sta Marina                      17 Clay Street                                                        17 Clay Street

568.  [568]               B. J. G. de Sta Marina                           Montgomary Street                                             Clay Street

569.  [569]               William W. Baker                                 Schooner Js. R.  Whiting

570.  [570]               John Sweeney                                      Kerney Street

571.  [571]               L. W. Sloat                                            Argenti's Building, Montgomery Street

572.  [572]               Henry L. Ford                                       Kerny Street

573.  [573]               Thomas J. L. Smiley                             Sansom Street

574.  [574]               E. Y.  Dimmett

575.  [575]               P. B. Clark                                              foot Jackson Street

576.  [576]               Milo J. Goss                                          Sansom Street

577.  [577]               Emanuel Gross                                      Joven Emilia

578.  [578]               Franklin Williams                                 Montgoy Street                                                    Jackson Street

579.  [579]               S. Beebee Ludlow                                Battery Street                                                        Commercial Street

580.  [580]               Philip A. Roach                                    Monterey

581.  [581]               D. Levett                                                Clay Street

582.  [582                 L. A. Levy, Jr.                                       Corner Mont. & Clay

583.  [583]               John W. Shoemaker                             Pacific Street Wharf

584.  [584]               James Gardner                                      Pacific Street Wharf

585.  [585]               Albert T. A. Guild                                Corner Front & Pacific

586.  [586]               Elijah Swift                                            Fremont, cr H .   .   .   .[Harrison?]

587.  [587]               Thomas B. Bryant                                x x x                                                                         Kearny Street

588.  [588]               Beverly C. Sanders                              Howison's Pier




[20]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

589.  [589]               H. C. Coy                                               Sansom & Cala. Street                                         California Street Wharf

590.                          x x x                                                         x x x                                                                         x x x                         [scored out]

591.  [591]               Charles A. Poor                                    Sansom Street above Clay

592.  [592]               R. D. Brimagion                                    Cala.  Exchange

593.  [593]               G. K. Fuller                                            San Francisco                                                       Pacific Wharf, below Battery Street

594.  [594]               B. L. Ol Gauvreau                                 San Francisco                                                       Eldarado

595.  [595]               Lewis Dent                                            Jone' s Hotel, bound to St. Louis, Missouri

596.  [595]               James Laidley                                       Cal.  Street, next Jones Hotel

597.  [597]               Henry Cole                                            Ship Emily

598.  [598]               Isaac M. Merrill                                    Sansom Street                                                       San Francisco

599.  [599]               John B. Peachy                                     Folsom & Second Street

600.  [600]               O. H. Boyd                                            No. 26 Commercial Street                                    corner Clay & Pike Street

601.  [601]               Frank O. Eldridge                                 San Francisco                                                       Pd.

602.  [602]               J. G. Gould                                            

603.  [603]               Daniel Okeson                                      Sansom & L. Wharf                                             corner Pike & Clay streets

604.  [604]               Jacob E. Fuller                                      over T. K. Battelles, Montgomery St                (same)

605.  [605]               Joseph Eyre                                          at Haven & Co.

606.  [606]               Silvanus D. Libby                                Pacific Street Wharf

607.  [607]               D. H. Rand                                             Bunker Hill House

608.  [608]               M. C. Dow                                             Long Wharf                                                          Nevada House

609.  [609]               C. F. Parker                                            Mason Street                                                        North Peach

610.  [610]               H. H. Ellis                                               x x x Marster John Dunlap                                  San Francisco

611.  [611]               Mathew Harth                                      x x x Montgom. Street, 275.                                 San Francisco

612.  [612]               Johann Neeb                                         California                                                               Brauery

613.  [613]               Burlin Brown                                         Bank Exchange

614.  [614]               A. J. Cornell                                          Rear Brown's Hotel, Kearny Street

615.  [615]               Joseph C. Coult                                                                                                                    Sacramento, above Pike Street

616.  [616]               Herman Wohler                                                                                                                    Sansom [?]

617.  [617]               Augt.  G. Richardson                           Adam & Co. Exprs.                                              Pd.

618.  [618]               Thomas Goin                                        San Francisco                                                       foot Sacramento Street

619.  [619]               Charles H. Davis                                  Adams & Co.                                                        Pd.

620.  [620]               Reuben Calhoun                                  Pacific Street Wharf                                             Rasette

621.  [621]               Samuel H. Dearborn                             at Eagans                                                               Sacramento Street

622.  [622]               Sam Taylor                                            California Street                                                    California Street

623.  [623]               D. A. McDermut                                   Alta California                                                      California Street




[21]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

624.  [624]               George W. Virgin                                 Long Wharf                                                          San Francisco

625.  [625]               T. C. Kilborn                                         Washington Place                                               San Francisco

626.  [626]               Alfred A. Rhoades                               Cal.  Exchange

627.  [627]               Edward S. Morehead                           xxx J. W. Raymond office

628.                          x x x                                                         x x x                                                                         x x x                         [blank]

629.  [629]               Samuel W. Moore                                Cala., cor.  Montg.  Street                                   San Francisco

630.  [630]               John C. Bennett                                    San Francisco                                                       Brig Chs.  J. Dow

631.  [631]               C.  Bohrer                                              San Francisco                                                       Webb Street

632.  [632]               C.H. McLellan                                       San Francisco                                                       San Francisco

633.  [633]               Charles G. Scott                                    San Francisco                                                       Powell

634.  [634]               E.  S.  Deane                                          cor. of Mont. & Summer Street

635.  [635]               John E. Gillespie                                   on board of Ship Adirondack

636.  [636]               David C. Mitchell                                 Ship Brutus, under Telegraph Hill

637.  [637]               Isaac Wormser                                     California Street                                                    above Siblys

638.  [638]               E. R.  Edwards                                       Sac.  City

639.  [639]               J. J. Fell [Felt?]                                      Mumfrys Hotel

640.  [640]               James C. Conroy                                  Montgomery Street                                             "

641.  [641]               Jacob J. H. Van Bokkelen                    Montgomery Street

642.  [642]               John H. Mallett                                     Kearny Street                                                        San Francisco bet. California & Pine, 848

643.  [643]               Charles Gulliver                                    Commercial Street                                                San Francisco

644.  [644]               R.B. Page                                               Bush Street                                                           San Francisco

645.  [645]               Daniel Kenniff                                      Jackson, above Kerny

646.  [646]               G. Waters, Jr.                                        Com.  Street, San Francisco

647.  [647]               D. W. Lockwood                                  Eureka Hotel

648.  [648]               J. [?] D.  Dodge                                     Stockton Street, north of Clay

649.  [649]               Nelz [s] on Pierce                                 Am. Schr. L. B.   .   .                                              San Francisco

650.  [650]               Edward L. Williams                              Monterey                                                              11 Jackson Street San Francisco

651.  [651]               William Broadhurst                              Clay Street                                                             Saroni & Archer, Clay Street

652.  [652]               William L. Ryckman                             Commercial Street                                                New World Hotell

653.  [653]               G. P. Kingsley                                       Branch Hotel                                                         Montgomery Street

654.  [654]               J. Stoneacre Ellis                                  Schr.  Honolulu                                                    Central Wharf

655.  [655]               E. Kingsbury                                         San Francisco                                                       Washington St., bet. Dupont & Stockton

656.  [656]               George Stealey                                     Market Street Bond (d) Waehouse                   San Francisco

657.  [657]               Benjamin B. Gore                                  California Street                                                    San Francisco

658.  [658]               E. Thebaud                                            Taylor, Greenwich                                                San Francisco

659.  [659]               R. H. Elam                                              Jackson Street, near Sansom                              San Francisco



[22]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

660.  [660]               R. J. Jenkins                                          California Exchange                                             San Francisco

661.  [661]               O.  Woods                                             Steinberger's Market, Long Wharf

662.  [662]               Daniel Cronin                                        Montgomery Street                                             275 Montgomery Street

663.  [663]               John Parrott                                          Montgomery & Sacramento

664.  [664]               George Laidly                                       Steamer Goliah

665.  [665]               Jacob R. Snyder                                   Montgomery Street                                             North Beach

666.  [666]               Frederick Morton                                 Long Wharf                                                          San Francisco

667.  [667]               A.  Moon                                               Contra Costa                                                         Contra Costa

668.  [668]               George W. White                                 Pacific Star office

669.  [669]               Jacob Weber                                         Montgomery Street, cor. of Clay                       Montgomery's Street}

670.   x x  x               x x x                                                                                                                                         San Francisco            }   [blank]

671.  [671]               James M. Classen                                Montgomery, near Clay                                      Montgomery, near Clay

672.  [672]               David C. Wood                                    Brig Emily Bourne                                                San Francisco

673.  [673]               Milo Calkin

674.  [674]               Samuel Gourley                                    California Exchange

675.  [675]               Simon Fraser Blunt                              U.S. Navy                                                              San Francisco, Cal.

676.  [676]               L. Maynard                                           U.S. Navy                                                              San Francisco, Cal.

677.  [677]               Jas. Zurcher                                          Battery, near Pacific                                             San Francisco

678.  [678]               James Doherty

679.  [679]               D. W. Chauncey                                   Stone Street, near W [ash] ingt [on]

680.  [680]               Sam Bradstreet                                     Samsome Street

681.  [681]               Ferdinand Vassault                              San Francisco                                                       Front & Pacific Street

682.  [682]               A.  Van Horne Ellis                              Martinez [?]                                                           Schr.  Honolulu

683.  [683]               Henry Owner                                        Hoff & Owner                                                       Davis & Sacramento

684.  [684]               James B. Campbell                               Jack & Blake

685.  [685]               S.W. Naghel                                          Mallory & Stewart                                               Ship Clarendon, L. W.

686.  [686]               Charles Hutchins                                 Battery Street betw. Wash' ton &vClay St     

687.  [687]               Henry M. Lewis                                                                                                                    31 Clay Street

688.  [688]               H. B. White                                           Washington, ab. Dupont                                    Washington Street

689.  [689]               Joseph E. Sweetser                              cor.  Pacific & Battery Street                              Montgomery Street

690.  [690]               Asa D. Nudd                                         Battery Street                                                        Mellus Street

691.  [691]               W. T. Reynolds                                    Pacific Wharf

692.  [692]               Jas. C. George                                       Jackson Street Wharf                                          Jackson Street Wharf

693.  [693]               James M. Reed                                     Jackson Street Wharf                                          Jackson Street Wharf

694.  [694]               Alex H. Bryant                                      Jackson Street Wharf                                          Jackson Street Wharf




[23]   No.                Names                                                    Place of Business.                                               Residence.

695.  [695]               Nicholas A. Knox                                 Wash. St. Gourlie [?] & Co., cor.  Sansom       Dupont

696.  [696]               R. Rust                                                   Montgomery Street                                             Plank Road

697.  [697]               S. Strawbridge                                      California Street                                                    California.  Burling & Hill, Salem.


Sept.                                                                                       Sept. 1st

698.  [698]               W. B. Perry                                            Eng.   .   .   .Goliah                                                 Long Wharf

699.  [699]               S. P. Whitman                                       Dupont Street, between Clay & Sacramento Street

700.  [700]               Thomas W. Carroll                               Sacramento Street Wharf                                    San Francisco

701.  [701]               James Wright                                        Corner Pine & Battery                                         Winter & Latimer

702.  [702]               H.E. Lagus                                             Jackson Street                                                      Jackson Street

703.  [703]               L. W. Skinner                                        Jackson Street                                                      Jackson Street

704.  [704]               George H. Bouton                                Sansom Street                                                       California Street

705.  [705]               Henry Randall                                       Steamer Northerner

706.  [706]               A.  C.  Wakeman                                  Pleasant Valley, over James King of Wm.

707.  [707]               R. .S.  Dorr                                             Happy Valley                                                        Happy Valley, Battery Street

708.  [708]               William H. Patten                                 California Street                                                    California Street

709.  [709]               James Hawthorn                                   California Street                                                    Stockton Street     (Pd.)

710.  [710]               John R. Dunglison                               Surveyor General' s Office                                  San Francisco

711.  [711]               William MacMichael                           Macondry & Co.                                                  Sholafield Ra [n]cho

712.  [712]               Edward Conner                                     Office, Alta California                                          Broadway & Montgomery Street

713.  [713]               Charles A. Orem                                   Sacramento Exchange                                         Montgomery Street

714.  [717]               Charles S. Eigenbrodt                          Jackson Street                                                      Foot Jackson Street

715.  [715]               Thomas D. Greene                               Battelle's, Montgomy Street

716.  [716]               J. B. G. Isham                                        San Francisco                                                       Colchester, Com.


1 So designated to distinguish this organization from that of 1856.

2 Bancroft, Literary Industries, Page 658.

3 Owing to irregularities in the numbering the list appears to consist of 716 names, the last signature being entered under that number.

1.        4 A number was given to each of the members of the community as a countersign which he used in order to gain admission to the meetings and, in case of the officers and some others, in signing reports and other documents.  These numbers were taken from the Book of Names kept by the sergeant-af-arms and were not at all cases identical with the enrollment numbers following the constitution.  Thus, Isaac Bluxome, whose identity was for a long time concealed under the No. 67 appears in the original role as 71.

© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton