Endowment and Life Members of the U. C. L. A. Alumni
Almost four thousand endowment and life members of the Alumni Association have combined to make the publication of this volume possible. With the single exception of the California Alumni Association (Berkeley), this constitutes the largest multiple year membership of any similar association in existence. More than one thousand additional alumni are affiliated with the Association as regular members.
In recognition of the assistance give by this impressive group of sponsors of CALIFORNIA OF THE SOUTHLAND, the names of all endowment and life members appear as a part of this volume. The publication schedule has made it impossible to include the names of alumni who have affiliated since December 1, 1936. In the list that follows life members are indicated by an asterisk (*).
A Abe, George Y. Abelson, Roslyn Ackerman, William C. Adams, Dorothy M. Adams, E. R. Adams, Frances E. Adams, Grace L. Adams, Lillian Tate Adams, Mary Layne* Adams, Mrs. Yerda A. Adamson, Hildegarde* Adamson, Maud Adkins, Cordova Ahlberg, Josephine R.* Aigner, Herbert L.* Aitken, Florence Aitken, Mayeda B. Albert, Elizabeth E.* Albert, Marion Caroline Alberts, Grace* Albright, Phyllis Bobb Alcorn, Edna B. Alden, Katharine Alen, Marguerite Alexander, Arthur H. Alexander, John H., Jr.* Alford, Flora Hattie Allen, Harrison J. Allen, J. Heman Allen, Lois Allen, Lois E.* Allen, Pauline E. Allen, Robert D. Allen, Mrs. Virginia Woodson* Allison, A. Pearl Allison, Donald A. Allison, Dr. Donald L. Allison, Marjorie Allison, Melvin H. Almquist, Evelyn Alston, Jack L. Altpeter, Peter Ambrose, Wiley D. Amelung, Jack S. Amestoy, Elizabeth M. Amestoy, Simon* Amidon, Elsie C. Amillo, Anita Woods Anakin, Burton E. Anderson, Mrs. Bess Anderson, E. Lawrence Anderson, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Anderson, Eugene, Jr.* Anderson, Florence R. Anderson, Florence W. Anderson, Frances Covert Anderson, Frances R. Anderson, Genevieve J. Anderson, Helen M. Anderson, James B. Anderson, Jane Grey Anderson, Janice E. Anderson, John Irving Anderson, Leroy J., Jr.* Anderson, Louise Higgins* Anderson, Luther C. Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Marijo Anderson, Mary Anderson, Norman J. Anderson, Ray L.* Anderson, Robert Wendell Anderson, William O. Andre, Mrs. Jan Keenan Andrews, Betty* Andrews, Elizabeth Mary Andrews, Florence G. Andrews, Jeanette Andrews, Lorrin, Jr. Andrews, Sylvia Andrus, Ferron L. Annis, Margaret Ruby Ansen, Joseph Anshutz, Elsa Antola, Arnold Anton, Eleanor M. Applegate, Alice E.* Applegate, Yetive L.* Archer, Virginia Archibald, Lawrence O. Ardell, John E. Jr. Arkills, Mabel Robinson Arkush, J. Robert* Arlington, Lucile Margaret Arlotto, Andrew B. Armacost, Elizabeth Armitage, John Armstrong, Omah I.* Arnold, Atlee S. Arnold, Edward C., Jr. Arnold, Eleanor Arnold, James S. Ash, Mrs. Betty Ash, Mrs. Rebecca Tripp Atchley, Mrs. Gladys E. Atherton, D. Wilbur* Attley, James M. Autry, Mrs. LeRoy Avery, Cleone L. Carter Avery, J. Brewer* Avila, Louis Axtell, Irene Ayres, Philip R. B Baalas, Alfred D. Babcock, C. H. Bacon, Prentice F.* Badger, Margaret* Badham, Byron J. Badsky, Bertha E.* Baer, Unice M. Knupp Bagby, Wesley Bagley, Alexandria* Bagley, Edgar S. Bahnsen, Louise M. Baier, Mrs. Anita Finke* Bailey, Mrs. Addie T. Larkins* Bailey, David Bailey, Gloria Bailey, Llewellyn H. Bailey, Warren B. Bailiff, Peggy O'Neil Baily, Dorothy H.* Baird, Catherine Elizabeth* Baker, Aileen Stafford Baker, Bill Baker, C. Blanche Noble* Baker, Doris Baker, Dorothy M. Baker, Elma Preston Baker, Evelyn E. Baker, Fred M. Baker, Marietta Baker, Robert Baldenburg, Mary Jarvis Baldwin, Robert G. Baldwin, Sue Baldwin, William T.* Ball, Alice Dulany* Ball, Pearline Mae Ball, Winifred H. Balling, Edwin E., Jr.* Balling, Emma E.* Balling, Josephine J.* Balling, Marie Stafford Balthis, Frank S., Jr. Banbury, Merriam H. Bandy, Beulah* Bandy, Helen* Banning, Portia* Barasch, Ann Barber, George W. Barbour, Jay Barclay, Joseph L.* Barlow, Ada Barlow, Martie Louise* Barnard, Ben Barnes, E. Marvel Barnes, Esther Lenore Barnes, Katherine Barnes, Mrs. Margaret Soper* Barnes, Mildred Christie Barneson, Janet H. Barnett, William V. Barr, Robert A. Bartee, Frances M.* Barry, J. K. Barry, Jack, Jr. Barryte, Maurice Barsha, Mrs. Helen C. Pollack Barter, John R.* Bartlett, Beulah D. Bartlett, Edwin Howard* Bartlett, Mrs. Faye Cook Bartlett, Glenna Barton, Cecil L. Barton, Evelyn DeLois Barton, Loren C. Batchelor, June Lucile Bates, Alice L. Bates, Irene Bauer, Mrs. Dorothy B. Bauer, Dorothy E. Baum, Arlene L. Bawcom, Ada Belle* Baxter, Laura Baxter, Margaret G.* Bay, Earle R. Bayley, Florence* Bayliss, Julienne G.* Beal, Jean Beard, Vivian Meade Beard, W. Kenneth Beardsley, Catherine F.* Beasley, Mary R.* Beattie, Harriett R. Beatty, Harry L.* Beaver, Irene W. Beck, Julius V.* Beckenstein, Esther Becker, Margaret I. Becker, Mary Christene Beckley, Pearl Beckman, Bertha S.* Beckman, Elmer E. Beckman, Jack E. Beckner, Kathaleen Beckwith, Frances L. Beckwith, Marguerite Beebe, Mary E.* Beecher, Alma Row Beecher, Harriet M. Beeman, Jane Beery, Margaret Beesley, Everett F. Bell, Ada Bell, David S. Bell, Hazel Hull Bell, Jessamine Bell, Mrs. Katherine Titus Bell, Muriel V. Bell, Dr. Raymond C. Bell, Ruth E. Bell, Vesta E. Benjamin, J. A., Jr. Bennett, Arthur W.* Bennett, Clarice G. Bensinger, Anne Mosejiere Benson, Henrietta Blank Benson, Wilma Benton, Kathryn Bradley Benton, Robert Berbower, Jack Bergdahl, Catharine G. Bergdahl, Leonard Bergman, Bessie Bernard, Robert Berry, Joe H. Berry, Lydia F.* Berscheidt, Mrs. Melvin Bertram, Barry Best, Luther A. Beswetherick, Dorothy C. Beswick, Walter A. Betz, Vesta Loretta Beucher, Mrs. Verla Hart Beveridge, Muriel Bevington, Florence W.* Beyer, Jordan E. Bibb, Lydia W. Bicknell, Sara A. Bidgood, Joseph C. Biermann, Richard Biersach, William L., Jr.* Biffer, Mary Clara* Billingsley, William B. Binford, Mrs. W. M.* Bingenheimer, Robert H.* Bingham, Julia M. Bird, Curtis G. Bird, Everett E. Birlenbach, Scribner Bischof, Floretta Bishop, Florence Attix Bishop, George William Bishop, Harold F. Bishop, Irving G. Bishop, Virginia* Bittman, Mrs. Gerald Black, Eleanor Black, Robert Blackburn, William F. Blackman, Carolyn Wall* Blackman, Claude R. Blackman, Frances L. Blackman, Florence Blackstone, Beatrice Blaettler, Bernice Catheryne* Blair, Mrs. Justine Blair, Robert A. Blakeman, Helen Blakemore, Claude C. Blakemore, William F. Blanchard, Mrs. Mary Louese Blanchard, Robert Grant Blanche, Kent Blatz, Frank T. Blau, Louis C. Blaylock, Margaret L. Blayney, E. G. Blee, Jacqueline Blee, Mary Louise* Blight, Lt. Edward M. Bloxham, Wayland Blum, George Blum, J. Everett Blunt, Leon* Blythe, Ben F. Boadt, Eleanor Boardman, Gertrude Boarman, Caryl Bodenhamer, Betty Cox Boecker, Josephine* Boege, Gerald E. Boelter, Hildegard Traub Boester, Dorothy Bogart, Walter T.* Bogert, Charles M. Boguslav, Esther F. Bollinger, Howard M. Bolson, Sally* Bolstad, Norman H. Bone, Mary Elizabeth Bonetto, Florence Busch* Bonner, MacDonald Bont, Augusta E. Boodlin, John E. Boogar, Janice Boos, Harold O.* Borehert, Eric* Borden, Mrs. Lucile J. Borgman, Vivian E. Boring, Constance Elizabeth Bornstein, Lillian L. Borsum, Lt. A. W. Borum, May Rose* Boswell, M. Jane Bosworth, Rebecca C.* Bottoms, Paul H. Bouchier, Susanna H. Bouey, James* Bouldin, Mrs. Mildred V. Bourne, Dorothea V. Bovee, Muriel Bowen, Edw J., Jr. Bowen, Wayne F.* Bowers, Ada-Marie Bowers, Mrs. Elizabeth Richert Bowyer, Della D. Boyajian, Henrietta Boyd, Bertha Brodie Boyd, Betty Boyd, Ellen* Boyd, Georgiana Boyd, Margaret Boyd, W. Newlin Boynton, Elizabeth Boynton, Ruth* Bradbury, Roscoe C. Bradford, Eugene S.* Bradley, Anne Willis Bradshaw, Wilna H. Bradstreet, Elizabeth S. Brady, Frances M. Brady, Mary J. Brahm, Virginia Brainerd, William Howard Bramsche, Thurida Brandes, John F.* Brandow, George Brandt, Betty Brandt, Dorothy Standring Brant, Freeman R. Brastad, Norma L. Braunstein, Clara K. Bravender, Linda Jarl Brave, Elsie Marshall* Bray, Rhae M. Brazenall, Rita Gladys Breckenridge, Evelyn Breedlove, Mrs. Kathryn C. Brennan, Margaret Brethouwer, D. Eloise Brewer, Doris M. Brewer, Muriel Evelyn Brians, Irene M. Bridges, June Joyce Briggs, Catherine C. Bright, Kenneth Briglio, Alice G. Brinkerhoff, Mary Briscoe, Charles F. Britsch, Georgian Brittingham, Frank Brizinski, John Broadbent, Eunice* Broadbent, Irene Ruth* Brockett, Ethale Brockmeier, Helen Frances Brockow, Jesse L. Brockway, Charlotte L. Brockway, Murillo Martin* Brockway, William W.* Bromley, Elizabeth Babb Bronson, Bernice L.* Bronson, Virginia Broock, Leon T. Brooks, John J. Brooks, Rowan C. Broten, Olga Broughton, Albert T. Brousseau, Kate Brown, Benjamin D. Brown, Carl A. Brown, Celeste Ryus Brown, Clara May Brown, Mrs. Dorothy A. Brown, Dorothy Hobbs Brown, Evelyn Brown, Gaylord W.* Brown, Gertrude I. Brown, Horace E.* Brown, Marcella Brown, Mildred K. Brown, Nola Lorean Brown, Raymond W. Brown, Mrs. Vera Albright* Brown, Virginia F.* Brown, Wat W. Brown, William E. Browne, Dudley E. Browne, Russell F. Browne, T. Cedric* Browning, R. Gary* Broyles, Martha Wright Bruce, Mrs. Helen Bruce, Kathryne Bruce, R. S. Bruington, Frances Isabel Bruner, William R. Brunner, Dorothy Brush, Henry R. Bryan, Elizabeth J. Bryant, George M. Buchl, Margaret Buck, Katharine E. Buck, W. A.* Buckman, Jesse William* Buerger, M. B. Bullard, Mrs. Carol Taggart Bunche, Ralph J. Burch, Edward A. Burden, Hazel Burghardt, Arnold Burke, Avery* Burke, William C., Jr.* Burks, Alice* Burla, W. O. Burn, Jean Rosslyn Burney, Dean A. Burns, Eva Madelein Burns, Hazel B. Burns, Paul E.* Burr, Albert E.* Burr, Helen L. Bursley, Irene C. Burton, Arthur Laudy Burton, Julia G. Bush, R. Robert, Jr. Bush, Sterling* Bushnell, G. E. Bushnell, Mart P. Buss, Loa Frances* Busse, Helen J. Bussell, Elmer J. Butler, Elizabeth A. Butler, J. Lamar Butler, Paul H. Butler, Sara Mae* Butterfield, Emily R. Butterfield, Mabel G.* Butterworth, Frank E.* Butterworth, George W., Jr.* Button, Fredric E. Buttrey, R. W. Buttrick, Mary E. C Cable, Mrs. Lily Apsan Cadwallader, Mrs. Isabelle Sage Caffrey, Alice Bennett Cahill, Francis J. Caldwell, Charles Ira* Caldwell, Jack M.* Caler, Paul Brown Calkins, Larrayne E. Camblin, Pearl Campbell, Mrs. Corrine F.* Campbell, Frances L.* Campbell, Jean D. Campion, Howard A. Canaday, John E.* Canby, Charles B., Jr.* Cane, Robert Canet, Anna Canfield, Alyce Castile Canfield, Charles R.* Cannell, Carolyn B. Cantor, Alexis Cantrell, Bernice J. Caraco, Henry A. Carasso, Fred Carlson, Berenice Carlson, Christine M. Carlson, Hjalmar* Carlson, Jo Ann Carlson, Norma C. Carlton, Charles A. Carlton, Everett Eugene Carman, George R.* Carmichael, D. Edwin* Carne, H. O. Carnes, James R. Carpenter, Alta Rich Carpenter, Edwin H., Jr. Carpenter, Howard M. Carr, Homer* Carrington, James H.* Carroll, Mrs. M. J. Carter, Elsie L. Carter, Flournoy Price* Carter, Mrs. Leo A. Carter, Lillian Ernestine Carter, Mary J. Cartwright, Albert Caruso, Tenero D. Carver, Grace Louise* Carver, Mrs. J. S.* Casanova, Josephine Case, Eleanor B.* Case, Hope Imogene Cashion, D. R. Cass, Robert T.* Cassell, Duncan G. Cassidy, John P. Cassil, Frank H., Jr. Castle, Joan G.* Catlin, Edith H.* Caukin, Wanda E. Cavanaugh, Mary C. Cazel, Virgil Wesley* Cerro, Anton, Jr. Chadeayne, J. Kingsley* Chais, Ruth M. Chalker, Dorothy C. Chambosse, Beatrice C. Chamie, Alfred P. Champion, John Glendon Chandler, Kay Chapman, Mrs. Cynthia Kreck Chapman, Katherine Chapman, Marjorie Chapple, T. Ogden Chase, Allen T.* Chase, Chauncy D. Chase, Isabel M. Chatfield, Grace Chavoor, Sherman* Cheney, Helen L. Chesney, Ruth Burlingame Chessman, Wesley E. Chew, William G. Child, Harold L. Childers, Charlotte C. Childers, Frances M. Childress, Jonnie F. Childress, Marion C. Childs, Emelie G. * Childs, Julia Childs, Ozro W.* Chinn, Lucille Chisholm, Mary Christensen, E. Gertrude Christensen, Mildred Christiancy, Caro Louise Christiancy, Jessie Christie, Cameron Christner, Mrs. Mary H. Christopherson, June L. Church, Albert A. Church, Charles H. Church, Elsie E. Cilley, Margaret Clapp, Marguerite Nowell* Clapp, Marjorie Ethel Clark, A. Max* Clark, B. Girard Clark, Bonnie Clark, Charles D.* Clark, Frederick J. Clark, Ruth Baird Clark, Sidney E. Clark, Walter J. Clarke, Christy Parker Clarke, Kenneth R. Clarke, Marion Bowden* Clausen, Geo. J.* Clauser, Edwin L. Claxton, Dorothy Melsome Clayton, Lochiel Anderson Cleave, Lola Crise Clegg, Alice E. Clemmer, Richard C. Cline, J. Carroll Clingan, Lucy Clinton, Ralph W. Cloes, Elizabeth Ardell Clopton, Mort L. Clover, Katherine Mary* Clum, Mrs. Minna Vann Coates, Margaret Cochran, Jean Frances Cocke, Dorothy Tweedy Cockrell, Carolyn R. Cocks, Emily I. Coffin, Clif Coffin, Mary Sexton Cohen, Arthur Cohen, Jehudah M. Cohen, Marvin M. Cokely, E. H. Colborn, Jane Colby, Florence Power Cole, Alfred P. Cole, Clara McDonald Cole, Eva Cole, Garaldine Cole, Hazel R. Cole, J. Corlas* Cole, Louis V. Cole, Wanda Coleman, Pearl Coleman, Roger D. Coleman, Warren Coley, Beulah Bigham Collbran, Eleanor L. Collette, Elizabeth Nicholson* Collins, Chaplin E.* Collins, Donald C. Collins, Frances Collins, Helen E. Collins, Margaret Baysoar Collins, Mary Collins, Patricia Collins, S. Bertha Collinson, Betty S. Colloran, Edgar A. Colston, Florence R. Coltrane, Frances Igo Colvey, H. Roe Colvin, Allen Chase* Colvin, Samuel W.* Comly, Jack C. Compton, Mrs. Janet Conant, Stanley Connell, Wilbert, Jr. Connelly, Josephine S. Connors, Helen F. Conover, Wilbur W., Jr. Conrady, Lillian Conser, Eugene P. Conwell, Patricia G. Conyers, Mrs. Mabel H. Cook, Annice Cook, Boyd Cook, Edwin L. Cook, Eleanor Cook, Elva Bess Cook, George C. Cook, James Cook, Orris L. Cook, Roger Wm. Cooke, Eleanor Cooke, Nellie DeWitt Cooley, Elizabeth A.* Cooley, Ethel Grace Cooper, Curtis C., Jr. Cooper, Jeannette Cooper, Lois Crane Cooper, Pauline M. Cooper, Vance R.* Copeland, Barbara B. Copeland, Inez Copeland, Joe Copeland, Ruth D.* Corbin, Harold A.* Corbin, Ruth Geis* Cormack, Jack* Cornelius, Pearl Cornwell, Ida Emilie Corser, Lulu Helen* Corser, William R., Jr Cortelyou, Eileen Louise* Cossaboom, Barbara C. Costa, Helen Karakoff Cottle, Joy Cotton, Dorothy Couch, Earl W. Coulomb, Marjorie Coulson, Edwin R.* Coulson, Mrs. Ruby Wheeler* Coulter, Vera B. Counts, James C.* Courtney, George A. Couse, Fern Alice* Covel, Martin* Coward, Beulah B. Cox, Charles W. Cox, Sherman J. Cox, Virginia Cox, Vivian K. Coye, Donald S. Crabb, Edna Turner Crabbe, Irene Craig, Horace S. Craig, Mary C. Crail, Charles, Jr. Crail, Constance Bennett Crail, Joe, Jr. Cramer, Capitola Knudson Cramer, Charles Cramer, Leslie G.* Cramer, Louise V. Cramer, Nathan* Crane, Edward H., Jr. Crane, Margaret C. Crawford, Bertha Mary* Crawford, Cleora Crawford, Florence Summerhill Crawford, Harriet Blakely Crawford, Helen F. Crawford, Jane H. Crichton, Jocelyn Crittendon, Ella F. Croft, Mary Frances Croke, Ida M. Cronemiller, Mrs. Catherine E.* Cronk, Alberta E. Cronkhite, Irene Cronrod, Edward Cropsey, Catherine M.* Crosby, Leigh Cross, Margaret Crothers, Robert Crotty, Ida Lloyd* Crowell, Warren Holdredge* Crowley, Magele* Crowther, Mae E. Culbertson, Henry E. Culp, Ralph Culver, Garnet Culver, Gladys Vivienne* Culver, Harry M. Cummings, Dwight Cummings, Elizabeth* Cunha, Cecily A. Cunningham, Arthur Cunningham, Glenn Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Ralph J. Cunningham, Thomas J. Curlett, Bernice M. Curry, Ellsworth M. Curtis, Muriel* Curtis, Truman, Jr. Curthbert, Richardson F.* Cutler, Kenneth R. Cutshall, R. M.* Cuttle, Florence Gorrell D Dahl, Sara E. Dahlem, Maurice Dale, Mrs. Edward Roberts Dales, Edith Dalton, Dorothy R. Daly, Mrs. Martha Meyer* Damon, J. E., Jr.* Damron, Elwood L. Damron, Reumah Ellena* Daniel, Suzanne Danielson, Frank M. Danks, Keith G. Dannback, T. Manuel Danner, Don S. Danner, Mrs. Narcissa Sheets* Darby, Alfred C. D'Arcy, Mrs. John Darling, Donald Darsie, Marvin L. Darst, Rosalie Dart, Carroll Daum, R. H. Davenport, Frank M. Davidson, Lloyd L. Davies, Dorothy Davies, Grace V. Davis, Albert G. Davis, Alvin E. Davis, D. William Davis, Elizabeth W. Davis, Ellsworth E. Davis, Ervin C. Davis, Jordan Davis, Joseph W.* Davis, M. Philip Davis, Richard E.* Davis, Virginia Davis, William D. Davitt, Alice Dawkins, Helen Broock Dawley, Don Eugene* Dawson, Phyllis L. Dean, Laura Dean, Theta E. Dearing, Frank M. DeBonis, Madeline DeBord, Lillian G.* Dederick, Nellie E. Deen, Louise K. Dees, Eleanor E. Lloyd* Dees, Frank L.* DeFount, Amy T. DeGarmo, Jeanette Armstrong DeHaven, Earl G.* Dehnel, Carolyn F. Deibert, Helen E. de la Haye, John DeLaney, Dorothy M. Delk, James H. DeLong, Margaret Croft Delsasso, L. P. Delsasso, Lewis Demay, George B. Demmert, Marion Demmitt, Gladys Demmon, Evelyn L. Demmon, Ralph H. DeNault, Margaret Denis, Joseph N.* Denison, Lon M., Jr. Dennen, Ilene Dennen, Virginia L. Denton, Robert T.* Derkum, Urban M. DeSmith, Margaret E. Des-Noyers, Frances Desser, Jerome H.* Desson, Robert C. d'Etchegoyen, Charles Devere, Bertram E.* Devin, Eleanor S. DeVriendt, Eugenie Dewenter, Henry A. Dewey, Mrs. Gladys Warren Dewire, June M. DeWitt, Beryl Diacas, Helen Dicker, Ruth J.* Dickerson, Gail S.* Dickes, Janet Pruett Dickey, Margaret R. Dickey, Nannell Dickinson, Charles, Jr. Dickson, Edward A. Dicus, Dora Mae Diehl, Ralph W. Dierdorff, Pearl L. Dieterle, Carlta Dike, Harold E. Dill, Helen C. Dillman, George V. Dillon, Mary Walker Dilworth, F. Harold Dimmick, Mrs. E. L. Dinkler, Donice Dinwiddie, Howard G. Dische, Frank Disney, Mary C. Dittmer, Harold L. Ditzen, William G. Dix, Mrs. Richard Dixon, Charles Randall Dixon, Ford Stantom Doane, Thelma Jonas Dodds, C. H. Dodge, Marion* Dodson, Cora B. Dodson, Frances Dodson, Leigh Marian* Dodson, Robert S. Dolan, Jack Doll, Marie E. Doman, Leila Donahue, Irma Diana Donaldson, Cora I. Donaldson, Ethel M.* Donaldson, H. M. Donaldson, Harriet Donaldson, Mabel R.* Donohoo, Harriett* Donovan, Frances Elizabeth* Dooly, J. Leroy* Doose, Mary F.* Doran, Irma M. Dornberg, Lawrence Doster, Vera B. Dotson, Don L. Dotson, Gladys Fisher Doud, Charles W. Doughty, Elizabeth Hough Doughty, S. Douglas Douglas, R. Vincent Dow, Dora* Dow, Helen J.* Dow, Kathleen Moir Downs, Harold F. Drake, Elvin C. Drake, John George Drake, Lula C. Drake, Madoline N. Drake, Mildred Drake, Pete Dresser, James T. Drew, Cedric L. Dreyer, Lewis A.* Driscoll, Alfred Drummond, E. Cecelia DuBois, Mrs. Rose Hamilton Duckworth, Iwalani Duckworth, Willard W. Duda, Edward L. Duda, Helen Duell, Lorna A. Duke, Katherine Greer Duke, Lee M. Duke, Zaida Kane Dukes, Effie Green* Dullam, Gertrude M. Dulofsky, Morris Duncan, Dorothea Bysshe Duncan, John Whitfield, Jr. Dundas, Robert O. Pdf37-3 Dunham, Harrison M. Dunham, Petuna Dunlap, Gibson Dunlavy, Joseph C. Dunnigan, Anne Nicholson Dunster, Elizabeth Anne Durnerin, Allen N. Durrill, Mason Duryea, Frances T. Dust, Laurel M. Dutton, Roy A. Dwiggins, L. W., Jr. Dworkin, Dorothy Dye, Polly Caroline Dyer, Frances J. Dyer, Mary Jane* E Eardley, Carl Earl, Charles F. Early, Fay E. Earnshaw, Harry L. Easley, Elizabeth Jane Eaton, C. H. Eaton, Ruby Eckel, Jeannette E. Ecker, Bessie Bowden* Eckert, K. Fredonia Eckley, Amory P. Eddy, Elinor* Eddy, Gould L.* Edgar, Gene* Edgecomb, George Edghill, Doris Edghill, Mary Constance Edlund, Marion Ruth Edmiston, Beula Bates Edmondson, Mary Louise* Edmunds, Waldo Edouart, Dorothy Edson, Mrs. Philips J.* Edwards, Everett Edwards, Margaret G. Edwards, Phyllis Q. Eger, A. Gerhard* Eggers, Ervin G. Ehrhorn, Mildred Eichelberger, A. Martin* Eisner, Morton P. Elberson, Marshall* Elder, Marshall Elder, Portia Parriott Elkins, Frances Eller, Mrs. Sallie Jane Elliott, Fred J. Elliott, George L. Elliott, Max B. Elliott, Mabelle R. Elliott, Mary Maud Ellis, J. H. Northrop* Ellis, Mary Jane Ells, Muriel B. Elmgren, Vivian C. Elmore, Fern Bouck Elsner, Lillian G. Elton, Hazel Mae* Elwell, Beatrice Anne Ely, Grace B. Ely, Helen Plum Emanuels, Barbara Emerson, Irma Sorter* Emery, Mary Ellen Emkee, Grace Enfield, Dorothy Frances Engelen, Catherine M. Engle, Nellie English, Robson Engstrom, O. H. Enking, William M. Epstein, Herman C. Epstein, Leo L. Epstein, Sidney* Eremin, Joan Erickson, Bertha H. Erickson, Louis C. Erickson, Mrs. Maud W. Erkes, Mrs. H. R. Eross, Dorothea Eris Eross, Lois Iris Ershoff, Benjamin H. Ervin, Dorothy M. Esgate, Ronald Kyle Esh, Leland D. Eskridge, Charles Eskridge, Hazel Mary* Esnard, Raoul* Estill, Helen Floyd* Estock, Helen Estudillo, Rex Eubank, George W. Eustace, Ellen* Euston, Aileen Worthen Evans, Frances J. Evans, Katherine Preston Evnas, Kenneth L. Evans, Mary E. Evans, Maud D. Evans, W. Stuart Evans, William C., Jr. Evans, William W.* Everett, Alice Eleanor Everett, Marjorie E.* Everett, Sarah Kathryn Everhart, William D.* Evers, King W. Ewers, Maxine Ewing, Irena K. Ewing, Olga Yvette Exelby, Paul A. Eyrand, Emilie L. Ezell, Mrs. Angie F Falcinella, Lydia Falls, James F., Jr. Farmer, Paul Farnsworth, Marthalice Farquharson, A. H. Farrand, Roderick Farrington, Ethel Farris, Wilma O. Farwell, James H. Faulkner, C. H. Fay, Clara Harper Fay, Edyth A. Fedde, May A. Feeley, Elizabeth Feister, Genevieve A. Feldmeier, John F. Feliz, Irene A. Fellows, Elizabeth Felton, Dorothy Hook Fenimore, Mrs. George W. Fenlon, Esther Fenn, Lucile E.* Ferguson, Hal H. Ferguson, Helen S. Ferguson, Hugh G. Ferguson, Raymond D. Ferrer, Paul T., III Feruzzi, Mitchell A. Fessenden, Willburn C. Fickle, Aulba Field, Evelyn Woodroof* Field, Frank C. Field, Martel* Fielden, Ralph C. Fields, Earl* Fiero, Margaret A.* Finch, Dorine R. Finch, Eunice M. Finch, Jack D. Findley, Arleene Fine, Mary W. Finerman, Wilmore B. Fink, Augusta Finkenstein, Louis Finley, Leland Finne, Florence Finney, Louise M. Firminger, Patricia Fischer, Annabel Jean Fish, E. Wendell Fisher, Castella M. Fisher, David Fisher, Grace H. Fisher, Mrs. Herbert Fisher, Mariedna Fisher, Mrs. Marvel Mounts Fisher, Myrle M. Fiske, Willard Fitz, Ruth Fitzgerald, Howard A. Fitz-Gerald, Louise Fitzhugh, Anna T. Fleishman, Jerome Fleming, Avalon C. Flentge, Lucretia Flesch, Robert W.* Flint, James P. Flynn, Edith* Flynn, Mary Josephine Flynt, Ruth Fogel, Edward T. Foltz, John K. Folz, David F.* Folz, Mrs. David F. Forbes, William E. Ford, Lucia M. Ford, Vincent T. Forsyth, Marian Fosselman, Mary K. Foster, Agnes Foster, Cecil* Foster, Marion I. Foster, Nellie Mable Foster, Mrs. Nina Hessenflow Fotheringham, Orma Fowler, Clara E. Fowler, Heber Fox, Dorothy Brown Fox, Elbert Marr Fox, Margaret M. Fox, Stanley S. Foy, Mary E. Fraizer, Joseph H. Francis, Alice McKay Frank, Basil Frank, Edith R. Frank, Olive N. Franklin, Elizabeth Frantz, Howard M. Frantz, Laura Gene Franz, Evelyn L. Franz, Miriam D. Fraser, Mrs. Dorothy Dutcher Fraser, Nina Schwabauer Fraulob, Harold J. Frazer, Robert W.* Frazier, Elizabeth Frazier, Rex Dunbar, II Frederiksen, Frederik* Frederickson, Hansena Freel, Floyd W.* Freeman, Grace Elsie Freeman, Louis C., Jr. Freeman, Mrs. Mary Alice Freeman, Persis* Freeman, Sydney M. Freese, Harry R. Freitag, Willis O.* French, Jack D. French, Mrs. Kathryn Faust French, Marian Dickerson* French, Martha Friant, Mrs. Kenneth Frick, Richard Fricke, Alma Becker Friedley, Marguerite Civey Friend, Esther M. Frigon, Elizabeth L. Frisk, Frank O., Jr. Fritz, Edward B. Froelich, Forrest H. Froelich, Kathryn From, Grace E. Frost, Jack Frownfelter, Mary I. Frownfelter, Vera L. Fruhling, Paul H. Fruholz, Erna* Fruit, Emily Fry, Cynthia A. Fry, Mary Isabel* Frymier, Franklin Fudge, Robert M. Fugett, Helen A. Fujioka, Shunro Fukasawa, George T. Fukasawa, Kiyo Cathalin Fuller, Eva Mae Sargent Fulton, Charlotte E. Fults, George A. Fultz, Dessa McNeill* Funakoshi, Willie M. Funk, Ruth Funnell, Roberts Furman, Moe* Furman, Walter B. Furst, Arthur G Gaalken, J. M. Gaede, Fathryn C.* Gaertner, Lena Terrell* Gage, Lyman J. Gain, Ruth K. Gaines, Alvin van Loan Galbraith, Helen Gale, Beatrice L. Gale, Herbert A. Galeener, Lois Gallagher, James R. Gallaher, Allora Whittington* Gallaudit, Edward Gamble, Dorothy Keeler* Gandy, Virginia Lee Gannon, Flore J.* Garber, Blanche Garber, Opal V. Gardiner, Lucille Weight* Gardner, Jimmie Gardner, Josephine* Gardner, L. Earle Gardner, Margaret H. Garland, Genevieve Evelyn Garmshausen, Natalie Bassett Garnier, Yvonne Sentous* Garratt, Eunice E.* Garrett, Banning M. Garrett, Shirle Garrison, Alice Marie Garrison, Jeannette Cleave Garrott, Ellen Gillespie* Gartz, Irma Gary, Gordon N. Gary, Margaret* Gates, Dorothy Hall Gay, Eleanor Gazzo, Patricia E. Gehan, Betty Gendel, Martin* George, Annabell G. George, Edna George, Florence Gephart, William E., Jr. Gerrish, Bernice Turney Gersdorf, Mildred M. Getchell, Virginia* Gevekoht, Margaret E. Gibbs, Frances Andres* Gibson, Alfred Thomas, Jr.* Gibson, Anna Belle* Gibson, Anne E. Gibson, Dorothy M. Gibson, Drucilla* Gibson, Helen Hansen Gibson, Lester E. Gibson, Mary Allen* Gibson, Samuel W.* Gibson, Thelma* Gibson, Walter G. Giebler, Lois Elizabeth Gieschen, Alice M. Gifford, Kennie Gilbert, Esther H. Gilbert, Irene L. Gilhuly, Marjorie Gill, Alex* Gill, Beth Truman Gill, Gladys M. Gill, Viola G.* Gillen, Helen Bogardus Gillette, Everett H. Gillmor, Katherine Gillmore, Robert Blythe Gilroy, Geraldine Gingery, C. Arden Ginn, Maurice E., Jr. Glass, Okla* Glenn, Harry C. Glenn, Louise Glenn, Lucile |
Glenn, Margaret L. Glenn, William Holt, Jr. Glidden, Neville Glover, Henry Glover, Rubeline M. Goddard, Homer L., Jr.* Goddard, John Leslie Goddard, June Goddard, Lois I. Godfrey, Martha Goen, Alice Gold, J. George Goldberg, James Golden, Kathryn V. Goldring, Charles Goldsmith, Dixon* Goldstone, Richard David Gollatz, G. Virginia Gonzales, James D. Gonzalez, Philip H.* Gonzalez, Rebecca Goodell, Harriett V. Goodman, Florandena Goodstein, Maurice Goodwin, Druzella E.* Goorman, Hersh Goracke, Irene Gordon, Mary Lillian Gordon, W. Stanley Gorelick, Lillie Ray* Gorham, Richard S. Gorman, John Richard Gorsuch, Helen Boyden Gosinger, Fred J. Gosling, Lynn V. Gospe, Maynee M. Gottlieb, Zelda Gottschalk, Irving Gould, Mildred F. Gould, Stanley G. Gould, Stedman* Graaf, Marion Graas, Mrs. George F. Grabe, Mrs. Eleanor Lynch Graber, Arlene W. Graber, Georgiana Grace, Mary Gradwohl, Jeanne F. Grady, Mary C. Graham, David H. Graham, Edward S., Jr. Graham, Mrs. Emma Haughawout* Graham, Grayson B.* Graichen, Fred H. Grancell, Sherman Grant, Burdett M. Grant, Daniel G., Jr. Grant, Dorothy G. Gratrix, Alice E. Gratrix, Lincoln Graves, Hazel Kelling Gray, Bayonne Gray, Eric G.* Gray, Lois C. Gray, Milton E.* Gray, Robert F. Gray, Sally Jean Graybill, Durward Graydon, Ruth Virginia Green, Ruth Mary* Greenberg, Alexander Greenberg, Maurice Greenfield, Mrs. Minnie E. Greenfield, Ruth E. Douglas* Greenlee, Doris B. Greenwood, Mrs. Carol E. Greenwood, Hal M. Greenwood, Ruth Gregg, Callie Gregg, John H.* Gregory, Emalou Thyra Greiner, Mildred Gresley, Vivian Grew, Helen M. Grey, Richard Griffin, Alva Lorraine* Griffin, Helene L. Griffith, Arthur H. Griffith, Edith M. Griffith, Harry E. Griffiths, Robert J. Grigsby, Holeman Grimes, Ben M. Grinnell, Ettinge* Griset, Evelyn Gross, Mrs. Dorothy Grote, Elinor D. Grotke, Mrs. W. John Grouard, Mrs. Mabel Grow, Paul C. Grubb, Barbara Gruber, Frederick G. Grunwald, Betty Guadagnolo, Joe Gudmunsen, Godtfredt B.* Gudmunsen, Viola Guedel, Marian Guion, Jos. S. Guluck, William B. Gunnell, Frank B. Gunther, Lewis* Gurley, Mrs. J. A. Gustafson, Marie A. Guttman, Elsie Gwynn, Helen Root H Haas, Wilson E.* Haberkorn, Harold Robert* Hackstaff, Katherine D.* Haddock, Jerelyn O. Haddon, Lillian Haddox, Philip M. Hadley, John H.* Haensli, Albert W. Haffner, Nellie M. Hagan, Jeannette* Hagen, Rosalie Hager, R. Hagerman, Marjorie June Haggott, E. B.* Hahn, Dorothy Doty Haidy, Joan Haidy, Sheila Haig, Beatrice C.* Haight, Leslie L.* Haines, Allan Hait, Evelyn A. Hale, George O. Hale, Meryl D. Hall, Ada R. Hall, Elisabeth Connolly Hall, Mrs. Florence J. Hall, Lois G. Hall, Nora May Sheppard Hall, William W. Hallberg, June Hallock, Catherine R. Halpin, Mrs. Bertha B.* Halsey, Barbara Halstead, Lee Roy Hamilton, Celeste Hamilton, Dorothy E. Hamilton, Elsie M. Hammond, T. Denton Hammond, Thomas M. Handy, Donald T. Handy, Mrs. Stella P. Hane, Frank H. E. Hankins, Mrs. Martha Mass Hanna, David J., Jr. Hanna, Richard T. Hannah, Shirley H. Hansen, Lester Hansen, Marie Metta Hansen, Victor R. Hanson, Al* Hanson, Charlotte H.* Hanson, Elmer Hanson, Walter N. Hanson, Web* Haralson, Iris M. Haralson, J. B. Haralson, Mrs. J. B. Harcus, Rothel M. Harden, Willard Wright Hardwick, Thelma Hare, Homer J. Harkness, Alice Harkness, Dorothy V. Harley, Pierce Harms, Irene Bonsall* Harper, Grace Edith* Harper, Harry O. Harper, Ruth Ethlyn Harper, Sylvia L. Harpster, Helen Harrell, Clyde Percy, Jr. Harrington, Edith Harrington, Irma E.* Harrington, Merrill E. Harrington, Monte Harris, Mrs. Caroline Harris, Emma K. Harris, Fannie Harris, Fred F.* Harris, Grovena G. Harris, Rev. Herbert V. Harris, Jeanette Rosenfeld Harris, Margaret N. Harris, Maude K. Harris, Philip Harris, Robert C. Harris, Robert Lewis Harris, Ruth Harris, Ruth I. Harrison, Alice Hall* Harrison, Frederick DuBois* Harrison, Helen Plummer Harrison, Howard F. Harrison, Lillian J. Harrison, Marjorie Moore Harrold, Arthur G. Harrop, Hazel P. Hart, C. Praray Hart, Margaret M. Hartley, H. W. Hartman, Gage C.* Hartman, Helen Hawes Hartung, Carol Harvey, Robert A. Harway, Louise Tappan Haslam, Fred M. Hatfield, Ruth C. Hathaway, E. Josephine Haugeberg, Margaret Haugh, Dorothy Haught, Harold* Haupt, Meta M. Hauptmeier, Alfred B. Hauret, Thomas C. Hauser, C. W. Haven, Mary E. Haverfield, Mary Haverland, Della Haverland, Stella Hawkes, Anita V. Hawn, Henrietta M. Hawthorne, Alice Hay, Janet Haydock, Janice Hayes, Harry W.* Hayes, Jack M. Hayes, William C. Haynes, Ardys K. Ingmire* Haynes, Arline Hays, Elizabeth Hayward, Earl B. Hayward, Eulabelle* Hazelton, Lula Haven* Hebb, Frances Winifred Heber, Frances Regina Heberling, Lois Hebert, Mahlon M. Hedric, Helen L.* Heger, Jack Hegstad, Harriet H.* Heil, Frances J. Heim, Edith* Heimberger, Henrietta Heineman, Elizabeth Heinrich, G. C. Heldring, Elisabeth Helene, Mildred Moody* Helgesen, Bernice Heller, Clio C. Heller, Harold Raymond Heller, June E. McMillan Helmcke, Edward C. Helmschrott, Gertrude Helvie, Marjorie Challis Henderson, Edna L. Henderson, J. R., Jr. Hendricks, L. Porter* Hendrickson, Lillian E. Henkel, Irene Hagge Henn, Maurice G.* Henry, Frances C. Henry, Ruth Alma* Henselman, Roddy Henson, Catherine M.* Henson, Ruth F. Henthorn, Marian R. Herbert, Pat Herbrand, Albert M. Herlinger, Karl Herrera, Mauro, Jr. Herrera, Robert B. Herrick, Caroline* Herring, E. Gertrude Herring, Virginia Herrington, Jean S. Herschberger, Mary E. Hertford, Hays Hertz, Henry Hertzog, Kathryn F. Hertzog, Walter, Jr. Hervey, Mrs. Audrey Brown Hess, Herman Hess, Naomi Koster Hester, Grace* Hester, Louise Hester, Ruth* Hetherington, Claude B. Heverly, Myra Heydenreich, Mort H. Heyl, Harold W. Heyn, William A. Hibbard-Krag, Dorothy Hickman, Inez L.* Hickson, Francis Josef Hiebert, Fritz G. Hiebert, Miriam K. Higgins, George E. Higgins, Marjorie D. Higgins, Paul L. Hilditch, Arleen Hill, Harvey W. Hill, Leigh H. Hillebrecht, Margaret Hillmann, Gustav R. Hiltner, Martha E. Hines, Evelyn Hinman, H. L. Hinricks, Julia Hirsch, Leo Hirth, Marjorie Hisatomi, Y. Charles Hixson, Lura F. Hixson, Robert M. Hiller, Mary S. Hinchey, Charles M. Hlavin, Nell M. Hoag, Edward Hoban, Irene P. Hobart, May Hochberg, Fred G., Jr. Hodges, Dorothee Benson Hodges, Lucille Hodgson, Edna Chenault Hodson, Hazel Hodson, M. W.* Hoefler, Helen H. Hoeft, Pearl E. Hoegstedt, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hoelzel, Helene A. Hoffland, Corwin C. Hoffman, Ethel Grace Hoffman, Martha A. Hofmann, Harry Hoffmann, Rolf* Hofstetter, Ruth C. Hogan, Geraldine Minert Holaday, Neva Abshire Holbrook, Isabel Holbrook, Marcia Holden, Irene* Holland, Robert H. Holliday, Carmelita Troconiz* Holliday, Dorothy E. Hollinger, H. W. Hollingsworth, Cecil B.* Hollingsworth, Edith Holloman, Margaret M. Holmes, Charlotte L. Holmes, Genevieve Thursby* Holmes, Helen J. Holmes, Maryland Holmes, Vivian Holmquist, Gordon J. Holt, James H. Holt, John Holt, Lillian Haskell Holter, Norman Holzgrafe, Dorothy A. Honig, Arthur A. Honrath, Margaret M. Hoobyar, Luther G. Hood, Bette Hook, George Walter Hook, Marjorie Cox Hookstratten, James Hoover, Margaret Jane* Hope, Mary M. Hopkins, Ellen H. Hopkins, Inez* Horn, Jack L. Horner, Howard E.* Horner, Virginia E.* Horner, Winifred Clark* Hosinski, Marguerite Hosinski, Theo J. Hosking, Mrs. Alice Scott Hostetter, Harold L. Hotaling, Robert Houghton, Zella Pearl Hart House, R. B. House, Sada Houseman, Ruth L.* Houser, Dorothy B. Houser, Frederick F. Houston, John Houston, Lawrence* Houston, Robert Houts, Gerald Houts, Laurence Howard, Dorothy Osbourne Howard, George A. J., Jr. Howe, Doris Howe, Paul H. Howell, Jane Howell, John M.* Howell, June Howes, Maude Atwood Howser, Margaret Ellen Smith Hoy, Eugene F. Hubbard, Irene Hutchinson Hubbard, J. Esther Hubbard, Wendell P. Huber, Frederick R. Hubert, Cullie Lee Hubert, Melva Fletcher Huddleson, Patricia Hudson, Fred R., Jr. Hudson, K. Ruth Hudson, Nina I. Huff, Carl Huff, Dale E. Huff, Irene E. Huff, Robert H. Huff, V. Virginia Huffaker, F. E., Jr. Hughes, Evelyn E. Hughes, Jane Hughes, John G. Hughes, Loie Anna Hughes, William S. Hulka, Fern* Hummel, Clara H. Hummel, Ruth C. Hunsinger, Robert S.* Hunt, Clark J. E.* Hunt, Elizabeth H. Hunt, Hal Hudson Hunt, Mrs. Jessie H. Thomson Hunt, Nancy Hunt, R. Sheldon Hunter, Eunice* Hunter, Phyllis J. Hunter, R. E. Huntley, Coleman Huntoon, Marjorie Hupp, Betty Hurlbut, John B. Huston, Thelma Hutcheson, Dorothy Hutchinson, Betty Jane Hutchinson, Ina Carter Hutchinson, Paul R. Hutchinson, Mrs. Pearl H. Knott Hyde, Edith I. Hyde, Marion A. Hyland, Jack I Ikuta, Harry S. Ingles, Alberta M. Ingram, Gertrude C. Ingram, Martha P. Iiams, Thomas M. Ingram, Elizabeth Agnes Iredale, Jane M. Irons, Jane Irsfeld, Hermina Mary Irving, Kenneth E.* Irwin, William H. Isaacs, Selena L. Isaacs, Violet Marie Isgrigg, Daphne G. Ives, Rosemary L. Ivins, Elizabeth Jean J Jackman, Leila B. Jackson, Dorothy E. Jackson, John B. Jackson, Mrs. Melicent Virden Jacobs, Charles Jacobson, Dorothy Gerson Jacobson, Geraldine M. Jacobson, Mrs. R. C. Jaffe, Jack H. James, Elizabeth M. James, William E. Jamison, C. R., Jr. Jamison, Martha Hayward Janeves, A. Minnie Janss, Elizabeth* Janssen, Daisy L. Harding Jarnagin, William R. Jasaitis, Zene V. Jason, Helen House Jauregui, Marie Jefferson, James W. Jenkins, Alta B. Jenks, Helen B.* Jennings, Helen H. Jennings, James F.* Jennings, Ruth Jeruchemson, Rachel* Jessee, M. Dorothy Jetton, Helen F. Jewell, Marion N.* Jewell, Stanley Jewell, Ward E. Jewett, Aileen Hayman* Jillson, Margaret* Jillson, Walter H. Johns, Wilbur C. Johnson, Alan W. Johnson, Alice McChesney Johnson, Alwin Johnson, Edith Adel* Johnson, Elmer G. Johnson, Gloria Bert Johnson, Grace Gosling Johnson, Hilda Johnson, Mrs. Ila Stone Johnson, Ivadelle Boggs Johnson, Jay Milton* Johnson, June Janet Johnson, Mabel C. Johnson, Mary H. Johnson, Naomi L. Johnson, Parley M. Johnson, Robert A.* Johnson, Sherman H. Johnson, Theodore A. Johnson, Wilfred Johnson, William G. Johnston, Cecil May Johnston, Mrs. Eda S. Johnston, Gilbert S. Johnston, Gladys* Johnston, Marie Johnston, Theodora* Johnston, Vera Marie Jones, Alden V. Jones, Arthur Alyn* Jones, Barbara Jones, Carol M.* Jones, Carroll R. Jones, Dorothy Klump Jones, Edward R. Jones, Eleanor E.* Jones, Florence E. Jones, Gwendolyn Jones, Harry V. Jones, Inez Jones, Lucile Van Winkle* Jones, Mary Elizabeth Jones, Myldred E. Jones, Richard I. Jones, Samuel L.* Jones, Virginia G. Jordan, Fred Moyer* Jordan, Jerry C.* Joyce, Robert A. Jueneman, Fred R. Jump, Janis Juneman, Helen Ohly* Jurin, Nicholas Just, Dorothy C. Justice, Ross W. K Kadoch, Aneita A.* Kadoch, Helen Kagen, Blanche Kahn, Alexander Kahn, Frances Kaiser, Ruth Kalb, Leslie W.* Kammerlohr, Frances Rothwell Kane, Franelle Kaplan, Joseph Kardell, Jerome Karl, Charles H. Karno, Bernice Kasl, Wesley D. Katerndahl, Vivian Katz, David Katz, Milton Kauth, Robert N. Kayser, Carolyn Kearsley, Suzanne Keating, Mrs. James M. Keefer, George Keeler, Katharine Dukes Keen, Rosalie* Kehlet, M. D. Keighley, Martha A. Kellaway, Ellen Keller, Mrs. Helen B. Kelley, Dorothy Gardett* Kelley, Ila Negley Kelley, Mrs. Lillian Peterson Kelley, Margaret* Kelley, Paul J. Kelley, Victor M.* Kelsey, Elizabeth Kelsey, Lily Mae Kemble, Dorothy Benbow Kennard, Ted Kennedy, Dale C. Kennedy, Helen Kennedy, Mary S. Kenner, Floss M. Kepple, Evelyn F.* Kermode, M. Eileen Kern, Arline Z. Kerr, Elwood Patterson Kerr, Evelyn C. Kersey, Vierling Kesler, Joe Pierce* Ketcik, Josephine Kidwell, Evelyn Kilburn, Robert Killen, Jeanette Killian, Mary K. Kimball, Larry E. Kimball, Mrs. Sidney A. Kimbell, Gladys Kimura, Agnes T. Kinch, Myra Kindel, James H. King, Mrs. Barbara Finley King, Burdine Branfield King, Carl A. King, Donald S. King, Esther F. King, Thoress Kingman, Margaret Hyde Kingsbury, Kathleen Kincaid, R. J. King, Annabel Kinney, Annette Kinsman, Kephas A. Kirchhofer, Dorothy E. Kirk, Virginia Donau* Kirkpatrick, Bettie Kiser, Lewis Thomas Klamt, Frances Klarquist, Florine Klecker, Mrs. Eunice Collette Klecker, John Benedict Klee, Josephine M. Klein, Helen Baylies Klein, Julius Kliewer, Peter S.* Klinefelter, Marion E. Klink, E. C., Jr. Klots, Thelma E. Knapp, Margaret D. Knief, Mrs. Gretchen D. Knight, Georgia L. Knight, Kenneth Knolle, Clarabelle E.* Knopsnyder, Robert Knowles, Josephine K.* Knowlton, Ruth C. Knox, Franklin L. Knox, Louese G. Knox, Ruth L. Knudson, John T.* Knudson, Louise Knudson, Mildred B.* Kobata, James N. Koch, William Kodama, Edith Y.* Koehler, Florence Koell, Onalee Koester, Ina Thach Koffel, Claire Kohlmeier, Bayley Kollar, Anna Kollmer, Muriel G. Komai, Haruyo Komai, Kahn Koster, Elaine M. Kotanan, George E. Kott, Dora T. Kozberg, Edward Lee* Kraft, Merwyn* Kramer, Katherine Kranz, Mrs. Maude Spurlock Krauter, Gertrude Flood Kregness, Pauline J. Krieger, Emanuel Krieger, Milton Kroeger, Marguerite Krotz, Harry Krueger, E. W.* Krueger, Leo W. Krueger, Robert W. Kruell, Alice Marion Kummer, William Edward Kunita, Junzo S. Kunkel, John L. Kunsemiller, C. Frederic Kunstling, Herman J. Kusely, Katherine Kussart, Janice Grace Kyes, Carolyn M. Kyes, Marguerite D.* Kyle, Martha Jane L LaBrucherie, Bert F. LaBrucherie, Mrs. Bert F. Lace, Lillian A. LaCourreye, Frank Lacy, Sara Blair LaFresnaye, Kathryn Helen Laing, Orlie W. Laird, Robert G. Lake, Dorothy Dales Lake, Marian G. Lakey, Judith Marie* Lamb, Bernice Lamb, Lucile Mead Lamb, May Brittain Lambert, Joan Lambrecht, Abigail Gjems Lammersen, Betty Lou* Lammersen, Joseph E.* Lamona, Eunice Lampton, Dorothy E. Lancaster, Ellen Prince Lancaster, William F. Lance, James F. Landon, Clifford A. Lane, Artemus Bates Lane, Deneige M. Lange, Constance Armstrong* Lange, Edna J. Lange, Otto H. Langefort, Aurelie M. Langley, Beatrice M. Langsner, J. H. Langton, Birgit* Langton, Irene Colby Lanzit, Harriet Damon Lappin, Helen L. Lappin, Lucille Laraway, Jane C. Large, Mrs. Mildred Larimer, D. B. Larson, Ralph H. Larter, Rosalie Virginia Lassiter, Lawrence N. Latasa, Marie M. Lauder, Harry W. Laue, Sara Elizabeth LaVallette, Dorothy Keefer Lavelle, Joseph C. Lawler, William L. Lawrence, Barbara Anne* Lawrence, Cecile Schlee* Lawrence, Elmer W.*Lawrence, Mrs. Elsie Tyler* Lawrence, Lois Ann Lawrence, Margaret P. Lawrence, Roland Bennett Lawson, W. E., Jr. Lay, Donald D.* Layne, Mrs. Artye Stose Layne, James G. Leal, Alfonso S. Leary, William Leask, Mrs. Josephine M. Leaver, Marie Gladys* Leavy, J. Miller* Lebow, Bertha R. Leckler, Eleanor M. Lee, Dorothy Lee, Howard G. Lee, John F. Lee, Lucy Powell Lee, Marjorie* Lee, Marvin N. Lee, Richard H. Leedom, Clarence B.* Leeds, Walter R., Jr. Leffler, Laura D. Legg, Oliver M. Leggett, Edith A. Leggewie, Edward C.* LeGore, Pearl Tritt Leibacher, George W. Leibowitz, Carolyn Leidholt, E. B., Jr. Leieritz, Frances L. Leipelt, Jean Larue* LeMar, Ethelyn Lembke, Edgar B. Lemcke, Ted Lemke, Darlene LeMoyne, Phyllis E. Lenz, Marjorie Alice* Leonard, Eleanor C. Leonard, Harriet Eleanor Leonard, Maren Leonard, Thomas W. Leone, Ruth A. Leovy, Thomas M., Jr. Levanas, Leo D.* Leveille, Edna Levin, Bernard Levine, Sidney M. Lewis, Beatrice L. Lewis, Mrs. Claire T. Lewis, Earl E. Lewis, Edward Lewis, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Lewis, Harriette Lewis, Homer S. Leyh, James H. Licht, Louis Licker, Evelyn Liebig, George F., Jr. Lightner, Clifford Lillard, Elizabeth H. Lillie, James S.* Lillig, Margaret H. Lillywhite, Carmen* Lillywhite, Dale B. Lind, Dorothea Lind, Emil J., Jr. Lindelof, George E., Jr. Linder, Don L. Lindley, E. Virginia Lindsay, J. R. Lingo, Janet E. Linick, Leroy M.* Link, Howard R. Linsky, Morris Linsley, Ellen Lippert, Wilbert R. List, B. F. Little, George E. Little, L. Corinne Littleton, Mrs. Ray Lloyd, Elizabeth* Lloyd, James W.* Lloyd, Phyllis Eileen Loar, Wendell S.* Lobe, Charles Lobeer, Tamara Lockwood, Alice M. Lockwood, Charles W. Lockwood, Wallace V. Lockyer, Laura M. Lockyer, Lorraine Lohman, Alleene R. Long, Freeman F. Long, Helen Long, Joseph A. Long, Theresia Rustemeyer Longohardi, Elizabeth B. Longueil, Deborah King Loomis, Marie Speck Lord, Nina Huckaby Lorey, Ruth* Lotz, Dorcas Baerresen Lotz, Eric A. Love, Dick Love, James H. Love, John W. Lowe, Elaine Lowe, Frank H. Lowe, Max S. Lowell, Mary S. Lower, George Lucas, Edith L. Ludlow, Alfred M. Ludlow, Lillian Ludwig, Irma L. Lundgren, Dagmar Marie Lupton, Mrs. Anna McCormick Lurie, Audrey Lydiatt, Anne Lynd, Helen Naomi* Lynes, Gary G. Lynn, Margorie Lynn, Philip E. Lyon, Barbara Lyon, Donald R. Lyon, George D.* M McAdow, Harold F. McAfee, Maud McAllister, V. Ruth McAulay, Hulda McBratney, Katherine F. McBride, Helen F. McBurney, Catherine J. McBurney, Rollin M. McCandless, Elizabeth Belle McCandless, James V. McCann, Mary Alice McCard, Marian Robinson* McCarty, Gladys M. McCawley, Elton McCay, Georgia McClean, Robert McClellan, Graydon E. McClelland, Franklin N. McClure, Minetta Jane McComb, Francis S. McComb, D. N. McCormack, Ida M. McCormack, M. Blanche McCormick, C. Robert McCormick, Mrs. Dorothy* McCormick, Pat A.* McGowan, G. E. McCoy, Archie McCrorey, Mrs. Marjorie McCullough, W. W.* McCully, Barbara McCune, Alfred W. McCune, Frances H. McCurdy, Susan McDermott, Genevieve Ardolf* McDonough, Thomas McDuffie, William A. McElheney, Alice McElheney, John W. McElwrath, G. Thomas McEwen, Jean McFadden, Blanche McFarland, Hazel McFeely, Martha Yvonne* McGahie, Louisa M. McGeagh, Mary M. McGee, Alice Catherine McGee, Dorothy Randolph* McGibbon, Alice G. McGinnis, Dorothy F.* McGinnis, Kenneth J. McGinnis, Marie Fay McGinnis, Mary McGowan, Maxine McGregor, Frances McGregor, Jean C.* McGuinness, Helen R. McHarg, Mary Elizabeth McHuron, Marjorie McIntyre, Annie Louise* McIntyre, Harold P.* McKay, William Davis McKee, Samuel B.* McKellar, Frank M. McKenna, Edith Rees McKenney, Hubert E. McKenzie, Gene McKenzie, Leland E. McKenzie, Margaret W. McKenzie, Wanda McKey, Ted W.* McKinney, Dorothy McKinnie, Mrs. Mary C. Sheldon McLain, Marie L. McLaughlin, Margaret McLaurin, H. Randolph McLean, Maude E. McLeod, Angus McLeod, Margaret McLeod, Toynette McLeod, W. Carl McMahan, Florence L. McMaster, Vivian Thompson McMillan, D. R. McMillan, Reginald J. McMillan, Waldo G. McMullen, Virginia L. McNamara, Don McNamara, Nora M. McNay, Allison J. McNeely, Mabel A. McNeill, T. S.* McPhail, Annie C. B. McPhail, Kemp N. McPherson, Sam McRill, Sylvia McRitchie, Alex* McSwain, Donald McTaggart, C. W. Mabra, Mrs. Grace Harrison Macauley, Sada Mae MacCono, Mary MacDonough, Mildred Irene Macintosh, Mary Otile Mackey, T. L. Mackie, Annette MacLafferty, Ruth Woosley MacLean, Irene MacLean, Margaret* MacMillan, Helen Jean MacMillan, Isabel MacNab, Margaret Scherin Macomber, Raymond T.* MacQueen, Gertrude Pearl* Macurda, Meredith Madden, Kate L. Maddox, Robert Cairns* Madison, Virginia E. Magnusson, Eleanor M. Mahdesian, Roxie Major, Jane Makepeace, Marianna Mallernee, Don S. Mallison, Sylvan Mallonee, Marie C. Maloney, Gertrude Clara* Maltby, Betty Rose Maltsberger, Mrs. Elma T.* Malumphy, Mrs. Rosana Hillmann Mamer, Alice Shank Manahan, Patrice Mandaville, J. Paul Mandl, Josephine H.* Manley, Carroll M. Manley, Edna T. H. Mann, Sydney I.* Mansfield, Frederick Melvin Manthorne, Mrs. Una Henry Manuel, Margaret Manwaring, Elizabeth Manwaring, Tom E. March, James P., Jr. Margeson, Dorothy Markham, Eleanor R. Marks, Janet E.* Marquand, Myron J. Marr, Emily Marr, Ned* Mars, H. L., Jr. Marsh, Hugh Marsh, Lois C. Marsh, Marion E. Marsh, Rose E. Marsh, Williard Marshall, Byrne Marshall, Ina M. Marshall, Lee Grace Johnson Marsing, Henrietta Marston, Inez A. Martin, Francis B. Martin, Helen Lawrence Martin, Janet* Martin, Margaret Martin, Mary Catharine Martin, Ruth Martino, Marion A. Martter, Helen C. Masaad, Pearl Behannesey Mason, Ann B. Mason, Dorothy I. Mason, Gertrude* Mason, Hamilton Mason, Margaret Young* Mason, Mary Lou Mason, S. Theodore* Mason, Van Epps C.* Mason, Wesley R., Jr. Master, William Y. Mateer, Laura Belle Mathews, Rosa A. Mathis, Margaret Mathison, Alice Matson, Dorotha R. Matsumoto, Harry H. Matthews, Wilma E. Maudlin, M. A.* Maurer, Frederick M. Maurer, Theo R.* Mautz, Mary T. Maverick, Lewis A. Maxwell, Don Maxwell, Eleanor M.* Maxwell, John D. Maxwell, Morris J. Maxwell, William A. May, Myra May, Viriginia Liane Mayen, Esperanza Eugenia Mayfield, Arthur B. Mayfield, Barbara Brown Mayo, Jerome J. Mead, Norma* Megowan, Dorothy A.* Megowan, Norbert F. Meith, Bernard C.* Mellon, Eula M. Melone, Warren Bernard Melvin, Charles S. Mendenhall, Esther A. Mercado, Betty Meredith, Erlene Meredith, Grace Swerdfeger Mergy, Dorothy M. Merrifield, Helen Myrtle Messamer, Florence Messenger, Bessie E. Messick, Dorothy Metcalf, Kenneth W. Metropoulos, Constantine Geo. Metz, Edith Vivian Metzger, Grace Hagenow Meyer, Stanley Robert Meyers, Dave Meyers, Irene Jones Micheli, Elvira Mick, Curtis L. Mickley, Horace H.* Mietoff, Lois Mihlfred, Dorothy E. Miller, Beatrice F. Miller, Bernard C.* Miller, Edith D. Miller, Ellis LeRoy* Miller, Mrs. Elmore Keyes* Miller, Frank M. S. Miller, Fred L. Miller, Georgia Miller, Ida J. Miller, J. William* Miller, John K.* Miller, Julia E. Miller, Lily Ann Miller, Lois Miller, Lucy C. Miller, Mabel Montague Miller, Margaret* Miller, Marie Miller, Nathan Miller, Neva Miller, Rex A. Miller, Robert Miller, Ruth E.* Miller, Willis II Miller, Woodie Lee* Millholland, Asthore Berkebile* Milligan, Dorothy Craig Mills, Hilda Llewelyn Mills, Randall V. Millspaugh, Elizabeth Milne, David S. Minder, Bernice Mirick, Florence V. Mitchell, Esther C.* Mitchell, Eunice Mitchell, Herbert L. Mitchell, Louise I. Mitchell, Norman C. Mitchell, Robert C. Mitchem, Paul H.* Mixsell, Mrs. Daisy Kearne Mize, Ruby E. Mizuhara, Mrs. Helen K. Tomio Mock, Zella Charline Moenning, Elise Baxter Moffitt, Virginia Mogensen, Adolpha Hartz Mohler, Lois M. Mohler, Lydia Alice Moir, Helen Moll, Mary Penman* Moll, Ruth E.* Moller, Irene Scott Molony, Clement J.* Monesmith, Burt Clare Montgomery, Al Montgomery, Carol Montgomery, E. Margaret Montgomery, M. J. Montgomery, Vivian C. Monti, Agnes Wickham Moon, Edith Iona Moon, Gerald, Jr. Moon, Victor A.* Mooney, Mary H.* Moore, Alma Young Moore, Elliott D. Moore, Ernest C., Jr. Moore, James H. Moore, Mary Lang Moore, Perry R. Moore, Peyton H., Jr. Moore, R. L. Moore, Wilbur C.* Moosekian, Gladys E.* Moote, Dorothy E. Morcumb, Ellen H. More, Harold D. Morey, larry Morey, Ruth Becker Morgan, Bertha W. Morgan, Betty W. Morgan, Elder R.* Morgan, Frank Dale Morgan, Vena Margaret Morgan, Zetta May Morhar, Sid* Morlan, Claude E.* Morris, Constance O. Morris, Dorothy E. Morris, Everett* Morris, Frances McLean Morris, H. E. Morris, Harry E. Morris, Hazel Dorothy Morris, Mary M. Morris, Mildred T. Morris, Myra E. Morrison, Jack S. Morrison, Raymond K. Morrow, Alleah I. Morrow, Edward J. Morrow, Emogene Morrow, Hale Morrow, Laura Hayes* Morrow, Marjorie Morse, Marjorie R. Morse, Zelma Mae* Morten, Katherine Hoffman Mortensen, Bernhardt* Morthland, Samuel A. Mortimer, Blanche Wilson Mortimer, Henry E. Morton, Elizabeth Mortson, Margaret Mosauer, Bettie Kruell Mosher, Sally Most, Louis Moulin, Stewart J. Mountford, Margaret Mox, Dorothy Marie Mox, Eldred O. Mueller, Mary Elizabeth Mulford, Edmund D. Muller, Leonard F. Muller, Walter C. Mullett, George Mullins, Lois E. Mulville, Mrs. May* Murchison, Bruce Murdock, Hazel Murdoff, Virginia Flint* Murphy, Alice R.* Murphy, Arthur P. Murphy, Elizabeth L.* Murphy, Florence E. Murphy, Gertrude H. Murphy, Helen L. Murphy, Henry C. Murphy, Iva Dell Murphy, Ruth Murray, A. E. Helen Murray, Gilbert B. Murray, Josephine Murray, Margaret Helen Murray, Mrs. Pearl B. Muskat, M. Stanley Mutch, Caroline Mutch, Elspeth Jane Myers, Eugenia J. Myers, M. O. Myers, Ruth B. Mysing, Peter D. N Nakamura, Elizabeth Nakano, Ben* Naseem, Loretta Nash, C. Scudder Nash, Mrs. Dorothy S. Nau, Francis Marion Neary, Gertrude Marie Needham, La Vita M. Neel, Sam C. Neely, L. Merrill Neighbors, Darrell Nelson, Agnes Lee Nelson, Georgia Nelson, Glen A. Nelson, H. Vincent Nelson, Herman C. Nelson, Louise Nelson, Lucille Nelson, Myra Banta* Nelson, Ruth Ann Nelson, Warren J.* Neubauer, Florence Davison* Neuenburg, Mrs. Josephine Nevell, Ella May* Newby, Ellen C. Newell, J. Dean Newman, Bob* Newman, Harry R. Newton, Dorothy Nibley, Marjorie Niblock, George B. Niblock, Robert M. Nichol, Elena Dana Nichols, Edmund, Jr.* Nicholson, Loring* Nicholson, Marie L. Nickerson, Victor |
Nielson, Mary Jane Nigg, Cyril C. Nighswonger, Ernest E. Nightingale, Gertrude M. Nishikawa, Noboru Nobe, Seiichi* Nold, Paul M. Nordli, Phil Nordli, William Northberg, Norma Northup, Sylvia Norton, Howard R. Norton, Ruth Baker* Novelli, Don J. Nugent, Cecile A.* Nugent, Francess M.* O O'Banion, Helen O'Bannon, Geneieve N. Obee, Harriet Obegi, Doris Oberg, Ruth V. Oberkotter, Lillian* O'Brien, Alice O'Brien, J. E. O'Brien, Sarah Louise O'Conor, John O'Dell, Marion Odenthal, Warner Ogden, Alta Swartwout* Ogier, Evelyn L.* O'Grady, Mrs. Margaret Ohama, Alyce A.* O'Hanlon, Hazel L. Ohlsen, Anna June Okura, Kiyoshi Olmstead, Alford P. O'Loan, Archie G. Olsen, Ida V. Olshausen, Ida Selby Olson, Elmer L. Olson, Evelyn Edward Olson, Milo V. Olson, Roger L. Olson, Ruth T. Olson, Wallace O'Malley, Edward A. O'Neal, Harold T. O'Neil, Philip W. O'Neill, Barbara C. Orchard, Mabel L. O'Reilly, P. S.* Orgibet, Jorges* O'Rourke, Evangeline Osborn, Lois E.* Osborn, Twyla Osborne, William L. Osgood, D. Frances* Osherenko, Joe* Osinga, John K. Ostendorf, Fred O. Oswald, Mary Elisabeth* Oswald, William Bailey* Ott, Helen M. Overbeck, Virginia Overfield, James T. P Pack, Victor C. Packard, Dorothy R. Packard, Helen Dunlap* Packwood, Lydia Padelford, Allene Padelford, Anne* Padilla, John C. Pagliuso, John Paine, Miriam Painter, Russell E. Palmateer, Mrs. Marjorie B. Palmer, Ted Pantalone, Angelina* Parazette, Rosemary* Parcell, Zulema L.* Pardee, William K.* Parisi, Attilio* Park, Frank R. Park, Richard W. Parker, Ethel A. Parker, Helen Parker, Jessie Lee* Parker, Leta E. Parker, Zenas D. Parkison, Mary Jane Parmley, Barbara Parmley, Mary L. Parmley, Nellie I. Parrott, Willard H. Parsons, Katherine Pasarow, Averill Pascoe, Thomas J. Pastor, Consuelo Patch, Miriam* Patman, Urban N. Patterson, Paul M. Pattison, Cynthia E. Patton, Harriet Moreland Patton, Phyllis Johnson Patton, William F. Patz, Eugene L. Paul, Betty Lee Paulin, H. David Paulson, Louise P. Paulus, Lydia G. S.* Paxson, Vera Anne Payne, Dolores* Payne, Lawton Payne, William Peabody, Lora Belle Peak, Loran Pearson, Edward F. Pease, Ethel Rosenbaum* Pease, Mrs. Martha P. Peatross, Edwin L.* Peck, Norean Peck, Robert E. Pedersen, B. S. Peerman, Dixie Pelletier, Corinne M. Pelletier, Margaret Wood Pence, V. J. Pendill, Mary Caroline Penney, Robert Edward Pennington, Phyllis* Pepper, Raymond A. Perrine, Julia M. Perry, Mrs. Evelyn G. Perry, Frank R. Person, Ben Peters, Caroline Peters, Clyde A. Peters, Mrs. Louise I. Peters, May Reece Petersen, Florence A.* Petersen, Ivan S. Peterson, Elizabeth R. Peters, Faye H. Perry, George C. Peters, Ruth Petersen, Evelyn Petersen, Robert Peter Peterson, Edward L. Petrie, Dorothea Ellen Pettey, Raymond H. Pettis, Ruth Pettit, Jack O. Pettit, Lalla M. Kerr Pettit, Marian E.* Pfeiffer, Jane Brigham Pfister, Marion Lou Pfuetze, Louise Gibson* Phay, Vivian Phelan, Thomas P. Phelps, Marguerite M. Philips, Catherine A. Phillips, Catherine Phillips, Elizabeth Phillips, Ernest Carlton Phillips, Helen L. Phillips, Irene Dudley* Phillips, Mary Lou Phillips, Mrs. Ruth Addy Phillips, Thalia Woods* Phillips, Verna Bates Phillips, W. Virginia* Philp, Emma Sutten Pickering, Marjorie Pickett, Velma B. Pierce, Clarence C. Pierce, Frank Pierce, Thelma Benton Pierce, Virginia L. Pierpont, Dorothy C. Pierson, Rena Waltz Pierson, Swan C. Pilkenton, Kenneth H. Pilmer, Frank A. Pinckney, Margaret Harding Pinckney, Ruth L. Pinkham, Rachelle Pitcher, Alice Pittack, Mrs. R. W. Pittenger, Ruth Plane, Evelyn Platt, Conrad Platt, David Platt, W. C. Plessen, G. M. Plumer, Everett T. Pluss, Morris D.* Poer, Marybel Poer, Robert L. Pohlman, Alice Elaine* Pointon, Mrs. T. A. Poladian, Isabel Pollock, Alice* Pollok, Jean Pomeroy, May Fox Pond, Jane Elizabeth Pool, Harold A. Pop, Samuel Pope, Harold F. Poppett, Mrs. Carol W. Porter, Jane Porter, Louisa S. Porter, M. Burney Porush, Frieda Potee, Ella Aline Potter, Edwin W. Potter, Marion Lucretia Potter, Peggy* Pound, Kathryn Powell, Mrs. Lucile Meyer* Powell, Mathilde Loeb Pratt, Ethel G. Pratt, Gertrude A. Prescott, Pauline Press, David Preston, Elsie G. Preston, Ruth Price, Anna Angelia Price, Pearl B. Price, Mrs. Ray Prigge, Edward K.* Prince, Dorothy Probst, Ruth Ann* Prouty, H. S. Provaznik, Mary V. Provost, Opal C. Pruett, Callie Pate Pruitt, Amy May* Pryce, Edward L. Puckett, Virginia L. Pulliam, Lawrence S. Purciel, W. J. Purkiss, Helen F.* Puthoff, Sara A. Putnam, Guy W. Q Quackenbush, Dorothy* Quackenbush, Helen D. Quass, Helen E. Queale, Ethelyn Grainger Queen, Glenn W.* Quinby, P. W., Jr. Quinn, L. D. Quinn, Shirley Quirk, Lucy Guild Quist, Irene C. R Raddatz, Jane* Rader, Rowe Rae, James P. Ragan, Eleanor N. Raitzas, Ida Ralph, Edith Bohen Ramey, Arthur G. Ramsey, Verna* Randall, Hal* Randall, Helen Randolph, Dorothy F. Rankin, Mrs. Pearle* Ranney, Olive G. Rasco, Margueritte McFaul* Rasmus, Robert Earle* Rasmussen, Agnete Rasmussen, Mariel Ratcliff, Mrs. Helen Harrison Rathbone, Miriam* Ratliff, Dorothy Ray, David T. Ray, Joseph S. Ray, Lucile Alice Cook Raymond, Audrey Read, W. G., Jr. Reams, Mrs. D. L.* Reavis, W. Elmo* Recht, Alan Rector, Jessie Hardesty Redwine, Lowell Reed, Doris L. Reed, Ellen Fay Reed, J. D., Jr.* Reed, Jack Reed, Mabel Reed, Marian Reed, Mildred Reed, Pearl Reeder, Mrs. Caroline C.* Reeder, David Glenn Reel, Stanley A.* Reel, Wesley Hickman Rees, Mrs. Harriett Lazalere Reese, Margaret Reeves, W. H. Reher, Sven Reibel, Clara L. Reid, Agatha Buttemer Reilly, Letha A. Reilly, Margaret G. Reiring, Raymond A. Remsberg, J. C. Renck, Charles H. Reno, Mabel G. Robinson* Reslock, E. James Reuter, Elsa Reynard, Jane Reynolds, Anna M. Reynolds, Barbara Reynolds, Barbara R.* Reynolds, Catherine Louise Reynolds, Mrs. Ferry Reynolds, Helen Reynolds, Margaret Richardson Reynolds, Mary E. Clement* Reynolds, Pauline F. Rhind, Katharine Withers Rhodes, Myra F. Ricciardi, Nicholas Rice, Harrison H. Rice, Mary Francis Rice, Marian J. Rice, Mary G. Rice, Mrs. Violet Rich, Helen L. Richards, Mrs. Clara R. Richards, Helen S. Richards, Lawrence M. Richards, Paul E.* Richardson, D. Elinor Smith Richardson, Doris M. Richardson, Helen Anne Richardson, Mrs. Lillian Langbein Richardson, Marion E. Riche, Helena Thorpe Richmond, E. Rebecca* Richmond, Marion Burns Ricketts, Opal* Riddle, Mary A. Lynch Ridgway, David W.* Riesch, William E. Rigdon, Warren E.* Riggs, Mary Lee Riley, Hazel Ring, Helen B.* Rivera, Consuelo* Roach, Albert E. Roach, Naomi Elizabeth Robb, Jean Eleanor Robbins, Dorothy Gerow* Robbins, George W.* Roberts, Catharine J. Roberts, Catharine Roberts, J. Howard Roberts, Sarah Elizabeth Robertson, A. Edna Robertson, Beryl M. Robertson, Margaret W. Robertson, Marjorie Robeson, Betty Robeson, Louis W. Robinson, Archie Robert Robinson, E. Lucille Robinson, Ethel M. Robinson, Harry W. Robinson, Marion C. Robinson, Mrs. Marjorie T. Robinson, Morris C.* Robinson, Wilma Dooley Robison, Anna* Robison, Lewis S. Robison, Zella Van Why Rockett, Helen Rodaway, Edith Rodden, Frances-Jane Rodman, Edwin Roethke, William A. C. Rogan, Mary M. Rogers, Bessie E. Rogers, Florence E. Rogers, Gerald H. Rogers, Katherine A. Rogers, Mary Jean Rogers, R. Max* Rohman, Arthur J. Rohrbough, D. D. Rohrer, Dorothy Ayres Rohrer, Kenwood B. Rolle, Norman B.* Romo, Thelma A. Roquet, Melva D. Rork, Ray D. Rosar, William H.* Rose, Betty Rose, Harry Rose, Lou, Jr. Rosen, Sam Rosenberg, Augusta Rosenkranz, Sam Bender* Rosenthal, Grace B. Ross, Evelyn Ross, Felice O.* Ross, Frances W. Ross, Harry F. Ross, Jerry Roth, Betty Jane Roth, Seymour H. Roth, Sydney Rothenberg, M. Aaron Rotstein, Benson Rouse, Bessie G.* Rouse, Dorothy M.* Rouse, Russell E. Rowe, Virginia T. Roy, Rachel C. Rubin, Helen Ruderman, Martin A. Ruderman, Sylvia Rueber, George L., Jr. Ruggles, Robert W. Ruhl, Myrtle Runals, Helen E. Runkle, Magdalen Russel, Dorothy J. Russell, Jack W. Rust, Victor H. Ruth, Edward Rutledge, Mary E.* Ryan, Mrs. Mary Louise S Sacks, Earl Safstrom, Carl W.* Sage, Margaret S.* St. Clair, Helen Louise St. Clair, R. Byron, Jr. St. Pierre, Julia Cronin Saito, John T. Sakamoto, E. O. Sakiyama, Mrs. Yone Tomio Salisbury, Rosalie Samuelson, Donn Sandifur, Gladys E. Sandlin, Carl D.* Sandstrom, Dorothy* Sanford, Dorothy Sanford, Jessie L. Sansom, Clarence C. Sargent, Bertha M. Sargent, Catherine Sarri, Rose A.* Satow, Masao W.* Sawin, Nancy Lee Sawyer, Margery L. Sawyer, Robert E. Sawyer, Thomas Saxton, Lois Serena Scarpitta, Maria Schaap, Eleanor H. Schaefer, George C., Jr. Scharlin, Louis Scheck, Isabella E. Scheifele, Marian Scherer, Babe Schilling, George W., Jr.* Schippert, Mrs. Jean M. Schlegel, Marjorie A.* Schlipp, Mary A. Schloesser, Julia Marie Schmalzries, Wilma Schmenger, Ruth M. Schmidt, Adele Schmidt, Jean Lawhead Schneider, Elliot G. Schneider, Milton I. Schneider, Wilfred Scholl, Evelyne Scholtz, Orville V. Schottmiller, Erma K. Schrepfer, Magdalene L.* Schroeder, Cathren Schroeder, Hans G. Schroeder, Helen Edna Schumann, William R., Jr.* Scott, Alice R.* Scott, Ruth L.* Scully, Ruth Schuttenhelm, Karl Schutz, Mrs. Dorothea Schwab, Herbert Schwartz, Nathan* Schweer, Catherine Schweich, Clarice Merrell Scott, Clarence L. Scott, Dorothy W. Scott, Edna K. Matheson Scott, Edward W. Scott, Marion L. Scott Virginia Scott, Winifred Fike Scouten, Mrs. Helen Mullinix Scrimgeour, Janet L. Sea, Mrs. Marcella Ryser* Scari, Mrs. Lorena Gilman Sears, Anabel M. Sease, Robert E.* Sebring, Doris Seeley, Thomas C. Seery, Betty Jane Segerstrom, Emma Christine Seibel, Marie Seibert, Lorraine Larkins Seidenberg, Mrs. Sophie Helfand Seitz, George B., Jr. Selby, Daisy L. Selby, Mrs. Gloria Chapin Selover, John J. Selover, Mrs. Myrtis Holmes Sempers, Allan Paul Sergel, Jack R. Serns, Floris Server, Gertrude Severance, Dorothy Sexton, Mrs. Alma Gilbert Shadel, Eveline Shadur, Charlotte G. Shane, Maxwell Sharp, Mrs. Valeria Clarke* Sharpe, Lawrence C. Sharpe, Mildred E. Shattuck, Mrs. Georgia Aiman* Shaw, Alice Greenhalgh* Shaw, Alva G. Shaw, Amelia Shaw, Hervey S. Shaw, John C., Jr. Shea, Elizabeth C. Shea, May Elizabeth Sheblak, Vernon Sheehy, Myles J. Sheldon, Audrey B. Shell, Lois A. Shell, Mildred E. Shell, Viomah Shellaby, Robert V. Shenk, Ruth Dallas Shepard, Dorothy E. Shepherd, Allan D. Sherer, Mrs. Lorraine Miller* Sherinyan, Lucy Sherman, Anna Sherman, Frank A. Sherman, Marjorie Sherman, Marvin Sherrill, Mary Lou Shesler, John L. Shields, Barbara E. Shigekawa, George Shipe, Lorine J. Shipman, Elmore E. Shoaff, Jean E. Shoden, June S. Short, C. Richard Shryock, Mrs. Annie Weir Shull, Arma Shutt, Nathan Taft Sickel, Lena Bell Clay Sieck, Lorraine C. Silverman, Louis B. Silvernale, Rex T. Silzer, George C., Jr.* Simmons, Dorothy Simmons, Ruth Simmons, W. M. Simpson, Clyde L.* Simpson, Dorothy L. Simpson, Evangeline Sumner Simpson, Marian A. Simpson, Robert W., Jr.* Simpson, Shirley Simpson, William P. Sims, Charlotte E. Sinclair, Christian Singer, Mort H., Jr.* Sinsobaugh, Helen Ann Skaff, J. B. Skelton, Lucy Skinner, Anetta Wylie Skinner, Edward D.* Skinner, Franklyn E. Sklar, Dorothy Sklar, Pearl Skrabak, Helen Bergloff Skuratowsky, Beatrice Slack, Harry Leyton* Slagel, Ruth James Sleeper, Adelaide Slingsby, Al Slyfield, Gladys Smith Smalley, Calvin Smalley, Elizabeth B. Smalley, Howard Smalley, Stan F. Smart, Austen Smart, Dora B. Smelser, Alice Joy Smiley, Gracie Viola* Smith, Agnes B. Smith, Amy* Smith, Arthur Carl Smith, Barbara Gosline Smith, Beatrice Marian Smith, Charles W. Smith, Dorothy I. Smith, Dorothy J.* Smith, Elaine Smith, Elisabeth Huling Smith, Eula* Smith, Gjertrud Hjorth Smith, Harold W. Smith, Helen Smith, Julian C.* Smith, Kenneth Smith, L. Hartley Smith, Leona E. Smith, Margaret S. Smith, Mary Frances Smith, Mary M. Smith, Maxine Olsen Smith Ora Jane Smith, Paul M.* Smith, Perle Bratton Smith, Pearl J. Smith, R. Roland Smith, Raymond R. Smith, Richard Smith, Ronald Camp* Smith, Roy F.* Smith, Verl Oakly Smither, Gertrude Clough Snider, Gerald D. Snipes, Mrs. E. Fellows Snow, Alace Jones* Snow, Eleanor Snow, Frances Snowden, Floyd C.* Snyder, Dorothy Pauline* Snyder, Edna L. Snyder, Ivan R. Snyder, Madeleine Home Soares, Ida Genevieve Sodoma, Kathryn A.* Solomen, Maurice S. Somers, Andrita G. Sommer, Helen Sommer, Seymour Sommerfield, Albert D. Sommers, William D. Sonntag, Philip A.* Soper, David L. Soper, Fred L. Sorgenfrey, Robert H.* Spackman, Margaret Longley Spaeth, Louis B. Spalding, Helen Spangler, Clarke B. Spangler, Gladiss Doerschlag Spangler, Helen R. Sparks, Hale S. Sparks, Inez Spears, Weldon T.* Spector, Solomon Spellicy, Frederic B. Spellman, Lura Alvina Spence, Elizabeth F. Spence, George L. Spence, Marion Spencer, Elizabeth Spencer, Joseph Earle Spencer, Willie E. Spenetta, Betty L. Spiegel, Sol Spiegelman, Sam S. Spight, Julia B. Spilker, Helen C. Spindel, Harold S.* Sprague, Robert O.* Spring, Audre E. Sprinkle, Eunice C. Sproul, Frank Sproul, Hugo* Sproule, Dorothy Olson Stace, Anna Mae* Stadelman, Richard Stahl, Mrs. Maxine Stahlman, Velma B. Stamey, Matthew B. Stanford, Sam P. Stangeland, Helen Stanley, Albert B. Stanley, Geo. E. Stanley, Jane Stannard, Mayme L. Stansbury, Katheryn Stanton, E. Virginia Starbuck, Robert F. Starr, Mary Catharine Starr, Richard B.* Steadman, La Verna* Stearns, I. Cameron Steeb, Norman Steed, J. Doyle Steelman, Mrs. Esther J. Steen, Margaret* Steepleton, Wyllys Stegeman, William H. Steinau, Justine Steinmetz, Margaret Steinmueller, Wilhelmina Steller, Pauline D.* Stene, George R. Stepan, Julia K. Stephens, Mrs. Bernice Platt Stephens, E. G. Stephens, Elizabeth C. Stephenson, Harry W., Jr. Stephenson, Ruth Stepper, Arthur W. Sternberg, Elizabeth E. Sternberg, Helen W. Sterne, Jean Berggren Stevens, Lillian T. Stevenson, Duane L. Stevenson, Robert W. Stewart, E. Frances Stewart, Edith L. Stewart, Edward P. Stewart, Mrs. Helen L. Stewart, Helyn Stewart, J. T.* Stewart, Mabel Grace Stewart, Malcolm E. Stewart, Olga Steyskal, Julian E.* Stichter, Robert Stickel, Walter L. Stickney, Katherine Fort Stiles, Matiebelle V. Stiling, Paul A.* Stimson, Patricia Stine, Julia N. Stinson, Elva Mae Stites, Howard I. Stites, Marion F. Stockton, J. W. Stoddard, Dale R. Stodel, Andrew M. Stoefen, Howard E.* Stokes, Catherine Mallard Stoll, Miriam Ragan* Stone, Evalena B. Stone, Jewel Stone, Mrs. Ruth J. Stone, Wilson Stonecypher, William Stott, Josephine Estelle Stoudt, Mrs. Ray V. Stoughton, Bert Stout, Mary Ellen Stover, Hazel Kincaid Strain, Marjorie Strain, Roy Q. Strattan, Beatrice M. Straughan, M. E. Strauss, Ruth Jaffa Strayer, Mrs. Vera A. Stribling, Ann Stringfellow, Mary L. Strohm, Walter C. Strong, Mrs. F. Calvert Stuart, John C. Stuart, Margaret Grace Stuber, D. C.* Stull, Vera B. Stump, Harwood Stump, Wayne C. Sturgeon, Lean A. Huth Sudow, Allan Sugar, Florence S. Summer, John Summers, Helen Summers, Omar E. Summers, William T., Jr. Sumner, Ann Sumner, Florence Anne* Sumner, Jeanne E. Sundquist, Velma Suplin, Gertrude Suski, Joe C. Suski, Louise A. Sutcliffe, Janice Sutherland, Elizabeth C. Sutton, E. Stella Sutton, Robert M. Sutton, Ruth L. Svendsen, Jack G. Svenson, Patricia Lawrence* Swallow, Berta Hill Swan, Harmon J.* Swan, John Harold Swan, Margaret Swanson, Irene M. Swanson, John Thomas Swanzey, Eva M. Sweeley, Glenn G.* Sweeney, Laurance H. Swezey, Arhtur W. Sweigle, Velinore Swenson, J. L. Swenson, Sheldon E. Swift, Dick Swigert, William B.* Swinborne, Peggy Swinson, Dorothijane Sylva, Lucille* Sylva, Seville C.* Symmes, Harrison T Taber, William J.* Tafe, H. C. Tagert, Dorothy M. Tagert, Ivan D.* Takeuchi, May Toshiko Talbot, Lois Pearl Tanaka, Togo Tarkington, Ned Tarnutzer, Ruth Tarpley, Katherine Taube, Edward F. Taylor, Bettye Jane Taylor, Dorothy May Taylor, Frances R. Taylor, H. Josephine Taylor, John C. Taylor, Okla Taylor Robert R. Taylor, Travis Teague, Mildred Il Teeter, Almon R. Teeters, Orval V. Teevan, Mary Teitsworth, Margorie* Teitsworth, Mary* Tejeda, Dolores* Tejerian, Edward J. Telfer, Dorothy Weaver Templeton, Mrs. Lynda M. Templin, Laura D. Tener, Louise Theile Tennyson, Mrs. Louise Goodson Teragawa, Fumi O. TeSelle, Mary Thatcher, Frances M. Thayer, H. Payne Theodosiou, Basil Marcus Thomas, Alma Lee Thomas, Mrs. Dorothy Bowles Thomas, Edwin S. Thomas, Evalyn C. Thomas, Frederic D. Thomas, Harriet Ione Thomas, Helen C. Thomas, Joseph D. Thomas, M. Kathryn* Thomas, Madeline Thomas, Margaret E. Thomas, Margaret G.* Thomas, Raymond S. Thomas, Walter S.* Thomason, Jack Thomason, Marie Gooch Thompsen, Elizabeth J. Thompson, Bernice Forster Thompson, Dorothy H. Thompson, Dorothy L.* Thompson, Elsie I. Thompson, Everett Thompson, Ireta Thompson, J. Scott Thompson, Lowell A. Thompson, P. Edward* Thompson, Stella M. Thomson, Mary I. Thornbury, William G. Thorpe, Jan I. Thoroughgood, Mrs. Ramona Block Thrope, Charles H.* Thorson, Marjorie Threlfall, Ira* Threlfall, Ruth C. Thurman, William A. Tidball, Jack P. Tieck, Mrs. Mary W. Tielens, Adele Tilley, Norma Tilson, Hazel Timasheske, Doris S. Tipton, Sterling J. Tisdel, Mildred Titus, Helen Lea Tobin, Ethel E.* Tobin, Mrs. Neva Mae Toland, Thyra T. Tom, Gerald H. Toombs, Harold E.* Torrey, Virginia Shaw Towle, Harold A. Towne, Maude Virginia Townsend, Margorie Belle Tracy, Doris B. Tracy, Kathryn Tracy, Rhoda Trafford, Martha* Trafton, Thelma M.* Trapp, Mildred E. Traughber, Frank L.* Traughber, Mildred Van Dyke* Treanor, Walter Trebaol, Yvonne* Trefethen, Nettie Evelyn Trefry, Bernys Hallinen Tregoning, W. L. Trinkle, Clara P. Tritt, Jessie A. Trosper, Vernette G.* Trott, Fred Trowbridge, Mary E. Trumbower, Marjorie E. Trundy, Lurline Trust, Irwin I.* Trusty, Emily Wetmore Tsheppe, Fred Tucker, Essie L. Tucker, Evelyn M. Tucker, F. Elaine Tucker, Margaret E. Tucker, William H.* Tuckey, Kathryn V. Tucknott, Martha Frances Tully, Ray A. Turk, Fred J. Turnbladh, Will C. Turner, Evelyn A.* Turner, Loraine* Turner, Louis G. Turrill, Curtis F. Tuthill, Arch R. Tuttle, Cecil M.* Tuttle, Margaret E.* Tweedy, Mabel Thomson Twisselman, Lucille Tydings, Reese Tyler, Donald P. Tyler, Roland D. Tyson, Mary Tyson, Richard C. U Ueda, Motoi Ulm, Florence J.* Underwood, Laurence J. Ungar, Ruth Unruh, Lillian E. Upholt, Gerald V. Upp, Lucia L. Upton, Una Burritt Urquhart, Dorothy Ury, Loren L. Ushijima, Henry F. Utt, Marjorie E. V Vail, Nita Mills* Valerio, Marie J. Van Booven, Jane Van Brunt, Barbara Van Brunt, G. H. Van Buskirk, Wayne L. Van Camp, Cornelius Henry Vance, Blanch L. Van Cleave, P. T., Jr. Van Curen, J. Richard Van Horn, Frances C. Van Loon, Belva Hoefer* Van Loon, Dana B. Vanna, Florence E. Van Norman, Claude H., Jr. Van Norman, Margaret Van Norman, Walter Van Praag, Napoleon* Van Winkle, Virgil* Vargas, Roger A. Varney, Burton M. Varney, Frederick M. Vaughn, Vinson* Vekroff, Ray L. Venberg, Victor Vickers, Ashby, Jr.* Vickers, Dorothy G. Vig, Leslie N.* Vignolo, Luisa Viles, Mary B. Vinetz, Benjamin W. Vistenzo, Angela Vodra, Victor H. Vogt, Viola Volman, David H. Von Hagen, Karl O. Von Hagen, Lulu May Lloyd* Von Hagen, Richard R. Von Herzen, C. P. Von Sick, Gladys M. Vosburg, W. R. W Wade, Ruth A. Wadleigh, Mrs. Hazel L. Waechter, Earla Waggoner, Elizabeth* Wagner, Albert A. Wainwright, M. Lillian Wakefield, Leona Walbridge, Mrs. Laura B. Waldron, Mrs. Edward B.* Walker, Jane E. Walker, Mary Lois Walker, Mildred Walker, R. Walter Walker, Winifred Walkowiak, George F. Wall, George R. Wallace, Mrs. Dorothy Wallace, S. Frances* Wallce, Wayne A. Wallis, Marie Pope* Walsh, Dorr Walsh, Margaret Althouse* Walsworth, Lillie Stockwell Walter, Charles F.* Walter, Henrietta M. Walters, Dolores E.* Walters, Donald E.* Walters, John D.* Walton, Roger M. V.* Ward, Elsie M. Ward, Frances Ward, Harry C. Ward, Helen Doris Ward, Margaret M. Ward, Mary K. Ward, Thelma E. Ware, Winifred Maie* Waring, Van Guelder Warner, David Warshauer, Jack Wasson, Myron M.* Wassum, Mrs. H. A. Watanabe, Toshi Tom Waterman, Richard Alan Waters, Elizabeth J. Waters, Ethel M.* Waters, Mignon Oldfield Watkins, Lillian M. Watkins, M. Lucile Gordon Watson, Arthur W.* Watson, Dorothy Garrett Watson, Ruth* Watson, Virginia C. Watters, Lina R. Watters, Watson H. Waugh, Reba Frances* Way, Charles M.* Way, Mildred A.* Weatherholt, Idell S. Weaver, Fernora H. Weaver, Hazel F.* Weaver, Laurine Weaver, R. S., Jr. Webb, Beatrice Weber, Edith M. Weber, Faye Davis* Weber, Mrs. Jane R. Weber, Paul Eugene* Weck, Elise* Wedel, Evelyn Wedemeyer, Archie Weeks, Margaret F.* Weeks, Mary Lou Weigel, Beulah Gertrude* Weigel, William A. Weil, Jerold E. Weimer, Marjory E. Weinstein, Jess* Weinstock, Charles D. Weisel, John L. Weiss, Earl C. Weiss, Florence Weinstein Weiss, Frances Shaw Welch, Isabell Welch, Maria Huelbert* Welcome, Virginia D. Wells, Dorothy Wells, Esther Wells, Gretchen* Wells, Stuart* Wenker, Lawrence V. Werner, Marietta S. Werner, W. Felix Wernette, J. Philip Westcott, Eloise West, H. Donald West, Virginia R. Brandt Westcott, Walter R. Weston, Florence B. Westover, Margaret E. Westphal, George Weyler, Alice Ann Whaley, H. R. Wheatley, Maxiene Wheeler, Bernice H. Wheeler, C. Thomas Wheeler, Kathryn Crawford Wheeler, Major M.* Wheeler, Mary Shepherd Whetstone, Harriett Whipple, Arthur Whipple, Edith M. Whitaker, Jerome A. Whitcomb, Earl A. White, Arthur E. White, Elva I.* White, Genevieve White, Iris M. Nofziger White, Jack White, Mrs. Jack White, L. Margaret White, Marguerite White, Nathan L.* White, Pauline Starr White, Theron Whitlow, Evelyn Whitmore, Evelyn B. Whitney, Elsie E. Whitney, Lewis J., Jr. Whitney, Richard S. Whitson, David E. Whittaker, J. S. Whitten, Chester Whittier, William C. Whitworth, Sibyl Wickersham, Jessie B.* Wickland, Daniel W. Wickman, Anita E. Widman, George Wiese, Irma Wikelund, Philip R. Wikle, Mrs. Lorene Botkin Wilber, Charles F.* Wilcox, Rita Wile, Mrs. Jessie L. Winn* Wiley, Josephine Lane Wilgus, Jack D. Wilhelm, Stella Wilkes, Barbara M. Hilliard Wilkes, Helen Wilkinson, George Willard, Eleanor B. Willeford, Willamae* Willey, Walter O. Williams, B. Richard Williams, C. S., Jr. Williams, Charles David Williams, Eugene W. Williams, George Williams, Gordon E.* Williams, Julia R. Williams, Kenneth H. Williams, Mrs. M. Blanche Ford* Williams, Mary Lou Williams, Nina MacMacken Williams, Olive Beye* Williams, Paul R. Williams, Sylvia Koster Williams, Willora Williamson, Anna Margaret Wiliamson, Edith P. Williamson, William E. Willin, Mrs. Millicent P.* Willis, Elberta M. Willis, John W. Willoughby, Agnes M. Wilmot, Alice E. Wilson, Alberta Wilson, Artimesia Lucine Wilson, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Wilson, Beatrice Wilson, Bernice L. Wilson, Catherine* Wilson, Effie L. Wilson, Elaine Wilson, Frances B. Wilson, Frances Bythewood Wilson, Frances J. Wilson, Harry H., Jr. Wilson, J. L. Wilson, James C. Wilson, Jayne E. Wilson, Laurens Hardy Wilson, Margaret L. Wilson, Mrs. Marguerite C. Wilson, Marie A. Wilson, Mrs. Ninette R. Wilson, Thomas M. Wilt, D. L. Wilt, Willard Henry Wilton, Wilton M.* Wimpfheimer, L. Adele Winans, Mrs. Gilbert S.* Winans, H. G. Winchell, Marion L. Demmon* Winn, Jane A. Winstein, Sam Winter, Artemie A. Winter, William J., Jr. Winters, Gertrude L.* Wise, Charles E. Wiswell, Norman N. Witt, Mrs. Dorothy E.* Witzel, Herman Woellner, F. P. Woerner, Lorraine J. Wolfe, Ada Louise Wood, Alice G. Wood, Cecil Wood, Charlotte C. Wood, Dee Wood, Mrs. Dora A.* Wood, F. Travers, Jr. Wood, Floyd G. Wood, Fred W. Wood, Jacqueline G. Wood, May Elizabeth* Wood, Thomas Woodbury, Dorothy M. Woods, Gordon A. Woodward, Ester Woody, Fred C. Woolley, William C. Worsley, Paul * Worth, Jean D. Worth, Nell Long Worthy, Hampton Wright, Harold* Wright, Henry L. Wright, Minnie N. Campbell Wright, John E. Wright, Katherine H. Wright, W. H. Wright, Winnifred Wurzel, Eugene Wurzel, Lillian* Wyatt, Genevieve M.* Y Yegge, Claire Yellen, Henrietta Yeltman, Mildred A. Yelton, Emilie Yerxa, Gertrude Olive Yerxa, Jeannetta York, Mrs. Francis M. Young, Charles E. Young, Charlotte M. Young, Milo M. Young, Russell J. Yount, Evelyn A.* Yuba, Mary Yule, David W. Yungbluth, Dorothy Z Zacharias, Boyd Zahry, N. John Zaikaner, Beverly R. Zangle, Robert L. Zeh, Phyllis J. Zeller, Frederick L. Zeller, Helen M. Zeller, Lois L. Zerweck, Adele Ziegler, Esther E. Zillgritt, Helen Hand Zitlow, Clara I. Zorotovich, Nick |
President, David F. Folz; Executive Secretary, John E. Canaday; Vice-President, Joseph A. Long; Chairman of the Finance Committee, David Yule.
Councillors: Paul Hutchinson, Joseph Long, Ned Marr, Rex Miller, Florence Blackman, Lucy Guild Quirk, Edna Elizabeth Lloyd, Pat McCormick, Robert Schroeder, Howard S. Noble.
Southern Representatives, U. C. L. A. Alumni* 1925-27 Fred Moyer Jordan 1927-28 Margaret McCone Akers 1928-29 Ned Marr 1929-37 John E. Canaday *In 1924, the office of Southern Representative became that of Executive Secretary |
Presidents, U. C. L. A. Alumni Association* 1925-26 Leslie Cummins 1926-27 Elder Morgan 1927-29 Attilio Parisi 1929-31 Jerold E. Weil 1931-33 Tom Manwarring 1933-34 Frederick Houser 1934-35 Frederick Houser 1935-37 David F. Folz *Prior to 1934, this office was known as Chairman,
Southern Alumni Board. |
Editors, The Southern Alumnus 1926-28 Helen Hansen 1929-30 Waldo E. Edmunds 1930-31 John B. Jackson 1931-32 James W. Lloyd 1932-33 Monte Harrington 1933-34 John E. Canaday 1934-37 John B. Jackson |
Names in
the History of the University of California at Los Angeles
Year |
President |
Vice President |
A.W.S. President |
Welfare Board
Chairman |
1919 to 20 |
John McManus |
Helen Easton |
Vic Evans |
1920 to 21 |
Jerold E. Weil |
Sterling Tipton |
Charles Walter |
Marjorie Scott |
1921 to 22 |
Rex Miller |
Elder Morgan |
Helen Scheck |
Delbert Sarber |
1922 to 23 |
Delbert Sarber |
Walter Westcott |
Ruth Gentle |
Albert Gilbert |
Ruth Phillips |
Frederick Gilstrap |
1923 to 24 |
Leslie Cummins |
Ferne Gardner |
Polly Davis |
Thelma Gibson |
1924 to 25 |
Fred Moyer Jordan |
Thelma Gibson |
Alice Early |
Paul Hutchinson |
1925 to 26 |
Frederick Houser |
Helen Jackson |
Elizabeth Hough |
David Ridgeway |
1926 to 27 |
Ned Marr |
Louise Gibson |
Helen Johnston |
John E. Canaday |
1927 to 28 |
Thomas Cunningham |
Griselda Kuhlman |
Barbara Brinkerhoff |
Kenwood Rohrer |
1928 to 29 |
Kenneth Piper |
Evelyn Woodroof |
Jeane Emerson |
James Stewart |
1929 to 30 |
Robert Keith |
Charlotte McGlynn |
Dorothy Parker |
Erwin Piper |
1930 to 31 |
Earle Swingle |
Sally Sedgwick |
Lucy Guild |
Edward Hathcock |
1931 to 32 |
Dean McHenry |
Elsie Frieburg |
Maxine Olson |
Dorothy Ayres |
1932 to 33 |
Philip Kellogg |
Jean Hodgeman |
Betty Prettyman |
Porter Hendricks |
1933 to 34 |
Porter Hendricks |
Martha Grim |
Emily Marr |
Albert Hatch |
1934 to 35 |
John Burnside |
Margaret Duguid |
Joy Mae Parke |
Jack Eagan |
1935 to 36 |
Tom Lambert |
Jean Benson |
Kathryn Hertzog |
Frank Dooley |
1936 to 37 |
Robert Schroeder |
Gerry Cornelius |
Phyllis Edwards |
Del Hobbs |
Year |
Football |
Basketball |
Track |
Tennis |
Baseball |
1919 to 20 |
Wayne Banning |
Silas Gibbs |
Dale Stoddard |
Robert Edwards |
Wayne Banning |
1920 to 21 |
Burnett Haralson |
Raymond McBurney |
Rex Miller |
Samuel Bender |
Wayne Banning |
1921 to 22 |
Edward Rossell |
Silas Gibbs |
Waldo Enns |
Robert Shuman |
Alford Olmstead |
1922 to 23 |
Burnett Haralson |
Carrol Beeson |
Burnett Haralson |
Carl Busch |
Howard Rossell |
1923 to 24 |
Walter Westcott |
Willard Goertz |
Arthur Jones |
Fred Houser |
Aaron Wagner |
1924 to 25 |
Cecil Hollingsworth |
Wilbur Johns |
Elvin Drake |
Fred Houser |
Grayson Turney |
1925 to 26 |
Earle Gardner |
Horace Bresee |
Robert Richardson |
Roger Vargas |
Al Wagner |
1926 to 27 |
Charles Hastings |
James Armstrong |
John Terry |
Alfred Duff |
Eugene Patz |
1927 to 28 |
Scribner Birlenbach |
Jack Ketchum |
George Keefer |
Rodman Houser |
Paul Fruhling |
1928 to 29 |
Joseph Fleming |
Sam Balter |
Alex Gill |
Robert Laird |
Whitey Graham |
1929 to 30 |
Carl Brown |
Larry Wilds |
John Hill |
Leonard Dworkin |
James Leyh |
1930 to 31 |
Edward Solomon |
Carl Knowles |
Arthur Watson |
Orville Sholtz |
Harry Griffith |
1931 to 32 |
Norman Duncan |
Richard Linthicum |
William Lockett |
Elbert Lewis |
William Brubaker |
1932 to 33 |
Homer Oliver |
Theodore Lemcke |
George Jefferson |
Forrest Froelich |
Ralph Koontz |
1933 to 34 |
Lee Coates |
Don Piper |
James Miller |
Jack Tidball |
Mike Frankovich |
Robert McLean |
1934 to 35 |
Ransome Livesay |
Cordner Gibson |
James LuValle |
Stanley Briggs |
Lowell McGinnis |
1935 to 36 |
Charles McChesney |
Don Ashen |
William Murphy |
Frank Stewart |
Ralph McFadden |
Scott Massey |
1936 to 37 |
George Dickerson |
Robert Young |
Henry Uhl |
Lee Counts |
CAPTAINS OF CREW: 1932-22, Charles Soderstrom; 1933-34, Leroy Swenson; 1934-35, Gordon Bell; 1935-36, Bernhardt Mortenson.
Daily Bruin
Southern Campus
Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
“California of the Southland - A History of the University of California
at Los Angeles,” Pages
86-94. Published by University of California at Los Angeles
Alumni Assn., 1937.
© 2012 Jeanne Sturgis