The Senior Class

Of The

University of California

Extends a Hearty Welcome for

Senior Week

 May Eleventh to Sixteenth



To David Prescott Barrows

who, while President of the University of California, has not ceased to be the student's elder brother, counselor, and guide.

The Class of 1923 dedicates this book, with sincere affection and respect.





Class Officers


President Henry L. Day

Vice President Lorretta Street

Secretary Treasurer Frederick W. Mahl Jr.

Sergeant of Arms Lucious F. Chase

Yell Leader Donald M. Hodges


Permanent Class Officers


President Henry L. Day

Vice President Gertrude Matthew

Secretary Treasurer John F. Connolly





Final University Meeting

Harmon Gymnasium

Friday April 27th at Eleven AM






Baldwin, John G.

Boardman, Katharine

Brock, Lois

Bowen, Clark A.

Day, Henry L.

King, Zoe

Le Hane, Louis F.

McAllister, Breck P.

Matthew, Gertrude

Morrison, Jesse R.

Osborn, Dorothy

Steel, Earl G.

Ward, Beatrice

Monahan, William W.







Friday May Eleventh


7:00 pm

Hotel Fairmont, S. F.

Senior Womens Banquet

Hotel Clairmont


Saturday May Twelfth

8:00 pm

Senior Extravaganza

Greek Theatre


Sunday May Thirteenth

4:00 pm

Baccalaureate Sermon

Greek Theatre


Monday May Fourteenth

9:00 am

Senior Pilgrimage

9:00 pm

Senior Ball

Hotel Oakland

Tuesday May Fifteenth


3:00 pm

Phi Beta Kappa Address

Wheeler Hall


4:00 pm

Presidents Reception

Presidents House


7:00 pm

Hard Times Party

Harmon Gymnasium


Wednesday May Sixteenth


10:00 am


Greek Theatre


1:00 pm

Alumni Luncheon

Faculty Glade




Senior Mens Banquet

Hotel Fairmont, San Francisco

Friday May Eleventh

at Seven P.M.



Steel, Earl G.



President David P. Barrows

Robert G. Sproul

Henry L. Day

Edward W. Enos Jr.

Senior Womens Banquet

Hotel Clairmont

Friday May Eleventh at Seven P.M.



Matthew, Gertrude



Barrows, Mrs. David A.

Stebbins, Dean Lucy W.

Ward, Beatrice

Street, Loretta

Osborn, Dorothy













Music by

Carr, J. T.

Lichtenstein, Henriette

Knowles, S. W.

McKenzie, Gordon

Nelson, Uriel

1923 Extravaganza



Natalie Loewenthal

Lyons, J. J.

Wychoff, M. C. Jr.








General Director

Carlyle, Frederick



Musical Director

Dunn, Rex





The Greek Theatre

Saturday May Twelfth

at 8:00 pm





Bernice Berwin


Ursula Cheshhire


Mercy Meyer

Mrs. VanClubem

Florence Ivanoff


Baldwin McGaw


Walter Plunkett


Lloyd Rollins


Edmond Ciprico

Mr. VanClubem

John Hagoplan

Duke of Blackmont

Edwin Pauley


Edward Crawford


Jesse Carr

Hoop-skirt Girl

Katherine Boardman

Solo Dancers

Eileen Eyre

Mary Walker

Rhea Boynton

Virginia Byrne

Hot n Tot

Susie Mae French

Juna Southwick














Baccalaureate Sermon

Greek Theatre

Sunday May Thirteenth

at Four Pm


The Annual Baccalaureate Sermon

will be delivered by the

Rev. C. S. S. Dutton

of the

First Unitarian Church of San Francisco


Senior Pilgrimage

Monday May Fourteenth

at Nine AM




Senior Women's Hall

Loretta Street

Senior Men's Hall

Earle W. Ulsh

California Field

Harold P. Muller

Dedication of Bridge

Walter S. Rountree

Stephens Hall

Earl G. Steel

Beatrice Ward


Clark A. Bowen

Engineers' Pond

Emerson Dolliver


Gertrude Matthew

Agriculture Hall

Henry D. Greene

Boalt Hall

Harold W. Kennedy

Senior Oak

David P. Barrows, President

Henry L. Day






Senior Ball

Hotel Oakland

Monday May Fourteenth

at Nine PM


Patrons and Patronesses



President Emeritus and Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler

President and Mrs. David P. Barrows

President Elect and Mrs. William W. Campbell

Dean and Mrs. Monroe E. Deutsch

Dean and Mrs. Henry R. Hatfield

Dean and Mrs. Walter M. Hart

Dean and Mrs. William Carey Jones

Dean and Mrs. Armin O. Leuschner

Dean and Mrs. Guy S. Millberry

Dean Lucy Ward Stebbins

Regent and Mrs. Chester H. Rowell

Professor and Mrs. Stanley B. Freeborn

Professor and Mrs. Charles M. Gayley

Professor and Mrs. Joel H. Hildebrand

Professor and Mrs. Alexander M. Kidd

Professor and Mrs. Matthew C. Lynch

Professor and Mrs. Ralph S. Minor

Colonel and Mrs. John T. Nance

Professor and Mrs. Herbert I. Priestley

Professor and Mrs. Charles H. Raymond

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Day




Phi Beta Kappa Address

Room 11 Wheeler Hall

Tuesday May Fifteenth

at Three PM


Samuel F. Holmes

Professor of Zoology

Will speak on the subject Helping Evolution Along


President and Mrs. David Prescott Barrows

will receive the members of the Graduating Class

at their home on Tuesday May the Fifteenth

Nineteen Twenty-Three between the hours of four and six


Commencement Exercises

Greek Theatre

Wednesday May Sixteenth

at Ten AM


Address to the Class

President David P. Barrows


Student Speakers

Milen C. Dempster

Arthur E. Murphy

Beatrice Ward







Earle W. Ulsh, General Chairman

Fenton D. Williamson General Secretary

Walter D. Briggs Vice Chairman

Charlotte Moore Assistant Secretary

Jesse L. Carr

John F. Connolly

Robert B. Coons

Verna Dyer

Harold L. Green

Harold W. Kennedy

Zoe King

Stanley H. Kirkland

Morris B. Lerned

Frederick W. Mahl Jr.

Richard E. Onions

Joseph H. Rose

Walter S. Rountree

Loretta Sweet

Beatrice Ward

Louis J. O'Brien


John F. Connolly Chairman

John H. Threlkeld Vice Chairman

Stanley H. Kirkland Secretary

Paul H. Clampett

Fannie Mae Craycroft

Stephen R. Duhring

Harry A. Dunn

Mary Anne Eames

Paul F. Harper

Catherine McEneany

Ruth McLure

Eloise Selleck

J. Kenneth Sexton

Sherman P. Storer

Phyllis von Tagen

Gloyd M. Wiles

Edward A. Wine

Men's Banquet

Morris B. Lerned Chairman

Earl G. Steel Toastmaster

F. Ortman Shumate Vice Chairman

Clarence R. Burgess

Virgil V. Gilcrease

Harold S. Girvin

Morton H. Gleason

S. Duffield Mitchell

Emerson B. Morgan

Jesse B. Morrison

Charles E. Mowry

George A. Williams

William W. Wilson



Women's Banquet

Zoe King Chairman

Gertrude Matthew Toastmaster

Marion Robinson Secretary

Katharine Boardman

Margaret Chamberlain

Margaret Maxwell

Margherita Sanborn

Helen Schultz

Maile Vicars

Eltrude Wagner




Louis J. O'Brien Chairman

Myrtle Ritch Secretary

Eileen Eyre

Norine Kane

Howard A. Kelley

Virginia Kendall

Breck P. McAllister

Dorothy Osburn

Lloyd L. Rollins







Richard E. Onions, Manager

Herbert L. Berteaux, Assistant Manager

Georgia White, Secretary

Squire W. Knowles, Art Director

Walter C. Plunkett, Art Director


Stage Management

H. Kenneth Forsman, Chairman

Arthur S. Hieronymus

Harold E. Linney

Carl A. Lauenstein

Chris F. Milisich

Leon Z. Zander



Vinrace M. Moir, Chairman

Oswald B. Bass

Harold W. Clark

Earl N. Holm

James B. Pitman

Nelson Rutherford

Robert P. Thompson



Verna Dyer, Chairman

Susie Mae French, Vice-Chairman

Ursula Cheshire

Clarice Clark

Victoria Corwin

Helen Deamer

Azelene Eaton

Helen Ewing

Emilee Greaney

Adelaide Helwig

Erma McMillen

Juna Southwick

Laura Wickham



David K. Barnwell, Chairman

John F. Ching

Donald C. Collins

Henry D. Greene

Rex A. Miller

Edwin H. Morris






Robert B. Coons, Chairman

Leland S. Fisher, Vice-Chairman

John G. Baldwin

Helen Conroy

Helen Hanawalt

Adrian F. Head

Roy W. Hendrick

Sylvia Hirsch

R. Lloyd Thomas

Wayne H. Thornton

Merrill G. White



        Class Record

Charlotte Moore, Chairman

Isabel Avila

Harold C. Bills

Evelyn Denham

Herbert P. Johnson

Jean McDougall

George B. McMahon

Marion Scudder

John H. Snow

Peter M. Whitehead




Joseph H. Rose, Chairman

W. Kendall Cates

Annabel Clark

W. Allan Hargear Jr.

Thomas W. Harris

 Agnes Mackinlay

Philip L. Moore

Josephine Newell

Edward P. Steinhart

Martha Torson



Senior Ball

Harold L. Green, Chairman

Allen G. Norris, Floor Manager




Fred W. Mahl Jr., Chairman

James Batchelder

Ralston W. Bullitt

Melba Burden

R. Rees Davis

Josephine Fink

Irving K. Howeth

Eugene M. LeBaron

Isabel Leithold

Lee T. Lykins

J. Ernest McAvoy

Mercy Meyer

Elizabeth Monroe

Nancy Page

Eleanor Richards

Jack L. Spence

Eleanor Stewart

William M. Stufflebeem






Edward S. Shattuck Jr., Chairman

Eleanor Abrott

Wilma Atkinson

Chester A. Bowes

Delilah Brickell

James C. Dunbar

Robert F. Gardner

Arthur E. Holt

Hamilton R. Howells

Claire Lowe

Lawrence P. McNear

Ruth Phillips

Rachel Riggs

Georgia Towle

Erin Turner

Eric Vincent




Paula A. O'Neil, Chairman

Elizabeth Armstrong

W. Jarvis Barlow

Wallace J. Bates

Vera Bernhard

Frances Clark

Warren R. Crawford

John N. Ewer

Marion Ish

Mary Jane Reilly

Leota Snider

Clark L. Sydenham

Edgar D. Turner Jr.


      Permanent Organization

Harold W. Kennedy, Chairman

Samuel W. Gardiner, Secretary

Eleanor Beck

Marjorie Bloom

Jack C. Butler

Dorothy Catlin

Emerson Dolliver

Harry J. March

Cecil C. Mathews

David W. Phennig

Elizabeth Roberts

Fay G. Taylor

Alice Turner

Sheldon G. Walsh


        Permanent Memorial

Walter S. Rountree, Chairman

Edna Martin, Secretary

Helen Beattie

Eleanor Booth

Lester M. Flewelling

Lucy Grimes

Melvin S. Jacobus

Clarence E. Kincheloe

Anne Marovich

Herman D. Nichols

Louis B. Price





Class Roll



    College of Pharmacy


Albert, Myer Leo

Avery, Ronald Lancaster

Bower, William Vernon

Bosso, Angelo Carl

Brand, John Murray

Briones, Cecil Victor

Brocato, John Joseph

Champion, Marguerite

Chelli, Ercole Vincient Lorenzini

Condon, Francis Augustus

Curley, Clarence Merwin

Darrow, Flora Henrietta

Davis, Alfred Gallaton

Delucchi, Florence Mary

Devan, Henry Lucas

Diddle, Clyde Franklin

Dizon, Simeon Pineda

Donovan, John Bernard

Dong, Eugene Euen

Drude, William

Dundas, William Henry

Elliott, Sister Mary Cleopha

Ennes, Alfred Jacinto

Evey, Paul Randolph

Faverman, Alexander William

Ferrell, Dale

Finnin, Rosemary

Gendelman, Harry

George, Pauline Lois

Grussendorf, Gustave Arnold

Guymon, Leslie Lynn

Haley, Harold Joseph

Hall, Bock Nom

Hall, Fay Millington

Harms, Elimar Herman

Harrington, Francis Anthony

Haskell, Sister Mary Juanita

Heltestad, Kathryn Arleene

Houghton, Helen Lucille

Hurst, Lee Stanford

Jacobs, Joseph Joshua

Jackson, Earle Thomas

Jeans, Roy Norman

Johnson, Girard George

Johnson, Percy William

Kidwell, Constance Marie

Kim, Arthur Sung

Koller, Alfred Reinhold

Laubscher, Carl

Levitin, Manuel

Lomore, Charles Joseph

MacBeth, Roy Earl

Matawaran, Arsenio Mateo

McKeown, Irvin James

Meister, Joseph Eugene

Miller, Robert

Molinari, David Anthony

Montalvan, Raul

Moore, Sonald Stephen

Murray, Ellery Norman

Ng, Victor

Ninatti, Theodore Guido

Oneto, John Francis

Palmtag, Raymond Kermit

Pampel, Harold Kenneth

Paulson, Louis Walter

Piccardo, LaForest Andrew

Poulsen, Evangeline

Reed, Harry

Reyes, Gregorio Paragas

Roche, Edith Marian

Roche, Edward Warren

Rodgers, Merry Jessee

Rojas, Clifford Vance

Ross, Eldridge Claiborne

Rowland, Orion Halkett

Sandhu, Randhir Singh

San Jose, Bartolome Liquigan

Santiago, Eusebio Ramirez

Sartori, Horace Joseph

Schmidt, Oliver spencer

Shea, Edgar Grifith

Shearer, Edwin Stanton

Smith, Henry Eneas

Topley, William Ferdinand

Turow, Ephraim

Valentine, Melvin Leroy

Walsh, Vera Gladys

Werner, Martha Irmgard

Weston, Charles Edward

Whalen, Joseph Patrick

White, Kenneth Benjamin

Williamson, Leslie Orlando

Yee, Raymond Wing

Yoshioka, Tsuneji


    College of Dentistry


Abbott, Clell Eugene

Adler, Osias

Allen, Howard

Anderson, George

Austin, Eric

Bender, Robert Lee

Boyle, Leo

Brandon, Baxter Brown

Browning, Lester Edward

Buckman, Clinton

Cauch, Wilbur Rogers

Chenu, Aaron

Chess, James

Clemons, Raynor Chelsie

Coffield, William Jesse

Corlett, Ralph Walker

Cosgrave, Vincent Lucius

Cosgriff, Richard John

Cunco, Alfred Edward

Dahlman, Homer

Daneri, Andrew James

Doell, Harold William

Dorn, Berniece

Dougherty, Samuel Kimmel

DuPertuis, Charles

Dustin, Murray

Eriksen, Elwood Romer

Eskew, Emory Walter Jr.

Falor, Mae

Farlinger, Clarence Joseph

Fink, Edwin Henry

Fitzgerald, Linus Conrad

Fleming, Willard Corwin

Foster, Herbert Robson

Frost, Donald

Ginocchio, Andrew Bernard

Gliebe, Francis James

Granger, Archibald

Greenberg, Abe

Griffin, Frank

Harris, Edward Earl

Hartwig, Cecil Wilbur

Havens, Alfred Henry

Haw, Charles Cranston

Inukai, Yoshiko

Irons, Wesley

Jensen, Carroll Ernest

Jonck, Arthur Magnus

Jorgensen, Niels Bjorn

Kenney, Daniel Howard

Keyes, Edith

Leider, Solomon

Levin, Philip

Lloyd, Arturo Leonard

Lyman, Theron

Macy, Earl

Manuck, Abe

McGee, George

McKenzie, Malcolm Marion

Mendekson, William

Morin, Hercule Cutler

Nagle, Hilton

Nuttman, Louis Charles

Parkinson, Lawrence Ernest

Pritchard, Fred Leslie Jr.

Purser, Louis

Robinson, Wilson Edmund

Romero, Bertha

Rosenzweig, Joe

Rothenberg, Edward

Saxby, J. Bert Jr.

Schraft, Robert

Seeliger, Robert

Shaffer, Henry John

Sheffer, Will

Shelton, Harold Edgar

Sink, John Reed

Smith, Verne

Stabler, Christian Emanuel

Steadman, Eugene

Teale, Byron Albert

Weinman, John George

Wollitz, Alfred Ernest

Young, Floyd

Young, Ray Allen

Zumwalt, Adlai James


    Medical School (Curriculum for Nurses)


Greeley, Julia

Hansen, Emilie

Hess, Dorothy May

Quick, Ethel Genevieve

Rutherdale, Elizabeth Hazlett


     College of Law


Bahls, Frederich Walter

Bahrs, George Ahrt

Bergerot, Edmond Pierre

Casey, William Kevin

Cavagnaro, James Finley

Corbett, George Austin

Crawford, Hilary Herbert

Edwards, Thomas Robert Jr.

Frankley, Lawrence William

Gallagher, John Paul

Hewitt, Lloyd Elbert

Levy, Robert Leonard

Lines, Harold Joseph

McNear, Barroll

Mickle, Benjamin Christie Jr.

Nichols, Elmer Everett

Parker, Thomas Drayton

Pelton, Ross Dickerman

Philip, Waldemar Bruce

Price, Harold Howard

Radil, Jarolim William

Rapsey, Rudolph Arthur

Scott, Alfonso Aloysius

Sherriffs, Alexander

Spray, Joseph Abram

Whitthorne, Harry Sherman


    College of Agriculture


Abashidze, Nicolai Laventry

Abraham, Leslie

Adams, Albert Clark

Allen, George W. Jr.

Allin, George Donald

Anderson, Melvin Loy

Arnold, John Dennis Jr.

Auerbach, Will Dale

Babin, Norbert Stanford

Bacon, Russell Swett

Barnard, Paul Coolidge

Barrett, Mary Grace

Bellue, Alfred Joseph

Blake, Frank Otis

Blatt, Redvers John

Bowen, Robert Ezra

Brown, Arthur Giddings

Brown, Laurence Lacy

Burchell, Irvin Milton

Burk, Dean Turner

Campbell, Robert

Caudron, Donald Carlton

Chang, Oliver Carrington

Clowes, Roscoe Wheeler

Coke, James Earl

Coke, William Howard

Coleman, Shayler

Collins, Edward Donald

Costa, Paulino Espinelli

Crowell, John Chester

Davis, Alton Leon

Densmore, Ralph Kenneth

Dewey, Arthur Elmer

Douthit, Taylor Lee

Du Russin, Gerhardus Hubertus

Edmonds, Mare Weston

Edwards, Thomas James

Ellis, Gurdin

Foster, Harry Francis

Fox, Frank Alfred

French, Dellavan Emerson

Fukuhara, Jitsuzo

Gerson, Gus Joseph

Gibbs, Alice Chittenden

Gibbs, William Hendrickson

Gilcrease, Virgil Vernon

Gilkey, Winfield Karr

Glendenning, George Nye

Gordon, Rexford Lewis

Graham, Lesley Budd

Grasovsky, Amihud

Greene, Henry Dart

Gregory, Elmo Murry

Harris, Marion Reinoehl

Haviland, Carlton Andrew

Helbach, Merle Raymond

Henny, George Christian

Hillis, Fred Jewett

Hodel, Clifford George

Hunt, Harry A.

Hurd, Robert Elias

Jacobs, Allen Walter

Jeancon, Harold Marion

Jewell, Edward Spencer

Johnson, Melvin William

Kellogg, Frank L.

Kessler, Kenneth Loren

King, Frederick Lincoln Jr.

Lamb, Denver Orren Jr.

La Rue, Ralph G.

Leuschner, Richard Denicke

Luke, Hing Kai

Lukon, James William

McGill, Wayne Jefferson

MacKenzie, Sherwin Clarence

Malmsten, Ralph Arthur

Medina, Augusto Llamas

Meiring, Stetanus Johannes

Merrick, Roy William

Merrill, Grant

Milad, Yousif

Moncure, George V.

Monroe, Fred Degen

Morrow, Emmett Brown

Myers, Robert Page

Park, Gordon Waldo

Pennock, Samuel Ralph

Persson, Carroll Albert

Pierce, Jesse Jennings

Reasoner, Donald Turner

Rossi, Pietro Carlo

Ruby, Phillip

Russell, Foster Douglas

Rutherford, Jesse Monroe

Salis, Melchoir A.

Saul, Willis

Schiller, Carl Milford

Schiller, Elbert Ivan

Schmeltz, Victor Clarence

Service, Elwin Hubert

Sexton, John Kenneth

Sharpless, Leonard Monroe

Shay, Carleton Carlisle

Slater, Francis Clyde

Smith, Reuben William Jr.

Smyth, Edwin Frederick

Stanford, Everett Russell

Stanley, George Elmer

Steinhart, Edward Payson

Sullivan, Helen Frances

Sweet, Richard Ernest

Sylva, Alvin Joseph

Sylvester, Henry Daniel

Taylor, John Meister

Thomas, Byron Henry

Thorstenson, Martin Theodore

Thorwaldson, Ellis Olliver

Tower, Merrill Edward

Townsend, Calvin Kirk

Van Towt, Louis

Walker, Benjamin Franklin

Waltz, Harold Starr

Warne, Joseph Everett

Weaver, Mary Claire

Weber, Arnold Newton

White, Lindsay Thomas William

Williams, Clyde Roscoe

Williams, Fred Delos

Williamson, Paul Stuart

Wilson, Francis Reece

Winston, James Wallace

Wissman, Herman Wendall

Zimmerman, Frederick William Jr.


   College of Chemistry


Ashley, Muriel Francis

Aston, John Geldart

Beekhuis, Herman Albert Jr.

Blount, Arthur Leah

Briggs, Herbert M.

Buckalew, Harry Learn

de Bussieres, Hugo

Callaghan, Bernard Joseph Anthony

Callaghan, Charles Wheeler

Collins, Isabelle Davison

Coombs, Mortimer Wood

Craig, Roderick

Davie, Frank Edwin

Dorn, Paul Anstermell

Ebe, Samuel Ray

Elliott, Laverne Patterson

Eveleth, William Tappan

Giauque, Harrie Alexander

Graves, Francis Gibbons

Gordon, Nickelson Scott

Harrison, Woodford Francis

Henriques, Hilary Joseph

Hoffman, Thelma

Bing-Lee, Wong

Lehnhardt, Emil Henry M.

Low, Mary Pierce Wayman

McCulloch, Robert Esterby

Mitchell, Joseph Victor

Mullins, William Raymond

Oak, Harold Lebbeus

Pentland, Edwin Hayes

Riskin, Nathan Zanvul

Steffens, Charles Dodge

Shiffler, William Harrison

Sullivan, Vernon Roy

Thompson, John Henry

Threlkeld, John Handlin

Von Gruenigen, Ernest

Wade, Wilson Okeley

Wollam, Ora Everett

Wood, George Lawrence Jr.

Yates, Wallace Jerome

Yost, Don M.


    College of Civil Engineering


Black, Seymour Roberts

Buckley, Maurice Alexander

Carr, William Haseltine

Caughell, Robert Curtis

de Boer, Aeint Hermann

De Martini, Walter John

Dolliver, Emerson

Dorland, Elwood Hunt

Elliger, Clarence Oswald

Fisher, Henry Buford

Ford, Malcolm Webster

Foster, Albert Douglas

Frincke, Milton Hotopp

Gleason, George Butler

Holland, Silvanus Miller

Holt, Arthur Earle

Homsy, George Edward Alexander

Howells, Hamilton Richmond

Jennings, Louis James

Jopson, Leslie Carlysle

Kellberg, Frederick William

Kulberg, Oscar N.

Lauenstein, Carl Albert

McGill, Robert Robson

Morse, Howard Copeland

Nethery, George Raymond

O'Connor, Clifford Felix

Reed, George William

Schirmer, Howard August

Shattuck, Edward Stevens Jr.

Shaw, Leslie M.

Shepphird, George Reynolds

Simpson, Eugene Hassett

Sly, Clarence Jefferson

de Souza Soares, Affonso Brochado

Van Ornum, Thurwood

Wentworth, John Edgar

Wheeler, John Reed

Wood, Henry Charles

Wood, Howard Charles 


      College of Commerce


Abrott, Loralie Eleanor

Ahart, Joseph Lee

Ajamian, Zephyr

Akerman, Lewis Sutherland

Akers, Lewis Gilbert

Arbogast, Emerson Chipman

Atwood, Leslie Worth

Austin, Harold Hendrix

Avila, Isabel Bernhard

Balch, Thacher Squire

Barnwell, Dora Roberts

Barth, Herbert

Bass, William Seth

Bassett, Jordan Raymond

Batchelder, Charles Frederick

Battelle, Thornton, Herbert

Beardslee, Harland Franklin

Beck, Eric Robert

Beck, Paul Dillman

Bender, George Lee

Benjamin, Edward Paul

Bercovich, Jack Spencer

Bertrand, Kenneth Paris

Bird, Fred Allison

Birdsall, Elias Mulford

Blomquist, Walter Herbert

Bloomheart, Paul Anthony

Bolger, James A.

Bonner, Richard Lee

Brillhart, Harold Edward

Broderick, Jay Jennings

Brooks, Joseph Homer

Brophy, Stephen Lawrence

Bullitt, Louis Ralston

Campbell, Adalbert Benjamin

Carrier, Helen

Carter, Alice Margaret

Carter, Marion Sarah

 Chase, Alfred Foote

Cherin, Benedict Kahn

Ching, John Frederick

Church, Thomas Bruce

Clay, Arthur Romo

Cleary, Raymond Francis

Coney, Alexander Joseph

Coney, Kaufman Lloyd

Connolly, John Francis

Cook, John Lindsay

Coons, Robert Berrien

Cox, Charles Walter

Craw, Albert Benjamin

Crawford, Doris Jeffery

Crawford, Edward William

Crawford, Warren Beckham

Culey, Roy Trescole

Curtis, Cecile

Davis, Loda Mac

Davis, Robert Rees

Dickson, Holton Carroll

Dodge, Lewis Milton

Donnelly, Bernice Minnie

Doyle, William Burke

Dunlap, Stafford Houston

Ehrer, Marcel Roy

Eichorn, Joseph Karl

Einzig, Ben

Ellis, Sydney Bontelle

Eymann, Harold Henry

Farrell, Helen Gertrude

Fernsten, Oscar Justus

Flewelling, Lester Morgan

Flick, Cyrus Bruce

Ford, Geoffrey Waterlow

Fulton, Miriam

Furby, James Orla

Gardner, Belden Suydam

Gavin, Ruth Elizabeth

Giffen, Mildred

Gontzov, Nicolas Michael

Grant, Francis Zeryl

Grasmoen, Arnold J.

Gray, John DeWitt

Hagland, Roger Walter

Hamilton, James Francis

Harbers, LeLand Gerard

Harding, Gustav Thayer

Harris, Clive

Harrison, Alfred Benjamin

Hartdegen, Cora Agnes

Hawkins, Louis Kennedy

Hayeff, Valentine Vasilievitch

Hays, John Hamilton

Head, Adrian Frederick

Heggie, Dorothy Mulford

Heltne, Alexander Irving

Henderson, James Everett

Henry, Gerrit van Sweringen

Hershey, Phillip Adolph

Hettrich, John Fayette

Hill, Mabel Eva

Hinsdale, Oscar Howard

Hoenshell, Rosse Cooper

Hoerger, Maurice Franklin

Holbrook, Blanche

Holmes, William Jacob

Hopkins, Herbert Huber

Hopkins, Olin Edgar

Housner, Milton Storer

Hovsepian, Anne

Hughes, Emery Clifton

Huxley, Albert Tuttle

Hyman, Milton Morris

Jackson, Herbert Edward

Jacobus, Melvin St. Clair

Johnson, Archie Joseph

Johnson, Marvin Emil

Johnson, Stanley Charles

Johnston, Archibald Hope

Keenan, John Redmond

Keffer, George McClelland

Kelley, W. Bradford

Kessler, William Hoag

King, Robert Edwin

Kirkland, Stanley Hillhouse

Koulaieff, Constantine John

Kraemer, Lawrence Prudence

Ladarre, Delphin Eugene

Lamoree, Robert Anderson

Leary, Frances Kathryn

LeHane, Louis Frederick

Levin, Natalie Doris

Levy, Jesse M. Jr.

Lindeberg, Niels David

Listle, John Ingersoll

Locke, James Eagle

Lord, Frank Lewis

Luckensmeyer, Grant William

Ludewig, Otto

Lykins, Lee Talbot

Lynn, Ragle William

McKee, Mildred Aileen

MacMahon, George Beaumont

Manzer, Sibyl Judith

Marks, Marion Harris

Martin, Katherine Eleanor

Mays, George A.

Meddaugh, Oscar Edson Jr.

Meyer, Andrew Zobel

Miller, James Leland

Morgan, Elder Rand

Morris, Lucie

Morse, Allan Arthur

Moulin, Evelyn Lenore

Nave, John Tipton

Neff, Francis William

Noble, Emily Elizabeth

North, Francis Leonard

Olson, Mabel Ann

Olsson, Rueben Theodore

Oliver, Byron King

Owen, Allison Donham

Owens, Peter William

Parker, Reginald Edward

Patterson, Myrl LeRoi

Pauley, Edwin Wendell

Pence, Fletcher Hancock

Petterson, Harold Dewey

Philleo, Milton Harold

Prescott, Thomas William

Prosser, Malcolm Schofield

Reynolds, Blanchard Webb

Roche, Edith A. E.

Rollins, Helen Julia

Roper, Ruth

Schwarck, Jesse Henry

Seawell, John Frederick

Serviss, George Edward

Shepherd, Glenn Allen

Sheu, Willis Leland

Shields, Adolph James

Sims, James Garland

Sloss, John William

Smallwood, Robert Guenther

Smith, Charles William

Stearns, William Cooley

Steinnort, Carl Russell

Stephens, Homer Dow

Stephenson, John Towle

Stevenson, John Lyons

Stone, Robert Malcolm

Storer, Sherman Prentiss

Stufflebeem, William Melvin

Sutton, John Grant Jr.

Tagunov, Leonidas J.

Taylor, Ben Bradley

Thomas, Alvin Robert

Thomas, Brown Alton

Thompson, Donald Scougall

Thompson, Fulton G.

Thompson, Louise Alone

Thompson, William Harry Jr.

Treyer, Theodore John

Tuttle, Frank William

Ulsh, Earle William

Vernon, Earl V.

Watson, Lillis

Whaley, Percy A.

White, Merrill Goethe

Whittle, William Austin

Williams, George Addison

Wine, Edward Alden

Wolf, Fred Orville

Young, Bedford Jerome

Zander, Leon Zander


     College of Mechanics


Alexander, William Walter

Beard, Rudolph Walter

Bentley, Clyde Edward

Berry, Harvey Rosebrugh

Bills, Harold Cassidy

Brearty, Charles Ross

Brookes, Kenneson Hovey

Brundige, Lamonte Judson

Bulgakoff, Nicolai Peter

Burleson, Ambrose Lee

Byrne, Hugh Paul

Campbell, Colin Clyde

Carey, Frances Kenyon

Carpenter, Eugene Perry

Cates, William Kendall

Clark, Harold Wesley

Davie, Robert Parsell Jr.

Davies, James Milton

Delius, Herbert August

Doolittle, Herbert Elliott

Edmondson, Harold Alfred

Emlen, Andrew Arnberg

Fahrner, Homer

Fey, Howard Miller

Fong, Wah Bing

Gerling, Arthur

Gill, Thomas Tapscott

Gilmartin, William Houston

Hadley, Paul Thomas

Harding, John Paul

Harper, Paul Frederick

Hazen, John Wesley

Hicks, William Owens

Holm, Earl Nelson

Isham, Carlton Griffith

Jenkins, Thomas Pearce

Jessup, Frank Arthur

Keith, John Henry

Kelsey, Keith

King, Harold William

Lampton, Glen Trice

Laughlin, James Dallas

McGinty, Walter Francis

Mariscal, Joseph Francis

Moir, Vinrace Macrae

Mowry, Charles Edward

Murphy, Delacour Ignatius

Naylor, Nathan Allen

Oleson, Norman Robert

Osborn, Lawrence McDonald

Owenhouse, Manuel James

Pon, Samuel Kim

Prosser, Henry Julian

Riggs, Raymond Allen

Rutherford, Nelson

Savage, Philip L.

Shinoda, Kiyoshi

Smith, Deane Kingsley

Sorrenti, Sandy Stephen

Steltzner, J. Albert Gunther

Stokes, Owen William

Swindell, Leslie Earl

Thompson, Robert Paul

Toomey, Irving Francis

Van Stan, Robert Wilder

Weisel, Zenas Vergil

Westcott, Stanley Bey

White, Ernest

Wollam, Gerald Zenus

Younger, John Elliott

Youngstrom, Charles Harrell


      College of Mining


Balling, William Marshall

Berteaux, Herbert LeCain

Bramming, Vic Ellery

Campbell, Arthur Benton

Cerini, William Ferdinand

Cuffe, Frank Conway

Day, Henry Lawrence

Dean, Calvin James

DeMaris, Elmer Lee

Ellis, Leslie Elwood

Fagin, Verne Archer

Gardiner, Chester Merle

Given, Paul Arthur

Goldman, Frank

Hieronymus, Arthur Shirmer

Hillman, Arthur Clarence

Hoffman, Edgar Rudolph

Howeth, Irving Keller

Hurndall, John Percy

Johnston, Wilfred Harvey

Krebs, Kellogg Racine

Lee, Harvey Willmonton

Lewis, Charles Hyde

Linney, Harold Edward

Longyear, Philip Owen

McIntyre, George Leroy

Metz, John

Milisch, Chris Frank

Morel, Lawrence Fay

Nickerson, Chauncey Maynard

Ospina, Tulio

Robinson, Elbert Fisher

Rogers, Lewis Redford

Rooney, Elton Dunn

Ruyle, Ralph Richmond

Sievert, Guilio Ellsworth

Soo-Hoo, Lincoln

Stead, George DeWitt

Stewart, Robert John Glenn

Stickney, Laverne Wood

Taylor, DeWitt Eugene

Tinkham, John Howard

Trenchard, John

Vance, Harold James

Vitkovsky, George Nicholas

Wallace, Wilbur Morton

Weatherston, Douglas

Wilcox, Everett

Wiles, Gloyd Marlin

Wright, Fay Linton


       College of Letters and Science


Acres, Den Marlow

Adams, Dorothy Frances Lloyd

Adams, Egbert Harrison

Adams, Ruth Alma

Adler, Samuel Sigmond

Adolphson, Ada Pearl

Adriance, George Newton

Agnew, Alberta Arnold

Aihara, Kakichi

Aitchison, Evelyn Allen

Akers, Clyde Erskine

Albert, Dorotha

Alderman, Lotus

Alexis, Sister Mary

Algeo, Joseph Wesley

Allen, Ernest William

Allen, Marion Angell

Allen, Parker Frederic

Alling, Edward Harvey Jr.

Allman, William Jacob

Allraum, Mary Juana

Ambrose, Genevieve Shober

Amiera, Manuel Martin

Ampuller, Conrade Tirador

Anderson, Agnes Bergithe

Anderson, Helen Emily

Anderson, Mary

Anderson, Themis Margarett

Andrade, Grace Marcia

Andrews, Gladys Marie

Anthony, Florence Emily

Appleford, William Luton

Appling, Nadine Rose

Archer, Kate Worthington

Archibald, Leona Alberta

Armstrong, Earl Fabian

Armstrong, Elizabeth Potter

Arne, Gertrude Elizabeth

Aronson, Moses Judah

Asher, Alvin Melville

Atchison, Christal Lorene

Atkinson, Ralph Wesley

Auberlin, Helen Lorraine

Augustine, Lydia Antoinette

Averill, Norman William

Avery, Ewing Bertrand

Avery, Margaret Eleanor

Ayer, Milo Clarence Jr.

Bacon, Thomas Edward Jr.

Bailey, Helen Irene

Bailey, Larkin

Bailey, Miriam Jewell

Bailie, Victoria Worley

Baird, Dorothy Barton

Baird, Morgan Corwin

Baker, Dorothy Victoria

Baker, Thelma

Baldwin, John Glascock

Ball, Blanche Bethel

Banning, Wayne Bernard

Barker, Genevieve Cameron

Barlow, Walter Jarvis

Barnes, Willhelmina Belle

Barnwell, David Kitzmiller

Barr, Mary Evelyn

Barrigar, Maude Ellis

Barry, Edwina Constance

Barter, John Lewis

Bartlett, George Parker

Barton, Beatrice Alice

Bassett, Lila Evelyn

Batchelder, Alice Adeline

Bates, Wallace Jantzen

Baumhoff, Blanche Viola

Beach, Dorothy Yeoman

Beach, Walter Elizur

Beall, Mildred Louise

Beardslee, Harland Franklin

Beattie, Helen Gertrude

Beaumont, Helen Louise

Beck, Eleanor Winters

Beckett, John Adrian

Beecher, Marian Alice

Beery, Helen Marie

Belcher, Katherine Dell

Belgum, Ida

Belknap, Frances Adelia

Bell, Ethel Claire

Bell, William Morris

Benda, Jeanne Morrison

Bender, Samuel Elmore

Bennett, Edith Mae

Bennett, Mildred

Benson, Jesse Guy

Bent, Ensley Miles

Benton, Grace Kidd

Bercovich, Velma

Bergman, Myrtle Florence

Berkey, Robert Adair

Berlin, Lucile M.

Bernhard, John Lincoln

Bernstein, Abraham

Berwin, Bernice Helen

Bestanding, Walter Milton

Betzner, Ruth Alice

Bevier, Alden Edwin

Bevier, Margaret Giddings

Bigelow, Natalie

Bingham, Jenness Heaton

Binkley, Ralph Putnam

Bill, Theodore Raoul

Biro, Sydney Seymour

Bishop, Clifford Otto

Bishop, Velma Estelle

Bitner, Florence Eloise

Black, Olney Strang

Black, Ruth Adeline

Black, William Alfred

Blackburn, Thornton Godfrey

Blanchard, Norman Kirk

Bliss, Irving Harcourt

Block, Louis Meyer

Blohm, Henry F. Jr.

Blondell, Aileen Marie

Bloom, Marjorie Louise

Boardman, Katherine Hanford

Boden, Penelope Allen

Boehne, Frederick Irving Jr.

Bohnet, Howard Frederick

Boland, Honor Jane

Booker, Virginia de Lorimer

Booth, Eleanor Otis

Bothe, Clarita Talitha

Botsford, Carol Harriette

Boughton, Bernice Annie

Bowen, Clark Augustus

Bowen, Frances Kyle

Bowen, Lot

Bower, Catherine-Bell Jeanette

Bower, Ruth Elizabeth

Bowers, Marjorie Floy

Bowes, Chester Adrian

Bowman, Ethel Mae

Boynton, May Seilgwynn

Boynton, Rhea Rey

Braasch, Haidee Magdalene

Bradley, Clare Lee

Bradway, Eva Mae

Brady, Armand Augustus

Brady, Mary Loretto

Brand, Genevieve Luella

Brand, Hervey Yale

Brandt, Nellie Marie

Breed, Florence Caroline

Bresson, Louise Constance

Briggs, Walter DeBlois

Bright, Beatrice Virginia

Brinkmeyer, Caroline Emily

Brittingham, Albert

Brizzolara, Viola Margaret

Broady, Helen Grace

Brock, Lois Holmes

Broecker, Ericka Johanna

Brosc, Eugene Olin

Brown, Dorothy Elizabeth

Brown, Ermina Winifred

Brown, Helen Palmer

Brown, Janet Edith

Brown, Lennox

Brown, Leoline

Brown, Margaret Sutherland

Brown, Myrtle Emily

Brown, Perry Oakleigh

Brown, Thomas

Brown, Verne Calvin

Brown, Virginia Mae

Brown, Volney Vernon

Browne, Ruth Gentry

Brownscombe, Thomas Mills

Bruckman, Robert Leslie

Bruner, Allison Watkins

Brutton, Anna Mary

Bryan, Helen Hope

Bryant, Alice

Bryant, Hubert William

Buchanan, Norine

Buck, Eva Rosina

Bull, Alpheus

Bullen, Merrie Agnes

Bullock, Winifred Owen

Bulmer, Marion Ray

Burden, Melba Claire

Burke, Charles Austin Jr.

Burland, Frank Steuben

Burnett, Raymond Seton

Burns, Charlotte Story Devereaux

Burston, Selina

Burton, Zita Rosenquest

Burrell, Gates Underwood

Busse, Frank Louis

Butler, Jack California

Byrne, Gertrude Mabel

Byrne, Mary Virginia

Caceres, Lucy Castro

Callaway, Fred Dolores

Calkins, Philip Randall

Cameron, Roy Ernst

Camou, Melanie Marie

Campbell, Earl Cleveland

Campbell, Leo Joseph

Campbell, Victoria May

Cannon, Milner Vernnerstrom

Carballo, Ernesto Jalandoni

Carey, Lester C.

Carlin, Marie Margaret

Carlson, Arthur William

Carlson, Florence Elfreda

Carlson, Sutton William

Carmody, Ruth

Carpenter, Lenora Emily

Carrick, Irene

Carroll, Margery Grace

Carroll, William Adrian

Cartan, Henry Jr.

Carter, Albert Bradley Jr.

Carter, Frank Bolingbroke

Chamberlain, Margaret Jane

Chambers, Eleanor Kathleen

Chance, Mary Elizabeth

Chandra, Mahesh

Chang, Ora Ivy

Chapin, Ione

Chapius, Emilie Avy

Chase, Irene Wilma

Chase, Lucius Foster

Cheever, Marguerite Vivian

Cheney, Margaret Marksbury

Chenowith, Clyde Garfield

Cherry, Mildred Aleen

Chiljian, Vahram Alex

Chinn, Alexander Balfour

Chong, Mon Hon

Christian, Grace Lena

Christensen, Edith Blanche

Christie, Amelia Grace

Church, Ralph Withington

Church, Thomas Dolliver

Ciprico, Edmond Samuel Jr.

Clark, Alfred Henderson

Clark, Clarice Lilian

Clark, Dorothy May

Clark, Deborah Annie

Clark, Florence Lillian

Clark, Frances Gray

Clark, Herbert H. Jr.

Clark, John Baptist

Clark, Lois Miriam

Clark, Webster Vernon

Cleese, Esther Evelyn

Clemans, William Joseph

Clements, Forrest Edwards

Close, Benjamin

Close, Mary Stehley

Cobb, Helene Louise

Cobbey, Anna Louisa

Cochrane, Edward Winslow

Cochrane, Gwendolyn Stanley

Colby, Elden LeConte

Colledge, Ethel Elder

Collins, Donald Clark

Collins, Katherine Rose

Compton, Beatrice Hope

Compton, Ralph Theodore

Comte, Helene La Faille

Congdon, Fay Elaine

Conkling, Marceille Cottle

Conley, Beatrice Blanche

Conlon, Anna Claire

Connelly, Ava Clements

Connolly, Robert Emmett

Connor, Helen Rose

Conover, Virginia

Conrad, David Andrew

Conrad, Earl Thompson

Conroy, Helen Estelle

Cook, Ina Agnes

Cook, Violet Kirkwood

Cooke, Dorothy Soden

Cooley, Charles Jones

Cooper, Dorothy Marsh

Cooper, Marcella Louise

Coplin, Ethel Ava

Corley, Harold Pilger

Corneliussen, Irene Grace

Corneliussen, Ruth C.

Corwin, Victoria Elizabeth

Costar, William James Jr.

Cothran, Frances Christine

Coughlin, Martin James

Covert, Helen Alice

Covington, Azalia Onita

Crafts, John Gardner

Craig, Gladys Filmer

Craig, Lucille Marie

Cralle, Robert Elza

Crane, Dorothy Elizabeth

Crane, Erma Nell

Crane, Lona Olive

Cranmer, Leonidas Duncan

Cravens, Louise

Craycroft, Fannie Mae

Creech, Ruth Nicholson

Creed, Thomas

Crigler, Mary Alice

Cromwell, Lucia

Cronin, Joseph Michael

Crosby, Sarah Baxter

Crouch, Joseph Wesley

Crozer, Ruth Elizabeth

Crutcher, John Page

Culbertson, Amy Esther

Cuneo, Eva Rose

Cunningham, Geraldine Harriette

Currier, Marjorie Iva

Daberer, Elsie Anne

Dadmun, Dorothy

Daly, John Varian

Dalton, Dennis

Dalton, Evelyn Ruth

Dalton, John Edward

Davenport, Donald Weston

Davey, Alfred Dewey

Davidson, Harland Wayland

Davidson, Thomas Nelson

Davie, Stanley Frank

Davis, Evelyn Fay

Davis, George Erwin

Davis, Kenneth Ashton

Davis, Mary Margaret

Davis, Reva Minnie

Davis, Ruth Evelina

Davis, Virginia Leah

Dawson, Eugene Paul

Day, Bessie McNamara

Dayhuff, Walter Clair

Deamer, Helen Catherine

Deamer, William Callahan

Dean, Carolyn

DeBell, Virginia

DeBrell, Maude Allen

Decker, Iris Luzelle

deCou, Sarah Ellis

Deeney, Genevieve

DeLong, Evelyn

DeMarais, Lurline Victoria

deLorimer, Alfred Alexander

deLorimer, Marguerite Louise

Demarest, Adrienne

Dempster, Barbara

Dempster, Milen Cotrel

Denham, Evelyn Marshall

Denton, Richard Elbert

Dewdney, Ross

Deuel, Phillip DeVere

Devney, May Kathryn

Dickerson, Loretta Nioma

Dickieson, Marjorie Helen

Dickson, Catharine DeWolf

Dickson, Joseph

Diepenbrock, Alex James

Dilworth, Louise

Dilworth, Lucille

Dinkelspiel, John Walton

Diment, Constance Shirley

Doak, Sylvia Coffing

Dodds, Charles Henry

Dogan, Kenneth D.

Don, Hoy C.

Donovan, Frances Genevieve

Dooling, Mary Eleanor

Doolittle, James

Doremus, Lena Alice

Dorr, Charles Marble

Dorris, Rachel C.

Dorsey, Mabel L.

Dougherty, Paul Sarsfield

Downey, Cecilia Catherine

Doyle, Dorothy Grace

Drake, James Wilcox

Drees, Lawler Adolph

Drew, Alice Lucille

Duhring, Stephen Hyland

Duggan, Catharine Madeleine

Dunbar, James Carolu

Duniway, Kate S.

Dunn, Harry Adam

Dunphy, Harriet Helen

Dupont, Kedma

Durgin, Laurence Ira

Durst, Doris

Duryea, Wanda Loana

Dyar, Catherine Ross

Dyer, Verna Irene

Dyke, Dorothy Jeannette

Dykmans, Wilhelmina Adriana

Eames, Mary Anne Abbe

Eaton, Azalene Ward

Edgar, Paul Wesley

Edmunds, Ethel

Edwards, James Wallace

Edwards, Lorene Emma

Edwards, Lucine Victor

Eggleston, Arthur Dupuy

Ehlers, Richard Henry

Elftman, Archibald Robert

Elliott, Albert Howell

Ellsworth, Frances Catherine

Ellsworth, Rodney Sydes

Elsbach, Robert Herman

Emerson, Meyer Gerard

Engel, Cora Mable

Engs, Edward Webb Jr.

Epstein, Miriam Mildred

Erb, Charles Freeman

Erickson, Erland Otto

Ericsson, Olga Charlotta

Erwine, Florence Belle

Errington, Clela Margaret

Escobar, Dolores

Esterly, Virginia Judy

Euler, Grace

Evans, Lella Margaret

Everett, Mildred Dolores

Ewer, John Norton

Ewing, Eloise Myrtle

Ewing, Helen M.

Eyre, Eileen Gray

Falkenstein, Stanley Milton

Fee, Charles Joseph

Fee, Doris

Fenner, Isabel Sara

Ferguson, Helen Frances

Ferri, Jack

Field, Clara Anne

Filler, Elizabeth Gertrude

Finney, Charles Edward

Fishburn, Jeanette

Fisher, Leland Stanford

Fitch,  Constance Mae

Fitzgibbon, Edith

Flanders, Stanley Ellsworth

Fletcher, Charles Dannenbaum

Foges, Lucie Margaret

Fong, Wong Yu

Forsman, Hugh Kenneth

Foster, Bertha Knox

Foster, Charles Royal

Foster, Dorothy Ellen

Foster, Marie Myrtle

Foster, Reginald E.

Fourcade, Eileen Susie Alice

Fourt, Walter Junius

Frahm, Dorothea Wilhelmina

Francis, George

Franciscovich, Elizabeth Catherine

Frederick, Carroll May

Fredrickson, Margaret Esther

Free, Frederick Herman Jr.

Freeman, Edwin Allen

French, Lucy Eleanor

Friedlander, Joseph Jr.

Frisbie, Elizabeth Caroline

Fritch, Cora Lorene

Frolli, Winifred Romeo

Frug, James

Frye, Alice Myrtle

Frye, Gladys W.

Fuller, Lois Irene

Fulton, Lowry Georgia

Funk, Belle Mae

Furness, Margaret Gertrude

Fuselman, Elizabeth Frances

Galatian, Jane Murray

Gale, Claudia Fitzroy

Gallagher, Madeline Frances

Gallagher, William Gabriel Jr.

Gallaway, Vivienne

Gallishaw, John

Gambetta, Lucy E.

Garbus, Moses Morton

Garcia, Elminda W.

Gardiner, Samuel Whittier

Gardner, Robert Forsyth

Garrett, Lulu May

Gassett, Harry Joseph

Gates, Charles Archer

Gauthier, Auguste Eugene

Gayton, Anna Hadwick

Geagen, Margaret Jane

Gede, Alma Louise

Gee, Harold Leon

Gehrken, Ella Orrilla

George, Anton Archie

Gerbaulet, Mina Joy

Gerhardy, Gladys Elizabeth

Gerlinger, Irene Hazard

Gerken, Frederick Henry

Gerken, Meta Marguerite

Gernett, Esther Ulrich

Gibson, Isabel Edith

Gibson, Susan Eleanor

Giggings, Edith M.

Gielow, Francis Louise

Gifford, Celia Allen

Gilbert, Fern Mable

Gillette, Bruce James

Gillig, Julia Genevieve

Gilliland, Helene Blakeley

Gilliland, Leota Faye

Gimbal, Eleanor Edna

Girvin, Harold Stephen

Givin, Horace Robert Jr.

Glasco, Florence May

Glassock, Dorrance Belle

Gleason, Marton H.

Gleason, Ann Eleanor

Glen, Mary Catherine

Glide, Joseph Henry

Goldhammer, Selma Johanna

Goldfield, Abraham

Goldthwaite, Helen Elizabeth

Goldsworthy, Elmer Colin

Goleman, Irving Isadore

Golomshtok, Eugene Alexandrovitch

Gompertz, Jack Langdon

Goodburn, Muriel Merle

Goodenough, Helen Winifred

Goodrich, Irma Elinore

Goodwin, Kathryn Dickinson

Georgian, Esther

Graham, Lilias May

Grassie, Marie Mellinger

Graun, Richard Ernest

Gray, Helen LeConte

Gray, Lendal Galen

Greaney, Emilee Frances

Green, Harold Lyon

Greene, Dorothy Hildebrand

Greer, Ruth Alice

Griffin, Charles Willard Jr.

Griffin, Everett

Grimes, Lucy Salisbury

Grodsky, Isador Lewis

Gross, Anna Hershey

Grove, Miriam

Grundman, Kathryn Eloise

Guiberson, Ellen Bernice

Guio, Josephine Osterhout

Gunderson, Helen Gulovna

Gutermute, Eunice

Gwynn, Robert Henry

Habis-Reutinger, Jeanne Marie Alice

Hagopian, John Kisag

Hahn, Vera Louise

Haight, L. Cameron

Hall, Augusta Marie

Hall, Frances Margaret

Haller, George Francis

Halverson, Laura Adeline

Hamilton, Alice Elizabeth

Hamilton, Aymer Jay

Hamilton, John Bruce

Hamilton, Ruth Gertrude

Hamilton, William Angus

Hammonds, Muriel Frances

Hampton, Earl William

Hanawalt, Helen Catherine

Handyside, Alice Florence

Haney, William Edward

Hann, Anna

Hanson, Ruth Lucile

Harbine, Ella Ruth

Harder, William Ralph

Hardwicke, Constance

Harris, Donna

Harris, Robert Vernon

Harris, Thomas West Jr.

Harrison, Portia Louise

Harriss, Harold Hebert

Hartley, Mabel Clara

Hartz, Esther Margaret

Harvey, Urla Estelle

Haswgawa, Akira

Haskell, Martha Miller

Haskin, Loren Fletcher

Hass, Glenn Rexford

Hatch, Augusta Wallis

Hatch, Lois Elizabeth

Hatch, Polly Roberta

Havens, John Weston Jr.

Hawkins, Blanche Adella

Haworth, Wallace

Hayden, Esther Valee

Haynes, Camille Nesbitt

Hays, Pearl Leone

Hays, Robert Payden

Haywood, Dorothy

Hazel, Margaret Haggerson

Heathman, Walter William

Heffernan, Helen Stanislaus

Hegerhorst, Melvin John

Heitz, Alice Serena

Helfman, Miriam

Helhoff, Lynda Judith

Helland, Virginia Grace

Helm, Gladys-Ann Cannon

Helwig, Adelaide Berta

Hellwig, Eloise Edythe

Helmerich, Edna Emile

Helserth, Lydia Malvine

Hemenway, Margaret

Henderson, Marian Bernice

Henry, Schuyler Barber

Henshall, William Burrows

Heron, Ernest Alvah

Herron, Eugenia Lucille

Hettich, Claire Marie

Hiatt, Frances Williard

Hicks, Florens Artel

Higbie, Evalene Mary

Higley, Ruth Viola

Higgins, Evelyn Mae

Hilfiker, Ruth Susan

Hill, Winona

Hill, Charles Gillman

Hille, Helen Amelia

Hillhouse, Alethea Marie

Hillman, Abraham Moses

Hinman, Henry Hyland

Hirsch, Sylvia

Hirst, Penrose Wiley

Hitchcock, Frances

Ho, Perry Yewton

Hobson, Harold Benjamin

Hockett, Graham Claude

Hodapp, Shelby Eugene

Hodgkinson, Mary Elizabeth

Hoffman, Ruth Auguste

Hogg, Mildred Evelyn

Holden, Harriett Louise

Holland, Margaret Agnes

Hollenbeck, Audrey

Hollis, Elizabeth

Holloway, Roberta

Holmes, Ethel Awburn

Holmes, Inez Dee

Holmes, Olin Monroe

Holt, Madora Irwin

Holt, Robert Alfred

Holtz, Bertha Beatrice

Homan, Isabel Augusta

Homer, Marjorie Edith

Honeycutt, Everett Elmer

Hooper, Harley Lewis

Hopkins, John William

Horner, William James

Houston, Mildred Williams

Hovde, Bergljot

Howard, Gladys E.

Howard, Glory

Howard, William Miller

Hoyt, Olivia

Hubbard, Mary Ellen

Huber, Maxine Amelia

Huddleston, Robert B.

Hudson, Isabel Julia

Huff, Fredonia Agnes

Huggard, Dewey Enright

Hughes, Anna Neil

Hughes, Catharine Pauline

Hughes, Edna Mae

Hughes, Gordon Staneley

Hughes, Harold Frank

Hughes, Kathryn Laura

Hughes, Mary Katherine

Hughes, Samuel

Huhns, Helmuth Frederick

Hull, Beatrice Frances

Humphreys, Marie

Hunick, Alice Mae

Hunt, Geraldine

Hunt, Howard Beeman

Hunt, Marion Juliet

Hunter, Doris

Hunter, Elsie Irene

Hussian, Esther S.

Hutchinson, James Barnett

Hutton, Robert Egleson

Inghram, Howard Deloss

Ingram, Robert Lockwood

Irvine, James C.

Isaac, Florence Magdalena

Ish, Marion Howard

Israelsky, Merle Cathcart

Issenmuth, Mona Madelaine

Ito, Koken George

Ivanhoff, Florence Martha

Jackson, Edward Nathan

Jackson, John Roland

Jackson, Luke

Jacobs, Elizabeth Belle

Jacobsen, Lillian

Jamison, Jacob Henry

Jarkovsky, Issac Jacob

Jarvinen, Laurence John

Jarvis, Ellis Adams

Jarvis, Lula Gail

Jeckell, Elma Mary

Jeffress, Lloyd Alexander

Jernigan, Eva Ida

Johnson, Dorothy Vigdis

Johnson, Ellen Stone

Johnson, James Lannes

Johnson, Jerbert

Johnson, Lucile Buckingham

Johnson, Muriel Meering

Johnson, Paul Condit

Johnston, Ernest

Johnston, Robert Jr.

Jones, Bertha May

Jones, Errol Aubrey

Jones, Etta Geraldine

Jones, Margaret Katherine

Jones, Schuyler

Jorgensen, Thelma Marie

Josephson, Joseph Bernard

Judson, Charles L.

Julien, Edward Hale

Jung, Elsa Louise

Kaar, Harold Wright

Kahle, Esther Victoria

Kahn, Julius Jr.

Kane, Norine Petronilla

Kaufmann, Robert Willatowski

Kearney, Kenneth Williams

Keasbey, William Pothier

Keeler, Carl Arthur

Keith, Lillian Allen

Keller, Frances Maurine

Keller, Frederick Marshall

Kelley, Howard Allen

Kelley, Pearce Clement

Kelly, Queena Beatrice

Kellogg, Louise

Kendall, Virginia Elizabeth

Kennedy, Harold Woodworth

Kincheloe, Clarence Lee

King, Isabel Mae

King, Minerva Louise

King, Vernon Rupert

King, Zoe

Kinney, Jean Girton

Kinney, Mona May

Kinsey, Kersey Wood

Kirkpatrick, Raymond

Kitsuda, Henry Yoshiaki

Kittredge, Perry

Kittrelle, Donald Huntington

Knapp, Edna Louise

Knapp, Helen Louise

Kneiss, Emily

Knight, Louise Caroline

Knight, Sarah Bertha Childs

Knoop, Anna Marie

Knopf, George

Knowlden, Robert Edwin

Knowles, Squire Warren

Knudsen, Ruth Pickett

Koch, George Ora

Kohler, Esther Laurietta

Kohls, Clara Lydia

Kohls, Hedwig Verena

Koser, Elizabeth

Kott, Freda

Koulaieff, Innocent John

Krebs, Beth

Krehbiel, Elmer Milton

Kribbs, Avonelle Benerly

Kristich, Peter Daniel

Krozak, Helen

Kurkjian, Reynold

La Barre, Adele

Lackey, Beth

Lackmann, Ernest Albin

Lacy, Roy

Lafka, Catherine

LaFlamme, Bernice Muriel

Lamb, Marie

Lambert, Alice Rhoda

Lamborn, Robert Sylvestor

Lampert, Lincoln Maximilian

Landin, Olga Florence

Landon, George McQueen

Lane, Lula Maude

Lane, Stuart Frederic

Langford, Grace Rosemary

Lantz, Charles Chapman

Larkin, Harold Peabody

Larsen, Signa Isabelle

Larter, Florence H.

Latham, George

Lathrop, Clara Armenia

Latter, Doris Elizabeth

Lava, Francisco Andre

Lawrence, Alfred Francis

Lawrence, Carl Kingsley

Lawrence, Lynn George

Lazarides, Lazaros Anastasius

Lazarus, Helen Marion

Lean, Lora Heckle

Leavell, Gladys Loretta

LeBaron, Everett Merritt

Ledig, Margaret Elizabeth

Ledyard, Francis King

Lee, Albert Clarence

Lee, Lucille Whiting

Lee, Oliver Roy

Leidig, Lois Lurline

Leidig, Phyllis Rebecca

Leithold, Isabel

Lenahan, William Jeremiah

Lendelof, Evelyn

Lentz, Alfred Ernest

Lercara, Violet Lovena

Lerned, Morris Boynton

Levin, Benjamin Isaak

Levitin, Joseph

Levy, Edith Eileene

Levy, Frederick Morton

Lewin, Lillie

Lewis, Austin Saxon

Locke, Allan Fitzgerald

Lichtenstein, Henriette

Linderman, Mabel Secrest

Lindley, Bayliss Bartlett

Lindsey, Claire Wilma

Lippincott, Joseph Reading

Livermore, Elizabeth King

Loewenthal, Gladys

Loewenthal, Natalie

Logan, Chloe

Lohr, Edwin Eugene

London, Bess

Long, Mary Elizabeth

Long, Mary Belle

Loomis, Mary Bernice

Loorz, George Carl

Looser, Reinhard Victor

Lord, Lurana Sherwin

Lorenzen, Corinne

Lowe, Claire

Lowe, Max Schattman

Lowe, William Kenneth

Lowrey, Mary

Lovering, Stella

Lubin, Morris

Luck, Harold Reyner

Lukes, Wanda

Lum, Paul Albert

Lundahl, Victorine Elizabeth

Lundegaard, Elbert Emanuel

Lyen, Charles Lewis

Lyman, Arthur Lorenzo

Lyman, Edward Dickinson

Lyons, Eleanor

Lyons, John Jacob

Mack, Silas Franklin

Maddox, Richard Stowe

Maher, Dorothy

Mahl, Frederick William Jr.

Mahoney, Agnes Barbara

Mahoney, Theressa Marguerite

Mainprice, Inola Mary

Maloney, Genevieve Eleanor

Manington, Ardelia

Manning, Charlotte Edna

Maple, Caroline Elizabeth

Marcellus, Ruth Edna

March, Harry John

Marovich, Anne Venice

Marshall, Dewitt T.

Marshall, Violet Baker

Marten, Effie El Freda

Martin, Dortha Elizabeth

Martin, Edna Rodden

Martin, Isadora Lucile

Martin, Veva

Mason, Arthur Theodore

Mason, Frances Lillian

Mathews, Cecil Calvert

Mathewson, Frank

Matthew, Gertrude Willard

Matthews, Justin Jr.

Maxwell, Allan Douglas

Maxwell, Margaret Cloyde

Maynard, Hull Platt

McAllister, Breck Parkman

McAllister, Eleanor Agnes

McAvoy, Joseph Ernest

McCann, Grace

McCombs, Alice Mary

McCready, Doris Webner

McCreery, James Lindsay

McCreery, Margaret McClain

McDonald,Orlando Goldsmith

McDonald, Teresa Eleanor

McDougall, Jean

McEneany, Catherine

McFaddin, Claude Leonard

McGaw, Baldwin

McGoldrick, Helen Dorothy

MacGregor, Florence Hyland

McGurren, Winifred Jennings

McHale, Roy Marsten

McHenry, Robert

McHoul, Lilian Enyde

McIver, Robert James

McKain, Gertrude Marian

McKay, Dorothy Jesse

McKeever, Frances Michael

McKenna, Gerald Frederick

McKenzie, Donald McPherson Jr.

McKenzie, Gordon

McKibben, Florence Goddard

McKimmins, Mark

MacKinlay, Agnes Bradburne

McKnew, Vera May

McLauchlin, Muriel Jean

MacLeod, James Edison

McLure, Ruth Elizabeth

McManus, John Spillane

McMaster, LeLand Robert

McMillen, Erma Vida

McNear, Lawrence Proctor

McVanner, Marie A.

Meagher, Edmund Anthony

Meakin, Anna M.

Medros, Grace Evelyn

Meehan, Richard Paul

Mehra, Lal Chand

Mellars, Marion Gertrude

Mereen, Doris Cates

Merrill, Theodore Babson

Merriman, Sharon Chapman

Merritt, Gladys Thelma

Mersereau, Edith Mary

Mestre, Harold

Metzler, Ruth Maxine

Meyer, Dorothy Anna

Meyer, Edith Catharine

Meyer, Hermann Perrin

Meyer, Mercy

Michel, Magdalena Edna

Mickel, Mary Eleanor

Mickle, Helen Lelia

Miller, Ben

Miller, Irma Madeline

Miller, Marjorie Metcalf

Miller, Mildred Reed

Miller, Nathan Harry

Miller, Persis Sibley

Millis, Naomi Rhae

Mills, Blanche Eliza

Mills, George Votau

Miquel, Mignonette Georgette

Mitchell, Alice Mae

Mitchell, Dorothy Lindgren

Mitchell, Samuel Duffield Jr.

Mix, Charles Alexander

Mix, Margaret Kildare

Mobley, Rosamond Ruth

Mohn, Don Eustace

Monser, Dorothy

Montalvan, Julio

Montecillo, Mateo Julio

Montgomery, Wilma Ethel

Moomjian, Helen

Moore, Anna Ruth

Moore, Charlotte Louise

Moore, Edith Whilhelmina

Moore, Estelle Edith

Moore, Phillip Lynde

More, Priscilla Alden

Moriarty, Thelma

Morosoli,  Antoinette Sabina

Morris, Lois Elaine

Morrissey, Nora Josephine

Morrison, Jesse Bryan

Morse, Paul Dodson

Morton, Dorothy Eleanor

Mosher, Mae Ruth

Mountjoy, Nan Edna

Moyse, Sam Grossberger

Mueller, Louise Willamette Pauline

Muller, Harold Powers

Multer, Marcus Jay

Munn, Harold Frederick

Murcell, Jack Cook

Murphy, Arthur Edward

Musgrave, Elinor Frances

Musselman, Wendall Holmes

Myers, Chalmers Bomer

Myers, Marie Louise

Nadeau, Adelarde Timothei

Neal, Eva

Neales, Julia K.

Neff, Benjamin Henry

Neidoffer, Elizabeth

Nelson, Elizabeth Fontaine

Nelson, Helen Sophia

Nelson, Kathryn Adelaide

Nelson, Uriel

Neufeld, Henry David

Newell, Josephine

Newman, Lois Fellows

Nicholls, William Marvin

Nichols, Elmer Everett

Nichols, Herman Drew

Nichols, Jesse Eugene

Nichols, William Henry

Nicholson, Lois Belle

Nisbet, Virginia Gordon

Noble, Lona Margaret

Noeltner, Maybelle Frances

Nolan, Alta Cecile

Nolan, Alva Alycia

Nombalais, Alice

Norris, Allen Gilbert

Norton, Gertrude May

Norton, Lewis Marshall

Nowell, Veronica

O'Brien, Alyce Ramona

O'Brien, Louis John

O'Day, Mary Everett

Oden, Orren Granville

Offenhiser, Paul Lloyd

O'Gara, Miriam Antoinette

Ogden, Beulah May

Ogden, Enid Muriel

Ohanneson, John

Ohn, Asta

O'Laughlin, John Richard

Olney, Lillian Bertha

Olsen, Anna Sophia

Olsen, Myrtle Emily

O'Neil, Marion

O'Niel, Paul Anthony

O'Niel, Alice Mary

Onions, Richard Edward

Orme, Eugene

Orr, Marshall Simpson

Osborn, Dorothy Edna

Osburn, Dorothy Frances

Osburn, Marvin George

Oster, Helen Mildred

Ostrow, Esther

Otero, Ignacia de la Torre

Overton, Ralph Alonzo

Oxtoby, Gurdon Corning

Page, Nancy

Palmer, Alvan Mavis

Palmer, Julia Rebecca

Parent, Regina Flora

Parker, Alfred Eustace

Parker, Ella Waldman

Parker, James Thomas

Parker, Ruth Hampton

Parry, Milman

Parsons, Louise McPherson

Patrick, Ruth Elizabeth

Pate, Waldo Hays

Patten, Julian Hardy

Patterson, Harriett Anne

Paulucci, Joseph Warner

Pavid, Alma Couberly

Payne, John Schin

Payton, Harold Bruce

Peacock, Dorothy Xavier

Peini, Evelina Mary

Pelton, Gwendolyn Vila

Pence, Musa Evans

Pennell, Harry Ransom

Pentecost, Hazel E.

Peri, Elizabeth Violante

Perks, Lawrence Nichols

Perow, Velma Jeannette

Perrott, Margaret

Perry, Eleanor Louise

Peters, Mabel Mary

Peterson, Esther

Petterson, Ethel Christine

Pflueger, Otto Henry

Phennig, David Walter

Phillips, Mary Gertude

Phillips, Ruth Adelaide

Pinkerton, Joyce Mary

Pless, Marie Carrie

Plummer, Norman Herbert

Plunkett, Walter Cohick

Polkinghorn, John Walter

Polson, Thomas Clyde

Pope, Margaret

Post, Dorothy Ann

Potter, Effie Elizabeth

Pough, Wilbur David

Powell, Aleta Helen

Powell, Reeta Alvira

Powell, Viola Mae

Powers, Lucious

Prael, Robert Otto

Prescott, Katherine

Price, Louis Brunet

Provis, Helen Elizabeth

Putman, Gertrude Cornelia

Pymm, John Donald

Queen, Alice Catherine

Quick, Cyrus Foss

Quintan, Ellsworth Frances

Raines, Harold

Ramsey, James Alfred

Ramsperger, Albert Gustav

Randall, Grace May

Rausch, Josephine Veronica

Ray, Glen William

Read, Lena Margaret

Reed, Charlotte

Reese, Agnes Mabel

Reeser, John Milner

Reeves, Mary Margaret

Regan, Catherine

Reginalda-Simonich, Sister Mary

Reid, Stanley Bonneau

Reilly, Lottie Jane

Reilly, Mary Jane

Reilly, William Anthony

Reinke, Albert Reinholt

Rennick, Lenore

Reyburn, Wilma Ruth

Rice, Arline

Rice, Ralph Reeves

Richards, Eleanor Louise

Riggs, Rachel

Rinehart, James Fleece

Rinehart, Raybourne Wycoff

Rinset, Edna Bertha

Ritch, Myrtle Judith

Roach, Bessie Mary

Roberts, Elizabeth Adams

Roberts, Elizabeth Evans

Roberts, Helen Wilson

Robertson, Nita Belle

Robertson, Sawnie

Robey, Hazel Elizabeth

Robinson, Eva Marion

Robinson, Jean Harriett

Robinson, John Abel

Robinson, John Marshall

Robinson, Zoe

Rode, Irene Dorthea

Roe, Margaret Jane

Rogers, Alva Carter

Rogers, Helen Jewett

Rogers, Ruth

Rohwer, Catherine Amanda

Rollins, Lloyd LaPage

Rolston, Betsey Minerva

Romander, Edla Elina

Romero, Mary Louise

Root, Mildred M.

Rose, Joseph Holt

Rosenberg, Helen Ruth

Ross, John Samuel Carnegie

Ross, Mary Elizabeth

Ross, Robert Fergus

Rossiter, Harold Ernest

Rotchy, Rose Marcelene

Rountree, Walter Sage

Rowe, Richard Grant

Rowell, Cora Winifred

Ruddick, Leva

Rudolph, Lucile Anna

Rudovic, Berna

Rushmer, Lawrence Hill

Rust, Virginia Lee

Rutherford, Ruth Guild

Ryan, Helen Eustelle

Ryan, Rupert Russell

Ryan, Sophie Florence

Sabin, Sarah Davis

Saeltzer, Dorothea Elizabeth

Salmon, Grace McCrary

Samuelson, Reuben Crossley

Sanborn, Mildred Pearl

Sander, Alice Mac

Sander, Helen Ayer

Sandercock, Edith

Sanders, Mary Marguerite

Sanderson, Clara Wilson

Sanford, Donald

Satterlee, Lester Ulysses Jr.

Satwalekar, Sitaram Damodar

Sawyer, Kent Alexander

Schahrer, Anna Magdalene

Schegloff, Ber Mendelev

Schmittou, Maurice Brumfield

Schneider, Elsbeth

Schooler, Idah Jeanette

Schroder, Elizabeth

Schultz, Freeman Clifford

Schultz, Leona Elinore

Schultze, Helen May

Schulze, Johanna Agnes

Schutz, Helene Emeth

Schuyler, Oleta

Scott, Frances Edwina

Scott, Gordon Nickelsen

Scott, Wesley Edgerton

Scudamore, Thomasine Lurline

Scudder, Marion Emeline

Scully, T. Cecile

Seale, Anne Louise

Sears, Myrtle Elizabeth

Sebastian, Katherine

Sellars, Gladys Alvaletta

Selleck, Eloise

Serex, John Frederic

Shafer, Mary

Shanedling, Saul

Shapiro, Abraham

Shapiro, Inez

Sharp, James Benjamin

Sharps, Leo J.

Shatto, Marjorie Elizabeth

Shea, Edmund Hill

Shea, John Dinwiddie

Sheppard, Anne Oello

Sheridan, Kathleen Mary

Sheridan, Madeleine Frances

Sherwood, Clyde Charles

Shewe, Hazel Clare

Shields, Gladys Lena

Shima, Ryohei

Shinoda, Kiyoshi

Shively, Alan Arnold

Shoemaker, Daniel Raymond

Shorten, Marian Elizabeth

Shumate, Frederic Ortman

Sibbet, Laurabelle

Silliman, Kathryn Sarah

Silver, Philip

Silverman, Sol

Silverstin, Gladys Gertrude

Simon, Clara P.

Sims, Alta M.

Sinclair, Archie Dewar

Singh, Chandrup

Singh, Sodhi Darbara

Sizelove, Frances Fedora

Smith, Cyril Eugene

Smith, Edith Asta

Smith, Florence Madeline

Smith, Irene Elizabeth

Smith, Isabel Kathryn

Smith, Lorena

Smith, Marion Doris

Smithen, Helen S.

Snow, John Howland

Snyder, Peter H.

Somers, Sister Margaret

Sommer, Hazel Mathilda

Southwick, Juna Ruth

Spalding, Sarah Lulu

Speer, Ada Beryl

Spence, Jack Lyall

Spencer, Lynn

Spillum, Anna Dorothea

Spinks, Doris Elisabeth

Spring, Jane Osgood

Springer, James Wilson

Springstead, Irma Frances Helbok

Stamper, Delmer Marion

Stanbery, Lorene Elsie

Staunton, Maria Gage

St. Clair, Ellen Boysen

Steding, Martha Katherine

Steel, Earl Gladstone

Steele, Colan

Stein, Dorothy Ellen

Stelling, Catherine Louise

Stelling, Otto Claus

Stephens, Bernice Merrill

Stephens, Leon Hubert

Stephenson, Evelyn

Stern, Charles Alfred

Stevens, Chalmers Carlton

Stevens, Francis  Fortmann

Stevenson, Annie Elizabeth

Stewart, Eleanor Dolores

Stewart, Henrietta Bertholeau Ruth

Stewart, Ruth-Marion

Stewart, Walter Preston

St. John, Marion Esther

Stocking, Jean Goodell

Stocking, Louise

Stockle, Louise

Stoker, Pearl Josephine

Stollings, Clarence Milton

Stolz, Violet Bertha Louise

Stone, Frances Willard

Stone, Irma Bennett

Stone, Irving

Stone, Ridley Draper, Jr.

Stoneroad, Robert S.

Stoufer, Isabel

Strong, Bonnie Elma

Strong, William Duncan

Sturgeon, Eleanor Edith

Styles, Donald Larrish

Suggett, Charles Scott

Sumner, Maurice Hancock

Surryhne, Hubert

Sutliff, Howard Donald

Sutton, Susie

Swartfager, Ivanetta Shaw

Swett, Margaret

Swift, Louisa Margaret Walker

Swinford, Lee Houghton

Szekler, Juliet Marguerite

Tait, Florence Eleanor

Takagi, Thomas Tomoki

Tajonera, Mariano

Taliaferro, Eugene Albert

Talbut, Lilian Elva

Talley, Wesley Andres

Tamagawa, Naoshige

Tamborra, Joseph

Taylor, Camilla Washburn

Taylor, Charles Belden

Taylor, Charles Test

Taylor, Fay Grenell

Taylor, Reese Hale

Taylor, Zelda Marie

Tays, George

Tebbe, George Albert Jr.

Telford, Cynthia Van Deusen

Tennant, Irene

Terasawa, Masayoshi

Terwilliger, Guinevere Edna

Thayer, Charles Kenneth

Thom, Katharine

Thomas, Alfred Barnaby

Thomas, Genevieve Jane

Thomas, Helen Maude

Thomas, Leatha Elizabeth

Thomas, Robert Lloyd

Thompson, Arthur Ralph

Thompson, Margaret Lucille

Thompson, Ruby Edna

Thompson, Sara A.

Thorn, Marjorie Virginia

Thornton, Eileen Frances

Thorpe, Ruth Alberta

Thurston, Constance Brake

Tiffany, Ruth Abegail

Tobey, Frances Clayton

Toole, John Ryon

Toone, Lucille Myriam

Topoozian, Varsenik

Tormey, Gertrude Josephine

Torrieri, Theresa

Torson, Martha Augusta

Towle, Charlotte Elizabeth

Towle, Georgea Brice

Traylor, Virginia

Traynor, Roger John

Treadwell, Earl Francis

Trefts, Anita Barbara

Trieb, Martin Herman

Trinkler, Elizabeth

Troiel, Marie Yvonne

Tucker, Urban Neville

Turcotte, Simeon Joseph

Turner, Alice Lee

Turner, Edgar Dinsmore Jr.

Turner, Emily Louise

Turner, Erin Hurley

Turner, Howard Winthrop

Turner, Hattie Alberta

Turner, Ruth Ellen

Turner, Shannon Cecil

Tweedt, Lloyd Milton

Tyler, Pamela Frederica

Ufkess, Jennette Sylvia

Ulsh, Emily June

Urmston, Elizabeth

Utter, Madeline Bacher

Vallow, George Henry

Van Arsdell, Blondelle H.

Vance, James Travis

Van Deth, Gerrit

Van Etten, Albert Henry

Vandiveer, Agnes Julia

Van Pelt, Ruth

Van Sant, Merritt Eugene

Varnum, Harriet Marie

Vasilatos, Frances Marjorie

Vaughan, Reginald Leighton

Vernon, Zoe Pauline

Vicars, Maile Lillian

Viliardos, Helene Elizabeth

Von Tagen, Phyllis Amelia

Wachter, Eunice

Wagner, Eltrude

Wagner, Vincent Edward

Wagnon, Hamil Orrin

Wakefield, Sam Bell III

Walker, Albert Tricano

Walker, Flora

Walker, Lillie May

Walker, Mary Genevieve

Walker, Randolph C.

Walker, Sanford Dole

Wallace, Dorothy Ells

Waller, Earl Neal

Walter, Edwin Howard

Walters, Elsa Annette

Walters, Fred William

Ward, Beatrice Chandler

Ward, Elsie Leona

Ward, Harvey Klaus

Ward, Julia English

Warner, Pearl Louise

Warren, Edwin Guy

Warren, Mary Obera

Waterfall, Niles Louis

Waterman, Gertrude Nanette

Watson, Ethel May

Watson, Harold C.

Weage, Marion Dudley

Webb, Clementine Irene

Webb, Isabelle Adelaide

Webber, Eleanor Parke

Weber, Mathew

Wehrly, Waldo Samuel

Weinstein, Dorothy

Welin, Arthur Axel

Weisbrod, Birdie Evelyn

Wells, Beatrice Clara

Wells, Willie Edna

West, Francis Edward

Westphal, Theodore August Jr.

Whalman, Harold Fredric

Wheeler, Edna Beatrice

Wheeler, Ermine Brooke

White, Fern

White, Georgia Sallie

White, Helen Frances

White, Julie Agnes

White, Lawrence Frances

Whitecotton, George Otis

Whitehead, Peter McCall

Whiteside, Charles Edwin

Whitney, Dorothy Nettleton

Wickham, Laura Louise

Wilkinson, Edith Muriel

Williams, Adeline Emilie

Williams, Cecil Revilo

Williams, Esther Warren

Williams, Hugh Emlen

Williams, Kenneth Lloyd

Williams, Margaret

Williams, Ruth Bernadine

Williamson, Margaret Scott

Willis, Marion Mildred

Willis, Sybil Rideout

Willson, Esther Aileen

Willson, Raymond Alvin

Wilson, Clarence Hamilton

Wilson, Frances Elizabeth

Wilson, Howard Reid

Wilson, Jean Alice

Wilson, Jean Beveridge

Wilson, Marian Lavina

Wilson, Robert Wynne Jr.

Wilson, Vernis Haddon

Wilson, Wilbur Max

Wilson, William Wesley

Wiltberger, William Alden

Winship, Desmond Augustus

Wirth, Harriette Teter

Wise, Rose

Witmer, Thelma Doreen

Witter, Edwin Damon

Witty, Mary Elizabeth

Woerner, Ruth Muriel
Wolhaupter, Hazel Louise

Wolthus, Wilhelmina

Wonder, Irene Violet

Wood, Austin Bigelow

Wood, Emma Lois

Wood, Ledger

Woodlaw, Robert Thornton

Woodworth, Elizabeth

Woolsey, Marian Johnson

Wright, Lawrence Stauffer

Wyckoff, Hubert Coke Jr.

Yager, Charles Ervin

Yaney, Frances Eva

Yerakis, John

Young, Leslie Furness

Youngs, Geraldine Parker

Ziegenfuss, Grace Cary

Ziegler, Ruth Isabel

Zink, Irma




Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: University of California Senior Week May Eleventh to Sixteenth 1923.  Published by University of California, Berkeley, CA.

© 2013 Sally Kaleta.




Golden Nugget Library