Tuolumne County








      John G. Simpson, who is one of the best known general contractors in the lower Sacramento Valley and has long been regarded as a most substantial citizen in his home town of Sonora, is now serving as mayor of this city.  He was born on a farm in Fresno County, this state, April 25, 1872, and is a son of John G. Sr., and Sarah (Baley) Simpson both of whom were numbered among the real pioneers.  The father came to California by way of Cape Horn, in 1849, and settled in Fresno County, where he engaged in stock raising.  He was successful in business and also became prominent in local public affairs, having served as a member of the county board of supervisors.  He died in 1878.  His wife crossed the plains in 1849 with her parents who settled at Miller, Fresno County.  They came here as members of the Beal train and were compelled to walk from the Colorado River to Albuquerque.

      John G. Simpson attended the rural schools and his early years were spent in the handling of sheep.  Subsequently he learned the carpenter trade, which he followed in various cities.  In 1907 he located in Sonora and soon afterward secured a contract to erect the grammar school building.  For about twelve years he was superintendent of a sawmill, and then bought a tract of land, which he subdivided and called Simpson Terrace, building thereon a large number of houses, which he sold.  He has done much building in this section of California, his contracts including the Fremont high school in East Oakland and much work in Modesto and San Francisco, and is now remodeling the Sonora Inn. He is widely known as a competent and reliable contractor and builder.

      Mr. Simpson was united in marriage to Miss Carrie M. McKay, a native of California.  By a former marriage he is the father of three children, Mark, Lawrence, and Mildred.  There are also seven grandchildren.  Politically Mr. Simpson supports the Democratic Party and has long been actively interested in local public affairs.  He has served as a member of the board of school trustees, was for two terms a member of the city council and is now filling the office of mayor in a very able and satisfactory manner.  He is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Lions Club and is deservedly popular wherever known.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 267-270. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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