DR. R. M.
The subject of this sketch was born in South Hero, Grand Isle County, Vermont, December 28, 1832. He was prepared for College at the Castleton Academy, and grew up to manhood among the green hills of that noble little State. In 1852 he embarked on the ship “Race Hound,” which coming round the Horn, brought him in safety to the El Dorado, then so prominent in the world’s eyes. Going to Long’s Bar on Yuba River, he made his initial experiments in mining. A few months later he was settled at Montezuma, there to wield the miner’s pick and shovel for the next five years. Bidding farewell then to mining, he entered his present occupation, medicine, with constant success, being now, as for many years past, one of the ablest practitioners in all the adjacent country; his services being sought far and near. The gentleman’s talents have also commanded respect in other directions, notably politics. Elected State Senator, he has twice represented the county in that capacity, and in the Senate, as well as in the late Constitutional Convention, his abilities and his principles have alike commended him to the admiration and confidence of his constituents.
Married in Stockton to Mrs. S. F. Graves, the couple have two children, Misses Alice and Lily.
“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Pub’d by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 339-340.
Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton
From the “Wooden Nutmeg” State, Mr Latimer hails, dating his birth from the 30th day of September, 1818, and claiming New London County as his home. Emigrating from Connecticut to the State of New York, he settled in Suffolk County, when he was twenty-one, and followed farming as an occupation, for five years, returning to his old home in Connecticut at the end of that time. In 1849, getting a severe attack of the gold fever, he joined a company of twenty adventurous spirits, who, clubbing resources, bought a schooner called the “Alfred,” and boldly set sail for San Francisco, and, contrary to probability, came in safety, passing through the Straits of Magellan. Arriving in the new metropolis of the coast, Mr. Latimer’s first venture was in hotel keeping, but unfortunately the fire of ‘52 swept away his all, and proceeding then to Chili Camp, he there mined for a short time and afterwards opened a store in company with F. Bryant. His next venture, taking place in the Fall of 1852, was the establishment of a sawmill on the site of his present property near Sonora; which, however, proved but of temporary value, as all the timber was speedily cut down. Mr. Latimer now possesses a tract of three hundred and twenty acres, mostly under cultivation.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 353-354.
Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton
The subject of this sketch was born in Prussia, Germany, on June 22, 1843. The same year his parents came to the United States, first settling in New York City, thence going to Sabine Parish, Louisana, but afterward returned to New York. From this place the family came to this State via the Isthmus, landing in San Francisco in the Fall of l852. Joel Levy, the father of David, had previously paid California a visit in 1850, and returned East, then bringing out his family as above stated. After a few weeks’ stay in San Francisco they moved to Sonora, where the father engaged in mercantile pursuits. In the fire of 1854, Mr. Levy’s business house was burned, and he moved with his family to Celumbia [Columbia]. Here this old pioneer and respected citizen of Tuolumne County lived until March 9, 1881, when he went to reside with two of his sons in Australia, and where he died on the 10th of November, 1881. David Levy, the subject under special consideration, was taught in commercial affairs, and in 1867 began business on his own account, in Columbia. This he followed until 1869, when he sold out and went to Australia to visit his brothers, returning in 1872. Since that time Mr. Levy has discovered the Tuolumne, Magnolia, mid Ribbon Rock mines, on the Stanislaus River, and he is confident that these locations rank among the foremost in the, county. Since March 1, 1882. Mr. Levy has been a resident of Sonora.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 381-382.
The subject of this sketch is a native of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, and was born on July 4, 1849. In 1852, his parents emigrated to this State via the Isthmus, and settled at Sonora. In 1853, they located at Columbia, where Louis was taught the common branches of learning at the public schools, and finished his education at a private school in San Francisco. After completing his education, he returned to Columbia, went into business with his father, and after a lapse of years he opened a store of general merchandise on his own account, and has since pursued that occupation. On January 15, 1877, he was appointed Postmaster at Columbia, which position he held until October 1, 1881, when he moved to Sonora, where he now resides, now occupying the chair of Chief Councilor of the Order of Chosen Friends, and is also Chief Patriarch of Bald Mountain Encampment, I.O.O.F. Mr. Levy married Nellie Kohler, on August 23, 1880. She is a native of New Zealand, but of English parentage.
“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Published
by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 336.
by: Nancy Pratt Melton
Captain Lombardo, one of the prominent quartz miners of this County, and the owner of the Louisiana Mine, and of other valuable mining properties near by, was born in Italy. Going, at an early age to South America, he continued his travels to California, arriving in 1849. Adopting mining is a pursuit, the Captain, then as now, prominent among hiss fellow—countrymen in this land, after three years passed as a storekeeper in Jamestown and Sonora, in 1852 entered successfully into ‘‘pocket” mining in Bald Mountain. After two years of this work he removed to Cherokee, in which vicinity he has since remained, giving himself up almost wholly to quartz mining, in which his success has been marked. One of his properties, the Louisiana, above mentioned, is regarded as of very great value, and is well improved, having on it a first-rate hoisting works as well as an eight-stamp mill, all driven by hydraulic power.
“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Published by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 328-329.
Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton