Who now resides on his beautiful farm on Sullivan’s Creek, is a native of Germany, from whence he came to America in 1848, locating first in Charleston, S. C., where he was employed as a clerk in a store until the year 1851, when going to New York, he shipped via Panama for California.  Finally coming to Sonora, where he mined until 1856, then opening a saloon and lodging house, remaining so occupied until 1860, when the attraction of farm life carried him to his present fine property, consisting of four hundred and eighty acres, upon which he has erected at great pains and cost a very elegant residence, wherein he now resides with his interesting family. Marrying in Sonora immediately upon his arrival, he has live children: William D. , Matilda, Louis, Amelia and Otto.


“A History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 370.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton






Was a useful citizen in every respect.  After serving the people of Tuolumne in several important offices, he became State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1854.  Was married to Miss Maggie Gilcrest in 1857.


“A History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882.  Pg. 398.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton






Also an attorney, whose volatile, active temperament got him into a number of scrapes, among which the shooting of Drake and the killing of the boy McKenna, at Sacramento, were conspicuous.  For the latter offence he was tried, and the jury disagreeing, a change of venue was had to Amador County, which, on the second trial, a verdict of not guilty was rendered.  Shortly after, Hunter returned to his old home in Ohio, and his subsequent history is un­known.


“A History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 389.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton






Was born in Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, on May 12, 1829. When six months old his parents took him to Vermillion County, in that State, and afterwards to Paris, Edgar County, Illinois.  Mr. Hunter went to Mis­souri, where he remained one year, then crossed the Plains to this State, arriving in August, 1852. He came to Co­lumbia, January 20, 1853, where be has continuously lived, and followed the occupation of a miner.


“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Published by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 338. 

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton






The subject of this account was born in Connecticut, October 11, 1821, spending his boyhood in the place of his nativity.  In the year 1844, he started South with a design of his fortunes, and after five years spent in the Slave States he came across the plains by the Fort Smith route, remaining a short time at Greenhorn Point, El Dorado County, going from thence to Mariposa County, and finally taking his abode in Tuolumne, where be has since remained. During the most of thirty-two years of his stay he has resided at Groveland, exerting himself in the development of mines, of which he now possesses several very promising ones.


“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Published by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 317-318.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton 





The subject of the sketch first saw the light in Carroll County, New Hampshire, where he resided until he passed his twentieth year; then, for the next seven years, his location was chiefly in Massachusetts. Then, being smitten with the California fever, he joined the grand army whose eager faces were turned toward the golden shores of the Pacific, and, taking passage on the steamer John L. Ste­phens, he came to Panama.  The remainder of this, to him, most eventful trip was made in the George Law, arriving in San Francisco in 1854. Coming at once to old Tuol­umne, he entered into partnership with his brother, in ranching, afterwards going into the lumber manufacture.  Increasing in wealth, Mr. Hyde became successively proprietor of a sawmill, a lumber yard situated in Sonora, and the fine ranch on which he now resides. This ranch, familiarly known as the ‘‘Hyde Ranch,” is situated on Sullivan’s Creek, above the Phoenix Reservoir. Besides agri­culture, the gentleman has interested himself in mining, in consequence of the discovery of a very extensive quartz ledge upon his property, which, being prospected, is found to be of great value.


“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Published by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg 321-322.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton 





© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton

Tuolumne County Biographies