A native of Cornwall, England, where he was born on the 9th of November, 1841, Mr. Bluett came to California in 1863, entering into the employ of the New Almaden Quicksilver Mining Company which position he held for about a year. At the expiration of that time he came to Soulsbyville, his present home, and has remained there since, being engaged principally in mining affairs. In addition to every-day matters, Mr. Bluett has taken great interest in the social and moral advancement of his fellow-beings, being concerned in the formation and conduct of the present flourishing and successful schools, temperance societies, etc., of his vicinity, his attitude throughout being that of a consistent Christian. Marrying before his departure from England, he has three children——W. J., Anna M. (now Mrs. Chapman) and Ellen.
“A History of Tuolumne County, California” Published by B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 317.
Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton
Mr. Bolts, who has seen much of life in Tuolumne, was born in Hanover, Germany, in April, 1838. Immigrating to America in 1853, he resided in New York city until the Summer of 1855, when he set out for California, reaching San Francisco in July of that year. Growing to Tuolumne and entering first upon mining as a pursuit he worked successively at Sullivan’s Creek (two months), Big Oak Flat, Kanaka Creek, which is between Jacksonville and Stevens’ Bar, and at Spanish Flat (junction of Sonora and Wood’s Creeks). In the Spring of 1858, the reports of rich strikes in the far North took him, with hundreds of others, to the banks of Fraser River, but, as did all others who could, he returned to California within half a year, and again located in Tuolumne, and entering into mercantile affairs, kept a store on Washington street, Sonora, between the “Long Tom” and Cabazet’s Restaurant. His firm was known as Schultz & Co. In 1863, Mr. Bolts left Tuolumne and removed to Alpine County, where for a time he did business as a saloon keeper and butcher. In 1869 he set out on an eleven-months’ tour around the world, which accomplishing he returned to Alpine, but shortly removed to San Francisco, where he has remained since in business at 907 Market street.
History of Tuolumne Co, CA” B.F. Alley, 1882.
Appendix pg. 44-45.
by: Nancy Pratt Melton
Was born in Germany, on December 13, 1833. He came to the United States in 1852, and settled at New York City. He afterwards took up his residence at Milltown, Middlesex County, New Jersey, where he resided until coming to California, in1856, via Panama. He first settled at Columbia, in this County, and afterwards came to Sonora, where he rented the Philadelphia Brewery, in 1861. This brewery was located on the ground where Mr. Romans now resides. Mr. Bowman was the proprietor of this brewery until 1865. In 1866, he purchased the building which is now known as the Sonora Brewery, and commenced the manufacture of beer, and has followed that business at the same place ever since. The brewery building is 60x120 feet, built of brick and stone. It contains all the necessary appliances for manufacturing beer and other beverages; and if the brewery were run up to its full capacity, it would turn out fifteen hundred barrels of beer per year.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 374-375.
by: Nancy Pratt Melton
Mr. Bradford is a native of the old Pine Tree State—a State that has given to California more vigorous, energetic workers and enterprising pioneers than any other section of proportionate population. His earlier years being passed in Maine, he removed westward, coming to California in the year 1850, and spent a few years in mining in various portions of this county, notably at Rattlesnake Creek, Big Oak Flat, etc. His travels led eastward again, and we find him somewhat later in Maine, where he resided for several years, coming back to California in 1858, and spending a portion of the ensuing years in Columbia, but coming to Sonora in 1867, where he has resided ever since, and has become an influential and most valued citizen.
Mr. Bradford has been identified with the lumber trade for many years, in which his business principles have met a suitable reward. He has been owner, in part, of the largest sawmill in the county, situated some fifteen miles east of Sonora. He has met discouragements, such as losses by fire, with the most becoming courage, always rising superior to calamity. At the present time, his business is connected with a steam planing-mill in Sonora, where he manufactures all kinds of mouldings, etc., does mill-work in all its branches, makes sash, doors, blinds, boxes, and numerous other articles, and conducts a huge trade in lumber, his business extending over the entire county. Mr. Bradford married Miss Nancy P. Davis, in 1849, their children being Alice (now Mrs. Street), Ada H. (wife of Frank Street, Esq.), and William Frederick, at present a student in the University of California.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 397-398.
Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton
The above named gentleman, who was once an influential resident of Sonora in early times, and who now holds the important position of Resident Physician at the State Insane Asylum at Stockton, came to this country in 1850. He was born in Virginia, in 1818. The Doctor commenced practicing in Sonora in 1852, in partnership with Doctor Thomas Kendall. Their practice proved extremely successful, and within a year or two they made a contract to care for the indigent sick of the county. At that time the County Hospital stood where Mr. J. Hall’s house now stands, says the Doctor, who mentions other gentlemen as having been in medical practice in Sonora at about that time: Dr. Cyprian Cross, born in North Carolina; Dr. Murphy, now of San Francisco; Dr. J. J. Franklin, who died in 1875; Dr. Kendall, who afterwards became Visiting Physician to the Insane Asylum; Dr. William H. Bruner, now of San Francisco; and Dr. Marshall, who went to Russia and entered the service of that government, and died, after participating in the Crimean war.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 407-408.
by: Nancy Pratt Melton
Was an attorney of prominence at an early date. “A very refined gentleman.” He was admitted to practice in July, 1851, and came to his end by suicide, in February, 1854, aged 29 years.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 378.
Born in England, in 1823, Mr. Burden was early apprenticed to the cabinet-maker’s trade. His father dying when the son was but fifteen years of age, he was compelled, notwithstanding his youth, to take upon himself the support of the family. Marrying Miss Caroline Hellier, in 1840, the young couple set out for America, coming in 1853 to San Francisco. Mining for two years at Brown’s Flat, Mr. Burden next came to Sonora, and opened the furniture establishment and which he still conducts.
The names of his children are: Elizabeth N, Charles
Henry, William Frederick G. Another, Carrie the Elizabeth, died, much lamented,
January 11, 1882.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 404.
Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton
Among the many resident pioneers is the subject of this sketch. He was born in Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, on July 24, 1817. He was educated in the common schools of Goffstown, and taught in merchantile pursuits For some years he sailed on the lakes between the ports of Buffalo and Chicago. He came to this State on the first trip of the steamship “Falcon” from New Orleans to the mouth of the Chagres River, up the river in a canoe, and came across the Isthmus on a mule, and from Panama to San Francisco on the first trip of the old steamship California, which arrived in San Francisco February 28, 1849.
Here he remained till the latter part of March, then came to Jamestown. At a point now called old Jamestown, on the opposite side of the creek from the main camp, he erected a store, made of canvass and logs, and commenced general merchandizing, and has continuously followed that business to the present time. This is the oldest store in the county, and Mr. Butterfield was one of the first to embark in mercantile pursuits in old Tuolumne. Married Amanda Melvina Currier, a native of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
History of Tuolumne County, California” B.F. Alley, 1882. Pg. 360-361.
by: Nancy Pratt Melton