Tehama County







     Grant B. Wilcox, a well known representative of sheep raising interest in the Sacramento Valley, his home being at Red Bluff, was born in Tulare county, California, November 20, 1863. His father, Abel Wilcox, a native of New York, was reared in that state and afterwards removed to Minnesota, where he carried on farming and stock raising until 1860. He then started across the plains by the way of the southern route and spent two years in Texas, after which he resumed his journey, proceeding to Tulare county, California, where he began raising sheep. After a brief period, however, he went to Corvallis, Oregon, where he spent a year, but preferred to live in California and returned to this state, settling in Tehama county, where he purchased a farm. Before the place was improved, however, he was called to his final rest, passing away in 1866. In young manhood he had married Miss Betsy Sanders, of New York, and they became the parents of six children, of whom two survive, Grant B. and Sardis D. The latter was long numbered among the large sheep raisers of Tehama county but is now living in Red Bluff.


     Grant B. Wilcox was quite young at the time of his father’s death. He remained at home, securing his education in the schools of Red Bluff and working upon the farm until he attained his majority, when he formed a partnership with his brother, Jerry A., under the name of Wilcox Brothers and began raising sheep on his own account. They started the business on a modest scale, having at first but fifteen hundred head and owning a small ranch. Later, however, they secured land at various points on which to range their sheep both in the winter and summer, and during the latter season operated largely in Modoc county. They built up an extensive business, which they continued successfully until the brother passed away in 1898. Grant B. Wilcox retains the original ranch and today owns altogether about twenty thousand acres of land, being recognized as one of the leading sheepmen of northern California. While still active, he is retiring somewhat and is now occupying a pleasant home in Red Bluff which he purchased many year ago.


     It was here that Grant B. Wilcox was married to Mrs. Louise (Robinson) Morgan, who came from Missouri, and who is a member of the Christian Church. They have one child, Bruce Beverly, who married C. W. Boyd and resides neat Willows, California.


     In politics Mr. Wilcox is a stanch republican. He is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Red Bluff and has long figured actively in fraternal circles. He belongs to the various Masonic bodies, including Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine, and is a past master of his lodge. He is affiliated with the Sciots at Red Bluff, has occupied all of the chairs in the local lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belongs to the Rebekahs and is a charter member and one of the trustees of Lodge No. 1250 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at Red Bluff. He has been an important factor in the development of the sheep raising industry in this section of the state and his activities have been effective and far-reaching, bringing to him a substantial measure of success. 


Transcribed by Craig Hahn.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 pgs. 17-18. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2005 Craig Hahn.




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