Tehama County








            In current phraseology, Lester E. Lafferty may be termed a live wire in the highest sense of that term.  Not only is he known as a successful newspaperman, but as a civic worker and as one interested in all community affairs he commands the admiration and respect of all who know him personally, and many others who know him through the columns of his newspapers, the Gerber Star and the Biggs Weekly News.  He is one of the men who, in a space of a few years, have been directly responsible for the development and growth of Gerber and Tehama County.  He possesses that progressive, energetic and modern attitude which makes for rapid changes leading to better things.

            Lester E. Lafferty was born at Sioux City, Iowa, October 31, 1896, a son of John and Flora (Hines) Lafferty.  John Lafferty was born November 6, 1864, at Scranton, Pennsylvania, and his wife was born March 22, 1865, at St. Joseph, Missouri, and died January 20, 1918.  The father was of Irish parentage, and the mother’s father was a veteran of the Civil War, having been distinguished as an aide to General Johnston of the Confederate Army.

            Lester E. Lafferty was brought to Los Angeles, California, when he was only six months of age.  Here he later attended school, graduating from the Herman grammar school, and from the Lincoln high school in 1916.  He then took up the study of mining engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson, but his course here was interrupted by his enlistment in the United States Army in June, 1918.  Prior to his enlistment he had been in the Reserve Officers Training Corps.  Mr. Lafferty was a private, first class, with the One Hundred and Forty-third Field Artillery, Battery C, during his service.  He trained as a liaison scout and so acted during the time he was in France.  In 1919, he was honorably discharged from the army, and returned to the west, locating at Superior, Arizona, where he was connected with mining work until 1921.  He then went to San Francisco, California, there to be associated with the San Francisco Examiner.  In October, 1922, he came to Red Bluff, Tehama County, for the purpose of publishing the Red Bluff Sentinel.  In 1923 he established the Gerber Star, the town of Gerber then having less than five hundred inhabitants.  He has since been active in building up the town. In 1924 he established the Biggs Weekly News, and has since been very successful in the operation of both the Star and the News.  He owns both papers, and in 1927 invested in property at Gerber, upon which he erected a building to be used as a public library.

            Mr. Lafferty was the leader in the movement for the establishment of a chamber of commerce at Gerber, and was elected the first secretary.  He has now been secretary for four terms, beginning in March, 1925.  His political affiliation is with the progressive wing of the Republic Party.  He was elected a member of the Republican county central committee in 1926, 1928, and 1930, and was appointed by Governor C. C. Young to the state Republican central committee.  He was appointed a member from Tehama County on the Sacramento Region Citizens Council, was named chairman of Cork Oak committee for the council and caused to be published a book in the state printing office, which volume is distributed in all public libraries and agricultural colleges and farm bureaus.  Mr. Lafferty is a director of the Tehama County Chamber of Commerce, and is chairman of the publicity committee of the Red Bluff Kiwanis Club; he is active news correspondent for the San Francisco Examiner, the United Press, and the Sacramento Bee.  His religious faith is that of the Methodist Church, and he is a member of Red Bluff Lodge, No. 1250, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, in which lodge he was elected esteemed lecturing knight in April, 1930.  He belongs to the California Publishers Association the California Secretarial Association, and the Red Bluff Golf Club.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 407-408. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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