Tehama County








            Prominent among the citizens of Tehama County is George A. Hoag, who is engaged in general farming, in sheep and livestock raising, and is now serving as mayor of Corning, California.  Mr. Hoag has been a leader in civic affairs for many years, and has earned a well merited reputation as being an upright, public-spirited and enterprising member of the community.  He has carried on well the traditions and ideals established by his worthy father, who was one of the most respected pioneers of this county.

            George A. Hoag was born in Tehama County, California, February 20, 1881, and is a son of George and Mrs. Mary (Trumpler) Prussing Hoag.  George Hoag, the father, was born near Dundee, Scotland, in April, 1837, a son of John and Catherine (Kidd) Hoag, who spent their entire lives in that locality.  In 1857, George Hoag took passage on the vessel, City of New York, with New York as his destination.  Equinoctial storms delayed the voyage of the ship, which was in great danger at times, but eventually the passengers were disembarked safely at New York City.  George Hoag then joined an uncle in Michigan, and in the Wolverine state he tarried awhile, then went down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, thence to Havana and Aspinwall, then sailed up the Pacific coast, and landed at San Francisco, August 13, 1858.  The cost of the trip having been unexpectedly large, Mr. Hoag was without funds when he stepped from the ship, but he secured employment on a farm near Sacramento.  He became interested in the sheep raising business, and in 1860 he and his partner drove their flock to Tehama County, where it was divided, and then Mr. Hoag came to Corning, the site of which was at that time mostly wild land without a house to be seen.  His flock gradually increased until he owned ten thousand sheep.  He drove the first band, comprising thirty-five hundred sheep, into Montana from California.  On one of these long trips he and his companions were snowed in while crossing the Rockies and their lives were saved solely because they happened to have two wagons filled with flour and pork, upon which food they subsisted.  The men each had eight thousand dollars in gold dust rolled in their blankets, but struggled through without losing any of their capital.  Sheep raising in California became unprofitable to Mr. Hoag as the land was divided into smaller farm tracts, so he engaged in grain raising on a large scale.  Still later he disposed of some of his holdings to the Maywood Colony, which had been established by Warren N. Woodson as a farm colony.  He sold about three thousand, seven hundred and fifty acres to this colony, but retained large sections in various parts of the county for himself.  He also owned many buildings in Corning; was interested in fruit raising and stock raising, and held responsible positions in different organizations.  He was a representative citizen in every respect and commanded the admiration of all who came in contact with him.  His death occurred January 18, 1921, when he was in the eighty-seventh year of his age, at which time he was the owner of over six thousand acres of land.  His wife was born at New Orleans, Louisiana, and died on the home ranch in Tehama County, October 2, 1882.  She was a daughter of John Trumpler, who came to California in 1852 and was a leading businessman of the Sacramento Valley during his life.  George and Mary (Trumpler) Prussing Hoag were the parents of four children, namely:  Catherine, who is the wife of Charles Mellen, formerly of Corning, but now a resident of San Rafael, California; Mary, the wife of Dr. H. C. Foster, a physician of Berkeley, California; Clara, the wife of R. A. Foster, of Corning, a rancher on the Sacramento River; and lastly, George A., the immediate subject of this sketch.  The genealogy of the Hoag family is traced to the early days of Scotch history.  George Hoag was exceptionally interested in historical matters, and was one of the best informed men on events of the early days in California.

            George A. Hoag was educated in the grade and high schools of Red Bluff, and attended business college at Stockton, California.  He now resides on the old home farm, and is extensively engaged in sheep raising, also raising cattle, horses and hogs, and does general farming.  He has about fourteen hundred acres, and leases additional land for his two thousand sheep, one hundred cattle and two hundred hogs.  The Hoag home is about one-half mile from the city of Corning.  Mr. Hoag is prominent in Masonry, holding membership in the blue lodge at Corning, the chapter and commandery at Red Bluff, and Bel Ali Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Sacramento.  He belongs to the Woodmen of the World and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at Red Bluff.  His political affiliation is with the Republican Party, and he served as supervisor of Tehama County for eight years and upon the Corning city council for one year.  He is now mayor of the city of Corning, being first appointed and afterward elected to the office.  He is also a member of the high school board at this time, and he was the first chairman of the supervisors for the new courthouse of Tehama County.

            In 1915, George A. Hoag was married to Miss Altha Sutfin, a daughter of William and Mary (Litzenberg) Sutfin, the father now being deceased.  He was a farmer and one of the pioneer settlers of Tehama County.  To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hoag there have been born two children, George and Barbara Jeanne.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 384-386. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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