Tehama County









      The spirit of modern scientific progress finds expression in the life work of Dr. Frank Lewis Doane, a prominent physician in Red Bluff.  Born in Alpena, Michigan, February 3, 1874, he is a son of Scott and Margaret E. Doane.  The father’s death occurred November 29, 1930, and the mother passed away October 31, 1925.  He was a lumber manufacturer for a number of years but more recently devoted his attention to fruit growing.  The ancestral line is traced back to Deacon John Doane, of England, who settled in the Plymouth Colony of Massachusetts in 1630.  Some of his descendants were numbered among the earliest settlers of the state of Ohio, to which they removed from Massachusetts, and in 1885 Scott Doane became a resident of Red Bluff.

      At the time of the removal of the family to California, Dr. Doane was a youth of about eleven years and after his graduation from the Red Bluff schools he attended the high school in Berkeley, California, and then became a student in the Cooper Medical College, for he had determined to make the practice of medicine his life work.  He won his professional degree in 1903 and in 1904 opened an office in Red Bluff, where he has since remained.  His is one of the best equipped offices in northern California, for he has all of the modern appliances which contribute to success in medical and surgical practice.  He has carried his researches far and wide into the realms of medical science and recently visited the Mayo Brothers Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, for the purpose of acquainting himself with the methods there pursued.  He was a captain in the Medical Corps of the United States Army and was a member of the staff of the Letterman General Hospital at the Presidio in San Francisco for a year and a half during the World war.

      On the 25th of April, 1907, in Red Bluff, Dr. Doane was united in marriage to Miss Lena Belle Frank.  Her father, Lou Frank, died during her childhood and her mother is now Mrs. E. C. Barrett.  Dr. and Mrs. Doane hold membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Red Bluff and he is a charter member of the Red Bluff Rotary Club.  He also belongs to the Abracadabra Club of the University of California and the Omega Upsilon Phi of Stanford University.  Since 1912 he has been identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and for a still longer period has been a member of the Masonic fraternity, having served as master of Vesper Lodge, No. 84, F. & A. M., in 1908.  He also belongs to Red Bluff Chapter, R. A. M., and Red Bluff Commandery, K. T.  In all matters of citizenship he is public-spirited, giving staunch endorsement to projects of worth.  Naturally the major part of his time and attention is given to his professional interests and by reason of his natural and acquired ability, his wide reading and experience he ranks among the most successful of the physicians and surgeons of Tehama county.  In 1927, Dr. R. J. Fry joined him and in 1929 they completed a clinic building known as the Doane & Fry Building at 737 Washington Street.  In May, 1930, Dr. Henry L. White of Pasadena joined the firm, which is now Doane, Fry & White, and theirs is one of the best institutions of the kind in northern California.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 214-217. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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