Tehama County









      One of the leading mercantile establishments of Tehama County is the general store at Manton owned and conducted by G. L. Childs, who has been in business here for fifteen years, during which period he has gained a patronage covering a wide radius of surrounding country.  He is a native of Tehama County, born on the 9th of January, 1882.  His parents, Samuel M. and Mary Jane (Smith) Childs, were natives of Indiana, from which state, in 1861, Mr. Childs enlisted for the Civil War as a member of Company C, Twelfth Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry.  He served his full enlistment period of three years, taking part in many of the most important engagements and campaigns of that great conflict.  He and his wife came to California in 1880, locating at Red Bluff, where he worked at anything that offered.  He was a good citizen, in the best sense of the term, and was well liked by all who knew him.  He died in 1925 and his wife passed away in 1918, in their old home at Manton, in which their two daughters still live.  They were the parents of six children, as follows:  Myrtle, who is the widow of the late James Morgan, and lives in the old home at Manton; Iva, the wife of Lincoln Forward, a farmer in Nebraska; Mary, the wife of Ludwig H. Meyer, a farmer and stockman of Manton district; Frederick, who is engaged in farming at Round Mountain, Shasta County, this state; Frank P., who is a stockman at Payne’s Creek, near Manton and is running a large herd of Hereford cattle, for which he buys registers bulls from Nebraska; and G. L., of this review.

      G. L. Childs attended the common schools to the ninth grade, when he began farming, which occupation he followed until 1915, when he bought his present store in Manton.  He carries a general line of merchandise, including groceries, hardware and drugs—in fact, everything required by the local trade.  He carries a six thousand dollar stock of goods and his is the only large store in this section of eastern Tehama County.  He is courteous and accommodating and his highest business ideal is to render such service to his patrons that his store will be indispensable to them.  In this he has succeeded and many of his warmest and most loyal friends are among his oldest customers.

      In 1916 Mr. Childs was united in marriage to Miss Lena Buszdieker, who is a native of Nebraska, from which state her family came to Shasta County, California, in an early day.  Her parents are now deceased.  Mr. and Mrs. Childs are the parents of a daughter, Leslie Henrietta, five years of age, and pretty as a picture.  Mr. Childs has always supported the Republican Party and has been active in local public affairs.  In 1926, in response to the request of his many friends, he was a candidate for the office of supervisor.  He was elected and so eminently satisfactory was his service in that capacity that he was reelected in 1930 for another four-year term.  He has been a member of Red Bluff Lodge, No. 1250, B. P. O. E., at Red Bluff, since 1912.  A man of earnest purpose, sincere in all the relations of life and standing “four square to every wind that blows,” he is regarded as one of his community’s representative men.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 60-63. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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