Tehama County








      David A. Bayles, who is assistant postmaster of the City of Red Bluff, Tehama County, California, is widely known as a representative and public-spirited citizen, and is active in civic and fraternal affairs of his home community.  Mr. Bayles is a native of Red Bluff, his birth having occurred here, August 13, 1887.  He is a son of Daniel C. and Sarah (Fish) Bayles, the former having been born in Illinois, and the latter in Canada, although she went to Illinois as a child.  Daniel C. Bayles came to California in 1875, and settled on the old Glenn Ranch in Colusa County, where he engaged in farming for several years, then came to Tehama County, where he has lived for over fifty years, being now eighty-four years of age.  His wife is seventy-six years old.  Daniel C. Bayles followed farming and blacksmithing at Red Bluff for many years, and was always active in public affairs, although he never aspired to office.  He and his wife were the parents of five children, David A. Bayles having been the fourth in order of birth.  David A. Bayles received his education in the grade and high schools of Red Bluff, then took a civil service examination for United States Government work.  Entered service on October 1, 1910, and May 5, 1920, he was appointed assistant postmaster of Red Bluff, and is holding this position at present with credit to himself and satisfaction to all concerned.  Mr. Bayles is a Republican in his political adherence.  Mr. Bayles has taken a prominent part in the fraternal affairs of Red Bluff.  On January 11, 1928, the cornerstone  of the new post office was laid by the grand master of the Masons of California, and on the same day Mr. Bayles was installed as master of Vesper Lodge, No. 84, Free and Accepted Masons, at Red Bluff.  In 1929, he was elected toparch of Pyramid Lodge, Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots, at Red Bluff.  He is also a member of the Royal Arch Chapter, the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Red Bluff Chamber of Commerce.

      On February 11, 1911, Mr. Bayles was married to Miss Frankie May Henderson, a daughter of Ralph Henderson, a farmer and old settler of Tehama County, also a native of California.  Mr. and Mrs. Bayles are the parents of five children, namely:  Robert L., Daniel G., Mary Jane, Anna E., and Dorothy Merle.  Mrs. Bayles is a prominent worker in the Order of the Eastern Star, and was installed Worthy Matron December 8, 1930.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 406-407. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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