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THE UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS is an unique organization. No child can be born into it; no proclamation of President, edict of King or Czar can command admission; no university or institution of learning can issue a diploma authorizing its holder to enter; no act of Congress or Parliament secures recognition; the wealth of a Rockefeller or a Ford cannot purchase the position; its doors swing open only upon presentation of the bit of paper, torn, worn, begrimed though it may be, which certifies to an honorable discharge from the Army or Navy of the nation during the Spanish-American War, the Philippine Insurrection, or the China Relief Expedition. And, unlike other associations, no “new blood” can come in; there are no growing ranks from which recruits can be drawn into the United Spanish War Veterans. With the consummation of peace through victory, its rolls were closed forever. Its line are steadily growing thinner, and the tramp of its column is with ever-lessening tread; the gaps in the picket line grow wider; day by day details are made from the reserve, summoned into the shadowy regions to return to touch elbows no more, until, by and by, only a solitary sentinel shall stand guard, waiting until the bugle call from beyond shall muster out the last Comrade of the United Spanish War Veterans.





Walter S. Hale* (10) (1907-08)

A. P. Entenza (Michigan) (9), 638 Subway Terminal Building, Los Angeles (1922-23)







Thomas F. O'Neil* (2), (1904)

Hugh T. Sime* (2), (1904-05)

Charles W. Davison (8) 84 South First St., San Jose (1905-06)

Edwin S. Bean* (10), (1906-07)

Montgomery S. Moulton* (20), (1907-08)

James H. Noland** (10), (1908-09)

P. C. Mulqueeney* (9), (1909-10)

Samuel W. Kay* (5), (1910-11)

Wallace H. Copping (30), 837 West 64th St., Los Angeles (1911-12)

B. A. Forsterer (13), Oakland Tribune, Oakland (1912-13)

Lloyd T. Stephenson (6), 1637 San Pablo Ave., Fresno (1913-14)

Harry F. Huber (7), 413 Eighth St., Oakland (1914-15)

Robert Wankowski* (9), (1915-16)

Charles S. Perry (1), 415 Hampshire St., Vallejo (1916-17)

Richard S. Harris* (20), (1917-18)

Milton A. Nathan* (10), (1918-19)

John T. Curtin* (9), (1919-20)

Lewis C. Weisbach (2), 516 Sutter St., San Francisco (1920-21)

R. Morgan Galbreth (36), 434 So. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles (1921-22)

George A. Marshall (7), U. S. Custom House San Francisco (1922-23)

Tom C. Galbraith* (9), (1923-24)

Frank E. Russell (29), 2105 Eagle Ave., Alameda (1924-25)

Coral F. Roberts (31), 2207 Park Way, Bakersfield (1925-26)

Mort W. Sellar* (7), (1926-27)

Charles E. Dixon (26), 1138 South Ross St., Santa Ana (1927-28)

Clarence A. Son (61) 1726 Fillmore St., San Francisco (1928-29)

A. C. Munson (9), 224 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles (1929-30)

Frank B. Graves (91), 2185 Hayes St., Apt. 9, San Francisco (1930-31)

J. Lavaille Stuart (20), 3005 33rd St., San Diego (1931-32)

Charles W. Bennett* (29), (1932-33)

E. Earle Greene (36), 7915 Walnut Dr., Los Angeles (1933-34)

Percy C. Church (6), 324 Patterson Bldg., Fresno (1934-35)

Frank J. Ziegler** (9), (1935-36)

A. I. Sorensen (4), 1312 W. Magnolia St., Stockton (1936-37)

Elmer L. Cole (85), 1840 East 63rd St., Los Angeles (1937-38)

O. M. McFarland (7), 977 Aileen St., Oakland (1938-39)







Newton W. Gilbert* (26), (Indiana, 1902)

Harmon L. Hutson (10), (Indiana, 1904-05), 726 Sutter St., San Francisco

George L. Armstrong (83), (Philippines, 1910-11), 10810 Wilkens Ave., West Los Angeles

E. H. Phelps* (43), (Nebraska, 1909-11)

George N. Tausan (10), (Washington and Alaska),

131 War Memorial Bldg., San Francisco (1911-12)

Frank H. Martin (9), (Kansas, 1911-12), 1207 West 89th St., Los Angeles

A. J. McAllister* (83), (Oregon, 1912-13)

E. U. Moore (21), (Columbia, 1912-13), 124 Alameda St., Vallejo

David Holden (3), (Columbia, 1913-14), 2939 King St., Berkeley

James M. Hamilton* (9), (Vermont, 1913-15)

Ebbert W. Maden (3), (Columbia, 1915-16) 1614 Oregon St., Berkeley

E. B. J. Sweeney* (36), (Colorado and Wyoming, 1919-20)

W. W. Weston (9), (Philippines, 1924-25), 2927 South Harvard Blvd., LA.

Henry W. Edmonds (14), (North Carolina, 1929-30), 903 Brewster Ave., Redwood City

J. H. Knight (9), (Arizona, 1933-34), 3524 Eighth Ave., Los Angeles

H. W. Davidson (23), (New Mexico, 1934-35), 773 Cerritos Ave., Long Beach






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Department Commander -W. J. Werner, 8989 Lloyd Place, Los Angeles.


Department Senior Vice Commander- William J. Harrison, 1490 Santa Clara Street, Santa Clara.

Department Junior Vice Commander- Walter L. Lynch, 2826 East 4th Street, Long Beach.

Department Chief of Staff- L. L. McClary, 205 S. Broadway, Los Angeles.

Department Adjutant- A. C. Munson, 222 Wilcox Building, Los Angeles.

Department Quartermaster- O. R. Chittenden, 401 11th Street, Santa Monica.

Department Inspector- Henry H. Brown, 1901 E Street, Sacramento.

Department Judge Advocate-R. Morgan Galbreth, 434 S. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles.

Department Surgeon- Dr. John N. Agan, 5614 Baltimore Street, Los Angeles.

Department Chaplain- Frederick L. Carrier, 901 S. Birch Street, Santa Ana.

Department Patriotic Instructor- Charles Helme, 5733 11th Avenue, Los Angeles.

Department Marshal- Harry Swineford, 2448 Cole Place, Huntington Park.

Department Historian- Julia Hinkle, 845 Sutter Street, San Francisco.

Department Graves Registration Officer- J. E. Ketchem, 2508 Parkway, Bakersfield.

Department 1st Assistant Adjutant- C. L. Foster, 128 S. La Jolla Avenue, Los Angeles.

Department 2nd Assistant Adjutant- Chas. R. McGlumphy, Vet. Administration, West Los Angeles.

Department 1st Assistant Quartermaster- F. A. Peet, 2309 Honolulu Avenue, Montrose.

Department 2nd Assistant Quartermaster- George LeSart, 69 Pearl Street, San Francisco.

Department Senior Color Sergeant- Joseph J. Bailey, 3909 12th Street, Riverside.

Department Junior Color Sergeant- Charles M. Stains, 911 West Rose Street, Burbank.

Department Senior Color Guard- Chas. G. Davidson, 440 West Compton Blvd., Compton.

Department Junior Color Guard- A. H. Diamond, 5717 Budlong Street, Los Angeles.

Department Musician- Lindell Darby, 1732 E. Washington Street, Pasadena.

Department Musician- B. J. Wertch, Verterns' Memorial Bldg., Alameda.

Department Recruiting Officer- Clifford Judd, 320 W. 59th Place, LA.

Department Recruiting Officer- Ben Johnson, 22 Parnassis Avenue, San Francisco.

Department Travel Director- Emmett J. McKey, Gen. Del., Encinitas.





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Henry W. Lawton Camp No. 1, Vallejo

Membership: 172

Commander: I. S. Meeks, 323 Carolina St., Vallejo.

Adjutant: L. C. Pomber, 1416 Sonoma St., Vallejo.

Q. M.: E. C. Grigg, 1402 Solano Ave., Vallejo.

Service Officer: L. C. Pomber, 1416 Sonoma St., Vallejo.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Building, Vallejo.


Richter-McKinnon Camp No. 2, San Francisco

Membership: 248

Commander: Claude West, 135 Lee Ave., San Francisco.

Adjutant: John P. Harkins, 187 Fair Oaks St., San Francisco.

Q. M.: William H. Woods, 932 Potrero Ave., San Francisco.

Service Officer: Frank L. Storey, 328 Veteran's Memorial Bldg., San Francisco.

Meetings: Every Wednesday, 8:15 P.M., Veteran's Memorial Bldg.,

McAllister and Van Ness Ave., San Francisco.


Lieut. John H. Alexander Camp No. 3, Oakland

Membership: 31

Commander: Charles W. Boatwright, 1404 Tenth St., Oakland.

Adjutant: John W. Brown, 836 Thirty-fourth St., Oakland.

Q. M.: Middleton W. Saddler, 874 Thirty-sixth St., Oakland.

Service Officer: William N. Ricks, 3006 Stanton St., Berkeley.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.


Commodore Stockton Camp No. 4, Stockton

Membership: 128

Commander: W. W. Dyer, 129 ½ East Clay St., Stockton.

Adjutant: Clarence E. Harris, P. O. Box 1074, Stockton.

Q. M.: Edward H. Charette, 436 E. Lindsay St., Stockton.

Service Officer: A. I. Sorensen, P. D. C., 1312 W. Magnolia St., Stockton.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., S. Hall,

Civic Memorial Auditorium, Fremont and Center Sts., Stockton.


J. Holland Laidler Camp No. 5, Sacramento

Membership: 297

Commander: John I. Johnson, 1832 41st St., Sacramento.

Adjutant: Henry H. Brown, 1901 “E” St., Sacramento.

Q. M.: Clarence E. Helms, Rt. 6, Box 4935, Sacramento.

Service Officer: Henry H. Brown, 1901 “E” St., Sacramento.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Court House, Sacramento.


Col. Jacob H. Smith Camp No. 6, Fresno

Membership: 171

Commander: George A. Paldi, 1807 Whitson Ave., Selma.

Adjutant: Raymond J. Beattie, 3064 Iowa Ave., Fresno.

Q. M.: Percy C. Church, P. D. C., 324 Patterson Bldg., Fresno.

Service Officer: Percy C. Church, P. D. C., 324 Patterson Bldg., Fresno.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Fridays, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, N and Mariposa Sts., Fresno.


E. H. Liscum Camp No. 7, Oakland

Membership: 562

Commander: Frank W. Herberth, 832 Aileen St., Oakland.

Adjutant: O. M. McFarland, P. D. C., 977 Aileen St., Oakland.

Q. M.: W. H. McKelvey, 2515 Thirty-eighth Ave., Oakland.

Service Officer: O. M. McFarland, P. D. C., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.

Meetings: Every Thursday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Building, 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.


Wheaton Camp No. 8, San Jose

Membership: 210

Commander: William Sigle, 201 Hawthorne Way, San Jose.

Adjutant: A. L. Schulenburg, 478 South First St., San Jose.

Q. M.: John Williams, 62 George St., San Jose.

Service Officer: S. S. Sorensen, 64 George St., San Jose.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Fridays 8:00 P. M., Druids Hall, Market and San Carlos Sts., San Jose.


Theodore Roosevelt Camp No. 9, Los Angeles

Membership: 1702

Commander: Edward F. Coates, 125 West Forty-sixth St., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Mayne Denman, 830 South Norton Ave., Los Angeles.

Q. M.: Warren W. Weston, P. D. C., 2927 So. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: Frank E. Allison, Room 326, 253 South Broadway, Los Angeles.

Meetings: Every Monday, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 1816 South Figueroa St., Los Angeles.


Nelson A. Miles Camp No. 10, San Francisco

Membership: 884

Commander: George E. Jackson, Room 131, Veterans Memorial Building, San Francisco.

Adjutant: Theodore Martin, Room 131, Veterans Memorial Building, San Francisco.

Q. M.: H. H. Webster, Room 131, Veterans Memorial Building, San Francisco.

Service Officer: H. H. Webster, Room 131, Veterans Memorial Building, San Francisco.

Meetings: Every Monday, 8:00 P. M., Room 223, Veterans Memorial Building, Van Ness Ave.

and McAllister St., San Francisco.


Kenzie Camp No. 11, Woodland

Membership: 22

Commander: F. L. Davies, 311 “E” St., Davis.

Adjutant, Quartermaster and Service Officer: August G. Silberstein, 146 Third St., Woodland.

Meetings: First Thursday, 8:00 P. M., I. O. O. F. Hall, 3rd and Main Sts., Woodland.


General Joe Wheeler Camp No. 12, Santa Rosa

Membership: 86

Commander: P. Hansen, Rt. 1, Box 760, Petaluma.

Adjutant: George H. S. Peters, 911 Wright St., Santa Rosa.

Q. M.: Royal M. Cornish, 3774 Park Hill Road, Santa Rosa.

Service Officer: G. W. Matson, 918 Bush St., Santa Rosa.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., G. A. R. Hall, County Court House, Santa Rosa.


Joseph H. McCourt Camp No. 13, Berkeley

Membership: 195

Commander: Frank L. Peabbles, 1716 Milvia St., Berkeley.

Adjutant: A. P. Hanscom, 1017 Kains Ave., Albany.

Q. M.: William G. Dickinson, 1923 Fairview St., Berkeley.

Service Officer: William F. Squire, 1803 Dwight Way, Berkeley.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Building, 1931 Center St., Berkeley.


Captain H. J. Reilly Camp No. 14, Redwood City

Membership: 46

Commander: Hosea W. Allsman, 2041 Capitol Ave., East Palo Alto.

Adjutant: Philip Owen, 2424 Jefferson St., Redwood City.

Q. M.: William H. Augustus, 203 Aragon Blvd., San Mateo.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 8:00 P. M., Veteran's Building, Redwood City.


Rollins-Noble Camp No. 15, San Bernardino

Membership: 64

Commander: William Poffenberger, 640 “G” St., San Bernardino.

Adjutant: James Cowart, 1067 “L” St., San Bernardino.

Q. M.: James Cowart, 1067 “L” St., San Bernardino.

Service Officer: G. L. Gregory, 1536 Barton St., San Bernardino.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., American Legion Hall, 4th and “D” Sts., San Bernardino.


Major Robert P. Wainwright Camp No. 16, Monterey

Membership: 35

Commander: N. B. Burlingame, 151 Eleventh St., Pacific Grove.

Adjutant: A. L. Staie, 686 Park Ave., Monterey.

Q. M.: E. L. Gilbert, 725 Hawthorne St., Monterey.

Service Officer: A. L. Staie, 686 Park Ave., Monterey.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 8:00 P. M., Knights of Pythias Hall, Monterey.


Admiral McCalla No. 17, Veteran's Home of California

Membership: 421

Commander: Alfred G. Zuern, Veterans Home, Napa County.

Adjutant: Amos Adams, Veterans Home, Napa County.

Q. M.: Ernest Court, Veterans Home, Napa County.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 P. M., Lincoln Theater, Veterans Home, Napa County.


John H. Harris Camp No. 18, San Rafael

Membership: 94

Commander: William A. Christner, 17 Lansdale Ave., San Anselmo.

Adjutant: Allen J. Marshall, P. O. Box 162, San Anselmo.

Q. M.: William M. Speaker, 132 Center St., San Rafael.

Service Officer: Delbert D. Pittman, P. O. Box 122, Novato.

Meetings: 3rd Tuesday each month, 8:00 P. M., “B” Street Hall, San Rafael.


General Fitzhugh Lee Camp No. 19, Concord

Membership: 44

Commander: William E. Gore, Walnut Creek.

Adjutant: Harry M. Knight, 1137 Main St., Martinez.

Q. M.: Harry M. Knight, 1137 Main St., Martinez.

Service Officer: Benjamin E. Stotts, 1125 Thompson St., Martinez.

Meetings: 3rd Wednesday each month, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Concord.


Bennington Camp No. 20, San Diego

Membership: 322

Commander: Frederick F. Russell, 938 Melrose Ave., National City.

Adjutant: A. McD. Brooks, 886 Rosecrans St., San Diego.

Q. M.: Schuyler C. Kelly, 4379 Ampudia St., San Diego.

Service Officer: Edward C. Boyce, 4630 Felton St., San Diego.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 7:30 P. M., Sequoi Club Bldg., 4th and Elm Sts., San Diego.


Captain Charles Young Camp No. 21, Vallejo

Membership: 11

Commander: Joseph R. Taylor, 1827 Carolina St., Vallejo.

Adjutant: J. M. Owens, 104 Denio St., Vallejo.

Q. M.: Alexander Morrow, 1213 Louisiana St., Vallejo.

Service Officer: E. U. Moore, P. D. C., 124 Alameda St., Vallejo.

Meetings: 1st Monday each month, 8:00 P. M., 1209 Georgia St., Vallejo.


Wm. McKinley Camp No. 23, Long Beach

Membership: 400

Commander: Charles O. Hopping, 1029 Termino Ave., Long Beach.

Adjutant, Quartermaster and Service Officer: James F. White, 101 Veterans Memorial Bldg., Long Beach.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Saturday. Business, 2nd, 4th and 5th Saturday. Social, 7:30 P. M.,

Veterans Memorial Building, Long Beach.


MacArthur Camp No. 25, Santa Monica

Membership: 60

Commander: David R. Thayer, 924 Twenty-fourth St., Santa Monica.

Adjutant: O. R. Chittenden, 401 Eleventh St., Santa Monica.

Q. M.: Jacob Firetag, 20 Wave Crest Ave., Venice.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Friday, 8:00 P. M., I. O. O. F. Hall, 1431 Third St., Santa Monica.


Calumpit Camp No. 26, Santa Ana

Membership: 243

Commander: C. William Hannah, 410 Cypress St., Santa Ana.

Adjutant: Charles E. Dixon, P. D. C., 1138 South Ross St., Santa Ana.

Q. M.: William Brown, 639 North Van Ness St., Santa Ana.

Service Officer: Charles E. Dixon, P. D. C., 1138 South Ross St., Santa Ana.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Business; 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, Social; Oct. to Apr., 7:30 P. M.,

May to Sept., 8:00 P. M., K. of C. Hall, 4th and French Sts., Santa Ana.


Harry Wallace Camp No. 27, Redlands

Membership: 37

Commander: William L. Fowler, 1322 West Cypress Ave., Redlands.

Adjutant: C. A. Maccubbin, P. O. Box 764, Redlands.

Q. M.: C. A. Maccubbin, P. O. Box 764, Redlands.

Service Officer: George S. Biggin, P. O. Box 333, Redlands.

Meetings: 3rd Thursday each month, 8:00 P. M., American Legion Hall, Cajon and Fern Ave., Redlands.


Lieut. Bedwell Camp No. 28, Riverside

Membership: 80

Commander: A. L. Randall, 1025 Blaine St, Riverside.

Adjutant: Louis Frank, P. O. Box 176, Arlington.

Q. M.: J. W. Creech, Rt. 2, Box 538, Riverside.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday, 8:00 P. M., W. O. W. Hall, Seventh and Main Sts. Riverside.


Barrett Camp No. 29, Alameda

Membership: 91

Commander: Calvin E. Scott, 4016 Linwood Ave., Oakland.

Adjutant: William Whitlow, 2846 Van Buren St., Alameda.

Q. M.: Fred W. MacDonald, 1218 Mound St., Alameda.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Building, Alameda.


Ensign Bagley Camp No. 30, Pasadena

Membership: 205

Commander: Lindell Darby, 1732 E. Washington St., Pasadena.

Adjutant: Byron Elliott, 235 S. Bonnie Ave., Pasadena.

Q. M.: Joseph Scherrer, 1359 E. Villa St., Pasadena.

Service Officer: Charles J. Anderson, 1408 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Friday, 8:00 P. M., Vasa Temple, 2031 East Villa St., Pasadena.


General William R. Shafter Camp No. 31, Bakersfield

Membership: 137

Commander: A. J. Dixon, Rt. 4, Box 142, Bakersfield.

Adjutant: Coral F. Roberts, P. D. C., 2207 Park Way, Bakersfield.

Q. M.: Coral F. Roberts, P. D. C., 2207 Park Way, Bakersfield.

Service Officer: Coral F. Roberts, P. D. C., 2207 Park Way, Bakersfield.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Nineteenth and “F” Sts., Bakersfield.


General Charles King Camp No. 35, Napa

Membership: 37

Commander: Arthur M. Stone, 1336 First St., Napa.

Adjutant: Simon Sax Jr., 2120 Brown St., Napa.

Q. M.: Simon Sax Jr., 2120 Brown St., Napa.

Service Officer: Fred P. Bliss, 55 Randolph St., Napa.

Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., Labor Temple, Pearl and Main Sts., Napa.


Los Angeles Camp No. 36, Los Angeles

Membership: 307

Commander: Franklin Jamison, 3634 Ramona Blvd., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Samuel R. Todd, 416 Maryland Ave., Glendale.

Q. M.: Henry A. Cohrs, Room 318, 257 S. Spring St., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: Henry A. Cohrs, Room 318, 257 S. Spring St., Los Angeles.

Meetings: Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., 1st, 2nd, 4th , Business; 3rd, Social; Patriotic Hall, 1816 S,. Figueroa St., LA.


Alhambra Camp No. 41, Alhambra

Membership: 116

Commander: Jesse L. Gray, 328 N. First St., Alhambra.

Adjutant: George E. Scott, 329 N. Monterey St., Alhambra.

Q. M.: A. L. Frankenberger, 1502 Stevens Ave., San Gabriel.

Service Officer: R. Thornton Smith, 178 Kaufman St., Temple City.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Fridays, Business; 5th Friday, Social; 8:00 P. M., Womans Club House,

204 S. Second St., Alhambra.


Henry Lauren Thompson Camp No. 42, San Luis Obispo

Membership: 31

Commander: John Q. Anderson, King City.

Adjutant: George H. Sharland, P. O. Box 883, Pismo Beach.

Q. M.: Frank Ayers, San Luis Obispo.

Service Officer: Leslie C. Chase, Atascadero.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Saturday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Hall, San Luis Obispo


Hamilton S. Hawkins Camp No. 43, West Los Angeles

Membership: 149

Commander: Frank E. Hines, 3022 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica.

Adjutant: Edward C. Armstrong, 11939 Kiowa Ave., West Los Angeles.

Q. M.: William C. Harper, 1844 Colby Ave., West Los Angeles.

Service Officer: Edward C. Armstrong, 11939 Kiowa Ave., West Los Angeles.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 8:00 P. M., Masonic Temple, Santa Monica Blvd. and

Butler Ave., West Los Angeles.


Admiral Dewey Camp No. 46, Richmond

Membership: 87

Commander: Henry Smith, 933 Main Ave., Richmond.

Adjutant: Charles H. Hagerdon, 449 Twenty-second St., Richmond.

Q. M.: Robert Benton, 204 Emeric St., Richmond.

Service Officer: J. T. McCormick, 1932 Chanslor Ave., Richmond.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Fridays, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Building, 250 Twelfth St., Richmond.


Col. W. G. Schreiber Camp No. 51, Pomona

Membership: 60

Commander: George L. Nichols, 815 Williams St., Pomona.

Adjutant: Arnold Peruzzi, 359 West Fifth Ave., Pomona.

Q. M.: C. R. Boles, 235 North Rebecca St., Pomona.

Service Officer: John A. Johnson, 444 West 10th St., Pomona.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., V. F. W. Hall, 637 West Second St., Pomona.


Captain John J. Cahill Camp No. 52, Chico

Membership: 38

Commander: Henry B. Hunt, P. O. Box 539, Chico.

Adjutant: Joseph N. Thornton, Durham.

Q. M.: Joseph Krikac, Box 368, Chico.

Service Officer: Rodger F. Murray, Rt. 3, Box 43, Chico.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Building, Esplanade, Chico.


Frederick Funston Camp No. 61, San Francisco

Membership: 245

Commander: James F. Fort, 1327 Leavenworth St., San Francisco.

Adjutant: Albert C. Leider, 2423 Eighteenth Ave., San Francisco.

Q. M.: John A. Welch, 1830 Moraga St., San Francisco.

Service Officer: Albert C. Leider, 2423 Eighteenth Ave., San Francisco.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., War Memorial Building, Van Ness Ave.

and McAllister St., San Francisco.


Imperial Valley Camp No. 62, El Centro

Membership: 35

Commander: Harvey Shepherd, U. S. Customs House, Calexico.

Adjutant: J. M. Grafton, Rt. 1, Box 217, El Centro.

Q. M.: J. M. Grafton, Rt. 1, Box 217, El Centro.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, 11th and State Sts., El Centro.


Petaluma Camp No. 63, Petaluma

Membership: 25

Commander: Earl Lytle, 406 Humboldt St., Santa Rosa.

Adjutant: M. J. Barry, 101 Bassett St., Petaluma.

Q. M: B. A. Rynder, 723 “H” St., Petaluma.

Service Officer: M. J. Barry, 101 Bassett St., Petaluma.

Meetings: 1st Wed. each month, 8:00 P. M., American Legion Hall, 4th St. bet. B. and C. Sts., Petaluma.


J. Franklin Bell Camp No. 64, San Pedro

Membership: 49

Commander: Enoch A. Jones, 811 South Gaffey St., San Pedro.

Adjutant: John H. Figels, 1042 West Ninth St., San Pedro.

Q. M.: Charles W. Johnson, 963 Summerland St., San Pedro.

Service Officer: J. G. Caldwell, 1042 West 9th St., San Pedro.

Meetings: 1st Tues., Business; 3rd Tues., Social; 8:00 P. M., Recreation Hall, Cabrillo Beach, San Pedro.


Admiral W. T. Sampson Camp No. 65, Hayward

Membership: 56

Commander: William B. Lipson, 858 Sunset Blvd., Hayward.

Adjutant: John H. Morgan, P. O. Box 142, Hayward.

Q. M.: Everett Selby, 19060 Stanton Ave., Hayward.

Service Officer: William P. Hodgkins, 821 West “A” St., Hayward.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wed., 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg, 737 Main St., Hayward.


Park-Gibbs Camp No. 66, Livingston

Membership: 21

Commander: V. M. Hadley, Rt. 1, Box 85, Livingston.

Adjutant, Quartermaster and Service Officer: Howard Edmundson, Box 153, Livingston.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wed. of each month, 8:00 P.M., V.F.W. Hall, Livingston.


Glendale Camp No. 67, Glendale

Membership: 90

Commander: Amos S. Reynolds, 1115-A Justin Ave., Glendale.

Adjutant: Elbert B. deGraffenried, 1118 East Palmer Ave., Glendale.

Q. M.: Frank J. Lipstreu, 637 N. Maryland Ave., Glendale.

Service Officer: Jacob Brost, 516 Irving Ave., Glendale.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wed., 8:00 P.M., I.O.O.F. Hall, 205 W. Broadway, Glendale.


Col. Richard K. Whitmore Camp No. 68, Modesto

Membership: 60

Commander: Charles F. Bartholomay, Drawer 92, Modesto.

Adjutant: Leroy Long, Box 680, Modesto.

Q. M.: George H. Ingle, Box 179, Modesto.

Service Officer: Leroy Long, Box 680, Modesto.

Meetings: 2nd Friday each month, 8:00 P. M., Dania Hall, 416 “I” St., Modesto.


Major Edwin S. Bean Camp No. 70, Visalia

Membership: 38

Commander: James A. Coffin, Rt. 2, Box 101, Dinuba.

Adjutant: J. W. Dihel, P. O. Box 156, Dinuba.

Q. M.: A. J. Denend, 904 West Center St., Visalia.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 4th Wednesday, 8:00, Memorial Hall, Visalia.


Captain E. L. Baker Camp No. 71, Los Angeles

Membership: 168

Commander: William Lavelle, 926 East Fifty-third St., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: J. H. Gray, 4872 Compton Ave., Los Angeles.

Q. M.: L. Phelps, 880 East Forty-first St., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: D. G. Matthews, 5118 Latham St., Los Angeles.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Friday, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 1816 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles.


Admiral Bacon Camp No. 72, Santa Barbara

Membership: 61

Commander: Henry Wulff, 69 Oak Road (Montecito) Santa Barbara.

Adjutant: C. A. Mansfield, P. O. Box 662, Santa Barbara.

Q. M.: Oscar James, 622 De La Vina St., Santa Barbara.

Service Officer: C. A. Mansfield, P. O. Box 662, Santa Barbara.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8:00 P. M., K. of P. Hall, 222 West Carrillo St., Santa Barbara.


Ventura County Camp No. 73, Ventura

Membership: 51

Commander: Henry E. Davis, P. O. Box 215, Ojai.

Adjutant: Fred W. Kneif, 281 South Howard St., Ventura.

Q. M.: John C. Barnard, R. F. D. No. 2, Ojai.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 3rd Friday each month, 8:00 P. M., Masonic Temple, 482 East Santa Clara St., Ventura.


Glenn County Camp No. 74, Willows

Membership: 13

Commander: Allen P. Norton, Route 1, Orland.

Adjutant: William F. Sherrod, Rt. 1, Box 196, Orland.

Q. M.: John P. Hitz, Willows.

Service Officer: John P. Hitz, Willows.

Meetings: 2nd Tues., 8:00 P. M. Alternating bet. Willows and Orland.


Major John R. Lynch Camp No. 75, San Francisco

Membership: 36

Commander: Charles A. Thompson, Apt. 32, 906 McAllister St., San Francisco.

Adjutant: William T. Harvison, 48 Cayuga Ave., San Francisco.

Q. M.: Henry H. Pitts, 1577 Lombard St., San Francisco.

Service Officer: Charles Jefferson, 665 Andover St., San Francisco.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Saturday, 8:15 P. M., War Memorial Veterans Building,

Van Ness Ave. and McAllister St., San Francisco.


Charles E. Clark Camp No. 78, Inglewood

Membership: 107

Commander: Edward Hutfilz, 1032 Walnut Street, Inglewood.

Adjutant: Louis A. Jost, 432 W. Hillcrest Blvd., Inglewood.

Q. M.: Louis M. Thompson, 10321 Grevillea St., Inglewood.

Service Officer: Louis N. Thompson, 10321 Grevillea St., Inglewood.

Meetings: Veteran's Memorial Building, Centinela and Warren, Inglewood.

Business: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays; social: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 8:00 P. M.


Colusa Camp No. 80, Colusa

Membership: 11

Commander: C. D. McComish, O'Rourke Building, Colusa.

Adjutant: George M. Barnes, P. O. Box 148, Colusa.

Q. M.: Frank E. Mason, Colusa.

Service Officer:

Meetings: Last Monday each month, 7:30 P. M., City Hall, Colusa.


James G. Estep Camp No. 81, Redding

Membership: 22

Commander: John C. Guisler, 1857 Eureka St., Redding.

Adjutant: Thomas Hawks, Redding.

Q. M.: W. E. Smith, Redding.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st Mon. each month, 8:00 PM., Old High School Bldg, Redding.


Lodi Camp No. 82, Lodi

Membership: 16

Commander: Clint E. Moran, 2427 Seventh Ave., Sacramento.

Adjutant: Adolph Klein, Rt. 3, Box 374, Lodi.

Q. M.: Henry Bittel, Rt. 2, Box 221, Gault. (Galt)

Service Officer: Peter Nelson, Rt. 2, Box 214, Acampo.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 8:00 P. M., K. of P. Hall, Pine and School Sts., Lodi.


Hollywood Camp No. 83, Hollywood

Membership: 207

Commander: Carlos H. Bowman, 213 North Avenue 49, Los Angeles.

Adjutant: H. C. Holdeman, 5240 Virgina Ave., Hollywood.

Q. M.: Ralph Walker, 933 North Hudson Ave., Hollywood.

Service Officer: H. C. Holdeman, 5240 Virginia Ave., Hollywood.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 8:00 P. M., Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood.

Red Bluff Camp No. 84, Red Bluff

Membership: 27

Commander: F. K. Wollaston, Los Molinos.

Adjutant: Charles Pramme, Rt. 1, Red Bluff.

Q. M.: Charles Pramme, Rt. 1, Red Bluff.

Service Officer: Henry Schafer, 836 Johnson St., Red Bluff.

Meetings: 1st Wednesday each month, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Building, Red Bluff.


General Wm. Mitchell Camp No. 85, Huntington Park

Membership: 88

Commander: Fred G. Ayers, 731 East 98th St., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Henry Grosskopf, 7117 Middleton St., Huntington Park.

Q. M.: Jesse Kensley, 8444 Evergreen Ave., South Gate.

Service Officer: Jesse Kensley, 8444 Evergreen Ave., South Gate.

Meetings: Patriotic Hall, Miles and Zoe Aves., Huntington Park.

Business: 1st and 3rd Fridays, 8:00 P. M.


General Miley Camp No. 86, Pittsburg

Membership: 21

Commander: Ira C. Rowland, Oakley.

Adjutant: L. M. Slosson, Hotel Los Medanos, Pittsburg.

Q. M.: L. M. Slosson, Hotel Los Medanos, Pittsburg.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 3rd Tues. each month, 8:00 P.M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., East and Ninth Sts., Pittsburg.


Oakdale Camp No. 87, Oakdale

Membership: 25

Commander: Samuel P. Bronson, Box 337, Oakdale.

Adjutant: Arthur N. Quale, Oakdale.

Q. M.: Arthur N. Quale, Oakdale.

Service Officer: Louis Meyer, Oakdale.

Meetings: 1st Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., 1056 North Ave., Oakdale.


A. P. Entenza Camp No. 88, Oakland

Membership: 70

Commander: John E. Badley, 1156 Oxford St., Berkeley.

Adjutant: William A. Cockrill, 4818 Fairfax Ave., Oakland.

Q. M.: Harry A. Badorf, 1521 Berkeley Way, Berkeley.

Service Officer: Fred E. Wagley, 1244 51st Ave., Oakland.

Meetings: Every Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.


George A. Marshall Camp No. 89, Roseville

Membership: 104

Commander: Clarence E. Chappell, Represa. Memorial Bldg., 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.

Adjutant: Thomas Terry, P. O. Box 92, Roseville.

Q. M.: John W. Nendal, 400 Riverside Ave., Roseville.

Service Officer: Don L. Bass, P. O. Box 246, Roseville.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Fridays, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Park Drive, Roseville.


Fernando Valley Camp No. 90, Van Nuys

Membership: 74

Commander: A. D. Paschall, 15031 Chatsworth Drive, San Fernando.

Adjutant: William A. Walker, P. O. Box 55, Pocoima.

Q. M.: Percy F. Godley, 15104 Van Owen St., Van Nuys.

Service Officer: A. D. Paschall, 15031 Chatsworth Drive, San Fernando.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday, 8:00 P. M., I. O. O. F. Hall, Van Nuys.


General Wesley Merritt Camp No. 91, Hanford

Membership: 12

Commander: C. F. Marak, Rt. A. Box 29, Hanford.

Adjutant: L. A. Packwood, 403 West 8th St., Hanford.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 3rd Wednesday each month, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, Hanford.


Santa Cruz Camp No. 92, Santa Cruz

Membership: 80

Commander: C. D. Van Ornam, P. O. Box 383, Santa Cruz.

Adjutant: George E. Farmer, 17 Front St., Santa Cruz.

Q. M.: Allan Rennie, 124 Third St., Santa Cruz.

Service Officer: Aubrey Briggs, 17 Front St., Santa Cruz.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 17 Front St., Santa Cruz.


Tom C. Galbraith Camp No. 93, Compton

Membership: 38

Commander: Gustavus W. Smith, 1205 E. Arlington St., Compton.

Adjutant: Fred E. Welch, Rt. 1, 1113 N. Pacific Ave., Compton.

Q. M.: Harry Griffin, 1308 N. Compton Ave., Compton.

Service Officer: Fred E. Welch, Rt. 1, 1113 N. Pacific Ave., Compton.

Meetings: V. F. W. Dugout 126 E. Magnolia St., Compton, Calif., 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8:00 P. M.


Long Beach Camp No. 94, Long Beach

Membership: 129

Commander: Edwin D. B. Zello, 3174 Los Flores Blvd., Lynwood.

Adjutant: Charles E. Williams, 540 East 25th St., Long Beach.

Q. M.: Benjamin R. Upham, Rt. 1, Box 456, Long Beach.

Service Officer: Charles W. Libka, 4325 East 6th St., Long Beach.

Meetings: Veterans Memorial Bldg., 245 W. Broadway, Long Beach;

Business - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays; Social – 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays, 8:00 P. M.


Lieut. Thomas A. Vicars Camp No. 95, Mountain View

Membership: 15

Commander: Wilbur L. Camp, 236 Mariposa Ave., Mountain View.

Adjutant: H.H. Ainsworth, 1640 Villa St., Mountain View.

Q. M.: H. H. Ainsworth, 1640 Villa St., Mountain View.

Service Officer: H. H. Ainsworth, 1640 Villa St., Mountain View.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., Fire House, 140 Franklin St., Mountain View.


East Oakland Camp No. 96, Oakland

Membership: 20

Commander: Squire E. Fridell, 3939 Maple Ave., West Oakland.

Adjutant: John J. F. Mahoney, 7506 Weld St., Oakland.

Q. M.: John J. F. Mahoney, 7506 Weld St., Oakland.

Service Officer: John J. F. Mahoney, 7506 Weld St., Oakland.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wed., 8:15 P.M., I. O. O. F. Hall, 92nd Ave. and E. 14th St., Oakland.


Major William H. Cook Camp No. 97, West Los Angeles

Membership: 118

Commander: Albert A. Ross, 1821 Butler Ave., West Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Adolph S. Swanstrom, P. O. Box 333, National Military Home, West Los Angeles.

Q. M.: Adolph S. Swanstrom, P. O. Box 333, National Military Home, West Los Angeles.

Service Officer: (Same as Adjutant and Quartermaster.)

Meetings: 1st Saturday afternoon each month, 2:00 P. M.,

Veterans Memorial Hall, 1770 Beloit Ave., West Los Angeles.


Watsonville Camp No. 98, Watsonville

Membership: 35

Commander: J. F. Smith, Rt. 2, Box 818, Watsonville.

Adjutant: A. J. Meidl, 424 Main St., Watsonville.

Q. M.: J. T. Beck, Rt. 3, Box 263, Watsonville.

Service Officer: A. J. Meidl, 424 Main St., Watsonville.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wed., 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, Third St., Watsonville.


Benicia Camp No. 99, Benicia

Membership: 13

Commander: Roy Bryan, Benicia.

Adjutant: Gus W. Johnson, Benicia.

Q. M.: Gus W. Johnson, Benicia.

Service Officer: Roy Bryan, Benicia.

Meetings: 2nd Tuesday each month, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Hall, 1st and J Sts., Benicia.


Warwick Camp No. 100, Fullerton

Membership: 30

Commander: Charles E. Moore, 533 Jacaranda St., Fullerton.

Adjutant: Leroy L. Chandler, 332 West Brookdale, Fullerton.

Q. M.: Leroy Chandler, 332 West Brookdale, Fullerton.

Service Officer: Leroy L. Chandler, 332 West Brookdale, Fullerton.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Friday, 8:00 P. M., I. O. O. F. Hall, Fullerton.


Lieut. Gillmore Camp No. 101, National City

Membership: 83

Commander: Charles O. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 488, National City.

Adjutant: R. Barrington Kemp, P. O. Box 512, National City.

Q. M.: John F. Early, Rt. 1, Box 57, Palm City.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Fridays, 7:30 P. M., Dec. to Mar., 8:00 P. M.; Apr. to Nov.,

K. of P. Hall, 8th and National Ave., National City.


Rice W. Means Camp No. 102, Whittier

Membership: 46

Commander: William G. Lumbard, 2818 Russell St., East Whittier.

Adjutant: Robert W. Denny, 220 ½ South Milton Ave., Whittier.

Q. M.: William W. Braucht, 406 North Comstock Ave., Whittier.

Service Officer: Charles A. Moss, 617 North Bright Ave., Whittier.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wed., 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 531 South Greenleaf Ave., Whittier.


Charles A. Lindbergh Camp No. 103, Monrovia

Membership: 62

Commander: James S. Nevins, 2945 Nina St., Pasadena.

Adjutant: Henry E. Wade, 812 Monterey Ave., Monrovia.

Q. M.: Charles C. West, 116 North Heliotrope Ave., Monrovia.

Service Officer: John Runkel, 229 West Palm Ave., Monrovia.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thurs., 8:00 P.M., K. of P. Hall, 229 South Myrtle Ave., Monrovia.


Capt. Charles V. Gridley Camp No. 104, Gridley

Membership: 17

Commander: L. B. Tunnell, Rt. 1, Gridley.

Adjutant: C. W. Van Note, Rt. 1, Box 150, Gridley.

Q. M.: C. W. Van Note, Rt. 1, Box 150, Gridley.

Service Officer: C. W. Van Note, Rt. 1, Box 150, Gridley.

Meetings: 1st Sat., Business; 3rd Sat., Social, 7:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, Gridley.


General Leonard A. Wood Camp No. 105, Redondo Beach

Membership: 54

Commander: Otto Thomas, 134 B South Broadway, Redondo Beach.

Adjutant: Thomas C. Griffith, 221 Carnelian St., Redondo Beach.

Q. M.: M. A. Young, 1444 Loma Drive, Hermosa Beach.

Service Officer: Fred Schmale, 118 South Juanita Ave., Redondo Beach.

Meetings: 112 North Catalina Ave., Redondo Beach.

Business - 1st Wednesday; Social - 3rd Wednesday, 8:00 P. M.


Humboldt Camp No. 107, Eureka

Membership: 51

Commander: Ferry Hilton, Moonstone Beach, via Arcata.

Adjutant: Oscar L. Lynch, Box 612, Eureka.

Q. M.: Oscar L. Lynch, Box 612, Eureka.

Service Officer: Oscar L. Lynch, Box 612, Eureka.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Saturday, 1:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., Eureka.


Santa Fe Trail Camp No. 108, El Monte

Membership: 24

Commander: Herbert A. Stiles, 540 Fairview Ave., El Monte.

Adjutant: H. A. Kelley, 421 Lexington Ave., El Monte.

Q. M.: Chester F. Hewitt, Rt. 1, Box 99, 1017 Deana Road, El Monte.

Service Officer: H. A. Kelley, 421 Lexington Ave., El Monte.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday, 8:00 P. M., V. F. W. Hall,

End of Rio Hondo Bridge and Garvey Blvd., El Monte (Preceded by 6 o'clock Pot Luck.)


Oroville Camp No. 109, Oroville

Membership: 51

Commander: Fred S. Ulrich, 1164 Safford St., Oroville.

Adjutant: C. A. McCloud, 1335 Montgomery St., Oroville.

Q. M.: Charles E. Hughes, 2838 Orange Ave., Oroville.

Service Officer: George A. Lowery, Rt. 3, Oroville.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, Oroville.


George H. Voss Camp No. 110, Marysville

Membership: 20

Commander: Charles H. Powell, 254 Fairman St., Yuba City.

Adjutant: Grover M. Trayler, 354 Teagarden Ave., Yuba City.

Q. M.: Grover M. Trayler, 354 Teagarden Ave., Yuba City.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wed. 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 9th and “E” Sts., Marysville.


Major Logan Camp No. 111, Madera

Membership: 17

Commander: Charles I. Eyman, 225 North Lake St., Madera.

Adjutant: West G. Smith, 901 Nebraska Ave., Madera.

Q. M.: West G. Smith, 901 Nebraska Ave., Madera.

Service Officer: West G. Smith, 901 Nebraska Ave., Madera.

Meetings: 1st Tues. each month, 8:00 P.M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 200 So. “G” St., Madera.


Col. L. T. Stephenson Camp No. 115, Exeter

Membership: 16

Commander: M. E. Davis, 134 South “C” St., Exeter.

Adjutant: D. H. Rowland, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Exeter.

Q. M.: D. H. Rowland, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Exeter.

Service Officer: D. H. Rowland, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Exeter.

Meetings: 3rd Thursday each month, 7:30 P. M., Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Exeter.


Joe Crail Camp No. 116, Los Angeles

Membership: 60

Commander: Edward C. Letteau, 384 So. Fetterly Ave., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Frank Waltman, 6134 Northside Drive, Los Angeles.

Q. M.: William T. Stubbs, 4921 Jillsen St., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: Samuel E. Rhynard, 731 S. Belden Ave., Los Angeles.

Meetings: 1st Tuesday; Business, 8:00 P. M., 3rd Tuesday; Social, 6:00 P. M.,

Hobb's Hall, 936 McBride Ave., East Los Angeles.


Capt. John D. Fredericks Camp No. 117, Los Angeles

Membership: 85

Commander: Edward F. Acree, 201 North Avenue 61, Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Frederick R. Watson, 5133 Meridian St., Los Angeles.

Q. M.: John N. Barr, 5411 Ash St., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: John N. Agan, 5614 Baltimore St., Los Angeles.

Meetings: Tuesday of each week (except 5th Tuesday), 8:00 P. M.,

American Legion Hall, 227 North Avenue 55, Los Angeles.


Capt. Jacob H. Culver Camp No. 118, San Diego

Membership: 182

Commander: Victor Whitaker, 3952 Illinois St., San Diego.

Adjutant: Oscar R. Kirschke, 2520 Lincoln Ave., San Diego.

Q. M.: George W. Houser, 3762 Fortieth St., San Diego.

Service Officer: Oscar R. Kirschke, 2520 Lincoln Ave., San Diego.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 P. M., Masonic Bldg., 3877 43rd St., San Diego.


John F. Dillon Camp No. 119, Ontario

Membership: 45

Commander: Samuel L. Wickersham, 128 North Euclid Ave., Ontario.

Adjutant: DeWitt Donaldson, 320 South Vine Ave., Ontario.

Q. M.: C. H. Preis, 718 East “D” St., Ontario.

Service Officer: DeWitt Donaldson, 320 South Vine Ave., Ontario.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday, 8:00 P. M., W. R. C. Memorial Hall, 209 East “I” St., Ontario.


Fred W. Green Camp No. 120, Culver City

Membership: 29

Commander: John C. Arnout, 2626 South Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: William F. Brennan, 4230 Jefferson Ave., Culver City.

Q. M.: William F. Brennan, 4230 Jefferson Ave., Culver City.

Service Officer: John E. Fitzpatrick, General Delivery, Culver City.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 8:00 P. M., Moose Hall, 3832 Cardiff Ave., Culver City.


Charles F. Dixon Camp No. 121, Corona

Membership: 24

Commander: William G. Sieber, Glen Ivy Hot Springs, Corona.

Adjutant: B. John Welch, 128 Hamner Ave., Rt. 1, Corona.

Q. M.: B. John Welch, 128 Hamner Ave., Rt. 1, Corona.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st Friday each month, 7:30 P. M., K. of P. Hall, 614 ½ Main St., Corona.


Malolos Camp No. 122, Escondido

Membership: 30

Commander: Henry H. Kuhn, Rt. 2, Box 69, Escondido.

Adjutant: Clare D. Peebler, 118 West 13th Ave., Escondido.

Q. M.: Clare D. Peebler, 118 West 13th Ave., Escondido.

Service Officer: E. E. Dotson, Ramona.

Meetings: 2nd Wed. each month, 1:00 P.M., I. O. O. F. Hall, East Grand Ave., Escondido.


Clyde W. Holbrook Camp No. 123, Ocean Park

Membership: 26

Commander: James Howland, 2332 Glencoe, Venice.

Adjutant: Clyde W. Holbrook, 910 South Bedford St., Los Angeles.

Q. M.: Clyde W. Holbrook, 910 South Bedford St., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: Clyde W. Holbrook, 910 South Bedford St., Los Angeles.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 2621 Washington St., Ocean Park.


Tulare Camp No. 124, Tulare

Membership: 13

Commander: Howard C. Russell, Rt. 1, Tulare.

Adjutant: Leon A. Ray, Box 397, Tulare.

Q. M.: Leon A. Ray, Box 397, Tulare.

Service Officer: Leon A. Ray, Box 397, Tulare.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 8:00 P. M., Civic Memorial Hall, 125 S. “M” St., Tulare.


Angeles Mesa Camp No. 125, Los Angeles

Membership: 74

Commander: Albert H. Diamond, 5717 South Budlong Ave., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: Samuel H. Whitaker, 436 West 57th St., Los Angeles.

Q. M.: Charles J. Eckenroth, 7011 Estrella Ave., Los Angeles.

Service Officer: Chas. J. Eckenroth, 7011 Estrella Ave., Los Angeles.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., 7101 South Menlo Ave., Los Angeles.


Admiral Schley Camp No. 126, Los Angeles

Membership: 127

Commander: George L. Young, 4216 South Wall St., Los Angeles.

Adjutant: P. N. Good, 254 South Broadway, Rm. 219, Los Angeles.

Q. M.: P. N. Good, 254 South Broadway, Rm. 219, Los Angeles.

Service Officer: P. N. Good, 254 Broadway, Rm. 219, Los Angeles.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wed., 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 1816 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles.


Sonora Camp No. 127, Sonora

Membership: 17

Commander: George W. Schnidler, Star Route, Sonora.

Adjutant: H. F. Clark, P. O. Box 403, Sonora.

Q. M.: H. F. Clark, P. O. Box 403, Sonora.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Sonora.


William J. Britting Camp No. 128, Pismo Beach

Membership: 31

Commander: John H. Nelson, Pismo Beach.

Adjutant: E. B. Hendershott, Pismo Beach.

Q. M.: B. Wilkins, Rt. 1, Arroyo Grande.

Service Officer: E. B. Hendershott, Pismo Beach.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Hall, Pismo Beach.


Palo Alto Camp No. 129, Palo Alto

Membership: 28

Commander: W. E. Nelson, 632 Emerson St., Palo Alto.

Adjutant: Frank West, 115 Everett Ave., Palo Alto.

Q. M.: G. Hugo May, 655 Hermosa Way, Menlo Park.

Service Officer: F. P. Allen, 114 Pope St., Palo Alto.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Mon., 8:00 P. M., Veterans Bldg., University Ave., near Hwy, Palo Alto.


San Mateo-Burlingame Camp No. 130, San Mateo

Membership: 44

Commander: Robert R. Lindsay, 18-A Henry St., San Francisco.

Adjutant: Edgar L. Dunsworth, 37 Twelfth Ave., San Mateo.

Q. M.: George R. Gage, 301 “B” St., San Mateo.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., American Legion Hall, 335 East Santa Inez, San Mateo.


Port Oakland Camp No. 131, Oakland

Membership: 84

Commander: Burnett F. Crowell, 2041 108th Ave., Oakland.

Adjutant: Quartermaster and Service Officer, Carrol S. Smith, 225 Julius St., San Leandro.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday, 8:00 P. M., W. O. W. Hall, 3256 East 14th St., Oakland.


Sam L. Collins Camp No. 132, Colton

Membership: 27

Commander: Frank Shockey, 335 South Riverside Ave., Rialto.

Adjutant: A. L. Stan Brough, P. O. Box 471, Fontana.

Q. M.: A. L. Stan Brough, P. O. Box 471, Fontana.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 1st Tuesday each month, 8:00 P. M., Masonic Hall, Colton.


Gen. Robert Wankowski Camp No. 133, San Jacinto

Membership: 32

Commander: William G. Schaefer, P. O. Box 111, Hemet.

Adjutant: Paul O. Wollesen, 1021 E. Florida Ave., Hemet.

Q. M.: Paul Wollesen, 1021 E. Florida Ave., Hemet.

Service Officer: James J. Peck, San Jacinto.

Meetings: 2nd Friday each month, 8:00 P. M., Masonic Hall, San Jacinto.


Burbank Camp No. 134, Burbank

Membership: 50

Commander: Pearl A. Davis, 926 North Elmwood, Burbank.

Adjutant: Frederick Lewis, 616 East 10th St., Burbank.

Q. M.: Charles M. Stains, 911 North Rose St., Burbank.

Service Officer: Charles M. Stains, 911 North Rose St., Burbank.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Friday, 8:00 P. M., Moose Hall, 134 East Glenoak Blvd, Burbank.


Admiral Bob Evans Camp No. 135, Long Beach

Membership: 110

Commander: Fred W. Bancroft, Room 326, Y. M. C. A., Long Beach.

Adjutant: Elizabeth R. Salsbury, 201 Veterans Memorial Bldg., Long Beach.

Q. M.: Elizabeth R. Salsburg, 201 Veterans Memorial Bldg., Long Beach.

Service Officer: Elizabeth R. Salsbury, 201 Veterans Memorial Bldg., Long Beach.

Meetings: 1st, 2nd and 4th Fri., Business; 3rd Fri. Social. 7:30 P.M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., Long Beach.


Redwood Empire Camp No. 136, Willits

Membership: 28

Commander: Carl E. F. Morest, P. O. Box 253, Willits.

Adjutant: William F. Marvin, P. O. Box 71, Willits.

Q. M.: Herman Pflitsch, P. O. Box 141, Willits.

Service Officer: Herman Pflitsch, P. O. Box 141, Willits.

Meetings: 1st Saturday each month, 1:00 P. M., American Legion Hall, Willits.


Verdugo Hills Camp No. 137, Tujunga

Membership: 32

Commander: De Roy Welsh, 10554 Pinewood St., Tujunga.

Adjutant: James H. Livingston, 10429 Tujunga Canyon Blvd., Tujunga.

Q. M.: Daniel M. Kinsall, 8282 Rt. 1, Sunland.

Service Officer: James H. Livingston, 10429 Tunjunga Canyon Blvd., Tujunga.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Saturday, 8:00 P. M., Woman's Club House, Samoia Ave., Tujunga.


Hangtown Camp No. 138, Placerville

Membership: 27

Commander: Robert McLennon, Placerville.

Adjutant: Harry Dunlap, Placerville.

Q. M.: Laurance Sargent, Camino.

Service Officer: Robert McLennon, Placerville.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Friday, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Placerville.


Mojave Desert Camp No. 139, Victorville

Membership: 18

Commander: Edgar R. Harrod, Hesperia.

Adjutant: F. A. Hoag, Lucerne Valley.

Q. M.: F. A. Hoag, Lucerne Valley.

Service Officer: Lacey Goodell, Victorville.

Meetings: 3rd Monday each month, 8:00 P. M., Victor High School, Victorville.


Major Frederick A. Royse Camp No. 140, San Francisco

Membership: 46

Commander: Warren M. Phillips, 1338 41st Ave., San Francisco.

Adjutant: William M. McCoy, 36 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco.

Q. M.: William M. McCoy, 36 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco.

Service Officer: William M. McCoy, 36 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 P. M., War Memorial Veterans Bldg.,

Van Ness Ave. and McAllister St., San Francisco.


Palomar Camp No. 141, Oceanside

Membership: 37

Commander: Leslie L. Bucklew, Encinitas.

Adjutant: Archie V. Williams, Leucadia.

Q. M.: Herbert Nunn, Encinitas.

Service Officer:

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:30 P. M., K. of P. Hall, 100 N. Tremont St., Oceanside.



Frank C. High Camp No. 142, Crescent City

Membership: 20

Commander: Albert B. Bower, P. O. Box 206, Crescent City.

Adjutant: Quartermaster and Service Officer: James I. Canning, Rt. 1, Box 940, Crescent City.

Meetings: Noon 2nd Sunday of each month, Memorial Hall, Crescent City.



Salinas Camp No. 143, Salinas

Membership: 17

Commander: Charles H. Greenwood, 106 Maple St., Salinas.

Adjutant: Frank P. Harra, Rt. 1, Box 847, Salinas.

Q. M.: George W. Hook, Soledad.

Service Officer: A. L. Staie, 686 Park Ave., Monterey.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Sunday, 2:00 P. M., City Hall, West Gabilan St., Salinas.





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San Francisco County Council

President: A. H. Robinson, 1110 Church St., San Francisco.

Secretary: Charles J. Dutreaux, 719 33rd Ave., San Francisco.

Meetings: 3rd Tuesday each month, Veterans Bldg., Van Ness Ave. and McAllister St., San Francisco.


Los Angeles County Council

President: Howard O. Fulkerson, 687 Rio Grande St., Pasadena.

Secretary: H. T. Manuel, 753 Brooks Ave., Venice.

Meetings: 4th Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, Huntington Park.


Long Beach Municipal Council

President: Fred W. Bancroft, Y. M. C. A., Long Beach.

Secretary: Charles F. Rice, 1040 Cherry Ave., Long Beach.

Meetings: 1st Tuesday each month, 7:30 P. M., Veterans Memorial Hall, Long Beach.

Los Angeles Municipal Council

President: Joseph L. Powers, 2238 West 22nd St., Los Angeles.

Secretary: Henry A. Cohrs, Room 318, 257 South Spring St., Los Angeles.

Meetings: 2nd Thursday each month, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 1816 South Figueroa St., Los Angeles.


East Bay Vicinity Council

President: John W. Clovis, 1528 Benton St., Alameda.

Secretary: John J. F. Mahoney, 7506 Weld St., Oakland.

Meetings: Last Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., Veterans Memorial Bldg., 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.


Vicinity Council of San Diego County

President: Alex. Benson, 4670 Felton St., San Diego.

Secretary: Preston Coit, 3370 Granada St., San Diego.

Meetings: 3rd Monday each month, 7:30 P. M., at 4670 Felton St., San Diego.






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Roster of Department Officers



Department President: Sidney J. Keller, 158 Baker St., San Francisco.

Senior Vice Department President: Hal Peables, 1941 Cedar St., Berkeley.

Junior Vice Department President: Raymond E. Harrington, 725 6th Ave., San Francisco.

Chaplain: Kenneth E. Greene, 1346 West 24th St., Los Angeles.

Secretary: Ross T. Shoaf, 76 Collingwood St., San Francisco.

Treasurer: Charles J. Conklin, 319 24th St., Oakland.

Chief of Staff: Gerald L. Benson, 230 Central Ave., San Francisco.

Inspector Northern Division: Joseph Conow, 855 Benicia Rd., Vallejo.

Inspector Southern Division: John U. Hatton, 3817 Logan Ave., San Diego.

Surgeon: T. W. Whittaker, 1401 South Hope St., Los Angeles.

Patriotic Instructor: Harry A. Royse, 636 Vera Ave., Redwood City.

Sergeant-at-Arms: William Rendler, 257 Delmas Ave., San Jose.

Trustees: Howard Magee, 830 Market St., San Francisco.

                 Thomas Kenny, 2507 Cordova St., Oakland.

                 Jack Dempsey, 113 Blenheim St., Redwood City.

Public Relations Director: Edward J. Kilmartin, Bank of America Bldg., Oakland.




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George A. Marshall Camp No. 1, Oakland

President: Thomas Kenny, 2507 Cordova St., Oakland.

Secretary: Charles J. Conklin, 319 24th St., Oakland.

Meetings: 1st Wednesday and 3rd Thursday, Veterans Memorial Bldg., 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.


San Francisco Camp No. 2, San Francisco

President: Gerald L. Benson, 230 Central Ave., San Francisco.

Secretary: Charles Linehan, 156 Newton St., San Francisco.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday, Room 215 Veterans Memorial Bldg.,

Van Ness Ave. and McAllister St., San Francisco.


Wheaton Camp No. 3, San Jose

President: Lloyd Whitlach, 25 Sutter St., San Jose.

Secretary: Joseph Hines, 449 Augerias Ave., San Jose.

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Friday at hall designated by the President, in San Jose.


Col. Richard V. Dodge Camp No. 5, San Diego

President: Gordon G. Woodworth, Rt. 1, Box 284, Spring Valley.

Secretary: Thomas Hatton, 3754 Franklin St., San Diego.

Meetings: at time and place designated by the President.


Admiral Richmond P. Hobson Camp No. 6, Long Beach

President: Fred H. Crager Jr., 2618 East 14th St., Long Beach.

Secretary: Eldred E. Crager, 231 Obispo St., Long Beach.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday Veterans Memorial Bldg., Long Beach.

Col. Andrew Rowan Camp No. 7, Los Angeles

President: Emmet E. Moody, 722 North Citrus Ave., Hollywood.

Secretary: G. Richard Winder, 706 East Mariposa St., Altadena.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8:15 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 1816 South Figueroa St., Los Angeles.




Admiral George Dewey Camp No. 8, Redwood City

President: V. D. Tompkins, 724 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park.

Secretary: Harry A. Royse, 636 Vera Ave., Redwood City.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays, Veterans Building, Redwood City.




Henry Lawton Camp No. 9, Vallejo

President: William Conow, 855 Benicia Rd., Vallejo.

Secretary: Joseph Conow, 855 Benicia Rd., Vallejo.

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday, Veterans Memorial Building, Vallejo.




J. Holland Laidler Camp No. 10, Sacramento

President: Walter R. Bloss, 2005 “T” St., Sacramento.

Secretary: Joseph R. Harrison, 601 Fifteenth St., Sacramento.

Meetings: Memorial Hall, Court House, Sacramento. Time designated by the President.









Grand GuGu Grandississimo: John J. Davis, 9402 Kalmia St., Los Angeles.


Grand Datto: G. H. Ingle, P. O. Box 179, Modesto.


Grand Thrice Infamous Inferior GuGu: Edward R. Percival, 3217 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles.


Grand Lord High Keeper of the Sacred Amphora: Bob L. Harmon, 141 South Townsend St., Los Angeles.

Grand Slick and Slimy Keepers of the Ophidian:

H. H. Herr, 637 Elm St., Yuba City.

F. E. Bussey, 3251 9th Ave., Sacramento.

James Cowart, 1067 L St., San Bernardino.

A. S. Edwards, 445 O'Farrell St., San Francisco.

W. J. McCammon, 2320 24th Ave., Oakland.

C. N. Potter, Box 77, Sta. A., Bakersfield.

F. G. Ayers, 731 East 98th St., Los Angeles.

C. D. Peebler, 118 West 13th St., Escondido





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Sabay Sabay Lair No. 2, Oakland

GGG: Herbert R. Ellis, 1318 Josephine St., Berkeley.

TIIGG: A. L. Trumley, 1241 Berkeley Way, Berkeley.

LHKSA: E. N. Johnson, 2714 Grove St., Berkeley.

Crawls: 2nd Saturday, Veterans Memorial Building, 200 Grand Ave., Oakland.


Puna Lair No. 3, San Francisco

GGG: J. W. Raymond, 260 McAllister St., San Francisco.

TIIGG and LHKSA: O. L. Levy, 124 Downey St., San Francisco.

Crawls: Last Saturday each month 8:00 P. M. Veterans Memorial Building, McAllister St., and Van Ness Ave., San Francisco.



Catacataca Panuelo Lair No. 4, Los Angeles

GGG: Thomas Gibson, 4218 Wall St., Los Angeles.

TIIGG: Edward R. Percival, 3217 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles.

LHKSA: James E. Wright, 969 West 43rd Place, Los Angeles.

Crawls: 2nd and 4th Friday 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, 1816 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles.



Laguna Lair No. 5, Petaluma

GGG: F. A. Miller, Forestville.

TIIGG: W. Hopkins, Petaluma.

LHKSA: B. Stockhurst, Sebastapole.

Crawls: 2nd Saturday each month 8:00 P. M. Municians Hall, Petaluma.



Guadeloupe Lair No. 6, Bakersfield

GGG: Alfred Anderson, 2016 E St., Bakersfield.

TIIGG and LHKSA: J. E. Ketchem, 2508 Park Way, Bakersfield.

Crawls: 3rd Tuesday each month 8:00 P. M. Memorial Hall, Bakersfield.



Cavite Lair No. 7, San Diego

GGG: E. J. Totten, 4211 Madison Ave., San Diego.

TIIGG: H. B. Wright, 2038 Kearney Ave., San Diego.

LHKSA: Alex. Benson, 4670 Felton St., San Diego.

Crawls: 2nd Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., Allied Veterans Club, 3rd and E Sts., San Diego.

Catabalogan Lair No. 8, Sacramento

GGG: J. T. O'Leary, 1905 L St., Sacramento.

TIIGG: H. H. Brown, 1901 E St. Sacramento.

LHKSA: Van W. Dennis, 2723 14th St., Sacramento.

Crawls: 3rd Monday each month, 8:00 P. M., Court House, Sacramento.


Aguinaldo Lair No. 14, Long Beach

GGG: Thomas White, 1266 Chestnut St., Long Beach.

TIIGG: F. W. Barker, 537 Ocean Blvd., Long Beach.

LHKSA: M. E. Bowlen, 140 American Ave., Long Beach.

Crawls: 4th Wednesday each month, 8:00 P. M., Memorial Hall, Long Beach.


Paranaque Lair No. 17, San Bernardino, Pomona

GGG: Charles Shelly, 845 E. Brockton, Redlands.

TIIGG: James Cowart, 1067 L St., San Bernardino.

LHKSA: John J. Johnson, 444 West 10th St., Pomona.

Crawls: 1st Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., alternating between Pomona and San Bernardino.


Balangigi Lair No. 19, Stockton

GGG: Warren W. Dyer, 129 ½ East Clay St., Stockton.

TIIGG and LHKSA: Albert S. Howland, Rt. 1, Box 317, Stockton.

Crawls: 1st Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., Municipal Auditorium, Stockton.


Pagsan Lair No. 20, Roseville

GGG: H. H. Herr, 637 Elm St., Yuba City.

TIIGG and LHKSA: John M. Mendel, 400 Riverside Ave., Roseville.

Crawls: 2nd Saturday each month, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, Roseville.


Caloocan Lair No. 22, Huntington Park

GGG: Aloyious Leppert, 3725 Randolph St., Huntington Park.

TIIGG and LHKSA: Henry Grosskopf, 7117 Middleton St., Huntington Park.

Crawls: 2nd Sat. each month, 8:00 P. M., Patriotic Hall, Huntington Park.


Provincia Centralia, Fresno

GGG: Robert Moorhead, 537 Welden Ave., Fresno.

TIIGG: R. J. Beattie, 3064 Iowa St., Fresno.

LHKSA: Fred Lowden, 1528 Patterson Ave., Fresno.

Crawls: 4th Tuesday each month, Veterans Hall, Fresno.







Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.


Golden Nugget Library's California Statewide Databases

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