A Silhouette of Service


Published by




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Sacramento, California



President's Photos





Pages 73-99


PRESIDENT 1910-1911



Born September 21, Sarah Jane Harris, in the state of Georgia. Came to California (Sacramento) at the end of the Civil War 1865. Married Joseph J. Handlin in Woodland, California, June 19, 1873.


Was an extremely active suffragette; pioneered for progressive sanitation and filtration of the river water in Sacramento; Parks for Recreation and Welfare programs for the under-privileged.


Active member of the Sixth Street Methodist Church, Saturday Club and Tuesday Club.  Also the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic.


Was a student of world affairs and was often requested to speak to groups; she advocated greater interest by women of international problems.


Of course, she was a wonderful wife and mother; she raised two sons and one daughter.


(Deceased March 21, 1926)




PRESIDENT 1911-1912



Born in New Albany, Indiana July 6th and named Alvene Teller by her parents, Charles P. and Nancy H. Teller. Her girlhood was spent on a farm in Northern Indiana and in Indianapolis where she graduated from its schools, later teaching in those same schools.


In 1895 she married John T. Greene and came to Sacramento in 1897.


She became interested in juvenile delinquency in 1909 and successfully campaigned for a city curfew law. In 1910 she joined the Woman's Council and was elected President in 1911. In 1912 she was appointed by Judge Hughes to the Probation Committee and by the City Council to the newly established playground board, serving on both for many years.


In 1932-34 was President of the Tuesday Club and served as Secretary of the Northern District Federation through 1935. Since then she has been an interested but semi-active member of the Woman's Council and Tuesday Club.


Her year as President of the Woman's Council was hectic, for the Council led the fight to extend the so-called Tuesday Club Ordinance (eliminating saloons from residential sections) to the newly annexed East Sacramento and Oak Park districts. The Council also espoused women suffrage and after its adoption succeeded in having clean and decent polling places provided. Council also urged the establishment of more playgrounds and contributed money to the demonstration playground then being financed by the Children's Society at 10th and P Streets.


The need for a Woman's Building at the State Fair was again urged at the April 1912 meeting of the Council, and it was moved and carried that the incoming President, who was to take office at the May meeting, be instructed to appoint a committee to pursue the suggestion – and thus was the movement for the Woman's Building begun.


(Deceased July 1st, 1955)




PRESIDENT 1912-1914



Minnie Friend Harbaugh, daughter of Charles Friend and Cynthia Harlan was born October 25, In Xenia, Ill. She married May 23, 1894 to James Lowe Harbaugh, who died April 1941.


Minnie Harbaugh with her two sons, Wellington Friend Harbaugh and James Lowe Harbaugh, Jr., joined her husband in Sacramento in the Fall of 1906 which has been her home ever since.


She was President of the Woman's Legislative Council of California for two years. Chairman of Legislation of California Federation of Women's Clubs for two years. During this period she secured legislative action for founding the Woman's Building on the State Fair Grounds.


President of the Woman's Council of Sacramento for two years.


One year she was Children's Agent for the State Board of Control.


President of the Y.W.C.A. of Sacramento.


Along with Mr. Goethe, a prominent Sacramentan, founded the Council of Churches of which she was Executive Secretary for the first eighteen years.


Also a member of the Sacramento Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, and an active member of the Tuesday Club in its infancy.




PRESIDENT 1914-1916


(Mertie Jane)


Born Mertie Jane Dratt in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dratt, Mrs. Adams was married to the late Charles H. Adams in Denver, Colorado on September 5, 1885. The family moved to San Francisco in 1892 and after residences in Santa Rosa and Auburn came to Sacramento in 1907.


Mrs. Adams was Chairman of the Literature Section of the Tuesday Club in 1913, was President of the Sacramento Woman's Council 1914-1916, State Chairman of Civics and Political Science for the California Federation of Women's Clubs 1915-17, member of the Sacramento Board of Charter Freeholders, which framed the city charter, and in 1924 acting chairman of the Sacramento grand jury which under the then District Attorney Neil McAllister indicted a group of subversive members of the I.W.W.


Mrs. Adams has a daughter, Mrs. H. N. Herrick of Berkeley and two sons, Elbert G. Adams, County Clerk of Merced County and Kenneth C. Adams, Public Information Officer of the State Department of Public Works, Sacramento.


(Deceased April 28, 1954.)




PRESIDENT 1916-1917


(Lulu Evelena Holladay)


Born Lulu Evelena Holladay on October 23, 1865 in Illinois. In 1890 she married Harry W. Adams.


Always interested in community services and the Order of the Eastern Star. She organized the Unity Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in Oakland and also organized the Ada Chapter No. 301 Order of the Eastern Star in Sacramento of which she was a past Matron. Also took an active interest in Jewel Court No. 20 Order of Amaranth of Sacramento and the Mt. Olive Shrine No. 1J Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem of which she was Worthy High Priestess. She served with the Red Cross during World War I.


In October of 1914, she presented to the Tuesday Club, of which she was a member, a clock.


Mrs. Adams was always interested in politics and she received special recognition from the former Governor Hiram W. Johnson for her services.


After the passing of Mr. Adams, she was employed by the Capital National Bank as public relations representative until ill health forced her to retire. She moved to Oakland and lived with her son, Wm. Thornhill until her death June 9, 1933.




PRESIDENT 1917-1918



Born Mamie Ella Young, in Sedalia, Missouri on February 7th.  The daughter of Francis and Ella Young and the eldest of five children. She was the niece of Milton K. Young, prominent Los Angeles attorney and one time candidate for Governor of California, and William Young, well known business man of Napa, California. When she was ten years old her family moved to Los Angeles and she completed her schooling there.


Following her graduation, she served as a kindergarten teacher in Los Angeles.


On December 30, 1898 she married Henry F. Miles. They were the parents of two children, Lawrence and Lavelle. After Dr. Miles graduated from the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in Los Angeles they moved to Sacramento.


Mrs. Miles was prominent in church and community affairs. For one year she served as a member of the grand jury. She was a member of the First Christian Church; President of the Ladies Society, the Ecclesia Club, and soloist in the choir. She was a member of the Parent Teacher Association and of the Tuesday Morning Club. During the First World War she assisted in the sale of Liberty Bonds and helped to entertain the soldiers at Mather Field.


In 1920 Dr. Miles became Dean of the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons and they moved to Los Angeles. Later moving to Long Beach. Mrs. Miles helped organize the Long Beach Apartment House Owners Association and was one of its early presidents. She also lobbied for this organization in the State Legislature. Mrs. Miles served as President of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Long Beach Osteopathic Association. For a number of years she was active in the Ebell Club and the Eastern Star. In addition she kept up her church work until her failing health prohibited it.


She passed away in Long Beach on August 27, 1949.




PRESIDENT 1918-1920



Mrs. Gillett was born in Sacramento and has lived here all her life. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sinnett came to Sacramento in the early seventies. She was married in 1900 to Frank B. Gillett and they have two daughters, Arnell Weems and Benita Mahr, who made their homes in Sacramento.


While she was President of the Woman's Council they met in the City Library. During the Legislature they held informal receptions each Monday evening, thus affording an opportunity for the townspeople to meet the legislators and gain information on pending legislation. At this time the Council was working very diligently to have the city become responsible for the collection and disposal of garbage, also the elimination of the much used roller towel in public rest rooms.




PRESIDENT 1919-1921


(Mrs. J. W. S. Butler)


Mrs. J. L. Richards (Mrs. J.W.S. Butler), was born in Chico, Butte County, California, where she graduated from Woodman's Academy and State Teachers College; she taught in Chico and Sacramento. While teaching in Sacramento, she was active in the Native Daughters, Saturday Club and Tuesday Club. On leaving the teaching profession, she married J. L. Richards, a rancher of Elk Grove District.


When elected President of the Council, she was a delegate from the Tuesday Club.


During her first term, much time was spent in an effort to improve and beautify the entrances of our City, working with the Board of Supervisors and the County Engineer. A real start was made.


It was in this same year the Council took a very active part in the school bond election when the bond issue was three million one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($3,120,000.00) for elementary and high school.


In the spring of 1920 Mrs. Richards was elected to the Board of Freeholders, which framed a new charter with the City Manager form of Government. (A second Member of the Council was elected but because of illness in the family was able to attend few of the meetings held during those hot summer evenings in the City Library.) It was because these two women strongly opposed a suggestion that water meters be installed throughout the City, that such a measure was not written into the Charter.


The Charter was submitted to the voters in January 1921 and adopted as effective June 1921.


During the fall of 1920, the Council formed a Better Films Board. The members reviewed every change of picture, helping to advertise the good ones instead of censuring the bad ones.


At the closing meeting of the second term – June 1921, an all day session was held at which reports of activities of the various clubs were given in the morning. After lunch at a local hotel, the group returned to its meeting place (City Library) and listened to a very fine talk on “Woman's Place in Civic Affairs,” given by an officer of the Northern District of the California Federation of Women's Clubs. This seems to have been the origin of our all day spring sessions.




PRESIDENT 1921-1923



Helen Swain Gilmore (Mrs. Charles L.) was born in Bakersfield, California and lived in Bakersfield and Visalia until her marriage in 1912, to Charles L. Gilmore of Sacramento.


In 1919 Mrs. Gilmore came to the Woman's Council as a delegate from the newly organized Business Women's Club and in 1921 she was elected president. She served two years.


In 1921 the most outstanding project was the Council's Better Films Board Work, which consisted of previewing the first change of each show and posting recommendations in hotel lobbies and schools. In 1922 when Mrs. Gilmore gave her report to the State Federation of Women's Clubs Convention at Los Angeles, the news of this work was syndicated and published all over the United States.


In 1923 her most important project was the place given her as President of the Woman's Council to serve as Administrative Chairman of the First Sacramento County Spring Flower Show, organized by the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce under the direction of Director, Mrs. James D. Meredith, when all organizations of the City and County worked together to establish and did establish the permanent Sacramento County Spring Flower Show.




PRESIDENT 1923-1925



Hulda McGinn, President of Woman's Council during 1923-1925. She represented the Sacramento Business and Professional Woman's Club at Woman's Council 1918; member of Better Films Board of Woman's Council 1918.


During her regime, a committee was organized to save Crocker Art Gallery and prevent the removal of priceless paintings to McKinley Park, 1924. Added to the popularity of the Crocker Art Gallery with the Woman's Council Sunday Teas, presenting outstanding composers and artists.


The Council presented Sacramento Composers and artists during Music Week of 1924 with the result that Sacramento came in fourth in quantity and quality of programs presented, outranked only by New York, Boston and San Francisco.


She served as President of Northern California Camp Fire Girls and secured cooperation of Kiwanis Club who built and furnished completely a Camp Fire Recreation Center 1925. Chairman of Women's Speakers Bureau of Northern California, Coolidge Presidential Campaign 1924. Appointed Director of Public Relations, California Theatres Association and Affiliated Industries, Inc., 1926.




PRESIDENT 1925-1927



Maud Heath Blank (Mrs. Omar H. Blank) was a native of Lynn, Massachusetts. She lived in Napa, California for many of her younger years, and married her husband there. They came to Sacramento from Napa in the late twenties.


Before her marriage Mrs. Blank was a columnist for the San Francisco Bulletin, when it was edited by Fremont Older, and she wrote as Maud Heath for some magazines, among them the “Black Cat.” She was known in Tuesday Club and literary circles, in Sacramento. During her two year term as President of the Woman's Council the most outstanding accomplishment of the Council was the erection and dedication of the monument to the servicemen of Sacramento County, who lost their lives in World War I.


(Deceased March 1, 1952)




PRESIDENT 1927-1929



Mrs. Cora Harris Sterring was born in Ohio on March 26, 1875. Her parents were Will Burr Lipsey and Hannah Kelly Hollingsworth.


She graduated from the Simpson College in Illinois and attended elementary school in Iowa. She was the owner and operator of the Harris Travel Agency in the Sacramento Hotel and the parent of two daughters, Mrs. Phil Pierce, and Mrs. Frank Marzigalliano, as well as a son, Mr. John R. Harris.


She held memberships in the Tuesday Club, Alliance Club, Inter-City Council, the A.A.U.W., and was a Tri Delta.


(Deceased Jan. 12, 1952)




PRESIDENT 1929-1931



In the spring of 1929, Mrs. Blass was elected President of the Sacramento Woman's Council and served two years. At that time she was a delegate from the Friendship Circle (Now Woman's Society) of the Fremont Presbyterian Church.


During this time, the Council was able to have a policewoman appointed to the police force, although she was unable to serve but a short time because of curtailment of City funds due to the depression.


The Council also was in favor of a woman on the City Planning Board and worked very hard toward that end. Also worked and were successful in arousing interest in better flood relief for North Sacramento and our own City.


The Council studied juvenile delinquency and Judge Theresa Meikle of San Francisco was one of our speakers.


Her two years as Council President were busy years as all council presidents years are, working for the betterment of our beloved city.




PRESIDENT 1931-1933



Born April 20, 1888 in Alameda, California and named Elizabeth by her parents James H. and Elizabeth S. N. Young.


Graduated from the Alameda High School and the University of California in 1910. Taught school in Weaverville and Watsonville in California.


A member of the California Writers Club, Sacramento Branch A.A.U.W. Treasurers of the Sacramento Symphony Council and then President. Also represented Woman's Council and cooperated with other parents to form T.N.T. Clubs to provide wholesome social experience for teenagers.



****Not Proofed Beyond This Point



PRESIDENT 1933-1935



Born in Jackson, California and was educated in the California schools receiving teacher's credentials. Also business training in office management; art courses at Sacramento Junior College and Sacramento State College. She was a former teacher in the Sacramento City Schools.


She has membership in the Tuesday Club, Kingsley Art Club, Northern California Arts, Monday Fine Arts and the First Baptist Church.


Was one of the committee of fourteen which organized the Community Welfare Council and served as a Vice-President for three years. Served on the Red Cross Board and on the Executive Board of the Community Chest and the Y.W.C.A. For two years she served as chairman of Art for the Northern District of the California Federation of Women's Clubs.


In 1943 she was elected secretary and served two terms as President of Northern California Arts. She secured for this group the annual art exhibit at the Crocker Art Galley.


Mrs. Powers hobbies are oil painting and growing flowers.


PRESIDENT 1935-1937



Native of Michigan, reared and educated in Minnesota. Taught in schools in Minnesota and Spokane, Washington. Later took special training in Christian Education at Auburn Theological Seminary and joined the staff of a large Presbyterian Church in Rochester, New York. Came to Sacramento in April 1926 as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of Religious Education. Was the only woman member of the building committee assisting with plans for the new Westminster on Capitol Square at 1300 N Street. Planned and developed the departmentalized educational program for the new church and had supervision of the young people. Married in Westminster on November 25, 1928 to Mr. Stone who was Secretary of the Board of Trustees at Westminster.


President of the Council of Religious Education for the Sacramento Council of Churches for 7 years. Helped organize and administer the Teacher Training School for Church School Teachers. Organized the Youth Council for the Council of Churches.


Organized the William Stephan Hamilton Society, Children of the American Revolution, Regent of the Sacramento Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution for two years 1936-1838. State Recording Secretary for two years for the California State Society D.A.R. Served as local and State Radio Chairman and on the National Radio Committee of the D.A.R.


Member of the Sacramento Chapter American Red Cross for 18 years – serving in various capacities – Radio Chairman – Residential Chairman in the Roll Call Campaign, First and Second Vice-Chairman of the Board, and as Chairman of the Nursing Activities Committee, organized the Visiting Nurse Service and was President of this service for 15 years. Made Honorary Organizing President and Life Member of the Visiting Nurse Association and Honorary Member of the Sacramento Chapter Red Cross Board.


Served on the Tuesday Club Board and was Vice-President of the Tuesday Club House Board. Served as Advisor for Tuesday Club Girl's Auxiliary.


Member of the Coordinating Council for Child Welfare which later became the Community Welfare Council – served 7 years as Director of the Board.


Received Government appointment as Vice-Chairman of General Committee in charge of sale of Defense Bonds of the U.S. Treasury Department in its first campaign. Made Chairman of Women's Division and with the aid of members of the Woman's Council organization staffed the office with volunteer help and promoted sale of U.S. Defense Bonds.


Was a member of the Sacramento Safety Council in its organization years. Also helped organize the Sacramento Crippled Children's Society and was member of the Board for several years. Served as General Chairman of First Woman's Day at the State Fair.


PRESIDENT 1937-1939



Ida Mae Pearl was born February 28, 1896 in Skaneateles, New York. Her parents were Mabel E. and Edward Clare.


Attending grammar, high and private normal schools in San Francisco and after attending the business world, studied business law. Was a bookkeeper and accountant and before leaving San Francisco, she and her sister owned and operated a millinery and dressmaking shop.


She moved to Sacramento and went back to bookkeeping and was office manager in a Real Estate office. Went to Lodi and opened her own office for accounting. In 1947 left to go to Lynnwood, Washington to own and operate the Colonial Manor Motel.


A member of the Tuesday Club, Sacramento; Delphian Society; Ancient Order of Foresters, Snohomish County, Wash.; Republican Club (Executive Committee); Garden Clubs, Woman's Clubs of Lodi; Business & Professional Women's Club and Chamber of Commerce.


She has one son Robert Clare Pearl and three grandchildren.


PRESIDENT 1939-1941



Madam Winifred Lucia Fisher, musician, teacher of singing and choral director was Founder and Director of the Sacramento Civic Singers for many years and presented “THE MESSIAH” in the Memorial Auditorium sponsored by the Woman's Council and other civic bodies.


In 1939 Mme. Fisher was elected President of Woman's Council and during her two years' term the Council petitioned the City Council to name the camellia the official flower of Sacramento. This was done in Resolution No. 605. On Woman's day the affiliated organizations served as traffic officers under the leadership of Mme. Fisher who took oath of office as Chief of Police from Captain Darwin. In 1940 two members of Woman's Council Executive Board served on the committee of 14 which combined the coordinating council and council of social agencies, thus forming Community Welfare. On Woman's Day at the State Fair Mme. Fisher was awarded a beautiful bronze plaque for her civic endeavors, as President of Woman's Council.


Madam Fisher's educational background includes study at Chicago Musical College, Columbia School of Music, with Oscar Saenger in New York, Mme. Ernestine Schumann-Heink and other great Teachers. She has taught in Sacramento since 1933, was director of Tuesday Club Choral, Choirs of First Christian Church (6 ˝ years), First Church of God (12 years) and in addition to her many musical activities she has served as a member of the Board of Directors of American Red Cross, Sacramento Tuberculosis and Health Association, Speakers Bureau of Community Welfare Council, Radio and Television Research, Cured Cancer Club of America and chairman of the Food Panel, War Ration Board.


Mme. Fisher trained and directed the Sacramento Civic Singers participating in the State Fair Show for three summers. She was elected Manager of Sacramento Symphony Orchestra, also three years, and served on the board for many years later.


She served two terms as President of Sacramento Branch of Music Teacher's Association and four years as State President of the Music Teachers' Association of California, also two terms as President of Sacramento Saturday Club.


Mme. Fisher is now State Chairman of the California Plan, an in-service educational project of the State Association which she established while State President.


Mme. Fisher is actively engaged in her professional teaching but always has time to devote to Woman's Council affairs so important to progress in Sacramento.


PRESIDENT 1941-1943



Mrs. W. L. (Blanche) Smiley was born in Coloma, Montana on Jan. 28.


She spent much of her childhood in San Francisco and was married there to Mr. W. L. Smiley. She has two sons, Howard and Stanley.


Her education was principally by private tutoring though she also attended and graduated from Fremont High School in Oakland.


She was President of the Tuesday Club and has a membership in Kingsley Art Club, Woman's Forum and was a Director of Beta Sigma Phi.


The New York office of the American Cancer Society appointed her as County Commander in 1938, this being one of the first societies of its kind. In 1946 she became the Executive Director with the local office.


Working in many volunteer community projects, she served with the O.P.A. Volunteer Bureau, War Bond and Stamps, which was carried on in Hale's window under her direction.


The Woman's Council Speaks, which is the official bulletin of the Woman's Council, was her brain child, and its value to the community is well recognized.


Under her leadership, the Volunteer Bureau became a permanent part of the Community Chest as a registry for Sacramento.


PRESIDENT 1943-1945



Ruth Walker was born in Sutter City, California and educated in the Sacramento schools.


She served as chairman of War Bonds and Stamps Committee for the Woman's Council and had charge of booths in seven stores 1942-43. Because of the pressing and urgent need, started a housing desk at the U.S.O. to provide housing facilities for service men and their families.


Urged the establishment of a blood bank for Sacramento. Served on the Committee for the procurement and assignment of nurses. Served on the War Loan Drives. Served on the Nurse Activities Committee, and as secretary of the camp and hospital committee of the Red Cross. Committee for Christmas boxes for service men in base hospitals. Worked on campaign to maintain ceiling prices on “food stuff”. Was a leader for Camp Fire Girls from 1944-1945 and served three years on nurses aid committee of the Red Cross.


In addition to Woman's Council activities, has been for many years an active member of Tuesday Club, Allied Arts Breakfast Club and Woman's Forum. Was formerly a Past President of the Native Daughters and a Past Chief Daughter of the Daughters of Scotia. A member of the Daughters of the Nile.


PRESIDENT 1945-1947



Born in the State of Illinois and lived in Chicago throughout her childhood attending schools there. She married Bernard E. Eastburn and their family consists of three daughters and one son; all are married and have children.


She has lived in Sacramento since 1920 and her introduction to Woman's Council was as a delegate from the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church.


Mrs. Eastburn became Woman's Council representative to the Crippled Children's Society and eventually she became a member of the Executive Board for the Society. She was Vice-President for the Woman's Council, then President.


Organizations in which she is either a member or served as an officer are: Tuesday Club, Patron's Association of Sacramento Junior College, Parent Teachers' Association, Allied Arts, Woman's Forum, Monday Fine Arts, Camellia Garden Club.


The City Council appointed her to a five year term as a commissioner to the Ann Land Fund and reappointed her for another five year term.


Seven organizations joined the Woman's Council during her two terms as President.


PRESIDENT 1947-1949



Julie Kaye Rifkin received her education in New Britain, Conn., the small New England town where her parents were married and settled and where she was born.


She gave up her teaching profession to come to Los Angeles, California. In 1927, she married there to Gerald Rifkin, later becoming the mother of a son, Lawrence A. Rifkin, now serving his country in Korea. The family moved to Sacramento in 1936 at which time she was serving as Worthy Matron of an Eastern Star Chapter in San Francisco.


Introduced to Woman's Council through PTA as representative to their Film Board – Reviewed and evaluated movies for children on radio station KROY twice weekly in 1940.


Was Chairman for the program for the first President Roosevelt Birthday Ball in Sacramento, to raise funds for Infantile Paralysis, also working on the subsequent drives as chairman of the March of Dimes Woman's Division.


Became active in Red Cross in 1941 because of the clothing needs in the war countries, shipping the first large overseas shipment from the local chapter. Took part in all their emergency courses and gave first aid demonstrations at their Booth in the State Fair.


Reactivated interest in Woman's Council in 1946 as radio chairman. Then 1947 brought with it the honor of being elected President, where she was given an opportunity to continue community interests. Served in this capacity for two years during which time seventeen new organizations were added. Had a very active two years as outlined in our history – inaugurated a membership Tea, honoring our first woman Mayor, Belle Cooledge and the Governor's wife, Mrs. Earl Warren. The tea has become an annual social event.


In previous years, was Mother Advisor for Rainbow Girls so continued her interest in Youth by attending conferences at Mills College and Claremont and those called by the Governor. Also invited to Governor's conferences on Mental Hygiene and Crime and to the western meeting of UNESCO. Also attended Youth Guidance Workshop at Stanford.


Assisted drives and committees during her term of President and since then was chairman of Red Cross Residential Drive and Guide Dogs for the Blind, on whose Board of Directors she also served. Member of the local Appeals Board Committee for the United Crusade, on which she is now serving on Board of Directors. Also served as President of Sacramento Visiting Nurses' Association.


Also served on the following Boards in the interest and betterment of youth and welfare: Crippled Children, Y.W.C.A., Community Welfare Board, Repertory Theatre, Symphony, Sacramento Appeals Board, Military Manpower Committee of Sacramento, American Cancer Society Board, Recreation for the Blind.


Mrs. Rifkin is still serving Sacramento in welfare, youth and “civic betterment” programs.


PRESIDENT 1949-1950



Leah B. Schwing (Mrs. Edward A.) is a native of Kansas but has spent most of her life in California.


She was educated in Los Angeles State Teachers' College and the University of California at Berkeley. She taught in the City schools of Los Angeles.


She is the widow of the late Edward A. Schwing and the mother of three children.


Her home and her church (First Baptist of Sacramento) as well as community service, have been her chief interests in life.


Her main hobby is traveling, having traveled extensively in her own country, Canada, Mexico and Europe. She has an earnest desire to travel more, especially to observe the status of women emerging from seclusion into their natural independence to make their rightful contribution to world progress and development.


She takes keen interest in art and musical appreciation.


As Woman's Council President she appreciated the opportunity to serve her community and to lead women who are seeking to better the conditions of a rapidly growing Sacramento area.


PRESIDENT 1950-1951




Born May 25, 1902 in Des Moines, Iowa. Her parents: John W. and Virginia C. Bryant.


She graduated from the Polytechnic High in 1921, at Long Beach – Post Graduate course in designing and devoted ten years to designing through affiliation in the Fox Motion Picture Studio at West Los Angeles. She was also Secretary-Treasurer of her own business located in Sacramento since 1938.


Mrs. Theyson is a member of the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary No. 6 and in 1934 was President of Santa Monica No. 36; Sacramento Unit No. 6 in 1944. She is also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary No. 61; American War Mothers No. 1; Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary; Sacramento Soroptimist Club since 1951 and member of the Young Women's Christian Association.


It was in 1943 as a delegate from the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit No. 6 that she became greatly interested in the work and functioning of the Woman's Council. During her year as President one of the important projects was the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant and through the efforts of the Council of continued schooling by word and mouth the favorable passage of bond issue of $7,200.00 was accomplished for the development and construction of the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant for the City and County of Sacramento.


PRESIDENT 1951-1952



Thelma Allphin McCollough was born in Auburn, Indiana, on August 31st. Her parents were George and Almetta Dunn.


She received her education in the Elementary and Secondary schools in Florida and is a graduate of a Girls' Academy there. Also graduate Friends University of Wichita. Received B.A. in Arts and Sciences; postgraduate studies in Psychology and Social Welfare.


Taught school, Director of English Department in Midwest Seminary. Seven years spent in Social Service work. Later, Field Representative for State Department of Education in 20 Northern Counties of California making studies for remedial measures to be used as basis in schools and text books concerning mentally retarded and physically handicapped children and their problems. Also served as Vocational Guidance Counselor.


Later in the beginning of World War II appointed to work in U.S. Employment Service in liaison with Manpower Commission to interview women in all Northern California for possible placement in special training classes, Defense Fields, Plants and factories. More than five thousand interviewed in her time of eighteen months, and nearly as many were trained and placed in defense work. Appointed by the President as Staff Member in the Division of Investigation and Legal Enforcement of the U.S. VIII Regional Offices of Price Administration in San Francisco where she remained until after the war's end.


She has memberships as Past President of Woman's Council, Past President Sacramento Soroptimist Club, Charter Member Auxiliary to Sacramento Painting, Decorators Contractor's Auxiliary; Capital City No. 160 Rebekahs; Oak Park Baptist Church; Allied Arts; served on Board of Directors of Sacramento Crippled Children's Society; served on Board of Directors Sacramento Muscular Dystrophy Association; also Board Member River Recreation and Parks Association for preservation and beautification of parks.


PRESIDENT 1952-1953




Ella (Rawlie) Vandergrift was born February 24, 1897 in the state of Arkansas. Her parents were Dora E. and Samuel T. Rawlings.


She has an A.B. University of Oregon and M.A. University of California (at Berkeley) and majored in Physical Education. Was Professor of Physical Education, Mills College, University of Michigan, Chico State College.


She has membership in American Association of University Women, Zonta Club of Sacramento, California Farm Bureau.


She is the owner-operator of a 240 acre ranch at Pleasant Grove, California, and worked as clerk for the Senate during sessions of the California Legislature.


PRESIDENT 1953-1954



Sylvia Evelyn Crenshaw was born in Barre, Vermont, November 15, 1900 where she resided for the short duration of three weeks; the remainder of her life has been spent in Sacramento except for short intervals of absence. Her parents were Lionel Lewis and Ernestine Griggs.


She received her education in the Sacramento schools and the University of California Extension Business Administration. Dental Economies, Dental Technician and Assistant, also private school instruction.


She had Nurse's Training and served as Dental Assistant. Was owner-operator with her husband in Automotive Engineering and Repair Business. Also had partnerships in several business enterprises.


Memberships where she held offices and many chairmanships were: Sacramento Business & Professional Woman's Club, California Farm Bureau, Sacramento Republican Woman's Club, Woman's Council.


A few community services were: World War II, served on O.P.A. as Chief Clerk, appointed Planning Commissioner for Yolo County.


Her affiliation to the Woman's Council was the Sacramento Business & Professional Women's Club.





Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor. 

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor. 





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