A Silhouette
of Service
Published by
Printed by
Sacramento, California
Pages 27-32
On November 21, 1917, Mrs. H. F. Miles, President of Woman's Council delivered an illustrated lecture at the High School Auditorium, dealing with with (sic) women's work in the War and the activities of the Red Cross. The meeting is to be the first in a series to be given during the Winter, for which the State Civic League is to supply Stereoptician view of current events in the War Zone. The meetings are open to the public. The pictures are from the European battlefields and show bomb-throwing submarines and other interesting features of the War on Land and Sea.
Mrs. Miles' administration made a great contribution to the World War I projects and the entire Council gave many hours to volunteer services. Because of these activities not too much was done on the Council's own projects – winning the war came first.
The following officers were elected for the years 1918-1919: Mrs. F. B. Gillette, President; Mrs. W. H. Prouty, Vice President; Mrs. George Winslow, Recording Secretary; Mrs. B. F. Watson, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Richards, Treasurer; Mrs. H. F. Miles, the retiring President gave a report on the years' work to the Council. One project accomplished was the Church Directory which has been placed in public buildings, railroad stations and hotels for the information of visitors. Woman's Council during the year has devoted its activities for the major part to war activities and has aided in the Liberty Bond and Red Cross Drives.
On January 20, 1918, Mrs. F. B. Gillet, President appointed a committee to appeal to the officials of the Street Car Companies operating in Sacramento to secure some relief for the platform men who are required to wear heavy caps and uniforms throughout the hot summer months. Rev. Mary Bowen brought up the subject and made an appeal in behalf of the street car men. She expressed the sentiments of the entire Council.
Mrs. F. B. Gillett, the new President, appointed a committee to discuss the question of garbage disposal. It is contended that the handling of all garbage in the city should be in the hands of the city itself, and at the same time provide revenue for the city treasury.
At the March 21st meeting the Council pledged to cooperate with the Tubercular Clinic as maintained by the City and County.
Acting upon reports received by the membership, District Attorney Hugh B. Bradford was requested to look into the practice of several theatres in the city keeping the exits closed during performances.
A $5.00 donation was made to the fund being collected by the Tuesday Club committee on behalf of the Sacramento Braves, and a committee was named to cooperate with the Tuesday Club.
Mrs. H. F. Miles was elected delegate to the State Federation of Women's Clubs; Mrs. C. O. Busick, alternate. The other delegate was Mrs. Frank B. Gillette, Mrs. James Harbaugh, alternate.
Wednesday, April 24th, Woman's Council adopted resolutions be sent to Congress suggesting legislation be enacted to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor for the duration of the war, and called upon all constituted authorities, both city and county to immediately enforce all laws and ordinances looking to the supervision of prostitution, gambling and the sale of intoxicating liquors in dance halls. This was considered as a precaution and protection of the health of the combat forces stationed near Sacramento of the Army Aviation School at Mather Field. The citizens were urged to conserve food and to increase production.
November 23, 1918, the Woman's Council took up the thread of its activities again when on Wednesday a meeting was held in the new City Library. Mrs. F. B. Gillette presided at the session. Mrs. B. F. Watson told members something of what the various philanthropic branches had done to assist during the influenza epidemic and of the activities of the war work nurses. Mrs. G. E. Campbell was the special guest of the afternoon and discussed the activities of the Northern District Federation of Women's Clubs of which she is President. She also spoke of the work of the Women's Legislative Council. Among the various committees of the Council which have been hard at their tasks was the committee on Sanitation and Hygiene. Mrs. C. O. Busick was the chairman and her assistants were Mesdames Helen Boston, Edith Winslow, A. Tabor and E. C. Butler.
Woman's Council held its regular meeting on Wednesday, December 18th in the New Sacramento City Library and voted to become members of the Women's Legislative Council. Plans for a complimentary luncheon for women members of the coming legislature were discussed and Mrs. Geo. F. Walsh was named Hospitality Chairman.
All Sacramento women were invited to attend the reception on January 16, 1919 given for the visiting club women interested in the Legislature. The affair was of particular interest since a part of the evening's entertainment was a discussion on the Community Property Bill in which Club women all over the state were interested.
The Mezzanine floor of the Sacramento Hotel was the scene of the affair and the presiding hostesses were members of the Woman's Council with Mrs. F. B. Gillette heading the reception committee. Mrs. A. E. Carter of Oakland, and Mrs. Hester Griffith of Los Angeles were special guests of honor.
The Woman's Council held its meeting February 25, 1919, at the City Library when the committee of which Mesdames Charles O. Busick, George F. Walsh and G. C. Chappell were chairmen gave interesting reports. Members of the Council also had the pleasure of greeting Dr. Martha Welpton, who is serving on war camp community service work. Following a talk by Mrs. Scherfee, President of the Outlook Association on March 21, 1919, the Council unanimously endorsed the recommendations that the Department of Interior be urged to employ more men on the work of listing California lands. In her address, Mrs. Scherfee called attention to the fact that the selection made by the Surveyor Generals Office concerning approximately 100,000 acres has not been listed and that a very large area of land selected since 1908 has not been listed by the Federal Government. The President of the Woman's Council was instructed to advise the delegates to the Northern District Convention to solicit endorsement of the plan to have the Secretary of the Interior expedite the listings.
The Council unanimously adopted a resolution on May 24th, favoring a raise in salary for the teachers of this city. A committee of five women was appointed and will appear before the City Commission and the School Supervisors to ask that the teachers be granted this salary increase. Those on the committee were Mrs. Charles Adams, Chairman, Mrs. B. F. Walton, Mrs. John T. Greene, Mrs. George Winslow and Mrs. H. F. Miles.
May 28th the Executive Committee of the Council went on record as being unanimously in favor of the filtration plant for securing clear water for the city. At a meeting of the Council to be held in June, the Committee will urge the active support of the campaign by every member of the Council. Harry S. Maddox, Director of the clear water campaign, met with the Council committee and outlined the plans for clear water to be proposed if the bond election carried on June 26th. In accordance with their endorsement of the filtration plan, a woman director was to be named to assist Mr. Maddox in the campaign for the bond issue.
Women of the city are particularly interested in this proposition because they observe daily the inconvenience and unsatisfactory conditions caused by dirty water.
Members of the Woman's Council met on October 16, 1919 and unanimously adopted resolutions favoring exclusion of Japanese picture brides, and barring Asiatics from immigration and citizenship. This is in line with action taken by nearly every organization in California, and is directed against the 'peaceful' penetration of California by the Japanese. Council also approved the movement to exclude from citizenship any child born of parents not entitled to citizenship. Copies of these resolutions were sent to California Representatives in Congress.
Plans for a convention of delegates from all women clubs in the county in November were tentatively made. It was planned to exchange ideas upon the work of the clubs to avoid duplication. Endorsement was given the consumers milk league in its fight against the so-called Milk Trust.
The installation of a sprinkler system in local schools as a fire prevention was presented to the City Commission. Also that it would be to the best interests of the City if all garbage was handled municipally.
One of the very attractive features of the Woman's Council Convention held November 21, 1919 was the luncheon for which some seventy-five covers were arranged. This social gave the women from out of town an opportunity to become better acquainted with the local club women.
Woman's Council endorsed the drive of the Salvation Army for funds to carry on its work at a recent meeting. Women of Sacramento interested in Welfare and rescue work among girls were to assist in the fund drive. The campaign was from May 10 to May 20 and headquarters for the drive were placed in the Chamber of Commerce Building. A general campaign committee was appointed by J. C. Havely, Chairman of the Advisory Board. Members of sub-committees were appointed. Judge Peter J. Shields was named chairman of the speakers committee and Stephen W. Downey, Chairman of the Publicity Committee.
On Monday, September 20, 1920, six committees were named by the Woman's Council for activities during the coming year. Among the aims of the organization is the improvement of the 12th street road. The Council went on record supporting the city commission in its refusal to put a ban on Sunday Funerals. Committees as announced by Mrs. J. L. Richards, the President, were as follows: Constitution and by-laws, Mrs. T. H. Adams, Miss Loretta Ferguson, Mrs. J. L. Harbough, Mrs. Charles Gilmore, Mrs. H. J. Kilgariff, Mrs. Frank Gillett and Mrs. O. W. Anderson. Sanitation and Hygiene: Mrs. C. W. Webster; Press, Mrs. J. L. Richards, Mrs. Alice Tracy; Highways: Mrs. Mary Bostwick, Mrs. Charles Gilmore, Mrs. George Neeley, Mrs. A. A. Goddard, Mrs. F. B. Fancher, Mrs. S. E. Griggs, Mrs. Kate Barker, Mrs. Helen Boston, Mrs. William Rackerby, Mrs. T. H. Adams; Public Welfare: Mrs. Ben S. Allen, Mrs. Carlos McClatchey, Mrs. Robert Pierce, Miss Ardell Folger; Hospitality: Mrs. T. M. Eby, Mrs. Lillard, Mrs. Edith Winslow, Mrs. Job Wood, Mrs. W. C. Wood, Mrs. Orrin B. Whipple, Miss Loretta Ferguson, Mrs. S. E. Griggs, Mrs. George Davidson, Mrs. R. T. McKisick; Court Committee: Mrs. John T. Greene, Mrs. J. J. Harris, Mrs. Patrick Naughton, Mrs. Electa Butler and Helen Boston.
On October 21st, L. C. Hunter was the chief speaker. His topic was “The New City Charter.” Mr. Hunter dwelt upon the City's adoption of the proposed charter as a measure of economy.
Dr. James Parkinson of this city, presented arguments for compulsory vaccination, and Peter Ross of San Francisco against it. Mrs. M. R. Beard read the club collect preceding the short business meeting.
At the beginning of the Woman's Council year of 1921, the new President Mrs. Charles Gilmore, announced that each committee chairman would take charge of the planning of the program for one day during the year, giving her an opportunity to place before the Council, speakers and problems of interest relative to each particular group. Mrs. Gilmore arranged the program for the opening day with the subject of Highways as she had been chairman of this committee during the past year.
At this time there were thirty-six clubs participating in the activities of the Woman's Council. The outstanding committees were Court and Welfare, Better Films, Sanitation and Hygiene, Education and Highways.
Under Mrs. Gilmore's Administration, the subject of the Junior College was enthusiastically discussed as a much needed institution for Sacramento, and was endorsed by the Council.
The Woman's Council took an active part in the Annual Flower Show sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and were hostesses at a Traveling Exhibit offering a special exhibit of Fine Art Prints given by the City Library.
The Woman's Council took an active part in the “Days of '49 Celebration,” wearing costumes that were vogue in '49 to carry out the theme. Great interest was manifested throughout the United States during this celebration.
The most outstanding work of these two years was the nation-wide movement instituted by the Better Films Board of the Woman's Council. Through the tireless efforts of this Board and the splendid cooperation of the Motion Picture Industry, the upward swing to better motion pictures was started.
The Woman's council did this by simply advertising strongly and boosting the better productions. They placed bulletins listing the best pictures, those meeting the approval of their previewing committees, in hotel lobbies, department stores, schools, libraries, elevators and candy stores. They kept the good pictures constantly before the public and said nothing about the bad ones. The reaction of the public was most favorable, and within a given time no bulletins were necessary and a list of the “Best Films” were printed in the daily newspaper twice a week. So we see that Better Films for the nation was a direct result of the Woman's Council members who worked relentlessly on this project.
At a meeting in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, announcement was made of the reception to be given the newly made citizens. During this administration the meeting place was changed to the Chamber of Commerce.
A letter of appreciation was received from Superintendent of Schools. C. C. Hughes in appreciation of the Council’s part in the recent bond election.
Speakers during this administration included Mrs. Charles Norris who spoke on “The Wright Bill”; Professor Edward Krebiel, “Heredity and Environment of the Child”; Mr. C. C. Webster, “The Subnormal Child”; Dr. Rosenburg, “Sanitation of Slaughter Houses”; Mr. Newman of the State Department of Agriculture, “Sanitation of Milk and Creameries”; Professor Lea, “Food and Drug Sanitation”; Dr. Theresa Meickle, “Proposed Community Property Law”; Mrs. Elizabeth Gaberding, “New Club Building in San Francisco” and City Manager Clyde Seavy on the need of a Civic Auditorium.
Officers for 1922-1923 were as follows:
Office |
1922 |
1923 |
President |
Mrs. Charles Gilmore |
Mrs. Charles Gilmore |
First Vice President |
Mrs. Edith Winslow |
----------------- |
Second Vice President |
Mrs. Alton Cooper |
Mrs. W. L. Sperry |
Recording Secretary |
Mrs. Mathilde Price |
Mrs. T. M. Eby |
Corresponding Secretary |
Mrs. G. W. Simonson |
Mrs. Electa Butler |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Charles Boswich |
Mrs. A. F. Barker |
Custodian |
--------------- |
Miss Nellie Dunlap |
The years of 1923-25 under the leadership of Mrs. Walter McGinn were indeed years of inspiration for the Woman's Council. They were recipients of a twenty-five dollar prize for their special exhibit at the Annual Flower Show; they pledged to raise funds for a fifty-thousand dollar organ for the new Civic Auditorium to be erected on the site of Sixteenth and J Streets; glowingly optimistic discussions were had on the possibility of a deep sea ship canal for Sacramento and the Council adopted a resolution for conservation of our forests.
Plans were made to bring to Sacramento the Wheeler Hall Greek Theatre Players, in hopes of stimulating a desire for a Little Theatre in our city. Although this project was not a big success and the Council suffered a loss financially, it was well received and greatly enjoyed by those who attended.
One of the most delightful activities of the Council was the inception of an Annual Musicale and Tea in the Crocker Art Gallery. Over five hundred persons attended during the afternoon and were entertained by the Music of Sacramento Composers, whose compositions in turn were performed by Sacramento musicians.
In our thriving community the need for a Y. W. C. A. Building for the business girl was discussed, pointing out the work of the “Y” was preventive not corrective, and the Y. W. C. A. Building would be a “House of Friendliness” in our City.
There was a growing consciousness of the power of the woman's vote and at this time a League of Women Voters was organized within the Woman's Council which arranged to study and to hear both sides of political issues and all civic questions of importance. It was designed to further knowledge among women voters. The World Peace Organization was discussed and the Woman's Council endorsed a resolution on International Affairs to be sent to the President of the United States and our two senators. The resolution read: WHEREAS, the United States of America is justly regarded at home and abroad as holding a position of extraordinary power and prosperity, and WHEREAS, we believe this condition of well-being constitutes a great opportunity for service, and WHEREAS a policy of isolation from world affairs is neither wise nor possible for this nation; THEREFORE, be it resolved that we assembled at the Woman's Council of Sacramento, California, representing thirty organizations, respectfully urge upon the President of the United States of America our deep conviction that the United States of American can materially aid in the realization of peace for all nations by the participation in the Permanent Court of International Justice, believing this to be the first step toward the outlawing of war and toward the fuller and more far reaching international cooperation which is necessary to secure permanent peace.”
One of the Council's most effective committees was that of Sanitation and Hygiene. It had regular inspection of milk and milk products plants, factories, canneries, stores, soda fountains, restaurants, and other places where food products were manufactured, sold or handled and frequently recommended changes in equipment or methods. For several years the Council urged municipal garbage collection and finally its efforts were successful.
The Better Films Board continued to make a definite impression for good upon the movie world throughout the United States. Bulletins that had been published for five years were dispensed with and the Sacramento Bee began to publish weekly reports of the best films. The Better Films Board had won recognition as the finest of its type and communications came from all over the country applauding its work and asking for aid in establishing like boards in their cities. This board alone showed that the combined activities of the Woman's Council were a tremendous force for good, reaching beyond our own city of Sacramento and greatly benefiting the entire nation.
Speakers for this administration were: Mr. George Barron, Curator of M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco; Mrs. Weir, Secretary of the Y. W. C. A.; Miss Weymouth, Women of New Zealand and their Legislation; Dr. Whidden, History of the United States Flag; Dr. Worth Tippey, Child Labor and the Federal Prison for Women; Mr. Ernest Marsh, United States Department of Labor; Professor Overholzer; Supervised debate on Woman's Equality Bill by four high school students, Ruth James, Hilda Ferguson, Howard Tyler and Norman Cruckshanks; Mrs. Frank Law of Oakland, Chairman of Efficiency in the Government Department of the State League of Women Voters.
Pages 33-41
Officers for this administration were as follows:
Office |
1923-1924 |
1924-1925 |
President |
Mrs. Walter McGinn |
Mrs. Walter McGinn |
1st Vice President |
Mrs. G. M. Simonson |
Mrs. W. F. Bachelor |
2nd Vice President |
Mrs. W. F. Bachelor |
Mrs. E. E. McMichael |
Recording Secretary |
Mrs. Jack Leam |
Mrs. Jack Leam |
Corresponding Secretary |
Mrs. Edith Winslow |
Mrs. Millham |
Treasurer |
Mrs. J. H. Seba |
Mrs. Ethel Taylor |
Under the Presidency of Mrs. Omar H. Blank (1925-1927) there were thirty-two organizations affiliated with the Woman's Council. A year book was published containing a list of all members of the Woman's Council, the constitution and by-laws of the Council, and a resume of its work since its organization in 1903.
In December 1925, a resolution designed to protect the shade trees, and advocating the planting of more trees for the future, was passed by the Council and sent to the City Council.
On Armistice Day 1926, a monument was dedicated to the heroes who lost their lives in World War I. It was constructed of granite and bronze, materially and symbolically beautiful, and erected on the Victory Highway directly across from the Junior College and was called the Victory Monument. The granite for the monument was a gift to the Woman's Council and the sum of $1,300.00 was donated by friends of the Woman's Council for the construction. The shrubbery surrounding the monument was a gift from the city.
Through the efforts of the Council, a Woman's Rest Room was installed at the Court House. The Council endorsed the purchase of Joyland Park by the city for playground and recreational purposes; it formulated plans for two swimming pools for the city; endorsed efforts to bring Y.W.C.A. - National Convention to Sacramento; and endorsed places for grouping Federal Buildings near the Capitol and now known as the Capitol Mall.
The Better Films Board reviewed its efforts toward raising the standards of movies, and at this time attention was called to the fact that most of the literature and moving pictures held the Police up to ridicule as sympathy was always with the burglar and against the policeman. The Council started a move to help change the attitude of the people to one that would support and help the officers-of-the-law. The Better Films Board continued by popular demand the policy of posting bulletins in the Sacramento Union giving the ratings of pictures previewed.
Work began toward enlarging the Woman's Building at the State Fair Grounds and plans were made to consult with Senator John Inman regarding drawing up a bill to be presented to the State Legislature to be known as “The Woman's Council Bill,” seeking appropriations for the improvement and enlargement of the Woman's Building.
Sacramento Valley has always been famous for its unexcelled climate and vast natural resources, offering a boundless field for agricultural development and rare opportunities for the homeseeker. Because of this the Woman's Council felt that our beautiful city of Sacramento should be christened with a distinctive title representative of some of the wonderful things for which Sacramento is noted and a resolution was made urging the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce to adopt the slogan, “Camellia City, the heart of California.”
The Woman's Council upon official action suggested to the City that the entrance to the Southern Pacific Depot be named Camellia Place. City Manager H. C. Bottorff referred the letter to the City Council. The City Council upon motion of A. E. Goddard unanimously passed Resolution No. 38 on April 8, 1926. Councilmen present were – Chas. W. Anderson, Thos. F. Bellhouse, C. H. S. Bidwell, Ralph E. Conley, Harold S. Kiernan, John H. Miller, Royal Miller – absent W. I. Elliott. Many large Camellia bushes were secured and planted by Woman's Council but soon after they disappeared one by one apparently removed by party or parties unknown.
Speakers for 1925-1927 included: Mrs. William Palmer Lucas of San Francisco, who spoke on “Woman's Relation to Law Enforcement”; Judge C. E. McLaughlin, “Duty of All Women to Vote”; Neil McAllister, “Public vs Police”; Judge J. F. Pullen, “Crime and Criminals”; Ben Blow, “New Victory Highway”; Frank C. Vincent, High School Vocational Instructor; Thomas D. Van Osten of the Allied Amusement Industries; Mr. Stewart Tulley, head of the Vocational Department of Music at Sacramento Junior College and George Nelson of North Sacramento.
Officers: 1925, 1927
Office |
1925 |
1927 |
President |
Mrs. C. B. Franz (Resigned) |
President |
Mrs. Omar H. Blank (elected by Executive Board) |
Mrs. Omar Blank |
1st Vice President |
Mrs. E. E. McMichael |
Mrs. E. E. McMichael |
2nd Vice President |
Mrs. John Chambers |
Miss Eloise Gundrum |
Recording Secretary |
Mrs. J. J. Harris |
Miss Cora L. Harris |
Corresponding Secretary |
Mrs. Eloise Gundrum |
Miss F. B. Gillett |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Ethel Tyler |
Mrs. Ethel Tyler |
Custodian |
Miss Nellie Dunlap |
During Mrs. Cora Harris Sterring's administration which was 1927-1929 a decision was made by the Woman's Council to direct the efforts of the organization toward securing a Fine Arts Building on the State Fairgrounds instead of an extension of the present Women's Building. During the legislature session a ten year building program for the State Fair was approved and the Women's Building was placed second on the list.
A committee was appointed to study the possibility of establishing a nursery school in Sacramento.
Through the efforts of the Council the organization was successful in stopping the noisy hauling of the McGillivray Construction Company at early morning hours; the Better Films Board lent its efforts toward securing at least one theatre in Sacramento to present films suitable for children; and through recommendations of the Education Committee a home teacher for the city schools was appointed for the coming year.
Speakers for the year included Mr. Edwin Muse who spoke in behalf of the Pioneer Memorial Arch which he was desirous of erecting at the entrance to Capitol Park; Mr. H. P. Demand of the YMCA staff; Miss Susan Smith, City Librarian; Mrs. Orin B. King who spoke on “Prison Conditions in California”; Miss Helena Silva, Camp Fire Executive of Sacramento; Mrs. Ruth Keene of the Chamber of Commerce; Community Chest Women's Auxiliary; Mr. Earl Jensen spoke on Humanitarian Measures and Mrs. Henrietta Ruclofs, Executive Secretary of Rural Community Department and Secretary of the Legislative Committee of the YWCA.
Mr. Harry Kluegel, Sacramento City Manager; Mrs. T. S. Lossing, Policewoman of Berkeley and Mrs. L. D. Caldwell, Sacramento's Home Teacher were also guest speakers during the club year.
During Mrs. Harris' second term of office as President of the Woman's Council, the City Manager promised reorganization of the Police Department and the addition of a policewoman to the force. The Council made a decision to have visiting committees attend the City Council at each meeting. A resolution was sent to the Grand Jury requesting appointment of a qualified woman social welfare worker at the county hospital.
During the previous year the Sacramento Union had ceased publishing the bulletins giving the ratings on movies, the Better Films Board decided to post bulletins in the hotels and the Y. W. C.A. The Boards also protested to the “Advertising Club” on the vulgar type of advertising it was using and secured a promise of their cooperation.
A request was sent to the Governor to place two women on the Board of Agriculture which controls the State Fair.
Committees faithfully made daily visits to the police courts in order to get information to substantiate a demand for juvenile court because present methods of handling juvenile cases were unsatisfactory. A bill was prepared for the Legislature but the committee was advised that the time was inappropriate. The committee then called on the Grand Jury in behalf of establishing a Juvenile Court.
The Sanitation Committee continued to follow their inspection work and the year 1929 brought many improvements in sanitary conditions in Sacramento. The sanitation of the rest rooms in the theatres were improved. The Council supported a legislative bill calling for uniform state inspection of meat.
The Council tried in vain to save downtown trees from destruction but progress and expansion ruled that they must go.
An outstanding event of the year was a legislative tea sponsored by the Council for the wives of the Legislators. The affair was given at the Crocker Art Gallery.
The council endorsed a bill for formation of a 4-year college in Sacramento and started machinery to place a woman on the City Planning Board.
Officers: 1927, 1929
Office |
1927 |
1929 |
President |
Mrs. Cora Harris Sterring |
Mrs. Cora Harris Sterring. |
1st Vice President |
Mrs. McMichael |
Mrs. B. F. Milne |
2nd Vice President |
Mrs. B. F. Milne |
Mrs. L. C. Harper |
Recording Secretary |
Mrs. Frances E. Harper |
Mrs. G. P. Lichthardt |
Corresponding Secretary |
Mrs. George Winslow |
Mrs. Sherman Devine |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Albert D. Smith |
Mrs. Albert D. Smith |
Custodian |
Miss Nellie Dunlap |
Miss Nellie Dunlap |
Mrs. Harry Wayne Blass was President for the Woman's Council during the years 1929-31. Mrs. M. A. Wingo, Secretary. The year was started with the completion of projects already started as well as starting new projects facing the administration.
Mrs. C. L. Gilmore, Chairman of Better Films Board continued efforts to secure more satisfactory pictures for children. Protests were sent to the Walt Disney Productions, Inc., makers of Mickey Mouse cartoons for more suitable and harmless films for children's matinees. The chairman reported a decided improvement in pictures, and a preview of Matinee films by the Senator Theatre in cooperation with the Council's Better Film Board.
The trend of times developed an unusually active Police Court Committee with Mrs. Oran A. King as Chairman and Mrs. Josephine Haug, Vice Chairman. The establishment in Sacramento of a Juvenile Bureau was a partial result of the activity of this committee. This committee presented Mr. Horance M. Witbeck from the Child Welfare Section of Police Department as a program speaker. Mr. Witbeck stated, “It is better to look forward with the boy than backward with the criminal.”
Woman's Council through a committee composed of Mrs. Blass, President, Mrs. Milo N. Wood, Mrs. Ora A. King and Mrs. Archer Sullivan made a study of the exciting “Walkathon” and concluded it was a menace to the health of the participants, a fire hazard to the audience, and an evasion of ordinance No. 426 of the City of Sacramento. These findings were presented in the form of a resolution to the City Council. The Resolution in full was printed by the North Sacramento Journal.
The Council endorsed a bond issue for a filtration plant in Sacramento' contributed Red Cross Drought Relief; manifested much interest in the unemployment situation and in bills before the legislature, including the Klamath fish bill, the four year College Bill, the Civil Service Bill, the dried egg Bill and certain narcotic bills.
Mrs. Archer Sullivan, Chairman of Hygiene and Sanitation, experienced a busy year following through on a project of date markers on cream bottles; sanitary conditions at public parks and in theatres.
Participating in Woman's Council affairs were: Attorney Letitia Roundtree Farber of San Francisco speaking on “The Changing Status of Women”; A tea for Mrs. James R. Rolph, wife of Governor James R. Rolph, Mrs. Frank C. Merriam, Judge Peter J. Shields, Judge Shelly and Assemblywoman Kellog.
Woman's Council was invited to cooperate with the County Board of Supervisors in formation of a County Planning Commission.
In May, the annual tea and President Blass passed the gavel to her successor, Mrs. Milo N. (Elizabeth) Wood.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wood at the helm of Woman's Council in 1931-32, many new issues met the Council for consideration and solution.
A growing list of itinerants was becoming Sacramento's number one problem; Hygiene and Sanitation was still below standard in many public places; Risque theatrical productions were making appearances in the theatres; idle men had resorted to gambling in McKinley Park; the Public Library was closed on Sunday as an economy measure by the city.
On November 9, 1931 a symposium was held to inform and bring pertinent data to the members of the Woman's Council and the general public regarding the fast developing water problem in the city.
The panel speakers and their topics were Mr. Albert E. Given, “The Silver Creek Plan,” Mr. F. I. Green, “The Middle Ford of the American River,” and the possibility of the construction of a dam and reservoir at Folsom; Judge George F. Jones, “The Nevada Irrigation District”; Mr. Fred Munz, “Deep Well Water Supply.”
This was an all day conference with discussion continuing during luncheon in the Senator Hotel. Invitations were sent to all interested organizations not affiliated to the Council. The Parent-Teachers Association was especially interested and sent a large delegation.
The Woman's Council at this time made a study of existing wells already present in the City and found many large plants operating many wells, running from 10 inches to 16 inches in diameter and from 100 to 600 feet deep. Pump capacity was found to be from 450 gallons per minute to 1200 gallons per minute. Most wells were found to be free of all animal and vegetable matter.
It was also found that where wells reached the deeper strata there was no lowering of the water table, that only surface wells were influenced to an insignificant amount by the river level during dry years.
These are a few of the subjects which the Standing Committees accepted as a basis for the year's work.
After an address by Horace Witbeck of the Police Department, the Woman's Council appointed a committee to assist all itinerant boys who came to their attention and arranged with the Y.M.C. A. to provide sleeping quarters when needed. The committee secured enough odd jobs through the delegates of their affiliated organizations to provide each boy with three hours work daily and sufficient pay to provide for their immediate needs. Clothing for boys in ages 12 to 21 was collected in quantities and arrangements were made for medical and dental care through the County Hospital and the generosity of individual Sacramento physicians. A continuous job placement effort was maintained and a creditable number of boys were placed in permanent jobs. One boy became an engineer at the Y.M.C.A.; another a lineman for the P.G.&E. Co.; while another offered to work for board and lodging on the dairy farm of one of our members. The Committee helped some of the boys to return to their homes, helped others to communicate with relatives. In the end, the Woman's Council Committee found it was competing with a “Home for Homeless Boys” organized by Communists from New York. When the police department broke up the “Home” because of cruelties practiced upon the younger boys, a few of these boys found refuge with the group taken care of by the Woman's Council. This project was continued until all the boys had found jobs, gone home or joined the C.C.C. Camp then being formed. Throughout this year, a committee of the Woman's Council was present at all City Council meetings and all Police Court sessions. Reports of all proceedings were submitted to the Council.
Mr. James Dean, City Manager, spoke before the Woman's Council Meeting in the interest of the new golf course being developed on Auburn Road.
Major J. N. Woolridge presented an interesting outlay of taxes under caption “Our Bonded Indebtedness.” Pointed in his remarks was the phrase, “In 1963 our children will be paying for bonds now running.”
Protests were entered against the closing of Public Library on Sunday; against gambling in the Park, which resulted in arrest of violators. A civil suit was instituted to prevent staging of shows of inferior standards.
The Highway Committee received a fine tribute for its work done to abate Bill Boards. The Committee also worked diligently with the State Department in its program to improve and beautify Highways and State Parks.
The Traffic Committee presented statistics showing 3,421 traffic accidents and 254 deaths during December 1932. This Committee was successful in having more traffic officers assigned to the arterial points, where most fatal accidents occurred.
At the close of the meeting, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Mr. George Jenson brought an impressive message to the Council – just an excerpt from this message: “We are now engaged in a tremendous effort to place material things where they belong and to consider the needs of the human being. Now that we have gathered together the greatest amount of wealth that any country has ever had, how can it be made to give human happiness and overcome suffering? Out of the sanity of the average American will come the answer. When we have learned how to attend to the distribution with 5 hours a day, 5 days a week of work, which will give all that is needed to keep us comfortable and happy, then we shall build a civilization that surpasses any dream the early stages could hope for.”
Names appearing on the records making these years indelible in Woman's Council history are: Mesdames Eugenia Colby, Minor Wingo, Ora Sullivan, Ralph Howell, W. E. Thompson, Josephine Haug, C. L. Gilmore, J. Sumner Powers, Cora Harris, Jessie Moore, M. S. Wahrhaftig, Orvin Cook, W. H. Pope, J. L. Harbaugh, Albert Smith, T. M. Eby, Oran A. King, Anna Calhoun, B. W. Viau, H. W. Blass.
During 1933-34 the Woman's Council was active in the Sacramento Flower Show and donated one of the perpetual trophies. The Council was awarded the blue ribbon for its entries. Mrs. J. Sumner Powers presided as President for the Woman's Council during the years 1933-35.
In 1934 in order to help solve current problems of juvenile delinquency, invitations were sent by the President of the Woman's Council to school officials, law enforcement officers, character building executives, and all organized groups interested in the prevention of juvenile delinquency to hear a talk by Dr. Virgil E. Dickson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools of Berkeley, California. Dr. Dickson spoke of factors that contribute to the cause of delinquent or problem children and explained the Coordinating Council method of dealing with this problem.
Through the personal interest and continued effort of the Woman's Council President, the Sacramento Coordinating Council for Child Welfare was organized. The Woman's Council took an active part in subsequent meetings. The President being secretary of the Citizen's Group.
In 1934-35, the Council asked that qualified women be placed on the staff of the Juvenile Bureau of the Police Department and the County Probation Office.
The Council helped organize and actively engaged in the work of the Sacramento Safety Council.
A tea celebrating the Council's 30th Anniversary was held in the Tuesday Club. A review of the past thirty years was given by several past presidents who had helped to make that history.
Ruth Comfort Mitchell, widely known California Novelist, was the speaker at the annual luncheon in 1934. Her topic “I Hear America.”
Governor Frank F. Merriam discussed governmental problems at the May luncheon in 1935.
Other speakers before the Council in 1933-35 were: Dixwell Pierce, Secretary of the State Board of Equalization, who discussed tax problems of the State. Gustave Hjelm, United States District Attorney, stated that women should fight for tax reduction, law enforcement and maintenance of high standards of living. Judge Will Carragher spoke of the cases which came before his court. Mr. J. E. Carpenter, Director of Adult Education in the School Department, spoke on “Leisure Time, the Modern Calamity.” Mr. Vierling Kersey, State Superintendent of Public Instruction said “We cannot legislate moral decisions into people, we must educate them.” He spoke of papers, magazine, radio, etc. as educational influences.
The beautification of highways was discussed by H. Dana Bowers, State Landscape Engineer and beautification of city parks was discussed by Fred Evans, City Park Superintendent. Dr. James Bursch, Director of Research and Personnel of the City School Department spoke on causes of child delinquency and Rev. Wm. Ehmann, President of the Sacramento Coordinating Council for Child Welfare, spoke on the progress of this organization. Dr. Walter Dexter, Executive Secretary to Governor Frank Merriam spoke on the “Ideals of Life.” He stated that we must have unity of purpose of thought and of action to accomplish things of importance.
A. E. Stockberger, State Director of Finance, advised the Woman's Council to acquaint themselves with the ramifications of the State Government in order to understand the work of the legislature.
Some of the women serving during these two years are: Mrs. C. J. Borland, Mrs. G. W. Bowen, Mrs. W. E. Thompson, Mrs. Oran King, Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mrs. Archibald Bundy, Mrs. Frederick Scatena, Mrs. Josephine Haug, Mrs. Josephine Alderman.
Mrs. William G. Stone, President of Woman's Council, presiding during the years 1935-37. The Board Members were:
Office |
1935 |
1937 |
President |
Mrs. William G. Stone |
1st Vice President |
Mrs. Frank A. Pearl |
2nd Vice President |
Mrs. Archibald Bundy |
Recording Secretary |
Mrs. Harry E. Groff |
Corresponding Secretary |
Mrs. R. R. Hughson |
Miss Ann Haines |
Treasurer |
Mrs. W. E. Thompson |
Custodian |
Miss Ethel Freeland |
Through the splendid efforts of the Highway & Beautification Committee, Mrs. Oran A. King, Chairman, and with the cooperation of Mr. Harold J. McCurry, State Fair Director, plans for the Beautification and improvement of the State Fairgrounds were adopted by the State Fair Board and carried out. Many Memorial Trees were planted at the State Fairgrounds by organizations affiliated with the Woman's Council. Mrs. F. N. Scatena had charge of the plans for the beautification of the grounds at the home for Aged Men. Presented a trophy and assisted with plans for Sacramento Flower Show, Continuous active campaign carried on by Woman's Council with full cooperation of the Sacramento Bee against cutting down Sacramento's beautiful trees in protest to the City Council. Sacramento Bee gave full support with editorials, stories and cartoons.
A constant check on jails and penal institutions in and around Sacramento was conducted by Mrs. Walter McClarrinon and Mrs. Mary A. Brainerd.
In response to an appeal for volunteer aid from Mr. Leo Baisden, Assistant Superintendent of Schools and President of the Sacramento Crippled Children's Society, a committee on Crippled Children was organized with Mrs. L. D. Locey as Chairman. She served as Volunteer Field Director, visiting and checking on the Crippled Children of the city and making many trips taking children for treatments to the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children in San Francisco.
An active part was played by the Council to educate and familiarize the members with the various departments of the City and State, their contributions and how they operate. A series of planned educational tours were outlined each month for member organizations of Woman's Council. Among the places visited were: Police Headquarters, City Health Department, City Filtration Plant, State Capitol and Library, State Bureau of Criminal Identification, Sacramento Bee and Radio Stations and various Canneries in the city.
The Sacramento Municipal Symphony Orchestra was endorsed and given full support with Mrs. Milo N. Wood as Chairman.
Woman's Council, participated in the dedication of Tower Bridge by having decorated car in parade. Also participated in the Fourth of July parade.
The Woman's Council and Sacramento P.T.A. Secured signed petitions and presented to the City Council for a Branch Library adjoining the new Clunie Club House in McKinley Park. On October 25, 1935, this Library was opened to the public and we participated in the dedication of the building.
President attended the ground-breaking ceremonies of the Government Air Force Base and Supply Depot at McClellan Field.
The Better Films Board, Mrs. Josephine Haug, Chairman, carried on an active campaign for censored and better films for children. Active campaign against Walkathons and Marathons resulted in a ban against them.
Council carried on an active campaign against salacious literature and pictures in questionable magazines on newsstands throughout the city – securing the interest and cooperation of the City Council and Police Department and newspapers. President served on a newly organized City Magazine Censorship Board.
In recognition of the fine work done by the Woman's Council for the City of Sacramento and the State Fair Grounds, the California State Fair Board of Directors requested the Woman's Council to select a theme song for the 1937 State Fair. This song was to be expressive and state-wide in scope. A special committee was appointed - “I LOVE YOU, CALIFORNIA,” by F. B. Silverwood was selected and the song was used in all publicity by bands and singers of note and radio stations for all Fair programs.
On February 11, 1936, A Musical Tea welcoming and honoring Mrs. Frank F. Merriam, wife of the Governor of California, was held at the Tuesday Clubhouse by the Woman's Council with more than 750 women from Sacramento and neighboring communities attending. The Sacramento Chamber of Commerce and Sacramento Convention Bureau assisted with arrangements, program and finances with splendid cooperation from Mr. Harold J. McCurry, President of both organizations and Mr. Roy Clair, Executive Director of the Convention Bureau and Ensemble.
Assisted the Filipino people in establishing a Christian Center for themselves in our city and helped plan programs for them.
Mrs. Richard L. Richards served as member of Safety Council Board of Governors. At close of this administration, Woman's Council Organization memberships were increased from 36 to 54.
Pages 41-46
The Woman's Council, now grown to a membership of 55 organizations elected for it's leaders for 1937-1938, Mrs. Frank Pearl, President; Mrs. Ralph E. Howell, First Vice President; Mrs. Harry Groff, Second Vice President; Mrs. E. A. DeHermeda, Recording Secretary; Miss Anna M. Haines, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Josephine Alderman, Treasurer; Mrs. John A. Burton, Custodian.
Claiming community wide attention was the “Sesquicentennial.” Mrs. Ann Snodgrass served as Chairman for Woman's Council and kept the Council alerted to activities of importance.
Women from the Council served as hostesses in the lounge room of the Chamber of Commerce during the Sesquicentennial celebration.
The President, Mrs. Pearl, was guest at the Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner honoring local firms established in Sacramento for 25 years.
Dr. L. G. Brownell, representative of California Dental Society presented for endorsement the Society's Dental Educational Program. After a thorough study of the program, the Council endorsed this plan.
A speaker from the Sacramento Medical Society was presented by Dr. Dave Dozier on Education for the lay people on Venereal Diseases. This was a special request of Woman's Council from the physicians and received the Council's full support at a time when this information was not being understood or received by the public. Mrs. G. Thompson was chairman.
This year saw the Council with representation on Coordinating Council for Child Welfare.
The following projects were recommended to the City Council: The Western Pacific Underpass; a City Park on the Banks of the American River; the Extension of Alhambra Blvd; the Proposed City Building Appropriation for an addition to the City Library. During this year the administration interceded to have the chimes on the Memorial Auditorium played at Christmas. Mr. Paul Tanner gave his time to this project. The wonderful Christmas music was a joy to all.
A hearty approval went to the Americanization Assembly for its stand on the enforcement of the salute to the American Flag.
As Mrs. Pearl entered her second term of office, her officers included: Mrs. W. E. Thompson as First Vice President; Mrs. John Burton, Recording Secretary; Mrs. John A. McGilvray, Corresponding Secretary.
New clubs continued to affiliate with the Council – the new year recorded clubs from Fair Oaks, Orangevale and Folsom. “Womans Day” at the State Fair continued to evoke praise from the officers of Fair and visitors. Woman's Council in 1938 started an adventure in civic interest for women at the Calif. State Fair by having one day set aside especially for women. Many events were planned and the first Woman's Day Luncheon had over a thousand women in attendance. The President received a beautiful bronze plaque from the Fair Board in recognition of the highly successful project. The first chairman was Mrs. W. G. Stone. Council chose as a slogan for this year's Woman's Day “Every Woman a Participant, Every Woman a Hostess.”
National Safety Week observances received the united support of Woman's Council. A beautifully decorated car carrying the Council Banner formed a part of the spectacular parade.
A safety program with women of the Council sworn in as police officers was sponsored. They patrolled the down town area. Some women donned uniforms and rode motorcycles to assist the flow of traffic. They worked with the traffic division of the police department.
A Cemetery Committee was appointed to institute plans for improving the condition of the City Cemetery.
The first Art Center in California was established in Sacramento on N & O Streets by a sponsoring group known as the “Fine Arts Association.” This Committee was comprised of many affiliating organizations of Woman's Council.
The Annual Reports by the Presidents of affiliated organizations were eloquent testimonials to the scope and importance of women's work in the community.
Thus ended two years of added accomplishments by the Sacramento Woman's Council with 75 member organizations under the direction of Mrs. Frank Pearl.
A letter from Mr. Philip Gibson, Director of Finance, stated that steps are being taken to build a wing in Sutter's Fort to house the States Valuable Indian Exhibit. This letter was a reply to a letter of request from the Woman's Council.
Mrs. May Basler, now Mrs. Carl Rasmussen, reported that the Victory Marker in Land Park sponsored by the Woman's Council is progressing and she presented a blueprint from Mr. Fred Evans showing how it was to be constructed and that it would be ready for Decoration Day.
The years 1939 through 1941 were presided over by Madame Winifred Lucia Fisher. Meme. Fisher's slogans for the year were: “Go Forward Together and Seek, Share, Serve and Sing While We Serve.”
The interests of the Woman's Council during the year were varied. “Peace” was the dominant thought in 1939 among the Council women. Mr. Melvin Lawson, Vice Principal of Sacramento High School, spoke to the Council concerning the preservation of the American Way which is challenged by Fascism, Communism and Nazism.
During this administration, Mrs. Luella Carter Trowe was selected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Crippled Children's Society; four new organizations were added to the membership; the Council observed and participated in Safety Week; a Blue Ribbon was awarded the Council's exhibit at the Camellia Show (thanks to the work of Mesdames Basler, Viau and Collins.)
An active committee of the year was the Better Films Board under the chairmanship of Mrs. Caroline DeHermida who gave weekly broadcasts. These radio programs on Station KROY were broadcast every Friday.
The Council promoted the adoption of the Camellia as the official flower of Sacramento and the name “Camellia City” for Sacramento.
At the suggestion of the Woman's Council, on February 7, 1941, Resolution No. 605 was passed by the City Council designating the Camellia as the Official Flower of the City of Sacramento. The following day the Sacramento Bee carried the story on page 7 in the regular report of official City Council Business.
On February 15, 1941, a delegation from Woman's Council headed by the President, Madame Winifred L. Fisher, appeared before the City Council to express the appreciation of the Council and a Camellia was pinned on the lapel of Mayor Thomas B. Monk. To publicize the event the Woman's Council members and the Mayor were pictured with little Jean Van Buren picking a bouquet. This was in the Sacramento Bee.
Mrs. Edith Wright reported that the Sacramento Tubercular Association reported that the number of Tuberculosis patients and the incidences of tuberculosis in school children has decreased.
Mrs. Ann Warner represented the Woman's Council at a meeting to ascertain whether the W.P.A. was filling community needs. The members of this committee reported that they had no suggestions to offer.
It was discussed and decided that because of the untidy condition of J and K Streets, over the weekends, suitable waste receptacles be placed on the streets, with signs urging the citizens to keep thir city clan.
It was discussed and decided that the Woman's Council consider the deplorable condition of some homes and the need for a new site for a housing project as a matter of civic pride and for the welfare and health of the citizens of Sacramento. To urge more interest in this project the Woman's Council was asked by Mr. George Johnson, Director of the Greek War Relief for California and Nevada, to assist the little Country of Greece and the part it is playing in the war, stressing the great need for relief, the Governor proclaimed a week to celebrate Liberty Week and Greek War Relief, and to have Tuesday, March 25, 1941, the day for the celebration and dance in the Memorial Auditorium. The Arts Department of Junior College decorated the hall in a Grecian theme. Mr. Johnson stated that this money was a great investment in liberty for the people of Greece.
Mr. Elmer Condon of the City Recreation Department presented to the Woman's Council a brief history of the recreation department. He stated that the growth of the city had been constant and the department was attempting to meet this growth by planning a program that would be arranged so it would be both interesting to children and adults alike.
Major Stilwell of San Jose, speaking to the Woman's Council suggested that they chaperone girls for dances and entertainment for men in uniform, and suggested that dances could be held at Governor's Hall and Memorial Auditorium. The Woman's Council promised to give as much assistance to the project as possible.
After much discussion, Mrs. W. L. Smiley and Mrs. Celeste Brorsen were made a committee of Social Relations to check the feasibility of contacting the State Fair Board through Mr. Kenneth Hammaker to have another Woman's Day at the Fair sponsored by the Woman's Council.
The Sacramento Union requested the cooperation of the Woman's Council in the gathering information for the Old Time Sacramento Edition of the paper. Data from our oldest books were collected and presented.
Upon a request from Mr. Frank P. Flint representing the Junior Chamber of Commerce asking the financial assistance of the Woman's Council to send an underprivileged child to summer camp, $14.-- was allocated.
The Woman's Council acted as a central agency to help people seeking helpers in their homes and especially to help girls seeking work to find suitable homes. The W.P.A. Bureau was to assist the Woman's Council.
Mrs. Alberta Vardon gave a complete report of the Nursing situation in Sacramento and the legislation then pending in the legislature. This was quite comprehensive and led the way for Better Standards for both practical and graduate nurses.
Mrs. Rolfe, Chairman of Highways Beautification reported aiding in the replacing of trees on the grounds of McClatchy High School.
Mrs. W. B. Rider, Legislative Chairman, reported the passing of legislative bill No. 777, with only one dissenting vote. She stated that this bill will do much to correct crime between the ages 16 and 23 years. The Little Merchants Bill or the Street Traders Bill was amended to more fully protect children. An Appropriation Bill of $100,000 for crippled and handicapped children passed. Bill No. 1889 was passed which will protect children under fourteen years of age from sexual offenders. The Woman's Council made a study of this legislation.
The Woman's Council sponsored a caravan to Yountville, Sunday May 18th, to take essential articles to the patients of the Soldiers Hospital.
The guest speaker at the May Luncheon was Mrs. Thomas Moran, President East Bay Motion Picture Council.
Officers were: 1939-1940, 1940-1941.
Office |
1939-1940 |
1940-1941 |
President |
Mme. Winifred L. Fisher |
Mme. Winifred Lucia Fisher |
1st Vice President |
Mrs. Edith Wright |
2nd Vice President |
Mrs. H. E. Groff |
Recording Secretary |
Mrs. W. Pimental |
Corresponding Secretary |
Mrs. L. Specker |
Custodian |
Mrs. J. L. Hemmert |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Josephine Alderman |
The first meeting of the year 1941-1943 was called in September at the Senator Hotel by the President, Mrs. Lewis Specker – Mrs. Specker tendered her resignation due to change of residence from the city.
Mrs. W. L. Smiley, first vice president, assumed the Presidency, and served in this capacity for two years.
A new committee “Social Relations” functioned with City and State Employment Departments in securing employment for women over 40 years of age. This program was first initiated by the “Business and Professional Woman's Club” of San Francisco as a guidance bureau. The Committee from the Council proved very efficient and effective.
As Sacramento geared its activities to meet the emergencies that arose, Woman's Council coordinated with every phase of community program and problem.
Mrs. Edna Cullivan as Chairman, assisted by Mmes. Iverson and Richards served as investigators into the needs of Defense Workers and Negro Soldiers. Through the efforts of this Committee with other Civic Organizations, the Inter-Racial U.S.O. became a vital part of Sacramento's program. Many hours of volunteer services were given by the Council women, as these years were war years and the demand for volunteer workers was great – the Woman's Council supplied hundreds.
The Council sponsored the first Military Ball, and was a pertinent factor in making the first Community Thanksgiving Services a success.
The Council urged the continuance of planting Camellia trees throughout the city.
Woman's Council Radio Program gained a wide range of listeners and promoted community interest in the launching of new projects. A small publication also bearing the name “Woman's Council Speaks” made its appearance.
Mrs. Charles Walker chaired a volunteer group for Bond and Stamp Booths.
Mrs. P. D. Bevil reported upon strides being made in Child Care Centers. She also pointed to the large percentage increase in juvenile delinquency, and the great need for recreational leaders and character building group leaders, especially for girls.
Mrs. Smiley with her staff of officers, Mrs. N. C. Warner, First Vice President; Mrs. J. L. Hemmet, Recording Secretary; Mrs. F. J. Brorsen, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Charles Basler, Treasurer; Mrs. J. A. Collins, Custodian, concluded the year's work with another “Well Done” added to the pages of Woman's Councils History.
The years 1943-1945 proved to be years of many accomplishments and constructive activities with Mrs. Charles Walker presiding.
The Child Welfare program was constantly becoming a task for the Agencies. The Woman's Council was asked to consider this program in its formative period and have members in attendance at the meetings. This appeal was accepted and the Council took action to be of assistance to this new group.
The Eastern Outfitting Company, a local Department Store, was the recipient of the patronage of the members of the Woman's Council in appreciation of assistance and sponsoring of “Woman's Council.”
Mr. Hicker, associated with the Crippled Children's Society gave a most interesting talk giving the highlights of the work of the society.
A great deal of interest was shown by the Council after hearing the appeal of Mr. Lloyd Sweetman, Director of the U.S.O. He spoke of the continued need of assistance for housing for servicemen's families. The Council adopted the problem of housing these families as the year's project.
The activities of the Community Service and Child Welfare programs varied with the needs as they presented themselves. In this respect, Mrs. Carmel Arthur was called upon to give a picture of child delinquency. Also, Mrs. Miles McClelland spoke on handicraft for occupational therapy for boys in the hospitals, with the assistance of Major Sullivan, in charge of neurology and psychiatry at DeWitt Hospital. Miss Tilden, a nurse also from DeWitt gave an imaginary tour of the shops.
Mrs. Robert Devlin, first president of the Woman's Council gave an inspiring talk and with it a message to the Council reviewing Sacramento growth in population and the accomplishments of the women of the Council in years past. With the cooperation of the women of the Council, Mrs. Devlin obtained materials for convalescent soldiers to use in their occupational therapy.
The observance of Thanksgiving Services were held in the Memorial Auditorium this year, changed from the Alhambra theatre with the Council taking an active part.
A splendid bit of work was achieved by the Bonds and Stamp committee, chaired by Mrs. Zac.
An interest was expressed by Mrs. Edna Cullivan in a new project by the Navy Mothers called “Navy Mothers' Canteen,” located at sixth and L streets, Sacramento.
The Council contributed twenty-five dollars toward the financing of this project and assured the Navy Mothers their moral support in their efforts.
Always aware of the problems of traffic violations, a film was presented by Mr. Frank Enos, Executive Manager of Safety Council. The film entitled, “Are Your Feet Killing You?” carried a vivid message for the correction of traffic violations.
Other committees presented outstanding speakers, among them: Sanitation and Hygiene committee presented Lawrence B. Kir, Executive Secretary of Sacramento Tuberculosis Association; Mrs. Ruth Wallace, Department of Americanization of new citizens; Mrs. Elmer Brown, associate chief, Bureau of the Department of Agriculture, who spoke on the necessity of the public consumption of the over supply of eggs on the market; and Mr. Charles Carey of the Reclamation Bureau who spoke on the Central Valley Project.
Mrs. Kramer of the Police Court Committee stated she found excessive drinking on the increase involving women and eighteen year old boys. Appalling was the report from the Army that Sacramento was second on the list of venereal disease.
Visitors to the city from Burbank, Calif., were much impressed with the work of the council. Information on how the council was organized and operated was presented by the president. Later it was again discussed and eventually became a reality in the City of Burbank.
Congratulations were extended by the California State Nurses Association, Inc., and a request was made for the Council delegates to attend their meetings. Mrs. Davis and her group of nurses conduct very interesting radio programs.
Letter of thanks were also received from McClellan Air Force Base for the Christmas boxes presented by the Council. The entire membership gave unlimited time and energy to the Christmas program.
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Nugget Library's Sacramento County