Sutter County









      The most extensive dairy farm in the Sacramento valley is probably that of Morris Scheiber & Son, located about three miles south of Nicolaus.  This splendid property represents the direct fruits of persistent and well directed industry and merits special reference in this work.  The Alps Dairy, as the ranch is called, comprises about one thousand acres of choice bottom land along the Feather River, in addition to which a five hundred acre tract is rented, so that a thousand acres of good land are utilized in the dairying operations.  The livestock on the ranch includes one thousand high grade Holstein cows and twelve grade Holstein bulls.  Fourteen to eighteen men are employed in the various departments of the farm, and alfalfa hay is raised extensively, the annual production being more than three thousand tons.  Morris Scheiber & Son are among the largest producers of milk in the Sacramento Valley and find a ready market for their product, which is noted for its purity and superior quality.  More than three thousand pounds of milk are produced daily and the entire product is taken by the Capital Dairy of Sacramento, a Borden interest.  The company operates a regular line of trucks, which bring the milk from various sources to its Sacramento plant daily, and it is a matter of common knowledge that the Alps Dairy milk holds first rank in that company’s ratings.

      Morris Scheiber was born at Schattdorf, in Canto Uri, Switzerland, July 7, 1867, and is a son of Karl and Marianna (Furrer) Scheiber, who were natives of the same canton.  Morris Scheiber is the twelfth in order of birth in their family of fifteen children, eleven of whom came to California.  None is now living in Switzerland.  The father, a well educated man, engaged in buying and selling farms, was a livestock dealer, and also served as government appraiser.  He died in his native land in 1909, at the age of eighty-one years, having been preceded in death by the mother, who passed away in 1892, at the age of fifty-eight years.

      Morris Scheiber attended the public schools in Uri until twelve years of age, when, with his parents and family, he moved to France.  There he worked upon a large dairy farm for four years, during which time he also acquired a speaking knowledge of the French language.  They then returned to their former home in Uri, Switzerland, but after a short stay there Mr. Scheiber went to the state of Lombardi, Italy, where he worked on dairy farms and learned the Italian language.  His own people talked German, which language was taught in his home schools, so that he is somewhat a linguist, speaking the German, French, Italian and English tongues.

      In 1889 Mr. Scheiber emigrated to the United States and came direct to California, locating first in Sacramento, where he found work on the Wittenbrock ranch.  Ten months later he and his brothers, Joseph, Anton, Albin and John bought the dairy business on that ranch, also leasing the ranch property.  In 1891 Scheiber Brothers leased land at Nicolaus, Sutter County, and started dairying, at the same time continuing their operations in Sacramento County.  Later Morris, Joseph, John and Albin Scheiber purchased the Nicolaus Allgeier ranch of six hundred acres, which was one of the oldest ranches in the valley, having been located by Mr. Allgeier, the first settler in this locality, in whose honor the town of Nicolaus was named.  There they engaged in dairying on a large scale.  They brought their dairy herd from Sacramento County to their property at Nicolaus, where they purchased additional ranches until they owned two thousand six hundred and twenty acres, besides leasing several thousand acres additional.  At one time they ran five big dairies.  They manufactured full-cream California cheese, which they sold and shipped to Marysville, Sacramento and San Francisco.  In 1895 they also conducted a large dairy on Battle Creek, northeast of Red Bluff, known as the Battle Creek Dairy, where also they manufactured cheese.  In 1906 they sold two thousand acres of their land, divided up the proceeds and dissolved their partnership.

      At that time Morris Scheiber purchased his present place, the old Claus Peters ranch of three hundred acres of fine farming land, and established his present dairy.  Since then he as purchased several other ranches, all of which he has checked and planted to alfalfa, making him the largest individual land owner in the Nicolaus district, where he is regarded as a millionaire.  He inherited his father’s judgment of land values, and his land is recognized as among the best in California, being particularly valuable for dairying and the raising of alfalfa.  A large pumping plant and tank house have been installed for the benefit of the dairy herd, and other wells and pumping plants supply an abundance of pure water for stock and plenty for irrigating purposes.  One of the most valuable features of this property is the fact that in the drilling wells plenty of water is found at depths of from sixty to one hundred feet.  Mr. Scheiber has built a commodious and attractive country residence, as a cost of ten thousand dollars.  He also has two large dairy barns, a horse barn, milk house and other necessary buildings, such as bunk house and cook house, necessary on a farm of this size.  From fourteen to eighteen men are constantly employed.  One of the barns has a capacity of a thousand tons of hay, and more than three thousand tons are put up every year.  The dairy barns are supplied with five Empire milking machines, operated by vacuum pumps, electrically driven.  The ranch and dairy are kept scrupulously clean, particular attention being given to all sanitary measures, and it is a delight to visit this great dairy farm, which is one of the show places of the Sacramento Valley.

      Mr. Scheiber is very progressive in his ideas and methods.  He is a strong advocate of good roads, the building and maintenance of the levee along the Feather River, and of other public improvements, and is strongly opposed to hydraulic mining, the debris from which filled the river beds and caused an overflow over the lands of this section.  He possesses a keen business mind, is a splendid executive and his thorough system enables him to secure maximum results at a minimum expenditure of effort.

      On May 28, 1892, in Sacramento, California, Morris Scheiber was united in marriage to Miss Emma Margaret Peters, a daughter of Claus Peters, who came to this valley in 1852, being numbered among its earliest settlers, and here became well known and prosperous.  Mrs. Scheiber was born and reared here and secured her education in the schools at Nicolaus.  Mr. and Mrs. Scheiber are the parents of two children, Aileen and Holden.  The latter, who was born February 20, 1903, is now in partnership with his father, under the firm name of Morris Scheiber & Son.  In 1924 Mr. Scheiber and his entire family made a three-month trip to Europe and had a most enjoyable time, though none of their old-world relatives were surviving to welcome them.  The family are adherents of the Roman Catholic faith and Holden Scheiber is a member of the Benevolent Protective of Elks at Marysville.  He is a young man of fine personal qualities, takes an active part in the management of the dairy business, and is very highly esteemed by all who know him.  Morris Scheiber has achieved outstanding success in his affairs because he worked hard and persistently along a definite line of action, and during all the years of his residence here has been guided by the highest principles of honor and commands the confidence of respect of all who have had dealings with him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 82-84. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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