Sutter County









      John Scheiber, one of the best known dairymen of the Sacramento Valley, has reached his present position through earnest and intelligently directed effort along definite lines.  He is the owner of one of the best improved and most valuable ranches in his section of the valley and is recognized as one of the community’s best citizens.  Born at Schattdorf, Canton Uri, Switzerland, on the 2nd of April, 1872, he is the thirteenth in order of birth of the fifteen children born to Karl and Annie (Furrer) Scheiber, who also were natives of that country.  The father was engaged in the real estate business, specializing in buying and selling farms, and also dealt in livestock.  He was a well educated man, of ripe judgment, and served as a government appraiser.  He died November 25, 1909, at the age of eighty-one years, and his wife passed away August 15, 1892, at the age of fifty-eight years.

      John Scheiber attended the public schools of his home neighborhood and later spent four years in the schools of France, where the family lived for several years.  In 1892, when twenty years of age, accompanied by two of his sisters, Henrietta and Anna Scheiber, and two nephews, Ambrose and Oswald, he left home and emigrated to the United States.  After a stormy voyage of eighteen days, they landed at New York, and on January 10, 1893, arrived in Sacramento, California.  Six brothers, Ambrose, Jost, Joseph, Anton, Albin and Morris, and one sister, Josephine, who later passed away, had preceded them.  Mary, another sister, is the wife of Frank Schibig and resides at Nicolaus.

      John Scheiber located in Sacramento, where he soon found employment as a dairy worker.  He saved his wages and later, in partnership with three of his brothers, Morris, Joseph and Albin, purchased six hundred acres of land near Nicolaus.  To this they added by purchasing the Prichard and Redfield ranches, becoming the owners of two thousand six hundred acres of fine land, on which they operated large dairies and manufactured cheese.  A portion of these holdings were sold in 1905 at a good advance, and later John Scheiber and his brother Joseph became the sole owners of the Redfield ranch.  They conducted a dairy there until 1911, when the sold to good advantage what was then called the Nicolaus ranch.  In 1918 John and Joseph Scheiber extended their business into Placer County, where they became the owners of three hundred and seventy acres of land, two miles northwest of Lincoln, where they established and conducted a dairy, which is now owned by Joseph Scheiber.  Since 1911 John Scheiber has devoted his attention mainly to his dairy at Nicolaus, which is one of the largest and finest in the valley.  He has remodeled the residence, making it a modern country home, provided with all conveniences, and surrounded by well kept grounds, ornamented with flowers and shrubbery.  The home is presided over by Mrs. Scheiber, who is an ideal housewife and hostess, and the spirit of hospitality and good cheer is always in evidence.

      Mr. Scheiber has shown excellent judgment in the character and quality of the improvements which he has made on his farm, the most prominent features of which are his large, well built barns and the milk house.  He keeps two hundred and fifty head of high grade Holstein cattle, one hundred and twenty-five of which are milch cows.  Everything about the place is clean and orderly, special attention being given to sanitary conditions.  The milk house is equipped with a refrigerating plant for precooling the milk, which is sold to the Capital Dairy at Sacramento that sends its trucks to the dairy for the milk daily.

      On January 8, 1899, at Sacramento, Mr. Scheiber was united in marriage to Miss Anna Theresa Linggi, who was born and reared in that city and is a daughter of the late Frank and Marianna (Holdener) Linggi, who were natives of Canton Schwyz, Switzerland, and came to the United States together in 1876.  Frank Linggi became a merchant in Sacramento, and later engaged in ranching at Elkhorn.  Mr. and Mrs. Scheiber are the parents of three children, Otto, Ona Otilla and Carl.  Mr. Scheiber is a member of the Sons of Herman at Nicolaus and he and his family are members of the Roman Catholic Church at that place.  Mr. Scheiber is essentially public-spirited and in every possible way contributes to the civil and social welfare of his community.  He received a good education in his native land, being able to speak, German, French and English, and also had military training, having served the required time in the army.  He is giving his children good educational advantages and the family are held in high regard throughout the community.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 106-108. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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